Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on Apr 3, 2007


As ever, this story remains my creative property, feel free to reproduce it in any non-profit form, comments/insults/requests to spasm2(AT) always pleased to hear from people.

I made my way to school with a light heart, my threatening letter seemed to have had the desired effect and Ewan's persecutor was no longer in the picture. The note of happiness in Ewan's voice when he'd rung me that morning made it clear for me that I had done the right thing. The unexpected benefit gained from this whole episode was that I seemed to have acquired a lover, one who was both enthusiastic and uninhibited and what's more, who shared my enthusiasm for underwear in all its forms. The only negative, that I could see, was that Ewan was two years below me at school; even though the difference between our ages was less than eighteen months when you are in your early teens that can seem an enormous gulf.

Certainly whenever I caught sight of him in his school uniform, the age gap seemed very great, but then I had only to recall the various images crowding my mind to reassure me that he was both sexually mature and very keen to experiment. There was also the not inconsiderable matter of my on-going relationship with Paul, although he was adamant that we were simply indulging in sex in the absence of any suitable or willing girls; our sexual play had achieved new heights and extremes on our recent school holiday trip.

I couldn't help feeling that despite his protestations to the contrary, Paul would be rather upset if he believed that I no longer had any interest in him, the paradox being, of course, that he believed he had a right to try and cop off with any girl he met.

This was the first time I had been involved with someone who didn't seem to have an agenda; there was still a niggling worry in the back of my mind that he had been abused and that his apparent enthusiasm for me might in some way have been a consequence of that abuse. On the other hand, he had made it very clear that he had taken an interest in both me and Paul before either of us was aware of him.

As I plodded up the road towards my school, a small figure joined me from a side street; `Morning,' Ewan said brightly.

Morning,' I replied, this is a bit out of your way isn't it?'

`Yeah, it is, but I had to see you and thank you again.'

Nothing to thank me for,' I said, embarrassed, I would have done the same for anyone.'

`Yeah, but you did it for me, and I'm truly grateful. Oh, and I looked up suffragettes, and I'm still none the wiser.'

It was all to do with the method of delivery of my ultimatum,' I said. Ewan looked blankly at me; I wrapped the letter and the picture round a brick, and threw it through his front window,' I amplified.

For a moment Ewan looked appalled, then he started to laugh, `that's fantastic, I bet he crapped himself when that came crashing through the glass.'

`I didn't wait to find out, I had made a bit of a racing start. I don't think that the neighbours saw enough of me to make an identification, and somehow I doubt that your Mr Symonds will want to make a big thing of it all.'

`My dad is still furious, he's been going around muttering about it being a betrayal of his trust and friendship.'

`He doesn't know the half of it, and it's probably best kept that way.'

I've got some more news too,' he added brightly, I told him I'd lost some of my clothes in the lakes, and urgently needed to buy some new pants.'

Oh, yes?' I asked, what was his reaction?'

`He harrumphed a bit, but eventually gave in; he said he'll give me some money if I can find someone sensible to go to the shops with me. I think he was referring to you at the time.'

`Happy to oblige, but I was having a bit of a think last night, and may have an idea.'

`A think was it? I've heard it called many things, but never that before,' He grinned wickedly at me.

That too,' I replied, I often have some of my best ideas when I'm having a wank.'

`So what's your idea?' he asked.

`Well, meet me by the side door to the stage at lunchtime, there's a school jumble sale coming up, and they stash the clothes donations in a little room backstage. It just so happens I have the technology to open the lock, and we can have a little rummage and see if there's anything you fancy.'

Good, cos I want to be like one of those liberated women,' he said mysteriously.

`What, you want to burn your bra?'

`No, I want to burn my school pants!'

But why?' I expostulated, you look so cute and horny in them.'

`I told you before, I don't want to do cute (although the horny bit is good), and I guess I connect them with being abused by that bastard. It's just a gesture, and a pointless one I suppose, but it would make me feel better.'

They're your pants,' I said, and anything that makes you feel good is fine by me.' We walked the remaining few yards to the school gate in a companionable silence and once we had entered into the hurly burly of the playground we went our separate ways.

Lunchtime seemed a very long time away, but eventually the time passed and I made my way across the playground to the back of the school hall. As we had arranged, Ewan was standing by the door as I arrived, and I opened up the door and let us in. Just be aware that sometimes there are people in the hall at lunchtime,' I whispered, the stage curtains are thick, but they don't screen out that much noise, and we don't want to attract attention to ourselves.'

Ok, he whispered back, lead on.'

It is like entering a different world when you go backstage, the noisy chatter of the playground was shut off as if by a switch, and there were no sounds at all from the hall. There were only a couple of emergency exit signs dimly lighting the disorganised muddle of old desks and chairs, random pieces of scenery, and a couple of old school pianos that characterised the use to which the stage was put when there was no production being prepared.

Dump your bag and blazer over by the door in case we need to make a quick getaway.' I commanded, Ewan meekly complied and I did the same with my gear. The store room is over the other side of the stage, under the old lighting box, follow me.' This was the very same, now disused, control room where I had boosted Paul in through the window and he had lost his trousers, probably only about eighteen months before, although it seemed like an aeon ago now. We made our way cautiously across the stage, careful to avoid falling over debris or bits of furniture. Ewan was right behind me, indeed, he was almost pressing against me, and when I stopped abruptly, he crashed right into me, stumbled and in the desperate struggle to remain upright his flailing hands grabbed hold of me by my school belt. He ended up half on the ground, his arms round my waist and his face buried in my crotch. Steady,' I said, helping him up, you nearly had my trousers off, don't want to peak to early now do we?'

Ewan had the giggles really badly, and stood there, silently heaving; somewhere in our inelegant ballet his school shirt had parted company with his trousers, and his bare midriff with the white waist band of the hated school pants showing was now on display. I didn't care if he didn't do cute, he was all of that and more, and I could feel my cock starting to stiffen in my pants as I waited for him to regain his composure. We managed to complete our journey without further incident and arrived at the door of the little room. `Watch and learn,' I said, getting my penknife out of my pocket. With little ceremony, I quickly and silently slipped the lock.

Wow, that's cool,' Ewan said, wide eyed, will you teach me how to do that?'

`Of course, every schoolboy should know how to get in and out of a locked room.'

`I've got so much to learn,' he said, pouting slightly.

That's ok, I have a feeling you can teach me a few things too,' I grinned, and we're at school to learn, right.'

Yeah, so we are,' he smiled angelically at me, let's have a look at this stuff shall we?'

The donated jumble was stashed in about a dozen bin bags, I grabbed a couple and took them out onto the stage where there was a little more space, a trestle table and a dim pool of light from an emergency light. I tipped the first bag onto the table top; `Ok here you are, I suggest you go through very quickly, set aside anything that takes your fancy, and then I'll put it away, when you're done, you can then sort through to see if there's anything you really want.'

Ewan got stuck in with all the enthusiasm of an umbrella wielding pensioner. The clothes were a mixture of adult suits and children's clothes, not a lot of underwear, although with fascinated horror he waved a pair of enormous bloomers at me before holding them up against his slender waist.

`You'll never pull in those,' I spluttered.

`I'd never find my dick either, how on earth do you wear them?'

`I've no idea, and what's more I don't want to. Put them back, we haven't got all day.'

The first couple of bags were a bit of a washout, although I noticed he had put a couple of things to one side. I shoved the reject clothes back into their bags and tipped another one out for him. While I was carrying the bags back to the storeroom I heard a sharp intake of breath. `Bingo,' he whispered triumphantly when I came back, and held up a handful of boys nylon slips; white with a coloured waistband and detailing, each depicting a different day of the week.

These are good,' I said, taking a pair out of his hands, the material is really thin and you can feel everything through them. Only thing is you wouldn't want to wear them all day, they can get a bit sweaty after a while. I hate to say it, but they're verging on the cute side too, Paul had some with Tom and Jerry on, and he looked about your age when he wore them.'

`What happened to them?' he asked.

`It's a long story, but I was photographing Paul in the bath with them on, he slipped at the critical moment and came all over me, I still have them at home somewhere.'

`Those are pictures I'd like to see,' he said eagerly.

`No problem, he took some of me on that occasion too, a bit blurry but you can tell what's going on.' After our initial triumph there didn't seem to be much else, until we got to the last bag which yielded a pair of bright red speedos, two pairs of paisley pattern cotton y-fronts and some very minimal and quite transparent girl's knickers in pale yellow.

Ewan snatched the latter from my hands; `Wow, these are even better than my QPR pants, I've got to try them on.'

To my faint horror and definite amusement, he kicked off his school shoes and dropped his trousers. Hold on a minute,' I said, being vaguely sensible, what if someone comes in?'

`I don't care,' he answered defiantly, slipping his hands under the waistband of his pants.

Let's do this properly,' I said, it's too dark here, and too risky, if we go through to the back of the hall, there's the girls' dressing room that's only used when there's a show on and it has mirrors and lights.'

`Won't someone see the lights?'

`Nope, that room is sealed up tighter than a very tight thing, to stop us lecherous boys from peeking at all that virgin convent flesh each time we do a school play.'

`So how do we get in?'

No harder than that storeroom if you have the technology.' I grinned, now pull your trousers up before I tell you I think you look cute again.'

Like so many school rooms, the girls' dressing room was hot and airless, with nothing much in it except a few chairs, a big table and floor to ceiling mirrors on two walls. It had been the work of a moment to slip the lock after we had made the slightly risky journey across the school hall with our booty. As soon as we were inside the room Ewan once again threw off his school clothes, and posed in front of the mirror in his y-fronts and school shirt.

I suppose they don't look so bad really,' he said, lifting up his shirt and twisting around to get a better view, I guess it's just because I don't feel sexy in them.'

`There's a lot to be said for baggy old school pants,' I replied, stoutly.

Yeah, like what for example?' he demanded, I think you should put your money where your mouth is, and show me. What sort of pants are you wearing today anyway?'

`Black cotton, since you ask. Ok, how about we do a comparison with the pants we have just found; I'll try and give you the positives and negatives for each.'

`Ok, let's start with these.' He pulled his shirt off over his head and walked over to me.

Right,' I said, pulling up a chair and sitting beside him, stand still and watch yourself in the mirrors and I'll give you the benefit of my expertise.' Obediently he stood before me, legs slightly apart and his arms folded. He was beginning to show some signs of getting hard, but there was still a long way to go. First off,' I began, the fabric is soft and accommodating, cool in summer and warm in winter.' As I spoke, I traced the line of his waistband with my fingers, as my hand moved round the back I began gently stroking his bottom through the fabric. He rolled his hips and pressed against my hand in appreciation. It's important to ensure that you have the right fit, however, as too tight means it's difficult to gain access and too loose means they might fall down at a crucial moment.' Ewan snorted inelegantly as my wandering hands shifted to his hips, and tugged experimentally at the waistband. These are just about right, plenty of room for expansion, and enough life in the elastic to keep them up. Next we have to consider the means of access, one of the best things about this type of pants is the ease with which a questing hand can find the treasures within. Not only that, but the occasional glimpse of a forbidden pleasure can be most stimulating too.' As I spoke, I slowly slid my hand up the smooth skin of his inner thigh, until I could feel the heat radiating from his groin on the back of my hand. Very gently, I slipped my fingertips into his pants and followed the line of the leg hole round, giving a little tug to reveal some of his balls by way of making my point. Look in the mirror,' I said, and pulled a little more. Ewan twisted round to look at his reflection, he was getting more aroused (as I was too), of course, if you aren't into subtlety and eroticism, then there's always the front door,' I slipped my hand in through the y-front opening and the back of my hand touched his cock for the very first time, he wasn't yet fully erect, but I could feel his cock was warm and pulsing as the blood pumped into it.

Ewan gasped; `that's nice, I think I'm beginning to be converted.'

Maybe this would be a good moment to move on,' I said, slowly pulling my hand out of his pants, how about we consider the speedo next?'

`Ok,' Ewan said, although he seemed disappointed that we were stopping so abruptly. I watched as he dropped his y-fronts, his semi-erect cock flopping free, and he leaned past me for the speedos.

I caught his wrist as he picked them up off the table, `just check them over before you put them on.'

`What do you mean?' he asked, his cock bobbing attractively near my face.

`Look inside, do they still have the modesty panel?'

`The what?'

`The extra fabric layer intended to hide your outline, obscure details and generally spoil a pants lover's fun.'

`Oh, that, yes they do.'

Well rip it out my lad, rip it out, this is not a game of concealment, this is about showing what you want to show.' Ewan ripped out the liner, and pulled on the speedos, they were quite tight on him and his impressive bulge filled them out very nicely. Ok, the thing about speedos is that they are all about display, the whole design concept is about showing your bits off, but keeping them contained. They turn me on, but ultimately don't deliver. Let me show you.' I put my arm round Ewan's waist and pulled him gently towards me; It's all very tight.' I demonstrated by tugging at the waist, hooking a finger in the leg hole. On the other hand, they're very sexy on the bottom, and your package looks and feels great too,' as I said this I ran one hand over his cheeks and then much more slowly stroked the other up over his balls and onto his burgeoning erection.

Ewan shivered, and pressed his crotch into my hand, `I don't care if you think they're wrong, I just want you to go on touching me.'

Don't get me wrong,' I protested, speedos are great for public display, and they are very sexy, but they are ultimately designed to conceal, and what works for me is something that is meant to conceal, but fails subtly. Let's move on to the nylon jobbies before we get too deeply into the meaning of speedos, what day would you like to be?'

`Who cares,' he shrugged.

I grabbed a pair at random and handed them to him; he paused for a moment, pulled off the speedos, and put on the next pair. His cock was by now pretty much fully erect, and the flimsy nylon material was barely equal to the task of containing his manhood. Ok,' I said, here's a different scenario, thin fabric under pressure. Look how it clings to your bottom, and how good it feels when I stroke it.' Ewan moaned in appreciation as I slowly ran the tips of my fingers over his bottom. `There's an important thing about nylon, which we should be able to demonstrate in a moment or two,' I added, delicately fingering his erection.

Oh yeah, what's that?' Ewan asked impatiently, don't you think things are a little imbalanced here?'

`How do you mean?' I continued my methodical stroking.

`I think it's about time we compared and contrasted, your pants and mine, I can see you are just about busting out, there's no need to be shy,' he teased.

Ok, you're on.' As I stripped down to my pants, Ewan jumped up on the table, and leaned back on his hands with his legs spread apart and watched me closely. He was right, I had been suffering more than a little as my burgeoning erection had been filling out my pants for quite a few minutes; I had chosen to ignore my mild discomfort in favour of the intense desire that I was feeling. Right, check these out,' I said, `the cotton feels smooth under the hand, and the fit is snug rather than tight.'

Ewan jumped down off the table and walked over to me, he had continued to give some attention to his cock while I was undressing and his bulge was still tenting out the front of the white nylon slip. He paused in front of me, and looked me up and down before putting out a tentative hand to tug gently at my waistband. He knelt down, and with his face level with my groin, gravely inspected my pants. Finally, he put a hand up and stroked the cotton covering my butt; I shivered with pleasure as his cool fingers explored the silky fabric. His questing hand moved on, testing the fit at the leg holes before he smiled up at me and gently cupped my balls.

`If you were to carry on, I think we can demonstrate the main difference between nylon and cotton,' I said hoarsely.

Ewan raised an eyebrow, and slowly moved his hand up to take the measure of my cock; `Was that what you had in mind?' he said as he stroked my length through the material.

Oh yes,' I answered, thrilling to the first touch of his hand, stand up, and I'll show you what I mean.' He obediently got to his feet, and I put my hand on his cock again; Look,' I said, your pre-cum has just passed through the fabric, nylon does not absorb any leakage.' He looked down, the little beads of pre-cum were clearly visible on the fabric around his glans, `whereas in my pants, the fluid has soaked into the fabric.' Ewan carefully felt the damp patch in my slip, stimulating my penis to produce yet more pre-cum.

I see your point; maybe there are benefits to cotton.' I was feeling slightly overwhelmed, Ewan seemed to be determined to give me everything I might have wanted, don't get me wrong, I was extremely happy and that feeling seemed to be reciprocated. What could be wrong? I was nearly naked with a beautiful young boy and we were both very turned on, sometimes when you get what you want it can be a bit of a surprise. With a sensitivity that I came to realise was entirely characteristic of the boy, Ewan put his arms round my waist and hugged me. This is great,' he said, pressing his groin against mine, before he leaned up against me and kissed me passionately, `I've had dreams about doing something like this.'

`And woken up with sticky sheets perhaps?' I said drily.

`Yeah,' he blushed.

I kissed his sweet lips again, and said; `Would you like to try the cotton y-fronts now?'

Oh, yes,' he answered, but beware, that crazy pattern will drive you wild with passion.' Suiting action to his words, he impatiently pulled off his pants and put on the paisley numbers. By now his cock was fully engorged and dripping with pre-cum, and it ridged out the front of the pants in a very attractive way.

Actually,' I murmured, placing one hand on his penis and the other down the back of his pants, these funky pants do have a certain something about them.' Ewan wiggled with pleasure as I slowly caressed the smooth flesh of his boy cheeks; his own hand had moved instinctively to my erection and taken a firm hold. We stood together for a few pleasurable moments, admiring the vision in the mirrors before I decided to move things on a little. `You may recall I mentioned the front door earlier?'

`Mmm?' he answered quizzically.

Without speaking, I pushed my hand in through the fly hole and pulled his cock out. There,' I said, you have the advantage over me.' I was able to grasp the hot and naked length of his cock for the first time, and firmly wanked him, watching closely as his foreskin pulled back smoothly to reveal the reddened glans underneath.

Aha,' he said, pulling down the front of my pants with one hand, and grabbing my cock with the other, but you're front loading, which has its advantages too.'

Very true,' I croaked, that's one reason why I like them.' The sensation of Ewan's small cool hand confidently gripping my cock was almost unbearably erotic; even though I had done all this many times with Paul, somehow this felt different. I guess the fact that I had powerful feelings towards the boy made it seem more real; Paul's insistence that what we were doing was just passing the time until he met a girl who'd allow him to shag her was curiously devaluing to our relationship. Don't get me wrong, I'd had a lot of fun with Paul, and learned an awful lot too, but I guess what was missing was love and affection. For the first time I was with someone whose feelings towards me seemed to be as strong as my feelings towards him, if not stronger. All my worries about his vulnerability were blown away; he'd had ample opportunities to call time out, or to walk away without either of us getting hurt.

Enough philosophising for now, I suppose what you really want is for the story to get back to the sex.

In a rush of affection, I kissed him again, he pressed back hard against my lips for a moment, then spoke softly; `I don't know about you, but I'm missing my lunch and I'm getting hungry.'

`What did you have in mind?' I asked.

Rather than speak, he knelt down in front of me, and pulling my pants further down, he took my hot cock into his mouth. He may only have done it once before to the hated Mr Symonds, but the boy was an artist. He had somehow instinctively perfected the technique; varying the tempo, using his tongue to stimulate the tip, this was in a different league to Paul's efforts, and Paul was pretty hot too. I was quivering on the verge of coming straight away, which wouldn't have been good, so before it was too late, I gently stroked my fingers through his hair and used it to pull him off me. What's the matter?' he asked, crestfallen, don't you like it?'

`Like it! It's the best, and that's the trouble, I nearly came, and it's important to me that we both come more or less at the same time.'

`Oh, I see, so I wasn't doing anything wrong?'

No you idiot, you're so horny it's unreal.' I put my hands under his naked armpits and hoisted his slender body onto his feet, his neglected, but still firm cock bumping against my legs as he arose. What has to happen is not; you do it to me, then I do it to you, but rather, we do it together. I don't want a lover who thinks all he has to do is pleasure me, I want you to feel as good and as cared for as you make me feel, and we begin our adventure by coming together, right now, and then we can both have a liquid lunch.' With that I guided Ewan back to the table, and helped him up onto it, he laid back meekly, and I took hold of his cock again, giving it a few strokes to bring him back up to speed. In truth he hadn't noticeably subsided, but, having made the breakthrough and actually touched his body, I was determined to make up for lost time. I had carefully positioned him so that he could get a good view in the mirrors, as I started delicately to lick the shaft of his penis.

Any thoughts of protest on his part evaporated as I slipped my free hand into his pants and slowly caressed his silky balls and finally took the hot length of his manhood into my mouth. My ministrations were soon rewarded by a little jet of pre-cum, which was my signal to move on to phase two; stripping off my pants, I climbed onto the table next to Ewan, it was my intention that we should have a sixty-nine, but that he would be on top as he was smaller and lighter than me. Fortunately the boy could take a hint, and lifted his bottom up so I could pull his pants off too, gloriously naked, he straddled my face, his balls tight and firm and full of unspilled seed, and his cock ramrod straight and dripping with a mixture of pre-cum and my saliva.

Craning my neck I could see in the mirror that I was in a similar condition, until a blond head got in the way and hoovered up the length of my cock in one hungry mouthful. Conscious that I was neglecting my duties, I groped for his cock and fed it into my mouth. The advantage of being the one underneath, of course, is that you have both hands free, and I began to run them over his smooth cheeks as I gobbled greedily on his penis. A distracted moan Indicated to me that he liked what I was doing, and ever so gently I began to play my fingers up and down his crack, from the top, right down past his pucker and on to the base of his balls. He moaned again, and I repeated the journey, this time pausing for a moment to lightly stimulate his anus. There was no mistaking his reaction; he jerked his head vigorously, enough to start me down the slippery slope, and at the same time I was aware that his cock was swelling in my mouth. I redoubled my efforts, as did he, and we went over the edge together, his cock spraying jets of spunk into my mouth until I thought I might choke, my simultaneous orgasm was just as violent and seemed to go on for ever.

Ewan pulled off me and twisted round, his cheeks bulging, sitting on my sweaty crotch; he leaned forward and kissed me messily, filling my mouth with my spunk. I hadn't quite swallowed all of his efforts, so I was able to mix it up a little and pass some back. He then leaned forwards and snuggled into my arms, naked and sweaty as we both were, we laid still for a few minutes together savouring the moment, and in my case too wobbly legged to contemplate moving.

Eventually the moment passed, and I kissed the dozing boy on his forehead; `Did you have enough lunch?' I asked.

`Yes thanks, I particularly enjoyed the soup, had you anything in mind for desert?'

I think we may have to forego desert this time,' I said, we're supposed to go to lessons this afternoon, remember?'

`Oh yes, must we, can't we stay here and play some more?' he frowned.

I really can't,' I said firmly, I've got exams coming up, god knows it'll be hard enough to concentrate after this lunchtime.'

`Ok, but promise me you'll find the time to play again.'

You can bet your life I will,' I responded fervently, I want to do it over and over again, but for now, we'd better get cleaned up.' Actually, we weren't that messy, just a bit sweaty, but I took out my handkerchief and wiped the last remnants of spunk off Ewan's now sadly deflating cock. `Which pants are you going to wear for the rest of the day?' I asked.

`Oh, I don't know, why don't you choose?' he replied.

Paisley then,' I replied, I'll be day-dreaming about you wearing them all afternoon.' I held them up for him, and he obligingly stepped in, wiggling his lovely bottom as I pulled them up to his hips.

`I was wondering?' he said slowly, as he buttoned up his school shirt.


`You know all those pictures you took with Paul?'


`Did you take them because you wanted to cop off with Paul, or did you take them because you wanted to take sexy pictures?'

`If I'm honest, I have to say the answer is both; he asked me to take them, and I was thrilled to be asked, but there was always a bit of me that just wanted to fuck him. Why do you ask?'

He looked agitated, `thing is, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I would really like you to take some more pictures of me, but I don't want to spoil something we've only just started.'

I was startled, flattered and turned on all at the same time; `Blimey Ewan, you do like to drop the bombshells don't you. Of course I'd love to photograph you, I think you have a special relationship with the camera, and any photographer would be mad to pass it up. I agree, though, we've just started something new to both of us, and I don't want to do anything to spoil it. Most of all, I don't want you doing anything that you are uncomfortable with, you know you can just say stop at any time and I will, whatever I'm doing. I'll never ask you to do anything I'm not prepared to do myself either.'

I know,' he said, his beautiful hazel eyes brimming with tears again, I trust you, and I'm sure that you won't let anything happen to me.'

I was lost again, this lovely boy was giving me everything, I hadn't even had to hint, there was no way I could betray that trust. `What did you have in mind? I think if we're going to take some pics, you should choose the set-up, I'll come along blind, and we'll take it from there.'

I've been thinking of a couple of things,' he giggled nervously, not sure how you are going to react though.'

You've not managed to shock me yet,' I said staunchly, and if you want to try something a bit kinky, that's fine by me as long as you are happy with it. After all, we're come lovers' not come brothers', and that makes all the difference.' We were saved from any further analysis by the sound of the bell for afternoon school. We hastily pulled on the rest of our clothes and bundled Ewan's jumble sale booty into a spare carrier bag. I'll hide this out by the bins and you can collect it after school,' I said, as we gathered up our blazers and school bags from their dumping ground by the door. Give us a kiss before you go, will you.'

`Glad to,' he replied gravely, and clasping my head with both hands he gave me a long lingering snog that had my cock showing signs of revival. I hugged him tightly, and then, with enormous regret, I opened the door onto the madness that was the school playground and we went our separate ways.

I didn't see Ewan after school that day, no idea why, so I made my way home wondering if it had all been a curious dream. When I got in the front door, my mother pounced on me; `What have you been up to with that nice young boy?'

`Which nice young boy?' I replied.

`That Ewan that you got pally with in the lakes.'

`Oh him, what about him?' I decided to brazen it out.

`I had a phone call from his dad, who seems to have taken a liking to you for some inexplicable reason.'

`Oh yes, what did he want?'

`Well, you know that Ewan is a bit behind with his reading?'

Yes,' I answered, what of it?'

`Well it's not because he's stupid, he's got a medical condition called dyslexia.'

`I know that, he told me.'

`Well, it appears that an old family friend who had been helping Ewan with his reading exercises has let them down at very short notice, I didn't get the whole story. Anyway, he was wondering if you might be prepared to help out for a few weeks, until something more permanent can be sorted out.'

`Help out? How? And why me?'

`No need to sound so appalled, just spend some time with Ewan and help him go through his reading and his word recognition exercises. I don't want to sound judgemental, but I think part of the whole story was keeping Ewan out of harms way on the one evening a week when his dad has to work late.'

`Oh, right, so I'd be some sort of glorified babysitter.' I said, even though my heart was leaping.

`Not at all, this boy needs some companionship, and for some weird reason his dad thinks you might fit the bill. You don't hate him do you?'

`No, he's ok really, just don't know if I'm cut out to be a teacher.'

`You'll be fine, you come from generations of teachers, and anyway, it's all about learning word recognition and shapes. Plus, I didn't tell you the sweetener.'

`Oh yes, what's that?'

`He'll pay you, far too generously in my opinion, and if there's a night when he needs you to sleep over, you can use his brother's room. Just remember to let me know if you are planning to stay over. Well, what do you think?'

I pretended to ponder for a few moments; `If you think I'm up to it, then I'm game to give it a try.'

My mother hugged me, in that embarrassing but strangely unforgettable way they have; `I'm so pleased, the poor man sounded quite desperate, and I know you can be helpful when you want to be.'

Oh great,' I said, in sarcastic teenager mode, how desperate was that then?'

`Oh, don't be so sensitive, I only meant that the poor man was worried sick that his boy wasn't being properly taken care of and I thought it was very far sighted of him to think of you.'

Oh, ok,' I said, inwardly jubilant, what should I do?'

`I promised I'd ask you, and I'd ring him back tonight to let him know your answer.'

`Oh, ok well when you do, would you ask him to put Ewan on, and I'll make some arrangements.'

That's my boy,' my mother said affectionately, I'll phone him in about ten minutes, give you a chance to get changed.'

When I spoke to Ewan a few minutes later, he sounded really excited; `My dad says he's asked you to come and help me with my reading exercises, and you've said yes.'

That's true,' I answered, and even better, I might have to sleep over if he's got a late night, apparently I can sleep in your brothers room.'

Over my dead body,' he retorted, you'll sleep with me if you sleep at all.'

That's more or less what I was hoping I'd hear,' I said, what happened to you after school today by the way?'

`Oh, I got detention for being late and cheeking a teacher.'

`Ah, that's alright then, I was worried you were avoiding me.'

`There's another bit of news,' he said.

`Oh yes?'

`My dad says he'll give me some money to go clothes shopping on Saturday if you'll go with me, I put on my most scabby jeans tonight, ones that have great rips in the arse and in the crotch, and I think he took pity on me.'

`Didn't he say anything about the paisley pants?'

`No, I'd changed into an old ripped pair of white ones, he said I looked like an obscene tramp and I wasn't to go out of the house dressed like that.'

`That sounds good, shall I come round and meet you on Saturday morning then?'

`Yes please, my dad has to go out mid-morning, so come round anytime before he goes.'

`That sounds good, I'll see you later.' I didn't get much of a chance to see Ewan next day at school, I saw him in the distance a few times, but wasn't able to speak to him. Still, the pleasurable thought of spending part of the weekend in his company was quite sustaining in its own way.

When Saturday morning came, I dressed carefully; putting on the pale blue nylon pants that Ewan had so admired, a pair of tight black cords and a white t shirt. It was quite sunny and mild, so I knotted a sweater round my waist and cycled off across the common to Ewan's house.

The door was answered by his dad, who was obviously ready to go out; Ah, you're here, that's splendid, thank you so much for agreeing to spend some time with Ewan, he knows that he has to work at his reading skills, but I'm afraid he is quite inclined to try and wriggle out of it when he can. It's good of you to take him shopping too, I just haven't got the time at the moment, in fact I'm running late already. I'll just give you some money, and give him a shout, then I'd better be on my way.' He handed me a couple of banknotes, more than enough in the 70s to buy what we needed, and yelled up the stairs. A moment later, there was a thundering noise and Ewan came running barefoot down the stairs. He had put on his terrible jeans again, at least I assume he had, they were extremely tight and had worn thin and split in all sorts of interesting ways, the zipper was only halfway up, and samples of his white pants were visible all over the place. Oh, god,' Ewan's dad groaned, not those terrible old jeans again, promise me you won't go out of the house in them and you'll have them painlessly put-down.' He swatted his son affectionately on the bum with the bundle of papers he was carrying, `right, I've got to go, have a good day both of you and don't get into trouble, see you later.' To our chorus of goodbyes, he smiled, got into his car and drove off.

Ewan dragged me inside and shut the door; `right, we'd better get going too,' he said.

Not in those jeans,' I said firmly, We promised your dad. '

Oh,' he pouted, but these are my favourites.'

`I don't care, they won't last to the end of the street, and you'll get arrested for flashing.'

Ewan darted away upstairs, shouting; `you'll have to make me take them off, then.'

There's nothing like a challenge, I dumped my jacket on the floor and chased him after him up the stairs, he had paused on the landing to make sure I was following, and then disappeared up the steep staircase that led to the attic. When I got up to the attic space that he and his brother shared he was nowhere to be seen, nor was he in his bedroom. I cautiously pushed open the door to his brother's room, not there either, I went in to check, and as I did so, a small boy leaped giggling onto my back from behind the door. I staggered across the room, thrown off balance by the teenage projectile, and we collapsed together onto his brothers' bed. There had been an ominous ripping sound when he jumped, and when I, by virtue of my superior size and weight, was able to subdue him and pin his struggling and giggling body to the bed, it was clear that another bit of his jeans had given way. I held him down with a hand in the middle of the back and closely inspected the offending garments. It was clear that I had a duty to his father to remove them, although I had to confess I found them very appealing, if I hadn't already done the castaway scenario with Paul these jeans would have been perfect, with splits across the bottom of the buttocks and at the crotch, they revealed a lot, but concealed a little.

With a slight feeling of regret I hooked a couple of fingers through one of the rips at the top of his thigh, feeling his warm, firm flesh pressing against my knuckles, and gave a sharp tug. After a momentary resistance, the worn cloth gave way, and the whole leg ripped away, until it was only attached at the seam. Similar treatment to the other leg left Ewan wearing the beginnings of some very abbreviated shorts; I grabbed my pen-knife, and sternly instructed him to stop struggling for a moment, as I severed the seams.

`Ok, you can stand up now,' I said.

Pink faced, Ewan got up, the legs of his destroyed jeans bunching round his ankles, impatiently he kicked them free and turned to face me, an impish smile on his angelic face; `let's go and burn them,' he said.

Good idea,' I replied, but come here first, I think you might have a problem with your bollocks.' Ewan obediently stepped towards me, and stood still. The thin strip of fabric that ran between his legs was indeed pressing very tightly between his balls, and it looked uncomfortable to me. I gently cupped his balls with one hand, relieving the pressure for a moment, and enjoying a feel too; Hmm,' I said softly, I think I may have to operate to reduce the tension, otherwise the blood flow might be impaired, and you don't want that.'

`Don't I?' he questioned, sounding a little alarmed, but pressing against my hand all the same.

`No, you don't, good blood flow and not being squashed are two of the ingredients that are vital to quality sperm production.'

`Aha, and what are the others, just so as I know for the future.'

`Well, a healthy diet, plenty of zinc and most important of all, regular and prolonged use, the more you empty them, the more they fill.'

`Well, you'd better operate then,' he replied.

Legs apart then, and be brave,' I said. He did as he was told, and stood very still, his eyes screwed tight shut. I gave his crotch a little rub; there was the beginning of a solid column of flesh there, so obviously our little role play wasn't disturbing him too much. I slipped my hand between his legs, and traced the strip of material from the bottom of his buttocks through to where it was so painfully dividing his balls. Gently I pushed a finger under the strip and pulled down, and with the other hand I carefully (after all, the boys' crown jewels were there!) cut through the fabric with my penknife. Ewan was now left wearing a slightly obscene miniskirt, the flapping fabric; front and back doing little to conceal the treasures below. There,' I said, giving him another rub, `how does that feel?'

Much better, thank you,' he replied, pirouetting experimentally, I'd often wondered what it was like to wear a skirt.'

Well now you know,' I said, and there's another good thing about skirts.'

`Oh yes?' he queried.

`You can put your hand up them,' I suited my action to my words and caressed his rapidly engorging cock through the fabric of his cotton y-fronts.

He pressed his erection firmly against my hand, `Mmm, perhaps we should test your theory of spunk production?'

`I agree, but shouldn't we burn your jeans first?'

Slave driver,' he pouted, pulling away from my hand, Ok, let's get it over with.'

He grabbed up the discarded legs of his jeans and dashed out of the door before I had a chance to say anything. I followed him more slowly, rubbing at my own burgeoning and neglected stiffy as I went. Life with Ewan was never going to be dull, as I was beginning to discover, his spontaneous and mercurial personality meant that my more considered and cautious nature was frequently wrong footed. When I got downstairs there was no sign of him although a cool breeze indicated that a door was open somewhere. I went though to the kitchen, and indeed the garden door was swinging open. Ewan's back garden was long and narrow, with tall brick walls on either side, at the bottom was a row of tall dense conifers, which screened the garden from being over looked by tube trains, which ran in a cutting on the other side of the trees. Midway down there was a brick paved area, with a barbecue and a swinging garden seat, this was where Ewan was standing, still wearing his obscene skirt. He had bundled the cut off legs of his jeans into the barbecue, and was standing there holding a can of lighter fluid and a box of matches as I wandered up.

`Aren't you worried about being seen?' I asked.

Nah, look around, can you see any windows?' I looked round, it was true, whoever had laid out this garden had made certain that it was very private, and at no point did any of the neighbouring houses overlook this area. It was also pretty quiet, only the cheeping of sparrows and the inevitable hum of a lawnmower disturbed the peace. I kicked off my shoes and socks and stretched out invitingly on the garden seat, a moment later Ewan joined me, snuggling cosily into my arms. This is nice,' he said, `I could get used to this.'

So could I,' I agreed. At some point, in the previous melee the zipper on his jeans had given up the unequal struggle, and it seemed perfectly natural to slide my hand into the inviting darkness. His young cock was still stiff and hard beneath my fingers, and he moaned happily as I gently stimulated the tip. Maybe we should lose these?' I murmured, undoing the waist button. He obligingly lifted his bottom up and wiggled deliciously, allowing me to slide the demolished garment over his slender hips and down to his ankles. He kicked briskly, and the tattered remains flew across the garden and hooked up in a rose bush. He settled his bottom against my now fully engorged penis with a happy sigh, and I resumed my subtle stimulation. His white cotton y-fronts were, even by the standards of the day, unusually baggy, and the sagging elastic at the waistband was barely capable of constraining his generously proportioned cock. Soon the tip and most of the shaft had slipped into view, and I was able to take it in hand.

Hold on,' he said suddenly, what about you?' He sat up abruptly and twisted round to face me, setting the seat swinging wildly. Straddling my hips, he put a hand on my crotch, `I think you need a taste of your own medicine,' he grinned, as his fingers explored my rigid length.

`You're not chopping up my nice cords,' I said.

No, not that, I meant the idea about spunk production,' he said, as he undid my top button and slowly unzipped my fly. He smiled with pleasure as my stiffness came into view, straining at the fine nylon fabric of the pale blue briefs that I was wearing. Wow, they're the pants you had on in the picture,' he gasped, putting a hand on my erection and stroking it through the material, `they're lovely and soft, do you think we'll find anything like them today?'

I doubt it,' I said, the sort of shops we have round here don't really cater for the more sophisticated tastes.' I lifted up my hips and allowed Ewan to pull my cords right off. He ripped off his t shirt and tugged impatiently at mine, until I leaned forwards and allowed him to remove it.

That's better,' he said, climbing back onto the swinging seat. He once again knelt across me, our two swollen cocks rubbing together through our pants. He very solemnly leaned forward and kissed me, I put my arms round him and our lips mashed together in mutual lust. With a slow rocking motion he rubbed his cock back and forth against mine as I softly stroked his butt. I think I'd like to come now,' he whispered, and sitting up again he pulled my pants partway down. My hot and sticky cock sprang free from its confinement, and settling back, he pulled his pants to one side and attempted to grasp both cocks with his hand. He quickly realised that his hands were too small and modified his idea, taking hold of a cock in each hand. I was content to lie back and watch him, realising that he was enjoying being in control.

With the skill of long practise he wanked our slippery cocks in an accelerating rhythm, his reddening face and pink ears witness to his impending orgasm, suddenly, with a groan he fell back, the spunk pulsing from his purple cock and spraying across our bodies, a moment later and I joined him, my creamy sperm spraying into his pants and onto his sweaty chest. After a moment to rest, Ewan scooped up some of our mingled spunk and solemnly offered his dripping fingers to me, equally solemnly I licked his fingers clean, and returned the favour to him, before kissing him tenderly.

We'd better get cleaned up,' I said, or we'll never get out of the door at this rate.'

Yeah,' Ewan said, grinning widely, but I'd better do my sacrifice first.' He stepped out of his pants, and I used them to mop the last remnants of our jizz off his naked body. Collecting his skirt from the rose bush, he threw it on the barbecue with the other bits and soaked them with lighter fuel.

Careful with the match,' I said, you don't want to burn your pubes off, now do you?'

I've got it covered,' he replied disdainfully, and produced a sheet of newspaper, which he rolled into a ball, lit, and tossed onto the barbecue. There was a satisfying whoomp' as the petrol fumes caught, and a generous fireball, if he had been closer, he would have burned more than his pubes. As it was, he danced back to avoid the flash and stumbled into my arms. His naked butt pressed deliciously against my still semi-erect cock, and his warm body in my arms, what more could a boy ask for. The moment passed, and as his old jeans burned merrily away, Ewan bent down and picked up his baggy old y-fronts; `Time to say good bye,' he said, waving the spunk sodden pants at me.

Never say good bye,' I said, let's just say adieu.'

With little ceremony he tossed his rejected garments into the flames, and returning to the comfort of my arms, we stood together and watched them burn until there was nothing but ashes.

Good,' Ewan said briskly, that's done, now let's go and buy some funky new ones.'

I think we ought to get cleaned up a bit first,' I answered, being practical for a moment, we're both covered in spunk and stink of smoke and petrol fumes, just the sort of thing to get us all sorts of unwelcome attention.'

`How about we grab a shower? There should be plenty of hot water.'

Great idea, but it probably ought to be just a shower,' I said, or we'll never get to the shops.'

Spoilsport,' he grimaced, ok, follow me.' He raced naked down the path, I followed more slowly as I needed to collect my clothes.

When I got inside I climbed the stairs to the attic rooms and could hear the sound of a shower. I went into the bathroom, but although the shower was running, there was no sign of Ewan. I looked in his bedroom and he was sitting naked on his bed; `Aren't you going to shower?' I asked.

`I thought I'd let you go first,' he replied gloomily.

`I didn't mean that we shouldn't shower together, you idiot, just that we probably shouldn't get too excited about it, or we'll never leave the house, anyway, come on, the water's wasting.'

His face lit up; `you mean it?'

`Course I do, why would I pass up an opportunity to get my hands on your lovely body again?'

He jumped up and once more led the way to the bathroom; we both crammed into the shower cubicle and stood face to face under the stream of water. He kissed me passionately, and we stood there, our lips locked together in the warm water for what seemed like an age. Finally, I disentangled myself from his embrace, and groped for the soap; `right, let's get you clean.' I gently soaped his upper torso and under his arms, washing the suds off with my free hand. There was just room for me to kneel down beside him, and so with great ceremony I lathered up his tummy before moving on to soap up his pubes and his crotch. His cock was still red and slippery with come as I gently pulled back the foreskin and cleaned his glans, naturally, with all this attention it started to grow again, as indeed mine was doing too. Regretfully, I let go of it, to hear a moan of protest from Ewan, I wasn't finished yet, however, and used the bar of soap to lather up his butt, parting his cheeks and making sure that his crack was well soaped up too. I then softly massaged the lather on his cheeks, before pushing his legs apart and giving his crack the same attention. As I ran my fingers over his anus, I could see that he was now fully erect, and each time I gently touched it, his cock jerked with appreciation.

Hmm, you like that don't you?' I said, running my finger tip round his pucker. He didn't speak, just moaned and I assume nodded, as his body shook. Would you like me to take it a little further?' I asked, continuing my gentle torture.

`Yes please,' he whispered.

I took hold of his cock with one soapy hand, it was already hot and very stiff, and while I slowly masturbated him, I was able to carefully insert a finger into his anus. He shivered with pleasure as I pushed it in and out, going deeper with every thrust. I could tell he wasn't going to last very long, the pre-cum was welling up from the tip of his cock and I could feel his legs beginning to shake as his orgasm approached. With a sudden shudder his back arched, and an uncontrollable spray of spunk erupted from his cock and all over my upturned face. He stumbled, and sat down abruptly in a tangle of loose limbs. I couldn't stop him, and we ended up in a heap on the floor of the shower. Ewan threw his arms round me and kissed my face, cleaning what was left of his spunk off me.

Wow, that was fantastic, I've never felt it like that before,' he said, but what about you?' He put his hand round my throbbing cock and gave me an experimental tug.

I'm good,' I said, didn't really mean that to happen, we're supposed to be going shopping, remember?'

Oh yeah,' he giggled, sure I can't do anything for you?' He leaned over and took my cock in his mouth, at this rate we'd never get out of the door, and we'd both be looking like prunes. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, this was the point where the hot water ran out, and there's nothing better at dampening desire than a freezing cold shower. Shrieking with laughter we leaped out of the shower, and grabbed for the towels.

Before Ewan could protest, I wrapped him in a towel and began to rub him dry, `Come on, we've got shopping to do,' I said, as my erection began to subside slowly.

All right,' he replied, but promise me you'll let me make you come later.'

Of course,' I said, I'm counting on it.'

That's Ok,' he said, and I felt his tense body relax under the towel, just didn't want you to get bored with me.'

Bored!' I practically shrieked, you crazy boy, how could I get bored with someone as lovely as you. Give us a snog, and I'll prove it.' He turned round to face me, and we kissed for a long time, my cock reversed it's decline and began pressing against his towel clad thigh, a moment later an exploring hand verified that fact and he gently wanked me as we pressed our lips together.

Eventually we had to come up for air, and he looked gravely into my eyes and said; `I guess I believe you.'

Good,' I said, but if we don't go out soon, the shops will all be shutting, what time does your dad get back tonight anyway?'

Not til the evening on Saturdays, he'll bring in a takeaway or something I expect. Shall we go shopping then?'

`Yeah, let's.' We got dressed, Ewan opting for a pair of the nylon slips, some tight jeans and a t-shirt. I pulled my clothes back on and we clattered down the wooden stairs and out of the front door to buy some him some more pants.

To be continued...


Next: Chapter 17: Ewans Story 3

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