Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on May 23, 2007


PP/Ewans Story part 3: shopping and fucking.

As ever, the rights to this story remain in my possession, otherwise feel free to distribute, or reproduce it, as long as it is not for profit. Any comments please to spasm2(at), always nice to hear from people especially if they have enjoyed the story.

The part of London that I called my home in those days was very suburban, and had most of the high street chain stores that you might have expected. Dominating the high street was a venerable and old fashioned department store called `Bentleys'. I had decided that our quest for Ewans new pants should begin here; they had a menswear department staffed by ancient old men who wore shapeless cardigans and smelled faintly of mothballs. More to the point, though, for some reason they stocked a range of more exclusive underwear, although whether they would have small enough sizes for Ewans slender body was uncertain. Conveniently, the menswear section was adjacent to sports and swimwear, so it wasn't that obvious when we started nosing about.

Ewan was like a child in a sweet shop, it became apparent very soon that the shop stocked an extensive range of HOM underwear, at prices that would make me wince even now, fortunately his dad had been pretty generous, and we didn't need to worry. The other thing in our favour was that French sizes go pretty small, so we were in luck there too.

`What do you think?' Ewan whispered, holding up a box for me to see. The pants, if the picture was to be believed, were made from two panels of a very sheer and transparent black material, with just a fine cord for the waist band.

Great,' I whispered back, I like black, and there is no seam down the front, or back which makes for a smoother line, and a better feel.'

`For you or for me?' he giggled.

Both actually,' I replied, this is for our shared pleasure, remember.'

That settles it,' he said firmly, I'm having these.' With that he headed for the tills, box in hand. The elderly man pottering aimlessly behind the counter was a little startled by the sight of a young teenager brandishing some posh French underwear at him.

Are you sure that you wish to purchase these, Sir?' he asked politely, You will probably find something much more suitable in boys wear.'

Oh, they're not for me,' Ewan lied magnificently, they're a birthday present for my brother, he's at University.'

`Oh, I see Sir, I do beg your pardon, excellent choice in that case. Was Sir aware that he can purchase a second pair at a very advantageous price?'

No, I wasn't, but I certainly will, he'll be so pleased. I'll go and have a look.' He grabbed me, and we made our way back to the display. Ewan grabbed another packet, and thrust it under my nose; What do you think?'

Excellent choice Sir,' I laughed, you realise it's a g-string?'

`What's a g-string?' Ewan asked.

`There's no fabric covering your bum, just a front pouch, and a string that goes between your legs. I've got one you can try if you like; feels strange, like you are and aren't wearing any pants.'

`I've got to try it, what do you think, the pink one or the orange?'

`Pink I think, it's a better colour.'

Ewan trotted off to the counter, and made his purchases, and swinging the beautifully wrapped parcel by its string, we made our way out into the sunshine. `What next?' he asked.

`We'd better get you some pants you can wear to school, or your life might be made a little difficult.'

`Ok, but I'm not going to Marks, their stuff is so dull.'

`I already assumed that we'd avoid going there. So let's grab a bus and head out to the West, there's a couple of stores out there that might come up with the goods.'

We jumped onto a bus, and ran upstairs to the deserted upper deck, on an old Routemaster bus there was a seat right at the back by the top of the stairs that was quite isolated, and commands a good view down the stairs. We jumbled into the seat, our legs pressing together, and after a moment or two the conductor rang the bell and the bus lurched away from the kerb.

I can't wait to try these on,' Ewan said, I'm really turned on, feel it;' He grabbed my hand and put it on his cock, which was indeed impressively stiff and hard in his jeans.

Oh dear,' I said sympathetically, that's a bit of a problem.' My cock began to stiffen up as I stroked his length gently through the fabric of his crotch. Wait a bit, though, I've an idea.' Without waiting for a response, I undid the top button, and unzipped his fly all the way, allowing space for the hot length of his shaft to spring out, still confined in the flimsy nylon of his pants. Swiftly, I pulled his pants free and took hold of his hot and slippery cock. My, you are turned on alright,' I said, `I've always wanted to do this by the way.'

Do what?' he gasped, as I began to wank him. Without replying, I bent over and took his hot shaft into my mouth, tonguing urgently at the sensitive tip. This wasn't subtle stuff; we only had a few stops to go. I was concentrating hard on the task when Ewan patted me on the head, the conductor's coming,' he whispered.

So should you be,' I answered once I had disengaged. I quickly chucked my jumper over Ewans rather disorganised crotch as the conductor lumbered up the stairs. As I stood up to pay for the tickets, I was rather conscious of the prominence of my own erection, but he either didn't notice or didn't care. Just as he turned to go back downstairs, the bus pulled in at the next stop; to my considerable annoyance, two girls got in and raced up the stairs as we had done, when they saw that the rear seat was occupied, they went right up the front. Bugger,' I said, `that puts paid to that for the moment.'

`Yeah, but what are we going to do about this?' Ewan asked, lifting my jumper off his crotch. His cock was still as big and hard as ever, a little bead of pre-cum showing at the tip.

Ah, yes, bit of a problem there, no matter, there's always a solution.' I grabbed hold of his cock again, and began to wank him off again. I could see that he wasn't far off coming, and marvelled at his sexual energy; after all he'd already come twice that morning. I picked up the pace a little, and a moment or two later, his back arched, and a jet of spunk erupted from his cock and onto the back of the next seat. There certainly wasn't as much this time, but even so, it was a bit obvious dribbling down the velour seat covering. I cleaned him up with my handkerchief, and with some difficulty tucked his cock back into his pants, leaving him to finish sorting himself out. This is our stop,' I said, `come on.'

As Ewan stood up, he treated the girls (who had turned round to stare at us) and the passengers on the upper deck of the bus next to us, to a fleeting vision of a beautiful boy very obviously tucking his large and erect penis back into his jeans and doing himself up, before we clattered down the stairs and jumped off the bus before it had even stopped.

Wow, that was fun,' he said, once we were safely across the road. So that's one of your ambitions is it?'

Giving, or being given head on the top deck of a Routemaster?' I said, grinning, yes I'm afraid it is.'

Well I'm certainly not complaining,' he answered, smiling back at me, just a shame that we were interrupted. We'll just have to keep trying, maybe take a longer journey. What other ambitions do you have, or would I rather not know?'

Well.' I said slowly, judging by this morning, there's nothing I'd like to try that you wouldn't enjoy, but remember, you can always say no. How about you, any secret desires?' I looked at his lovely face, and he coloured up as he caught my gaze, `Aha, there is something isn't there, come on, out with it.'

Well,' he stammered, thing is, you really would have to trust me.'

`How do you mean?' I asked, intrigued.

I don't know if I'm ready to talk about this yet,' he answered slowly, maybe when we get back to the house.'

That's ok,' I replied, no-one's making you do anything, remember?'

Yeah, I know,' he answered, his hazel eyes brimming once again with unshed tears, and I'm so grateful to you.'

Here here, enough of that,' I said firmly, we're come lovers, and we're just having fun.'

I know,' he said, miserably, but sometimes I just can't believe that it's happening to me. I've had the best time ever with you, and somehow I expect someone to try and take it all away from me.'

Me too,' I agreed, I can't believe that I'm spending time with someone who is so sexy and so much fun and who feels the same way as I do. It's like a dream, and I'm going to wake up soon.' I felt a sudden stab of pain in my arm, Ouch!' I spluttered, what was that for?'

I pinched you,' he grinned, proves you're not dreaming.'

`Ok, point taken, shall we go and buy some more pants?'

The shop I had chosen was one that was part of a big chain, and had set itself the challenge of taking on the monolithic organisation that was (and is) Marks and Spencer. Part of their strategy was to offer a more lively range of clothes aimed at the developing teenage market. The idea that anybody who was too young to vote might have their own opinions and tastes was quite a new one in the '70's, and some of the bigger institutions were still struggling with the idea. This was one of the first stores to have a specifically `youth' section, and they had obviously done their research, because, although the shoppers were mostly still accompanied by their parents, the clothes on offer were recognisably more interesting than those more commonly available.

Wow, this is good,' said Ewan, I've never been in here before, I might get some new jeans as well, if they look alright.'

Not a bad idea,' I said, you burned a pair this morning, so it might be a good thing.' This was the 1970's, as I keep reminding you, and fashion was in a state of change, big flares were still in, although Punk was just around the corner. We had a rummage, and Ewan found a pair of black canvas jeans with a very straight leg, `I've got to try these on,' he said, and shot off to the changing rooms.

When he emerged, it was obvious that these were very close fitting indeed; his bulge was even more prominent, and they hugged his cute cheeks very closely too. `What do you think?' he said, posing in front of the full length mirror.

`I think they're great, very sexy, there's just one thing though.'

`What's that?'

`V.P.L,' I answered solemnly.

`What's V.P.L?' he asked, puzzled.

Visible Panty Line,' I answered, you can see the outline of your pants through the fabric of your jeans.'

`What's wrong with that?' he asked looking even more puzzled.

`Nothing at all, just some women seem to think it's unattractive, anyway you have a solution at hand.'

`I do?'

`Yeah, your new g-string.'

`That settles it, I'll have them, although I have to say I do quite like the idea of people knowing what sort of pants I have on.'

`Or maybe that they think you aren't wearing any at all, that's quite a turn-on too.'

`That's true, I hadn't thought of it like that.'

`Believe me, anyone walking behind you won't be able to keep their eyes off your arse, it looks great in those jeans.'

`Thanks, I'd better take these off before you try to shag me in the shop,' he grinned cheekily.

Credit me with some self-control,' I said, I can wait til we get back!' While Ewan was changing back, I nosed around the underwear section, and when he joined me, I was able to show him some good examples. Look at these,' I said, waving one of my choices at him, `they call them tangas, god knows why, but they are cut very high on the hip, without a very full covering for your bottom.'

`That's good is it?'

`They're quite sexy, and make your legs look longer, and have the added bonus of easy access from the side, should you wish it.'

`You've sold them to me; I'd better get some white ones for school and some black ones for fun, anything else?'

`These slips are good too, quite low cut and there's no seam up the front to spoil the feel, plus there's a modesty panel that can easily be removed.'

`Ok, I'll have some of these too, then I think we should get off home, I'm starving.'

`So am I,' I agreed, and after Ewan had made his purchases, we left the shop and jumped on the bus to take us back. This time there was no chance of any hanky-panky, as the bus was jammed with shoppers, and we had to stand. Still, as the bus made its way slowly down the crowded street, I was ever more conscious of Ewans cute bottom rubbing against my crotch and re-awakening my cock for the umpteenth time that day. I don't think I had ever, or have ever since, had such an uncomplicatedly erotic day. Paul and I had come close a few times, but his denial of any true feelings had dampened the intensity, at least for me. We went on for one more stop past the one for Ewans house, as there was that schoolboy staple; a chippy, and somehow, eating chips from a newspaper in the sunshine as I walked alongside a boy whom I was steadily growing to love, was about as close to a perfect moment as I have ever had.

As we walked up the path to Ewans front door, I began to feel strangely awkward, we had after all, indulged in some pretty intense sex over the past few days, and it all had a slightly unreal quality for me. I guess I just couldn't believe my luck; this funny, clever and beautiful boy was offering me all he had, no strings attached.

What's the matter?' he asked, you've hardly spoken since we got off the bus, have I upset you?'

`No, I was just thinking, I do that sometimes.'

`What were you thinking?'

`I was thinking how devastated I'd be if this all ended.'

`You'd be devastated! What about me, I've just found the person I want to be with, and now he's talking about ending it.'

`Oh god, I'm sorry, I'm just not used to getting what I want.'

`And what you want is?' he prompted.

`Well, to be with you of course.'

That's the right answer,' he said, smiling, let's go in and have a cup of tea, I don't think the neighbours are quite ready to see two boys kissing on the doorstep yet, although I'm not denying anything if they ask me.'

`How do you think your dad would feel if he knew about you and me?' I asked as I followed him into the hallway.

`I imagine he'd be pretty cool about it, after all it wouldn't be a new experience for him.'

`How do you mean?'

`My big brother Alistair is gay, and he's always had his boyfriends around, so I guess that he'll be able to cope.'

`Oh, right, I didn't realise, especially when you said he'd had a girlfriend, you remember, the one whose knickers you like to have a wank in.'

`Oh her, she was an experiment I think, she didn't last very long. It's never really been an issue, dad explained it all to me when he did the birds and the bees lecture; the most important thing, he said, was always to be true to the person you love and to follow your heart.'

`That's very cool, I think my lot aren't that bothered one way or another either, and it has always been assumed that we've managed to work things out for ourselves. There is one thing I need to tell you though.'

`Yeah, what's that?'

`You do realise I'm not gay?'

He looked at me in stunned silence, and eventually began to laugh, `you are kidding, aren't you?'

`Not really, I'm bi.'

`Does this mean you have a girlfriend as well?' He began to look worried again.

`No, you clot; all it means is that I love you as a person, not because of your sex.'

Ah,' he said, the clouds lifting, do you realise that that is the first time you have said you loved me?'

`It's not a word I use lightly, although I've thought it a lot, and I've not heard you say it either.'

Haven't I?' he looked stricken, well I do love you, and I want us to go on being together and having lots of fun.'

`Me too, but just for the moment I'd settle for a cup of tea.'

Tell you what,' he said, you go into the kitchen and put the kettle on, and I'll just pop upstairs for a moment.'

`Ok, will do,' I answered.

`See if you can find some biscuits,' he shouted over his shoulder as he shot up the stairs.

I made a pot of tea, and poured out two mugs, found a packet of digestives and opened it; having dealt with the catering, I sat down, kicked off my shoes and socks and swigged at my hot tea appreciatively. I sensed Ewan coming into the room without hearing him, he was wearing his new HOM pants, the black ones rather than the string, and they looked fabulous. He was still only semi-hard, and every detail of his cock and his firm balls were visible through the transparent material, he may only have been a teenager, but he was more than capable of filling those pants. He strutted proudly over to the table, bent over ostentatiously to pick up his mug of tea and then retired to pose in the doorway; leaning against the doorframe, one foot raised and propped against its opposite knee. `How do they feel?' I asked, once I'd recovered my composure.

`Fantastic, so light and smooth, it's almost like I'm naked, but I can still feel that I've got something on. Check them out.'

I didn't need a second invitation and beckoned him to me; he trotted over and stood facing me, eyes closed; legs slightly apart. Not wanting to rush things, I lifted my hands up to his face and very subtly began to explore his body with my fingertips. I was concentrating in the sensations in my fingers as I examined his face; his eyebrows, nose and sweet lips were all considered before I began the journey south. My hands travelled on, passing softly over his neck and shoulders before arriving at his nipples, these were already stiff and hard and I felt his body shiver with delight when I began to tease them gently. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that his cock was beginning to rise to the occasion and the fine fabric of his pants was stretching to accommodate it. I was also conscious that my own cock was stiff and hard, and this time I felt it deserved some attention, Ewan being a generous boy I was sure it would get it in time, so I just shifted myself into a more comfortable position for the moment.

Once I felt I'd given his nipples sufficient attention, I resumed my journey southwards, tracing the outline of his ribcage before I reached his belly button. People fall into two categories with belly buttons; some are ticklish and some are not, I'm not, but Ewan certainly was, and wriggled with delight as I delicately investigated it. The next destination on my teasing journey was the area above the threadlike waist band of his pants, this is a sensitive and often neglected area, and it was clear that Ewan appreciated the mingled pleasure and pain that my careful ministrations brought to him. I felt that perhaps it was time to move on, and ever so slowly extended my arms round his waist and slipped them down to cup the sweet globes of his butt. The sensation of the silky material covering his warm firm flesh was fantastic and he obviously appreciated it too, as he moaned quietly and leaned his body into my chest, his stiff cock pressing hard against me as I stroked his butt.

`I've often wondered what it would be like to be blind,' he murmured quietly.

`What? Where did that come from?' I asked.

`Having to use your fingers to sense things, all your other senses heightened that sort of thing.'

`Yeah, but then you wouldn't be able to see beautiful things, like this.' I answered, abandoning subtlety for the moment and grasping his cock through the fine material.

Ewan gasped with pleasure, and then said, true enough, I didn't say I wanted to be blind.' He twisted round suddenly, and sat down on my lap, legs apart, his proud erection jutting out, and inviting the return of a friendly hand. A service, of course, that I was delighted to provide. We sat together, me slowly masturbating him in his fancy pants, for a good few minutes, until Ewan abruptly stood up, and stepped away from me. Come on,' he said, holding his hand out to lead me upstairs, `we've got unfinished business.'

I was all too happy to follow him up, my balls were aching with unshed sperm and my cock was still stiff and hard. I watched his beautiful bottom wiggling seductively in the transparent black pants as he walked up the stairs in front of me and suddenly felt intensely happy; all my doubts had evaporated, I knew that what we were doing was the right thing for the moment and for now that was all that mattered.

When I entered the bedroom, Ewan was standing by the bed, looking slightly worried; `You remember asking me if I had a secret fantasy?'

`Yes, what of it?'

`And I said you'd have to trust me?'


`Well do you trust me?'

`With my life, although I hope that isn't what you have in mind.'

`Oh, ha bloody ha, no that doesn't enter into it. I'd like to blindfold you, and for us to make love without you being able to see anything, just to feel.'

`Blimey, is that all, it's not like you want to beat me with a haddock or anything.'

Ewan looked confused for a moment, then he grinned, and said; `that comes later; after I've made you totally helpless with desire and when you least expect it. Now shut up and kiss me.'

I was only too happy to comply, and clasped his warm body to me; while our lips were meeting deliciously, I could feel his hands begin busily tugging my t-shirt past my head, undoing the waist button and pulling the zip on my cords. The feeling of relief as my straining erection was partially released was tremendous, and I wiggled my hips to help my cords to fall away, before stepping out of them completely.

Ok,' he said, now for the blindfold.' He had found a fine scarf from somewhere, and he bound it carefully round my head, I could sense there was some light, but that was it, I was effectively blinded. He brought me over to the bed, and helped me to lie down with my arms pillowing my head; right,' he said, just stay put for a moment, I'll be right back.' As I lay there, I was very conscious of the stiffness of my erect cock straining at the fine nylon of my pants, and also aware that I couldn't hear anything of Ewan, time passed, I have no idea how much, as my dislocation was complete. I was becoming hyper-aware of the sensations around me; the crumpled bedding under my body, the distant hum of lawn mowers, the sweet smell of Ewan that clung to his sheets. Suddenly I felt something brush over my nipple, startled, I snatched at it, thinking a fly or some such had landed on me. There was nothing there, and I relaxed again, a moment later the same thing happened to my other nipple, I once again made a grab for it, to no avail. I heard a stifled giggle and guessed that Ewan was in some way tormenting me; he had managed to creep up on me in total silence. The same light touch on the soles of my feet convinced me that I was right and I determined to resist the torture as much as I could.

Now that he realised he had been rumbled, Ewan became much more blatant, running the soft paint brush or feather, if that was what it was, over my body, avoiding the more obvious places for the time being, concentrating instead on my nipples, my armpits and my stomach. I found being tortured in this way very erotic, another new high in what had been a pretty stimulating day so far. I couldn't work out where Ewan was, in relation to me, and stretched out a lazy arm to try and locate him. I was able only to feel empty air, and as the torment continued unabated I was none the wiser. I let my hand flop down beside the bed, and waited for something to happen. After a few more minutes, the soft tickling slowly began to change emphasis, and he began to stimulate my balls and the shaft of my cock with his chosen instrument. Just as I was beginning to wriggle with pleasure, and I could feel the pre-cum welling up out of my cock head, he abruptly stopped.

What was probably only a brief pause stretched into an eternity as I awaited the next phase of his erotic onslaught. Once again he started gently, a soft brushing of hair on my feet, followed by the unmistakeable feeling of his lips and tongue kissing the skin on my ankles and beginning a slow journey up my leg. This time I could sense his position, as I could feel his heat radiating against my skin, and I waited until he shifted further up my body before I carefully lifted my hand. As I had expected, he was kneeling beside the bed, facing away from me, and I was able to place my hand flat on the small of his back before he noticed. Rather than shrug me off, he wiggled in appreciation, and I took this as encouragement to explore still further. I ran the flat of my hand over the smooth skin on his back working my way slowly towards his hips and the upper slopes of his butt. By this time his hair was lightly tickling my balls and he was gently kissing the soft flesh of my inner thigh. As I had half expected, when I arrived at where the waistband of his pants would be, I encountered a fine cord instead, further investigation revealing to me that he was wearing his new g-string. After a moment or two of pleasurable exploration of the smooth skin of his butt, it seemed entirely logical to trace the string down his crack; he shifted his legs wide apart to make it easier for me, down across the pucker of his anus and through his legs, finally to grasp the rigid column of his penis as it stretched the soft material of his g-string.

By now he was softly kissing the tip of my cock through my saturated pants, I was so blissed out that I could have come at any moment, and he must have realised that, because he suddenly stopped teasing me and stood up, pulling away from my grasp. Once again there was quiet, the boy could move totally silently when it suited him, and I was left lying there, wondering what he was planning next.

When he made his move, it was sudden and shocking, in truth it was probably only a sponge dipped in cold water, but the sensation of him splashing icy wetness over my skin had the effect he was seeking and I wasn't going to be coming for a while. I lay there, in a state of slight shock, conscious that my pants were soaking and I was beginning to feel a bit chilly. As if he had read my mind, there was a sudden weight on the bed as he climbed astride me and settled his weight gently on my crotch.

Don't worry,' he said quietly, I'll soon warm you up again.' Suiting action to his words, he began to rub his erect cock against my crotch, this was more than enough to revive me and my cock began once again to stretch the wet nylon. Hmm, we'd better get these off you before you catch cold,' Ewan murmured softly, tugging at the waistband, although they look good wet.' I obligingly lifted my bottom off the bed and he was able to pull them free. He went back to his rubbing routine, evidently still wearing his g-string, a fact I was able to verify with an exploratory hand a moment or two later.

Oh dear,' he said, after a few moments that were entirely pleasurable to me, I don't seem to be warming you up, I'll just have to try plan b.' He sat up straight, and presumably reached for something, because I heard a faint squelching noise, he then grasped my cock with a very slippery hand and ran it up and down my shaft, giving special attention to the tip. This was certainly very pleasurable, and I really had no idea what was coming next, although it would probably be me. Another muted squelching noise, a slight change of position from Ewan and suddenly his hand was pressing the tip of my cock against his anus, I finally realised what he was expecting from me, and pushed up, as he pressed down; with all the lubricant he had spread about, I slipped in quite easily, even though it was very tight. Ewan gave a little intake of breath, I hope of pleasure, as my hard cock penetrated his arsehole for the very first time, for me the feeling was wonderful and I moved my hips a little to move my cock gently up and down. He gasped again, I put my hand up to his face, realised that he was crying again and for the first time in ages I spoke; `I'm not hurting you am I?'

`No, it's just so great; I've wanted to try this with you ever since we first met. It feels a little tight, but if you aren't rough, it'll be fine.'

`Ok,' I answered, and very slowly and carefully began to thrust deeper and deeper, until he had taken the full length of my erection. As I was doing this, I was able to put a hand to his cock, which was distending the fabric of his g-string. I guess he'd pulled the string out of the way before I penetrated him, and I did the same with the pouch, allowing his cock to spring free. As I carefully thrust my cock into him I was able to wank him, evenly matching the strokes of my hand to each thrust of my cock; I wasn't going to last much longer and indeed, after a couple more movements I thrust hard and deep into him as my cock erupted in a prolonged spasm of ejaculation, simultaneously, Ewan spunked up my chest, his fourth time that day, and then he flopped forwards, landing on my jizz spattered front. As I was still hard, and still inside him, I just waited for my erection to subside, eventually my softening cock just popped out, causing a small mutter of protest from Ewan.

At last I took the scarf off my eyes, Ewan was lying on top of me, his face scarlet and his eyes closed, we were both liberally covered in spunk, and lubricant, which I could see now was Vaseline. His new g-string was saturated and greasy, and his cock was red and hot looking, with a snail trail of spunk dribbling from the tip. He was dead to the world, there was nothing left to do but fold him in my arms, he wriggled a bit to make himself more comfortable, then collapsed into that happy sleep of the innocent who is truly sated. As I lay there, listening to the quiet sound of his sleeping breaths, the sounds of the outside world gradually began to intrude again, the birdsong, and still somewhere the distant sound of a lawnmower.

I too was pretty blissed out, although my mind was buzzing, obviously Ewan had wanted me to fuck him, as he had totally made the running. If I hadn't been tricked into it, would I have gone that far? Probably not, at least not quite so soon, but Ewan seemed to have no doubts about what he wanted, and he knew how to achieve it. I was beginning to realise what an intelligent and driven boy he was, and he wanted to be with me, I sighed heavily, causing him to stir briefly and tighten the grip of his arms round me. With these thoughts whirling round in my brain, I drifted off into sleep.

I awoke some time later with a start, Ewan had evidently got cold, because he'd pulled the bedcover over our naked bodies, otherwise we were more or less in the same position as we had been earlier. Looking about me I realised that the light was beginning to fail, `wake up,' I said, shaking Ewan gently.

`What is it?' he asked drowsily.

`When does your dad get back, I don't think he'd want to find us like this.'

Oh, he's not back til about seven-thirty usually, what time is it now?'

`According to your alarm clock it's half past six.'

`Oh well that's ok, I can have a bit more of a snooze, I was having a great dream about us.' He settled back as if to sleep again.

`We've quite a bit of clearing up to do,' I said.

`Like what?'

`We ought to change the bed or you'll be sleeping in sticky patches all night, and we'll have to shower again.'

Slave driver,' he said, comfortably, just let me have a bit more of a cuddle, then we can get up.'

Ok,' I agreed, I don't want this to end any more than you do.'

`Good,' he said and snuggled into my chest again.

After a few minutes I spoke up again; `There's something I've been dying to ask you,' I said softly into the blonde head pillowed on my chest.

`Oh yes, what's that?' he answered drowsily.

`How come you are so brilliant at sucking me off? You really are the best.'

Thank you kind sir,' he said looking up at me, it's practise makes perfect, you should know that.'

Yeah, but how?' I asked, baffled, you said that the first time you'd given a blow job was to Mr Symonds three weeks ago?'

`If you can get me hard I'll explain,' he replied.

I was only too happy to try, and stroked gently at his flaccid cock until it began, somewhat reluctantly, to respond and grow into its erect glory one more time. Soon it was firm and stiff, and I was able to take a firm hold of his shaft, my own cock was also beginning to arise again, much to my surprise. As soon as he judged himself to be ready, Ewan prised himself out of my arms and pulled me up off the bed after him.

He stood there, his cock jutting firm and hard in front of him; `watch and learn,' he said, throwing his naked body back onto the bed. I sat down on the chair, and gazed in fascination as he easily curved his body over until he was able to take almost half the length of his cock into his mouth. I had to have a bit of a wank as I watched him begin expertly to suck himself off. I had never been able to look that closely before, and found the whole picture very stimulating.

`Blimey, that's a skill I'd like to have,' I said, when he triumphantly came up for air.

`Can't you do it then?' he grinned.

`No, I've got a very stiff back; I've tried, but couldn't get anywhere near.'

`That's a shame, although it's not the only bit of you that's stiff. Still, if you can't manage to do it for yourself, I'll just have to do it for you, such a sacrifice.'

`Well, they do say variety is important in a relationship, but I'd be very happy for you to do that to me all day long,' I answered, smiling at his sleep crumpled face.

`I think we've done a lot today, and much as I'd like to carry on, I think my balls are completely empty. Shall we go and get cleaned up?'

Naked and sticky we made our way back to the shower, this time there was no play, we soaped and washed each other's naked body tenderly, but I think we were both truly sated, and slightly shocked by how strong our bonds had become, and by how swiftly things had moved on.

`Houston, we have a problem,' I announced when we were standing back in the bedroom wrapped in our towels.

`Oh yeah, what's that?' Ewan asked.

I've got no pants,' I wailed, I can't put them back on,' I indicated my blue nylon slips with my toes, `they've pretty much stuck to the floor.'

Oh no,' said Ewan with faux sympathy, what are we going to do? I know, you can have a pair of mine. Here, take these.' He handed me a pair of his baggy white school pants.

`Oh, tee-hee,' I said, chucking them back to him.

`What, after all you've said about them being desirable and sexy?' he teased.

`Yes, on someone else they are or as part of a dressing up game, I feel the same way as you do about wearing them any other time.'

Dressing up?' his eyes lit up, tell me more.'

`Give me something better to wear and I will,' I countered.

You're on,' he said, tanga or slip?'

`Slip, if you don't mind me taking out the modesty panel?'

`No problem, we'll do it to all of them.'

`What about when you wear them for school?' I asked, suddenly struck with a conscience.

`Doesn't worry me, I don't mind people admiring my cock.'

`What about me?' I said, worried that I'd created a monster.

`Don't fret; I only said I don't mind being admired, not that I'd get my dick out for just anyone. It's you I care about, and only you that will get to play with it, apart from me of course.'

`Play your cards right and you'll have nothing left for wanking,' I said, smiling at him.

`I'll hold you to that,' he answered.

It'll be my pleasure, we'd better get a wiggle on though, your dad will be back soon.' Ewan handed me a black pair of his new pants and a pair of scissors, and I carefully snipped out the modesty panel and pulled them on. There, what do you think?' I asked.

`Good, you can see everything, if you look. How do they feel?'

`Nice, try them.' Ewan gave me an appreciative stroke.

`Yeah, they're nice. Not as sexy as my French pants though,' he said.

`Just as well, which reminds me, we need to hand wash your posh pants, I suspect your dad would raise an eyebrow if he found them in the washing basket.'

`Yeah, I suspect that boiling them wouldn't do them much good anyway,' he agreed.

We collected up our discarded underwear, and washed it in the sink in the bathroom. As we were spreading our washing out on the radiator in his bedroom, I said to Ewan; `do you realise that I haven't seen you in your g-string?'

God, so you haven't,' he looked stricken, I could put it on now.'

`They're soaking wet, save it for another day, surprise me, but you had better put some pants on too.'

`I'll try the new tangas then,' he said, pulling on a black pair.

They look great,' I said enthusiastically, how do you feel about them?'

`They're good, sexy and discreet. Check them out.'

I knelt down in front of him, and ran my hands over his groin, his cock gave a little twitch as if to show willing, and another as I checked the smooth fit over his bum. They're really good on you,' I said enthusiastically, I'm looking forward to making you come in them.'

We reluctantly got dressed, as though our staying naked would prolong the feelings that we had generated between us. We were more or less dressed and presentable when we heard the key in the lock, and Ewans dad came in, clutching a monster takeaway in one hand and his briefcase in the other.

I see you bought some new clothes then,' he said to Ewan, aren't those jeans a bit tight?'

That's how they're meant to be, dad,' he said, and we cremated the old ones.'

You could just have put them in the bin you know,' he said, but anyway, how's your day been.'

`Oh, it's been good,' we chorused.

`What've you been up to?'

`Nothing much, went shopping, then we came back here and just messed around,' Ewan said innocently.

Well, I hope you've both got a good appetite, there's enough Chinese food here to feed a subcontinent.' We needed no further encouragement, and tore into the bag of food as if we'd never been fed. Good grief,' Ewans dad said in mock horror, `I don't know what you two have been up to, but it's certainly used up plenty of energy.'

We exchanged glances and tried not to giggle, fortunately, Ewans dad was plainly too tired to ask too many awkward questions. Once we had finished eating, I helped to wash up the dishes, and we went through to the living room with fresh mugs of tea. `I'm afraid I'm going to have to head for home soon,' I said, once we were sat down.

`I hope it's not to have supper, after the amount you two have just eaten,' Ewans dad said, ruffling his sons' hair affectionately.

`No, it's just that I said I'd be back this evening, and they do worry.'

Very conscientious of you,' he said, do you want to ring from here to let them know you're on your way?'

`No, it'll be fine, thanks for the dinner though, it was really good.'

`Maybe you'll stay for a proper cooked meal soon, none of that bought in rubbish, it's just because I don't have very much time at the moment. Anyway, when are we going to see you again?'

`Well, if Ewans not too busy, I thought I might come over tomorrow, we need to plan out when we're going to do his dyslexia exercises.'

`That's very good, I'll probably have to go out for the afternoon, and I'd be relieved to know that Ewan was being kept out of trouble.'

`Dad,' Ewan protested.

`Alright, kept amused then, I'm just pleased to see that there's no damage anywhere after today, only joking; I'm very happy for you two to be on your own here. It's about time my boy brought his friends home.'

In which case,' I said, I really should be on my way, I'll `phone in the morning to see if it's still ok to come over.'

I'll see you out,' Ewan said politely, as soon as we were out of earshot he hissed; what are you playing at? You could have stayed the night.'

I know,' I said, but then I'd have had to go back tomorrow to finish my homework, this way I can get it out of the way tonight, and we'll have the day together.'

`Oh, I see, that's better, although I'd like to have you in my bed tonight.'

I'd like that too,' I said, we'll just have to plan something.'

As luck would have it, Ewans dad came out of the living room; `I've just remembered something, I might not be able to get back until very late next Wednesday, would you ask your mother if you'd be ok to stay over after you've helped Ewan with his exercises? I'll pay you something extra of course.'

I protested politely, and wheeled my bike out of the door, although my heart was breaking because I couldn't spend the night with my lover, I also felt a sense of relief that I didn't have to do any more that night. I needed to think, it had been a rollercoaster of a day emotionally, and whilst this was all condition normal for a teenager, I wanted to work out where we went to next.

When I walked in the door, my mother was lying in wait for me; I've had that Ewans father on the phone again, he wants to know if you are alright to sleep over next Wednesday, as he's presenting at a conference and won't get in til late. I said I'd ask if you were ok, and call him back later tonight.'

`Yeah, I'm fine about it, we'll probably get more done if I'm staying over, I'm going to go over tomorrow to plan what we'll do.'

That's great,' she hugged me; we'll make a teacher of you yet.'

Not if I don't get my homework out of the way,' I replied, struggling to pull away. I bundled up to my room and got straight down to my homework, although I have to confess that I found it very difficult to concentrate, images from our day together were crowding into my mind. Eventually I was able to put my books to one side and went downstairs to phone Ewan and make some arrangements. When I got through, I got his dad, Ewan has gone to bed,' he said, `he could hardly keep his eyes open so I sent him up a bit early. I could go and wake him up again if you like?'

No, it's fine, don't wake him.' I protested, just wanted to check when is a good time to come over tomorrow.'

`I have to go out at eleven, so come over before that, but please remember that Monday is a school day. I don't know what you were up to that was so tiring today, but you'd better tone it down or he'll never get up for school in the morning.'

`That'll be fine, I'm pretty tired too, Ewan is quite demanding sometimes, in a good way of course.'

Yes, I'm afraid my boy can be a bit of a handful,' he sighed, but I'm sure you'll be able to cope. Goodnight then, and we'll see you in the morning.'

`Yes, goodnight,' with that I rang off, wondering how often it is that adults come close to asking the right question, or approach the obvious answer but then shy off. With hindsight, I suppose we all do it, it's just that from a teenage perspective everything seems so bleeding obvious. Looking back, I wonder how much of what we got up to was noted, and simply not commented on, just teenage hormones kicking in, that sort of thing. Not a question I have ever cared to investigate further I'm afraid.

That night I went to my bed still wearing Ewans new pants, and slept the dream free night of the truly drained. I awoke next morning ready for the new day, and for a new set of adventures, I already had some vague ideas what we might get up to, if Ewan was willing, but that, dear reader, will have to wait for the next instalment.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 18: Ewans Story 4

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