Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on Aug 28, 2007


PP/Ewans Story part 5: leaping from tree to tree...

This is a slightly shorter episode than normal, the usual stuff applies, feel free to reproduce it if you wish, although the copyright remains with me. All comments/insults/requests to spasm2(at)

There was no small figure lying in wait for me next morning on the way to school, if he'd felt half as sleepy as I had that morning, then he would really have been struggling to get out of bed. I had no idea that sex could be so tiring, I suppose the reason was that we'd really been going for it, and we'd scarcely stopped for the whole weekend; somehow sex with Paul was never as exhausting, perhaps because we pretended we had no real emotional commitment to each other.

I didn't see Ewan until lunchtime, I had responsibilities during the morning break which kept me away from the playground and that would have been my only opportunity to see him. So, I was very pleased when he materialised at my elbow at the start of lunch; `Hey, how are you?' I asked.

`I'm good, although I feel about 2 million years old,' he replied.

Rubbish,' I said, you don't look a day over a million. What's the matter, couldn't you sleep last night?'

`Sleeping wasn't the problem, it was waking up that was difficult.'

I know how you feel,' I grimaced, do you think we might have overdone it?'

Maybe we did, a little,' he answered, all of my body is aching, but in a good way I think.'

`I feel a bit like we ran a marathon, it was fantastic, but it might take a while to recover. I don't think I've ever come so many times in one weekend before.'

Probably need more zinc,' he grinned wickedly, can't have you fading out now that things have just got interesting.'

I'll give it a go,' I said, wouldn't want you to think I wasn't up to it.'

Ewan pulled me round the corner, away from the shrieking hordes of boys; `here, cop a feel of this,' he said, lifting up his blazer and pushing his bum in my direction.

Obligingly, I ran my hand over his warm, firm buttocks, `they feel alright to me, very nice in fact, what's the matter?'

`Nothing you clot, have another feel.'

Once again I obliged, it all felt smooth and nice, just as it should do. Gradually the penny dropped, and I probed a little closer; No VPL,' I said, which may mean you aren't wearing any pants, but probably means...' Here I paused and slipped my hand down the back of his trousers, caressing the smooth flesh of his naked buttocks; `Aha, you're wearing that g-string again.' Just by way of confirmation I slid my hand round to the front, and stroked his already semi-hard cock in its scanty covering of smooth fabric.

Bingo,' he smiled, I couldn't wait to see what it felt like to wear it under my school uniform I'm afraid.'

That's ok,' I said, I think mine is still stuck to the floor at your place. How does it feel anyway?'

It makes me feel really naughty, and sexy. I washed yours for you, too,' he added, but I left it at home.'

`Good call, I've got PE this afternoon, and I don't think the rest of my year is quite ready for the sight me wearing a g-string yet, that's only for you.'

Thanks,' he smiled at me, want to come for a walk in the park?'

Yeah, why not,' I answered, but we should maybe lay off the sex a bit, or we'll have nothing left for Wednesday night.'

As if that thought had crossed my mind.' Ewan pretended to look offended, then we both laughed together. I swear, if we hadn't been standing in the playground, we'd probably have got straight down to it, then and there. Seriously though, I thought we might go out into the park and look for possible photo locations.'

`In Pitt Park! You're nuts, still we can look I suppose.' I agreed. Pitt Park was once the gardens of a country residence, the shabby remnants of which now provided the borough with its library. My school backed onto one side of it, indeed, it had its own entrance. It was a pleasant, open space, surrounded by houses and gardens, with very few secluded areas. We walked out towards the centre, past the yelling teams of boys kicking a football about and away up to the top end of the park, supposedly out of bounds, but very rarely enforced.

Amongst what had once been a collection of exotic specimen trees, there remained a splendid conifer, its shape reminiscent of a bell jar and its branches reaching all the way to the ground. If you were to push your way through the prickly foliage, there was a cool clear space inside, carpeted with pine needles, with room to stand up and very well screened from prying eyes. I took Ewan over to this convenient and discreet hiding place, and pulling a branch to one side, showed him the interior.

Wow, that's good,' he breathed, pushing past me, come on.'

Smiling at his enthusiasm, I followed him into the cool green shade. He chucked his blazer down on the soft needles and sat down on it, propping his back against the tree trunk. `Do you like it?' I asked.

`It's great, what a fantastic place, however did you realise it was here?'

I've been climbing trees and getting into scrapes ever since I was little,' I replied, I've seen this kind of pine before, but never one with its branches quite as close to the ground. I've tried to see in from outside, and it is really difficult to make anything out, as long as you keep still. There's a bonus too.'

`Oh yes? What is it?'

`Follow me,' I said, and dumped my blazer next to his, before pulling off my shoes and socks. Ewan stood up and pulled off his footwear too. The tree branches formed a sort of natural spiral staircase, making it ridiculously easy to climb, as I now demonstrated. I climbed until I was about thirty feet off the ground, Ewan following easily behind me. At this level there was a natural stopping point; a thicker branch which provided a comfortable place to pause in the warm sunshine and look out over the park. I sat down on the outer fork of the branch, and watched as Ewan scrambled lightly up and sat down, his warm leg pressing comfortably against mine.

This is wonderful,' he said breathlessly, you can see everything that's going on below, how much further up can you go without being seen?'

`About another twenty foot, then the branches start to thin out.'

`Were you thinking of this as a good place to do some photos?' he asked.

No, not really, I'd probably have to use a flash, and that would certainly attract attention,' I replied, although now you come to mention it, we could try for some moody nature boy pics if you fancy. I had just thought it might be a good secret place where we could meet up without being noticed, and watch the world go by. Maybe this would a good place to come for a quiet snog sometime?'

That's a great idea,' he said, but I'd love to be your nature boy if you like. I was thinking we'd have to find somewhere backstage again, I rather liked the girls dressing room with all the mirrors. Does Paul know about this tree?'

`No, he doesn't, it can be our special place.'

Ewan leaned over and kissed me tenderly on the lips, I'm so happy,' he announced, it's all been a bit shit for the last couple of years, and now things couldn't be better.' He wrapped his arms round me and hugged me tightly, laughing with him, and marvelling at his enthusiasm, I hugged him back, kissing his sweet red lips. At the same time I was conscious of my feeling of growing arousal as my prick responded to his blandishments.

We sat wrapped together for a few minutes, looking out over the park, and soaking up the sunshine until Ewan abruptly pulled away from me and announced; I'm getting too hot,' and, suiting action to his words, he pulled off his white school shirt leaving his black and white striped school tie loosely around his throat, and revealing his honey coloured chest once more. Ah, that feels better,' he said, `how about you?'

`I'm game,' I said and started to pull my shirt off too, my slightly constricted position meant that I had to undo the waist button on my trousers before I could pull my shirt tails free, and as I raised my arms over my head, Ewan leaned forward and unzipped my flies, revealing my plain white cotton slip.

Just checking out your pants,' he grinned, by the look of things, it's pretty hot down there too.'

`How's things in yours?' I asked, entering into the spirit.

`Nothing that a bit of fresh air wouldn't cure,' he said, leaning back against the tree trunk with his hands behind his head.

I leaned forward and popped his waist button before I unzipped him, I smiled as the now familiar pink material of his g-string was revealed. His cock was still only semi erect, as was mine, and filled the soft stretchy material, its tip lurking just below the waistband. Ewan lifted his bum up off the branch, and wiggled his hips, allowing his school trousers to slip down round his ankles. I leaned forward and lifted them off his feet for him, pillowing my head briefly in his crotch and smelling the delicious boy smell of him.

`You'd better sit on these, or you'll be getting the pattern of the bark printed on your bottom,' I said, and he shifted over, enabling me to shove his trousers onto the branch. I then stood up and he tugged impatiently at my trouser legs, pulling them down, and once free, folding them into a cushion for me to sit on. Once all this was done, we settled down, side by side, naked thigh pressing against naked thigh, enjoying the warm breeze on our skins, and the feeling of contact with each other.

This is cool,' Ewan said, we can sit up here and look out over the park, and nobody can see us. You remember when we were on the bus?'

`How could I forget, it was only two days ago after all. What of it?'

`Well, here we are again, doing something sexy in a public place.' So saying, he turned round to me and pressed his lips fiercely against mine, pushing his tongue into my mouth and probing deeply. At the same time I felt a warm hand slide delicately along my thigh, softly coming to rest against my crotch. Resistance was futile, and all my good intentions of holding out for a couple of days flew out of the window as I could sense my prick stiffening. After a moment, I became very aware that he was gently stroking a finger along the length of my engorging cock. It seemed only fair to return the compliment and I too slowly ran my fingers along the firm flesh of his leg, coming to a stop when the back of my hand brushed against the warm globes of his balls. He needed no more encouragement to open his legs; enabling me to cup the soft weight of his balls in my hand. I enjoyed a few moments softly stroking him before my hand wandered on to investigate the rigid column of his manhood, which was already gloriously erect, straining at the silky yet strong material of his g-string.

As we sat on our branch, side by side, our hands slowly exploring the others cock through the smooth fabric of our pants, I became aware that, approaching on the path below, were a couple of our teachers, engrossed in conversation. Disengaging briefly from our passionate snog, I whispered in Ewans ear; `Look out below.'

`Where?' he asked.

`Those two old miseries coming down the path.'

Oh Yes,' he replied, what of them?'

`Nothing really, although I bet we'd get more than a caning from them if they caught us like this.'

`Ugh, that's a disgusting thought, they must be forty years old at least. Do you think we'll still be having sex when we're that old?'

`I don't know, but I certainly hope so.'

`Can you imagine what their faces would be like if they saw us?'

`It would depend.'

`What do you mean?'

`If they knew we knew they were watching, I guess.'

`Eh?' he grunted.

`I told you about the mysterious voyeur when Paul and I were out and about in the Lakes. What made it exciting for us was putting on a show, knowing that we would never see the man who was watching us, and yet, I suspect he will never forget us.'

`So what you're saying is, if those two happened to spot us doing it together, and we didn't know?'

`They'd probably stand and watch, that physics teacher is a dirty old bastard, he's always getting a hard on in our lessons and rubbing his prick against the bench while he's talking to us. I bet he has wet dreams about his pupils getting it on together.'

Yeah, I bet he does too, he always gets a bit too close in practicals and he stinks of beer and fags too,' Ewan agreed, enough of that, I don't want to think about them, not when I'm up a tree with my lover.'

`Not one of those sentences you hear very often,' I said sagely.

Ewan pushed at me affectionately with the flat of his free hand (we had not ceased fondling each others cocks during this brief episode) and we indulged in a little gentle horseplay, making the tree quiver as though in a sudden breeze. `Come on,' he said abruptly, and stood up, his cock jutting proudly in its barely adequate containment. He leaned over and offered me his hand to pull myself up alongside him.

`Where?' I asked.

Let's go a bit further up,' he said, you go first, I'll follow.'

`Ok,' I said, and squeezed carefully past him, our warm bodies and hard erections rubbing deliciously and all too briefly against each other as we passed. I climbed further up the tree, conscious that the branches were thinning out, and the cover was becoming less effective. Ewan was easily keeping pace with me, being able to follow my lead gave him an advantage.

Finally, I got as far as I felt it was safe to go, about ten feet below the crown of the tree and turned to see how Ewan was getting on. He was just pulling himself up to the branch below, a fine sheen of sweat showing on his almost naked body, as indeed it was on mine. `There's not really enough room for both of us on this branch,' I said, regretfully.

That's Ok,' he answered, this is fine for what I had in mind.'

`Oh yes, what was that then?' I asked.

Rather than speaking, Ewan leaned his head against my hip, and with his free hand, began to gently stroke my groin. My cock had subsided slightly during the climb, but soon revived under his tender ministrations. Looking down I was able to see that he too was stiffening up again, which turned me on even more. Slowly and carefully, Ewan tugged at the waistband of my pants, enabling my erect cock to spring free from its confinement. He pulled my pants clear, and then confidently grasped hold of my erection.

`Mmm, that feels good,' I murmured, as he began to stroke his hand up and down my hot shaft.

`It'll get better in a minute,' he said, smiling up at me cheekily, before feeding my cock into his eager mouth. Those lonely nights of practising his oral technique on himself had certainly paid off. I've said it before, but the boy was an artist of the highest order; despite all our sexual exertions over the weekend I could feel the pressure building up in my balls as he tongued urgently and expertly at the purple tip of my cock.

`I'll not be able to hold out for much longer,' I whispered huskily.

Ewan didn't reply, just continued to blow me enthusiastically. I felt the impending rush of my orgasm, and sensing this; he released my cock from his mouth and took hold of it once more. I leaned back against the trunk of the tree as my come arced into the air, spattering the branches as it made its way towards earth. Ewan gently licked the last few dribbles from the tip, and climbed up alongside me to share a soggy kiss. I put my hand down and grasped his tumescent cock that was tenting out the seemingly infinitely stretchy material of his g-string. `Hmm, what should we do about this?' I asked quizzically.

I know what I'd like to do,' he answered, laughing, but I don't think we can do it up a tree.'

`That's easily remedied, if you'd like to lead the way.'

Ewan planted another kiss on my lips, then twisted away and descended the tree like a squirrel, his semi-naked body twinkling in and out of view as he followed the spiralling branches down. I followed more circumspectly, still a little wobbly after my unanticipated orgasm, and pausing only to rescue my cotton pants from their landing place halfway down the tree. The rest of our clothing had fallen to the ground below, and when I got to ground level, Ewan had collected it all up and spread out our blazers and trousers to improvise a bed. He was lying on his side, watching for me, one hand softly stroking his erection, a welcoming smile on his lips. `Come and join me,' he said softly, patting the clothing beside him.

Of course,' I answered, and flopped down beside him, now, what shall we do about your little problem?'

`Less of the little, if you please,' he grinned, his impressive erection grasped in his fist.

Fair enough,' I said, what were you thinking of?'

`If you fancied it, I had it in mind to spunk up your bum.'

`I'm game, but I didn't bring any lubrication with me.'

`I thought of that,' he said triumphantly, and rummaged in his blazer pocket, before waving a small tub of Vaseline at me.

`Blimey, you're brave, if anyone found you with that your name would be all round the school in no time.'

`I'm not afraid; I've got nothing to hide.'

Not in those pants you haven't anyway,' I joked, no, I didn't mean that there's anything to be ashamed of, it's just that that the other boys can be very cruel, and I don't want you to be upset.' I leaned over and kissed him again, and with my free hand I pulled the skimpy material of his pants to one side, releasing his cock from its confinement. He lay back with a blissful smile as I slowly masturbated him, my own cock twitching gently back into hardness as I did so. We maintained this blameless activity in a contented silence for a few minutes, until his cock reddening and a spray of pre-cum indicated to me that he was well turned on. Eventually he softly lifted my hand away, and pushed at my hip as a hint that I should roll over. Obligingly I turned away from him, and stuck my bottom up in the air. After a brief moment, I felt him running his fingers over my cheeks, along my crack and down to my balls. I heard the faint popping sound of the lid coming off the Vaseline jar, and then a cold sensation as he slopped some of the lubricant onto my arsehole, another brief pause, when presumably he anointed his cock, and then I felt his manhood pressing against me. A momentary pressure, then it just slipped in, I heard him give a little grunt of pleasure, then, ever so slowly, he began to fuck me.

I had buried my head on my forearms, and although I was concentrating on the pleasure of the moment, I became aware that in my eye line on the path outside the bounds of the tree were the backs of a pair of black Dr Martens shoes, these were topped by some flapping blue serge trousers, and my suspicions were confirmed by the sudden crackle of a police radio. As there had been a couple of publicly reported incidents with the local pederasts attempting to lure boys into the bushes for a quick fumble, the local constabulary had arranged to send an occasional foot patrol through the park, more as a discouragement than anything else, and if they happened to catch a sixth former having a crafty spliff, so much the better. The attitude towards weed was quite strange back then, whilst it was ostensibly a hanging offence, it was still dead easy to buy the stuff, and as often as not it would be supplied in the police evidence bags from the last time it had been confiscated. What the official reaction would be, if the sentinel of the law happened to discover two naked schoolboys making love in the shade of a tree, didn't really bear thinking about.

All the time I was thinking this, Ewan was steadily pumping his cock into my arse, no sound but a faint slurping noise as his hard member penetrated deeper and deeper. I realised that he was vibrating slightly, and that he too must have noticed the policeman standing about six feet away and was struggling to contain his silent giggles. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a couple of minutes, the feet moved off down the path, round the corner and out of sight. Ewan started pushing faster, as his climax approached, and then at last I felt the fierce jets of his spunk emptying into me.

Ewan collapsed forwards and wrapped his arms round me, heaving with silent laughter. When he finally regained his composure, he spluttered in my ear; `Excuse me Sir, I have reason to believe that you might be able to turn me on.'

`Was that the long arm of the law, or are you just pleased to see me?' I added, which set him off again. Thank heavens I hadn't made any gags about truncheons, or we might never have got out of there.

I scrabbled around in the discarded clothing until I found my handkerchief, and wiped the Vaseline and spunk off Ewan, before offering him the cloth so that he could do the same for me. We'd better get dressed,' I said, lunch is nearly over, and we could do without a detention.'

I suppose so,' Ewan pouted, it's just so nice being naked together.'

There's Wednesday night to consider,' I added, we've got a whole night together, and not all of it needs to be your dyslexia exercises.'

That's true,' he brightened up, what should we do?'

`I don't know, but I'd hazard a guess that there might be some sex involved. In fact, I'm going to go away tonight and eat a whole load of zinc to make sure of it.'

`Would you like to do another photo session?' he asked.

`If we can fit it into our busy schedule,' I grinned.

`Oh, I think we might, you can leave the storyline to me, there might just be something in the dressing up box. Just make sure you bring plenty of film with you.'

`Sounds intriguing, what did you have in mind?'

`You'll just have to wait and see.'

We dressed, taking care to brush the pine needles and dust off our clothes, no need to draw attention to ourselves after all, and after a swift peek to see if the coast was clear, we left our tree and made our way across the park and back to school. As luck would have it, when I made it to my PE lesson that afternoon, we were made to run around the perimeter of the park, and as I panted round the tarmac path, passing the same policeman, and indeed the tree where we had made love earlier, I reflected on what an exciting time I was having these days.

At the end of the school day I looked about me as I made my way out of the school gates, but there was no sign of Ewan anywhere. In typical schoolboy fashion we had made no arrangement to meet up, so I just ambled home. About ten minutes after I'd got back and changed out of my uniform, there was a ring at the front door, and Ewan was standing there, a big grin on his face, `I missed you at the gates, so I thought I'd come round and persecute you here for a bit'

That's good,' I said, but we won't be able to do anything here, my sister's here, and my mother will be in any minute.'

`That's ok, I thought we could just muck about, my dad won't be home for a while, and I get a bit lonely on my own.'

Of course, you know you're very welcome here, let's grab a cup of tea and go up to my room.' My sister was sitting in the kitchen, nose stuck in a book, and pointedly ignoring her little brother, so I quickly made a couple of mugs of tea, and we bundled up the stairs to my bedroom. None of the bedrooms had locks on the doors, and my room contained the airing cupboard, so there was always a chance of someone walking through. I had realised, however, that if you jammed a chair under the door handle, it provided a very satisfactory obstruction. Chuck your bag on the floor,' I commanded, `I've something to show you.'

`That sounds exciting, but before you do that, could you lend me a pair of your pants? I had to take my g-string off when I got back to school; it had got a bit too sticky to be comfortable.'

`Of course, what would you like? I thought you were hanging a bit loose in there.'

`Can I have something that you've used in a photo session?'

Yes, I'm sure you can,' I laughed, and turned to rummage in my underwear drawer, behind me I could hear the sounds of Ewan stripping off his shoes and school trousers as I looked for the pants I had in mind. Here you are, try these,' I announced, waving a pair of white mesh pants with a blue trim at Ewan, who was standing there, looking very cute dressed only in a white school shirt and tie.

He snatched them from me and impatiently pulled them on, `Wow, these are good, you can see right through them, have you got a mirror?'

I indicated the mirror on my clothes cupboard, and Ewan pranced across the room, hitching his shirt up as he went, and posing in front of the mirror, `I like these, but I've never seen any photos with these in, have I?'

`No, I don't think so, but you certainly can,' I lifted the loose floorboard in the airing cupboard, and hauled out some of the boxes of prints that I kept hidden there. Chucking them down by the old sheepskin rug that lay on my bed, I knelt down on the floor beside them and a moment later, I could feel the warmth of Ewans semi-naked body pressing alongside mine.

`Come on then, show me,' he ordered.

I didn't need any more encouragement, and opened up the box of pictures in which Paul had modelled the very same pants. I could sense that Ewan was getting quite excited as he leafed through the prints. He found an image of Paul sitting back in his chair, his erection stiff and symmetrical and partially visible through the mesh. This one is really sexy,' he said, how do I measure up?' He got up and copied the pose, leaning back in my bedside chair, his shirt tails flicked to either side. By now his cock was fully erect, and he too filled the pants out rather nicely.

Looks pretty good to me,' I answered, getting up and standing in front of him, I'd say you've got the length on him, but Paul's is thicker, and of course, it does have that unusual curve.' I could feel my prick stiffening up as I gazed down on the beautiful boy, watching his fingers languidly caress his penis through the fabric in a moment of casual eroticism. Wait a minute,' I said, there's a roll of film in my camera with about a dozen frames left, d'you want to do a quickie?'

`Why not, I'm half naked already,' he grinned.

I grabbed my camera from the desk; Ewan had pulled his shirt off, and was lounging in the chair, his bulging groin thrust subtly forward. That's nice,' I said, kneeling down to grab the picture, now let's take it on a bit.'

Ewan spun round on the chair, weight on one knee and the other leg in the floor, thrusting his lovely butt out towards the lens; I took a couple of low shots as he opened his legs, showing his balls and the base of his erection. `How does that look?' he asked.

`Great, if you could show me a little hand action, and then maybe move over to the bed?'

`Ok,' he answered, and slipped his hand along his thigh, stroking the globe of his balls, and teasingly tugging at the leg hole of his pants. He stood up; giving me a wonderful profile shot of his cock partially visible through the mesh fabric then threw himself onto the bed; lying on one side with one knee up he delicately caressed his rigid penis with his finger tips. I leaned in for a close-up as Ewan rolled over onto his chest, his legs splayed wide and looking coyly back over his shoulder. After a moment his hand crept through between his legs and he lifted his butt clear of the bed to give me an uninterrupted view of the action. He rolled over again and arched his back, thrusting his crotch towards the camera. Slowly he slipped his fingers under the waistband of his pants, the tip of his long, slim cock breaking free as soon as the pressure was released.

That's lovely,' I whispered, as he began to stimulate himself directly, his fingers partially visible through the mesh fabric. He grunted softly, his mind plainly on other things, and I carefully framed another shot, conscious that I didn't have much film left, as it happened, this was to be the last one, and after rewinding I reluctantly set the camera to one side. Ewan was oblivious to all this, his hazel eyes were closed, and his hand in his pants slowly working away. I knelt down beside the bed and leaned over his supine body before kissing him softly on the lips; Mmm,' he murmured, `more please.'

How could I to refuse, I climbed onto my bed next to him and placed one hand onto his hip, the other stroking his hair as I kissed his lips more vigorously. Ewan drowsily curled his arms round me, and we snuggled close, our erections pressing firmly together. We lay still, just enjoying the sensation of being in the others arms for the moment, no need to do or say anything.

Our sexual reverie was interrupted by the sound of the front door slamming, Oh-oh,' I said, that'll be my mother, best put your clothes back on, she's bound to pop in and say hello.' I put all the pictures back into their box, and shoved them out of sight under the bed, spreading some school books out in their place. A quick look round to make sure that Ewan was decent, then I pulled the chair away from the door and we flopped down innocently by the bed again. A few minutes later she opened the door, took in the innocent scene, smiled at Ewan and said, `Hello you two, I'll not interrupt you, come and find me if you need anything, can you stay for tea, Ewan?'

Thank you,' Ewan said politely, but I'll need to get off home in a minute, my dad will be back soon and he'll wonder where I've got to.'

`I'll walk across the common with you,' I said.

Don't be too long,' my mother said, you've got homework to do, and I don't suppose you'll do much of that when you stop over on Wednesday night. Why don't you pack your sleepover stuff and take it over with you now, that way you can head off with Ewan straightaway after school.'

`I thought we were going to come back here for tea first?' I asked.'

`Oh yes, so you were, well it's up to you, I just thought that you might want to get as much playtime together while the light was still good. I know what you can be like, and I don't suppose Ewan is very different.'

Well, if you don't mind I think I will go straight to Ewans after school,' I said, thanks, I'll put some clothes together.' My mother smiled and pulled the door shut, and I heard her go back downstairs before I turned to Ewan, `what should I bring?'

Ah well, there's a question,' he smiled enigmatically, how about you bring a few pants and a couple of t-shirts, for anything else you can raid my brothers old clothes and the dressing-up box.'

`You're not telling me much are you,' I grinned.

`No. I'm not am I; just try to keep your hands off your cock for a couple of nights!'

Cheeky little sod,' I gasped, I think you'll find it takes two to tango.'

`Yeah, fair do's, I'll be doing the same.'

When we made it to the other side of the common, Ewans dad had an offer for us; `There's a lecture at the science museum tomorrow evening, lots of bangs and flashes, fancy it? It won't be too late, and I'll bring you back, may even spring you for a meal if you behave yourselves.'

`I'll need to check back with home, but if I get all my homework done tonight, I can't see there being a problem.'

`Ok, give us a ring when you get back to let us know, I'll sort out the tickets tomorrow and give Ewan the details.'

The nest couple of nights promised to be quite exciting, in different ways, I mused as I pedalled back across the common. This relationship thing was quite demanding, although I had spent quite a lot of time with Paul it had always been compartmentalised; sex, photography or both and when it was over that was it. With Ewan it was different, he wanted us to be together as much as possible, and I needed to adjust to this. This might seem callous, but remember I was only a teenager and had never had an emotional commitment before.

When I got home, there was a message for me to call Paul, with a pang of guilt I realised that I had scarcely given him a thought. I raced though my homework and rang him.

`Hi, what're you up to?' he asked.

`Just bumming around, doing that homework thing, why d'you ask?'

`Oh nothing much, just haven't seen you around for ages, wondered if you'd managed to print any of our holiday snaps yet?'

With another guilty start I realised that I hadn't told him that I'd had a printing session. `Oh, yeah, I printed some up last week, didn't see you at school to tell you, d'you want to see them?'

`Yeah, that'd be good. How do they look?'

`They're really good, I think we really got something, even your pics of me are quite good.'

`Oh ha ha, when can I see them?'

`When are you around, I don't really want to bring them into school.'

`I'm not doing anything right now, and there's nobody in, my little brother is doing some sort of scout thing, and they've all gone to watch, can you come round?'

`I suppose so, I've finished my homework. What time do your folks get back?'

They said they wouldn't be back til after nine, so we've got a while.'

`Ok, I'll be round in a few minutes.' I went up to my room and threw the box of prints into my backpack and cycled round to Pauls house.

When he answered the door he was dressed in a plain black t-shirt and a new pair of the sort of thin blue nylon running shorts that split right up the sides; he grinned at me; `Welcome, stranger, long time no see.'

It's not that bad,' I said grumpily, I've just been busy, and I haven't seen any sign of you.'

That's cause I was doing a work experience thing with the gas board, I told you about it.'

`So you did, I'd forgotten all about it, how was it?'

It was pretty dull, I don't think I want to work for them. Anyway you're here now, so let's go up to my room.' Paul led the way up the stairs; As he climbed in front of me I could see little flashes of the purple trim on his pants. His bedroom was as untidy as ever; the only free surface being the bed, and he hurled himself onto it on his side. I sat down opposite and took out the box of pictures. I've been looking forward to seeing these,' he said, taking it from me, `I get really turned on just thinking about it.'

I can see that,' I smiled, the wide legs of his shorts didn't conceal much, and from where I sat I could see that he was already starting to stiffen up. He had put on a pair of his purple mesh nylon pants that gave me tantalising glimpses of the treasures within. If I hadn't been somewhat sated I would have found it very difficult to resist. New shorts?' I asked.

`Yes, do you like them?' Paul answered, raising his leg, and giving me an even better view up at his crotch.

`I think they're great, can't believe that anything so revealing would be easy to buy though.'

`They're just regular running shorts, I think you're meant to wear some sort of athletic support if you're actually using them as the manufacturer intended,' he grinned.

`Oh, I see, I could imagine that you might feel a little exposed wearing those on the running track. It's a pity I haven't got my camera with me, they're ever so sexy.'

`That's why I put them on, you donkey, I thought, if you're like me, you probably haven't been getting any since we came back from the lakes.'

Now he was making me feel even worse, he was being generous and thoughtful, and whilst I was genuinely turned on by him, all my feelings were for Ewan. Fortunately Paul wasn't a mind reader, and anyway he had opened the box of pictures and was concentrating on them. I figured that at the very least I could give him some pleasure, and leaned over, placing my hand on his shorts, tracing the length of his rigid column through the shiny fabric. Before I slipped my hand up the wide leg and continued my explorations; first stroking his buttocks and then moving back round to the front to examine his hard cock through the material of his mesh pants.

Paul moaned gently in appreciation, I've missed this,' he said, it's not the same when you do it to yourself. These pics have come out really well, by the way.'

Thank you, kind Sir, it makes all the difference that I had a good model, now, lift your bum up a moment.' Paul obligingly shifted his weight and I pulled his shorts down, revealing the outline of his curved cock distorting the see-through purple mesh of his pants. I see you've kept up with the shaving, at the front at least.'

`Yeah, I need some help to shave my crack, so I've had to let that grow.'

I bent forward and began to kiss and lick his cock through the fabric, as Paul continued to examine the pictures. I tugged the waistband of his pants down and he shuffled his bottom again, allowing me to pull them free and take his hot erection in hand.

As I started to wank him, I felt his attention shift; `Hello, what's this?' he asked, waving a contact print at me.

I looked up from my task, and realised that I had forgotten to remove the contact sheets and prints of Ewan's first film from the box, happily this was the set we'd printed together, so it only had the shots Ewan had posed himself and not the images of his abuse. Paul was looking bemused, `that's that film I took out of Ewan's camera, remember?'

Oh, yeah, you didn't tell me hed been doing nudey pics though.'

`I haven't seen you to tell, if you remember.'

`Can't really see much on these, they're too small,' Paul grumbled.

`I printed them up, there's some full sized prints further down the box,' I said, resuming my firm manipulation of his cock.

So there are,' Paul said, after a little rummage, although I'm only looking to see if he's as big as me.'

`I wouldn't have thought he is,' I lied, but then took his hot length into my mouth to prevent having to answer any more questions.

Paul gazed at the prints with obvious fascination as I teased the tip of his cock with my tongue. Although I was confident that I gave a good blow-job (let's just say I'd never had any complaints), I had adopted some of Ewans techniques and combined them with mine and I could see from the signs that it wasn't going to take much longer before he blew his load. I disengaged for a moment, keeping a firm grip on his slippery member, there was a bead of pre-cum welling up at the tip, and he was plainly transfixed by the images of Ewan. `Don't stop now,' he murmured huskily.

Stroking the soft and hairless globes of his balls with my fingers, I went down on him again. I could fell his cock swelling and getting hotter in my mouth as his orgasm approached. Suddenly he came, jet after jet of his hot spunk spraying into my mouth, poor boy obviously hadn't come for a while, maybe there were benefits to abstinence after all. He fell back onto the bed, and I let his purple cock slip from my mouth, I had a little dribble of his spunk at the corner of my mouth, and used it to delicately anoint our foreheads, in my customary fashion.

Paul was looking troubled again, I knew what was going through his mind and decided to make it easier for him. `You know that porno mag you had where there's a photoset of a girl with two blokes?'

`Yeah, what of it?'

`You quite liked that one didn't you?'

`Yes,' he answered slowly.

`My point is that you got turned on by imagining that you were one or other of the blokes, there was nothing gay about it. So, this time round you got turned on by another naked and sexy body, it's not as though he was in your bed. He's just been experimenting like you did with the Polaroid.'

Yeah,' he said, that's it, he was probably doing the same as I was, and I'm just making a comparison. He's really quite well hung for a tiddler, isn't he?'

D'you know,' I replied blandly, I really couldn't say, he's only the year below you after all, and I seem to remember that you were perfectly well developed when we did our first pics together.'

Would you like to do another photo session sometime?' Paul asked, surprising me, I thought the shorts would work well, maybe we could find an outdoor location.'

`Yeah, we should, the shorts are great, although I think that much as I appreciate them those pants are probably not the best option.'

That's easily sorted, I only put them on because I know you think they're sexy,' Paul grinned, We can pick something else out when we do it, and maybe you could find the time to give me a better shave too.'

I ran my hand over his denuded pubic mound, he must have shaved that evening, because it was smooth as I imagine a baby's bottom feels. `I don't know, you seem to be doing a pretty good job.'

`I have to keep shaving, or it gets incredibly itchy and then everyone'll think I've got crabs. It does work though.'

`What do you mean?'

`It does make my cock look bigger, doesn't it?'

I suppose so,' I answered, it's certainly very horny, although a bit high maintenance for my liking. I don't think you've got much reason to worry on the size front, though.'

Paul slowly pulled his pants back up, and then his shorts, his cock was still dribbling a little come, and soon a big damp stain spread slowly across the shiny fabric. He dabbed ineffectually at it with his hand; shit!' he swore, I`ll have to change out of them now.'

`Possibly not the outfit you want your folks to find you in when they come back anyway,' I said, helpfully.

`You're right,' he answered, jumping up off the bed and pulling his shorts off again. Once more, the saggy old track suit bottoms were hauled on, and Paul was ready to face his parents.

That set of prints is for you to keep,' I said helpfully, as I tidied them back into the box, but I could take away the ones of Ewan if you like?'

No, it's ok,' he replied, I might as well hang on to them, after all there's nothing queer about being turned on by a naked body.'

`Suit yourself, I'd better make a move, though, or my mother will be bending my ear about staying out late on a school night again.' Right on cue, we heard the rattle of a door key, and Pauls little brother bounced up the stairs, looking rather cute in his scout uniform. It was just as well I had put the pictures away, as he raced into Pauls bedroom to show him some sort of cup he had won. I made my excuses and headed for the door, politely saying goodnight to his parents as I left.

As I cycled back to my house I wondered if Paul would realise that I hadn't been especially turned on by our encounter, or that I hadn't removed any of my clothing. I came to the conclusion that he might, but that he would never work out that I was romantically involved with Ewan, unless he found us shagging in front of him. On balance, I thought, best to keep the two of them apart, Paul was never going to accept that he swung both ways, and Ewan was so gloriously unconcerned about his sexuality that he was bound to say the wrong thing. Pity though, I thought, with my pornographers hat on, there was all sort of interesting potential there. Never mind, Ewan was willing and inventive, and now Paul was showing more signs of creativity too. Come what may (and I suspect that come it would), this summer term was promising to be very interesting.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 20: Ewans Story 6

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