Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on Dec 7, 2007


PP/Ewans Story part 7: three's a crowd?

Here we go, another episode. Please be aware that this is a work of fiction, and it does contain explicit sexual description. All the usual caveats apply; feel free to reproduce the story elsewhere, crediting the author of course, all rights remain mine. Comments/insults/requests to spasm2(at)

That night we slept the untroubled sleep of the innocent, or perhaps just of the truly shagged, undisturbed even by the sound of Ewans dad coming home. There's something particularly special about awakening wrapped in the arms of the person you love and the next morning I snapped into consciousness and found that I hadn't been dreaming after all. There, revealed in the early morning sunshine was Ewans warm and softly breathing body snuggled up to mine, his blonde head on the pillow next to me, and of in the distance I could hear the clattering sounds of his dad making his breakfast. I felt curiously elated, the events of the previous evening had been a cathartic moment for our relationship, and as we gained in confidence and trust the sex was getting better and better too.

As I became more aware, I realised that I had my customary early morning stiffy, and a cautious exploration revealed that Ewan was in a similar condition. However, I desperately needed to pee, so for the moment, careful not to disturb the sleeping boy, I extracted myself from our loose tangle of limbs and pulled on my t shirt and jeans. Once I had finished in the toilet, I could hear the radio on in the kitchen and padded downstairs in my bare feet to see if I could blag us a cup of tea, it was quite early, but we would have to be getting up soon, or we'd be late for school. Ewans dad was sitting at the table reading The Times, still in his dressing gown and slippers; the Today programme burbling away quietly on the radio, a cup of tea and some toast by his elbow.

`Morning,' I said cheerfully.

Morning,' he replied, is that son of mine awake yet?'

Nope,' I grinned, when I looked he was still out for the count. I thought I'd take up some tea and see if that'll get him up.'

`Good idea, although a bucket of cold water might be more effective. I didn't disturb you when I came in last night, by the way?'

`No, not me, I sleep pretty soundly, and you know all about Ewan.'

True,' he nodded, I saw the note, and the lights were out, so I figured that you were alright. How about that explosion though, were you able to hear it from here?'

`What explosion?' I asked innocently.

`Look,' he waved the newspaper at me, there was an article on an inside page; West London bomb factory? screamed the headline and there was a blurry photo of the shattered remnants of Mr Symonds garage. I have to confess that we had done a pretty thorough demolition job, judging by the picture. The article was much more circumspect than the headline, and merely stated that the police hadn't ruled anything in or out at this stage of their investigation.

Oh that's what it was,' I said, we did hear something, but we were doing Ewans reading exercises at the time and couldn't see anything.'

`Ah well, I expect it was just a gas explosion, they're always very quick to blame the IRA whenever something blows up*.

That's quite exciting,' I said, I wonder where the explosion was, it doesn't say in the paper'.

I don't want you boys poking around in bomb sites,' he said firmly, hadn't you better be getting ready for school anyway?'

Yup,' I answered, as I poured two mugs of tea from the pot, how does Ewan take his?'

`One sugar normally.'

I stirred Ewans tea and grabbing both mugs I headed upstairs again. Ewan hadn't stirred during my brief absence, and didn't move when I carefully put down the mugs of tea and stripped off to my pants again. Rather than climb back into bed, I knelt down beside him and slowly slipped my hand under the bedclothes. Carefully, so as not to disturb his slumber, I groped for where I expected his knees to be, and once I'd established contact with his body, I softly stroked his thigh.

[*Authors note: It turned out that there was indeed an IRA active service unit discovered about ten years later within a few streets of Mr Symonds house.]

Ewan was lying on his side facing towards me, his knees drawn up slightly; and my meandering fingers soon encountered the soft cotton of his pants as they covered the sweet globes of his butt. I paused for a few moments to enjoy the sensation of gently stroking his bottom; my own stiffy had revived within a few moments of my beginning to explore the boys sleeping body and while I was pleasuring Ewan I rubbed it with my other hand.

After an all too brief episode, Ewans body began to move slowly, as he unconsciously began to respond to my ministrations. Without opening his eyes, I felt Ewan straighten his legs, and then slowly roll over onto his back, my hand trailing over his hip and ending up resting on his crotch. It was plain that even in sleep he was as horny as I was, his long and slender cock forming a rigid column in his soft white cotton pants. I slowly stroked my fingertips over the distended fabric; up and down the length of his stiff cock and over the soft roundness of his balls, thrilling to the strange familiarity of it all. Ewan moaned in his sleep, his mouth slightly agape and his tongue licking at his lips. I was getting really turned on by the effect I could see that I was having on him; my own cock was rock hard and leaking pre-cum into the cotton of my pants.

As I kneeled by the bedside; with one hand I hauled the fabric of my white tanga briefs to one side and took hold of my moist, hot dick, I slipped the other hand under his straining pants and carefully pulled them to one side freeing his erection from its confinement. He grunted softly as I grasped his cock, but still didn't waken even as I began to masturbate him, matching the rhythm with my other hand on my own cock.

I leaned forward, my hair brushing over his face, and softly kissed his red lips, and as I did so, his eyelids fluttered open and after a moment of confusion he smiled up at me; `Oh, it's not a dream then, what a nice way to wake up.'

I grinned down at him. `yeah, isn't it.'

Ewan flung back the bedclothes, and spread his legs wide giving me total freedom to play with his cock, and I used the advantage to step up the pace a little. To tell the truth, I was nowhere near coming, but I was loving the sensation of his firm penis sliding in my fist. Ewan had shut his eyes again and was lying back, a contented grin on his face as I worked expertly on our cocks. I leaned over him again, this time to engulf his hot length in my mouth. He wriggled deliciously as I tongued him, and I was very conscious of the sweet scent of his awakening body. After a moment or two, I felt his outstretched hand groping for my cock, and obligingly shuffled over to make it easier for him.

He clasped my hand briefly, before supplanting it and taking up the steady rhythm. We stayed in that position for what seemed like an age, until Ewan murmured; Fancy a sixty-nine?' I didn't answer, as I'd always been told that it was rude to speak with your mouthful, instead, I carefully got up without letting him go, and straddled his recumbent body. His hand reached for my dangling cock, and fed it into his mouth. I have mentioned Ewans virtuosity when it came to blow jobs, and if anything was going to make me come, this would be it. We sucked in blissful silence for a while, and I was just beginning to feel the orgasmic pressure building up in my balls when Ewan abruptly spat my cock out; I'm sorry,' he groaned, `but I have to have a piss.'

I reluctantly let his cock go, and climbed off him, that's ok,' I smiled, drinking in the vision of his sprawling semi-naked body, his cock red and sticky, hanging out of the side of his white tanga briefs, there's plenty of time.' I offered him my hand, and hauled him up off the bed, briefly clasping him against my body, our cocks rubbing deliciously against each other as I did so.

`Sorry,' he said again, and dashed for the bathroom without bothering to tuck his erection away. I followed more slowly and perched on the side of the bath, stroking at my erection and watching him as he directed a yellow stream of piss into the toilet bowl. I've never been turned on by water sports, but in my ever increasing infatuation I would have been happy to watch Ewan picking his nose. The simple luxury of being able to be with Ewan was enough to keep me contented, the sex and fantasy aspect of our relationship was a fantastic bonus.

My erotic reverie was rudely interrupted by the sound of Ewans dad shouting up from the bottom of the stairs; `Are you two boys up yet, or am I going to have to come up with a bucket of cold water?'

`Yes, we're up,' we chorused in unison, as Ewan shook the drips off his cock.

`Good, get washed up and I'll see you downstairs in ten minutes, don't make me come up, or there'll be trouble.'

Put the kettle on, please,' Ewan shouted politely, we'll be down in a minute. We'll have to shower together,' he said to me, `or we'll be late.'

`That'll be a hardship,' I giggled, turning the shower on and reaching for Ewan. I grasped his tangas by the waistband, and slid them slowly down, his still firm cock jutting proudly out once his pants were off.

He pulled me up onto my feet, and almost reverently pulled my pants off; and together we climbed into the hot water. I soaped his naked body, thrilling as I ran my hands over his beautiful boy body. Even after all we'd done together; I sometimes found it hard to believe my luck. I caressed his sweet butt, a soapy hand finding its way into his crack and gently probing at the pucker of his anus. `Oh, I wish we had time for that,' he groaned, as I felt his hands beginning to explore my bottom.

Me too,' I said, being good and ceasing my sexual torment, we'll just have to save it for later.' I kissed him passionately, by way of an apology for my cruelty. We soaped and washed each others cocks, and stood pressed together under the streaming water to rinse off. It was perhaps fortunate that the water began to run cool, as I suspect that Ewans dad would have been on the warpath fairly soon. Wrapping ourselves in towels we raced across the corridor to Ewans room, and towelled each other dry.

`Could I wear some of your pants?' Ewan asked.

`Of course, but why? You've got plenty of your own here'.

`I know, but I'd feel really sexy knowing that I was wearing something of yours all the way through school.'

That makes sense,' I agreed, help yourself.'

Ewan rummaged in my bag, until he discovered my pale blue nylon pants, can I wear these?' he breathed, his cock springing into life again, I love that picture of you in them.'

`Sure, if you give me a kiss,' I grinned.

Ewan bounced over to me, his semi-erect cock swinging enticingly with his movement and planted a passionate and prolonged kiss on my lips. I could feel my own cock stiffening up in response to him, and a swift glance revealed that he was once again fully hard.

Come on,' I groaned, we must get dressed or your dad will be up here in a minute.'

Ewan pouted briefly, then spun away and pulled on my blue pants. The fine nylon strained to contain his cock, but was equal to the task although the outline of his glans was plainly visible through the fabric. `How do I look?' he asked, twirling in front of me.

Wonderful,' I croaked, suddenly dry mouthed, I wish I had my camera out.'

It'll just have to be another time,' he grinned, here, you put these on,' he tossed me a pair of his new briefs; `then when I see you at school I'll know what you're wearing and you'll be thinking of me in these.'

I was happy to oblige, and pulled on his pants, he'd already removed the modesty panel, so the shape of my erect cock was just about as visible through the cotton as his was. Ewan obediently pulled on his grey school trousers, even through the saggy material the outline of his rampant cock was plainly visible, if you happened to be looking out for it of course. I quickly dressed in my school uniform, and once we were both ready we clattered down the stairs to the kitchen.

Ewans dad was rinsing his tea mug in the sink when we burst into the room, Ah there you are,' he said, smiling, I was beginning to think I would have to come up and fetch you. There's tea in the pot, and you know where everything else is, I'm going to have to make a dash for it, I've an important meeting this morning.' With that he put his mug on the drainer and bustled out of the room, a moment later we heard the front door slam, and his car pulling away.

Blimey,' Ewan said, that was a quick exit even for him. Still, no time for awkward questions, which is nice.'

Have a look at the paper,' I said, there's a picture of our handiwork in it.'

Yeah?' he asked, where?'

I leafed through the paper until I found the page, and spread it out in front of him. Ewan hunched eagerly over the table, and I was irresistibly reminded of his slow motion strip tease the evening before. While he was standing there, concentrating on the story, I stood behind him, and very slowly began to stroke his bottom through the soft grey serge of his school trousers. He wiggled his hips in appreciation, and spread his legs apart, allowing me to follow the curves of his butt through between his legs and to feel the rigid length of his cock from behind.

Mmm, that feels so good,' he purred, don't stop.'

`Ok then,' I agreed, and moved in close behind him, pressing my erection against the seat of his school trousers. I was able to reach round the front, undo his waist button and slide my hand into the warm darkness. I had managed to resist fondling him in the skimpy nylon pants up to this point, as I had been trying to be good. As I continued to explore his cock, his appreciative wiggling caused his trousers to slip down over his slim boy hips, and come to rest around his ankles. I continued to stroke him through the silky fabric, becoming conscious of the dampness of the fine nylon as his pre-cum began to flow. With my other hand I brushed his blond hair back behind his ear, and began kissing his neck. He arched his back, and pressed back hard against me, grinding the silky nylon covering his sweet buttocks against my stiffy. I was just sliding my hand under the waistband of his pants when I heard the sound of a key in the lock of the front door.

Fuck! It's the cleaner,' Ewan squeaked, hauling up his trousers with one hand, she's not usually this early.'

As it happened, he was wrong, his dad came back into the kitchen and grinned to us, seated innocently at the table by this point, `Sorry if I gave you a scare, but I forgot some notes. Do you want a lift to the other side of the common? You'll have to be quick though.'

We both nodded, and he turned out of the room, presumably to collect the missing notes, Ewan turned to me and giggled; that was a bit close, quite exciting though.' He pushed his chair back from the table; his trousers were still gaping wide and his cock still firm and hard. As he turned towards me, I grabbed at the grey serge, did up the waist button, and pulled up his zipper, not without a great feeling of regret. I gave his erection a conciliatory stroke; Sorry, but there's a time and place for everything, and this just isn't going to be it.'

I know,' he replied, but I had to give it a try.'

Later,' I smiled, I'll leave my bike and my day clothes here and come back after school to collect them if that's ok?'

`Yeah, that'll be good; dad may not be back early tonight.'

We were summoned into the hall, and bundled our bags into the boot of the car, we sat crammed together on the back seat, our legs rubbing companiably as we bumped down the road. We were turfed out on a wide suburban street, and waved as he drove away; shouldering our school bags, we made our way towards school.

We parted company at the gate, after we'd made a vague arrangement to meet after school, and I was crossing the playground when Paul suddenly appeared at my elbow; `Morning.'

`Oh, hi,' I said.

`Saw you come in with that Ewan boy, how come?'

`Yeah, I met him on the way into school, what of it?' I lied.

`Nothing really, just curious.'

`I'll let you into a secret, if you're interested?'

`Go on,' he prompted.

`I'm getting paid to give him some extra lessons after school, that's why I've not been around so much.' I hated not being able to tell Paul the whole truth, but I didn't think that he'd be able to cope with it.

`Oh so that's it,' he sounded relieved, and typically, as soon as school and learning were mentioned, he switched off.

`Why, what were you thinking?' I pressed.

`Dunno really, hadn't really thought about it. Although I did wonder if you'd maybe been taking pics with him instead of with me.'

`Oh yeah, and what would you feel about that?'

`I'm not very sure; d'you remember those pics you developed from the film that was jammed in his camera?'

`Oh yeah, what about them?' I asked gently.

`Well they're really hot, almost as good as the ones we've taken together, I can't get them out of my mind.'

`Really!' I said, trying not to sound too startled, after all Paul was admitting that he found pictures of a semi-naked and very obviously horny young boy made him feel sexy. I know he had been masturbating over the pictures of the two of us since the beginning, but he'd been living the fiction that we were just perfecting our wanking techniques until we found the perfect girl. Not just that, but he had convinced himself that the images might actually help him to find a girlfriend. Of course, he also tossed himself off over porno images of blokes stuffing girls, but that was different.

`So, since you are still quite pally with him, and he's obviously done it before, I was wondering if you might be able to persuade him to model for some more pictures. Maybe try and get him to take things a little further than he does in those pics?'

Right,' I said thoughtfully, whilst at the same time gleefully thinking; if only you knew the half of it. So, let me get this right, you want me to persuade him to model naked for some photos, and what would you contribute to this?'

`I dunno, I thought maybe I could watch the session.'

I can't see that working somehow,' I said discouragingly, I think you would probably have to go some way to gain his trust before he'd let you do that. Think back to our early picture sessions, how would you have felt about someone watching us?'

Oh,' he sounded disappointed, d'you think it might be that difficult? After all I remember he used to run about the hut just in his pants up in the Lake District, and I saw him having a wank.'

`Yes, but that's different, I don't suppose he specifically intended you to watch him wanking, and anyway everyone's a bit freer about what they do when they're on holiday.'

`So maybe if we recreated the conditions that we had on the holiday he might be a bit easier to persuade?'

`I suppose he might, but it's a bit of an academic question, since we're not going to be able to travel all that way.'

`No, no, not to the Lakes, you idiot, I've had an idea.'

`Oh yeah, give it to me.'

`My uncle has a canal boat; he says he believes I'm old and sensible enough now to borrow it for a weekend. I think he believes he's lending me a possible shag pad to play in. We could take it out on Friday afternoon after school, sail up the canal for a couple of hours, moor up and make some tea, then next morning we'd only need to go for a couple more hours before we're far enough into the countryside to be away from prying eyes. Nearby the canal I know this fantastic ruined watermill that would make the perfect place to do some pictures without being overlooked.'

`I have to admit that it's an idea, if your uncle will lend us his boat of course. How many people does this boat sleep?'

`Six in three berths, I've been out on it a few times, it's quite nice and it even has a shower and a toilet on board.'

`Blimey, it sounds like the QE2, how big is it?'

`Twenty-seven feet long, and six foot six wide, it's a proper narrow boat.'

`It sounds perfect, though we'd have to spread out a bit, one per berth if we don't want Ewan to get ideas about us.'

`Yeah, I suppose so,' he said ruefully.

`Anyway, we're jumping the gun, you don't know that you can borrow the boat, we don't know if Ewan can come or will want to come and none of us know if our parents will let us.'

`I know my folks are ok, they've been trying to get me to spend more time outdoors, and the beauty of a narrow boat is that they go so slowly that even if we travelled without stopping for a whole day we could never get more than a 20 minute drive from home.'

`Alright, I'll run it past my mother, and if she's cool and you can get the use of the boat, then you're on. If Ewan can't come, then maybe you and I can go and play in the sunshine, ok? I'll let you into another secret though.'

`What's that?'

`I think Ewan might have sussed some of what we were up to in the lakes, remember how he was always hanging about? Some of the things he's said since lead me to believe he saw more than he's telling.'

`That could be good isn't it?' he asked, looking worried.

`Yeah, I think so, he hasn't run screaming to the hills, or said anything funny about us at school. Look, if you do want to try to do this, then I think your strategy needs to be quite subtle, don't just slap your cock on the table top in front of him, let's keep things under wraps.'

`What do you mean?' he looked puzzled.

`I think you might be able to seduce him into modelling; we'd just have to behave normally around him for a bit, it should be warm and sunny over the weekend, giving us plenty of opportunities not to be overdressed. Skimpy shorts and t-shirts would be a good start, maybe even Speedos as the sun gets up. Those new running shorts of yours would be really good, they can flash your bits, but only if someone's looking or you choose to make it a bit obvious.'

Oh right,' he said, looking relieved, but I wasn't planning to get involved, I just wanted to set up a situation where you could photograph him.'

`Yeah, I know, but if he thinks we're relaxed and easy about all of us boys being together, then it might be so much easier to get him to play along. After all, you didn't seem to have a problem putting on a bit of a show for our Mr Pervert up in the Lakes, now did you?'

`I suppose if you put it like that, just so long as he doesn't get the idea that I'm a queer.'

No, I'm sure he won't, you just have a liking for naked flesh.' I said, still baffled by Pauls' ability to deny the obvious. Let's leave it at that for the moment, we need to find a few things out before we can do any more, I'll mention it to Ewan when I see him next and see what my mother says too, I'll give you a call this evening.'

`Ok, that's cool,' he said and mooched off into the playground, my musings were caught short by the sound of the bell for morning assembly, so for the moment I tried to put the idea to the back of my mind. School was school, as ever, and was both sufficiently boring and demanding to keep most of my attention for the rest of the day.

I have to admit that I was a bit startled though, whilst it was abundantly clear that Paul had been really turned on by the accidental discovery of Ewans pics, I never thought he'd actually admit to having taken an interest. My dilemma was whether or not I wanted to let this go any further, after all, I was likely to end up as piggy in the middle, and if this was something that was likely to damage Ewan then I really didn't want to be a part of it. Despite my confusion, I was still certain that I loved the boy, I only had to see him crossing the playground for my heart to leap into my throat, and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him or to harm our growing relationship.

So, when I met up with Ewan after school and we set off to walk back to his house I was wondering how to broach the subject. With his customary sensitivity, he asked first; `I saw you were having a long chat with Paul, he looked very serious, is everything alright?'

`Yeah, I think so, but I have a confession to make and a problem I want to discuss with you.'

Ewan glanced up at me and smiled angelically; `Go on.'

`It's a little embarrassing, but I figured you'd not be that mad at me. The fact is, when I took that set of Lake District prints over for Paul to see, I'd forgotten to take out the contact sheets and prints we printed up of you in that same darkroom session. He hasn't seen the pics with Symonds in them though; just the ones of your lovely striptease where you look very turned on in your pants.'

Oops,' he grinned, what did Paul think of them?'

`He pretended not to be that interested, but I could see he was horny as hell, and he wouldn't let me take them away.'

`Oh-ho, so how does that fit with his "Mr Straight-guy" image?'

`Doesn't really, but I've given up trying to square that circle. Thing is though, he's had a bit of an idea.'

`I'm curious, anything that makes you squirm like this must be a bit off the wall.'

`Ok, don't get mad at me, it wasn't my idea.'

`It's ok, you're my lover, I trust you.' My heart melted yet again, whatever had I done to deserve this?

`Well then, Paul rather elliptically came round to the idea that he found your pics something of a turn on.'

That's fine,' he smiled, I find the pics of him do quite a bit for me too, and after all I've seen rather a lot more of him than he has of me. Does he know that I watched you two making out on the floor of the hut that afternoon?'

`No, he doesn't, and I still think he might have trouble with that one. Anyway, his big idea is that I should try and persuade you to do a photo session.'

`What with him! No way, you are my lover and anyway, he has no respect.'

`No you clot, he's not progressed that far, and anyway he has no idea about you and me. He just wants to see you out of your pants; a straightforward session, you and the photographer, i.e. me.'

`Where does he come in?'

`Ah, that's the thing, he wants to watch.'

`God, that's even worse, I don't think I fancy that. You haven't promised that to him or anything have you?' Ewan looked very apprehensive, and suddenly seemed a whole lot younger.

No, I just told him we'd have to see how you felt about it, that's all,' I said to reassure him, there's no way you are doing anything against your will while I'm around.'

`Well somehow I don't think so, thanks all the same, if Paul wants to get his rocks off over me, then he's going to have to do a little better than that.'

I totally agree,' I said, he's always had a bit of a skewed view of sex, I think he likes it too much to give a lot of thought to the people involved.'

Well, I like it lots too,' Ewan said stoutly, it's just I think there ought to be a little bit of consideration in it too, that's why it's called lovemaking after all.'

`I think you've got a few years on Paul when it comes to maturity, he's not really fallen out of love with his left hand yet. With him everything comes down to making comparisons; I told you he had shaved his pubes off because he saw how big your cock looked, even though he didn't realise that your pubes are just very blonde.'

Yeah,' he giggled, that's quite funny, especially when I think how itchy it must make him.'

He's not a bad person, really,' I added, he's a bit confused for certain, but he's not cruel, and we've learned a lot and had a lot of fun together. Not only that, but I doubt if I'd have ever got it together with you if it hadn't been for him.'

No, I suppose you're right,' he mused, and if I hadn't seen how easy you two were with each other's bodies, I'd probably never have had the confidence to come and talk to you, and I might still be stuck with Mr Symonds. '

`Mr "Kaboom" Symonds, please,' I grinned.

Yeah, that's the one,' he smiled back, do you know,' he said abruptly, `I think I may owe Paul one, although I'm not that sure that I'm quite ready to do a solo performance for him. What did he have in mind, or hasn't it got that far?'

Like most of Pauls ideas, there's a concept, but not a lot of follow through,' I said, he has an uncle who owns a canal boat, and he can apparently borrow it whenever he wants. So, his idea was to go up the canal for a few hours until we're out of town, have a jolly evening with a couple of naughty beers and some food, then in the morning there's a derelict watermill that he reckons would make a great location for an outdoor shoot.'

`I quite fancy the idea of going away on a boat; would we be able to sleep together?'

I don't know,' I answered, he says it sleeps six in three berths, but I have no idea of the layout, I think we'd have to be a bit careful, Paul isn't very observant, but even he might notice if we're sharing a bed. There's a shower and a toilet on board too apparently.'

Hmm,' he pondered, it's tempting, I just have a bit of a problem with the whole watching thing.'

`I did tell Paul that you were unlikely to go for it, he doesn't know anything about Mr Symonds of course, otherwise even he wouldn't have been crass enough to have suggested it.'

`What was his reaction?'

`He bounced it back to me, and asked me what I suggested.'

`and that was?'

`I suggested that gentle seduction might be an option; that he should think about our being unselfconscious about our bodies, and that he shouldn't assume anything.'

`So, if I was to tantalise him; that would be ok?'

`Oh, I think he's fair game, as long as you aren't cruel and obvious about it, he's really not a bad sort you know.'

I know, you wouldn't have persevered with him for this long if he was that bad. So, I think maybe I'll ask my dad if I can come away on the boat, when did he have in mind?

`He was thinking of this weekend I believe, cycle down to the boat after school on Friday, and get a couple of hours up the canal before we moor up for the night, another two or three hours next morning, then we'd be at his chosen location. After another evening of innocent fun, we'd have plenty of time to travel back on the Sunday. I haven't had a chance to ask my mother yet, so it's all a bit hypothetical.'

`That's good, I'll hold fire until we know that it's a goer, I know my dad is supposed to be chairing a seminar this weekend, so I expect he'd be glad to know I'm keeping out of trouble.'

That's an interesting way of describing what we're thinking of,' I laughed, tell you what, I'll run it past the old dear when I get home, and give you a bell this evening. You can put it to your dad and see what he thinks.'

`That sounds like a plan,' he smiled.

We chattered inconsequentially as we completed the rest of the walk to Ewans house, his dad was already home, although hard at work marking coursework, so I just grabbed my bike and clothes and headed for home. Not without first having had a quick snog on the upstairs landing, of course. I figured that the best way to get around my mother was to get my head down and finish my homework before asking for any favours. Naturally, this uncharacteristic diligence made her suspicious, but I had learned a long time before that the best way to get around my parent was to disarm her before she got a chance. I left it as late as I could before I raised the subject of the boat; `Um,' I said politely.

`Ok, what is it you want?' she replied.

You know me too well,' I said, smiling at her, truth is that I've been offered the chance of a bit of fun this weekend.'

`What sort of fun?' she asked suspiciously.

`You know my mate Paul?'

`Yes,' she answered slowly, and not in an entirely positive way.

`Well his uncle has a narrow boat, and he says we can borrow it for a trip this weekend if we want to.'

`Oh I see, and what do Pauls folks think about this?'

`I assume they're ok, as it's his uncle made the offer. We'll never be more than twenty minutes away by car if anything goes wrong, and we'll be back on Sunday.'

`Was it going to be just you and Paul? You're not thinking of dragging some unfortunate girls along are you?'

No, what do you think we are!' I protested, with, for once, complete innocence, I had thought of asking Ewan if he wanted to come too, he and Paul got along quite well in the lakes, and he doesn't seem to get out enough in my opinion.'

My mother smiled, I'd played my trump card, I knew she had a soft spot for Ewan, `I suppose if you've got Ewan with you, you're not going to get into trouble, he's got more sense than the pair of you put together.'

`So I can go?'

`If, and it's a big if, you've done all your homework before the weekend, and if Ewans father says he can go too. I'm not so keen on you and Paul going off together, you egg each other on, who knows what mischief you might get up to.'

`I'll go and ring Ewan then, see if his dad will let him come.' Quickly, before my mother could change her mind, I went out into the hall and phoned Ewans house.

He must have been waiting by the phone because it only rang once before I heard his voice answer; `did you ask her?' he said quickly.

`Yes, I did,' I answered.

`And?' he prompted impatiently.

`She's cool about it, if I get all my homework done before we go. How about your dad?'

`He's the same, once he heard it was with you and Paul he seemed to think it would be alright. Funny thing though.'


`He thought we might be trying to smuggle some girls along.'

Yeah,' I giggled, my mum thought that too, it's probably because Paul is always banging on about being straight. I was able to convince her that we had no dishonourable plans for young females, it would just be us boys together.'

Ewan snorted, `if only she knew.'

I expect she'd get over it,' I said, nothing much passes her by, sometimes she just chooses to look the other way. I think she just wants me to be happy.'

`And are you?' he asked.

I don't think I've ever been happier,' I said quietly, and now we're going to have some fun away from home too. How about you?'

`I feel like a big weight has been blown away, and I'm full of life again.'

That's good, as long as it isn't just wind,' I laughed, listen, I'd better get off the line and give Paul a ring, let him know it's a goer after all. I'll see you tomorrow in school and we can plan our campaign.'

`Yeah ok, see you tomorrow.'

I hung up and immediately dialled Pauls number, the speed with which he too answered suggested that he was probably waiting around for my call. I decided to let him sweat for a bit; `Hi Paul, how's it hanging?'

`Hot and long and full of spunk,' he replied.

I guess there's no-one else at home then,' I laughed, did you manage to speak to your uncle?'

`Yeah, in fact that's where everyone else is tonight. We can borrow the boat, my folks are going to bring me back the keys.'

`How come you didn't go with them?' I asked.

`I said I had homework to finish.'

`And they believed you!' I interrupted.

I did get a bit of teasing,' he said slightly indignantly, but they were happy to think it might be true, and I said I needed to phone you to arrange things.'

`Is that all?' I probed.

`I really desperately wanted to have a wank too, and my kid brother's been getting very nosey lately.'

`D'you feel better now?'

`No, not really.'

`Why ever not?'

`Cause I haven't had a wank yet, I guess.'

`Blimey, that's not like you, I'd have expected you to have your cock out before the front door's completely closed.'

`Well, I did strip off, but while I was looking at the pics I got thinking.'

`What about?'

`The things you were saying today, and about how Ewan might react if he ever saw me with my cock in my hand.'

`Oh, right, so that put you off did it?'

No, not at all,' he protested, the idea really turned me on, but then I started wondering about the best way to do the things you suggested.'

`You've lost me,' I said, baffled.

`How to show him my body without it seeming too obvious, I've been looking through my clothes.'

`Oh, I see, and what conclusion did you come to, if you'll pardon the pun.'

`I think I might need some help.'

`I'm afraid that I can't come over now, it's too late on a school night for me to get away with it, perhaps you can talk me through it over the phone?'

`Ok, we can give it a try I suppose.'

`We've still got a few days, what do you think would work?'

`Ok, I started with my new shorts.'

`Good call, they're pretty revealing.'

Yes and no,' Paul said, I think they're pretty good, but if I get at all turned on then it really shows, especially if I'm not wearing any pants.'

`Ah, that might be a mistake, I think they're really meant to be worn with pants, otherwise it'll all hang out.'

`Yeah, it does,' he giggled.

`What else did you try?'

`I found some old jeans, they're a bit too small, and the denim is worn thin and a bit ripped, but again, when I get a stiffy in them, it really shows.'

`Your problem is?'

`I don't want him to know he's making me feel horny, that would be gay.'

`But you don't mind the idea of watching him stripping off, or wanking over his pictures?' I was beginning to get confused, and running the risk of questioning Pauls assumptions too closely.

`That's different, he's not supposed to realise that I think it's sexy.'

Ok,' I said very slowly, let's get back to the clothes. I think the jeans sound really good, especially if you can flash a bit of flesh, or maybe show the waistband of your pants a little. If you want my honest opinion, I think the key to this whole enterprise might depend on getting the pants right.'

`How do you mean?'

`Let Ewan see you looking sexy and confident, without necessarily being that turned on, and then it might all seem quite natural to him.'

`Right, I'd rather forgotten about the underwear.'

`After all the pics we've done together,' I said, stunned.

`Yeah, but that was just for the pics,' he answered.

`No it wasn't, it was all about eroticism, it's not just about waving your dick at the camera. So I think you should bring a few choices with you. What are you wearing now, for instance?'

`My g string, why?'

`What else?'

`Nothing else, I told you, I was trying on clothes.'

`How does that make you feel, talking to me practically naked?'

`If you could see me, you'd know all about it.'

`Describe how you feel to me,' I commanded him.

`I can feel the stair carpet on my bum, and the string of my pants has pulled tightly into my crack.'

`Why's that?' I asked.

`Cos my cock is really hard, and it's stretching them. All the time we've been talking I've been wanking in my pants, my dick is very hot and stiff, and they're getting all soggy.'

`Sounds as though you ought to let it get some fresh air for a bit,' I said, enjoying the mental picture, and getting rather stiff myself.

Ok,' Paul said, I've let it out now, that feels so much better, I'm running my fist along its hot length. My knob is all red and wet from the pre-cum and now that I've got it out in my hand I can see there's plenty more on its way.'

`What are you thinking about while you're talking to me?' I wondered aloud, slightly bemused that I seemed to have invented telephone sex. Mind you, I was quite a precocious boy.

`I was just thinking about that time up in the Lakes when you'd been playing with my dick and then Ewan came in and stripped down to his undies next to me, and while I was watching him I couldn't keep my hands off my cock under the bedclothes.'

`I remember that, don't stop now; tell me how you're feeling.'

I feel really sexy, my cock is rock solid and I don't think it'll be long before I come, I'm remembering the time when you sucked me off for the first time on these stairs. I can feel the heat in my balls now, my cock is getting even stiffer, and oh, here it comes.' There was a muffled groan, and then I heard the phone handset hit the floor, there was a silence broken eventually by a shuddering intake of breath; Wow,' Paul eventually spoke, `that was fantastic, only thing is, I've managed to get my spunk halfway up the wall.'

Just as well your parents buy washable vinyl then isn't it,' I said. It certainly sounded like you needed to come; that was a whole new experience for me too.'

`Did it turn you on,' he asked, slightly anxiously.

`For sure, only thing is, my family is at home, so I couldn't join in the fun. I won't forget this when I get into bed tonight though.'

`So, d'you think we might be able to get Ewan to play?' Paul said, finally getting back to the point.

`Oh, yeah, I think he might be persuaded, and his dad says he can come with us by the way. Just take it easy, you were fine with him up in the Lakes, after all, it was you he came to talk to when he couldn't get his film out of the camera.'

That's true,' he said, I'd forgotten all about that.'

Listen,' I said, I'd better go, and by the sound of it, you've got a bit of clearing up to do.'

`Ok, I'll see you in school tomorrow. Think of me when you go up to your room.'

Don't you worry, I've got pressing business to attend to, see you later.' With that I hung up, and poking my head around the living room door, I announced; I'm going up to my room, Paul just reminded me that I have something I have to attend to before I go to bed.' There was a general slightly uninterested mumble from the room, which I took at face value, and raced up the stairs to my bedroom. I wedged my improvised chair/door lock under the doorknob and quickly pulled off my jeans. The feeling of relief as my rock hard erection was partially released from its confinement was wonderful, and I stroked it thoughtfully through the soft cotton of my pants. I was captivated by the mental image of Paul sitting alone on the stairs dressed only in his g string, the pouch distended by his hot and sticky prick. Without ceasing to fondle myself, I extracted one of my boxes of prints from their hiding place and kneeled down beside my bed, legs slightly apart, ready to enjoy the pictures.

I had given some thought to which images I wanted to contemplate while I was having my wank, and arrived at the decision that the pics Paul and I had taken together in the Lakes would probably push all the right buttons. Although to be honest, I was in such a heightened sexual state that a Janet and John book would probably have done it for me. Whilst I leafed through the prints I was mentally replaying Paul's sexual monologue in my mind, and I pulled my pants to one side and took a firm hold of my cock. I was also regretting that we had rather generously left a few rolls of film behind for our voyeuristic friend in the lakes; the set we had taken in the little secluded inlet was definitely one of my favourites. With the ease of long practise I worked on my cock, and with Pauls words fresh in my head I wasn't going to hang about, I had been feeling close to coming as we spoke, and the combination of the pictures and the memories quickly tipped me over the edge. I felt that familiar and unstoppable feeling welling up as my cock pumped hot jets of spunk into the waiting tissue. It was all too quickly finished, and I mopped the last few dribbles of come from my hot prick and regretfully tucked it away.

I went to bed full of anticipation, my doubts about how sensible Paul's idea might be had been alleviated by Ewans willingness to play along. I didn't want to hurt either of them, but I was beginning to feel that Paul had to face up to the truth about his sexuality, maybe if he saw Ewan and I behaving normally together, then he would understand.

As it happened, I didn't see Ewan until the mid-morning break, he bounced up to me as I was dutifully patrolling the shrieking hordes of uniformed boys; `Hi, how's things?' he asked, walking with me into an oasis of relative quiet near the sixth form block.

`Good, I think, I had a long chat with Paul last night, he's managed to borrow the boat, and we're good to go after school on Friday. If you bring your clothes and bike in with you, I'll stick them backstage, where they'll be safe.'

`Excellent, what do you think I should bring?'

`Hmm, difficult, I'd go for a range, all the way from your saggy old white y-fronts to who knows what. Paul truly has no expectations any more, he's just hopeful.'

`That's good, we'll have some fun with him then,' he grinned.

`Yeah, I think you can bet on that.'

The rest of the week crawled by, our collective promise to get all our homework out of the way had put a bit of a damper on the social life, I saw both Ewan and Paul at school on occasion but not for long. So it was with a feeling of pleasurable anticipation that I cycled into school on the Friday morning, my back pack stuffed with my cameras and a few changes of clothes. Ewan was already waiting by the school gate when I arrived, his bike panniers bulging promisingly. `All sorted?' I asked cheerily, as we wheeled our bikes into the backstage area and chained them to a convenient radiator.

`Yeah, I think I'm ready,' Ewan beamed, before giving me a swift kiss.

`What have you brought to wear?'

`You'll just have to wait and see, how about you?'

Same goes for you then.' Our banter was interrupted by the sound of a fist banging on the door; I opened it up to reveal Paul clutching his bike and a solid looking rucksack. Ah there you are, d'you want to lock your bike to ours?'

Yeah, ok,' he grunted, morning Ewan, how're you doing?'

Good, thanks,' the angelic boy replied, flashing Paul a glorious smile, and thanks a lot for inviting me to come on the boat.'

`Oh, yeah, no problem, glad you can come.'

Was it just my imagination, or were there getting to be rather a lot of mentions of coming in this conversation?

It's going to be pretty warm this weekend, apparently,' Ewan continued, is the canal safe to swim in?'

I wouldn't recommend it, most of the time you could probably walk across it, and it's full of all sorts of crap,' Paul answered, but if we make good time there is a really good place for swimming further up the cut.'

`The what?' Ewan asked, sounding puzzled.

`The cut is what the people who built them used to call canals,' Paul explained, happy for once to show off some specialist knowledge.

That's good,' Ewan said, that'll be useful.'

`Eh?' we both uttered simultaneously.

`When I told my history teacher I was coming on a narrow boat, he said I should try and record some of the evidence of the historical use of the canal system, it'd make a good project. So, I brought my camera with me in case we see anything.'

That's handy,' Paul said, swallowing the bait thrown to him by Ewan, the place for swimming I mentioned just now is an old watermill, plenty of opportunities for taking a few pictures there.'

`Great, that sounds perfect,' he grinned, trying very hard not to catch my eye.

Fortunately, Paul was saved from any further winding up by the sound of the bell for morning assembly, and, after arranging to meet in the same place after school, I carefully locked the door behind us. Paul rushed off, as he had to hand a piece of schoolwork in before assembly, leaving me to cross the playground with Ewan. You're a very naughty boy,' I said to him, laying it on with a trowel like that. Now we're going to have to take pictures of bridges and locks just to keep your cover story straight.'

The best thing is that it is true,' Ewan said, my teacher was really keen, and so is my dad, and it gives me an excuse to wander around with a camera in my hand.'

`I suppose you're right, plenty of opportunities to wind Paul up as well. Anyway, that's for later on, we've got to get through the day yet.'

I can't pretend that my concentration was very good that day, I couldn't help anticipating the next couple of days, and come what may (and I was sure that come it would), it promised to be an erotic and sexy experience, hopefully for all three of us. At last the school day ended, and I made my way quickly to the door of the school stage, Ewan was already waiting for me there, no sign of Paul of course. I unlocked the door, and we slipped inside, `shall we wait for him?' I asked.

`No, let's get changed,' he answered.

Swiftly, we stripped off our school uniforms and stood there in our underwear, while we grabbed a change of clothes from our bags. I looked admiringly at Ewans lovely body, he was wearing white cotton y-fronts; `I see you went for the baggy pants,' I observed.

Yeah, thought I'd drive him wild with desire,' Ewan grinned, wiggling his body at me while shaking out a pair of jeans, and I see you're wearing some of my tangas.'

Yep, thought they'd remind me of you and me together. Those jeans are really good,' I said, nice and tight, and you'll be flashing your pants at him if you lean forward at all.'

`Yeah, I thought so too.'

We dressed quickly and packed our school uniforms into our bags, we would have to take them with us unfortunately. We were all packed up and ready to go when Paul finally thumped on the door, sorry lads,' he said, I got kept behind for cheeking a teacher, just give me a minute to get changed.'

We both watched with interest as Paul threw off his clothes, he was wearing a pair of quite tight blue cotton slips, which rather pleasingly revealed the outlines of his cock and balls. He had clearly taken my advice and removed the cotton lining. Without being too obvious about it, he made sure that Ewan was able to watch him as he got dressed. Paul hadn't been joking when he told me that his jeans were tight; the worn denim clung to every contour, and made his package bulge attractively and very visibly.

Right,' he said, as he retrieved his discarded clothing from all around him, shall we get going?'

Without saying any more we wheeled our bikes out of the door, and once we'd reached the gates, mounted up and headed for the canal. It was a pleasant sunny afternoon, and the prospect of a fifteen minute bike ride, was, for me, made even more pleasurable by taking up the rearguard position and watching Paul and Ewans tightly clad bottoms wiggling as they pedalled along. Long before it became fashionable, their undersized jeans were both riding a bit low, and giving me, and any other witness, occasional flashes of their pants. The fact that I had just seen and enjoyed that view in its entirety, made it all the better, as did the anticipation that I would soon be seeing a whole lot more.

When we finally arrived at the slightly grotty canal basin where the boat was moored, I looked around for the gaily painted traditional narrow boat that my mind had conjured up. There was nothing much to be seen, just a myriad of grubby fibreglass hulled weekend cruisers jostled uneasily in the greasy water; `Ok, where is it?' I asked.

Just round the corner, by the dry dock,' Paul answered. We wheeled our bikes round to the dry dock (the multitude of mooring lines stretched illegally across the path making it impossible to ride); There it is,' Paul said, pointing.

The boat was indeed about thirty feet long, with a black metal hull and a grey and blue superstructure, not quite the luxury vehicle one might have hoped for, but not too bad for all that. There were hatches at both ends, so that the passengers could sit in a little space in the bows, without having to push past whoever happened to be steering at the time.

Paul jumped on board, and fumbled for the keys, once he'd got the padlock off the hatch, he turned to us and said; `Right, chuck me the bags and I'll stow them below, then we can lock our bikes up in the shed and get out of here.'

`Aye, aye Captain,' we chorused ironically, and did as instructed, Ewan giving me a raised eyebrow as he passed me the panniers off his bike. Before we got on board we took the bikes to the shed and chained them all together, in the meantime Paul had managed to start the rattly old marine diesel engine and check that all was well.

I'll take it* out, if you don't mind,' Paul said, as I have steered the boat before. We've got about fifteen minutes before we hit a flight of locks, then its plain sailing for the rest of the day, so I'll steer until then, and you two can have a go after we're through the locks.'

[*Paul didn't hold with boats being female].

Of course,' I said, we'll shift all the stuff down below.'

`Yeah, ok, but I always have the cabin at this end.'

`Sure, you're the captain,' I said, grinning.

Untying the mooring ropes, Ewan and I gently pushed the boat off the jetty, and Paul carefully reversed her out into the main body of the canal. We stayed up on deck as we slowly chugged away from the marina and off up the canal. Pushing past Paul (and I gave his bottom an encouraging squeeze as I passed), we went below for the first time. The interior of the boat was quite Spartan, vinyl covered bench seats in each cabin that cunningly converted to beds. A tiny galley area in the centre of the boat with a fridge, a sink and two gas rings, followed by the toilet and the shower on either side of the gangway. The other two cabins were on the other side of the galley area, with the smallest one leading out into the bows.

`I think I fancy this one,' Ewan said, pointing to the bows cabin.

`Oh, any particular reason?' I asked.

`It's the other end of the boat from Paul, so we stand a better chance of getting together without his noticing, plus we can get out if we feel the need.'

`Good point, and he won't need to go past either of us if he needs a pee during the night.'

Ewan grinned and pointed down the boat, `there's another thing too, check that out.' In order to steer Paul was standing in the hatchway at the stern of the boat, and its design meant that he was only visible from the chest down, giving us a perfect opportunity to admire his package without his being aware of our gaze.

That's rather nice,' I said, giving the boy a cuddle and a swift kiss, and he's keen to show you more, what's more, he can't really hear anything above the sound of the engine, so you can say what you like.'

I can cope with that,' he answered, just as long as we play on our terms. I think I'd like to take a picture of him like that.'

`Yes of course, let's get our stuff stowed, and then you can get your camera out.' We moved our various bags into our berths, stuffing them into the numerous cupboards rather than unpacking. I just chucked Pauls onto a seat in his cabin, and investigated the galley. There was a kettle, and I filled it and lit the gas ring to make some tea. After taking his picture, Ewan had opened the doors in his cabin, and was kneeling in the bows holding his camera, staring out along the water of the canal, presumably looking for industrial remains. I paused in my tea-making duties to admire the cute curves of his bottom, the muscles shifting as he unselfconsciously adjusted to the movement of the boat. I was distracted from my reverie by the sound of the kettle boiling and busied myself making the tea. I took a mug out to Ewan, and then headed up towards Paul with two more, I resisted the temptation to give his crotch a little stroke while he was unaware, and instead I pushed past him and out onto the rear deck.

We're about half a mile from the locks,' Paul said, taking his mug from me, hope you're feeling fit.'

Yeah, I think we're up for it,' I said, although perhaps you'd better go through the principles with us both before we go in.'

`You've been on a boat before, haven't you?' Paul asked.

`Yes, but on a river, the locks are different, and there's usually a lock keeper pushing buttons to do it all.'

`Ah, right, well the idea's the same, just it's all done with muscles. I'll do the first section of the flight with you, so you get the idea, then I'd better stick with the boat, it's quicker if I do.'

We were in luck, the last boat to go through had been coming down the flight, so the locks were all set for us, and we could sail straight in to the first one. Paul loosely moored the boat and showed us how to close the gates, and use a windlass to open the gate paddles. He was right, it was hot work in the evening sunshine, `cheer up, only another dozen to go,' Paul shouted, watching while we pressed our sweating backs against the balance beams.

`Could you take some pictures of us going through the locks,' Ewan asked Paul, as we paused for breath.

`Yes, of course, where's your camera?' he answered.

`Hanging on a hook in the galley.'

`Ok, let's get through this set of locks then I'll leave it all up to you two and stay on the boat, you'll have to make it look like you're working hard though.'

He's a rotten photographer,' I hissed to Ewan, don't expect too much from him.'

It's ok,' he replied, this is just for fun anyway.' He winked at me and raced off up to the next set of lock gates, nonchalantly twirling his windlass.

`Try and think about the framing of the picture,' I shouted to Paul, who had jumped back on board, waiting for the gates to open. He smiled and waved as I chased after Ewan.

`Phew, this is hot work,' Ewan shouted across the lock, as we heaved on the heavy beams. He pulled his t shirt off, and wiped his face on it, and, as the boat slipped into the lock, he threw it down to Paul. I couldn't help noticing that his flies had drifted to half mast too, and the waistband of his pants was showing above his jeans all the way round.

That's a good idea,' Paul said, as he brought the boat to a stop in the lock, and he too stripped off his shirt, might as well catch the last of the sun.'

Ah well, I thought, if you can't beat em, join em, and I took off my t shirt as well.

Once we had passed through the lock, there was a couple of hundred yards of canal before we got to the next set of locks, so we left Paul to make his way on his own and walked briskly up the towpath ahead of him. The sun was hot on our backs as we walked to the lock, and once there Ewan stretched out on the warm black wood of the balance beam to wait for the boat to arrive. Are you alright?' I asked, Paul's not being very subtle I'm afraid.'

`Yeah, I'm fine, I don't think he can do subtle, but it doesn't matter, I know I have a get-out clause if I need it.'

`What's that?' I was intrigued.

`I guess I can just say that I think he's being a bit gay, I have to confess that this is quite fun, and I'm liking the way he's been trying to show off to me.'

`Yeah, it's quite a turn on, just don't tease him too much.'

I won't,' he pouted, it's you I care about, but I don't see why we shouldn't all have a bit of a laugh together. After all, it's this he's trying to see.' Ewan indicated his crotch, and I was amused to notice that he had a bit of a stiffy.

`Ah yes, and I can see you are ready for action.' I grinned. I was just about to slip my hand in through his gaping flies when I heard the boat chugging up behind me, and thought that maybe I'd better not.

Come on, you slackers,' Paul shouted, at least look like you're doing something.' He had retrieved Ewans camera, and was looking up at us from the depths of the lock. `Shall I get a pic of you working this lock?'

`Yeah, why not,' Ewan replied, lazily getting off the balance beam. He grabbed the end of the beam and began hauling it shut, his denim clad bottom towards the camera.

Paul took a couple of shots, then shouted up; `I can't see your face, can you look towards me?'

I had begun letting water into the lock as the gate swung shut, and while Ewan posed on the balance beam his legs dangling, I continued to open the shutters.

`Ok, go and open the gates, and I'll take some pics of you over there,' Paul commanded, jumping onto the lock side. As Ewan braced his back against the rough wood ready to push, Paul stood over him, carelessly angling the camera so that the picture could include his bulging crotch and gaping flies. From my vantage point on the other gate, I could see that Paul was beginning to get aroused too, something that couldn't have escaped the younger boys notice.

Once the gates were open, Ewan walked over to Paul and said; `I'll take one of you if you like?'

Ok,' Paul replied, and stood over by the lock gate, his legs apart, and his burgeoning stiffy showing quite clearly through the faded denim. Wow, it's getting hot,' he said, `shall I put the kettle on while you go on to the next one?'

Yeah, why not,' I agreed, see you up there.'

Ewan and I strolled to the next lock, he was giggling as we ambled along, blimey,' he said, it hasn't taken him long.'

No,' I agreed, he's a bit desperate, keep tormenting him like that and he'll be on his knees before long.'

`What do you mean?' he asked, turning his guileless hazel eyes to me.

`I think maybe you should do yourself up or Paul might get overheated, remember, he doesn't have a very sophisticated idea of sex.'

Perhaps you're right,' he agreed, tugging on his zip, trouble is, these jeans just won't stay done up for long.'

`Oh, and there's me thinking you'd done it on purpose,' I laughed.

No, honestly,' he squeaked, although I have to confess that I remembered they had this tendency when I chose them. Maybe I should change into something else.'

`Let's get through the rest of this flight of locks, then you can consider changing your clothes.'

Ok,' he smiled, trouble is, there's nothing I've brought with me that isn't going to tantalise Paul.'

At this moment the narrow boat chugged past, Paul standing in the hatchway, and shouting abuse at us across the canal.

Oh bugger,' I said, we'd better run.' We ran along the towpath to the next, and thankfully final, set of locks. When we arrived, puffing and red-faced, the boat was neatly tied up in the lock, and Paul was nowhere to be seen. Let's hope he's making the tea, come on, only three locks to go, then there's nothing for miles.' We efficiently let the water into the lock, and as we were swinging the gates open to let the boat out into the next pound Pauls head popped up from below decks. Ah, there you are, is the kettle on? I called down to him.

No, not yet,' he answered, I'll do it now,' and he disappeared below again.

I looked at Ewan, who indicated his mystification with a shrug. The knowledge that we'd be getting a cup of tea soon, and that there were only two locks left in the flight spurred us on and after a brisk trot we were all ready and waiting when the boat arrived.

The reason for Pauls disappearance became apparent when he climbed onto the lock moor the boat, he'd changed out of his jeans and into his running shorts, although I could see that he'd kept his pants on. `Going for a run?' I teased.

`No, it's bloody hot standing here on top of the engine, so I thought I'd get into something cooler,' he answered indignantly.

`Fair enough, that kettle boiled yet?'

`No, I'll brew the tea when we're in the next lock.'

We left Paul to make his own way out of the lock, and moved on to the next and last one, there was another boat wanting to come down, but fortunately they had seen us, and waited. We waved to them in a friendly sort of way, and set about our task with a will, all the better because we knew we wouldn't have to do it again that day.

I tell you what though,' I said to Ewan as we sweated over the windlasses, he'd better pull his weight on the way down or he'll be walking the plank back at the mooring.'

`Yeah, he can get a bit bossy can't he, I don't know how you've put up with it.'

Well, there have been some compensations; I like to think of it as an educational opportunity, I've learned an awful lot from him.' As the boat pulled out of the last lock, we jumped on board, and slotted our lock keys back into their locker. Right,' I said to Paul, `where's that tea?'

It's down below, in the galley,' he answered, looking a little sheepish, but before you go, I've got a bit of a confession to make.'

`Oh yes?' we chorused.

`Yeah, I forgot to check the drinking water tank before we set out, and there's almost none left in it. So unless we find somewhere to fill up, there'll be nothing to drink except a few bottles of beer.'

`That's not so bad,' Ewan said.

`What are our options?' I asked.

`I've had a look at the book, and there's a mooring place along the canal where you can dump rubbish, fill up with water and so on, it's about ten miles from here.'

`So that's what, another two hours from here?'

`Yeah, I'm really sorry, I should have checked before we set out; I'm always rushing into things. The good news is that the book says there's a chippy close by the canal, so we'll not need to cook.'

`That's not so bad, we were aiming to keep going for another couple of hours tonight anyway. I suggest that after we've drunk our tea, you give Ewan a lesson on how to steer the boat and so on, and then we can all take it in turns for the rest of the day.'

`Yeah, that sounds good, would you bring my tea up to me then?'

Of course,' I answered as we pushed past him into the cabin below. The tea was still in the pot, and I poured three mugs out, handed one to Ewan and strolled back along the boat and passed one out to the helmsman. Ewan had sat down in what was Pauls cabin, and was also the dining area, as it had a fold-down table, and was fiddling with his camera. I slid squeakily onto the vinyl seating next to him, what's the matter?'

`Nothing, just looking to see how many pics I've got left on this film.'

`Oh, how many do you have, and how much film do you have with you?'

`There's about half a dozen shots left on this one, and I've another three rolls, my dad bought me some when the history project was mentioned.'

That was nice of him,' I said, so we'd better make sure there are some relevant pics when we get back.'

Yeah,' he smiled, I doubt that I can use any of the ones that Paul took, they're a bit too porny. Although maybe it's only me thinking that because I know what was going through my mind at the time.'

`Oh yes, and what was that?' I asked, slipping a hand onto the warm, firm muscle of his thigh.

`I was remembering our unfinished business from the other morning, and how I've tried really hard to keep from wanking since then.'

`Have you succeeded?' I started stroking his leg, allowing the back of my hand to brush against his balls occasionally.

Not entirely,' he grinned, it's very hard you know.'

`So it is,' I agreed, taking advantage of the double entendre to confirm that he was indeed, very hard.

Still,' he continued, there's one good thing.'

`and that is?'

`I managed to stop myself from coming.'

`That's good, we'll have to do something to remedy that situation soon,' I grinned.

`Yeah we will, I think I might burst if we don't, especially when Paul is waving his bits around.'

`What do you mean,' I said.

`Look behind you,' said the boy, indicating where to look with his eyes.

I looked round, Paul was perched on the side of the hatchway; and from where Ewan was sitting he had a clear view up the wide leg of his running shorts. Even though Paul wasn't hard, the outline of his cock was plainly visible through the thin blue cotton fabric of his slip. The fact that Paul couldn't see that we were checking him out added to the eroticism of the moment. There was a click, Ewan had taken advantage of the situation to grab a picture; as he positioned himself for another, Paul shifted his position, momentarily allowing an even more explicit view. Blimey,' Ewan grinned as he snatched the shot, forget about it getting too hot up on deck, I'm cooking down here.'

`Well, if you think you can handle it, why don't you join him?'

`I suppose I could put my shorts on,' Ewan agreed.

Our discussion was interrupted by Paul shouting down from his perch; `isn't anyone else going to come up and steer for a bit?'

Ok,' I called back, I'll be with you in a second.' I gulped down my team and went up top again. As I have already indicated, I had previous experience of boats, and a narrow boat although long and heavy is a pretty forgiving beasty, so it wasn't long before Paul was convinced tha t I would be ok with this one.

That's good,' he said, if you're happy, I'm going to hang out on the cabin roof, catch some sun.'

`Yeah, sure, I'll show Ewan the ropes when he surfaces.'

Paul grunted his assent, and made his way down towards the bows, from where he retrieved a beach towel, spreading this out on the roof, he settled down on his front, head pillowed on his arms.

A moment or two later, I sensed Ewan emerging from the cabin below; `ah, there you are, what kept you?' I asked.

`I was having a problem with my pants,' he replied, looking up at me and squinting slightly in the sunlight.

`In what way?'

`They were bigger than my shorts.'

`Oh, I see, what have you done?'

`Well I tried them with my shorts, but I thought they looked ridiculous, so I remembered that I had brought another pair of y fronts, same make, but smaller.'

`and the result was?'

Instead of speaking, Ewan emerged into the daylight, he was wearing a pair of close fitting shiny white nylon shorts with a navy trim, as he gave me a twirl in the bright sunlight, it was possible to see the outline of his pants through the sheer fabric.

`Those are the shorts you were wearing when you were watching me and Paul,' I said, suddenly remembering.

Yeah,' he smiled slowly, I just remembered that too.'

They're really nice,' I said, motioning the boy closer. Ewan stood close to me as I extended my hand and surreptitiously stroked his bum, and they feel really nice too.' The fine silky fabric was smooth and soft beneath my fingers and slipped easily over the soft cotton pants below, I must say,' I murmured softly, I am very much looking forward to messing these up.'

`Me too,' Ewan whispered, twisting his body so that my hand ended up pressed against his developing erection.

But,' I continued, that will have to be later, first I have to teach you how to steer the boat.'

`Oh, right.'

I'll spare you the details, suffice it to say that Ewan was a willing and able pupil, and it wasn't long before we were both confident enough to leave him to it. As I seemed to be the only person still wearing jeans, I thought it was probably about time I changed into some shorts as well, and went below to find some. Mine were white cotton, and had originally been my rugby shorts, and were unremarkable other than being rather small. I thought that I should maybe give a hint that I was going along with the whole eroticism and flirtation game that Paul thought we were playing. So while I was at it, I pulled Ewans tangas off and pondered which pants I should put on. I wanted something that would contrast with the white fabric, and in the end I opted for the paisley pattern y fronts, a trifle cheesy perhaps, but Ewan and I had found them together, so I hoped that they would have the desired effect. I knotted the ties of my shorts loosely at the waist and pulled them down so that they would reveal the dark blue waistband of my pants.

Once I was satisfied that I was ready to go, I went up on deck, Ewan grinned when he saw my outfit, and tugged knowledgeably at my waistband; `are those pants still going to turn me wild with desire?'

I certainly hope so,' I replied, are you happy to go on steering for a bit?'

`Yeah, fine, this is pretty undemanding. It's nice though, relaxing, and gives you plenty of time to think.'

`Yeah, it's cool isn't it, shame we haven't got any water, I could have made some more tea.'

There's only so much tea that a boy can drink,' Ewan said, anyway, we can do more when we get to our stop.'

`Yes, I guess so, oh, well, pedal to the metal then.' We continued serenely on our way, without any incidents or interruptions. Paul dozed quietly in the sunshine, and Ewan and I swapped steering duties regularly, revelling in the freedom to be together without a specific need to achieve anything. Underlying it all, of course, was a sexual tension created by our lack of certainty about what the next day might bring.

After quite a while, and as none of us was wearing a watch, the time was uncertain, we could see our evenings destination off in the distance, and leaving Ewan at the helm, I went to awaken the slumbering boy. Paul looked very sweet and vulnerable as he lay sprawled on the top of the boat. His shorts had ridden up a bit in his sleep and the gentle curve of his bottom, clad in blue cotton, was clearly on view. The temptation to slide my hand up his shorts and caress him was very strong, but I resisted, as I wasn't sure how he'd react with Ewan looking on. So instead I put my hand on his sun warmed and naked shoulder and gently shook him, `wakey wakey, our stop is coming up.'

He slowly woke up, and rolled over onto his back, stretching deliciously, `have you two been steering all this time?'

`Yeah, it's been fine.'

`Sorry, you should have woken me up; I'd have come and spelled you.'

`You looked so cozy there that I hadn't the heart to, but I thought I'd better let you take her in when we stop.'

`Ok, no problem, could you get the water hose out of the bows locker? We can fill up as soon as we arrive, and then I'll shoot off to the chippy, I'm starving.' Paul made his way to the stern, and Ewan gave way to him, clambering along the side catwalks to join me in the bows. We pulled in at a neat wooden jetty, the waste station was deserted but tidy and well organised, and I jumped off the boat and tied her up. The water tap was conveniently close by and I dragged the hose over to it and connected it up.

Ewan had opened up the water tank and fed the other end in; `Ok, turn it on,' he shouted.

Paul sauntered over to me, pulling his t shirt on; `Right, I'm off to the chippy, can you two look after the boat?'

`Yeah, sure.' We gave Paul our food orders and watched him leave.

Let's explore,' Ewan said, it'll take ages for the water tank to fill.'

`Ok,' I agreed.

Our mooring was by the side of the canal, bounded on one side by the bridge that led to the village, and about a hundred yards further down the towpath; a lock and lock keepers cottage. The waste transfer station also contained a chemical toilet dumping point, toilets and a washing block with a row of shower heads. All these were open and accessible to us. We also appeared to be on our own, no other boats were making use of the facilities.

Hey, that's good,' Ewan said, I think I'd prefer to have a shower in there tonight, the one on the boat seems a bit feeble.'

That's a good idea,' I agreed, less cleaning up to do, although the showers are a bit open plan and primitive.'

Not so very different from the ones at school,' he grinned, and I'm not trying to hide anything, remember? What's the matter are you getting shy?'

`What do you think?' I answered. Our discussions were interrupted by the return of Paul, his arms extending visibly by a huge greasy parcel of fried stuff and another bag of food.

`Grubs up,' he grinned.

Blimey,' I said, you've got enough to feed an army there.'

`Well, I remembered that we hadn't thought about breakfast, so I bought a few bits and pieces.'

We spread the food out in its wrappers on the roof of the boat, and sat cross-legged around it, for a while there was nothing to be heard but the sound of our jaws as we chomped our way through our dinner. Once we were done, I gathered up the greasy papers and dumped them all in the bin on shore.

Right,' I said, what shall we do now?'

`Let's go below, it's beginning to get dark and there are some beers lurking in the galley locker that my uncle says we can have,' Paul answered.

We trouped down into the boat, Paul found three bottles of beer and handed them out; Ewan kicked his sandshoes off and stretched out on one bench, Paul and I sat on the other.

This is good,' Ewan said contentedly, I don't know about you, but a couple more beers and I'll about be ready for a shower and then bed.'

`You're not wrong,' I agreed, stifling a yawn.

Lads, lads, what's the matter with you?' Paul protested, the night is young.'

`Yeah, but there's not much to do, is there?'

`We could play cards?' Paul said hopefully.

I suppose so,' I said reluctantly, how about you, Ewan, you up for a game of cards?'

I don't see why not,' he answered, what do you want to play?'

`How about pontoon?' Paul asked.

`Ok, what'll we play for?'

`Matches I suppose.' Paul produced a worn pack of cards and expertly dealt them out. I counted out 20 matches each; and we began to play. It was obvious that Paul was quite good at cards, equally true that neither Ewan nor I were that bothered or as good. I was the first to lose all his matches, Paul cackling triumphantly as he scooped them all off the table.

`What shall I do now?' I asked.

`You can play for a forfeit if you like,' Paul said.

`Alright,' I agreed and Paul dealt me in again. My luck was in this time and I managed to win back a few matches, Ewan was not so fortunate and ended up bankrupted by Paul.

D'you want to play on?' Paul asked him, same deal.'

Ewan nodded his agreement, and gave me a complicit sideways glance.

The next hand saw a reversal of our fortunes, I was back on a forfeit and Ewan won some matches. Paul, of course was sitting on a fortune in matches, and looking pretty smug. The cards definitely weren't going my way that night, and I lost the next hand too. Right,' Paul crowed, revelling in his victory, time for your forfeit.'

`Go on,' I said.

`Ok, shorts off please.'

Oh, so we're playing strip pontoon are we,' I said, standing up, we've a bit of a disadvantage already, as we're only dressed in pants and shorts, and you're wearing a t shirt as well.'

Not a problem,' Paul said, pulling his t shirt over his head, now we're all equal, you can drop your shorts.'

I untied the ties, and slowly slipped my shorts down, both the boys watching intently as my paisley pants were revealed. I sat cross legged next to Paul again, and he dealt the cards once more. `Are you in?' he asked me.

`Yeah, sure, what have I got to lose?'

`Your pants perhaps?' Ewan chipped in, smiling at me.

`Nah, I'll think of something else first,' Paul grinned.

We managed to get through a couple more hands without further incident, Paul cracked open some more bottles, and we played on. This time it was Ewans that ended up with the forfeit; with a cheeky grin on his face he stood up and dropped his shorts, giving a wiggle of his hips to assist the silky fabric in its descent. He settled back with one leg propped up on the vinyl bench, and I saw Pauls eyes widen as he checked out the younger boys package.

`D'you want to play on?' Paul asked him.

`Sure, I've only got my pants left though.' the boy answered

`No different from him then.'

Ewan lost the next hand again, and with a rueful smile he stood up and was tucking his thumbs into his waistband when Paul said; Wait, I've got a better idea, follow me.' We obediently followed Paul out onto the deck, the light had faded and far off along the towpath we could see the lights of the lock keepers cottage. Ok, here's the deal, you see that cottage?'

`Yes,' said Ewan.

`Your forfeit is to run along the towpath, pick a rose from the bush that will be growing round the door and bring it back here.'

`What like this?' he asked.

`You should put some shoes on, the path is a bit rough for naked feet.' Paul agreed.

Ewan went below, and reappeared with his shoes on, he jumped ashore, and Paul and I watched him set off along the towpath, the white cotton of his pants twinkling in the fading light. Whoops,' Paul said, gleefully, look out.' A couple had appeared, walking an elderly dog in the direction Ewan had taken, I was suddenly aware that I too was only dressed in my underpants, and stepped past Paul and down into the hatchway. `Evening,' Paul greeted them cheerfully, they smiled and nodded in response and carried on, their dog pausing at anything that caught his attention.

Oh dear,' I said, squeezing past Paul to come out on the deck again, and patting his nylon clad bottom as I did so, I hope he doesn't panic, that dog doesn't look much of a threat though.'

`No,' he agreed. We watched the couple meander along the towpath until they vanished around the corner, no sooner were they gone but Ewan appeared, sauntering slowly towards us, as he got nearer, I could see that he had a rose clamped between his teeth, also that he was looking quite turned on. He jumped on board, and pushed past us down into the cabin without saying a word, we followed more slowly.

Ewan had placed the rose in an empty beer bottle on the table, and had resumed his position on the bench seat. He grinned up at us, `that was exciting, that couple with the dog, they live in the lock keepers cottage.'

`Oh no,' I gasped.

`Yeah, they were going to have a wander round their garden, but the dog dragged them inside. Just as well really, I was hiding behind a bush, and there was no cover.'

Shall we play on?' Paul asked, I've got plenty of forfeits left.'

`I think we may have had enough,' I answered.

`Oh go on,' Paul pleaded.

`What do you think?' I asked Ewan.

`One more hand, perhaps, then maybe I'll have a shower and get to bed, it's been a long day.'

Ok,' I agreed, one more hand, then it'll be shower time for me too.'

It will come as no surprise that Paul won that hand, sadly this time I was the loser and he turned gleefully to me; `Right, your forfeit is to walk along to the bridge, jump up onto the parapet and give us a wave.'

I got up and walked out of the cabin, outside the air was cool on my skin, and the light had faded even further. I jumped off the boat and began walking along the path towards the bridge. I have to admit that there was something rather sexy about the feeling of being almost naked in a public place, and I could feel my cock beginning to stiffen up in my cotton y fronts. I was more fortunate than Ewan, and encountered no one on my trip to the bridge. I passed through a kissing gate and onto the road, this too was deserted, and the only light was from an ancient orange streetlight that was placed on the bridge itself. Clambering onto the wide parapet, I walked out to the centre, looking down the canal at my two friends standing on the rear deck of the boat. I decided on the spur of the moment to give them a little more than a wave, and wiggling my hips suggestively, I slowly pulled my pants down. My cock was by now quite stiff, and I crudely grabbed hold of it with one hand, waving my pants round my head with the other. I paraded along the parapet, still wanking myself, and for a finale I hurled my pants off the bridge and away into the darkness. I gave them a couple more twirls, then jumped down off the parapet and strolled back to the boat.

The two boys greeted my naked return with enthusiasm, `that was fantastic.' Ewan said.

Yeah, well done mate,' Paul chipped in, we'll never top that.'

I was merely preparing for my shower,' I said, smiling, all I need now is my towel and some soap.'

Come on then,' said Ewan, handing these items up to me, let's go. Are you coming with us?' he asked Paul.

`Not yet, I'll be over in a minute.'

Ok,' I answered, see you there.' There didn't seem much point in dressing to walk over to the shower block, so Ewan and I strolled over as we were, me naked and still a little stiff, Ewan in his tight white y fronts and looking more than a little stiff too.

Hot water was provided by an electric heater, and fortunately previous users had stocked up the meter, or we'd have had cold showers; although the shower block was a bit bleak, the water was plentiful and hot. We thought it best to shower under different nozzles in case Paul did come over and realise that we were more familiar with each other than he believed. It felt strange to be showering alongside the boy I loved, nothing separating us but the possibility that Paul might walk in.

`We'd better be quick,' I said.

Yeah,' Ewan agreed, pass me the soap would you.'

I handed him the bar of soap, and watched as he lathered himself up, it seemed inconceivable that two naked boys standing next to each other wouldn't get turned on, especially when one of them is unselfconsciously rubbing his body with a bar of soap. So it was that we both began to stiffen up, and as fate would have it, when Paul decided to join us, we were each sporting a developing hard on. Paul made no comment, simply turned on the next shower and, dropping his shorts and pants, stepped under the spray.

`Is that the only bar of soap?' he asked.

Yeah, fraid so,' said Ewan.

`After you then,' Paul said, soaking his hair under the jet of water.

I sneaked a look, he was getting a bit stiff too. He took the soap from Ewan and began to lather himself up. I'd had enough by then, and there was plainly no hanky panky to be had so I turned off the water and grabbed my towel. Ewan following as soon as he had rinsed himself off.

We both watched Paul as he showered, his pubes hadn't grown back and his semi-erect cock was very prominent. Eventually he finished washing, and stepped out of the shower. Silently I handed him his towel, `thanks,' he said, starting to wipe his body dry.

Ewan wrapped himself in his towel, picked up his pants off the floor, and started to head towards the door.

Hold on,' Paul said, I'll only be a minute.'

Ok,' Ewan looked sideways at Paul as he towelled his hair; but do you mind if I ask you a personal question?'

I don't think so,' he answered, depends what it is of course.'

`Let's try then, why did you shave all your pubes off?'

Oh, you noticed,' Paul said, blushing slightly, well there's a very good reason, shall I let you into the secret?'

`Yes please.'

`I don't know if you've ever looked at sexy mags, but when I do I noticed that there were lots of pics of people who had shaved, so I thought I'd give it a go, see how it felt. Then I made the discovery that it makes the birds mad for a shag, they can't keep their hands off it.'

`Oh, does your girlfriend like it then?'

Which one,' Paul lied casually, but, yeah, they've all been wetting themselves for a taste of my meat.' He swung his hips suggestively, and his semi-flaccid cock slapped against his thigh.

`Doesn't it itch?'

`Only if I don't remember to shave, it's getting a bit stubbly now, I'll probably shave in the morning.'

I decided I had better intervene in case Pauls flight of fancy got too carried away, and before Ewan let slip that he knew that Paul was still a virgin; `d'you think we should get on, it's getting late and we've got a long day ahead tomorrow.'

`Yeah, I suppose so,' Paul agreed, and looking like three ancient Greeks in their robes we wandered back to the boat.

Back on board, I laid out my sleeping bag, it was a warm night and I decided to sleep naked for a change. I crawled into the bag and called out a `goodnight' to the other boys. Although I was quite excited about the prospects for the next day, I was surprisingly sleepy after the beers and a few hours in the sunshine, and quickly dropped off to sleep.

Well, gentle reader, what will the night hold, or for that matter the next day? The next episode will follow shortly.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 22: Ewans Story 8

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