Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on May 9, 2008


PP/Ewans Story part 9

Many apologies for the delay, personal circumstances have prevented me from continuing the story 'til now. This will be the final episode of this particular adventure, I cannot promise when or if I will ever revisit the characters, but I couldn't leave you all dangling as it were, and I wanted to end it all with a bang! There yet remains the final winding up of Ewans story. As is about to close down, any future correspondence will need to be addressed to: nojockeys(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk I don't check it very often I'm afraid.

There had been no messing about that night, and after a while it had become rather chilly on the bum sitting on the bows of the boat, even when we were huddled together. In one of our many moments of mutual understanding, we got up and went below, and stripping off our stained and by now rather crusty g-strings, we climbed naked into my bed.

'What'll we say to Paul if he finds us like this?' Ewan murmured drowsily as he wrapped his arms round me. I could feel the softness of his pubic hair brushing against the sensitive skin of my bottom as he spooned up against me.

'Not a lot,' I answered, 'he'll just have to get used to the idea. I'm not embarrassed or ashamed by my love for you.'

'Mmm, that's nice,' he replied softly, his voice fading away, and I realised that the boy was asleep already.

After a few moments luxuriating in the still novel sensation of being in bed with the boy I loved, I too dropped off to sleep. Not the strange disturbed sleep of the night before, but the deep slumber that comes from the combination of satisfaction and exhaustion. Ewan and I had survived what could have been rather a disastrous day, even Paul seemed to have moved on from his previously rather stereotypical outlook and seemed to be accepting the fact that he was turned on by two boys getting it on for him. I don't think he was ready for the idea of anyone other than me touching him, but that was fine, I didn't want to share Ewan with anyone anyway. Just because we got a kick out of Paul watching us and taking photos didn't mean that he was included in our love.

When I awoke early next morning, I felt the momentary dislocation that comes from deep sleep, I soon realised that Ewan was still with me, indeed he was still wrapped around me, the only notable difference from the previous evening being the rigid column of his morning stiffy pressing deliciously against my bum crack. I too had woken up with a hard-on, although I wasn't sharing it with anybody. As I blinked into wakefulness I noticed a pair of naked legs passing the opposite window, it didn't take much deduction to realise that they were Pauls and he was heading along the side of the boat to the jetty. 'Shit,' I swore, realising that we hadn't closed the curtains in Ewans berth either, still, judging by the angle of his legs, Paul was facing away from the boat, so he might not have noticed anything. I jumped out of the bed, and looked out of the window, Paul was indeed heading away from the boat. Dressed only in a white t-shirt and his gold speedos, he was walking off down the towpath towards the bridge. At some point either very early or very late, another boat had moored up; an immaculate and shiny fibreglass-hulled river cruiser, of the type Paul referred to contemptuously as a 'plastic pram', they were always a bit of a liability in a lock because they were so much lighter and more fragile than a steel-hulled narrow boat. I quickly pulled the curtains shut in Ewans berth, and went back into mine, my actions had awoken the sleeping boy, and he was sitting up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, looking ever so appealing in a tousled sort of way. 'Morning,' I said, leaning over and kissing his ruby lips.

'Morning,' he replied, 'what was all that about?'

I flopped down on the bed next to him, 'oh, that was Paul walking along the boat, I suddenly had a thought that we hadn't drawn your curtains, so he might have been able to see that you weren't in your bed.'

'Oh, right,' he said indifferently, 'would that have been so bad?'

'I don't know,' I answered, 'he's come a long way.'

'You can say that again,' Ewan grinned cheekily, 'and over both of us too.'

'I meant he'd accepted a lot of new things,' I said stuffily, 'I'm not sure how much more he can cope with, and I don't want to upset him.'

'I know,' my lover said softly, 'it's just that I don't like to hide my feelings from anyone.'

'Let's just see how he is today, he's had all night to think, although, if he was anything like us, he'd have been too knackered to do a lot of that either.'

'Ok,' Ewan agreed, 'shall we go and have a shower, and see what the new day brings?'

'Yeah, but let's have a little smooch first,' I said, pulling his warm body towards me. Ewan turned his face to mine and we kissed passionately, our tongues tangling as we snogged. My cock had sprung back to life as soon as I felt his taut flesh clasped against mine, and I could feel the pressure of his cock against my naked thigh. I slowly, almost reverentially, ran my hand down his body, from his shoulder, over his ribcage and down to the soft curve of his hip. From there, it was only a short exploration around his hip bone, pausing briefly at the soft tangles of his pubes, and onto a bone of an altogether different kind. Ewan sighed happily as I grasped his now-familiar hard-on and began the subtle movements that anticipated the pleasure yet to come. A moment later, and his free hand slipped confidently into my lap, and took a hold of my cock, gently mimicking my slow hand action. I looked at his face and realised that his eyes were shut, so intensely was he concentrating. I softly kissed him on his closed eyelids, and his hazel eyes fluttered open.

'Is everything alright?' he asked.

'Mmm, yummy,' I answered, 'although I think we might have to finish this later, we're all expected to get back home in good time, remember?'

'Oh,' he pouted, 'and I was just getting going.'

'Yeah, me too, but even so I think we might have to stop, or Paul really will start to get jealous.'

'I suppose so,' he pouted again, looking, to my infatuated eyes, utterly gorgeous and desirable.Reluctantly I let go of his hot erection, and swiftly kissed him, by way of compensation. Ewan yawned, and stretched, 'do we have time for that shower, or is Captain Bligh going to make us race back to the mooring?'

'I think we've got time for the shower, Paul was wandering off down the towpath ten minutes ago, I've no idea what he was up to.'

I got up off the bed, and tied my towel round my hips, 'chuck us mine would you?' Ewan asked politely. I leaned through the doorway and grabbed his towel off the floor, Ewan stood up and wrapped himself up, 'right, come on then, let's wash some of the old spunk off, make room for some more,' he smiled angelically.

'I'm game for that,' I smiled back.

Giggling like the naughty schoolboys that we were, we bundled out of the boat and back over to the shower block again. Someone had been in and showered already; the floor was all wet, without giving it much thought we hung up our towels and got under the sprays of hot water. In the circumstances it seemed entirely natural to soap each other up, and wash each other as intimately as we had become used to.

'Don't forget to clean your cock head,' Ewan shouted, above the splashing of the water.

'Nor you,' I answered, 'I'll be checking it later.'

'Better do it now then,' he said, turning to face me, his cock in his hand. I took hold of it, and as it stiffened up in my fingers again, I carefully pulled back the foreskin and applied my soapy hand to his glans. 'Mmm, that's lovely,' he purred, 'let me do the same for you.' Ewan grasped my semi-erect cock and gave me the same careful treatment, then we rinsed the soap off under the jet of water. 'Let me just check that it's quite clean,' the boy said, and kneeling down in front of me, he carefully sniffed at my, by now, fully hard cock. 'Smells good enough to eat,' he grinned, and without waiting, he engulfed my hot length in his mouth, teasing my glans with little flicks of his tongue.

I looked down at this beautiful boy, sprawling at my feet, his legs apart, his own long and slim erection standing proud above the tight cluster of his balls and yet again felt that surge of love and pride that such a beauty could be interested in me. Not just that, but he was expertly blowing me too.

Some sort of sixth sense alerted me to possible danger, or maybe I heard a sound outside the shower room; and I placed my hands under his armpits, gently hauling him to his feet, and pointing behind me towards the door. We quickly returned to our separate shower jets, and stood there, backs to the entrance, legs apart, rinsing our hair, as the door opened, and someone came in, wafting the odour of stale cigarette smoke after him.

'Oh, sorry lads, I didn't realise you were still in here, I can come back later if you like.' It was some old geezer carrying his towel, presumably off the new boat on the mooring. He was dressed in a very short black dressing gown made from some sort of satin material, and his very hairy and knobbly legs terminated in a pair of ghastly faux leather slippers.

I turned my head round, to look at him, conscious that I was still very stiff, and so was Ewan, 'we'll just be a minute.'

'No need to hurry on my account, take as long as you like, I'm in no rush, I'm on my holidays, and after all we're all boys together.' He sat down on the bench, his legs spread apart, and right under the hooks where we'd hung our towels. He was already getting an eyeful of our butts, and he'd be getting a whole lot more than that in a minute. I caught Ewans eye, he wasn't looking happy. 'So, are you two off that narrow boat?' he asked, 'I got in quite late last night, and didn't spot this mooring 'til after I'd tied up on the other side of the bridge, it'd been a long day.'

'Yes that's right, I hope we didn't disturb you last night?' I enquired politely.

'No, not at all, I could hear you all laughing and talking together, when I went for my late night stroll, you were playing some sort of storytelling game weren't you? It sounded like loads of fun.'

'Yeah, we were playing a game, it got a bit silly that's all.'

'Do you play a lot of games together?' he asked.

'No, not really, it was our last night, we were just letting off steam.'

'That's a shame,' he said, 'I like to play games too, but I haven't got anyone to play with at the moment. I've got loads of stuff to play with on the boat if you fancied a look later? I moved her up onto the mooring this morning, she's the cabin cruiser on the next jetty,'

By now my erection had completely subsided, and a surreptitious glance confirmed that Ewan was in a similar state, so I decided that it was now or never, and turning my shower off, I walked over to where the strange man was sitting, and leaning across him, I grabbed both towels from their hooks. I couldn't avoid brushing against his legs as I did so, and the coarse hairs felt like brillo pads against my skin. We quickly wrapped ourselves up, and crashed out into the sunshine, not even bothering to say goodbye, I just mumbled something incoherent as I left.

'I'm not surprised he hasn't got anyone to play with, pervy old git,' Ewan muttered furiously, 'thanks for getting my towel, I couldn't have done that.'

'Couldn't have you going wrinkly before your time,' I smiled reassuringly, conscious that he was very upset. We got back onto the boat, and as Paul still hadn't returned, I was able to take Ewan in my arms and give him a proper hug. I could feel him trembling and I kissed his lips tenderly to try and reassure him. Our hastily tied towels slipped from our drying bodies, and we stood naked, hugging in the galley of the boat. After a few moments I became aware of a sensation of movement by my thigh, and looking down, I saw that he was slowly starting to stiffen up again. 'Blimey, you bounce back quickly,' I said.

'That's because you turn me on,' he smiled, 'I always feel safe when I'm with you, you always seem to know what to do.'

'I wouldn't say that,' I was embarrassed, 'all I did this time was make a run for it.'

'I couldn't even speak, and I couldn't have gone near the old man.'

'Ah well, expunge him from your thoughts; we'll never see him again. I reckon I ought to put the kettle on though, a cup of tea is what's needed now.'

'Good idea, and we should get dressed, otherwise Paul is going to get entirely the wrong end of the stick.'

'Or possibly the right one,' I added wryly. I filled the kettle and put it on the gas before following Ewan down the boat to our berths. He'd left all the intervening doors open, so I was able to look down the length of the boat and see his beautiful naked body framed, as he sorted through his clothes. 'Hey gorgeous, what's the problem?' I asked, seeing that he was no closer to being dressed than I was.

'I'm not sure what to put on,' he looked confused.


'I don't know whether or not to dress to undress, or just to get dressed.'

'Now you're confusing me!'

'I suppose I mean that I don't know if we're going to do anything sexy, or if we're just going home.'

'Oh, we'll do something sexy alright,' I grinned, 'but only when you're feeling up for it.'

'I'm always up for it, can't you see?' he grinned back, turning to face me.

'Oh yes, so you are. How about you wear clothes that you'd be happy to take off, what've you got left that's clean anyway?'

'My jeans, a stripy t-shirt, my white shorts, my speedos and a couple of pairs of pants.'

'So you don't actually have many choices at all, blimey, you're worse than my sister.'

'Oh, ha ha, what should I wear then?'

'Definitely the white shorts, I could eat you alive in them, and the pants?'

'White tanga or red slip?'

'Hmm that's a difficult one, you look fantastic in the tanga, the slip must be a new acquisition?'

'Yeah,' he blushed, 'I thought they might be sexy, the pictures you took of Paul wearing his looked so good I wanted to copy him.'

'That settles it,' I said firmly, 'red slip it is, they should show through the white shorts nicely too.'

'What are you going to wear?'

'Now that you've made up your mind at last, I'll wear your white tanga, my black rugby shorts and a scaggy old ripped t-shirt.'

'Haven't you got any pants of your own?'

'Course I have, I like the idea of wearing yours, that's all.'

Ewan pulled on the red slip, and gave me a twirl; 'How do I look?'

'You look great,' I said enthusiastically, they were seamless, and the low cut smooth front panel just about contained his lovely package, without concealing much at all.

'As good as Paul in his?' he demanded, throwing himself back onto my bed, and spreading his legs apart in a copy of one of Pauls poses.

'Better,' I answered, 'but there are two significant differences, firstly, I don't love Paul, and secondly, he might have been a teeny bit more excited when I photographed him.'

'Oh,' he looked crestfallen.

'Not to worry, I do have an solution to that problem.' I knelt down by his bed, and gently stroked his semi-tumescent cock through the soft fabric. As I anticipated; he began to stiffen up, the long slender column of his penis straining against the cotton. For too long I had been neglecting the soft spheres of his balls, and devoted a few moments to giving them some extra special attention. Now that he was fully erect, I dressed his cock off to one side, and stood back to admire the result. 'That's more like it,' I smiled, 'stay still for a sec, and I'll grab a picture, you'll be able to make a comparison then.' My camera was close at hand, and I quickly took the shot of Ewan leaning back on his elbows, legs apart and the red slips failing to conceal the rigid shaft of his cock. 'That's lovely,' I said, getting into photographer mode again, 'I've only a few shots left on this film, would you like to do a few more?'

'Only if you save a shot for me to take one of you,' he replied, stretching out his hand to give the tip of my naked cock a friendly tug.

'I'd better put your tanga on then,' I put the camera down, pulled on Ewans white tanga, and gave him a wiggle before getting all professional again. 'How about we do some close ups, I can get right in close as if the camera is about to give you a blow job, then maybe a couple of pics of your lovely bum.'

'Ok,' he agreed.

I knelt down again and Ewan shuffled round slightly so I could poke my camera between his legs, I took a shot of his cock distending the fine material, the outline of his cock head plainly visible, and his smiling face softly out of focus in the background. 'That's lovely, now I think we need to see your hand, keep it slow though, there's not much light.' He obligingly brought his hand into the picture, teasingly running a finger along the waistband of the slips before allowing his fingertips to come to a rest on the shaft of his cock, the forefinger gently stimulating his glans.

'Yeah, that's really good, maybe now you should stick your hand in your pants?' Ewan slowly pushed the flat of his hand under the waistband, revealing the top of his golden pubes; he then grasped his cock firmly, his knuckles showing plainly through the cotton and the gaping leg hole revealing his balls and the bottom of his shaft. 'Only four frames left,' I said regretfully, for I was finding this spontaneous session to be a great turn-on, 'how about you turn over?' Without letting go of his cock, Ewan rolled over, sticking his bum up in the air, I got the shot through his legs, the sweet curves of his cheeks contrasting with the powerful bulge of his cock and balls. For a finale, he pulled the pants to one side, allowing his tackle to hang free in the triangle between his legs, gripping his cock tightly and looking back at the camera.

I put the camera down, conscious once more of the unresolved hardness between my legs, Ewans white tangas were being subjected to the pressure of my so solid erection, and I could feel the first trickle of pre-cum leaking into the soft cotton. I ran my hand over Ewans soft cotton clad cheeks, exploring on through the cleft of his legs, and clasping my hand briefly over his, while he slowly wanked himself. I let go, and continued to explore my lovers' body; pulling the fabric clear, I ran my fingers up the cleft of his butt, pausing to stimulate his pucker with a subtle finger. 'Mmm, that's so nice,' he moaned, 'do some more.'

I climbed onto the bed too, and rubbed my cotton-clad erection against his naked crack, pressing the tip of my cock against the sensitive area around his anus.

'Hey,' he said abruptly, 'I'm forgetting myself, it's all too lovely, but I was going to take some pics of you.'

'Oh yeah,' I giggled, 'so you were, where do you want me?'

Ewan jumped up off the bed, not bothering to tuck himself away, and pointed, 'there, on the bed, legs apart.'

I obligingly settled down on the bed, the front of Ewans white pants bowing out with the strength of my erection, I lifted one knee up, and put my other foot on the floor, tilting my pelvis towards Ewan, 'how's that?' I asked.

'Great, if you could just pull the waistband down a little so the head of your cock is showing?' Ewan knelt down to get in close.

Happy to oblige, I exposed a little of my hot length to the camera, arching my back to accentuate the pose. I heard the shutter click, and looked at Ewan, 'what else would you like?'

'Can I see some more of your bum?' he asked.

'Of course,' I replied, and rolled over onto my front, spreading my legs apart, but pressing my crotch into the bedclothes, 'like this?'

'That's nice,' he said, 'and if I had more film, I'd take it, but I was hoping for something with a bit more of your cock in it.'

'Oh, ok,' I answered, 'let's try this then.' I pushed my bum up into the air, with my knees on the mattress, and spreading my legs as wide as they'd go on the narrow bed I reached back and caressed the smooth curve of my balls. 'How's that?' I asked. 'Hmm, still not the shot I want,' he said, 'can you give me a little more?'

I was enjoying the game, and wanted it to go on forever, but I was aware that time was passing, and Paul might come back and see us at it again, or still worse, that the man from the other boat might look in, as we'd still failed to close the curtains in my berth. I put one foot down on the floor, and pushing my bottom towards the camera, I shoved a hand down the front of the tangas, forcing my cock out through the leg hole as I wanked it fiercely. I heard a little gasp, a shuffle and then finally a click, as Ewan took the shot. Without releasing the grip on my cock, I rolled over onto my back again, and looked up at my love. He had put the camera to one side, and was standing masturbating over me. Ewan smiled sweetly, 'that was the shot I wanted, now all we need to do is make love, and my day will be complete.' 'Come here,' I said, and he threw himself on me, our cocks clashing together as we snogged on the tangled bedclothes. Our moment of passion was short-lived, as I heard the kettle begin to whistle, and the sound of distant footsteps on the towpath.

'Bugger,' I swore, 'just when things were getting interesting.'

Ewan climbed off me, and tucking himself back into his pants, looked out of the window; 'it's Paul, he's looking pleased with himself, oh, but he's stopped to talk to that weird bloke on the other boat.'

'Come on then, let's get dressed and make the tea,' I said, 'we may have to mount a rescue party.' We hauled on our chosen clothes, and I went to attend to the hysterically whistling kettle. Once the tea had brewed, I poured out three mugs, and popped my head out of the hatch to see where Paul was. He was still talking to the owner of the plastic boat, who had by now changed into a singlet and a pair of very tight and very short shorts, and was sitting in a lounger on the upper deck of the boat, commanding a view up and down the canal. His hairiness was not confined to his legs, as dark clumps sprouted from the every part of his body, even on the pale skin of his shoulders, I shouted out; 'Tea's up,' to Paul and he waved, and took his leave of the man.

'Interesting bloke,' he said, 'he knows loads about boats, and he's into photography too. I told him about our mission, and he was really interested, wanted me to come on board and look at some of his pictures. He was asking me about the pair of you too and whether you liked photography too.'

'Um, which mission?' I asked, 'the canal architecture or the underwear modelling?'

'Oh, the canal stuff, he didn't look the type to be into underwear.'

'He seemed to quite enjoy watching me and Ewan in the shower this morning.'

'Nah, you're making it up, anyway, he told me he had lots of friends my age, and he was warning me that we need to watch out for the sun, with our light skins we might burn easily.'

'Oh well, maybe you're right, he just felt a bit too friendly and interested to me, have we got any sun cream?'

'Yeah, there's about a gallon in the locker. Ah well, you can't all be right all of the time,' Paul said smugly, 'there is something else though.'

'Oh yeah, what?' I asked.

'When I went out for my shower this morning, I bumped into the lock keeper. I told him what we'd been doing, and he told me that there's the remains of an inclined plane down the towpath about five hundred yards past the road bridge. So I went to look for it, and I wondered if Ewan would like to go and take some pics before we set off for home.'

'That was very kind of you, I'm sure he'd appreciate it, forgive it my ignorance, but what is an inclined plane?'

'It's a bit like a slipway for hauling the old narrow boats out of the water, there must have been a boatyard or something there in the past, it's pretty derelict, but all the old winches and stuff are there, there's even a little inlet where we can moor up safely rather than have to walk down.'

'That sounds great,' I said, ' let's see what Ewan thinks?'

'Yeah, where is the tiddler anyway?'

'I think he's below, making bacon butties.'

When Pauls suggestion was put to Ewan, he was very keen, I think he was conscious that perhaps, on reflection, he should maybe have given a little bit more time to the whole canal architecture project. 'If I get pictures of all the different parts, perhaps you could explain how they work to me?' he asked Paul.

Paul was unused to being asked to explain anything, and was clearly delighted to cast himself in the role of fount of all knowledge. 'Yes, of course,' he answered, through a mouthful of bacon, 'there was one other thing.'

'Go on,' I said.

'I don't know how much film we have left, but it did occur to me that as it is a very isolated location, we might do a last picture session, you know; finish off all the film.'

'Could do I suppose,' Ewan answered, 'I've only got a roll and a half left.'

'I've only got one roll, I finished the other one earlier,' I added, grinning at my lover.

'and I've still got two,' Paul said, 'seems a pity not to use them up.'

'That's settled then, but I think we should do the inclined plane first,' Ewan grinned, 'after all, we may not have enough energy later.'

'I've always got the energy,' Paul said smugly, 'especially if I think I might get my end away.'

I grinned another conspiratorial grin at Ewan; I don't think Paul had any idea what we'd been up to already.

'Right,' Paul said, 'if we've all had enough to eat, then we should crack on, there's only so much time in the day.'

'Ok, and preferably before the hairy wombat next door decides he wants to come and play,' I added.

Paul snorted with laughter; 'I don't know where you get it from, hairy wombat indeed.'

'I listen to the radio,' I said, 'and not just Capital.'

Paul stood up and went to the bows, 'can one of you untie, and push us off?' he asked.

'Yeah, I'll do it,' I said, reluctant to expose Ewan to any unwelcome attention from the next boat. As we chugged sedately off our mooring, the old guy on the other boat waved to us and shouted; 'you off home now lads?'

'Yeah,' I called back before Paul could tell him our life history.

'Safe journey,' he called out, 'hope to see you all again soon, and good luck with the photos.'

'Thanks,' I called back, 'but not if we see you first,' I added under my breath.

It only took us ten minutes to sail down the canal, and then Paul deftly inserted the bow of the boat into what appeared to be a small sewer outflow, but was in fact a semi-derelict mooring off the canal, the only identifying feature being the small cast-iron bridge that lifted the towpath over it. Once we were in the inlet there was ample space to moor the boat alongside a long disused stone quay.

'Wow, this is fantastic,' Ewan said, 'even better than the mill. Show me the plane thingy.'

We all jumped off the boat, and Paul took us to the end of the quay, where a long ramp began below the waterline. There were still some rusty old chains and steel wires lying about, and at the top of the ramp were a couple of huge and ancient windlasses. Paul and Ewan went off to finish his history project, possibly the first and only time that Paul had shown any enthusiasm for schoolwork in my experience, even if it was by proxy.

I went off to have a look for possible locations for our photo shoot. We'd pretty much done derelict buildings on the previous day, so I was looking out for something to contrast. One of the reasons this site was so isolated, I soon discovered, was that there was a thick band of scrubby woodland bounding it on all sides apart from the canal. Even this early in the year, the brambles and nettles were fierce and rampant, I persevered, however, and soon found an old pathway that wasn't so overgrown, this took me to a large cleared area, presumably where some of the industrial buildings had once stood, and now just a grassy hollow stretching several hundred yards in each direction. I looked about me, it wasn't overlooked in any way, and there were no other ways in or out, perfect for al fresco sex in fact.

I was pleased that I had found somewhere, and went back to find the others. Paul and Ewan were leaning on one of the old windlasses, deep in conversation, and it took me a minute or two to gain enough of their attention to ask a question; 'how are you doing, did you get all the photos you wanted?'

'Yes thanks, Paul was just explaining how all this stuff works, but I think I've got it all sorted now. How did you get on, find anywhere?'

'Yeah, there's a clearing, just looks like a big open field, but it's totally isolated.'

'Cool,' Ewan said, 'did you have any idea for a scenario?'

'Actually, I did,' Paul interrupted, 'I thought maybe I'd sit this one out, and just be the photographer, but I've had an idea for the story.'

'Ok,' I said, quite amused that Paul was so blatantly wanting us to perform for him, 'tell us your story, but I think we should see a bit of action from you too.'

'Fair do's,' he conceded, 'anyway, here's my idea; two boys out in the countryside for a picnic, get a bit bored and start fooling around, decide to do a bit of sunbathing, and one of them suggests that they should try and get undressed without using their hands at all. After a lot of horseplay, they finally get stripped down to their undies, and settle down to a bit of sunbathing. What with one thing and another, the application of a bit of sun cream leads them to; I know not where, that bit I'll leave up to you.'

'That sounds fun,' Ewan smiled, 'how about this for a little twist, the boys don't realise that they are being watched. Until the voyeur, that'd be you by the way, gives the game away, and is discovered, the boys extract some form of pleasurable revenge and we all go home happy and drained of all our spunk.'

Paul swallowed, I think he was a bit nervous about Ewans idea, but then he brightened up, 'yeah, why not, we're only having a wank after all.'

'We'll need to use the little automatic camera then,' I added, 'you can stick it on a tripod and we'll use the cable release when we get to your part.'

'Yeah alright,' Paul agreed, 'what do we need, and what should I wear?'

'We'll need a big towel or a blanket, and your sun cream. Don't know what you should wear, I'm tempted to say; come as you are.'

'Oh ha bloody ha,' Paul said, 'that doesn't help very much.'

'You have a couple of options, the first, which is the one Ewan and I have adopted, is to put on the clothes that you haven't worn yet, the second, would be to fetch your voyeur costume from the boat.'

Paul looked confused, 'but I haven't got a voyeur costume on the boat, I don't know what a voyeur looks like.'

'Exactly,' I said, 'so you can wear whatever you like, it might be a good idea to make it something in which you can hide behind a bush without endangering yourself in any way.'

'Ah yes, brambles and nettles,' he said thoughtfully, 'right, I think I have an idea what to wear.'

'So,' I said slowly, 'shall we?'

Paul led the way back to the boat, and I collected up the blanket, sun cream and the rolls of film, Ewan found all the rest of the camera bits, and by the time we'd done all that, I could hear that Paul was up on deck.

He was dressed in a very tight pair of ripped denim cut-downs, a tight green singlet, and had a pair of field glasses slung round his neck. I raised an eyebrow; 'I was thinking about what you'd said about that old guy on the other boat, so I copied his clothes,' Paul said defensively, 'what d'you think?'

'Good piece of improvisation,' I said approvingly, 'just don't mention that to Ewan, the old guy freaked him out a little. What pants have you got on?'

'You'll just have to wait and see,' he grinned.

'Look forward to it,' I grinned back.

Ewan bustled up on deck, and his eyes widened as he took in Pauls outfit, 'that looks great,' he said, with enthusiasm, 'I'm ready to play now, what about the rest of you?'

'Yup,' we chorused, and we all set off for the clearing.

As I have already described, this was a pretty straightforward scenario, there was no real justification for the story, it was just going to be two boys fooling around, and then taking it a bit further. When I'd been to the clearing before I had carefully selected our performance area, it was on a little hump of raised ground with a depression in front of it, Paul would be standing in a small hollow, and the strong sunlight would be directly behind him, hopefully revealing rather than concealing. The scrubby woodland was also pretty close, about thirty feet away, so it was possible that Paul in his voyeur character might actually feature in a couple of the shots.

I had long since given up trying to make Paul perform better with the camera, but if he was forced to be down low by the geography, then at least we stood a fighting chance of getting some decent porn. 'Now remember,' I felt I had to try to give him at least one instruction, 'get in close, we're not shooting landscapes here, it's all about bodies, nice to see a face, but even nicer to see the detail of a dripping cock.'

'Yeah, yeah,' Paul said, 'I remember.'

'Ok, before we get started, we need to do a few shots on my camera of you lurking in the shrubbery, and getting excited. We'll have to cheat a bit, and only have Ewan in the background, but then I'll try and get some timer shots of you from across both of us when we're sunbathing.'

Ewan got himself ready, and I followed Paul into the scrub, 'over by this little birch tree will be good,' I said, 'you can peer round it, and it gives you something to lean on, if you decide you need it.'

My first shots were of Paul innocently looking up at some random bird, through the field glasses. The tight shorts, cut off very high on the thigh and crotch, certainly accentuated his bulge, and I made certain to capture a few close ups from front and rear. After a while some movement in the distance grabs his attention; and he spots Ewan entering the field carrying the blanket. Lurking behind the tree, he raises the field glasses to observe him more closely. Ewan shakes out the rug, the strong light making his shorts semi-transparent, the red pants showing up quite clearly, after looking around for me, he sits down facing towards Paul, his knees up and legs spread wide apart. Paul is obviously taken with this vision, and intently focuses the glasses on Ewans groin, with his other hand touching the developing bulge in his shorts. After an all too brief moment Ewan spins round to face away, he has spotted the as yet non-existent me in the distance, and waves to attract my attention before lying down, his feet towards the pit.

'Ok,' I said to Paul, 'I'll take some more pictures of you, as seen over Ewans body, then you can come and take over.'

'Ok,' Paul said huskily, and I realised that he was rather liking this scenario.

After I had taken some shots of Paul lurking in the distance, as seen over Ewans horizontal form, and featuring some marvellous up the shorts leg images, Paul came out from the bushes, and took my camera from me, grabbing some pictures of me joining Ewan at the rug, the large bottle of sun cream in my hand. Once Paul was safely confined to his pit, we were able to get to the main event, Ewan and I sat down cross-legged beside each other on the rug, facing towards Paul. Ewan took the bottle of lotion from me, and pretended to read the label, and I looked on, our shoulders and upper arms touching. I took the bottle out of his hand, and put it down on the grass next to the blanket and then made as if to pull my t-shirt over my head, but Ewan put out an arm to stop me, clenching his fist over my hand. He then stood up, and putting both hands behind his back, indicated with a look that I should do the same.

He kicked off his sandshoes, and I did likewise, then, still holding his hands behind his back, he moved over to me, and leaning forward, bit a mouthful of the neck of my t-shirt, pulling it towards him. I leaned forwards to help him, but overbalanced, and fell onto my knees, leaving my t-shirt half over my head. From this position, Ewan was able to bite another bit, and finally to pull the shirt right off. Flushed, but triumphant, he invited me to have a go, I opted to go for the neck and gripped the collar between my teeth, drinking in his sweet boy smell as I did so. Ewan leaned forward, and I pulled away, neatly stripping the t-shirt off his young torso. I stepped back, his stripy shirt still clutched in my teeth, and after tossing it to one side, I grinned at him. My rugby shorts might prove to be more of a challenge, especially as I had thoughtlessly done up the ties.

Ewan obviously thought so, as he shoulder charged me onto my knees, and then flipped me onto my back. I relaxed as he bent over me, his blonde hair gently tickling my stomach as he nuzzled at the waistband of my shorts. To help him a little, I sucked in my stomach, and he was able to nip the end of one of the ties in his teeth. From then on, it was plain sailing, once the ties were loosened, I spread my legs apart and he was able to grip the crotch of my shorts between his teeth, and gently pull them off me.

I had decided on a more lateral approach to removing Ewans shorts, for a start they had an elasticated waist, and secondly, the boy didn't really have any hips yet. So, rather than messing about with teeth, I stayed on my back, and manoeuvring him into position with my feet, I grasped both sides of his shorts legs between the big toe and index toe of each foot and tugged gently downwards. This concept wasn't an unqualified success, as the fine nylon was hard to grip, and the elastic was more substantial than I had anticipated, still, after a few attempts, I was able to remove his shorts.

'That's great,' I heard Paul say, although to be honest, I'd completely forgotten about him, 'just hang on while I change the film.'

Ewan flopped down beside me on the blanket, 'that was different,' he smiled.

'Yeah, he's a weird one sometimes, he's never been this inspired before though.'

'How do you want to play this?' he whispered.

'What do you mean?' I whispered back.

'I really want to feel you inside me, I've been busting for it for the last couple of days, and we keep getting close, then something happens to prevent it.'

'Let's see how we get on, I've a feeling that Paul might surprise us, he certainly has done so far.'

'Ok,' Ewan said softly, 'but I won't be held responsible for my actions.'

'Oh blimey,' I answered, 'you're the only person I love, and making you happy is paramount to me, so let's not panic just yet.'

'Ok, I'm ready now,' Paul shouted up from his pit, 'this is the bit where you put the sun cream on, and the rest is up to you.'

We settled down on the blanket on our backs; legs apart and our thighs touching, our feet towards Paul, as though we were about to soak up some rays. We maintained that position for a little while, as it was nice to feel the sun on our skins. I was aware of the camera's occasional clicks, as Paul manfully struggled to get the pictures. Soon I realised that the sun, beating down on our protected space, really was very hot, and I was beginning to feel quite uncomfortable.

'We really do need some sun lotion,' I said to Ewan, 'how are you feeling?'

'Hot,' he said.

'Want some goop?' I asked.

'Yes please, get it on,' he panted.

I sat up and reached for the bottle of lotion, I've no idea what was in it, it was very runny and seemed to need a good shake to mix it up before you squeezed any into your palm. Looking down at Ewan, I could see that his pale skin was indeed going rather pink, so I poured a liberal dollop of cream onto my hand and set about my task. Swiftly and gently I rubbed a generous coating of oil onto his chest and upper torso, giving special attention to his dark nipples, his eyes were closed and I could see him smiling as I moved on to cover his arms and face. Moving on down, I poured some lotion directly onto his flat stomach, the viscous liquid forming a creamy yellow pool around his belly button. With just one finger, I began to stir the fluid around, looking straight over his as yet only semi-hard package into the lens of the camera. I could feel my cock beginning to grow in my pants, as I was starting get into this role-play, and shifted my position slightly so that the camera would be able to record this development.

I continued to play with the liquid, and eventually the pool spread out enough to reach the waistband of his red pants, instantly staining them darker. Playfully, I dipped my whole hand in the lotion and softly squeezed his crotch, feeling his cock jump under my hand, and leaving a dark and semi-translucent handprint on the fine fabric, like a statement of my intentions. Like the tease I was, I left him waiting for more, and moved on to oil up his legs, leaving his thighs 'til last. Once again gazing into the camera lens, I poured a liberal dollop of cream into my hands and set about coating his thighs. As I worked, I could see the results of my occasional brushes against his package; the thin red cotton becoming progressively more stained and clingy, exposing every delicious contour to the camera.

'Ok, time to turn over,' I said. Ewan obediently sat up, the pool of oil on his stomach cascading down over his pants, and making them even more saturated. He pulled the waistband away from his body, allowing the fluid to trickle down into his pubes and looked over at me. Not being one to miss a trick, I slipped my oily hand into his pants, and thoroughly spread the lotion around. His cock was fully engorged by now, the tip distending the skimpy cotton, and I made sure it had an even covering of sun cream. 'Wouldn't want it to get burned now, would we,' I murmured while I worked.

Ewan snorted, and flipped over onto his front, holding his butt up off the blanket to give the camera a good view between his legs. I swiftly oiled his back and shoulders, moving on to his legs once I was sure he was properly covered. His upper thighs got some special attention, and once again, I couldn't resist putting two handprints on his lovely cheeks. He wriggled with pleasure as I softly stroked his bum through the material. Finally, I poured some more oil onto my hand and stuck it down the back of his pants, running my slippery fingers up and down his crack, pausing only to make sure his pucker was thoroughly lubricated, a theory I was able to test by slipping my middle finger in past the knuckle. I felt his anus clamp around my finger as he reacted with pleasure to my gentle invasion.

After I was sure that my exploration had been recorded, and he was thoroughly oiled up, I removed my hand, and lay down on my front, legs slightly spread and saying; 'your turn now,' to Ewan.

His approach to the task was commendably direct, after brief interlude, I heard him slosh the bottle, then he poured what felt like most of its contents onto the small of my back, and over the seat of my pants, 'looks like someone's just come all over you,' I heard him whisper, and I grinned to myself as I felt his soft hands spreading the oily lotion all over my body. After a few moments, all movement stopped and then I sensed him climbing astride me, facing the camera, he used his whole body to spread the liquid, grinding his crotch against my lower back and my bum, as he went on using his hands to oil up my legs and inner thighs.

'Ok, you can roll over,' he said, without bothering to get off me, true enough, we were both so slippery now that I was able to turn over without any difficulty. As he leaned forward to reach for the bottle of oil, now sadly depleted, I was able to look through the triangle of his legs, past the gentle roundness of his balls and the rigid column of his manhood, and catch a glimpse of Paul in photographer mode. He had a most peculiar expression, mingled lust and desire, on his face, and the tight shorts were doing nothing to conceal the state of his organ. Looked like we might be in for some fun there, too.

Ewan shuffled down my body, and sat down firmly on my erection as he went to spread more sun cream on my lower legs. His body rose and fell, and he was giving me a wonderful sensation as he rubbed his crack up and down the length of my cock. He spun round, and gave attention to the upper part of my body, cheekily pressing his stiffness against mine. By now I could see that the onetime white tangas were beginning to look rather the worse for wear, as the friction transferred oil from his saturated pants. Finally, he climbed off me, and sitting back on his heels, back to the camera, he poured a great gout of sun cream onto my cotton clad crotch, scooping up a handful and slipping it under my waistband, rather as I had done to him earlier. I loved the sensation of his ultra slippery hand confidently and expertly grasping my hard shaft, and I could so easily have come there and then, had we not had our own agenda.

'That's the end of the film,' came a voice from the pit.

I sat up and addressed him; 'ok stud, then it's time to get you back in the picture. Could you reload, and set it up for me?' Once he'd reloaded Paul put the little camera on the tripod, and chucked the cable release up to us, where it was claimed by Ewan. I got up and climbed down into the pit to check the viewfinder, although I was careful not to touch the camera with my oily fingers.

'What should I do?' Paul asked.

'We'll lie back and play with each other for a few pics,' I said, 'and you should break cover and get closer, as though you can't believe what you've been watching. Somewhere during this, you should begin to demonstrate how turned on you are. We'll totally ignore you, until it seems like a good time, listen out for the camera, this is the last roll of film, and there's not many shots left on the one in my camera.

We both laid back on the blanket, my erection had subsided a little during this moment of practicality, although I was pleased to see that Ewan was as hard as ever, the sodden red and translucent fabric being forced clear of his body by the strength of his hard-on. From where I was lying I could just see the scrubby woodland and Paul, his field glasses pressed to his eyes, and I waited for Ewan to make his move.

Suddenly I felt Ewans hand lightly touching my thigh, a moment later and his fingers moved on to caress my cock though the saturated white cotton. I heard the click of the camera, and in my peripheral vision I saw Paul move out from his place of concealment, holding the glasses to his eyes with one hand, and clutching the bulge in his shorts with the other. I felt it was time for some rapprochement and slipped my fingers under the waistband of Ewans pants, curling my fingers lovingly around the tight oily globes of his balls, before clasping them around the base of his cock. I heard another couple of clicks from the camera, Paul had by now advanced to within ten feet of us and had undone the waist button of his shorts and jammed his hand down the front. Then Ewan whispered in my ear; 'let's really shock him.'

'Ok,' I whispered back.

Ewan propped himself up on one arm, keeping a tight hold on the cable release, and with the other hand he pulled my pants to one side, freeing my cock at last, and gripping it firmly. As I too sat up, I could see that Paul had by now unzipped the flies of his shorts, and his hand was busy as ever.

Ewan reached up and turned my face to his, planting a full on, open mouthed kiss on my lips, and at the same time returning his hand to its wanking duties. I was surprised, but turned on, and took the opportunity to haul his cock out of its cotton prison and join in the mutual masturbation. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Pauls expression, it was a mixture of shock and absolute lust. His shorts had dropped to the ground, and I could see that he was wearing the purple nylon mesh pants that I'd always found so appealing. His cock was absolutely rigid, and I could see every detail of it through the coarse mesh, his fingers hovering over the red and dripping tip. Suddenly, he pulled off the singlet, and moved even closer, there was no way we couldn't have noticed him by now, but the camera does lie, and we were enacting a fantasy after all.

'I think it might be time to lose the pants,' I said to Ewan, when I was able to pull my mouth away from his.

'Yeah,' he agreed, and lifted up his bottom so I could pull his free, I flung the sodden pants to one side, and arched my back so that he could do the same for me. The feeling of sun on our naked skin was wonderful, and I pulled Ewan down on top of me to continue our snog, our naked and slippery bodies sliding easily together. We both lifted up a knee so that the camera could get a view of our oily cocks pressing hard against each other. Paul by now had his hand back in his pants and was slowly pleasuring himself as he watched us intently.

Ewan abruptly sat up, and straddled my body, his back to Paul, as he leaned forwards and engulfed my cock in his mouth, his own shaft hovering over my face, and his splayed cheeks an open invitation to Paul. I wasn't going to turn down an offer like this, and eagerly sucked his hot and dripping organ into my mouth. We blissfully indulged in our sixty-nine, Ewan, bless him, even remembering to take some pictures. Reluctantly I felt that we needed to move on, and nipped gently on his hot penis by way of a hint. He nipped back, and we both disengaged at the same time.

'I think we might need a little more oil,' he grinned, still not acknowledging Pauls presence, 'shall I rub some on?'

'Yes please,' I said.

'Ok, turn over then and stick your bum in the air,' he passed me the cable release at the same time. I turned over onto my front and shuffled round a bit so I'd be a little more sideways on to the camera. Paul was still transfixed, ready for anything we could show him, his hand on his cock, but so enchanted that he seemed to have forgotten to wank.

Ewan poured some more oil into the palm of his hand, and kneeling behind me, he began rubbing it onto my butt. This was more like a massage than a simple application of sun cream, as he ran his hands down my crack, down my inner thighs and along the throbbing length of my shaft in a regular and methodical motion, pausing occasionally to replenish the sun cream on his hands.

'I'm going to notice him in a minute,' Ewan whispered, and shuffling closer to me he began to rub his oily cock up and down my crack, pausing slightly each time his glans slipped over my pucker. We weren't at a good angle for penetration, but Paul wasn't to know that and I could sense him leaning ever closer in as Ewan tantalised him with this erotic display. I snapped a shot as Ewan leaned back, as if to enter me at last, his cock pressed firmly against my anus, then suddenly he collapsed forward, squashing me flat, his erection slipping up onto my back. Realising that this was the moment, I got up, kneeling with my back to the camera, Ewan alongside me, and we both acknowledged Paul for the first time. In the shock of discovery, he had ceased his masturbation, but his cock was still hard and proud, and plainly visible through the purple mesh of his pants.

I held out my hands to him, and bewitched, he moved closer, Ewan, in the meantime, had taken control of the camera once more, and he snapped a shot as I clasped both hands round Pauls bottom, pulling him to me. I nuzzled at his erection through the nylon, as I had memorably done a few times before, smelling the hot sex of him before tonguing the dripping tip and savouring the flavour of his pre-cum. I relished the feeling of his taut buttocks through the soft nylon mesh as I pushed his stiffness against my face, before I finally gripped the waistband and slowly pulled his pants down. His hairless crotch was still as smooth as ever, and his fat and curved cock, freed from its nylon confinement, bobbed invitingly in front of my face.

Naturally I needed no second invitation, and taking hold of his dick in one hand, I gently pulled back the foreskin before extending my tongue and delicately licking off the drops of pre-cum welling up from its tip. Ewan in the meantime was lounging alongside me; one leg up high and his bottom towards the camera, one hand slowly exploring my oily shaft, and leaning in to watch closely as I stimulated Paul. When I felt I had teased the boy enough, I opened wide and engulfed his cock into my waiting mouth; I could hear him moan with pleasure as I ran my tongue around his glans. I pulled back to give Ewan a shot of my lips circling Pauls cock head, looking up to see how the older boy was reacting. As far as I could tell, he was in ecstasy, his eyes were closed and he had a wide grin on his face.

I felt the hand on my cock release and out of the corner of my eye; I saw Ewan was shifting position. Silently he got up, and stood beside Paul, the cable release still trailing from one hand. I turned my head towards him, he winked, and I put out a hand to take hold of his slender cock, before feeding it into my mouth alongside Pauls. It was a bit of a squeeze to get them both in, but the effort was worth it from my point of view. Looking up, I saw Pauls eyes widen with shock as he realised that he was touching a boy other than me. It gave me some small satisfaction to disconcert him, as he seemed to make a habit of trying to wrong foot me. I gave their hot cock heads a specially lingering sweep with my tongue, and I sensed Paul relax as he realised that nothing bad was going to happen.

Reaching up I gently squeezed both cocks together, forcing the two boys to move until they were standing close to each other, their thighs pressing together. So far so good, Paul hadn't freaked at being in intimate contact with another boy, whether we could take it any further was a moot point, whether we wanted to was another matter. Time to try another little experiment, I reached through between both the boys legs, pausing en route to give their balls an affectionate squeeze, then I stroked their cheeks before taking the route down both their cracks, Ewan was still very well lubed up and my finger slipped effortlessly into his pucker, Paul, of course didn't have that advantage, and when I cautiously sought to explore his anus, he clamped his cheeks tight on my finger. That answered that question I guess.

I slowly allowed their twin cocks to slip out of my mouth, as soon as they were released, Paul moved away from any physical contact with Ewan although I was encouraged that he didn't move far, or pull away from my hand, still resting gently on his bum.

'What would you like to do?' I asked softly.

'Umm,' he said, hesitantly, looking a bit shifty.

'Go on,' I said, 'there's not much we haven't done after all.'

'I'd like you to go on sucking me off,' he said.

'Is that all, my pleasure,' I answered.

'and...' his voice trailed away.

'Carry on,' I prompted.

'Umm, I'd really like to watch Ewan fuck you up the arse while you're sucking me.'

Ewan smiled at both of us, 'I'm game if you are, I'll try anything once,' he said to me.

'Yeah, I guess I could give it a go,' I said, trying not to giggle, 'you'd better give me the cable release.' I shuffled round and leaned forward onto my hands, looking back over my shoulder at the action behind me whilst making sure that my bottom was at a good angle for the camera.

Paul stood to one side watching our preparations, idly playing with his cock as Ewan picked up the bottle of sun cream and then handed it to him, 'pour some into my hands, would you?' Ewan asked, 'my fingers are too slippy.' Paul unscrewed the cap and poured a generous dollop onto Ewans outstretched palms, 'thanks,' the boy said, and, as Paul watched closely, he carefully spread the lubricant along the whole length of his cock. 'Could you pour a little on him?' he asked, indicating my backside, 'I guess it's important to be well lubricated.'

Paul obligingly came nearer, his curvy cock projecting stiffly in front of him, 'where d'you want it?'

Ewan had sunk to his knees behind me, and indicated my backside, 'on the target please, and be generous.'

As Paul moved in closer, bottle in hand, Ewan reached over, and without giving Paul a chance to avoid him, he slipped his greasy fist along the whole length of Pauls shaven cock. To my amazement, Paul didn't object, and looked on as Ewan explored his manhood, the fat curve of his red tipped cock sliding easily in the boys' small neat hand. I watched, transfixed, as Ewan confidently pulled the older boys' foreskin back, the glans dripping with pre-cum. Somehow I remembered to take a photo as Paul tipped some of the sun cream over my back, I could feel the trickle of sticky liquid running down my crack and over my anus.

'I should try to spread it about a bit,' Ewan said, 'I seem to have my hand full.' Somehow I had managed to keep on taking the pictures while this was going on, and I took another shot, as Paul bent over me, running his hand over my cheeks, and smoothing the cream into my crack, Ewan still continuing steadily to masturbate the older boy. 'Make sure it's well rubbed in,' he continued, and I felt Pauls finger slip into my hole. 'That's probably enough,' my lover said, 'd'you want to get in close and watch?'

'Mmm,' Paul grunted throatily, and knelt in close beside me, his penis slipping from Ewans grasp as he moved.

Ewan moved closer behind me, and placing his hands on my hips, he slowly allowed the tip of his cock to travel along my crack. As he reached my pucker, he pulled me back onto him, but perhaps there was too much lubrication as his cock head skated deliciously over my pucker. Paul shifted closer, his cock swinging unattended, as Ewan tried again. Once again Ewan failed to penetrate me and as he leaned back to have another go, Paul spoke up; 'here, let me help,' and he reached over and held Ewans cock head steadily against my anus, at once the younger boy pushed forward, his slim cock sliding easily into me. Paul didn't take his hand away, as Ewans cock passed through his fingers, instead he watched intently as my lover entered me.

'Don't let go,' Ewan gasped, as he pulled back out, after all he was getting a wank from Paul as well as making love to me. Paul had encircled his forefinger and thumb around Ewans cock as he was entering me, doubtless enhancing the experience for the boy.

'Didn't you want me to suck you?' I asked Paul.

'Oh yeah,' he giggled, 'just got a bit distracted.' He, rather reluctantly I thought, let go of Ewan, and stood up, absently wiping the sun cream from his hand onto his rigid member. He moved round and stood in front of me, his eyes still fixed on Ewan, who was still slowly pulling his cock in and out of my backside. I must confess that I was thoroughly loving the sensation of having my lover inside me at last, especially as Paul too, seemed to be getting into the swing of things. I reached up with my free hand once more, and grasping Pauls purple and slippery cock I fed it into my mouth again, I could sense that he wasn't far off coming, and rather quickly he pulled back out again.

'What's the matter?' I asked.

'Nothing,' he said, 'I just didn't want to come before you two this time.' I was touched, Paul really seemed to have come round to the idea that it wasn't just him getting his jollies.

'How about you do Ewan now?' he asked, abruptly destroying my good impression.

'Yes please,' came a voice from behind me, and I felt him slowly pulling out of me.

I turned round to face my lover, he was looking cheeky, his cock still dripping and shiny with all the lubrication. 'Ok then, onto your back please,' I said, and the boy obligingly lay down on the blanket, legs splayed wide apart towards the camera and his hard dick pointing skywards. I shuffled forwards on my knees, lifting his hips and bracing his cheeks against my thighs, my somewhat neglected cock poised and ready to enter him. 'Would you oblige,' I asked Paul, and he moved forward with the bottle of sun cream ready in his hand. Instead of just pouring it on, however, he splashed some onto his hand, and leaning in, he began to spread it over Ewans balls and down between his legs. I snatched a shot of Paul unselfconsciously fondling the boy, his blonde pubic hair matted and glistening with oil; Paul, with his groin hair free and gleaming, and the red tip of his cock head brushing against Ewans uplifted thigh.

'Mmm, that's so nice,' the young boy said, his hazel eyes twinkling naughtily, 'would you like to try fingering me?'

'Ok,' Paul said, licking his lips, and after pouring a little more lotion onto Ewans crack, he reached down, and I watched as he slowly parted the boys cheeks, before carefully and deliberately inserting his forefinger into his anus.

'Lovely,' Ewan gasped, 'can you get another one in?'

Paul obligingly slipped two fingers into his greasy pucker, after a few more ins and outs, and without further prompting; he pulled back and then carefully inserted three.

I was transfixed by this unanticipated exhibition of eroticism, and was unable to keep myself from wanking, although there was some risk that Ewan might actually slide off my thighs if I moved too abruptly. Paul realised that I was getting rather left out and reluctantly abandoning his anal probing, he took hold of my cock, using the fingers of his other hand to hold the boys' anus open for me. I didn't need any more encouragement, and with Paul offering me guidance, I slowly pushed my cock into Ewans hole.

My lover closed his eyes in ecstasy as I pressed my length deep into his young body, as Paul leaned forward and took hold of Ewans cock, slowly and deliberately pulling back his foreskin and exploring the long slim length in much the same way as Ewan had already done for him. Ewan was able to reach out and grasp Pauls cock once more, and in a harmonious trio they slowly wanked and I slowly fucked. I soon realised that I wasn't going to last for very long, and I could see that the other two boys were getting pretty close too, 'do you want me to come inside you?' I whispered to Ewan.

'Yes please,' he said softly, 'don't hang about though.'

'No, don't,' Paul added, his eyes screwed shut and his ears glowing pink.

I speeded up my penetration, slamming my hot cock deep into him, I could feel the inexorable pressure building up in my balls as I headed for my climax, the other two boys taking the hint and picking up the pace on their hand action. I felt that I couldn't hold back any more and crashed into Ewans butt, feeling the jets of my spunk spurting deep into his body, as I came, I watched the first eruptions spray up from Ewans cock and into Pauls face, followed almost instantly by a great gout of jizz from Paul, which Ewan directed onto his crotch and our sexual union. I was lost in the moment; my two friends spraying sperms around like demented firemen, my own cock pumping the last few drops into my lover. Even so, I didn't forget to take the pictures, although what they would be able to show was anybodies guess.

We collapsed in a sweaty pile as my diminishing cock slipped free from Ewans hole, a few dribbles of my spunk mingling with the general sweaty, spunky, oily melange that covered us all. I couldn't speak, my orgasm had been amazing, and Pauls willing participation so unexpected, even if he had been rather passive. We just lay there in silence, the sun glowing on our sweaty skins, basking in the heat.

Eventually Paul spoke up, 'Wow, I've never had a wank like that before, not even with you, that was amazing.'

'It was pretty full on,' I agreed, 'did it turn you on, watching us playing about together?'

'Yeah,' he admitted, 'it was better than looking at the mags any day, d'you think I could watch you again sometime?'

'We're not performing monkeys you know,' Ewan said, the smile on his face belying the harshness of his answer, 'if we try something like that again I think you might need to do a bit more than just watch us.'

'I gave you a hand didn't I?' he protested.

'Yeah, fair do's, he did offer to help you out of a sticky situation,' I agreed.

'Well, maybe if we ever decide to do some more photos we'll let you know,' Ewan answered.

'That would be very nice, I'd really appreciate it,' Paul said humbly, all his bombast gone for the moment.

'I suppose we'd better get ourselves cleaned up,' I said, reverting to practicality for a moment.

'In a minute,' Ewan protested, 'I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I could stand up just yet.'

'Yeah,' Paul agreed, 'let's just have a little rest.'

There was one little ceremony that I had never yet failed to carry out, and unusual though the current circumstances might be I wasn't going to forget it this time. Carefully I ran my hand along my cock, squeezing the last drops of my spunk into my palm, before scooping up some more of our juices from the bodies of the other two boys, stirring them together and anointing each sweaty forehead in turn. 'There we are,' I said, 'come brothers.' Ewan looked at me, my hand was still dripping with our mingled spunk, and I held my sticky burden out to him. Gravely, he sucked and licked the juices from my palm as Paul asked us a question; 'Would you do one more thing for me?'

'Probably, what do you want?'

'Would you kiss him again? I thought it was incredibly sexy.'

What could I say, or do for that matter, but carry out his wishes; I helped Ewan to his feet and we stood side by side for a moment before we kissed firmly on the lips, Paul standing close by, but to one side, and recording the moment on the small camera. Ewan, of course, still had a mouthful of our jizz, which was why he hadn't spoken, and as his tongue pressed urgently through into my mouth it was followed by a flood of salty sperm. We were both unable to prevent a few dribbles escaping from the corners of our mouths as we snogged, oblivious to Pauls curious gaze. I have to say that although the addition of sun cream to the customary cocktail of spunk and sweat did little to improve the flavour, this didn't affect our ardour one jot; I guess you had to be there.

As we stood kissing, I stroked a hand affectionately up and down the smooth skin of Ewans back, from the sweet curves of his bottom, to his neck and his soft blonde hair. Incredibly, considering what we'd just done, I could feel myself stiffening up again, and I twisted round slightly to press my burgeoning stiffy against his thigh. A cautious exploration with my free hand revealed that he too was getting it on again, 'hey you two,' Pauls amused voice interrupted our reverie, 'I don't think we've got time for all that again.'

Reluctantly, I broke from our snog; Paul was standing there, cable release in one hand and his substantial erection loosely held in the other.

'You're a fine one to talk,' I snorted, 'you're further down that road than either of us.'

'True,' he smiled, 'although Ewan is catching me up and after today I don't think I'll be calling him the tiddler any more either.'

'How about we finish the film, there can only be a couple of frames left, and then we'd better head for home?' I asked.

'Ok,' Ewan said, 'what shall we do?'

'Just a nice pose, all three of us, I thought. That ok with you Paul?'

'Sure, I don't think I'm quite ready to come for a bit though.'

'Nah, just stiffies, happy boys at play,' I grinned. I posed us in a group, Paul in the middle flanked by Ewan and I we faced the camera lens, Paul holding a cock in each hand, and we two sharing the pleasure of his. Next shot, we knelt down next to Paul and held our hands around his cock and balls. For what turned out to be the final shot, we both kissed his cock, our lips meeting around his glans, and gazing into the lens. I still couldn't quite believe how far Paul had moved on in our last few encounters, the cocky, homophobic boy was still there, but he had developed an active curiosity about all aspects of sex, however he might choose to think of it. As for me, I felt like the cat that got the cream, I had a beautiful lover, a willing model and I was certainly getting plenty of cream too We gathered our stuff together; there was no point in putting our stained and oily pants back on, so I had a bit of an attempt to scrub the drying spunk and grime off our bodies, using the sticky undies to do it.

'D'you want your shorts?' I asked Ewan, once I seemed to have collected up all the clothes. He was busily unloading the cameras and sorting the films into their cans.

'Nah, no point in getting dressed yet, I'll need to sponge myself down once we get back to the boat.'

'How do you mean?' Paul asked.

'I'm leaking spunk out of my arse,' Ewan said coarsely, 'if I put my shorts on now, I'll have a big damp patch.'

'Oh, right,' Paul said, embarrassed.

'It's ok,' Ewan said, 'it feels really funny, but horny, like I really have had sex.'

'You really have,' I said emphatically, 'just in case you hadn't noticed.'

'Let's go as we are then,' Paul said, 'we can sort ourselves out when we get back on board.'

I picked up the bundle of clothes, and we rolled them up in the blanket with all the films and anything else that was loose. Ewan carried his camera and the tripod, and Paul the field glasses. We tramped naked across the open ground, the sun beating down on us, Paul leading the way. When he reached the point where our boat became visible, he abruptly stopped and backed away.

We caught up with him, and I asked; 'What is it?'

'Look,' he said, leading us carefully forward.

Moored alongside our boat was the gleaming white hull of the hairy wombats' boat, the hirsute figure of its owner sunning himself in a lounger on the upper deck, 'shit,' I swore, 'just what we need. We'd better put some clothes on, d'you think he's spotted us?'

'Dunno,' Paul shrugged, 'everyone put their shorts on, and we can hide everything else in the blanket, that way he might not ask any difficult questions. I'll keep my binoculars, that way we can say we've been bird watching.' Hurriedly we pulled our shorts on, I offered my black ones to Ewan, but he shook his head, 'No, he saw you go off in them, he'll be bound to notice if we've swapped.'

He was looking quite nervous, and I put my arm round him, feeling him tremble a little.

'Don't worry, I'll look after you,' I said.

'I know you will, but I'm still scared, he said.

As a group we walked back to our boat, Ewan keeping me between him and the man on the boat.

'Hello boys,' he greeted us cheerily, 'been sunbathing I see, I hope you remembered to put plenty of sun cream on. I only stopped because I saw your boat as I was passing, and wondered if you were alright, hadn't broken down or anything.'

'No thanks, we're fine,' Paul answered, 'we just pulled in to take some pictures of the inclined plane, and then we caught sight of some interesting birds and went over to look at them.'

'Oh, yes, what did you see?' the man said, 'I like to keep my eyes open, and I'm always keen to see something a bit different.' To my horror, he picked up a pair of very powerful binoculars and waved them at us.

'Oh,' I stammered, 'we thought we saw a green woodpecker, and followed it into the trees, but we were wrong, there was nothing to see.'

'That's a shame,' he said sympathetically, 'it's amazing what you can get a glimpse of if you've got a good pair of glasses and just sit up here on the deck of my boat, I've really had rather an entertaining morning.'

'I'm pleased for you,' I said politely, 'now, I'm afraid we need to press on, we've to be back by a certain time or our parents will start to wonder what's happening.'

'Yes of course,' he said, 'wouldn't want them worrying what you've been getting up to, now would we? Let me give you a hand with your stuff, then I can untie and we'll all be on our way.' He stood up, and I couldn't help noticing that there was a rather prominent damp patch on the crotch of his shorts, and the zip was somewhere in the region of half-mast. He jumped nimbly down onto the foredeck of our boat, and stretched out a hand for the bundle of stuff, all wrapped up in the blanket. Rather awkwardly Paul let him take it, and the older man fumbled it, letting the bundle fall into the boat, our clothes and possessions scattering into the prow. 'Oops,' he said, rather unapologetically, 'sorry boys, let me give you a hand picking this stuff up,' and before we could prevent him, he began gathering up the bits and pieces. 'Blimey,' he continued, looking down at his fist full of film canisters, 'you took a lot of pictures of the inclined plane.'

'Yeah, I suppose so,' I agreed lamely, 'there were other things to document there too.'

'I can imagine,' he said, looking straight at me, 'but look, you've been a bit careless, and left the bottle off your sun cream, and your pants are all soaked in it,' he waved Ewans red slips at us by way of illustration. 'I do hope you've got something left to change into?'

'Yeah, we'll be alright,' Paul said stoutly, 'but we'll probably be in gip for it when we get home.'

'Oh yes, home, where did you say that was again?' he asked.

'Oh, West London,' I answered vaguely, secure in the knowledge that my borough had twice the population of Iceland, 'thanks for your help and your concern, but we really need to get on.'

'Yes of course,' he smiled, 'just trying to be a good neighbour and all that, I do like to take an interest in what my young friends are getting up to, and your photography project seems most worthy. I'd be really interested to take a look at the pictures you took sometime, anyway I'll just untie, and get out of your way, I wouldn't want you to damage my hull with that great steel boat of yours.' To my considerable relief, he got back onto his boat, and made a great show of untying, before slowly and fussily backing out of the small navigation channel and onto the canal again. We jumped on board our boat and Ewan took the bundle of stuff below, while Paul and I prepared to leave the mooring.

'Phew,' Paul said, 'he was a bit full on wasn't he, I think we had a lucky escape there, what if he'd come looking for us.'

'D'you think so?' I asked, 'I have a feeling he could see quite a lot from that perch on his boat, and those were pretty powerful binoculars.'

'Nah,' Paul said, 'you're making it all up, he was just taking an interest.'

'I don't think that was all he was taking,' Ewan said, 'we seem to have lost one of the rolls of film.'

'Oops,' Paul giggled, 'are you sure?'

'Yeah, I've looked all over the prow, unless we dropped it in the field.'

'Is that likely?' I asked.

'No, I wrapped them all in my t-shirt, you'd need to shake it out to get them to drop, and if it had fallen in the canal it would float.'

'Oh well, nothing much we can do about it, all we can hope is that he has some very boring pictures of the inclined plane.'

'Oh shit,' Ewan swore, 'I really need those.'

'You're not bothered about that old perve wanking off over our images?' I asked.

'Not really, we were enjoying ourselves, and nobody was making us do anything we didn't want to. I don't really have a problem with it.'

'What about you, Paul?' I asked.

He shrugged, 'I think I'm cool about it, Ewan's right, we weren't doing it for him, but I don't have a problem with people being turned on by seeing the pictures. I wouldn't be happy if we'd been trapped into modelling, but it was all our choice and our decision. I like to look at pictures of naked people, why shouldn't other people enjoy looking at me? '

'How do you feel that he might have been watching us while we were taking the pictures then?' I pressed.

'The same, I guess,' Paul continued, 'we weren't doing it for him, it wasn't like that bloke in the Lake District, I guess this was just his lucky day.'

'Ewan?' I asked.

'If Paul's ok then so am I,' he said stoutly, 'no one made me do anything I didn't want to do, and I love having my picture taken. I suppose when we get to be as old as he is we might look back on this as a time when we were able to do as we pleased and not have to worry about it.'

'Ah well, I'll not sink his boat to get the film back then,' I said, secretly relieved that Ewan was taking it so well.

'No, no need,' he smiled, 'thanks for considering it though.'

'Ok,' Paul said, 'we should crack on. Did you want to take the pictures of the inclined plane again?'

'There's no film left is there?' Ewan asked.

'There's about ten shots left on my camera,' I said.

'Go for it,' Paul said, 'I'll put the kettle on.'

Ewan snatched my camera, and jumped off the boat, running round like a mad thing to take the photographs again. It only took him a couple of minutes, and then he was back on board.

'You should change your shorts,' I said, patting him on the bum, 'you weren't wrong about the damp patch.'

'Whoops,' he grinned, 'well, I know who to blame, can I borrow your white shorts?'

'Yeah, course you can.'

'I'll bundle all the dirty washing together, and shove it in the machine at my house,' he said, 'Pauls as well, that way we should avoid any awkward questions.'

'Thanks,' I said, 'we'd best get on, or Paul will start getting fretty.'

Right on cue, Paul's head appeared in the hatch, 'Tea's up,' he said, and started the engine.

'Yeah, thanks, let's get home,' I agreed.

Paul backed the boat sedately out of our mooring, and we set off for home, there was no sign of our hairy so-called friend, to our great relief, and almost no traffic on the canal. After a couple of hours we arrived back at the marina, and after tidying up the boat, and making it ready to be left, we stuffed our belongings into their bags, strapped them onto our bikes and set off for our homes.

It felt strange to walk into my home, and the floor was curiously unsteady after a couple of days on a boat, my mother seemed to be pleased to see me too. Before I did anything else, I had to have a shower, and as I washed the results of our exertions off, I replayed the days' events in my head. It had been a good day, I decided, Paul had surprised me again, and Ewan continued to grow in my love. I was dimly conscious that the 'phone was ringing, but ignored it as I washed myself clean.

When I came back downstairs, my mother pounced on me; 'Ewans dad has just been on the phone,' she said.

'Oh yes?' I answered, resorting to the classic teenage weapon of silent rebellion.

'It's Ok,' she said, 'he wanted a favour, but I said I'd need to check with you first.'

'Go on,' I prompted.

'He has to go to America at very short notice next weekend, and wondered if we would be able to put him up here? I can put a camping bed in your room if that's ok?'

'Don't see why not,' I shrugged, though I was inwardly rejoicing.

'That's good,' she said, 'he'll be staying a week or so.'

A week! What could we do in a week? That of course is another story, bye for now.

Next: Chapter 24: Ewans Story 10

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