Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on Nov 15, 2008


PP/Ewans Story part 10: every good boy deserves favour

I decided that as Pauls personal development had come on by leaps and bounds in the last episode, he deserved a little adventure all to himself. As with all of Pauls stories, they have a basis in actual experience (I encountered something similar in the course of my work but not, alas when I was a lusty teenager). Also, this story takes a bit of time out from the Ewan storyline, even though he does feature quite strongly, I'll wrap it all up in the next and final episode, I promise. Enough talk, on with the story...

As has closed down, any future correspondence will need to be addressed to: nojockeys(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk I don't check it very often I'm afraid.

That Monday morning slipping back into the hurly-burly of school life felt like I was being doused with a bucket of icy water, after the sensual calm of our luxurious weekend. Suddenly my time wasn't my own any more, and I had no opportunity to talk to Ewan or Paul. I was, however, able to dive in and book the dark room for an hour and a half after school, as I had our small mountain of films to develop, but other than that I was stuck back into the school routine with the miseries of double physics to look forward to among other things. I didn't see anything of Paul, no great surprise there; I have already mentioned his talent for becoming invisible when he felt it to be necessary. For a brief heart-stopping moment I spotted Ewan across the playground, looking neat, small and impossibly young in his black blazer and dark grey school trousers. I still found it scarcely credible to believe that less than twenty-four hours before he had been sprawling naked in my lap, his legs spread wide while Paul was wanking him; all hot, sweaty and pinioned on my rigid cock as I shot my load into his sweet arse. Sadly that was to be all I was going to see of him that day, Monday was sports day for his year, and the sports ground was some distance away, so come lunchtime a queue of coaches arrived to transport the willing and the not so willing off to an afternoon of compulsory and health giving competitive activity. Ah well, best to make the best of a bad job, and make use of the limited time available after school to get as many of our films processed as possible.

My last lessons of the day were a double practical in Biology, a subject which was one of my academic strong points, and I had dissected and pinned out my mouse before most of my classmates had even opened their notebooks, so I was able to cut and run, gaining an important extra half hour in the dark room.

The school possessed two developing tanks, one that could hold two films and one that took four, so I was able to process six of the eleven rolls of film in one batch. We had taken twelve, we thought, but reckoned that our hairy so-called friend had pocketed one of them while pawing through our saturated undies (see ep.9). Free from any stress about time, I loaded and developed the films. It was hot and close in the little darkroom, and once the films were rinsing I popped out to get a drink of water, carefully locking the door behind me.

As I was bending over the water fountain, I became aware of a presence, it was Paul, looking scruffy as usual; his shirt-tails hanging out, school tie askew and his blazer dusty, 'Been in a fight?' I asked.

'Eh?' he elegantly replied, 'Nah, it's just been a long hot day.'

'Were you after something?'

'Yeah, I was wondering if you had developed any of the films yet?'

'There's six films rinsing as we speak, why do you ask?'

'I was wondering if you'd get to the fashion shots first.'

'There's no way of telling, we didn't think to mark the film cans, why are you so keen on them?'

'I was hoping we could show them to the tailor bloke, see what he thinks of them.

'That was the general idea,' I agreed, 'what's the rush?'

'I'm severely skint again, and the bloke said there might be some money in it, so if you could try and develop those ones first, I'd be really grateful.'

'Can't make any promises,' I replied, 'as we didn't label them, but there's a very good chance I might have developed the one you're after, and if I have, I'll print some off when I go back. Can you meet me in an hour and a half?'

'Yeah, 'course I can,' he answered, 'I'll wait for you at the gate.'

I returned to the darkroom, and drained the tanks before opening them. I carefully stripped the first film off the spool, holding it up to the light to check the negative images before I hung it up in the drying cabinet. The first roll was a bit of a miscellany; some pictures taken on the boat, and finished off with the shots I took of Ewan posing in his red pants, and the ones he took of me. At a first glance, they looked good, and as I checked the images I could feel my cock beginning to thicken in my underwear. The next film was all pictures of canal buildings, and locks, good for Ewans project, but not much of a turn-on.

The third film was definitely not one to show the parents, it was the first one from the field session, and had come out crisp and clear. The last roll from that tank was the first of the undies and swimwear modelling session we'd taken at the ruined watermill, so far so good, Paul would be pleased. I opened the other tank and found that I had processed the last film we'd exposed, including some pics from the field session and Ewans rushed shots of the inclined plane, the final one was a film Paul had taken as I sucked Ewan on the stone slab at the watermill.

That was good, I could carry out some of Paul's wishes for him, I was quite intrigued by his mysterious tailor, he must have seemed quite benevolent and unthreatening to get past Paul's suspicions. I decided that I'd print off the innocuous fashion shots first, and then a selection of the more raunchy ones, keeping them separate, in case we'd got it all wrong and his interest was entirely innocent. My mission accomplished, I packed the prints into two A4 envelopes, carefully put away the films and cleaned up the dark room, before heading out into the light.

As I walked through the school gates, a familiar figure unslouched himself from where he'd been lurking and approached me.

'Hi,' Paul said, for it was he.

'Hi,' I replied, 'how are you doing?'

'I'm good,' he said, 'how were the pics?'

'Pretty damn good, if I say so myself,' I answered.

'Did you manage to get any prints done?'

'Yeah, I did, I printed up a set for your mate at the gents outfitters to have a look at.'

'Oh, good, shall we go round there now? He should still be open.'

'Blimey, you're keen,' I grinned.

'I'm skint, remember?' he said, 'and there might be some dosh in it.'

The shop was just a five minute walk from the school gates, its old fashioned frontage consisted of a small brown wood framed window lined with yellow acetate (to stop the stock from fading in the sunlight), and a glass door which dinged loudly when we pushed through. Inside a highly polished wooden counter dominated the shop, with wooden drawers visible through its glass front. There were some racks of clothes and more dark wooden cupboards; the whole place had a feeling of age and muddle about it, not to mention a lot of brown. Behind the counter a man was standing, wearing a striped apron over his clothes.

'Can I help you?' he asked, seemingly rather startled at having two teenage schoolboys in his shop, one dressed, albeit scruffily, in full uniform.

'Uh, yeah, Sir,' Paul stammered, 'you gave me some pants last week, asked me if I'd be interested in doing some modelling for the company?'

'Oh yes, of course, sorry, I didn't recognise you dressed up like that. Come in, you can call me Graham by the way.' Graham wasn't quite as old as Paul had given me to understand, probably around thirty, and with what seemed like a permanently worried look. He had compensated for his thinning hair by growing a small, rather unconvincing beard. Once he'd worked out who we were, and that we were not just some troublemaking kids, he smiled broadly and immediately looked years younger.

'Well now, lads, how did you get on? Did you have think about what I asked?' he asked Paul quizzically.

'Good,' said Paul ungrammatically, 'and we did better than think, we took a few pictures, and I thought you might like to have a look at them, see if they're the sort of thing your pants people are after.'

'Ok,' the older man replied, 'let me have a look at what you've brought.'

I rummaged in my school bag and pulled out the first of the A4 envelopes. I laid it on the polished wooden counter top and slid it over to him.

'I can see you mean business,' Graham smiled, 'perhaps I'd better close up the shop.' He came out from behind the counter and dropped the snib on the lock, flipping the sign round to read 'closed' as he did so. 'Come on through to the fitting room,' he said, 'we'll be safe from prying eyes there.'

We followed him through the bead curtain into the fitting room, this was larger than the cramped shop front would have suggested. It was heavily carpeted, with thick red velvet curtains round all the walls, and partially concealed behind them were floor to ceiling mirrors. In one corner was a small cast iron spiral staircase, leading up to the next floor, and in the centre of the room was a small circular carpeted dais about six foot wide and eighteen inches high, on which, I imagine, one would stand whilst being fitted for a suit. On the ceiling directly above the dais there was a circular mirror, presumably so that you could see how you looked from above. The room was quite brightly, although indirectly, lit.

Graham flopped down on the dais, envelope in hand, 'Ah, that's better,' he said, 'it's good to get off your feet for a moment when you've been stood up all day. Now, grab yourselves a chair, and I'll take a look at your handiwork.'

There were a couple of velour upholstered chairs and a chaise longue pushed up against the wall, I grabbed the chairs and we sat down next to Graham as he ceremonially opened the envelope. The first half dozen images showed Paul posing in the posh Speedos in various situations. As ever his package was bulging attractively, but only in the last picture, where I had photographed the two boys splashing about in the millpond, was he showing any evidence of arousal. Ewan had his back to the camera, the wet nylon of his faded red speedos clinging tightly to the sweet curves of his cheeks, so who could tell. The next group of pictures were of Paul in his personally selected undies, these, owing to the semi-transparent nature of the fabric, were a great deal more revealing, although, as I intended, they still retained that certain mixture of innocence and experience.

Graham looked closely and carefully at each picture, his face giving nothing away. Finally he put the last one down, and spoke; 'these are really very good, I think they might well want to make use of them. Let me give you some money on account.' He reached into his pocket for his wallet, extracting two bank notes, 'there you go, one for the model and one for the photographer.' He had just handed us two tenners (ten pound notes), which in the 1970's was a lot of money.

'Thanks very much,' we stammered, and thinking that was it, we got up as if to go.

Graham raised a hand to stop us, 'no need to rush off is there? Would you like to see some more of the range? I've just had a new delivery in, and if there's anything you fancy, you're welcome to try it on.'

'Why not,' I said, 'I'm not expected anywhere for an hour or so, how about you, Paul?'

'Nah, I'm good,' he replied, 'my folks won't be in for ages yet.'

'Ok, then, you two stay there and I'll pop upstairs and get some samples for you to try.' He got up, and taking the envelope of pictures with him, climbed up the spiral staircase.

'Blimey, twenty quid,' Paul giggled, 'we'd better take some more pics double-quick time.'

'I guess so,' I said slowly, 'although we don't want to saturate the market.'

'How do you mean?' He asked.

'Always leave them wanting more,' I answered, 'although, if he shows any more interest, I did print another set of pictures where we get quite a bit more turned on, although there's still none where any of us get our cocks out.'

'What about you, or Ewan?'

'I've left Ewan out of things for the time being, I don't know how he'd feel about this, so he's just in the background of a couple of shots, but I included a couple of pics with me in, one that Ewan took, and an early one from the sunbathing set, both pretty revealing.'

'That sounds good,' he smiled, 'we'll see if he's interested.'

Just then we heard the sound of Graham descending the staircase, a tray of boxes in his hand. 'Here we go,' he said cheerily. 'Just one thing,' he addressed me, 'do you know your size and fitting? Paul here didn't have a clue about his.'

'I know my waist size, but I'm not sure what you mean by fitting,' I answered.

'Guess I'll need to measure you too,' he smiled, 'Ok, get your kit off, and I'll go and fetch my tape measure.'

I had been half expecting this from the moment he had offered us the samples, so without any comment I undressed, for the moment keeping my pants on, and piled my clothes neatly on the chaise longue. That day I had chosen to wear the paisley y fronts that Ewan said he found so desirable. I stepped up onto the dais, and found that I was able to see my reflection from all angles; hmm, I thought to myself, quite stimulating. Graham smiled when he saw me admiring myself, 'those pants aren't quite as manky as the ones Paul was wearing when he came to see me, but they're still spoiling your line. They'd better come off.'

Shrugging mentally, I pulled them off and stood naked on the dais, feet slightly apart. Paul was watching me, a smile on his face, plainly enjoying the role reversal. Graham approached, tape measure round his neck and a small black notebook in his hand. 'I've warmed the ends,' he grinned. Swiftly and expertly he took his measurements, his hands warm and certain as he carried out his task. As he was working I watched him in the mirrors, and also observed Paul as he quietly stripped off to a pair of blue cotton slips. All this attention was really quite stimulating, and rather than resist it, as I know Paul had done, I was feeling relaxed enough to let it happen, and in the mirrors I watched as my cock began to stiffen. 'Well now,' Graham said, 'you're certainly not feeling inhibited, that'd certainly help to show off some of the pants to their best advantage, after all some of them were intended to be seen that way. In fact, it's a shame that Paul wasn't a bit more excited when you took your photos; that would have been excellent. Maybe you could bear that in mind for the next time, eh?'

'Oh, but we did do some more pictures,' Paul butted in.

'Yeah,' I agreed, 'we just weren't quite sure if that was what you were looking for.'

'Oh the pics you brought me were fine, excellent in fact, and they'll be thrilled, but I know they are also keen to see ones that show the underwear being used more erotically, just so they can get an idea of how they perform under pressure, as it were. Now, I'm all done, I'll pick out your size, and you can try some on, Pauls size are all those boxes on the left side. Maybe you could bring the rest of the pictures along with you next time?'

I stepped down off the dais, and jostled with Paul as he grabbed at the selection that had been made for him. 'Come on, nature boy, show us your stuff,' I said, and pulled his pants down. He too was quite respectably stiffening up, and his crotch was still pretty smoothly shaven from the weekend.

'Now, now, boys, no need to fight, there's plenty of choices for both of you to try,' Graham interrupted, 'what would you like to try first? I've got some thongs, jock straps, tangas, and mini-briefs here.'

'I'd like a thong,' Paul said, 'this one looks good.' He picked up a box, impatiently ripped it open and shook out its contents, there didn't seem to be very much in it at all. 'Blimey, are you sure this is my size,' he asked, holding up what looked like a triangular black postage stamp with three pieces of elastic attached.

Graham nodded, 'you might need to come back to that one, it's surprisingly stretchy, but better to get it on before you get it on, as it were. Try that yellow thong next to it, are you alright to put it on?'

'How d'you mean?' Paul asked.

'You can't just haul them on like your pair of old y fronts, they're delicate, here, let me show you both.'

He handed me a selection of boxes, and I quickly chose myself a thong of the same pattern as Pauls, in a bright fuchsia pink this time. Paul stepped up onto the dais, and stood naked while Graham opened the box, posing in front of the mirrors. 'Ok, Graham said, 'first off, they're very stretchy, but you don't want to spoil their fit by pulling them out of shape. So, hold them out and step into them.' He held the thong out, and Paul obliged. 'Good, now tuck yourself into the pouch, then make sure that it is fitting well before you adjust the position of the waistband. May I show you?' Paul nodded, and Graham ran his fingers down both sides of the pouch, gently tugging at the material so that it was covering his package neatly. 'Ok, that's good,' he said, 'now, legs slightly apart.' He took hold of the waistband and carefully settled it over Pauls hips and finally, he hooked a finger through the back string and made sure it wasn't too tight. 'The most common mistake,' he continued, 'is thinking these are just another pair of pants, if you don't put them on carefully it can be quite uncomfortable, if you do it right, you'll forget you're wearing them. How does that feel?' he asked Paul.

'Really comfortable,' he grinned, 'not like I'm wearing a cheese wire.'

'Excellent,' Graham smiled, then said to me; 'now, you put yours on.'

I followed the method, and carefully put on my thong, he was right, they were really comfortable, although my cynical side did think that this might be because they were well made and well cut. We both posed in front of the long mirrors, admiring our new pants; the fine material was quite translucent in the diffuse light, and revealed every detail of our stiffening cocks. Graham stood back, hands on hips, a craftsman observing his handiwork. I stepped down off the dais and padded over to my stuff and silently removed the second envelope from my bag. I looked over to Paul, and he nodded, so as I headed back to the centre and rejoined Paul on the dais, I dropped the envelope in front of Graham, 'see what you think of those,' I said, 'we took things a little further.'

'Good lads,' he said, carefully opening the envelope and sliding the prints out. I've already described the images from when we took them (See Ep.9), but one or two had come out really well; the shot of Paul leaning out through the ruined window, the shaft of sunlight across his bottom turning his pants transparent and showing off the pucker of his anus, while in the background Ewan can be seen pottering about in his white y-fronts, and another of Paul settled back on the sun warmed stone slab, legs spread wide, and his pants showing the spreading stain of pre-cum from the tip of his hard cock. Modesty prevents me from rhapsodising about my images, I'd chosen the picture Ewan took of me photographing Paul, my skimpy blue nylon slip distended by my erection, and one of me stretched out on the rug next to Ewan, my pants saturated with sun cream and my hard-on very prominent, while behind me, Paul is standing with his legs apart, his hand busy down the front of his unzipped shorts.

'Now this is definitely more like it,' Graham said, 'if you can produce more work of this quality, then I think we're in business.'

Paul had stepped down from the dais, and was standing behind Graham looking over his shoulder at the pictures, after all he hadn't seen them yet; 'I like that one,' he said, pointing at the sunbathing image with all three of us in. His interest was made evident by the healthy growth straining at the smooth pouch of his thong, and he absently caressed his erection as he looked at the images.

'Yes, I do too,' agreed the older man, 'who's the other boy?'

'Oh, he's just a friend that came along with us,' I answered.

'Looks like he's enjoying himself.'

'Yeah, he was,' Paul giggled, 'you should see what those two got up to later on.'

'I'd have liked to, it's a pity you didn't bring things to a conclusion, as it were,' Graham replied, 'but in the meantime, I think I owe you some more money. He peeled off some more bank notes, 'here you go, ten each and ten for the other lad, what did you say his name was?'

'I didn't,' I answered, 'I need to ask him if he's ok about this before I show you any more pics of him.'

'Oh, sure, don't want him doing anything he's not happy with,' he agreed.

'Oh he'll be fine,' Paul butted in, 'he's a horny little devil and loves showing off his body, and the two of them went all the way too.'

'Did they,' Graham raised an eyebrow, 'that would have been good to see. What were you doing?' he asked.

'I was there too,' Paul squeaked, 'taking pictures and watching.'

'I haven't printed all the films yet,' I said, 'but if you're interested, we've got quite a lot to come.'

'Yes, I'd be interested,' the older man agreed, 'I think you guys have got something quite special and unusual going on here.'

I took my small bundle of notes, not that I had anywhere to put them, and dumped them on my pile of clothes.

'Now then,' Graham continued, shuffling the pictures back into the envelope, 'what do you think of those thongs, now that you've had them on for a bit?'

'They're really good,' I said, 'seem to be able to cope with most things, even Paul getting excited, they fit really well too.' I ran my hand over my package, cupping my balls through the sleek material, and stroking at the sensitive tip of my cock. 'How about you?' I asked Paul.

He strutted over to me, 'yeah, these are cool, they feel really sexy.'

'Try these,' Graham said, handing me another box, 'same fabric.'

They were a pair of micro-briefs, in a similar pale blue colour to my much-photographed nylon slips, I carefully pulled the thong off and stepped into them. They were very lightweight and snug, cut high on the leg and over the butt, 'these are great,' I said, running my fingers over my cheeks, and admiring myself in the mirror, 'what do you think, Paul?'

He knelt down beside me to take a closer look, 'they're really nice,' he said, and put out a hand to stroke my cheeks, 'and the fabric is really soft and smooth, just like my thong.' He carried on exploring the contours of my butt, before slipping his hand between my legs and softly stroking my balls. 'Yeah,' he continued, 'these feel good to me, how about you?' I couldn't think of anything to say, stroke my bum for long enough and I lose the ability to speak, especially when he brought his other hand into play and started to tickle my erection with his fingers. 'I like the way that the waistband just shows your pubes,' he said, running a finger over the sensitive skin. 'Maybe we should get a pair of these for Ewan?' he murmured.

I started, suddenly remembering where we were, 'yes, that's a good idea, he'd love them, and look great too. Do you think we could have a pair of these for our friend?'

'Of course,' Graham said, 'do you know his size?'

'Probably about the same as Paul, one size smaller than me, but pretty well developed in the package department,' I grinned, 'You'll have to trust me on that, maybe we'll get him measured up later.'

'I can see that from the pictures,' Graham grinned back, 'I'll go and fetch him some, back in a moment.' He left the fitting room and climbed the spiral staircase again.

'Mmm, I feel so horny,' Paul moaned turning towards me.

'Yeah, you do,' I agreed, slipping my fingers into the pouch and groping his cock. He was already well lubricated, and I could see a patch of damp beginning to spread across the fine material. Mind you, I was sopping wet too. 'I think I need to come,' I said, 'how about you?'

'Yeah, I think I'm going to have to soon, I'm busting for it.'

Our discussions were interrupted by the return of Graham, as well a further selection of little boxes, his tray had three mugs on it; 'I thought you'd like a hot drink to liven you up.'

Ah well, cup of tea or an orgasm, there's a decision; like true Brits we both went for the cup of tea, Paul filling his up with sugar as usual.

'I hate to say it, lads, because this has been great, but I do need to shut up the shop quite soon, I'm going to a football match tonight and I need to get ready. Did you want to try anything else on?'

'Nah, not today' Paul said, 'I really like these, I'll take them and the other thong, and we'll see if we can do you some pictures.'

'Take a couple of other colours,' Graham said, 'that way if you do manage it, we'll be able to see more of the range.'

The tea did its work, and my cock had retreated for the time being, and I started to think about getting dressed. I slipped my pants off, and as I was pulling my y-fronts back on, we were interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing in the shop.

'Excuse me for a moment,' Graham said, 'I'd better answer that.' While he was out of the room Paul took off his thong and started assembling his clothes from where he had flung them, wandering naked and unselfconscious about the room. Before he started to get dressed, however, Graham returned; 'I just spoke to the guys who make the pants, they're really pleased that I've found some models for them, and can't wait to see the pictures. I've been asked to check whether or not you'd consider doing some more sessions for them?'

'I'm game,' Paul said, 'don't know when we'll be able to do it, or even where, but I'm sure we'll come up with something.' I nodded in agreement, thinking of the new lens that I could now afford to buy, and no more limitations on the amount of film either.

'That's marvellous, and if you need somewhere, you're very welcome to use this room if you like,' Graham said, 'now, before you two get going, I was wondering, were either or both of you interested in making a bit more money this Friday evening?'

'No can do, I'm afraid,' I said, 'I've got a family meal that I can't get out of,' (and also that was the night that Ewan was coming to stay, an event I wasn't going to miss any of).

'What are you after?' Paul asked curiously, 'and what are you offering? My folks are going to be out at a do until well-gone midnight on Friday. I'd have to square it with my kid brother not to grass me up though, and be sure of getting back around midnight.'

'That shouldn't be a problem, I can stick you in a taxi, how much do you think you'd need to silence your brother?'

'Oh, he's cheap, fifty pence or a quid should do it. What's in it for me?'

'First off, the shop gives you twenty-five quid for your services, and you should make at least the same again in tips.'

'Fifty quid!' Paul exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with greed, 'what do I have to do for that?'

'You've probably realised that as well as being a long-established and respectable gents outfitters, we also offer a slightly more specialised service to our more discriminating clientele, and every now and again we put on a special evening for our customers. They can come here and relax, secure in the knowledge that their little idiosyncrasies won't be made public. We lay on a little special entertainment, and give them an opportunity to look at the current stock along with some nibbles and some wine, but most of all we provide an environment where we guarantee that nothing that occurs will go beyond the room.'

'So what would you want me to do? I don't do any of that poofy stuff,' Paul said nervously.

'No, I can see that,' Graham said, his ironic tone wasted on the boy, 'I just need you to help look after the guests, take their coats, make sure their glasses of wine are topped up and so on.'

'Oh, is that all,' Paul sounded disappointed.

'Not entirely,' Graham replied.

'How do you mean?'

'You would, of course, be expected to be modelling something from our new range of underwear.'

'Oh, I see, I'm not sure I want to be touched up by your clients, or to be recognised in the street.'

'No, No, it's nothing like that, touching is strictly forbidden without consent, and everyone has to wear a mask. You're only there to help me out and to show off the underwear a bit. If you are up for it, you may get asked to pose for a few photos at the end of the evening, in which case you'll get loads of tips. There's never any point where you'll be left alone, and if you like, you can just pour a few glasses of wine, wiggle your hips, smile a bit and collect your twenty-five quid at the end of the evening.'

'That doesn't sound too bad,' Paul appealed to me, 'what do you think?'

'Hey, I don't know,' I answered, 'Graham seems pretty straightforward, and we'd all know where you were, so I guess it's safe enough, but is it the sort of thing you want to get into?'

'You're the one who opened my eyes to the possibilities,' Paul retorted, 'what's wrong with my broadening my education and making a bit of money?'

'Nothing,' I replied, reflecting that Paul had certainly changed in the last few months. 'So,' I addressed Graham, 'just to clarify, Paul wanders around in a pair of posh pants, pours a few glasses of wine, wiggles his hips for the camera, and takes home twenty-five quid and some tips.'

'That's pretty much it,' he assented, 'although I'd like him to start the evening a bit more covered up, and preferably wearing this; he held up a garment that was made from dark material, a tie string at either end.

'What is it?' Paul asked.

'It's a sort of waiters apron, or pinny,' the tailor answered, 'as I'd already taken your measurements I made one up to fit you.'

'How does it work and what's it for?'

'Real waiters use them to protect their clothes, and they keep their change, corkscrews and so on in that pocket at the front. Yours is a bit more minimalist, although still functional, the idea is to tantalise the punters a little. Try it on, you'll get the idea.'

'Ok,' said Paul, 'should I try it with some of your posh pants? To get the whole picture?'

'That would be good,' Graham agreed.

'I'll try that tiny thong,' Paul grinned, 'my cock seems to have calmed down a bit now.' He carefully stepped into the wispy garment, the postage stamp sized scrap of fabric was just able to stretch over his flaccid cock, although not quite capable of containing the whole of the smooth roundness of his balls. It was also very sheer, and revealed just about as much as it concealed.

'Wow,' I said, 'I'll have to get some pics of you in that, how does it feel?'

Paul gave a little wiggle, shaking his package, 'amazing, I can feel it's on, but it's like there's nothing there.' He walked over to me, and on impulse, I put up my hand and stroked him, it was very soft and silky, and I could feel myself starting to harden up again. Paul stretched out his hand for the pinny.

'Here, I'll help you put it on,' said Graham, and fitted the garment round Pauls' waist, tying the strings in a bow below his belly button. It was cut so short that at the front it was hanging just below the gentle curve of his balls, and at the rear it revealed the top of his thighs and just concealed the sweet roundness of his butt. Graham chucked a couple of fifty pence coins onto the dais, 'Ok, try picking those up,' he asked.

As Paul bent over to pick up the coins, the split at the back of the pinny opened, revealing the cheeks of his bum. As he leaned forward more, we could see the pucker of his anus bisected by the black cord of the thong, and a clear view through his legs to his cock and balls beyond. 'Hey, that's great,' Paul said enthusiastically, as he checked out his reflection in the mirrors, 'if I keep still it covers me up, and if I feel like it, I can show off everything.'

'That's part of the art of tailoring,' Graham said, 'even something as simple as that pinny can be made to work. Try walking up the spiral staircase.'

Paul obediently climbed the stairs, as he ascended we were able to watch the pinny alternately reveal and conceal his charms, he stopped at the top for a moment, and we watched his naked feet pause for a moment on the top step, before he turned and descended. I was beginning to get very turned on again, and had sprawled on the dais, my legs apart, to watch his performance. Paul, of course, spotted that I was horny, and this had an immediate effect on him. I have mentioned before that he rarely got stiff slowly, he usually got hard very quickly and this time was no exception. The micro-thong struggled valiantly to contain him, the fine fabric stretching taut over his cock head, his balls hanging loose on either side of the elastic thread. Eventually it gave up the unequal struggle, and slipped off to one side, leaving his cock jutting proudly from under the pinny.

'Hmm,' Graham said thoughtfully, 'you'll have to choose some different pants on Friday, can't have you going round like that all evening.'

In the meantime Paul had approached the dais, his cock swinging as he walked, his foreskin had already partially pulled back, and the red tip of his glans was showing; 'you look like you need some help,' I said.

'So do you,' he replied, kneeling alongside me and brushing his hand over the solid column that was pushing out the front of my paisley y fronts, 'do you know,' he said, 'I don't believe we've christened these.'

'No, I don't think we have,' I answered, and looking over at Graham I asked, 'would you mind?'

'No, feel free,' he said huskily.

I reached up and pulled the ties of Pauls pinny, pulling the garment free and chucking it to one side. There didn't seem to be very much point in removing his thong, so I took hold of his hot hard cock and started to wank him. At the same time I felt Pauls hand slide in through the fly hole of my y fronts and take a confident and familiar grip on my cock; pulling it free before he started to masturbate me. I could see that Graham was watching intently, a suspicious bulge showing under his tailors apron, and in the mirrors all around me I could see reflected images of our sexual union.

'Sixty-nine?' I murmured.

Without replying, Paul shifted position so that his head was alongside my crotch, and leaning forwards, he pulled my pants down, before gobbling up my cock. I reached over and fed his length into my mouth, tonguing the tip of his glans and savouring the taste of his pre-cum as it started to well out from him. I saw Graham lean forward in his chair to get a better view as we sucked each other enthusiastically, and the reflected images bore witness to our pleasure. It wasn't going to take a lot to get me to come, I'd been pretty eroticised all day, and this was the final straw. I could see that Paul wouldn't be long either, and slipped his cock out of my mouth for a moment to address Graham; 'Would you like to see us come?'

'Mmm,' was all he could say.

I patted Paul gently on the bum, to give him a hint, reluctantly he spat me out and we both turned round and sat forward on edge of the dais, our feet on the ground, and our legs spread apart, and only a few inches from Grahams chair. I leaned back so that I could watch in the mirror on the ceiling and took hold of Pauls cock again, beginning the steady rhythm that I knew would bring him off. A moment later and he grabbed my slippery column and began to do the same.

'Lie back,' I said, 'and look up at the mirror.' I felt the warmth radiating from Pauls skin as he settled alongside me, and together we gazed up at ourselves in the overhead mirror as we pumped each other towards our climax. By now I'd quite forgotten about Graham, and so I think had Paul. I could feel the pressure building up in my balls, and I could see that Pauls ears were pink as we speeded up our strokes, a moment later and we both came together, spunk squirting explosively from our cocks. The fierce jets sprayed up our bellies and over our chests in three, maybe four big spurts before the pressure died down, and just the last few dribbles remained. My head flopped back; looking straight up I could see my legs were shaking after the intense experience I had just enjoyed. Paul was in a similar position, his eyes closed, knees up and the tip of his shaven cock dribbling a last few creamy drops of come. We were both covered in spunk, and I idly stirred at the mess with my fingers, mixing our jizz together, before I anointed Pauls forehead in our customary fashion. 'Um, do you have a tissue, or a towel,' I asked.

'Here, use these,' Graham tossed me the blue pants I had been wearing earlier.

'I was going to take those home,' I protested.

'I'll give you a new pair,' Graham insisted, 'mop it up with those and I'll bring you both something to clean off with.' He got up from his chair and went off to fetch us a cloth.

Mentally shrugging my shoulders, I used the pants to mop the spunk off my stomach and legs, before sitting up and using them to do the same for Paul. By now they were completely sodden and stained with our come, and I carefully placed them on a discarded wrapper for Graham to dispose of.

'Wow, I needed that,' Paul said at last.

'Yeah, it was good,' I agreed. Graham had by now returned with a couple of damp hand towels, and I carefully wiped the last of the spunk off Paul before attending to myself. 'Hope you didn't mind us doing that?' I asked the older man.

'No, why should I?' he answered, 'at your age its perfectly normal, and those are very sexy pants, guaranteed to help you pull. Not that either of you lads seem to need any help with your pulling. While you're getting yourselves sorted, d'you fancy a quick drink with me to cement what I hope will be a very mutually beneficial friendship.'

'I'm game,' I said, 'but I hope you realise that technically we aren't old enough to have a drink.'

Graham smiled, 'I think I worked that out when I saw Paul in his school uniform, I can't help feeling that watching you strip naked and wank each other off might be thought to be a bit more improper than giving you a quick glass of wine.'

'Since you put it like that,' I grinned, 'bring it on.'

While Graham produced a bottle of champagne and three glasses, Paul and I each pulled on a pair of pants, I went back to one of the thongs I had tried before, and Paul tried a pair of very skimpy and transparent black slips, twisting and bending to admire his bum in the mirror.

'I need to teach you how to open a champagne bottle,' Graham said to Paul, 'you'll be doing a lot of it on Friday night. Those pants would be perfect for you to wear, by the way, they're not quite as risky as the thong, but they're still pretty sexy. I'll make sure you have a fresh pair to put on.'

Graham expertly demonstrated the proper way to open a bottle of champagne (something of a disappointment to us, as, unlike on the telly there was no gush of foam and no spillage), and carefully poured the glasses; 'A toast,' he said, raising his glass, 'here's to more fun and sex, and no killjoys spoiling things for all of us; cheers.'

'Cheers,' we echoed, and swigged from our glasses. I'm sure we'd both had sparkling wine before, after all, our life was punctuated with weddings and celebrations and such like, but this was the real deal, and I liked it. Paul obviously thought so too, because he emptied his glass and silently held it out for a refill.

'Steady,' Graham laughed, 'this isn't cream soda you know.'

'I know,' Paul said, 'but it is very nice. Is this what I'll be serving on Friday?'

'Yes indeed, this is vintage Pol Roget, nothing but the best for my guests, just you make sure you don't have too much of it yourself, and if you do well, I'll save you a bottle to take home to your mum.'

'Thanks,' Paul muttered, 'I'm sure she'd appreciate it.'

'She might well, it's more than ten quid a bottle.'

'Fuck!' Paul nearly dropped his glass, 'no wonder it tastes so nice.'

'Yeah,' I laughed, 'I could get a taste for this.'

'Watch out, though,' Graham warned, 'it can make you drunk very easily. Now, I hate to be a killjoy, but I told you I had a football match to go to, and I'm sure your folks will be expecting you home.'

'Ok,' I said, 'we can take a hint, come on Paul, stop preening and get your clothes on.' I picked up my clothes pile and started to dress, watching Paul as he began to collect up his discarded clothes. 'Best not to look too dishevelled,' I said to him, 'or people might wonder what we've been up to.'

We quickly pulled our clothes back on, and finished our glasses of champagne, 'don't forget to take your pants with you,' Graham said.

'Oh yeah,' I smiled, picking up the skimpy bundle he had put aside for me and for Ewan. Paul rammed his selection into his school bag, blithely unaware of the slightly pained expression on Grahams face.

Once we were organised and ready, Graham ushered us through into the shop and unlocked the front door again, 'thanks for the pics, and for your impromptu performance too,' he grinned, 'look forward to seeing some more, and I'll see you on Friday,' he said to Paul. 'Don't be late, and don't come in school uniform,' he added sternly, although with Graham there was always a twinkle in his eye.

'Yeah, yeah,' Paul answered cheekily, 'I'll be there, and don't worry, I don't wear this unless I have to.'

'Goodnight then, and thanks again,' Graham said.

'Goodnight,' we chorused politely, as he closed the door behind us. A moment later we heard the bolts go, the key turn in the lock, and he pulled down the blind on the shop door.

'Wow, that was a whole new experience,' Paul said, as we walked companionably down the road together, 'I could get used to drinking champagne though.'

'Yeah, me too, and it looks like we've got a whole new source of income too.'

'I know, I can't believe I just made twenty quid.'

'And you're potentially going to make fifty on Friday.'

'Blimey, you're right, what am I going to spend it on?' he giggled.

'Well, I know what I'm going to do,' I said.

'What's that?'

'Buy a whole load of film and some processing kit.'

'Good idea,' he agreed, 'I'll chip in a tenner if you like?'

'That'd be good, since this is a joint enterprise,' I smiled. 'What do think of Grahams back room as a studio?'

'Well, the podium thingy is comfortable enough,' he laughed, 'so I guess we'll be ok.'

'Yeah, that's what I thought, so maybe we should set up a session over there in a few days?'

'Yeah, good idea, though I thought we might do a try out before then.'

'What do you mean?'

'We've got all these pants to model, I thought we might do a sort of spontaneous session somewhere, if the opportunity arose.'

'I'm game, if you are,' I said, Paul was really getting into this whole modelling thing, although maybe it was just the dosh he was interested in. 'Should I start bringing a camera into school with me?'

'Yeah, and maybe you could have a chat with young Ewan, see if he's up for a bit of a laugh?'

'Sure, I'll see what he thinks when I see him next.'

'That'll be good.'

At this point our routes home diverted, and Paul crossed the busy high street while I carried on. There was no one at home when I got in, so, after dumping my bag on the floor, I went straight to the telephone. Ewan answered with very little delay; 'Hi, how was games?' I asked.

'Oh, pretty grim, we were playing rugby today and I ended up completely covered in mud.'

'Oh well, at least there's usually hot water at the sports field.'

'True enough, it's the grunts I had to share the bath with that were the problem, not the mud.'

'Oh, poor you.'

'Oh it wasn't so bad really, I just had try very hard not to think about our weekend when I was in the bath.'

'I can imagine,' I said dryly, 'all that naked flesh must have been a bit distracting.'

'Not when they've spent the previous couple if hours trying to stamp on your head, or pull your bollocks off in the scrum,' Ewan said, 'it was really quite easy not to get turned on. Anyway, what have you been up to?'

'Actually, I've got some news; I managed to develop six of the films from the weekend, and printed up some of them. Paul and I took them round to the tailors shop to show to his bloke, and he gave us fifty quid for them. Paul and I have taken twenty each and there's a tenner for you. I didn't show him any pics of you where you could see your face, but if you're cool about it, I think we may have a little goldmine here.'

'What do you think, is the guy pukka?' Ewan asked.

'He seems pretty straight, Paul didn't seem to have any difficulties with him, in fact, he's agreed to help out at some sort of pervy fashion show on Friday night.'

'Blimey, tell me more.'

'Not much to tell really; Graham, that's the guy who runs the tailors shop, is having some sort of open evening for his special customers, and he asked Paul if he'd help out, and model some of the new underwear collection for them.'

'How come he didn't ask you?' Ewan said indignantly.

'Oh, he did, but that's the evening you're coming to stay, and I'd sooner spend it with you.'

'That's very sweet of you, still, if you'd rather go with Paul, I won't stop you.'

'Don't be daft, miss the chance of spending the night with you, I'm getting hard just talking about it.'

'Me too,' he said, 'well, if you and Paul both think the guy is legit, then I guess I'm happy about it, count me in. Especially if we get some funky pants to dress up in.'

'Oh yeah, Graham's very free with the samples, although he's really fussy about the fit, we both had to strip off and get measured before he'd let us try anything on.'

'Sounds good, it's important that clothes should fit correctly, I'm looking forward to some sexy dressing up sessions then.'

'Me too,' I agreed, 'I don't think you'll be disappointed.'

We carried on chatting about this and that, before arranging to meet at school the next day. Already the distant weekend was beginning to look very promising indeed.

The rest of the week slipped by without any particular events, I saw Paul and Ewan occasionally, but didn't really get much chance to spend any time with either of them, until the Friday lunchtime, that is, when Paul ambushed me in a corridor.

'You busy?' he asked.

'No, I'm not up to anything,' I answered, 'what do you want?'

'I was hoping you might help me.'

'Help you to do what?'

'You remember that I'm doing Grahams thing tonight?'

'Yeah, what of it?'

'I wanted to make sure I was all ready for it.'

'Aren't you?' I asked.

Instead of speaking, Paul grabbed my hand and shoved it down the front of his school trousers, after a moment of shock, I started to explore; inside the soft cotton of his pants his cock wasn't hard, but as I investigated, I could feel him starting to stiffen up.

'What's the problem? It all seems pretty much ready for action to me, possibly a little early, but none the worse for that.'

'No, you idiot, I'm all stubbly.'

I stuffed my hand a bit deeper into his trousers, his balls were indeed a little prickly, and as he opened his legs I was able to feel that his crack too was growing bristly. Thank heavens for the school trouser, I thought, there's always plenty of room for expansion in them. 'So,' I said out loud, 'do you want me to help you shave? I can't hang about after school, I've got family stuff going on.'

'Yes, I could do with a hand, wouldn't want to cut myself. I thought that maybe we could do it now?'

'Ok, where should we do it? Did you bring your shaving kit with you?'

'Course I did, how dumb do you think I am? Wasn't sure where we could do it though, thought you might have some ideas?'

'Hmm, how about the backstage showers? We might have to be very quiet, I think the chess club is in the hall this lunchtime.'

'Ok, let's have a look.'

I still had a key for the stage door, so we were able to slip in at the back of the hall, chess club wasn't what you could describe as a high energy session; gentle murmuring, a bored supervising teacher and a few spotty geeks clustered the tables was the order of the day. The dressing rooms and showers were all at the back of the hall, so we'd have to walk past the chess fans to get to them. 'Right, we have to hide in plain view,' I said.

'What d'you mean?' Paul asked, looking puzzled.

'We have to make it look like we're meant to be there, if we look purposeful enough, no-one will question us.' I looked around, there was an empty equipment crate lying on its side; 'Put your shaving stuff in there,' I ordered, 'take your blazer off, pull your shirt out, roll up your sleeves and here, unzip your flies.' Paul obeyed, although he looked a bit confused, and I dumped some tangled cables on top of his stuff. I'd already spotted a clipboard on one of the old desks, and snatched it up, discarding most of the paper that was attached to it. I quickly scribbled a list onto it, and wrote down the numbers of theatre lanterns that I already knew were backstage. 'Ok Paul, follow me out through the stage curtains, and leave the talking to me.' I purposefully pushed through the centre parting of the drapes, and stood on the forestage, looking up at the lighting bars, and totally ignoring the people in the hall below me. I heard Paul struggle through the heavy curtains behind me, and theatrically dump the crate on the stage next to me.

'Here, what are you two boys doing in here?' I heard a peremptory voice address me. It was, as I had suspected it would be, Mr Jekyll, head of maths, and notorious boy fancier.

'Oh, sorry Sir, didn't realise that the hall was being used. I have to make an inventory of the equipment, and this boy has been told to help me as a punishment.'

'Does that explain why he's half undressed?' The teacher looked amused, although I couldn't help noticing he was checking out Pauls gaping flies.

'No Sir, he just seems to get like that.'

'Tuck your shirt in, boy, and for heavens sake do up your zip, you look a shambles.'

Paul tucked his shirt in, and pulled up his zipper, and stood still without speaking.

'That's better, now, how long are you going to be here, disturbing us?' Mr Jekyll asked.

'Just five minutes in here, then we need to check out the store rooms and the control room, but we'll not make any noise.'

'Alright, but come and tell me when you're done, and for heavens sake make sure that that boy is scrubbed and tidy when you do, or it'll be extra detentions for both of you.'

'Don't worry Sir, I'll make him wash up, the store rooms are pretty dusty. Come on, young feller me lad, let's get on with it.' We walked through the hall, Paul picking up the crate again, and we pushed through the heavy double doors at the rear of the hall.

As soon as we were safely out of earshot, Paul dropped the crate and doubled with helpless giggles, 'did you see that old perve checking me out?' he spluttered as soon as he could speak.

'Yeah, that's why I told you to pull your zip down, he's easily distracted by the thought of a bit of boys flesh.'

'Come on then, we'd better get a move on, before he starts to get too interested. Where are we going to do it?'

'Not sure, let's check out the dressing room showers.' We went into the boys' dressing room; the shower was filthy and cracked, and more to the point, there was no showerhead. 'Oh dear, that's not looking too promising,' I said, and judging by Pauls' downcast expression he agreed with me. 'Ok, I have a plan. Come with me.' Paul obediently followed me across to the opposite side of the foyer, and watched with amusement as I slipped the lock of the girls' dressing room with my penknife. 'This room is hardly ever used, we're not likely to be disturbed, and it'll probably be clean,' or it was the last time I was in here, I added mentally, remembering the last time I had been in there (Ewans story part 2).

The room was unchanged, and still hot, 'Ok,' I said, 'get your kit off, hop up on the big table and I'll go and get your stuff ready.'

When I came back with the hot water Paul was lying naked on the table, although in a departure from the norm his cock was soft and flaccid.

'What's this,' I teased, 'aren't you pleased to see me?'

'I'm holding myself back for this evening,' he mumbled, his face going scarlet.

'Fair do's,' I agreed, 'who knows what you might get up to.' I sprayed some shaving foam onto my hand, and began to spread it onto his crotch. As I continued on down, and gently coated his cock and balls with the soapy mixture, his erection sprang proudly and instantly into life as usual. 'That's better,' I said, running my soapy hand up and down his shaft, on the dual pretext of soaping him up and checking for stubble. Even though I had done this several times, I found the business of shaving Paul to be quite a turn-on, and I could feel my cock hardening up in response to his excitement. 'Ok,' I said, 'I'll do you on this side, then you'll need to turn over so I can do your crack.' I shaved Paul with extra care, as I'd realised that he wouldn't want any blemishes to spoil his special evening. After I'd carefully checked him over for stubble, and I only gave him a couple of wanks, honest. I pushed gently on his hip, 'right my lad, turn over and spread 'em.'

Paul rolled over onto his front, then pushed his bottom into the air and spread his cheeks wide, the stiff column of his cock stabbing down towards the tabletop. I soaped my hand again, and spread the shaving foam along his crack, and down through his legs to the base of his balls. I carefully smoothed the foam around his pucker, feeling him tense up as I cheekily played with him; 'It's ok,' I said quietly, 'I gave you my word, didn't I?'

'Yeah, you did,' came a rather muffled response from the other end of the table.

As there didn't seem to be any further communication forthcoming, I got back to the job in hand, and very carefully shaved his crack and all round his perineum. Once I was satisfied, I checked my handiwork over carefully, then patted him on the bum, 'ok, sir, you can go and rinse that off now.'

Paul got off the table, and padded naked to the showers, his denuded cock swinging from side to side as he walked. 'Don't make a mess,' I called out, 'and don't get your hair wet. When you're done I need to check you out, and then I'll put some lotion on for you.'

I was trying to be very good and not mess with Paul, that and the knowledge that Ewan and I had the evening to look forward to, of course. Didn't stop me from feeling very horny, but even so, we were both trying to save ourselves for other things. Paul came back from the showers, just in time to spot me easing my stiffy into a more comfortable position in my pants, 'caught you,' he grinned, 'you'll be needing a wank later, I bet.'

'Something like that,' I smiled.

Paul, walked over and leaned his bum against the table, his cock still rigid and inviting my attention, 'I could help you out?' he asked.

'No, it's ok, it wouldn't be the same if you're holding back. Come on, I'll put your lotion on, would you mind bending over the table for a moment?' Paul obligingly took up the position, his legs spread wide, and I knelt down beside him, bottle of lotion in one hand. First I ran my hand all over the shaved areas, checking for any stubble that I might have missed, it was all good, he was smooth and sleek once more, so I squirted a good dollop of lotion into my hand, and began the onerous task of spreading it all over the affected areas. True to my word once more, I resisted the temptation to slip a finger into his pucker, although I did make especially certain that it was very well lubricated. A couple of brisk strokes of his hard cock, and I was finished. I gently slapped his bum with my slippery hand, 'Ok, that's you done, better get dressed or Jekyll will be banging on the door, and I don't think you want him to find you bent over a table with your arse all lubed up and ready for him.'

The speed with which Paul hauled his clothes on bore out my suggestion, I think. 'Hold on,' I said, 'we need to distract him on the way back too.'

'What do you suggest?' Paul asked apprehensively, he'd had plenty of run-ins with this particular teacher.

'Hmm,' I mused, 'you need to look really smart for a few minutes, and really clean. Here, let me help you.' I tucked Pauls shirt into his school trousers, and with the damp towel I wiped his rather grubby face clean. I tied his school tie properly and attempted to buff his shoes clean. 'Ok,' I said, 'looking good, now, we just have to add a little je ne sais quoi, and we're out of here.'

'What's that?' Paul asked, baffled by the use of French.

Instead of speaking, I placed my hand on his crotch, his cock was still firm, although the baggy cut of his trousers concealed it well. I carefully unbuttoned his waistband once more, and unzipped his fly. His plain white cotton slips were bulging with his unfulfilled erection, his cock dressing off to one side as it usually did when confined. I grabbed the leg hole on that side and tugged gently, his stiff cock and balls flopped free again. 'Now, what I think would be good, would be if you were to be showing a hint of a stiffy when we walk though the hall again, but these pants are too good at concealing it all.'

Paul was amused, 'what d'you want me to do then? Rip them up, or take them off, because they're not very comfortable if you leave them like that.'

'Take them off I guess, I'll stick them in my pocket for you to put back on later.'

With a theatrical sigh, Paul stripped off again, and handed me his warm pants to look after. He pulled his school trousers back on, this time his stiffy slipped down a leg, its hard outline obvious if you happened to be looking for it.

'What about you?' he asked.

'Good point,' I agreed, 'I think I should be revealing a little too.' I stuck my hand down the front of my tight black cords and manoeuvred my erection so that it too was showing down one leg. 'Right, let's go and face the enemy. Oh, just one more thing,' I bent down and pulled one of Pauls shoelaces undone.

After a quick look round to make sure that there was nothing incriminating left behind, we left the dressing room and I carefully closed the door behind us. I quickly checked us both out, and gave Pauls stiffy an encouraging squeeze, before I pushed open the double doors and we re-entered the hall.

'Ah, there you are,' said Mr Jekyll, who had obviously been waiting for us, 'I was beginning to wonder where you both were, whether I should be sending out search parties,' He laughed unpleasantly. 'Now then, all missions accomplished? I see you managed to get the boy a bit cleaned up. You, come over here so I can get a proper look at you.' He pointed a bony finger at Paul, who obediently moved in front of him. 'Stand up straight when I'm talking to you, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back and not in your pockets. There's no pocket billiards when I'm addressing me, understand?'

'Yes Sir,' mumbled Paul.

'Now this is how I expect to see you, when our paths next cross, clean, tidy and well presented.' The teachers' eyes looked Paul up and down, and I saw him clock his erection at last. 'Do up that shoelace for gods sake,' he snapped, his eyes devouring Paul as he knelt down to follow his order, the rigid column of his cock clearly outlined against his thigh.

'There, is that better, Sir?' Paul asked, standing up again, and clasping his hands behind his back.

'Yes, that's very good,' he replied, 'don't let me catch you looking scruffy again, or there'll be trouble. Now, hadn't you better be on your way, its nearly the end of break.'

'Yes, Sir,' we chorused, and made our way across the hall and out over the stage again, conscious of his eyes following us as we went.

'That was close,' Paul giggled, 'I thought he was going to jump me when he spotted my cock.'

'Not in front of the chess club, I doubt,' I said drily. At that moment the bell for the end of break went, and we grabbed our stuff from where we had dumped it. 'Here,' I said, 'your pants,' I waved the articles at him.

'I don't have time,' he smiled, 'I just have to get through the afternoon, and it feels quite sexy without them. Give them to me next time you see me.'

'Ok,' I replied, 'catch you later, have a good evening, and be good.'

'I'm going to be good, I want to make some dosh after all,' he replied, and shot off in search of his next lesson.

I mentally shook my head, and made my way to my class, unable to shake the images of Paul straddling the table, legs spread apart. They kept me stiff until the end of a very tedious double physics lesson, and freedom. I made my way to the school gates and home, as I'd expected and hoped, there was a small blond figure waiting outside.

'Hi,' Ewan said, 'good day?'

'Unusual certainly,' I said.

'How so?'

'I ended up giving Paul a shave in the girls dressing room, while Mr Jekyll was taking the chess club in the hall.'

'Blimey,' his hazel eyes widened, 'that took a bit of nerve, I hope you didn't waste all your jizz on Paul though.'

'No, didn't spill a drop, he was holding out for this evening, and I was saving myself up for you.'

'That's nice,' he grinned, 'I haven't had a wank all week either, although I really wanted to.'

'Me neither,' I agreed, 'although I was really ready for it this lunchtime.'

'You should have found me,' he pouted, 'I'd have helped you out.'

'I might well have done, if it hadn't been for Paul.'

'I'd have helped,' he smiled.

'I bet you would, I'm not sure that Paul is ready for the idea that we really are lovers you know, after all he still hasn't got far from the idea that this is just a glorified wank.'

'He held my prick, and let me touch his.'

'Yeah, and he stuck his fingers up you too, but I think that was just him getting carried away, I think if he thought we really loved each other he'd freak out.'

'He's bound to work it out eventually, isn't he?' Ewans face crinkled with the effort of trying to understand Pauls' strange world.

'I don't know, sometimes people just don't want to admit to things that are right under their noses. He still believes that all we get up to together are your dyslexia reading exercises.'

'I've heard it called a few things,' he giggled, 'but never that before.'

'Let's get home and do a few then,' I said, 'is your dad going to drop your stuff off, or do we have to go and fetch it?'

'He said he'd drop it off when he gets back from work, then he has to go straight to the airport for a late evening flight to LA.'

'That's cool, have you ever been to the states?'

'No, but my brother has, I quite fancy it though.'

'Maybe you'll get your wish sometime,' I said, not realising how prophetic I was being. By this time we were turning into my road, and we raced along the pavement and up to my front door. There was no one home and we hurried up to my bedroom and dumped our bags on the floor. I wrapped the younger boy in my arms, and kissed his sweet lips; 'I'm sorry you didn't get to come and play with me and Paul,' I said, 'we'd have been hauled out of there by Mr Jekyll if you'd been there, because I'd never have been able to leave.'

'That's sweet,' he smiled, his angelic face turned up to mine, ready, as ever, for another kiss; a kiss that I was only too happy to provide.

We stood together in my bedroom for what seemed to be a long time, snogging enthusiastically, finally we parted and I stood still for a moment gazing at my lover.

'We should get out of our school clothes,' I said, 'my mother'll be home soon, just as well my sister's away at a friends this weekend. Did you bring a change with you?'

'Yeah, I wasn't quite sure when my dad would be dropping by.'

Slowly, almost reverentially, I helped him to undress; hanging his blazer up, then gently untying the school tie, unbuttoning his white shirt, and undoing the waist button on his grey school trousers. He kicked off his shoes, and I knelt down, slowly pulling his trousers down to his ankles. Finally, I lifted his shirt off his shoulders, leaving him standing, dressed only in his black cotton tanga briefs, and his grey school socks.

As soon as I was finished, Ewan moved closer to me, and with a wicked twinkle in his eye, he began to undress me, pausing between each item of clothing to plant a kiss on my lips. The effect of this genuine strip and tease was not surprising, and when he finally eased my tight black cords over my hips my bulging cock was quite prominent in my white cotton tangas.

'You are pleased to see me, and you're wearing a pair of my pants too,' Ewan murmured, delicately exploring the contours of my penis with his fingertips.

'You don't seem to be so unhappy either,' I replied, stroking his stiff column through the soft cotton of his undies. We sat down on my bed, side by side, 'We can't be doing with these,' I said, reaching down and tugging at Ewans socks. He obediently leaned back, his feet off the floor and I efficiently stripped off the offending articles, discreetly leaning down and pulling mine off as well. 'Now, come here,' I laid back on the bed and pulled his warm body towards me. He wriggled closer and I put my arms around him, our legs mingling and our crotches rubbing together. It was so lovely, lying still, our bodies comfortably entwined, the sweet scent of Ewans sun-bleached hair in my nostrils, I could have stayed like that for hours. Despite all our quite adventurous sex, in some ways it was the moments of stillness that meant the most. When Ewan was truly relaxed, our mutual love enabled him to trust me completely.

After a little while though, I realised that Ewan was perhaps a little more relaxed than I was, as his eyes were closed and he was breathing softly. Ah well, I thought, I'll just have a cuddle then, and settled back, acutely aware of the feeling of his soft skin against mine. He moaned gently, and wriggled closer to me, his package pressing into mine; judging by the feel of it, his cock was no closer to slumber than I was. All I could think was how lucky I was, the boy I loved (and who loved me), was asleep, nearly naked and in my bed. I'd had all sorts of adolescent fantasies about this situation, fuelled no doubt by the photo-sessions that Paul and I had done in this room, but as I kept remembering, this was the real deal, and all the feelings I had for my angel boy were reciprocated tenfold. It all seemed so uncomplicated at the time, just lying still on my bed, of course it wasn't, but hindsight is a wonderful thing.

My philosophical reverie was disturbed by the sound of a key in the front door downstairs, 'Bugger,' I swore, jumping up off the bed, Ewan moaned a small protest at being disturbed, but otherwise didn't move. I went over to my bedroom door and shouted down the stairs; 'Hi, we'll be down in a couple of minute, just getting changed.'

My mother, for it was she, shouted something cheery and indistinguishable about tea back to me and went through into the kitchen to put the kettle on. I went back into my room, looking tenderly down at the snoozing body of my lover, and quickly pulled on some clothes. Once I was dressed, I gave myself over to the serious task of awakening the sleeping beauty; he'd rolled over when I got up, and was lying on one side, his back towards me, one leg outstretched and the other tucked up. I slowly stroked his golden hair for a moment, before I let my fingers wander delicately along his spine, all the way down to the waistband of his tangas. I allowed myself the luxurious pleasure of softly stroking the sweet orbs of his bum, the soft cotton fabric of his pants enhancing my pleasure.

I looked up, and Ewan was still seemingly sleeping, his eyes closed and his lips parted, an occasional soft moan escaping as I caressed his cheeks. Much as I was enjoying myself, and it would appear that Ewan was enjoying himself too, I wasn't doing a very good job of waking him up, and I was well aware that my mother thought that silence was more suspicious than too much noise, and might take it upon herself to investigate. Regretfully I ceased my stroking of his bottom, and moved my hand round over his hip, onto his belly and then slowly down onto the stiff pole that was distending the fine black cotton of his tangas. As I discreetly investigated his long slim manhood, I saw a gentle smile curving his sleeping lips. Ever so carefully, I slipped my hand under the waistband of his pants, and took hold of his hot length at last. His cock head projected above the waistband, as I slowly masturbated him, and as I watched, little drops of pre-cum welled up from the slit of his glans.

I looked round, and realised that his eyes were open, 'Mmm, that's so nice, please don't stop,' he whispered.

'I'll have to,' I whispered back, 'my mum's come in, and she's making tea, but if we don't show our faces soon, she'll start wondering where we are and what we're up to.'

'Oh pooh,' he said, 'you're right, I don't think she'd be that thrilled to find us like this.'

'She's pretty broad-minded,' I said, 'but sometimes it's better to be less obvious, anyway, we've got the whole of the night and tomorrow morning, she's away up town first thing.'

Ewan stretched his arms, and reluctantly I let go of his cock. When he stood up, he didn't bother tucking himself back in, leaving his cock head peeking enticingly over the waistband as he sorted out his clothes.

I was feeling quite frustrated by now, and so I got up and headed towards the door, 'I'll see you downstairs in a minute.'

'Ok,' he replied, 'I won't be long.'

I trotted downstairs to find my mother, 'Ah, there you are,' she said, 'is Ewan with you?'

'Yeah,' I answered.

'Ah, that explains why you were so silent, were you playing together?'

'No not really, we were just getting changed, and Ewan was distracted by a book.'

Mercifully I was rescued from the parental interrogation by the sound of the doorbell; it was Ewans dad, bringing his clothes for the rest of the week. Ewan thundered barefoot down the stairs just as he was being ushered into the kitchen for a cup of tea.

'I can't stay long,' he said, 'I haven't packed either, and I'm flying from Gatwick instead of Heathrow, which is a bit of a bind.'

'You haven't said much about what you're going for,' Ewan said.

His dad looked a bit shifty and replied; 'It's stuff for the University, I'm not sure how important it is, I'll tell you all about it when I get back. Now you be good, do plenty of your exercises and don't be cheeky,' He swatted his sons bum affectionately.

'but Ewan's so polite and well behaved,' my mother rushed to defend, 'not like my two Neanderthals.'

'Your lad is always very grown-up when he's round at ours,' Ewans dad replied.

'Let's just agree that we're both paragons,' I interrupted, 'we'll neither of us be any trouble, we've got loads to do, and I promised to help Ewan out with his photography. You know, the inland waterways stuff.'

'Oh yes,' his father said, 'did you not get enough pictures on your boat trip?'

'Sort of,' Ewan chipped in, 'we've still got some pictures to print, but I'd like to get some better pictures of the flight of locks at Hanwell.'

'Fair enough, that's not much of a bike ride from here, and it's pretty round there. There's a pub nearby I used to take your mother to, and you, when you were in your pushchair.'

'I hope you'll be staying out of the pubs,' my mother said, 'and watch out for the canal too, they're dangerous places.'

'Don't worry, we'll be careful,' I reassured her, 'it's not like we've never been there before.'

'Be sure that you are,' she said, 'and don't go cycling off without leaving a note or something, you know how I worry when you've not told me what you're up to.'

'Sometimes it's better not to know,' Ewans dad laughed, 'when I think of the things I got up to when I was their age, my mother's hair would have turned white.'

'Hmm,' my mother said cryptically, 'I suppose they're safer together, just don't go egging each other on.'

'We won't,' we chorused innocently.

'I'm afraid I'll have to get on,' Ewans dad said apologetically, after looking at his watch, 'or I'll be late for my flight. I'll call you tomorrow to let you know I've arrived safely, and I'll bring you back a present. Thank you so much for looking after my boy, it means a lot to me to know that he's safe with you.'

We walked him to the door, he hugged his son goodbye, and we watched him safely down the path and into his car, waving as he drove off. Ewan was strangely silent, as we went back into the kitchen to finish our tea.

'What's the matter?' I asked.

'I don't know, this trip is much more important than he's letting on, but I don't know why.'

'Oh well,' I said, in my clumsy schoolboy fashion, 'I'm sure we'll find out soon enough, for the meantime, we've got the whole weekend to ourselves. Shall we go and watch some telly?'

'Yeah, why not,' Ewan answered, 'then I guess we can do some reading exercises before supper, and I don't know about you, but I could do with an early night.'

'You poor boy,' my mother butted in, 'are you tired, would you like a little lie down now? I haven't made up your bed yet, but I'm sure you could have a kip on his.'

'No, it's ok,' he protested, 'I did feel a bit sleepy, but it'd be better if I wait 'til bedtime.'

We wandered through to the sitting room, and watched telly for a while, truth was, neither of us was that interested. After an hour or so, by mutual consent, we turned it off and did some of Ewans reading exercises instead. He had got so much more confident, and his word recognition was pretty close to where it should have been, so this wasn't so much of a chore for either of us. He was even starting to read stuff voluntarily, which was an enormous improvement on how he had been when I first met him. The other bonus, from my point of view, was that it gave me an excuse to sit really close to him in public, our legs pressing together, and our hands occasionally touching as we scanned the workbook.

My mother had made a pot of her excellent spaghetti for our supper, probably realising that a big hit of carbs would knock us both out for the evening, and while we were eating, she went up to my bedroom and made up the pullout bed for Ewan. When she returned she put her hands on her hips and addressed us; 'Right you two, I think you've had enough excitement for one evening, are you going to shower before bed?'

'I don't know,' I said, 'I think I might just have one in the morning, how about you Ewan?'

'I think I'll do the same,' he answered, 'I do feel very sleepy now.'

'Ah well, off you go and clean your teeth and hop into bed then, I'll just have a little chat with my son and then he'll be coming up too.'

Ewan obediently made his way upstairs, pausing in the doorway to say goodnight to my mother. Once she heard the bathroom door close, she turned to me; 'Is he alright? He seems very down.'

'I think so, he's probably a bit upset that his dad has gone away and is being so mysterious about it. Don't worry, I'll find a way to cheer him up.'

'That's my boy,' she said, smiling at me, 'oh, I almost forgot, Ewans dad left you some money to go to the pictures with, it's there on the mantelpiece, just help yourselves.'

'That was kind of him,' I answered.

'Between you and me, I think he's feeling a bit guilty about this trip.'

'He's always pretty generous,' I defended.

'It can't be easy bringing up two boys on your own,' my mother said.

'You should know,' I replied, it's not been that different for you.'

'I suppose so,' she sighed, 'but it's different for men.'

'I don't see why, he's done a pretty good job with his two, wouldn't you say? And so have you, of course.'

'That's sweet of you, and of course you're right, now off you go and see if you can find a way to cheer your friend up. I'll not disturb you in the morning, just don't forget to be back here in time for your supper, you can forage for your lunch.'

'Thanks, I'll say goodnight then.'

I climbed up the stairs and went into the bathroom first to clean my teeth. I can't deny that I was very excited to have my lover under my roof at last, but I was very aware that he was also rather upset. I decided not to take the initiative; I'd just play it by ear and see how he was feeling when I came to bed.

As I walked across the landing, I could see a soft light shining under my bedroom door, and I walked in to discover that my bedside light was on, and Ewan was fast asleep in the other bed. I quietly stripped down to my pants and slipped into my bed, looking fondly at the sleeping schoolboy, and knowing from past experience that he would be difficult to waken. I'll just let him sleep, I thought, and we'll see what happens in the morning.

When I woke up, some time in the small hours, I was pleased, and not surprised to find that I wasn't alone in my bed any longer. Ewan had swapped beds without waking me and was now wrapped all round me, I could feel his crotch against my bum, and it felt like he was quite horny. I reached back with a hand, and softly explored the front of his pants; his stiffy was hot and hard under my hands. As I was stroking him, he stirred and rolled over, rubbing his bum against my burgeoning erection, and moaning quietly. I didn't think I was going to be able to wake him up, and feeling a bit frustrated, I stopped fondling him and just hugged him gently to me. He made a satisfied little sound, wiggled his bottom against me again and settled back into deep sleep.

Eventually I fell asleep myself, although it was a miracle that I didn't have a wet dream, with the object of my affection and all my fantasies in the bed with me.

When I awoke again it was daylight, and I was alone in my bed once more, in fact, as I looked rather blearily about, Ewan wasn't anywhere in the room. I groped for my watch, it was nearly ten, and my mother would have been out of the house for a couple of hours by now. This didn't solve the mystery of Ewans whereabouts, but that was just a matter for investigation.

Without bothering to put on any more clothes, I stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen, I could hear the sound of the kettle boiling, and walked straight in. Ewan was standing by the fridge, dressed only in his black cotton tangas and with his back towards me, flipping through the cartoon calendar that hung on the wall. I walked over and embraced him from behind. 'Morning, how are you?' I asked.

'Much better thanks, I really needed a good night sleep. I was just going to bring you up some breakfast in bed.'

'That's sweet, we can do it together.'

'No, I'll do it, I wanted to surprise you.'

'Oh, ok,' I said, 'how about I go and have my shower then? I'll be quick and we can have breakfast in bed after that.'

'That sounds like a plan,' my lover grinned, 'off you go then.'

I made my way back up the stairs, and without bothering to shut the bathroom door, I jumped in the shower. I wasn't very surprised, when, a couple of minutes later, Ewan joined me.

'Would you like a back scrub?' he asked.

'Yes please,' I replied. I felt Ewans hands confidently rubbing me over with the soap, lathering all down my back and onto my cheeks. 'Mmm, that's nice,' I said, hoping to encourage him. He ran his soapy hands over my back, caressing my bum briefly before moving on to soap up my front, as he faced me under the water jets I kissed him solemnly on the lips, feeling his soapy fingers groping for my cock. I've missed this,' I said quietly.

'What, showering? I thought you were a bit whiffy.'

'No, our being together and love making.'

'What, even with Paul to have a wank with?'

'Yeah, even with Paul, he's all about sex, with you it's all about sex and love.'

'I think I needed you to say that, I was worried that you were getting bored with me, and you were going back to Paul.'

'No, Paul and I have some history, but you've been there, you can see that he's never going to get into a relationship with a bloke.'

'I can see that he's getting closer and closer to it every day, he might be denying it, but its still true.'

'Maybe so,' I agreed, 'but the fact remains that even if he does find it a turn-on, Paul is totally unaware that we have any feelings for each other, or that he might be capable of having the same sort of feelings himself. He just sees this as a means to an end, it used to be so that he could get a shag, and now that he's getting his cock pulled quite regularly, he's discovered that he can earn some money.'

'He's a funny one,' Ewan said, 'and I'm sorry I went a bit wobbly on you. I've really enjoyed the stuff we've done together, with or without Paul, I feel safe and happy with you, I just can't bear the thought of losing you.'

'I won't be leaving you,' I said, 'especially not for Paul. Now come on, let's get washed and then we can have some breakfast, and who knows what might come after that.'

'Ok,' Ewan answered softly.

Rather sombrely after all that heavy talking we washed each others bodies, for once there wasn't anything sexual about it, just the ease and familiarity that two lovers might bring to such an action.

Once we were washed and rinsed, I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel round myself, before holding one out for my lover to step into. We walked across to my bedroom, Ewan had made a big pot of tea, some toast, and put it all on a big tray from the kitchen.

'Wow, that's nice, thank you,' I said, seizing the opportunity to kiss the boy again. 'D'you realise that Paul is pretty likely to want to tell us about his adventures last night?'

'Yeah, if he wasn't murdered by some pervert,' Ewan said darkly.

'He seemed pretty cool about it, and he had lots of get-outs if he needed them. If it all went well, he's going to be bursting to talk about it, is that ok with you? If not, I'll tell him I'll see him later.'

'No, it's alright, he deserves his moment of triumph, I just can't help thinking about that bastard Symonds, and all the others like Mr Jekyll who just seem to get away with it.'

'I think Symonds got his come-uppance, and Mr Jekyll is so trapped by the knowledge that his guilty secret is all over the borough that he is never going to make the first move. Yeah, he might get off on ogling the swimming team, or making boys swim naked, but the truth is, he's a sad powerless old man, and he's more scared than you are. Don't forget one very important thing either.'

'What's that?'

'That I love you, and while it's in my gift, I will do everything I can to protect you from harm. If you want me to, I will do for Mr Jekyll what I did for Mr Symonds.'

'What, blow up his garage?'

'No, you clot, find a way to neutralise him.'

'I think I can live with him, as long as I remember my speedos for swimming, that is.'

'Yeah, and don't go flashing a stiffy like Paul did, I'd only get jealous.'

Ewan giggled and threw his arms round me, giving me a passionate hug, 'thanks for all of that, you make me feel very secure sometimes.'

Our reverie was interrupted by the telephone; I heard its incessant ringing, and knowing we were alone in the house, I ran naked down the stairs to answer it, it was Paul; 'Can you come round?' he asked.

'I expect so,' I answered, 'Ewan's round here, d'you mind if he tags along?'

'Hmm, not sure,' he replied, then after a moments thought, 'yeah, why not, whether or not he knows it, he's a part of our new venture. You'll need to fill him in on what we've been up to though.'

'Oh, I'll be sure and do that,' I answered, grinning to myself, 'Go on then, what was it like?'

'Very special,' he said dryly, 'I discovered a lot of things I didn't know, but I'll tell you all about it when I see you. My folks are going out to the shops in a minute, so there'll be no-one here to interrupt us.'

'Ok, we'll see you in a bit,' I hung up the phone and went back up to my room.

Ewan was sitting on my bed, still wrapped in the towel after his shower, and idly flipping through a cartoon book, 'everything alright?' he asked.

'Yeah, Paul wants us to come round so he can tell us about his adventures last night.'

'Oh good, it must have been ok then, so when are we going to go to his place.'

'Soon as you like, his folks are going out, but you can't go dressed like that.'

'Ho, ho,' Ewan said solemnly, and stood up to stretch, lifting his arms high above his head. As he moved, the towel slipped off his narrow hips, revealing his golden pubes and the naked curves of his body to me once more. I felt a familiar lump growing in my throat as I gazed on his loveliness again, mirrored only by the other lump that was growing a bit lower down.

'How about we stick about here for a bit,' I said huskily.

Ewan had clocked my developing stiffness, and I could see his cock starting to thicken up. 'Yeah,' he said simply, 'although I'm dying to know what Paul got up to.'

'Me too,' I answered, 'but not as much as being with you.' I stepped forwards, and crushed his warm body against mine. I could feel his developing erection pushing against mine, followed a moment later by his questing fingers. I kissed his ruby lips, our tongues tangling, and I slipped my hand down over his soft buttocks, stroking the soft skin as we rubbed our bodies together. Slowly I knelt down, taking hold of the by now fully erect length of his cock, slowly and ceremoniously I kissed the very tip, before gently pulling back his foreskin. In the short time we had been kissing, he had become fully engorged, and there was already a little bead of pre-cum on his glans. Delicately, and very slowly, I extended my tongue and licked the droplet away, savouring the taste. I could feel Ewan shuddering with pleasure, as I continued to tongue his cock. I had just taken his length into my mouth when the phone rang again. I was ignoring it, after all I had something else on my mind, but Ewan spoke up: 'perhaps you should answer it, it might be Paul.'

'Paul can wait,' I answered, after I had disengaged for a moment. True enough, the phone stopped ringing, and I resumed my activities. A moment later and it rang again, 'Oh hell,' I said, and gave up for the time being. I ran down the stairs and answered the phone, Ewan had been right; it was Paul.

'Hi,' he said, 'not interrupting anything?'

'No, just getting it together to come over,' I answered, reluctant to admit I had been blowing Ewan.

'Good stuff, do you think you could bring the little camera with you, I may want to use it later.'

'Sure, I'll dig it out.'

'Ok, see you in a bit,' with that he rang off.

I went back up to my room, but the moment had passed, Ewan had already put on a tight blue t-shirt and was kneeling on the floor looking through his bag.

'What're you looking for?' I asked.

'I was wondering what pants to wear,' my lover answered.

'Dunno,' I replied, 'what were you thinking of?'

'Something I feel sexy in, I thought I might put a pair of my girly knickers on.'

'Mmm, they're horny, but I've a better idea,' I said.


'I forgot to tell you, I've got you some posh pants from the tailors shop too.'

His beautiful hazel eyes widened, 'you sod, why didn't you say?'

'I forgot, everything else went out of my mind when I saw you.'

'Let's see them then,' he demanded, I dug out the little cardboard box and handed it over. Ewan carefully opened the flap and tipped the undies into his palm, 'Wow, these are great, I like this shade of red and they're so smooth.'

'Yeah, and I've got a pair just the same in blue.' We both pulled on our new slips, and paused to admire each other. 'What else shall I wear?' my lover asked.

'Just come as you are,' I smiled, 'you look just perfect to me.'

'I suppose I could cycle round to Pauls like this,' he agreed, his hazel eyes twinkling, 'but the neighbours might talk.'

'and I'd probably crash, 'cos I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off you. Maybe you'd better cover up, I'll still know what you're wearing, and we may get to play later.'

'Hope so,' he giggled, 'how about my white shorts, and this t-shirt?'

'Yeah, they'd be good, they're nice and transparent. I thought I'd put on my cut-downs and a sleeveless top.'

'Yeah, they're nice and revealing too, Ok, let's do it then.' We dressed swiftly, and after grabbing a cold drink in the kitchen, we got our bikes out of the shed and cycled off.

We arrived at Pauls place, and locked our bikes together in the alley that ran alongside the house before ringing the bell. I heard the sound of Paul thundering down the staircase, and a minute later the door crashed open.

'Come in,' he grinned, 'we've got the place to ourselves until after lunch, once they've finished shopping they're going to the pub to have a hair of the dog and they've taken my snoopy little brother with them.'

Paul was dressed in his blue running shorts, and a baggy long sleeved sweatshirt. He led the way up to his room, and although the shorts revealed the curves of his butt as he climbed the stairs I couldn't see what he was wearing underneath. Pauls' room was pretty much the same midden that in my experience it had always been, he'd attempted to make some space by shoving his piles of junk away from around the bed, and he'd cleared a rickety old armchair and a beanbag for us to sit on.

'Bags I the beanbag,' Ewan said, and hurled himself possessively onto it, his legs spread, and showing a little flash of his red pants.

Paul flopped down on the bed, pulled his legs up and propped his back up against the wall, and I took the wobbly armchair. 'Come on then,' I said, 'tell us what happened.'

'Ok,' he said, 'I was a bit nervous, as you can imagine, but I kept telling myself, what harm can it do. Graham had asked me to get there a bit early, so he could show me where things were, and so on. I'd dressed in my tightest jeans, plain white cotton slips and a white t-shirt. When I got to the back door of the shop, it opened up before I could ring the bell, Graham was dressed very formally in a dinner suit.'

"Welcome Paul, glad you could make it," he grinned, "and I'm very pleased that you didn't wear your school uniform."

'How do you know that you've got someone outside?" I asked, "and more to the point, how do you know if they are people you want to let in?'

"Aha," he answered, "take a look in here." In the vestibule he had a TV set with a very good picture of the back entrance to the shop and the approaching pathway. "If anybody comes down the path, I can get a good look at them before I let them in," he smiled, "but don't worry, that's my job, I look after the door, once they are inside, you have to take their coats and hand them a glass of champagne. They will already have put on their masks at the door, and you mustn't be surprised by or comment on anything they might be wearing under their coats by the way."

'Blimey,' I interrupted, 'what sort of stuff were they wearing then?'

'All in good time,' Paul said, 'let me tell it in my own way, or I might get confused.'

'Yeah, you carry on,' Ewan agreed, 'don't listen to him, he's just too keen.'

'Ok,' Paul continued, 'Graham had changed things around a bit since we were there the other day, the fitting room was all cleaned up, and the chaise longue had been moved up onto the dais. There was music playing quietly and the curtains had been tied back to uncover all the mirrors, the lighting was warmer and a lot less bright too. There were also a couple of small round tables with chairs and candles burning on them, and more of the chairs were dotted around the room.'

"Go and take a look round upstairs," Graham said, "You'll need to keep an eye on things up there too."

'I climbed the spiral staircase to the upper room, I had looked up there before, but it was so gloomy that I couldn't make anything out; all I had been aware of was a strange light shining up from the floor and a few strange shapes in the gloom. Now, though, it was more brightly lit, although still pretty dark, and as I walked forward things became more understandable. In the middle of the room was a circular metal railing, and as I got nearer, I realised that you could see straight down into the room below, there was a circular window just above the dais.'

'That must be a one way mirror in the ceiling,' I said.

'Exactly,' Paul said, 'and when I saw it, I wondered if anyone had been watching our little demonstration on Monday night.'

'Well, you went up the stairs,' I said, 'did you think there was anybody there?'

'No idea, it was all so gloomy that I'd never have known. Quite exciting to think about it though.'

'So,' I prompted, 'what else was there?'

'Well, more chairs and tables, a couple of what looked like school desks, and some large wooden things with straps and buckles on.'

'Ah,' I said, 'I'm beginning to get a picture.'

'Hold that picture,' he grinned, 'I think you may be right.'

'What?' Ewan interjected crossly.

'I think that there might have been a bit of punishment scheduled for the evening.'

'Oh, cool,' Ewan said, 'did you get to watch?'

'and the rest,' Paul said, his grin widening, 'anyway, I had a good look round and when I was done, I went back downstairs to find Graham.'

"Have you worked out where everything is?" he said.

'Yes, I suppose so,' I answered, 'although I'm not sure what some of the stuff you've got upstairs is for.'

"That'll all become apparent, but anyway, that's not your department, there'll be a couple of specialists along in a minute who deal with all of that. You might learn something though, if you keep your eyes open. In the mean time, d'you want to get yourself dressed? I've laid your stuff out in the cloakroom."

'I went into the cloakroom; on the couch was my pinny, a pair of black pants, a waistcoat and a mask. I quickly stripped naked and pulled on my costume for the evening, it was just as well it was a warm evening, I wasn't getting much cover, I can tell you. The pants were different from the ones I'd put on before, they had alternate fine stripes of solid and transparent material; which, as I checked myself out in the full-length mirror, looked pretty sexy, I could see my cock stiffening up through the silky material. Thanks to Graham's pinny, unless I bent over I was almost covered up. Once I was dressed, I went through to the back room to find Graham.'

"Ah, there you are," he smiled, "and looking good too. There's some baby oil in the cloakroom if you want to use it, just make sure you haven't got it all over your hands when you're pouring the drinks."

'I've had an idea to make things a bit better' I said.

"Yeah?" Graham raised an eyebrow.

'How about I change into different pants every now and again, that way they'll get to see some of the new range in action.'

"Great idea," he twinkled, "I can see you're going to be a real asset tonight, I'll go and fetch you some changes. If the door bell goes while I'm away, don't answer it, I'll be back in two ticks."

'Graham shot off into the shop, and I perched on a stool, watching the world going by on the TV monitor, after a couple of minutes, I saw someone approaching the door, a woman, dressed in a long dark coat, with her pale hair tightly pulled back. Although it wasn't easy to see that much detail on the screen, before she put her mask on, she looked quite pretty and not that old. As she put a gloved hand up to ring the bell, I heard Graham bustling back; "Ah, great, there's Ruth, dead on time, I've put some changes in the cloakroom for you."

'He flung the door open to let her in and she stepped inside. I was very conscious of her cool grey eyes looking me up and down.'

"Ruth, this is Master Paul, he's looking after the drinks and nibbles tonight.'

"So I see," she replied, unbuttoning her coat and handing it to me. Underneath she was dressed in a plain white shirt and tie, through which I could see the outline of a plain white bra, a knee length, tight grey wrap-around skirt and black gloves that reached right up to her elbows.'

'Sounds like a corrective outfit to me,' I butted in, 'was she scary?'

Paul grinned, 'yeah, but pretty and sexy too.'

'What happened next?' Ewan asked.

'Not a lot, Ruth vanished upstairs and just then the guests began to arrive.'

'What were they like?'

'As they arrived, pretty normal, you wouldn't give them a second glance if you passed them in the street. Under their coats they were dressed as all sorts; schoolgirls, French maids, there was even a policewoman, and these were just the blokes, Graham caught my eye as I carted an armful of coats into the cloakroom; "Just keep their drinks topped up and leave the rest to us, your turn'll come later." As things were starting to get busy Graham sent me off to open a couple more bottles of fizz;'

"Make sure you take a glass up to Ruth," he said, "and keep an eye on her glass, she's not one to get on the wrong side of, if you get my drift."

'Oh, don't worry, I said, she'll not be pulling my pants down tonight.'

"Damn right she won't," Graham said, "you concentrate on your job, and leave her to get on with hers, and remember, everyone's here for pleasure, so no staring, and no funny comments."

'Yes, Sir, I answered smartly and went off to start serving the wine.'

'Go on, tell us more,' Ewan begged, 'what were people getting up to, and how many were there?'

'I don't think there were many more than a dozen, and once everyone had arrived, Graham ushered them through into the main fitting room, and made a little speech of welcome. They were all pretty relaxed, and obviously most people knew each other in spite of the masks. He introduced me, pointing out that I was the new model for their underwear range and I would be modelling various items throughout the evening, and if folks were interested, I might be persuaded to pose for a few pictures at the end of the evening. This announcement got me a small cheer and a round of applause, especially when I jumped up on the dais and gave them a quick flash and a wiggle of my current outfit.'

'That, for the moment was that, the punters wandered around and chatted for a bit, sipping their champagne, and I passed among them topping up their glasses whenever it seemed necessary. After a while I noticed that some of the people had made their way upstairs, and I decided to follow. I padded silently up the spiral staircase, holding the bottle of fizz like a badge of office.'

'What did you see?' Ewan interrupted.

'Ruth, the rather scary woman had set herself up on one side of the upstairs room, she had a school desk and chair, and an old fashioned blackboard on an easel. When I came up to the top of the stair, I could see a very scared looking schoolgirl squirming in the school chair, satchel by her side, and Ruth was asking her about some simple maths problem written on the blackboard, punctuating her questions by tapping on the board with a long cane.'

'You didn't say anything about schoolgirls,' I added.

'Not real schoolgirls, someone dressed up as one,' Paul said impatiently.

'Oh, I see, carry on.'

'Thanks, anyway, I watched this performance for a while, and eventually Ruth lost her patience with the girl and slamming the cane down on the desk she grabbed the girl by the shoulders and shook her, all the time repeating the question. The girl shook her head without speaking, and finally Ruth pushed her down over the desk and, lifting up her short skirt, administered a stinging slap to her bum.'

'Was she naked under the skirt?' Ewan asked, enthralled.

'No, she had big white knickers on, not sexy at all,' Paul said.

'Was that it?' I asked.

'No,' he continued, 'after the first time Ruth smacked the girl I heard a soft sigh, and she settled down, lying across the desk and spreading her legs wide. Ruth administered several more slaps, taking care to distribute them evenly across her buttocks. I moved up into the room to get a better view just as Ruth picked up a leather belt and began to smack her victim in earnest. I could see tears flooding down the girls face, but other than that, she seemed to be enjoying it. From where I was standing, I had a great view up the girls skirt as her bottom quivered and wobbled under Ruths' furious onslaught. As I watched, getting quite turned on I admit, I began to realise that all was not quite as it seemed.'

'How d'you mean?' I asked.

'Well, there I was, innocently looking up this birds panties, when I suddenly realised that they were rather more bulgy than you would expect them to be, and in fact, as she was getting spanked, they were getting more and more bulgy.'

'It was a bloke!' Ewan breathed.

'Exactly, and as I watched, suddenly his bottom tensed up and there was a big damp stain spreading across his knickers. Ruth sensed that he'd come, and threw him to the ground, where he lay still, his skirt rucked up around his waist, sobbing gently, then she shouted; "go and get yourself cleaned up, you filthy little slut, how dare you leave your slime on my desk." The bloke pulled himself up onto his hands and knees and crawled away, murmuring; "Yes miss, thank you miss," as he went. I suddenly realised that Ruth had spotted me, and as I looked at her, she suddenly winked and smiled, her whole face lighting up. She waved her whip at me, "fancy some?"

'Uhh, no thanks,' I stammered, 'I just came up to see if you needed a top-up.'

"That was well-timed," she replied, 'it's thirsty work. Care to join me?"

'I poured us each a glass, and she offered me the school chair to sit on, while she perched on the desk, only problem was that the seat was pretty low, and I guess that from where she sat I was showing her everything.'

"Nice pants," she grinned, "and nice contents too."

'Thanks,' I blushed, 'sorry.'

"Don't be sorry, I take it as a compliment, makes a pleasant change from the saddos that I usually come into contact with.'

'I didn't really know what to say, and covered up my confusion by taking a big swig of my champagne, unfortunately the bubbles went the wrong way, and I ended up choking and spluttering. Ruth silently handed me a big handkerchief and I mopped myself down.'

'Sorry,' I said, once I was able to speak again, 'I guess I'm not used to champagne.'

"Probably a good thing at your age," she smiled, "come back and have another chat later after I've spanked the next barrister."

'He wasn't a barrister, was he?' I gasped, picking up the champagne bottle.

"No," she answered, as I headed for the spiral staircase again, "he was a judge."

'I went back downstairs to change into a new pair of pants; although it didn't really show, I was aware that my cock had leaked into the transparent black fabric and I had a big damp patch. I picked out a pair of very clingy red pants, and before I pulled them on, I gave my cock and balls a good wipe down and then a little baby oil just to show them off a little, as the pants material was quite opaque. Out in the party things were going on much as before, and I wandered about refilling glasses and giving the punters occasional flashes of my pants.'

'What were the punters doing?' Ewan asked, 'you've only told us about the bloke dressed as a schoolgirl.'

'Mostly chatting, I suppose, there can't be many places where an old geezer can dress up as a French maid and not feel a bit of a tit. There were a number of entertainments on offer, upstairs was where all the apparatus was, I didn't really go anywhere near that, apart from Ruths classroom of course, there was way too much wobbly flesh squeezed into leather and rubber on show, and I found it a bit uncomfortable. There was a very polite lady, who, by the time I came round to fill up her glass was dressed only in a shirt, she was shaved like me, and I could see her gash. Not only that, but she was firing ping-pong balls out of her fanny, I don't know how she did it, but they were flying around the room all night. She had a little audience around her for the whole evening.'

'So what happened next?' I asked,

'Just more of the same, I trotted round with the drinks and kept everyone sweet, every now and again I put a new pair of pants on, and made sure that everyone saw them.'

'Did you go and visit Ruth again?'

'Not really, I went back up a couple of times, but she was always busy, in the end I just left her a bottle and let her get on with it, we both had a job to do after all, and Graham might have been a bit pissed off if I distracted her. After a while I started to get a bit bored, there was no-one to talk to, and everyone was way older than me anyway, so it came as a relief when Graham wandered up to me and murmured in my ear; "if you're still up for it, the night's getting on, and this would be a good time for your modelling spot. Shall I let people know?"

'Yeah,' I answered, 'just give me a couple of minutes to get ready.'

"Sure, by the time I've put the word out you'll have had plenty of time anyway. Where do you want to do it, and do you want any props or anything?"

'Nah, I thought I'd just pose on the chaise longue, see how it all goes.'

"Ok, that's good, I'll rally the troops, and remember, the less you show them, the more they'll give you to show them more," Graham winked at me.

'I was feeling relaxed, whether that was because of the glasses of champagne I'd snaffled during the evening, or the various activities I had been witness to, I don't know. Anyway, it was getting late, and I could tell that people were starting to think about heading off. I went off to the cloakroom and stripped off my pinny before I pulled off the g-string I'd been wearing, and picked up the last pair of pants. These were a very sheer white jockstrap, almost transparent under the right conditions. I decided to go for a bit of the baby oil too and before I put them on, I carefully oiled my cock, pulling the foreskin back and making sure that my knob end was well lubricated. I oiled up my balls and crack as well, and carefully pulled on the pants. In the mirror I could see that the shape of my semi-hard cock was clearly visible through the fabric, and the oil was making it cling to me. I guessed that I was ready for my public, and wiped my chest with a light smear of oil before putting the rest of my clothes back on, not that they covered me up much, I headed out, grabbing the baby oil as I went.'

'While I'd been away, Graham had rearranged things a little, there was now a small curl of chairs around the dais, and he'd changed the lights so that the dais and the front row of seats were brightly lit, and everything else was in shadow. There was a round tray of full champagne glasses on the front of the dais.'

'As I came out into the room, Graham was standing by the bottom of the spiral staircase, chatting to one of his customers, when he saw me, he raised an eyebrow, I nodded, and he clapped his hands; "Ok folks, master Paul is ready for you now, give him some encouragement, and who knows what he might do." I took that as my cue, and walked over to the chaise longue, sitting down at the head end, my thighs together and my hands in my lap. My audience gathered, cameras at the ready and I was surprised to see Ruth take a front row seat, very close to me. She'd taken her gloves and tie off, and when she caught me looking at her, she smiled coolly up at me, leaning forward to take a glass of champagne from the tray. I realised with a shock that her shirt was quite see through, and that she wasn't wearing a bra anymore. I could see the hard pink nubs of her nipples as they pressed against the material; her firm breasts jiggling slightly as she sat back in her seat. I didn't really notice anybody else in the room after that, all I was aware of was her cool grey eyes, and the rest of her, of course.'

'What do you mean?' Ewan butted in. I noticed that his shorts were doing little to conceal stiffness of his shaft, and at that moment I became acutely aware that I had developed a similar condition, and I was suffering a bit in my tight cut-downs.

'Patience, I'm getting to it,' Paul answered, with a smile, 'although it looks like you're both getting a bit cramped there, would you like to make yourselves a bit more comfortable before I carry on?'

Without the need for any further encouragement, Ewan stood up and pulled his shorts off, his proud stiffy distending the soft material of his red pants. I stood up, and Ewan reached over to help me, unzipping my fly and pulling my tight jeans down over my hips. The feeling of relief as my hard cock was released must have shown on my face, as Paul grinned up at me from his bed.

'I guess I'd better join you,' he said, and stood up, pulling his running shorts down. The pants he was wearing were obviously the same as those he had just described, a sort of jock strap made of a fine semi-transparent white fabric, through which you could see the splendid firmness of his fat and curving cock, leaving his bottom open to the air.

'Wow,' breathed Ewan, his hand pressed against his erection, 'are those the pants you were wearing?'

'No, I put on a fresh pair; the other ones got a bit messed up. Shall I carry on?'

'Yes please,' said Ewan.

'Hang on,' I said, 'I've had an idea for a picture.' I grabbed the little camera and plonked it down on Pauls bedside table.

'Oh yeah?' Paul asked quizzically.

'Look, red, white and blue,' I pointed to our pants, 'we could have a patriotic moment.'

'Ok,' Paul agreed, 'as long as we don't do the French flag by mistake.'

'As long as Ewan is first, no-one could make that mistake,' I smiled, 'I'll set the timer.' We pulled off our shirts and Ewan hopped up onto the bed next to Paul before I pushed the button. We all three knelt on the bed, hips pressed together, arms round each others shoulders, our bulging crotches thrusting towards the camera lens, a pause, a click and a flash, and we were done.

Paul laughed out loud; 'That was good, it could be a Christmas card.'

'I suppose it could, shall we do another?'

'Yeah, why not.'

This time, once I had set the timer, we all three leaned back, lifting our bums up off the bed, our legs spread wide. Collapsing back in a cozy jumble of warm flesh once the flash had gone off.

'One more for luck?' Ewan asked, 'then you can get on with your story.'

'Slave driver,' Paul said, grinning, 'best make it a good one then.' Once again I pressed the timer button, and jumped back onto the bed next to Paul, as I leaned against him I felt his hand slip under the waistband of my pants and grasp my cock. Looking down, I could see that he had done the same to Ewan with his other hand. To complete the image Ewan and I both slipped a hand into Pauls pants and gripped his long shaft before facing the camera, his cock head just popping up above the waistband.

I couldn't help thinking that we had all travelled a long way together, Paul more than either of us, he'd stopped banging on about poofters and embraced all kinds of sexual adventures with an enthusiasm that had left us behind. Not that I was too bothered, I was truly happy and committed to my lover Ewan, and my occasional moments with Paul were simply physical.

The photo snapped, we all sat back in a row against the wall; our legs pressed comfortably together, Ewan turned towards Paul, and hesitantly put his hand back onto Pauls bulging erection, 'Wow, they feel so soft, do you like them?'

'Yeah, I think they're the best yet. Now, shall I continue?' asked Paul, 'or would you like to take some more pictures?'

'Carry on please,' Ewan answered, without removing his hand, 'I want to know what happened, did you let anyone play with your cock?'

'Patience my lad, patience!' Paul said, seemingly quite content to be touched up by the boy, 'Ok; without taking my eyes off the woman, I leaned down and took hold of a glass of champagne, and, raising it to my lips, I toasted my audience before swinging my legs up onto the couch and making myself comfortable. They took this as a general cue to help themselves, and there was a small scrum as the tray was swiftly emptied and they settled into advantageous viewing positions, their cameras ready. I could also hear the soft rustle of paper as banknotes were dropped into the tray beside my couch. Very slowly and deliberately I moved a hand up to my chest, and began to undo the buttons on my waistcoat. Once I had them undone, I slipped my hand inside and slowly stroked my nipples, even though it was warm in the room I could feel them stiffening up nicely as I teased them. To my delight, I realised that Ruth was idly copying me as she watched my performance; as her red nail varnished fingertips flickered over her already erect nipples through the fine translucent material of her white shirt. I was very aware that my cock was growing hard, although it was still pretty much concealed under the pinny. I had ceased to notice the camera clicks and flashes by now, I felt as though I was doing my show just for her.'

'Carry on,' Ewan said, his hand slowly stroking Pauls length, 'what did you do next?'

'I arched my back, so that the waistcoat slipped off my shoulders, leaving me naked to the waist, and taking a moment to add a splash of baby oil I slowly rubbed my hands over my chest, never taking my eyes off the woman. She, in the meantime, had followed my lead, and made an opening in her shirt, and I watched fascinated as her fingers stimulated her hard nipples, her tongue flickering over her red lips as she concentrated on my movements. Very gently I allowed my oily hands to drift down towards the waistband of my pinny, watching to see if Ruth copied me.'

I was already feeling pretty horny, and the sight of my lover sprawled semi-naked next to Paul, red pants straining with his erection, and his hand caressing the older boys stiffy was an even bigger turn on. I discreetly joined the party and began to stroke my hard on through the soft material of my pants as Paul continued his narration.

'I allowed my fingers to play suggestively over the sensitive skin on my belly, before carefully slipping a hand under the waistband. Looking across the room into one of the mirrors I could see that even though the pinny showed a bit of my balls, you couldn't actually see what my hand was doing, although the hump in the fabric as I slowly teased my cock head through the soft material gave you a pretty good idea. When I looked round to see what Ruth was up to, she had plainly taken her lead from me, and her shirt was fully unbuttoned revealing her milky skin and the soft curves of her breasts. Her hand, by now, had vanished in through the slit up the side of her skirt, and from the movement of her arm I could tell that she was stroking her inner thigh. We continued like this for quite a time, and I'd completely forgotten about our audience, until someone said quite loudly; 'is that it?'

"I'm sure it's not," I heard Graham intervene, "perhaps if you gave him a little more encouragement?"

'There was the sound of a little shuffling, then I heard some more notes flutter into the tray, and I realised that, much as I wanted this to go on for ever, I needed to bring things to an end. I slowly pulled my hand back from under the pinny and pressed both my hands into my crotch, framing my bulge for the benefit of the photographers. I then very deliberately reached for the ties on the pinny and carefully pulled the knot open. I looked over, and saw that Ruth had also undone her skirt, the grey material was loose in her lap and she was watching me closely. Abruptly I flipped over onto my stomach, keeping my legs together and pushing my crotch into the couch, conscious that the loose flaps of the pinny weren't really covering me up any more. I reached down and pulled the offending garment free, hurling it off into the darkness, fully exposing my bare bum for the first time. I slowly ran my hands down my sides, checking that the waistband of my pants was sitting properly on my hips before I explored the smooth skin of my cheeks.

Still keeping my legs together, I began to arch my back, as if I was humping the couch, I saw Ruth shift forward on her chair, the fabric of her skirt falling away as she moved. She too had her legs pressed primly together and although I could see the top of her knickers, that was it.'

'What was she wearing?' Ewan asked, moving his free hand onto his crotch, without ceasing to finger Pauls cock.

'Just the shirt and some knickers,' Paul answered, 'couldn't see much apart from her tits, but they were pretty good.'

'What were her panties like?'

'Couldn't see then, but they were small, with a very narrow waistband and made of some sort of cream coloured silky fabric. Should I continue?'

'Yes please,' I butted in.

'Ok, as I was humping the couch, I gradually began to open my legs up, giving them all a view of my balls. Propping myself up on one arm, I used my free hand to trace a slow path down my side, pausing to stroke my smooth cheeks for a moment or two, before continuing its journey along my slippery crack and through between my legs, caressing my balls in their silky confinement. I watched as Ruth slowly opened her legs, and delicately started to finger the front of her cream coloured panties. I pushed my arse up into the air, dropping a leg off the edge of the couch to support me, and began to run my fingers along the hard length of my cock. I could feel that I was already pretty wet, and the baby oil made it all the more slippery. I decided that they'd seen enough of my bum for the time being, and rolled slowly over onto my back, and exposing my full erection to the gaze of my audience. I hooked one leg over the back of the couch, and put the other one on the floor spreading my legs wide. I slowly moved my hands down over my oily skin towards my crotch, pressing down gently but firmly against the hot column that was stretching the fragile fabric.'

'I could see that Ruth was also making progress, and pushing the creamy fabric of her panties into her snatch, mirroring my moves. I stroked my knob end, feeling the warm dampness staining the pristine white fabric, and lifted my moist fingers up to my nose to sniff. On impulse I held my hand out to Ruth, and she leaned forward to smell them, deeply inhaling the scent of my boy sex, she then gravely offered me her fingers and for the first time I smelled a woman's sex.'

'What was it like?' I asked.

'Hard to describe,' he continued, forehead wrinkling with the effort of recollection, 'not like the sort of fresh, salty smell that we have, but a deeper earthier sort of thing. However you describe it, it was like a jolt to my system, and I felt my cock jump in my pants. She sat back, an amused grin flickering briefly over her face, and as I watched she slipped her hand down the front of her panties, her hand moving deliberately as she pleasured herself. Once again I took my cue from her and slid my hand under the waistband of my pants, feeling the soft fabric sliding over the back of my hand as at last I took a firm grip on my cock. I sensed, rather than heard, a satisfied intake of breath as I slowly started to wank myself, spreading my legs still further as I moved my fist up and down the length of my slippery cock. I looked across the room to check out how I looked in the mirror, and watched my hand moving slowly under the semi-transparent white material. Finally, I shuffled down on the couch so that I was lying flat, and watched my reflection in the overhead mirror, just as we did last week. I could see Ruth in the mirror too, her hand working away between her legs as she watched me intently, and decided that maybe this was the moment to let it all hang out.

I let go of my cock for a moment, and with my other hand, pulled my pants to one side, fully revealing my cock and balls for the first time. I took a firm grasp of my dick again, and looked round to see what she was up to. I wasn't disappointed, she too had pulled her panties to one side, and I could see her rhythmically slipping her middle finger into her crack as she watched my performance. I could hear a faint sucking noise as her digit moved in and out of her moist pink flesh.'

'Did she have pubes, or was she shaved like you?' Ewan asked, his eyes wide and his hand moving more quickly over his erection.

'She wasn't shaved,' Paul answered, 'or rather, she had a little patch of pubes more or less the same colour as yours, and then everything else was shaved. Anyway, I started wanking at more or less the same speed as she was, and could soon feel that I wasn't going to be able to hold on for much longer. From what I could see, Ruth was heading for orgasm too, she was flushed and sweaty and seemed to be lost in her own world. I reached down and pulled my pants off, and took hold of my cock again, Ruth slipped her panties off and sat astride the chair, her legs spread wide as she probed her cunt. Suddenly I heard her begin to whimper, and saw her shaking, as she suddenly and ferociously slipped over the edge and came, her hand pressing fiercely into her snatch as the feelings overwhelmed her. I nearly came myself, just watching her.

I was really close anyway, and could feel myself starting to go when I sensed Ruth standing up next to me, as I looked round, she smiled down at my body, and dropped her creamy panties onto my face, as I inhaled the warm heady scent of her sex, that was enough, and I exploded into orgasm, ropes of white spunk jetting from my purple cock and spraying up my sweaty stomach. When I'd finished, I just lay there, still for a few moments, the last few drops of come trickling from my knob end as my cock slowly deflated. I became aware of the sound of clapping, and realised that my audience had stayed with me all the way. I sat up, chucking Ruths panties down and looked around me, I was covered in my spunk, all up my belly and chest. My audience was getting up, not very visible in the shadows, and I leaned over, picked up my discarded pants and used them to clean the come off myself. I was just about to drop them on the floor and get up off the chaise longue, when I heard a voice say; "can I buy those off you?"

'Of course,' I replied, 'what're you offering?'

"Two pounds?" came the reply.

'I was just about to say yes, when a second voice said, "I'll make it five."



'There was a silence, and after a pausing for a moment to see if there were any more bids, I said; 'sold' and held out the sodden pants. A hand took them from me, and I heard the sound of a note dropping into the tray. I put my feet down on the ground, conscious of my nakedness without being concerned. I saw Graham standing behind the seating and he caught my eye, giving me a grin and a thumbs up, "do you want to get cleaned up?" he asked.'

'Yes please,' I answered, I knelt down beside the couch and gathered up all the money that was scattered on the floor and dumped it onto the tray with all my remaining clothes. I made my way across the room and into the changing room where I had left all my stuff, there was a sink and hot water in there, and I wiped off the last drying remnants of my spunk, giving special attention to cleaning my cock. I pulled on the white cotton pants that I had arrived in, and before I put any other clothes on I counted the money that was in the tray. I couldn't believe it, apart from the tenner that I had just gained from auctioning my spunky pants, there was another twenty-seven quid in notes, Graham hadn't been lying when he said they would be generous. I suddenly thought of Ruth, and realised that I ought to share my tips with her. I rushed back into the room, the punters had all gone, and I couldn't see Graham anywhere.'

I climbed the spiral staircase into the upper floor, spotting my mentor over by the two-way mirror; "Did you see where Ruth went?" I asked.

"She's gone," he replied, "she never hangs about. What did you want her for?"

"I wanted to thank her, and to offer to share my tips with her," I answered.

"No need for that," he said, "she enjoyed your performance, as did everyone. You should be honoured," he twinkled, "she's never stayed for the climax before."

"Bum," I said, "I wanted to speak to her."

"Probably best to maintain the mystery," the older man said, "Ruth does what she does, and she's pretty well paid too, so I'd not be too bothered about sharing your tips. Now, once I've finished packing this up, shall we have a glass of champagne together before you head home?"

"Yes please," I said, "it's thirsty work." For the first time I noticed what Graham was actually doing, he had a metal case open on the floor and was packing away a small but very expensive looking camera, "is that a cine camera?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied, "with the right film in, you can get really good results, even under quite low light conditions."

"Were you filming me?"

"Yeah, this was the overhead shot, I'd another camera set up at the end of the chaise longue, and a handheld, d'you mind?"

"No, it's quite exciting, I really like having my picture taken, will I be able to see it?'

"Oh sure, it'll take a couple of weeks, then I'll need to edit it all together."

"Cool, you should have told me, I'd have given you a bit more of a performance."

"Come on, carry this down for me," he handed me the tripod, and picked up the camera case, "thing is, I didn't want you to know, I just wanted to make a movie about a natural boy showing off and having a wank. But if this comes out alright and you fancy having another go, I'm sure I could get some money together."

"Fair enough, let's wait and see." I said, and headed off down the spiral staircase. I put the tripod down by the shop doorway, where there was already another one and a couple more cases.

Graham handed me a glass of champagne and sipped reflectively at his, "Aren't you cold?" he asked.

"Nah," I replied, "it's pretty cozy in here. So, when d'you think you'll be doing this again?"

"Not for months," he laughed, "blimey, you're keen, did you like it that much?"

"I like the money, and I've never had a problem about showing off my body."

"That reminds me, I've got your dosh here," he handed me another small roll of banknotes. I tucked it into my pants, as I didn't have anywhere else to put it.

"Thanks," I said.

"What're you going to do with it all?" Graham asked.

"Dunno, I've never had this much money before."

"Ah well, don't let it go to your head, and remember, if you do need to earn a bit more money, we're still looking out for good underwear modelling shots."

"Oh yes, well we're thinking of doing something about that," I grinned and finished my glass of wine.

"I hate to say it, but it's getting late, you'd better get dressed and on your way, here, take this," he handed me a bottle of champagne, "and be careful how you drink it. I promised you a taxi, so I'll go and call one for you."

"Thanks, I'll go and get my stuff together." I put my glass down with all the others, and went back to the changing room. By the time I'd got dressed, Graham had cleared the room, all the chairs were stacked against the walls, the champagne glasses had been removed and there was no sign of any activity.

"Ah there you are," Graham said emerging from the shop front, "got everything?"

"Yep," I said, "I'd better be on my way, I'll drop by during the week to talk about films and stuff."

"Please do, and thanks for this evening, it's been pretty memorable, I think everyone was very impressed."

'With that I made my way out into the cool evening air, my taxi was already waiting for me, I jumped in and five minutes later I was home. My folks didn't arrive until half an hour after, and they were too pissed to notice anything. So,' Paul concluded, 'there you are, and here I am.'

'Wow,' Ewan breathed, 'that was so cool, I can't believe you did all that.'

'Yeah, I know what you mean, it all seems a bit like a dream, but then I only have to look around me and it all comes back.' He nodded his head towards his bedside table, and among all the debris there stood a bottle of Pol Roget.

'Blimey,' I added, 'that was one sexy story; she sounds like a pretty enigmatic character too. I don't know about you, but that's made me feel pretty turned on, did you fancy doing some more pics?'

Paul stretched and stood up, his skimpy pants still bulging with his fat erection, 'Yeah, we could do, although I think I'm up on you at the moment.'

'What do you fancy?' I asked, 'since you've been providing the entertainment then how can we help?'

'Well,' he hesitated.

'Go on,' Ewan prompted, 'what did you have in mind?'

'It really turned me on when you two kissed, so maybe something that makes it look like you actually love each other?'

'What, you want us to pretend that we properly fancy each other, that's a bit kinky isn't it?' Ewan said.

Paul looked a bit shifty, 'yeah, but the thing is, we may have done all sorts of things, but I can't forget how sexy it was when I saw you kiss each other. Maybe it would look just as good if you tried it again.'

'Well. I suppose we could give it a try, but you'll have to give us directions, we might not be doing it right. Is that alright with you Ewan?' I asked.

'I'm game to give it a go if you are,' my lover said, smiling.

'Right then, what shall we do?' I asked.

'How about one of you comes to the front door, the other one is so pleased to see you that you kiss, things get a bit carried away, and I'll leave the rest up to you.' Paul said.

'How much film is there in the camera?' I asked.

Paul picked up the camera and squinted at the counter, 'it says thirty-two here, that'll be enough I'd have thought.'

'Yeah, we'll be ok with that, shall we get ready?'

'Good, I'll go downstairs and set up, I'll make some tea.' Paul pulled on his shorts and t-shirt, and clattered down the stairs.

Ewan raised an eyebrow, and we fell about laughing, 'he never stops surprising us does he?'

'No,' I agreed, 'are you up for this?'

'Yeah, I'm cool, it's nice to have an opportunity to snog you in public as it were. White shorts, d'you think?'

'Yeah, although your pants are looking a bit worse for wear after all that.'

'Hmm, maybe I'll borrow some of Pauls, yours look ok, though.'

'Ok, I'll just go and wash my hands, see you downstairs.' After I'd washed up, I went back into Pauls bedroom to put some clothes on, Ewan wasn't there, so I pulled my tight cut downs back on, and my t-shirt before heading down the stairs after the other two. The other two boys were sitting at the kitchen table, mugs of tea in front of them.

'How are we doing?' I questioned.

'Good,' Paul said, 'have some tea and then we can get on.'

I took a swig of my tea, and asked; 'what would you like us to do?'

'How about you come to the door, Ewan answers it, he's missed you loads and you kiss, before getting carried away.'

'Sounds simple enough, you ok?' Ewan asked.

'Yeah,' I answered, swigging the last of my tea, 'let's do it.'

I went to the front door and opened it; outside the mid-morning sun was warming the front of the house. The street was deserted, most people went shopping on a Saturday morning; washing the car and mowing the lawn were more traditional activities for a suburban Sunday. Paul followed me out, the sun shining on his naked torso, 'I'll just get a couple of shots of you walking up to the door and ringing the bell,' he said, 'Ewan, could you shut the door, and only open up when I tell you.'

'Righto,' he replied.

Paul took a picture of me walking in the gate, my flies at half-mast, and then my rear view as I walked up to the front door and pressed the doorbell.

'Ok, you can open it,' he called out, and took a photo as Ewans smiling face appeared. 'Good, I'll come in and do the reverse, then we can all move inside.'

'Haven't we missed something?' Ewan asked.

'What?' Paul asked.

'The kiss?' he replied.

'Oh yeah, d'you want to do the kiss then we can go in.'

Ewan opened the door wide and came right outside onto the path, flinging his arms round me and kissing me heartily on the lips, after a moment I felt his hand cheekily squeezing my bum.

'That's great,' Paul said, 'keep that up.'

We went back into the house, and Paul took the reverse shot of Ewan opening the door and welcoming me in. We stopped in the hallway in front of the big old mirror and kissed again, more passionately this time. 'Let me get close,' Paul said, 'I want to see your faces.'

We snogged for real, tongues tangling and our eyes wide with happiness. 'Come on,' Ewan said, taking my hand and leading me, not up the stairs as I had expected, but through into the kitchen. We stood in the doorway, and Ewan pushed me up against the frame, running his hands up inside my t-shirt and stroking my nipples.

'I like that,' Paul said, 'keep it going.'

I was getting very turned on, especially because Ewan and I weren't playing, we were love making for real, and doing it in front of Paul just made it feel better.

Ewan pushed me back against the kitchen table, scattering the breakfast clutter that had been left on it. As I leaned back he pulled my t-shirt over my head before pushing me down onto it. He bent forward to kiss me again, lifting a leg up to press against my thigh. I sensed Paul taking the shot, and stroked the curve of Ewans bum through his white shorts. His hand hovered delicately over my stomach, tickling the sensitive skin just above the waistband of my cut-downs. My cock, which had never entirely given up hope that morning, was stiff once again, and I was suffering a bit from the confinement of the tight denim. My lover must have sensed my pleasurable discomfort; his questing hand moving down to investigate my erection through the stiff fabric.

'Can I do anything to relieve this?' he whispered.

'Oh, I think you can,' I whispered back.


Slowly and deliberately Ewan reached for my zip, and pulled it the rest of the way down, the feeling of release when he undid the waist button and at last my shorts gaped open, was wonderful. The boys' hand reached in and confidently gripped my stiff column through the silky fabric of my blue pants. I noticed Paul change position for a better angle, but I wasn't really very aware of him anymore, all I was conscious of was the moment between the two of us. I arched my back and Ewan pulled my shorts down completely, and then he too climbed up onto the table, sitting astride my hips and rubbing his nylon-clad crotch against my erection.

I found the sensation of Ewans body pressing against mine very erotic, and reached up to pull Ewans t-shirt off him, he leaned forwards and we pressed our naked torsos together. Paul moved in for another close up shot as our lips pressed hotly together. I reached down between Ewans legs and spent a moment reacquainting myself with my lover, through the nylon of his shorts I could feel that he was wearing pants but that was about it. I slipped my hand down under the elastic of his waistband to get a better idea, his cock was solid and familiar as my fingers probed the sleek material of his pants. Oh well, I thought, let the dog see the rabbit, and I used both hands to pull his white shorts down.

I heard an intake of breath from Paul, as I exposed Ewan to the analytical gaze of the camera, and glanced down to see what had caused the excitement. Ewan was wearing a pair of cream coloured silk panties, and it didn't take me long to work out that these must have been the ones that Pauls temptress had been wearing the night before.

'Where did you find those?' Paul asked hoarsely. I couldn't tell if he was turned on or angry.

'They were hanging out of your drawer,' Ewan said, 'why, d'you mind?'

'Umm, no,' the older boy stammered, 'just gave me a bit of a surprise.'

I put up a hand and stroked the silky covering of Ewans arse; 'Mmm, they're really soft,' I said, 'feel for yourself.' I felt Paul move closer and put his hand on Ewans cheek, and took the opportunity to slip my free hand up the wide side slit of his running shorts. Paul was as stiff and fat as ever in the slinky nylon of his pants, and I enjoyed the contrasting feel of the two cocks in their different undies.

'What would you like us to do?' Ewan asked, sitting back, and pressing his bulge against mine.

'Just carry on,' Paul said, 'I've still got about half the film left.'

'Maybe we should let a little light in?' my lover said, and he tugged my pants to one side, enabling my cock to spring free. Ewan hopped down off the table, and bent over my crotch, his panty clad butt towards the camera lens. I surrendered to bliss as he expertly engulfed my shaft between his ruby lips, Paul moving in close for a better look.

'If you ever get given the chance,' I murmured, 'don't turn him down, the boy is an artist.'

'Better than you?' Paul asked.

'Dunno, you'd have to make that comparison,' I replied.

'You're talking too much,' Ewan said, taking a break from tonguing my glans.

'Help me out then,' I said.

Ewan straightened up and looked towards Paul, holding on to my slippery cock and slowly wanking me. Swiftly he hopped back on the table, and straddled my head, lowering his panty-clad crotch over my face. I leaned up and nuzzled the tip of his cock as it strained at the fine fabric, inhaling the heady scent of the girl as it mingled with the clean boy smell of Ewan. Ewan leaned forwards and sucked me into his mouth again, as I licked at the tip of his cock, savouring the flavour of his pre-cum as it leaked through the panties.

I reached up and hauled gently at his waistband, the skimpy material offered little resistance as I pulled them down over his soft cheeks. He lifted a knee up so that I could pull them right off.

'Here, let me help,' Paul said, pulling them the rest of the way. I noticed that somewhere along the way he had lost his shorts, and was now standing proudly erect in his skimpy white jock strap. The material was made damp and yet more transparent by the profuse flow of pre-cum leaking from his cock.

At last I was able to take the whole hot length of Ewans slim cock into my mouth and we sucked each other slowly and enthusiastically. After all the events of the morning I didn't think that I was going to be able to hold out for much longer. With the intuition that comes with familiarity, Ewan ceased his expert tonguing and sat back, his cock slipping from between my lips and his balls swinging over my face.

'What would you like us to do next?' Ewan said, looking directly at Paul over my recumbent body.

'You're doing fine,' he said, looking at the camera, 'I think I've got some good shots, you're really good actors, it looks like you're really loving each other.'

'Ok,' I said, 'let's finish this off, I don't know about any of you, but I'm busting to come.'

Ewan clambered off me, and stood next to me, 'time to get rid of these,' he said, tugging at my pants. I shifted my weight onto one hip, and Ewan stripped them off me, my cock jutting red and proud and more than ready for action. I put my arms round his torso, hugging his warm and slender body to me, then I pulled him back onto the table with me until he was sitting on my crotch, my erection thrusting out between his legs alongside his.

'That's good,' said Paul, bending down to take the shot.

I shuffled back along the table until I could get up on my knees, Ewan was left sitting on the edge, his legs dangling until I gently gripped his hips and pulled him back to me. He stretched out on the table in front of me, his cute bum inviting my attention. Paul moved close to the table, to get the shot of me leaning over him, and Ewan cheekily reached out and clasped his erect cock. The look of relief on Pauls face was worth a picture in itself, but alas that was not to be. I leaned forward and kissed Ewans boy cheeks, his skin tasting sweet and fresh as ever. With my forefinger I followed a line from his waist, over his butt and slowly down his crack. Ewan wiggled his bum in appreciation and pushed it up into the air, exposing his sweet pucker for my inspection. I lazily traced its outline, tickling the rosette of fine blonde hairs that surrounded it.

Paul had moved alongside the table to get a better picture, Ewans hand was now jammed inside his pants and still firmly gripping his erection; I could see the outline of his fingers moving as he masturbated the older boy. I looked around me; it was lucky for us that Pauls' family had invested in such a large table, despite the presence of two naked boys, much of the detritus from breakfast was still there. Given Pauls much uttered antipathy to any activity that could be described as 'poofy' or 'queer', I doubted whether I stood much chance of getting some lubrication from him. However, I spotted the butter dish, and surreptitiously scooped some up with my fingers.

I reached between Ewans legs and with my buttery fingers I gripped his long slender cock, I wasn't convinced that butter was the best lubricant possible, but it was what was there. I brought my hand back though his legs and smeared the slippery mess over his balls and up his crack; Ewan moaned as my greasy fingers caressed his pucker.

I slipped a finger into his hole, he moaned happily again; 'Just do it,' he breathed.

I smeared my cock with more butter, and moved into position behind him, pushing my hot erection against his waiting hole.

Paul came in close to take the pics. 'D'you want to give a hand?' I asked.

'Ok,' he said, putting the camera to one side. He moved closer, his crotch tantalisingly close to Ewans face, the boy took advantage of this proximity and pulled the front of Pauls pants down, allowing his cock to spring free at last. Paul grinned, and leaned over, gripping my slippery cock with one hand and helping me to spread Ewans cheeks with the other. With Pauls' guidance I slipped easily into Ewans bum, I buried the whole of my length in him while Paul picked up the camera again to take the shot,

'How many shots left now?' I asked.

'Less than half a dozen,' he replied.

'We'd better crack on then,' I said.

Ewan sat up, my cock still buried inside him, 'hop up on the table,' he commanded the older boy. Paul looked confused, but moved round handing me the camera, 'you'd best lose the pants too,' he added. Paul obediently shrugged off his pants (they were at half mast anyway), and climbed carefully onto the end of the table. 'Sit back,' Ewan said, and Paul leaned back on his hands, legs hanging down on either side of the table top, and the red shaft of his cock pointing up at the pair of us.

'Now you're going to discover something,' I grinned, as Ewan leaned forwards and went down on him for the first time. I was able to grab a picture of Pauls face as my artistic little lover's tongue went to work on him, and a couple more close-ups of his sweet lips wrapped round Pauls curvy cock. I'd never thought that I was bad at giving head, but the boy was definitely an artist.

I started slowly fucking my lover, matching my rhythm to the speed of Ewans nodding head. I could see that Paul was beginning to look red and sweaty, tell-tale signs of his impending orgasm, I was feeling good too, the pressure building in my balls could be released any moment just by picking up a bit of speed. I put the camera down and started wanking my lovers' buttery cock in time with my slow movement in and out of his bumhole.

'I'm not going to be long,' Paul gasped, and Ewan obligingly increased the speed of his sucking. Suddenly Pauls back arched, and he rammed his cock deep into the boys' throat, I could see the veins pulsing in his forehead as he shot his load into Ewan. This was enough to push me over the edge and I thrust deep into the boy as I spunked up his arse, I clutched for his cock as I spasmed into a massive orgasm, my shaking fingers giving him a wild ride.

Ewan suddenly spluttered, pushed back, and sat upright, still pinioned on my cock, Pauls come dribbling down his chin. 'Sorry,' he gasped, 'but I thought I was going to choke for a moment there.'

Paul leaned back, his purple cock head still engorged and trickling a few last drops of jizz, 'Oops,' he grinned, 'didn't mean to drown you, but I wasn't really in control.'

'Told you he was special,' I said, wrapping my arms round Ewan without releasing his buttery cock from my grasp. I was still revelling in the sensation of my cock buried deep inside him.

'Mmm,' Paul agreed, and leaning forward he pushed my hand away before he sucked Ewans greasy erection into his mouth. I was staggered, Ok, Paul had touched Ewans cock before, and even slipped his fingers into his hole, but he had never taken the initiative in this way. Another example of how Paul continued to startle me I suppose. I could feel Ewans surprise, and hugged him to me as Paul slurped noisily on his cock. I hadn't quite lost my presence of mind, and reaching back, I grabbed the camera to snatch a shot of this historic moment. I could feel Ewan breathing more heavily as he started to approach his orgasm and he wriggled his bottom deliciously as he slowly tipped over the edge. Paul pulled back off him just as the boy shot his load, giving him a faceful of creamy boy spunk. I still had the camera, and grabbed the final shot of Paul, naked, still hard and dripping with Ewans cream.

'Whoo-hoo,' Ewan said, once he'd decided that we were all finished, 'that was quite a ride, I don't think I've ever been kebabbed before.' He wriggled forwards and with a feeling of intense longing and regret I felt my cock slip from his hole at last. 'I'm sorry,' my lover said, 'I'm going to have to stand up, my foot's gone to sleep.'

'That's ok,' Paul replied, hopping off the table, 'I'll put the kettle on.'

Ewan climbed gingerly off the table, and stood alongside, waggling his leg to restore his circulation. 'Wait,' he said, 'we forgotten something.'

'Oh yes?' I answered.

Instead of speaking, Ewan turned to me and milked the last few drops of spunk from my cock, now sadly deflating; he mixed this with the dribbles of Pauls jizz that decorated his chin, and walked over to the other boy to collect some of the sticky cargo that he had splattered all over him. He stirred the mixture with a finger, then anointed Paul, then me, and finally himself, before noisily sucking the last few drops off his hand. 'There you are,' he grinned, 'come brothers, united in a love of good sex, however you choose to do it.'

'I'll drink to that,' Paul said, wiping the boys come off his face and licking his fingers.

I was the only one who wasn't covered in spunk; so, climbing down off the table I licked my buttery fingers instead. By now Paul had made some more tea, and as he ladled sugar into his mug, I looked around us; 'It's a bit of a bombsite,' I observed, 'when are your folks due back?'

'Not 'til after lunch,' he replied.

'But it's after half twelve now.'

'Shit, we'd better clean up, I can't have them coming back and finding our stuff everywhere.'

Ewan solemnly gathered up our discarded clothes and pants, and stood watching us, as we rearranged the kitchen table to some semblance of its former disorder. Considering what we'd been doing, we'd not actually made that much mess, the newspapers were all scrunched up, and my handprints were in the butter, but these were easily sorted, and after a few minutes scurrying about, we were able to retire to Pauls bedroom to get cleaned up and dressed.

'You need to wash your face,' Ewan giggled, 'I'm afraid I really spunked all over you.'

'Yeah,' Paul said, 'but it was good, you're quite a performer you know, not only do you give a fantastic blow job, but I could believe that you were both in love.'

'Thanks,' I said, embarrassed, 'we were only doing what you asked us to do.'

'But you did it so well,' he continued.

'What are we going to do now?' Ewan asked, 'if your folks are coming back soon then we can't really stay here.'

'We could do another photo session for Graham,' Paul suggested.

'Not now,' I said, 'I don't know about you two, but I need to recharge my batteries, after all, if we're going to do it properly we all need to have plenty of jizz for the grand finale.'

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 25: Ewans Story 11

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