Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on Nov 17, 2009


Final Episode, resolution...

This is the last episode, what started as a fictionalised account of a part of my childhood has turned into a bit of an epic. Apologies for taking so long to finish it off, but life, as it does, has intruded. Any comments to nojockeys(at)

Now read on...

We were both knackered after our exertions at Pauls house that morning, and once we were cleaned up and had got dressed, we cycled wearily back to my house.

`I'm so pooped, I don't think I'll ever be able to have a shag again,' Ewan announced, throwing himself down onto my bed.

Don't say that,' I said, I can't bear to think we might never feel like that again, it was good fun, and Paul's really starting to surprise me.'

Yeah, you're right, I'm just being grumpy,' he agreed, he might claim that he's completely straight, but I'd say the fact that he decided that he wanted to suck me off was telling a completely different story.'

Well, don't forget I've given him plenty of tuition,' I said modestly, but I take your point. Although I'd have to say that in my opinion you are still the master of that particular art form.'

Thank you kind sir,' he grinned, you're no slouch either when it comes to playing the pink oboe.'

It's all done with love,' I said, gazing fondly at my lover as he sprawled attractively on my bed, anyway, what are we going to do with for rest of the day?'

`We were going to go and take some smutty pictures over by the canal, weren't we?'

`Oh yeah, do you still want to do that?'

`I don't mind, but I think you might have had all the spunk I can produce for the time being.'

`Yeah, me too, I haven't come like that for ages.'

`I know, I can still feel your spunk sloshing around inside me, although at least it's not dribbling down my legs any more,' Ewan giggled naughtily.

`Well, maybe we should save ourselves for later?' I asked.

`Yeah, I'd like just to spend the afternoon with you.'

`Well, for once we've got plenty of dosh, so how about we go to the pictures?'

`That'd be cool, we might have to travel up town, there's nothing on at the fleapit.'

`Ok, lets do that then, but first I think I need a shower.'

Me too,' said Ewan, let's go together.'

As there was no one else in the house, we stripped naked in my bedroom, and streaked, giggling like ten year olds across the landing to the bathroom. We tenderly lathered each other up under the streams of warm water, gently washing away the patches of dried come and food off each others' bodies. My cock was still red and a little sensitive after our earlier exertions, and as I carefully soaped Ewan I was aware that he was in a similar condition. In spite of our titanic orgasms that morning, my cock was still game, and began to erect once more as Ewan washed it clean. Oh, to be a teenage boy once more, when a spontaneous erection was an inconvenience, and you were always ready for a wank or a blowjob.

`I thought we were saving ourselves?' Ewan asked quizzically, my perfidious cock stiffening in his hand.

`So did I,' I grinned, noting that he was considerably more excited than he had been a moment earlier.

Ah well, I thought, as we gently wanked each other, maybe we won't go to the pictures after all. My thoughts were interrupted, as was so often the case, by the shrill tones of the telephone bell. `I'd better answer that,' I said regretfully.

Yeah,' my lover said, you should.'

I wrapped a big towel round me, and thundered down the stairs to answer the call, as I'd half expected, it was Paul, Hi,' he said, what are you up to? My folks are all sitting round the table eating toast and butter, I couldn't stay in the room with them in case I cracked up, I may never be able to eat breakfast again.'

Nice image,' I agreed, I was just having a shower, then I was going to head up town with Ewan and catch a movie.'

Oh, right,' he sounded disappointed, I was thinking we might pop into Grahams shop; see if he knows when that film he shot of me will be ready.'

`I suppose you could if you want to, although I doubt if he's had much chance since last night to do anything about it.'

`I suppose not,' he said glumly.

`Maybe he'll have thought of some more work for you,' I said to cheer him up.

For all of us,' he said, brightening up, yeah, that's it, I'll pop in and maybe I'll tell him about this morning and take some samples of our earlier stuff to show him, see what he thinks.'

Ok, you do that, but don't agree to anything until you have spoken to both of us. Oh, and Ewan said to tell you he's ok about it if you want to show him some of the more adult' pics that he's in.'

Oh that's good,' he enthused, the tiddler's been hiding his light under a bushel as far as Mr Graham is concerned.'

I think you mean his cock,' I said drily, and he's just a bit more cautious, that's all, not like you, whipping your dick out at any opportunity. Don't let Graham see everything though, we still need to hold something back, he'll want us to show him more, but we can make a better bargain if he thinks we need to be persuaded.'

Oh, right,' he said, anyway, I'm sure Graham will be pleased to see another side of Ewan, not just his back view.'

`Once I've got this mornings pics developed, he's going to see another side of you too,' I laughed.

I guess so,' he spoke reluctantly, although I wouldn't want him to think that I'm some sort of a queer.'

`No, I'm sure he doesn't think that. All we are doing is playing around together, and sometimes it feels better if someone lends a hand.'

Or a mouth, or maybe some fingers,' Paul continued, D'you think I upset Ewan when I sucked his cock?'

`I think he was very happy, judging by the smile on his face, anyway, you could always try asking him yourself.'

`Nah, I don't think so, you can ask him. It only seemed fair to do it, after he'd sucked me so amazingly.'

`And the fingers?' I asked, seizing the moment to try and work out Pauls thought processes.

Well,' he answered slowly, I love the feeling when you touch or tickle my arse, so I thought I'd see if he liked it when I touched him there too, and it just seemed natural to slip my fingers in. After all, I've seen you fucking together, and even though I know that you're only doing it for the camera, it looks almost like the real thing.'

`You're right, he does like it, you should try it. I suppose when we're fucking it just feels good, I hadn't given it much thought,' I lied.

`I'm still not taking it up the arse; I can see that it might be nice, but for me, it would be too much. I'll just watch you and Ewan do it, if that's ok?'

`Sure, if it's ok with him, but you know he's a bit funny about people who don't want to join the party.'

Yeah, but I'll find another way to get my jollies,' he giggled, after all, we've got a whole new business to run.'

Listen,' I butted in, I'm freezing my tits off here, how about we meet up tomorrow? You can tell us all about your negotiations with Graham.'

`Ok, where?'

`What about the park by the canal? We could scout for possible outdoor locations while we're there.'

Good idea, I'll see you there, bout one-ish?'

`Ok, see you then,' I hung up and trudged back up the stairs.

Whilst I'd been chatting, Ewan had finished in the shower, and gone back to my bedroom. Although he'd dried himself off, he'd not troubled to dress, and was standing naked with his back towards the door, contemplating a colourful fistful of pants. My heart leaped into my throat once more, as I admired the sturdy line of his back, leading down to the sweet and subtle curves of his bottom. I felt so incredibly lucky to be spending time with this lovely boy, who had given himself so trustingly to me, and who returned my love in spades. Not only that, but we shared so many tastes, and he loved the camera too. Looking back at that moment, I don't suppose I have ever been happier.

Oh, Hi,' my lover said, turning round to grin at me, I've too many choices,' he moaned, waving his fistful of skimpies at me.

`Well, the way I see it, you've two ways of approaching this, one; go by the colour, or two; let style be your guide.'

Oh right,' he said, but you've got to help me,' he pouted angelically.

Love to,' I said, where would you like to start?'

`I don't know,' he moaned again.

`Alright, give those to me, and I'll try to help.' He obediently handed over his fistful of underwear, the boy was right; in the course of our photographic journey we had accumulated quite a variety. I dropped my towel on the floor and sat down naked on the bed, and Ewan obligingly stood in front of me, legs slightly apart, his flaccid cock topped with its tuft of blonde pubes dangling enticingly just within reach.

Ok, how are you feeling?' I asked my love, and how do you want to feel?'

`I don't know, happy, sexy, and trying not to get too horny.'

Ok, so on that basis let's exclude black then.' I selected out the black pants and put them to one side. Not too horny, but not too innocent either, certainly not after this morning,' I continued, looking him in the eye. Ewan blushed and looked away, `So, I'll take out all the white pants too. If we stay with colours, then you have red, yellow, pink, blue and green to choose from.'

`I can see a rainbow,' he sang flippantly.

Yeah,' I said, how about style, then?'

`What's the weather like?' he asked.

Warm and bright,' I answered, nothing too enveloping then, I guess. So if I remove the full briefs from your pile that just leaves you with a pink micro, and a yellow g-string, which do you fancy?'

`I feel sunny, so I'll go with the yellow string, it still feels pretty sexy to go out wearing one of them.'

Good choice,' I said, standing up and giving his warm body a hug before handing him the pants, make sure you put them on properly now, we don't want any chafing after all.'

Ewan expertly pulled on his g-string, giving a little wiggle to settle his package comfortably into place, `do you want to check I've put it on alright?' he asked huskily.

If I must,' I said, feigning reluctance before kneeling down in front of him. I ran my hands up the backs of his legs and over the smooth skin of his cheeks, before they reached the fine waistband. I checked that it was sat comfortably on the curve of his hips, and then followed the line of the string down between his cheeks, hooking a finger through to make sure that it wasn't too tight. Hmm,' I murmured, that seems pretty good so far.' I transferred my attention to the front, tugging gently at the waistband, to ensure that it was sitting above the line of his pubes. I then ran a finger down each side of the pouch, checking that he was all tucked in. This g-string was seamless and the fine translucent fabric of the pouch did little to disguise its contents, I softly stroked his cock and it twitched and expanded slightly under my fingers. Regretfully I drew my hand away, that all seems to be in order, sir, was there anything else?'

There can be,' he muttered throatily, but not if we want to get to the movies today.'

`Oh, I suppose we had better get our act together, and go out,' I answered slightly crossly, my cock had responded to our mutual horniness by starting to awaken from slumber. A fact that Ewan became very aware of when I stood up, and my stiffening prick bumped up against his warm body.

Oh, poor you,' he said, his golden hazel eyes widening with concern. He put out his warm hand and took hold of my cock, did you want me to do something about this?'

`Always,' I answered simply. Any thoughts we might have had, however, were dashed by the sound of the front door opening.

`I thought your mum was out all day?' Ewan said.

`She's supposed to be,' I answered.

The mystery was solved shortly after as my sister bellowed up the stairs; `Hello, anyone home?'

Shit,' I muttered, and swiftly went over to the door, Hi, we're home, I just got out of the shower, down in a minute.'

`Ok, I'll put the kettle on,' she shouted back, and disappeared into the kitchen.

`We'd better get dressed, she won't come looking, but she will wonder, and she'll ask my mother what we've been up to. Fancy a cup of tea?'

`Yeah, of course, and we can always finish this later,' he smiled.

Ewan pulled on his tight black jeans, and a yellow t-shirt that showed off the golden tone of his skin. I put on a pair of orange micro briefs from the posh pants people, Ewans eyes widened in appreciation when he saw them on me. `I thought I'd look sunny too,' I said nonchalantly.

`So you do, my lover, so you do,' he smiled, giving me a pat and a stroke on the bum.

I completed my dressing with my black cords and a pale blue top, and together we went down to the kitchen. A pot of tea was sitting on the table, and my sister was already sitting in the living room beyond, her nose buried in a book, a steaming mug perched precariously on the arm of the chair. I poured out two mugs for us, and we wandered through.

My sister looked up briefly, `Hello you two, I just popped in to drop off some washing. Mum said you were staying over, Ewan, I hope my horrible little brother isn't being too beastly to you?'

Um, no,' he stammered, we were just about to go up town, there's nothing on at the fleapit here, and my dad left us some money to see a film.'

`That's good,' she said, and returned to her book, as far as she was concerned all social niceties completed.

We'll just swig our teas and then we'll be on our way,' I added, see you later.' She didn't answer, just waved an arm vaguely from behind her book, and we headed back to the kitchen.

Blimey,' Ewan whispered, is she always like that?'

If she's reading, yes,' I replied, don't be fooled, she's sharp, and I'm just grateful that she and my mum aren't very curious, or god knows what I'd be having to explain. Anyway, we really do have to go out now, or she might ask some awkward questions.'

`Alright, let's go then.'

After we'd finished our tea, we pulled on shoes and socks, grabbed the money off the mantelpiece and shouting our farewells, headed out of the door. The tube station was about ten minutes walk from my house, a pleasant enough stroll along leafy streets in the warm sunshine. The station itself was a modern extension onto what had been an exuberant Victorian structure, outside was a low wall, with a low double railing on which generations of boys had perched uncomfortably while waiting for one of the many buses that connected to the tube network. As we wandered slowly up the slope towards the station, Ewan spoke out; `Isn't that boy over there Bill from Pauls' tutor group?'

I looked up; propped against the railings was a small boy with black floppy hair that he was forever having to flick out of his face, he was wearing the out of school uniform of tight blue jeans and a tatty t shirt, and looking very bored. I'd only ever spoken to him a couple of times; he shared Pauls' obsession with electronics and gadgets, and had expressed some interest in doing sound with the stage crew. He was obviously pretty clever, and had intense dark eyes and a stroppy attitude. As I watched, another boy from his year, slim and somewhat taller with scruffy shoulder-length curly blond hair, crossed the road and joined him; `You're right, and that's his chum Martin with him, I wonder what they're up to.'

`I imagine they're waiting for a bus, what else could you do at a busy tube station?' Ewan said, chirpily.

Yeah, you're right,' I said, d'you want to go and say hello?'

`Nah, I don't really know them well enough to speak to, let's just get our train.'

We crossed behind them and went down into the station, as we passed the boys I noticed a man approach Martin and briefly speak to him. The man then turned and walked away across the road, Martin looked at his watch, stood up and followed after, leaving Bill on his own again. Ewan didn't notice this curious episode and I didn't say anything, just stored it away for future reference.

Once we were on the train, we grabbed one of the bench seats that permitted you to sit together without being too obvious about it and snuggled up close. We were only going a few stops, and the train was quite busy unfortunately, so there was no opportunity for a snog.

`I wonder,' Ewan said quietly.

`What?' I asked.

`D'you think it would be possible to bring someone off between stops, I was just remembering that you'd managed to make me come on a bus after all.'

Just about,' I said after a moments' thought, although at this end of the line the stations are all about two minutes apart, so it might be exciting, but it would have to be very quick. You could try the Piccadilly line, it misses out great chunks of the District; only thing is it's very rattly and bouncy, so it would be a bit risky to try anything other than a hand job. Also, sometimes the trains stop and wait in stations, so there's always a risk you might be overlooked.'

Sometimes it's quite exciting to think you might be seen by strangers,' he went on, I get really turned on just thinking about the people who might be looking at the pics we took, people I'll never know, and who'll never know anything about me except what you see in the photos.'

I know what you mean,' I said, it's cool to imagine that people all over Britain might be wanking over pictures of us.'

`Why not the world?' Ewan asked.

`I think if Graham was an important part of the global world of smutty pictures I doubt if he'd be running an old-fashioned clothes shop in West London. No, I don't suppose that our pics will ever go beyond a very limited and select circle, more's the pity, if he was part of a porn empire then I think we might be getting loads more money.'

(Of course, gentle reader; I could never have predicted the Internet. Nowadays when I'm surfing it gives me a strange frisson, to say the least, to come across one of our images, stranger still to see them described as vintage!)

`Speak for yourself, all I've had is a tenner,' Ewan protested.

`True, Paul is the genuine Mr Moneybags at the moment, but things might be looking up for all of us.'

`How so?' Ewan asked.

`When I spoke to Paul just now, he was going to go and see Graham, mostly because he was dying to know when his movie was going to be ready, but he said he was going to take some more of our pics to show him. Said it was time Graham saw the other side of you.'

`What do you mean?' he protested.

I think it was one of Pauls elephantine jokes, up til now I've been quite careful to make sure that none of the pictures we've given him have revealed much more than your bum, or a more distant frontal shot. So I think Paul wanted to show him some pics that included a bit of action from you; after all he's had a live show from me and Paul, and last nights little escapade to think about, so I guess it's a good moment to lay it all out on the table, as it were.'

`That's exciting, I wonder if Paul will give him a blow job, like he did me?'

`I'm absolutely sure he won't, in his mind that'd be gay. You should be flattered, Paul seems to have decided that you are, like me, an extension to his wanking hand.'

`What does that mean?'

`It means that Paul is one confused little fucker, but we knew that already. Don't worry about it, he's got it all worked out for himself, don't forget; I didn't ever force myself on Paul.'

`Nor on me,' Ewan said quietly.

Or you either,' I agreed, he asked me to photograph him, and then when he invited me to play with him, I just went along with it. He seems to have worked it all out by himself, I'm not saying I didn't want the sex, but I never expected it to turn into this. I know it's all screwed up, but nobody is being hurt, and he's getting more and more adventurous; just now he told me that he loved the feeling of having his arsehole played with. That was why he was so happy to stick his fingers up you, but he's still adamant he won't let anyone stick their cock into him, square that circle if you can!'

You know I can't,' Ewan said, Paul is still a bit of a mystery to me. Tell you what though.'


`If he carries on calling me tiddler, it won't be my cock he finds up his arse, it'll be something much less pleasant. Anyway I think if we were to have a measuring competition I might well have him beaten, in length at least.'

You may well be right,' I agreed diplomatically, I do think he wins on girth though, and if we were able to straighten his cock out, then he might still be the winner on length too. I'll get him to stop calling you that; although he really doesn't mean anything by it. You could always try calling him Banana dick in return, see how he likes it.'

Ewan giggled, `thanks, I know he doesn't mean anything, but it still gets bloody irritating after a while.'

The train arriving at our destination interrupted our philosophical discussion, and we bundled out of the doors and onto the platform. The cinema was very close by, and we were lucky, the main attraction: `Star Wars' was going to start very soon, and it wasn't crowded. I'd like to report that we sat in the back row and played with each other, like all courting couples are supposed to do. Truth is, although we made it to the back row, and sat comfortably, hands resting on each others crotch, but once the movie had started, we were lost, gripped by the story and the special effects.

Once the movie was over, we left the cinema, temporarily lost for words, I broke the spell; `What do you want to do now?'

`Dunno, there's not much else to do round here, I'm starving, shall we head back?'

`Yeah, I guess so, we could get some chips at that place by the station.'

What, Try a Fuck?' (The unfortunately named Friar Tuck' restaurant provided a generation of schoolboys with a cheap joke).

`Yeah, why not, it's no worse than any other.' We jumped back on the tube, and soon we were back at our station.

Look,' said Ewan, Martin's still there waiting for his bus.'

So he was, although his mate Bill was nowhere to be seen. To get across to the chippy we had to pass his perch on the railings, I nodded to him; `Alright?'

`Yeah,' the boy responded.

`You're in Pauls class at school aren't you?'

`Yeah, what of it?'

`Nothing, just asking, I saw him earlier, he's out and about in town somewhere.'

`Haven't see him, I've just been hanging out here, I've nothing better to do.'

`Yeah, we saw you and Bill when we set off earlier.'

`Oh, yeah, what've you been up to?'

`We just went to see Star Wars,' I answered.

`Oh, cool, how was it? I really want to see it, but I haven't had the dosh. The special effects are supposed to be amazing.'

Go and see it if you can, it'll blow you away.' As I was speaking, I spotted Bill on the other side of the road, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. Here comes Bill now,' I said, helpfully, and waved. He waved back, and crossed over to join us, We were just going to get some chips,' I said, you coming too?'

`No ta, my bus'll be here in a minute,' Bill said, settling himself comfortably against the railings.

`Crap aren't they, you wait for hours, then there'll be three along at once,' I said sagely, and probably sounding like my grandmother.

`I should complain, there must be something wrong with the service,' Ewan chipped in.

`How d'you mean?' Martin asked.

`You were both waiting about here when we left to go to the pictures, and three hours later you're still here,' he continued.

Martin blushed, `well, we were just bumming around, I hadn't noticed the time passing.'

`Yeah, like it's so exciting here,' Ewan said sarcastically.

You get used to it,' Bill said, there's not a lot to do round here when you haven't got any money. Anyway, I've scraped together enough to buy a packet of fags, so I'm offski. Catch you later.' He straightened up, and headed off down the hill to the paper shop without a backward glance.

`Is he ok?' I asked Martin.

Yeah, he's just a moody bastard sometimes, oh look, there's my bus at last.' The red double decker pulled in at the stop, and Martin jumped onto the platform; see you in school,' he shouted as the bus pulled away.

Come on,' I said, let's get some chips.'

`What was all that about,' Ewan asked.

I'm not sure,' I lied, I'll ask Paul tomorrow, see if he knows anything about those two. It must be horrible never having any money, and I know they both get free school meals, I've never got much dosh but at least I have a little.'

`Yeah, and now we've found a way of making bucket loads more,' Ewan smiled.

The subject returned to the movie we'd just seen as we queued for our chips, once we'd been served, we set off down the road towards my house, munching the greasy potatoes straight from the newspaper wrapping.

By now it was beginning to get late, and when we got home, the cheerful smells of cooking pervaded the house, my sister had gone, and presumably taken her washing with her, and my mother was busy rolling out pastry in the kitchen.

`Did you two have a nice day?' she asked.

`Yes thanks,' I replied.

`What did you do? Did you go to the canal?'

`No, we went to see Star Wars instead, we're going to go to up to the canal tomorrow lunchtime.'

`That's nice, now off you go and do your homework, supper'll be ready in about an hour, then I'll let you watch the telly if you like.'

Just another suburban Saturday evening then, feeling like a condemned man on the way to the scaffold, I trailed up the stairs to my room, Ewan following behind me. Come on,' he said, if we do it together, it won't be so bad.'

Yeah, you're right,' I sighed, let's do it.' There's nothing much to be said about the misery of homework, we sat side by side on my bed, our thighs pressing comfortingly against the others, and trudged wearily through our assignments. I was able to help Ewan with some of his, and he offered me encouragement, and the occasional kiss and cuddle to make things better. In fact, all moaning apart, it was a surprisingly nice way to make an unpleasant task easier. `I could get into doing my homework if it's always like this,' I said, as I closed up my last exercise book.

`Maybe we should do ours together more often,' my young lover smiled.

`Let's,' I agreed, bending round to give him a kiss.

Any further ideas I might have had were stymied by a shout of; Suppers ready,' from downstairs, so we put our books away and headed for the kitchen. Once we'd stuffed our faces, there was nothing left to do but slob out on the couch and watch telly, the distant sound of the telephone bell didn't really impinge on our lazy reverie until my mother popped her head round the door and said; Ewan, it's your father on the `phone.'

He dashed into the hall, and I could hear his voice rising and falling happily as he chatted to his dad. A few minutes later, I heard him hang up, and he came back into the sitting room. `Everything alright?' I asked.

`Yeah, he says he tried to call earlier, but we must have still been out. He's ok, the flight was really boring and he's a bit jet-lagged, but he says LA is amazing and the people are really friendly.'

`That's good, did he say when he was coming back?'

Don't be so rude,' my mother butted in, anyone would think you were wanting to get rid of Ewan, the poor boy's only been here one night.'

No, no,' I protested, I didn't mean that at all, I like having Ewan here, it's just that I know that he misses his dad.'

You old softie,' my mother said affectionately, I was only teasing you.'

It's ok,' Ewan joined in, I'm not upset, and when it comes down to it, I can hold my own if I have to.'

I think you can,' my mother said fondly, I just hope this boy of mine isn't giving you a hard time.'

`Mum!' I protested.

No, it's fine,' my lover answered naughtily, I reckon he's just about hard enough for me to cope with.'

Ok,' she answered, smiling at him, but don't let things get on top of you, you know I'm happy to listen if there anything you need to talk about.'

Thanks,' he said, that means a lot to me.'

Good,' she replied, but for now, I can see you're both tired and I think it's time you got yourselves ready for bed.'

I made the token protest expected of all young people, but in truth I was delighted, another night with my lover in my bed, how cool was that. I'd like to report another night of titanic lovemaking, but the truth is, young and full of life though we were, we just didn't have the energy. After we'd got ourselves ready, we climbed into our separate beds. As soon as my mother had stuck her head round the door to wish us good night, Ewan hopped across and jumped into mine, we cuddled for a moment, then settled into a comfortable position and a moment later we were asleep.

In the morning, I was woken by the sunlight streaming into my room; Ewan was still sound asleep, and the soft sound of his breathing made me feel very tender towards him. I managed to clamber out of bed without disturbing him, no mean feat in itself; even though he did sleep like the dead, and looked at my watch, realising that it was quite late in the morning. Now I was more awake I could hear the sounds of my mother in the kitchen below, and I pulled a t-shirt on. Before it was too late I realised that the g-string I had chosen to sleep in wasn't quite appropriate to go down stairs in, and I pulled my cords on quickly as well.

`Kettle's just boiled,' my mother said as I opened the kitchen door.

Without speaking, I made two mugs of tea, I'm just going to try and get Ewan up,' I said, I may be gone some time, don't send search parties.'

My mothers smiled, `he is a solid little sleeper isn't he, makes me wonder how his dad manages.'

`As far as I can tell there's a lot of shouting and threats involved, he doesn't mean to be difficult, he just seems to sleep very deeply.'

So do you,' she said, you were both dead to the world when I looked in on you last night. Are you going out later?'

`Yeah, we're going to meet up with Paul over by the canal, remember?'

`Oh yes, well don't stay out all day, I've got tasks for you my lad, the grass needs cutting and you promised you'd do it this weekend.'

`Ok mum, we'll not be out too long.'

It was only as I went back upstairs that I realised the implications of what I'd just heard, my mum had said goodnight to us, so she must have looked in again, later on, and couldn't have failed to notice that we were sharing a bed. I blushed hotly; still, she hadn't thrown a big pink wobbly fit, so I guess it didn't matter to her. She wasn't the sort of person who asked about private things, but I'm sure she would have said something if she had disapproved, funny things, parents, when you're a teenager you always think they can't understand, now, looking back, I realise that she must have done, and given us her blessing.

I'll spare you the laborious process of persuading my lover to get out of bed when he didn't really have to, suffice it to say there was a whole lot of cajoling and cuddling involved until eventually he achieved the desired level of consciousness.

He sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and took the tepid mug of tea from me, I sometimes forget what it's like to drink it hot,' he smiled, after he'd taken a long slurp, what are we doing today?'

`Well, we were going to go and meet Paul by the flight of locks, maybe scout for a new location, and generally have a council of war, but if you'd rather not, then we could do something else?'

No, that sounds good, we've got our little industry to think about after all.' He stood up and stretched, the virginal white tangas that he had chosen to sleep in had ridden down somewhat during the night, and the taut curves of his cheeks were peeking invitingly above the waistband. I reached out and patted his bum, feeling the warmth of his skin radiating through the cotton. Mmm, that's lovely,' he purred, you can do that some more if you like.'

I didn't need any encouragement, and stroked his smooth cheeks some more, relishing the feeling of his body under my fingers. I was stiffening up, and I could see that he was too; we were, as seems to be a continuing thread in this narrative, interrupted by the telephone and my mum shouted up the stairs; `It's Paul, shall I tell him you'll call back?'

`No, I'll come down,' I shouted back. I kissed my lover, and went off to answer the summons.

Hello mate,' Paul said cheerily, you still on to meet up?'

`Yeah, we are.'

`Good stuff, see you by the flight of locks about one o'clock like we agreed?'

`Yes, did you get to see Graham?'

`Yup,' Paul said mysteriously.

`And?' I probed.

`He made us an offer, I'll tell you about it later,' with that he hung up, leaving me little the wiser.

When I went back upstairs my lover had given up and was in the shower, so I came back down again and brewed some more tea. Scrubbed and clean, Ewan joined me at the kitchen table after a few minutes, so,' he asked, what did Paul want?'

`Just wanted to know if we were still wanting to meet up later.'

Not much later,' Ewan said, looking at the kitchen clock, we should really get our skates on.'

He was right, we did have to get a wiggle on; we grabbed our shoes, got on our bikes, and headed off towards the canal.

The sun was shining, and even the murky waters of the canal looked surprisingly inviting. Ducks and moorhens probed cautiously among the discarded shopping trolleys and floating carrier bags. Down by the bottom lock there was a big patch of hard standing rather half-heartedly landscaped with a few wooden picnic tables and some rather sticky looking rubbish bins. As we cycled into the park I could see that Paul had got there before us, his bike propped against a lamppost, and he himself sitting comfortably, legs outstretched, at one of the picnic tables, a cold can of pop in front of him. He was dressed in his dreadful tracky bottoms and a dark blue t-shirt.

`Morning,' I called out cheerily, as we drew near.

`Morning,' he replied, grinning.

`I see you haven't splashed out any of your new-found wealth on posh clothes,' I added.

Me mum would think I'd gone mad if I started buying my own stuff,' Paul said, anyway, what's wrong with these?' He stood up and gave a little twirl, the faded material flapping around his slim hips. As he did so, a hole in his backside revealed that he had chosen to wear red pants today.

`It's just that they are so tatty, and I don't know what's keeping them up.'

Paul grinned and hauled out the elasticated waistband, revealing a bit more of his red pants to our gaze, `they go on easy and they come off just as easy too, want me to show you?'

Any time,' I answered, but we didn't meet up just so we could suck you off.'

Oh,' he pouted in mock dismay, and I thought you just couldn't get enough of me.'

We were wondering how you got on with Graham?' I said firmly, trying to drag things back to the point, did you get to see your movie?'

`Nah, it's not been processed yet, it'll be at least a couple of weeks, he has to get it specially developed somewhere, and it takes ages apparently. Tell you what though, he really loved the pics I took to him, specially now that we've let him see a bit more of Ewan.'

`Did he give you some more dosh?'

Yeah,' he grinned, gave me another thirty quid, a tenner for each of us, said there's plenty more if we want it, specially if we can show him a bit more action.'

Well, I think we can promise Graham some more of that,' Ewan chipped in, come on then, divvy up.'

Smiling wickedly, Paul shoved his hand down the front of his tracky bottoms, and after a moment it emerged with a small bundle of banknotes. Seeing my expression, he laughed, and said; `there's holes in all my pockets, I figured if I stuck it in my pants I wouldn't be able to lose it.'

You really do need to get some new clothes,' I said firmly, even if your mum does buy most of your gear.'

Maybe,' he agreed, counting out the warm bank notes, it can get a bit draughty cycling along in these.' He handed out the money, stowing his share back in his pants and then sat back down at the table, leaning back and looking up at us; `Graham had an idea,' he continued.

`Go on,' Ewan said.

`There's one of his customers has a flat in the Tudor estate, he's not around much, but he saw my performance last week and he'd like to see more. He told Graham that we could use his flat if I needed somewhere to do a photo shoot.'

`The Tudor estate, where's that?' Ewan asked.

Your side of the common, but a bit further north,' I explained, it's that funny looking set of buildings that you can see from the tube. I think they were built for the film studios, back in the thirties.'

Yeah,' Paul butted in, and the cool thing is, Graham says this bloke has his own gym and access to a private pool. So we could do what we like in there, and he said we could have a super 8 camera and some film if we wanted to try it.'

Sounds good,' I admitted, What do you think, Ewan? Fancy a bit of posing in a gym?'

`Just so long as it's not filthy and smelly like the one at school,' he shuddered theatrically.

I can't imagine it'll be anything like the school gym,' I said, but talking about school, I've had an idea for a scenario too; I was walking about the corridors, taking some photos for the school magazine, when I noticed there was a line of boys waiting outside the library. I took a few shots of them, and then I realised that it was the second years, queuing up for their medicals.'

`So?' Paul asked.

`Well, I thought that we might take advantage of the library being laid out for the medicals and use the setting to do our own photo shoot, what d'you think?'

It's a bit cheeky, and we'd be in deep shit if we were found out, I think it's a great idea,' Paul said enthusiastically, what do you think, Ewan?'

`Hmm,' he said doubtfully.

`What's the matter?' I asked.

`Just one snag that I can see, apart from the consequences if we get caught of course.'

`Yeah, what's that?' Paul asked.

Bodies,' Ewan announced dramatically, if we're doing this properly, we need someone to play a medic, we need the people waiting for their examination and we need someone to take the pictures. I reckon we'd need at least five to do it and not make it look really phoney.'

Oh yeah,' Paul said thoughtfully, I get your drift, here's an idea; how about we ask Graham to play the doctor?'

No, I don't think that's such a good idea,' Ewan said hastily, anyway, how would we get him into school without anyone noticing?'

Good point,' Paul agreed, maybe we should just give up on the idea, and do something else in the library.'

Perhaps,' I said slowly, but don't knock it on the head just yet, don't forget we've got a powerful persuader.'

`What's that?' Ewan asked.

`We've got access to cash, and I'm sure there are plenty of boys out there who wouldn't mind getting their cocks out for a few quid. In fact, I think I might have an idea.'

`Go on,' Ewan said, looking steadily at me.

`Well, you remember when we went to the movies yesterday, and we saw those two boys from Paul's year mooching around at the tube station?'

`Yeah, what of it?'

`Well, I don't think they were just hanging around because they were bored.'

`What d'you mean?' Paul interrupted, and sitting up straight.

`Well, I think they were earning a little pocket money.'

`How?' Ewan protested.

`I think they were picking up geezers, taking them across the road to the taxi rank toilets and presumably giving them a blow job, or wanking them off.'

Blimey,' Paul looked startled, who are you talking about, and are you sure?'

`I'm pretty sure, it's not hard to spot, and outside the station is a bit notorious,' I answered.

`Yeah, but who?' Paul pressed insistently.

`It was Bill and Martin from your tutor group,' Ewan said quietly.

`Bill and Martin!' Paul exclaimed, incredulity forcing his voice into an adolescent squeak.

`Yeah,' I agreed.

`Nah, you've got to be kidding.'

`Think about it, they never seem to have any money, they get free school dinners and they don't do ever do anything after school or suchlike.'

I suppose so,' Paul said dubiously, they've never mentioned it to me.'

`Not the sort of thing that you would drop into conversation when you're hanging about with your mates really,' I said drily.

Blimey,' Paul suddenly blurted out, d'you reckon they might be poofters? They've both been up in my bedroom to look at my girlie mags, but they didn't try anything on with me.'

Honestly Paul,' I tried to keep myself from laughing, I can't imagine that they are any gayer than you are; they've just been trying to make a little money. You just found a much better way, that's all.'

I suppose you're right,' he answered grudgingly, do you think they'd be good models, and how d'you think we can ask them without giving the game away?'

I don't know,' I answered slowly, they look pretty much alright with their clothes on, you've seen them undress in the changing rooms, do they have any obvious deformities? And you hang out with them some of the time; it should be possible to try out the idea on them without giving too much away. Then if you get the right sort of response see if you can persuade them to pose for you.'

Hmm, I'm not sure, I can't think there's anything funny about either of them,' Paul looked uncertain, I'll think about it, then maybe I'll see what Graham thinks of the idea.'

Do me a favour,' I said, when you head off home, cycle past the tube station, and if they're there, watch what they're up to. See if you think I'm right about them, maybe that would give you a way to broach the subject, and there's nothing funny about it, after all you do it, we all do it.'

Yeah, I suppose you're right, I'll do it,' he said slowly, that might be a good idea. What do you think about using the flat that Graham has offered us?'

It sounds good,' Ewan chipped in, I'm not really into sport, but it sounds full of potential, we should do a recce.'

`The guy who owns it is away for a month; Graham says that we can have a set of keys, and we'd be left completely on our own. The only other person who has the keys is a woman who comes in once a week to clean, and she's seen it all before, just as long as we don't leave any evidence of our activities behind.'

Ok,' I agreed, let's take a look at it. Do we want to scout out round here, see if there's any good locations for us to use?'

Nah, I don't think so,' Paul said lazily, we did outdoors big time when we were on the boat, we've got two new places to think about and if we can't get it together to do the school session, then we could always do some pictures at Grahams place.'

That's true,' Ewan chipped in, it's not looking great round here, somehow that;' he gestured at the greasy water slopping about in the canal, `doesn't turn me on.'

`Oh I don't know,' Paul stretched his legs out, and pulled up the waist of his tracky bottoms revealing that his cock was hard again.

You're weird,' I said, but it's good to see that you have made a recovery, it's been a pretty intense weekend.'

Yeah,' he agreed, it's not often that I don't feel like sex, but I think I just about reached my limit this week. It felt good though, give me a day and I'll be raring to go again, my cock thinks it's ready now, but I reckon my balls are still empty. I didn't even feel like having a wank this morning.'

`Ah well, the more often you come, the more you can come, but you're right, you wouldn't want to ruin your earning potential by straining something,' I said wisely. The arrival of a party of nuns put a stop to our taking things any further; under normal circumstances I might not have been so circumspect, but we were all still recovering from our sexual exertions.

We idly watched the penguins passing by, then Paul jumped up, `Well, I'd best be off, I'll do what you suggest and swing by the station, I'm still not sure you've got it right about those two, how come we've not noticed before?'

`How many people at school know about your new career?' I riposted.

True,' he answered, I'll go and take a look for myself.' With that, he grabbed his bike, and cycled off.

I looked at Ewan and shrugged my shoulders, `he's a funny one,' I said.

`Like you've said before, he's just a bit confused.'

`Ah well, maybe we should head back, make hay while the sun shines,' I said.

`Eh?' Ewan replied.

`I have to cut the grass, you, on the other hand, as honoured guest and my best boy, don't have to do anything, just watch me work.'

I couldn't just do that,' he said, I'll help you.'

That would be nice,' I said gratefully, it should be nice to be out in the sunshine anyway.' We cycled home and changed into gardening clothes, I loaned Ewan an old pair of my shorts that were a bit too large for him, and had to be held up with a bit of old rope, then we went out to do battle with the grass.

We spent the afternoon in the garden, cutting and raking up the grass, Ewan decided it might be a good idea to do some watering, and once we were finished with the mowing, he hauled the garden hose out. I needn't elaborate, two hot and sweaty shirtless boys and a garden hose, it's a pretty obvious combination. I'm not sure how much water went on the garden, but I'm certain that we were both saturated by the time my mother noticed what we were up to. She didn't scold, as we'd done no harm, just brought us out a bottle of lemonade each and a couple of towels. We retired to the back of the garden, where you couldn't be overlooked, and attempted to dry each other.

This is no good,' Ewan said, we'll never get dry like this,' without further ado he dropped his shorts, and spread a towel out on the ground. He still had his white tangas on, but these no longer looked exactly virginal; semi-transparent by nature, and extremely see through now that they were wet. Not wishing to be left out, I undid my shorts and peeled them off, I'd swapped my pants for a skimpy jock strap, so my arse was on display, and the soaking fabric concealed nothing. I sat down on the towel next to Ewan, who nodded in approval, `that's nice, we'll soon get dry like this.'

The gentle breeze quickly dried our skin, although the shorts would take a little longer. We dozed alongside each other in the warm sunshine, perfectly contented, our bodies touching, until I heard the sound of my mother calling us in for supper. Sometimes just touching is all you need to make you happy.

Paul rang me at home that evening; `You were right, I went past the station on my way back, Bill and Martin were hanging about and I saw Bill follow a bloke into the toilets. I waited for him to come back, then I went up and spoke to them; I've invited them back to my place after school tomorrow. I told them I'd a got a couple of new girlie mags they haven't seen and we can have a look and crack open a few beers before my folks get home. After that I popped into Grahams shop too, and got that blokes flat keys off him, he said he really liked the medical idea; anything that featured boys in school uniforms would be bound to be very popular, and if we could get it together it would probably be worth a ton to him. He said if we needed an advance to get Martin and Bill to play along, then he'd be happy to stump up some cash.'

Excellent,' I said, let me know how you get on.'

School was just as tedious as usual, but I was able to confirm that the library was still all set up for the medicals, with dull grey canvas screens, scales and all the usual paraphernalia. I didn't think there would be a problem making use of it all, as I sometimes did library duty I had been allowed access to a key, all I had to achieve was a time when we could slip in and do our photo shoot. Presupposing that Paul was able to rustle up some more models for us, of course.

Ewan and I had no opportunity to get together until after school, when we walked back to my place. `I wonder if Paul will have the courage to ask those two?' I mused.

I expect he will,' Ewan answered, he's really got into the idea of making money these days, and if he says that Graham's offering a hundred quid for the photos that'll help to concentrate his mind.'

My mother was being annoying; she was in that solicitous frame of mind that meant that she wouldn't leave us alone. There was nothing to it but to get on with our homework and to let her coo around us. Still we were able to get loads out of the way, which would give us more time later in the week. After we'd eaten our supper we were sitting on the sofa watching the telly when the phone rang. It was Paul, he sounded excited; `Hi, are you busy?'

`No, we were just watching TV, why?'

`D'you think you could come over?'

`Probably, I'll have to ask my mum.' As my mother had witnessed that we'd done all our homework, she didn't really have a good reason to deny us, and as soon as she'd given us the customary admonitions not to stay out late on a school night, we were on our bikes and on our way.

Paul let us in, and although his folks were about, we didn't see them as we followed him up the stairs and into his attic lair.

Go on then,' I prompted, how did you get on?'

`Well, I didn't really know what to say to them, so I didn't say anything at first. We came up here, opened a few beers, and I showed them the colour telly I'd bought with Grahams money. They seemed quite impressed, and asked me how come I could afford to buy it, I told them I'd found an easy way of earning some money, and changed the subject. After a bit of chat and a couple more beers, Martin asked me about the new girlie mags I'd told them about. I got my stash out, and they pounced on the mags. I'd been a bit clever; knowing that they'd want to have a nose, and I had slipped a few prints you'd taken of me into one of the mags. Just like we'd done with the contact prints up in the Lake District.

`Which pics did you choose?' Ewan asked.

`Oh, just some underwear shots, nothing too strong, although I'd made sure that they were all ones where you could see I had a hard-on.'

`So, did they find them?' I asked.

`They'd spread my collection out on the floor and knelt down to see them closer, I've a couple of new ones that I knew they hadn't seen yet. Bill picked up one of them, and stood up to get a better look at it in the light, as he flipped through the pages the prints slipped out and fell to the floor, landing in front of Martin. "Ay, Ay, what's this?" he said, picking them up, and checking them out, "these are you, aren't they?" he asked me.

`Uh-huh,' I agreed.

"Here, let me see," Bill said, grabbing the pics from his friend.

"What's this all about?" Martin asked.

`This is how come I can afford to buy a colour telly,' I answered.

"What, you do modelling for porno mags," Bill gasped.

Sort of,' I agreed, I started off doing the pics for fun, just to impress the girls, and then I discovered that there were people who would to pay real money for them, and since then I've been doing loads of this sort of stuff for a firm that makes sexy underwear.'

"How much money do you get for it?" Martin asked.

`It depends, at least a tenner for each set of pics, and they've offered twice that if we do anything with a bit of a story to it, basically the way it work is; the more they see, the more they'll pay.'

"Who's we?" they demanded.

`There's a couple of other boys at school who I've posed with, why do you ask?'

"Just curious, do we know them? So, let me get this straight, all you have to do is pose about somewhere warm and clean, get a stiffy in some pants, and you get given a tenner for it?"

I nodded, `it's not quite as simple as that, but that is basically it.'

"We're certainly not as good at making money as you," Bill admitted, "I've never done better than a quid a time, and it can be much harder work."

Just don't spread it around, I've worked out what you two do to make a few bob,' I said, you keep shtum about this, and your secret'll be safe with me.'

"Do you think they might ever want any more models?" Martin asked, "The money sounds good, I'm not ashamed of my body, and Bill's happy to get his kit off at every available opportunity."

`I could ask, I suppose. You'd need to let them see some pics though, sort of like an audition.'

"Oh," they looked crestfallen.

`Is that a problem?'

"Haven't got a camera and don't see how we'd be able to get some pictures done even if I did," Martin said, "oh well, it was a nice idea."

Don't give up just yet, I might just be able to help you,' I said, taking the camera from a drawer and showing them, I've got a film in here, I could shoot some pictures for you, and then we could develop and print them in the darkroom at school, that's what we do now. How about it?'

Blimey,' Ewan said, did you get them to do it?'

Paul just smiled and tossed me over a roll of film. `Go on,' I prompted.

Bill and Martin conferred together, "We're up for it," Martin said, "how do you want to play this? Shall we to do it now, and d'you want us together or separately?"

`Now is good, we've still got plenty of time before anyone else gets home. I don't know, do you do often do stuff together, it's a bit queer isn't it?'

"We have been known to wank off over a mag together," Bill grinned, "sometimes it feels better than doing it on your own, and we all need to come after all, don't you ever have a wank?"

Course I do,' I answered, just wondered if you were poofters.'

"Nah, just we don't know any girls who'll put out, so we have to take what chances are offered to us."

We'd come back here straight after school, and Bill and Martin were still dressed in their uniforms. "What shall we do then?" Martin asked.

`I dunno, you need to use your imagination, but how about you strip each other out of your school gear, pose about in your pants for a bit (they do seem to expect that), then eyes down for a bit of wanking and bobs your uncle. It's important that we see you come, as well.'

`So, did they do it?' Ewan asked again.

Yep, but you'll have to wait til the film is developed to see what they were like though,' Paul grinned evilly.

Don't worry,' I said, I'll see if I can get the darkroom tomorrow.'

Oh,' Ewan groaned in disappointment, I was just getting interested,' he indicated the rather prominent bulge in his shorts.

`Mmm, I can see that,' I answered, putting my hand out and delicately stroking his stiffy through the soft nylon fabric.

Any thoughts I might have had of going a little further were abruptly stopped by the rattle of the attic ladder, followed shortly after by the round and cheery face of Pauls little brother, `what are you talking about?' he demanded.

None of your business,' Paul answered, bugger off and leave us alone,' he picked up a shoe and hefted it meaningfully.

Mum,' the kid bellowed, Paul's being nasty to me again.'

Oh shit,' Paul said, the little sod's been winding me up all evening, especially since I wouldn't tell him what I'd been doing with Bill and Martin.'

Mum,' little brother continued, Paul's swearing again.'

I think maybe we should beat a retreat,' I said quietly, don't want your folks getting awkward with us when we've got so much to do.' We made our way down the ladder, pushing past Pauls brother at the bottom. Pauls mum was already puffing up the stairs in response to the summons, Hi Mrs W, I said politely, `we were just going, sorry if we've caused a problem.'

`No, you're ok, it's just those two fighting again, Paul had some other friends round earlier, and wouldn't let his brother come up and play with them. Honestly, you boys, I don't know what you're up to half of the time, if you're not fighting, then you're locking yourselves in your rooms. Still, I'm sure I don't want to know really.'

It's probably better that way,' I agreed, it's just boy stuff though, you know, games and secret clubs.'

`Yeah, you boys and your secrets, I expect that it's all very dull really.'

You're probably right, but it keeps us happy,' I said, anyway, we'd best head off, Ewan's staying at mine while his dad is in America, and my mum'll be wondering where we are.'

`Ok you two, you can let yourselves out while I go and referee this fight.'

`Good night then, see you later Paul,' I shouted up the ladder, a muffled response indicating that he had heard me.

I have to admit that I was intrigued and quite turned on by the notion of Pauls photographs, and I was delighted to discover that the darkroom was free after school as well. Monday was sports day for Pauls year, so he was off the premises, Ewan too had said he'd come and find me at home later as he had to stay late to finish something off in his woodwork class. I had brought the film we'd exposed that Saturday morning as well, after all it doesn't take any longer to process two than one. So I was all by myself in the darkroom as I loaded the films and went through the familiar routine of developing them. Once the films were developed and fixed, I set them to rinse and ducked out of the darkroom to get a drink of water, making sure the door was locked behind me, of course.

The films, once I'd taken them off the spindle and hung them in the drying cabinet, looked satisfactorily dark, and indistinct shapes were beginning to show. Once they were dry, I identified the one Paul had taken and carefully chopped it into usable sections; already I could see the negative images of the two boys. I could feel my cock thickening up in anticipation as I went about my task. I quickly printed off a set of contact prints, eager to see what Paul had achieved, as I squinted at the tiny pictures I absently rubbed at my now fully erect cock. By the look of things, we had struck gold, the new boys were both brazen and unselfconscious, and Paul would appear to have excelled himself; producing a set of images that looked by anybodies standards to be well framed and carefully judged.

I decided to go for it and do a quick set of prints; the first few images were straightforward enough, the two boys standing close by in their school uniforms, gazing straight into the camera. After a couple of shots they'd chucked away their blazers, kicked off their shoes and socks and pressed more closely together; Martin sliding his arm round Bills shoulders, Bill doing the same round the taller boys' hips.

They progressed to a little exploratory undressing; the boys facing each other, and unbuttoning the others school shirt, until finally they were left, shirtless, dressed only in their school trousers. Martin had knelt down, turning Bills back to the camera and had begun to stroke his hands over the rounded curves of the other boys butt. In the next shots he had stood up and they faced each other again, their crotches pressing together and once more gazing straight into the camera lens.

For the next sequence they'd turned, facing front again, and for the first time they touched each other's crotches, Bill carefully exploring the outline of Martins stiffness through his grey school trousers, Martin tugging up Bills' waistband to show off his erection and then grasping it firmly through the fabric. In the next picture they had plunged their hands down the front of the others trousers, the outline of their knuckles visible through the cloth as they continued to explore each other. Paul had, by now, got close in to his subjects, and managed to get very good close-ups of what their hands were doing.

Finally, they began to discard the trousers, Bill kneeling down this time and solemnly pulling down Martins zip, unbuttoning the waistband and gently tugging the trousers down. Martin was dressed in a pair of white cotton slips, quite possibly a couple of sizes too small for him, as his package was bulging obscenely in them, and a line of dark pubic hair was peaking out over the top of the waistband. He leaned back, and Bill put up a hand and cupped it round his balls, this helped to emphasise the rigid column of his cock as it dressed off to the left, Paul had once again managed to get a close-up. Although it was hard to tell his proportions from the photograph, it certainly appeared that Dame Nature had been quite generous when she was dishing out Martins genitals.

Now it was time for Bill to get his trousers off; Martin sat on a chair, his legs spread wide and the elastic of his pants struggling to contain his manhood. Bill turned his back to the camera once more, and Martin carefully pulled his trousers down. Bills pants were white as well (as has been said many times in this narrative, white was the default colour of boys underwear back then, anything else was quite unusual), and looked to be made of smooth nylon, judging by the way they clung to his rounded buttocks. Although he wasn't at all fat, Bill was much stockier than his friend; maybe he just hadn't yet lost his soft curves on entering puberty. Martin pushed a hand through between Bills legs, stroking the inside of his thighs and exploring the soft material covering the other boys' cheeks. When Bill finally turned to face the camera, the bulge in his pants, though not apparently as substantial as Martins, was nonetheless pretty respectable, jutting straight out in front, and holding the material of his y-fronts away from his body; the outline of his cock head plainly visible through the rather inadequate nylon.

Paul had clearly taken my lecturing about the erotic potential of keeping things covered up to heart, and in the next set of images Martin and Bill demonstrated just how much you could reveal while still wearing your pants. Firstly Bill sat down on Martins lap, the hard column of Martins manhood pressing into his crack, his own stiffy jutting out in front of him, with Martins hand resting comfortably on it. Then they got down on the ground, Martin lying on his back, and Bill crouched alongside, his fingers lightly stimulating the tip of the taller boys cock, whilst with his other hand, he was stroking his own erection. Paul had got down low, and took a shot through Bills legs as he bent over his friend, the pressure of Bills hard-on had pulled the fabric of his pants away from his body and the fuzzy dark hair on his balls showed clearly.

Bill then got right on top, grinding his erection into Martins crotch, his legs splayed and his cheeks clenched. For the next picture, Bill was lying on his back, and Martin had slipped his hand down the front of his pants, the outline of his clenched fingers demonstrating that he was grasping the other boys' penis. In the same pose, Paul had snapped a close up of Bills hand as he continued to stroke his pals cock head, a sizeable damp patch beginning to show in the thin white cotton. In the last of this mini set, the two boys sat up, their legs splayed wide, and their different packages side by side, as if for inspection. In the final group, the boys were kneeling, facing each other, and pulled gently on the waistbands of each other's pants, in the first pic nothing showed, just a hint of pubic hair, and the curve of their balls. In the second, their cocks were free at last; Martins was quite long and slim, his balls were big and only lightly covered in hair, Bill, on the other hand, was a whole lot

shorter, but very thick and he was quite hairy, he was also circumcised, which came as a bit of a surprise, as I think his was the first circumcised cock I had ever seen erect.

Now that they had revealed all, the boys stood up, and Paul got a picture of Martin hauling Bills pants down, revealing his cute arse to the camera. Bill returned the favour and the pair, naked and blatantly unashamed, their cocks jutting out aggressively; faced the camera in a reprise of their earlier clothed shot. In the next shot, each one was holding the others cock, and smiling into the camera.

Paul must have realised that he was running short of film, because we went straight from that image to one of the pair kneeling side by side, their cocks looking hotter and wetter, as they wanked over a photo, a picture that I recognised as one of mine; Paul lying in the bath, his erection barely contained in a wet pair of tom and jerry nylon pants. In the last picture, they had both come, and the picture was a sticky mess, buried under their combined spunk.

I had to admit I was very impressed, both with Pauls efforts, he had come such a long way since his first attempts to take his own picture with a Polaroid, the failure of which had brought us to the present, and our own little pornographic cottage industry. An industry whose roster of performers would appear to have expanded by a factor of two, if Bill and Martin were going to join us. I was also very taken with Bill and Martin, they seemed to be very much at ease in front of the camera, and they displayed that combination of innocence and self-knowledge that I found very sexy. So, if all went according to plan, we had just to set ourselves up for a shoot in the library, and away we go.

Looking at my watch, I realised that I would never get the other set printed up, so I decided to take what I had done over to Graham, and see what he thought of them. The shop was empty of customers when I went in, come to think of it, I don't think I'd ever seen another shopper in there. Graham emerged from the back room when he heard the ding of the shop bell, and smiled with genuine pleasure when he recognised me, Hi there,' he said, to what do I owe the pleasure?'

`We did a test shoot with a couple of possible new models, and wondered if you thought they'd do? I've just printed up their pictures.'

`You guys amaze me, you've got so much energy, when do you ever find the time to do any school work?'

To be honest I don't think Paul does,' I answered, as for the rest of us, we just have to fit it in.'

`Well I'm very glad you do, I'm hearing nothing but praise of you these days, your work has some serious fans you know.'

Wow, that's great,' I blushed, we only started doing it for fun after all. Paul thought it would be a good way to get the girls.'

Yeah,' Graham said, that's what he told me too, and he's not entirely wrong, there are some women among his audience who'd dearly love to get their hands on his cock, not just their hands actually. My friend Ruth was very taken with him.'

Yeah, Paul has mentioned her; I think he was pretty taken with her too. Anyway, d'you want to see these pics?' Graham nodded, locked the front door and once more we went through to the fitting room, which looked unchanged to me. I handed over the thick envelope to him, and he tipped it out onto the dais. When he picked up the first couple of pictures for a closer inspection, I heard him gasp slightly. Is there a problem?' I asked.

No, no,' he stammered, it's just that I think I may have seen these boys somewhere before.'

`Really,' I said, feigning surprise.

`Yes, I can't think where though.'

`Possibly up at the tube station, although they're in Pauls tutor group, they seem to hang out there rather a lot, that's how we decided they might be up for a little light pornography.'

`Oh, yeah, I must have seen them when I'm on my way home, you say they're up there a lot.'

It would appear so,' I agreed, don't worry, we'll not bring them here, and we've not told them who you are, just that we've got a market for photos.'

That's a relief,' he grinned shakily, we have to be so discrete, I think I may have bumped into one of these boys before and I wouldn't want him to know who I am.'

`No problem, all they are interested in is making some money, and since we can pay is so much more than they get sucking someone off in a filthy toilet, I don't think it'll be an issue. They practically bit Pauls hand off when he suggested it to them.'

Ok,' Graham said, pulling a hankie out of his pocket and wiping his shiny brow, let's have a look at them then.' He examined the pictures in silence, giving each one a careful scrutiny, when he was done, he placed the last print down on the pile and sighed, `Ah, boys, how uncomplicated it all is for you.'

`What do you think?' I asked.

`Did you take these?' he replied.

`No, Paul did, last night, why?'

`I just thought they didn't quite have your usual photographic flair,' he said.

He's miles better that he used to be,' I defended my friend stoutly, anyway, these weren't really meant for public consumption, he shot them as a test so that we could work out if Bill and Martin were going to be any good as models.'

Yes, of course, I understand,' Graham answered, which one is which?'

Bill is the dark haired one with the circumcised cock, and Martin is the taller one with the curly blonde hair,' I said, but you haven't said if you thought we should use them.'

Sorry,' he apologised, I got a bit distracted for a moment; it's nice to be able to put a name to a face. You should definitely use them, I think the fact that some of the people who'll be looking at the pictures might have seen them around, will add a frisson to the whole experience. Also, it might be a good idea to try and get them to play their age down a bit when you take their pictures though.'

We had a school medicals shoot in mind,' I answered, that's why we thought we'd need a couple more people, otherwise it might just have looked a bit silly, and it's not hard to look young when you're only dressed in a vest and pants.'

`Paul mentioned it, I did wonder what you were going to do, anyway, that'd be perfect. I think you've found two more excellent models, d'you know if they are a couple?'

`Don't think so, they're just mates, and a bit skint.'

Ah, I see,' he said slowly, that's good, maybe you could get them to do some solo sets too? I'd love to see a bit more of Martin and I think lots of other people would too, Bill's quite cuddly, there's always a market for that.'

`I can certainly ask them; somehow I get the feeling that they'd not have any problems with it, did you have something in mind for them?'

No, not yet,' he said, though it'd be nice to see them modelling some of our pants.'

Hmm, there might be a problem getting measured up,' I said, especially if you want to stay anonymous.'

`Yes, I can see that, perhaps you could measure Martin, and his friend Bill too?'

Don't see why not,' I grinned, what shall I tell them you're offering?'

Suppose I could go to twenty quid each for a solo set if you come up with something special,' Graham said thoughtfully, a tenner if they're just having a wank.'

Fair enough,' I said, but I haven't even spoken to him yet, or Bill.'

Well,' Graham spoke slowly, give them this for now, I know the pics aren't quite as sharp as usual, but the intentions are good, and I know they'll be a great asset. We can still use them as a bit of a taster.' He handed me two tenners and three fivers; a fiver each for you three, the others are for the new boys, we want them to be keen. Oh, and you might as well take this too,' He handed me a measuring tape, can you remember how I measured you?'

Yeah, no problem' I said, I'll go and see if I can find them now, I think I can guess where they might be. I'd better take these pics with me to show them though, I'll be doing a proper printing session later this week and spend a little more time to do you some better ones.'

Ok,' the older man said, thanks for showing them to me, I'm really impressed, and looking forward to seeing more, not just of those two, but also of you and Ewan. Paul showed me some of your older stuff, you two really are quite an item aren't you.'

Yeah,' I blushed, don't tell Paul though, he thinks we're play acting.'

Your secret is safe with me,' he grinned, although it's pretty bloody obvious to anyone who looks at you.'

`It really turns Paul on too, in the other film I've just developed he had us snogging and everything.'

`Everything?' he raised an eyebrow.

Everything,' I agreed, one or two surprises there I promise, but you'll have to wait and see, I haven't even done a contact print yet.'

`That'll be something to look forward to then,' he agreed.

`Right, I'm off to find our new stars and see what they think,' I said cheerily, as I headed towards the door.

`See you later,' Graham replied.

I left the shop, and headed off towards the tube station, by now it was heading towards the rush hour and I guessed that our two newest models might be attempting to earn a little pocket money after sport. There was no one visible by the bus stop as I trudged up the hill but that didn't surprise me. I propped myself against the railings and waited; sure enough, after a couple of minutes a man came out of the taxi drivers toilet and without looking back walked quickly away. A moment or two later Martin emerged from the shack and tossing his hair back, crossed the road to where I was standing, he was dressed in a white polo shirt and black track suit bottoms, thankfully the latter were somewhat smarter than the ones Paul habitually wore.

`Watcha,' was his uncouth and slightly aggressive greeting.

Hi,' I answered, I've come to bring you something.'

Oh yeah,' he asked, what's that then?'

`This,' I replied, handing him a ten pound note.

He snatched it from my hand, `what's this for?'

I flapped the envelope of prints at him; `think of it as a reward for these and an investment in your future work.'

Martin flushed red, `I guess you must be one of the other boys Paul mentioned then. So he wasn't just winding us up to get a free sex show.'

`Yeah, that's right, and I printed up your little session after school, d'you want to see them?'

`Uh, yeah, I suppose so, not out here though.'

No, that mightn't be a good idea,' I agreed, where shall we go?'

It'll have to be my office,' he smiled, I don't think there's anybody using it at the moment.'

We crossed the road to the toilet, it was a bit murky, and stank, Martin lead me over to the far cubicle and beckoned me in. I have to admit that this was my first experience of cottaging, even at second hand, and it made me realise how badly the boys must need the money we were offering them. I did feel quite turned on to be jammed in a toilet with another boy, especially with one I knew was more than happy to get his kit off, for me or for anyone who'd pay him. I handed the pictures over to Martin, who carefully slid the wedge of pictures into his hand and began to inspect them.

These don't look too bad,' he grinned, waving a picture at me, we enjoyed doing it too, although I wasn't completely certain that he had a film in the camera.'

`I can see that, the camera likes you. You weren't bothered about getting your kit off in front of Paul?'

`Nah, I was a bit worried that I had really manky old pants on, since he said that the right pants were important.'

Your pants were fine,' I reassured, they do look like they're about two sizes too small, but that just made you appear to be a bit younger, which is a good thing, trust me.'

`I'll try and find something better for next time, that's if there is a next time?' he asked anxiously.

`If you and Bill are up for it, then there certainly can be, in fact, I have a couple of possibilities; the reason Paul spoke to you in the first place was that we wanted to do a photo session at school, and we needed at least two more boys to make it seem convincing.'

`At school, that sounds risky.'

There's always a risk,' I said, but in this case it'd be in the library, and we can lock ourselves in.'

`Ah, now I get it, while it's all set up for medicals.'

`Yup, that's right, saves us having to find a location when there's one already set up for us.'

`You said there's a couple of possibilities?'

`Yeah, the geezer who bankrolls us thought you were very photogenic, and said he'd be very interested to see a solo set from you, and one from Bill too, if you fancied it.'

`Sure, I'm up for it, how much is he paying?'

`Not less than a tenner, he said there maybe more if you are creative.'

`What do you mean?'

`I'm not sure what he meant, but he's quite generous when he sees something he likes.'

`Paul said he's an agent for a company that makes fancy underpants, maybe if I modelled in some of those he'd cough up some more dough, what d'you think?'

`I think you might have to do a little more than just that, but you're heading in the right direction. In fact, I know he'd like you to model his pants, but you need to be measured first.'

`Blimey, what's so complicated about these pants?' he asked.

I don't really know, but he does make such a big thing of it, I think it's because they're very carefully tailored,' I explained, we've all been measured, it's no big deal, and they are really nice to wear.'

`Ok, I can do that, should I go and see him?'

`No, it's ok, I can measure you, if you don't mind that is?'

`No of course not, when d'you want to do it?'

`I could do it now if you like, I've a tape in my pocket.'

`Ok, where do you want me?'

`I don't think there's enough room for me to kneel down in here,' I said, looking at the disgusting floor.

`Oh, you'd be surprised,' Martin laughed.

I laughed too, realising what a fatuous thing I'd just said, `maybe so, but how about you jump up on the bog seat so I've got room to write the measurements down.'

Ok,' the boy said, and following my instructions he stood on the seat, do I need to take my top off?'

`Not if you don't want to.'

Martin pulled the polo shirt off in one swift movement, and hung it on the cistern; revealing his pale chest, his nipples were dark and quite hard, whether because it was chilly in there or he was getting turned on, I wasn't sure.

`You'll need to lose your trackies,' I said.

Martin nodded, `you can do it for me, you're nearer,' he said.

Ok,' I put my hands up to his waistband and slowly pulled his trousers down, feeling the warmth radiating from his body on the backs of my hands as I did so. He was wearing another pair of undersized white cotton pants, and although he wasn't hard, I could see that they weren't very successful at containing his package; once again his pubes were peeking out over the waistband. I measured his waist, carefully making a note on the envelope; it has become a traditional requirement for sir to remove his undergarments,' I said, sotto voce.

Martin giggled, `Ok, go for it.'

Once again I put my hands up to his waistband, and carefully pulled his pants free, his semi-tumescent cock flopped free, with his balls tucked up tight and round underneath. I measured round his thighs, allowing the backs of my hands to brush against the soft hairs on his balls just as Grahams had against mine. Finally, I measured a line from the top of his pubes, round between his legs and up to where his waistband should sit. By now his cock was starting to swell, and I was starting to feel sorely tempted, not to mention more than a little bit horny myself. Suddenly we heard the door to the toilets slam open, followed by quick footsteps, a moment later, the cubicle next to ours was occupied and I could hear the sounds of a belt being urgently unbuckled. I looked up at Martin, still perched on the toilet seat, his pants and trousers round his ankles, and the stiff column of his penis projecting towards me; he winked and put a finger to his lips.

It gradually dawned on me that the sounds from the adjacent cubicle were not recognisably those of a man having an urgent dump; a sudden groan, and then what was obviously a sucking noise made me realise that there was some trade going on. I caught Martins eye again, he grinned naughtily and leaned forward, forcing me to catch him round the waist. His cock bumped against my shirt as he pressed his hips into me, and I could smell the hot scent of his arousal as my hands savoured his warm boy flesh. He whispered in my ear; `Go on.'

With one hand softly exploring the luscious orbs of his butt, I took hold of his fully erect cock with the other; his dick hot and firm in my grasp as I slowly began to wank him. I timed my strokes to coincide with the rhythm of the muffled noises issuing from the next cubicle, and Martin leaned back against my hand, clearly enjoying the role reversal. It soon became obvious from the groans and gasps that things were heading for a climax next door, and I started taking longer, harder and faster strokes on the boys penis; by now his foreskin was fully retracted back over the redness of his cock head and a steady dribble of pre-cum was issuing from his glans.

It was just a matter of judgement, and as I guessed that our neighbours were about to finish, I speeded up my efforts; Martin leaned back, and jets of spunk erupted from his cock splattering the walls of the cubicle, just as we heard the last moments from the others. As the last splodges of come trickled from Martins cock, I heard the sound of a zip, a belt buckle and the rustle of paper, then the cubicle door opened; the man washed his hands and left.

I shook the last drops of come off the end of Martins cock, I wasn't quite ready to give him the `come brothers' treatment and carefully pulled his pants back up, tucking his red and sticky organ back into the undersized garment.

Thanks,' he whispered, I enjoyed that, do you want me to do you? It'd be a freebie.'

I snorted indignantly, `I should bloody well hope so.'

Martin lazily pulled his shirt back on, and leaned down to pull up his track suit, just at that moment there was a loud bang on the door and a hoarse whisper; `All right you two, this is the police, come out with your hands down and your cocks up. Oy, Martin, that you in there?'

Bill,' he said to me, in answer to my unspoken enquiry, yeah it's me.'

`What're you doing?'

`Just been doing a bit of paperwork,'

You going to let me in?' Instead of answering, Martin jumped down off the toilet seat, and we both came out of the cubicle. Oh, it's you,' Bill said, unenthusiastically, `what have you two been doing?'

We've been looking at some pictures together,' Martin said, here, you take a gander at these.'

He passed Bill the envelope, and the other boy took the pictures out and gazed at them; that was quick,' he said, then, So is this the geezer Paul was going on about when he told us there was someone who'd pay for nudie modelling?'

`Not as such,' Martin answered.

`So what's he doing here then?'

`I came here to discuss the possibility of you doing some more pictures,' I butted in.

`What, so you can have a free wank over us, just as Paul did after we'd left his place?' he said truculently.

Umm, I think you ought to calm down,' Martin said, and waved the tenner at him; look, we got given some money up front, or behind, if you prefer.'

Bill grabbed the note, that's more like it,' he said, when do we start?'

`Actually, that money was just for Martin,' I said.

What,' he looked enraged again, didn't I pass the audition?'

No,' I continued, no one is trying to put one over on you, I just meant that I had a tenner for each of you.'

Oh,' Bills anger vanished as quickly as it had come, that's ok then.'

I handed the remaining bank note to Martin, as Bill was showing no sign of relinquishing the other one.

Thanks,' he smiled, don't worry about him, he's just convinced the world is trying to do him down.'

Oy,' Bill protested, I am still here you know.'

So,' I said, how do you feel about doing another session?'

If he's in, I'm definitely in,' Bill said, although won't your bloke be bored with another set of wanking pictures.'

`There's always a market for wanking pics,' I said, 'but there'd need to be a couple of differences this time.'

`Go on.'

`First off, there'd be a bit of a story.'

`They want to do it in the school library, while it's still set up for the medicals,' Martin butted in.

`and secondly, there'd be more than just the two of you,' I carried on.

`What, so who else would there be?' Bill demanded.

`There'd be me, Paul and another boy; Paul would be playing the medic, I'd be taking the pictures and the other boy would, like you two, be one of the ones waiting to have the medical.'

`Is he that blonde third year that we saw you with at the weekend?' Martin asked.

`Yeah, why?' I answered.

`No reason, was that what you were doing then, recruiting him too?'

`No, he's been modelling for ages, so has Paul, but then you've already seen some of Pauls pictures.'

Oh yeah,' Bill blushed, we spunked all over one.'

So you did,' I grinned, so, are you in?'

Yeah, I guess so,' Bill said, looking at his friend, how much?'

That depends,' I said, if we manage to do a really good set, then it could be as much as twenty each, otherwise it'll just be a tenner again.'

`What d'you mean by a really good set?' Martin asked.

Hard to define,' I answered, but I guess what I mean is that everyone looks as though they're enjoying themselves, and it doesn't look too posed. That, and everyone has loads of spunk too.'

`That doesn't sound too difficult, Bill here is a one man spunk machine,' said Martin.

Well that's very good, we'll look forward to seeing him in action,' I said, all we need to do now is agree a time to do it, and then we're away.

`What are we going to wear?' Bill asked.

`Just normal school uniform for you two, you'll be aiming to look younger than your age, so if you have something like baggy old white school y-fronts and a vest, then that'd be good. Paul's the tallest of all of us, so that's why he gets to play the doctor. To be honest, the pants you were wearing for the pics you've done already were pretty good, just so long as everyone isn't wearing the same. If you could bring something to change into with you just in case, then I'm sure we'll be fine. Things sometimes get a little messy anyway, so it's not a bad idea to have something else to put on afterwards.'

Ok,' said Martin, when will we do it, and how will you let us know?'

`It'll have to be this week, the library's still set up as they're scheduled to continue the medicals next week, I'll catch you in school and let you have a days warning. In the meantime, no more wanking, save all your sperms for the pictures.'

Slave driver,' Martin grinned, are we to be allowed no small pleasures at all?'

`Think of the money,' Bill said.

True,' his friend agreed, maybe I will be able to keep my hands off it for a couple of days. It's quite a turn-on though, thinking about what we might do.'

Well, try not to think too hard then,' I spoke firmly, and if you must have a wank, try not to come. Anyway, I must get home, I've homework to do, and stuff to plan.' Not to mention my lover, I thought, although I didn't say anything out loud.

Alright then, we'll be seeing you in school,' Martin said, and thanks for thinking of us, it sure beats giving blowjobs in this filthy toilet.'

Yeah, I second that,' Bill said, sorry if I gave you a hard time, I'm just not used to people doing me a favour.'

Well, just you be sure and be hard when the time comes,' I smiled, and all grumpiness will be forgiven. Oh and Bill, I need to measure you for your pants, but not now I'm afraid. See you later.'

`See you,' they chorused, and with that they headed off towards the chippy. I headed home, where I found my lover was already waiting for me, we locked ourselves in the bedroom and I told him the whole story while he was looking at the pictures.

That's so cool,' Ewan said, so they're up for it.'

`Yeah, once I'd managed to persuade them that I wasn't trying to stitch them up, they were really keen.'

`I suppose I'd better make sure I don't come before then either,' he said, looking glum.

`Maybe, it's not fair to ask them to do something we're not prepared to do ourselves. I'll abstain too, as long as we can still have a snog of course.'

You don't have to,' the boy said, but it would be nice to think that we're all suffering together.'

`I have to persuade Paul, but even he might see the point, and realistically, it might only have to be for a couple of days.'

`Oh, so you do have an idea when we might do it.'

`Yeah, I was thinking about it, the only bits of the school that can overlook the library aren't used on Wednesday afternoons, I know that's the day you're supposed to be off doing sport down at the playing fields, and the others will need to bunk off woodwork or whatever they have that afternoon. I'll work out a way to get you off games, and then away we go, play time for boys. You'll need to pop home and pick up some old school undies as well.'

Ok, that sounds like a plan,' he smiled, by the way, these pics are really good, Paul is getting better, shame I'm getting a hard on, and nothing to do with it.'

Oh, you tempter,' I moaned, it's going to be difficult, but it'll be worth it.'

`Graham seems to have taken a bit of a shine to the new boys,' Ewan said, diplomatically changing the subject.

`Yeah, I know, he looked really startled when he first saw the pics, especially when he realised that he knew Martin, he was terrified that I might bring him to the shop. Once I'd calmed him down he was mad keen to see more of him.'

`Ah, I guess he must be one of their customers,' said Ewan.

That's what I assumed,' I agreed, but then he said he'd pay for Martin to do a solo set, and if he thought it was a good one, he'd pay double. I suspect that among his clientèle he isn't the only one who might recognise Martin, or Bill for that matter.'

`Doesn't matter though, they never have to meet.'

`Probably better kept that way, I think Graham needs to be quite secretive, the last thing he needs is two loose mouthed boys blabbing about his little porn empire.'

So,' Ewan asked, do you think you're going to do a solo set for Martin?'

He does seem to be very interested, a bit less enthusiasm for Bill I noticed,' I admitted, I suppose so, although I really don't know what to do with him.'

`I know, Martin plays on the cricket team doesn't he?'

`I believe so, why?'

`Well the one area where we haven't really ventured, is sport, basically because none of us are very interested in it. So, why don't you get Martin to do something sporty, you could use the gym at that blokes flat, and that would get us out of having to pretend we know what to do in a gym.'

I laughed; `you are a genius, I could kiss you.'

`Steady,' he grinned, leaning over to give me the kiss anyway.

The next day crawled past; once it became clear that Wednesday was going to be the day I'd persuaded my mum to write a note to get Ewan off games. She had only given in once I had explained to her that we wanted to finish off his canal project, and that was the only afternoon we could get access to the darkroom. It was always necessary to drop these little bombshells as late as possible onto the PE staff, as they had it in their heads that no-one should ever miss a sports session, and were quite capable of pushing him onto the bus anyway.

I had left Paul and the other two boys to make their own arrangements to get free; they were all professional at skiving and I knew that it would present them with no real difficulties. We'd agreed that I'd go first and occupy the library, and everyone would just make their own way there after lunch.

So, come the day, I'd opened up the library, and after loading my camera and getting the rest of the films ready, I put my camera bag into a quiet corner, and waited. The room was still set out as I had last seen it; in a bay out of sight of the door there was a chair faced with a set of scales, a device for measuring height, and a substantial table on which was laid out various bits of medical paraphernalia; disposable gloves, tissues, thermometer and so on. Between this and the waiting area was a set of scruffy and inadequate grey screens. Those awaiting their examination were supplied with a set of gym benches to sit on; once they were undressed they could hang their clothes on one of several ugly wooden coat racks that were dotted about the place. The medical nurse had kindly left her white lab coat draped over the back of the chair, and I snaffled it, ready for Paul.

I was dressed in a pair of black cords, and a white shirt, just in case I happened to creep into shot, as for my undies, I had opted to wear a yellow g-string, I wasn't meant to be an active participant in the session, but I didn't think of any reason why I shouldn't feel sexy while I was taking the pictures.

For once Paul was the first to arrive, banging on the door to be let in, his deplorable school bag draped over his shoulder, Hi,' he said, has no-one else got here yet?'

No, not yet,' I replied, but that's good, it gives us time to get you sorted out before the others get here.'

`How d'you mean?'

`Well, you're meant to look a bit more like a grown up than the others.'

That's ok,' he said, I brought some jeans and a tie, I figured they'd look alright with a lab coat.'

`Yeah, after all, by the time you've got into the pics, no one will be caring how old you are. Better get your jeans on then, I've got the coat here.'

Paul went over to the benches and unceremoniously stripped down to his shirt and pants, hanging his blazer on a coat hook.

'Uh-oh,' I said, giving him a meaningful look.


'You know when I said people were supposed to wear baggy old school y-fronts?'


'I meant all the others, you're being the grown up, you're supposed to be different.'

'It's ok, I've got it covered,' Paul said, pulling off the grungy white nylon briefs that had so offended my eyes. He rummaged in his school bag and pulled out a carrier bag; 'I brought a couple of choices, I've got a g-string here, or some pants, which d'you think?'

'Show me,' I asked. Paul handed me the bag, the string was one of the French ones, a soft red colour, and the pants were made by our sponsors; a mini brief, pale gold and seamless with a slim black waistband, cut very high on the hips. 'I think it had better be these,' I said, waving the pants at him, 'after all, they're the ones who'll be picking up the tab.'

'Yeah, I guess you're right,' Paul answered, 'I hadn't thought of that, I was just trying to pick something out that seemed to be grown-up.'

'Either pair would look good for that,' I agreed, 'anyway, how's your pubes? Did you manage to have a shave?'

'See for yourself,' Paul said cheekily, lifting up his shirt and waggling his hips. His flaccid cock swung from side to side, and there was no visible evidence of any stubble.

'Good,' I said, 'though I'd better check you out just to be on the safe side.' I beckoned Paul over to me, and knelt down in front of him on the polished wooden floor. Softly I ran my hand across his belly, down over his cock and around his balls; his skin was smooth and warm beneath my fingers. I continued my exploration between his legs, his crack too was stubble free, and he wriggled with obvious pleasure as I stroked his pucker. 'That all seems to be in order,' I said, watching as his cock erected under my gentle touch.

'Um,' Paul mumbled.

'What,' I asked, continuing to stimulate his cock.

'I'm a bit dry.'


`I thought you might like to help out, that's all.'

Oh, right,' I answered, spose I could, although there's a big tub of Vaseline on the table over there.' Without saying any more, I took the firm tip of his cock between my lips, I delicately explored the end with my tongue, licking the glans until I could taste the first drops of pre-cum. Paul moaned gently as I pulled the foreskin back and sucked his hot hard length deep into my mouth. With my other hand I stroked his cheeks, running my fingers down along his crack and between his legs before I started to investigate his anus.

'Mmm, that's nice,' he murmured, almost purring like a cat, 'I haven't had a wank for two whole days, and I've missed it.'

'Good point,' I answered, letting his hot organ slip from my mouth, 'you'd better not come just yet.'

'Oh,' he moaned, 'and I was just beginning to enjoy myself.'

'Yeah, I know, and so was I,' I agreed, 'come on, we'd better get ready.'

'Ok,' he pouted. Paul pulled his gold mini briefs on, the rigid column of his manhood straining at the skimpy fabric, and instantly showing a darker patch of pre-cum.

'Just lean back against the table for a moment,' I said, reaching for my camera.

Paul obliged, and I grabbed the shot, 'D'you want anything else?' he asked, a fingertip idly stroking his cock head.

'The others'll be here in a minute, we don't really have time I'm afraid.'

'Ok,' Paul shrugged, and turning away from me, he stepped into his jeans. I hadn't seen this pair before, they were quite faded and worn, but most significantly, they were very tight. The rigid outline of his hard cock was still very obvious, as was the bulge of his balls.

'Blimey,' I said, 'where did those come from?'

'They used to be mine, but my mum took them off me and gave them to my little brother, she said they were too tight on me and looked obscene.'

'She wasn't wrong, but they're great for this. Here, try the lab coat on.'

Paul put on the coat, if you ignored his youthful face he looked quite the part. He put his hand in the pockets and spun around theatrically, then tails of the white coat flapping. 'Aha,' he said triumphantly, producing a stethoscope, 'just what the doctor ordered.'

'Great,' I said, 'now you look ready for anything.' Any further conversation was interrupted by a quiet knock at the door, I opened up and let the small, neat figure of Ewan in, another knock a moment or two later and he was followed by Bill and Martin. 'Good,' I said, 'we're all here.' I turned the key in the lock and left it there, not wanting us to have any unexpected visitors. 'Right,' I continued, 'are all we clear about what we're doing?'

'I think so,' Martin answered, 'Bill and I are waiting in turn for our medical, we get a bit interested in what's happening to the boy ahead of us, this turns us on and we take it from there.'

'Sounds about right,' I agreed, 'Paul here doesn't get to play straight away, and anyway part way through he'll leave, as though he's been called to the phone or something. He's supposed to be the grown-up, so I'll be doing my best to keep him out of shot at first. Shall we do it?' The boys all nodded and I grabbed my camera.

I grabbed a few establishing shots as the three boys came into the room; dressed in his white coat Paul ticked them off on his clipboard, indicating where they should get changed. They chucked down their bags and began to undress from their uniforms, hanging up their clothes on the coat racks. They all seemed to have managed to follow their instructions, and gradually revealed their vests and pants; Ewan was wearing a pair of baggy white y-fronts, possibly the same ones I had modelled for him a few weeks earlier and a plain white vest, Bill had found an ancient string vest, with some matching string pants, his modesty preserved only by a small panel of white cotton. Martin was sporting the inevitable pair of skimpy white slips, and a white aertex vest that was probably two or three sizes too small, revealing the contours of his muscled torso. All in all you would swear they were a couple of years younger than their age, until you'd clocked the size of the bulge in their pants, that is.

The three boys all sat down on one of the benches together, legs casually spread, as if they were waiting in turn. Kneeling down I was careful to record the occasional glimpses of their boyish charms before I suggested to Ewan that this was a good time to move on to the next stage.

As on previous occasions, I was struck by Ewans' intuitive understanding, we didn't really need to speak, and the whole photo session began in an atmosphere of quiet efficiency. I moved around behind the chair that Paul was seated in, as Ewan entered the examination area. Paul indicated that the boy should stand in front of him, and Ewan stood obediently, legs slightly parted and his arms relaxed by his sides. I recorded his examination from every angle, careful not to include too much of Paul in each shot.

The first tasks Paul undertook were to measure his height, and after that to weigh him, Ewan stepping obediently from one piece of apparatus to another, Paul making notes in his chicken scratch writing on the clipboard. Next he donned the stethoscope and turning the younger boy around, he shoved his hand up the back of his vest as if he was listening to his breathing. In the background I could see Bill and Martin getting up off the bench and moving to get a better view as Paul gently turned Ewan to face him and pulled his vest up and over his outstretched arms, tossing it carelessly off to one side. Paul then pressed the stethoscope to Ewans chest, listening to his heartbeat.

By this time Martin and Bill had crept close up to the screens, and were quite blatantly peering round and through them, Martin had climbed onto the library steps and was looking over the top, and Bill was crouching down, peeking through a gap in the material. I grabbed some shots to show their interest; Martins cute arse thrust towards the camera, his legs parted just enough to reveal the soft curve of his package, Bill sprawled at his feet, his string underwear revealing the line of his back right down to his butt, the modesty panel beginning to be put under strain as he started to stiffen up.

While I had been doing this, Paul had pulled on a pair of latex gloves, 'Now,' he said to Ewan, obviously taking his role seriously, 'I just have to make sure that all is well with your water works.'

'You what?' Ewan replied.

'I don't know,' Paul answered defensively, 'it's just what they say.'

'Oh, right, carry on then, you obviously know what you're doing,' my lover said, raising an eyebrow.

Using both hands on Ewans hips, Paul moved the boy closer, before he pulled the waistband of his pants away from his body and inspected his boy bits. Next he slipped his hand into Ewans pants, cupped his balls, and instructed him to cough.

'Right,' Paul said, removing his hand, 'bend over the desk, legs apart.'

As I moved in to grab the picture of my lovely boy, legs spread, and signs of his incipient erection beginning to disturb the baggy white pants, Paul slowly pulled his pants down, revealing his beautiful bottom to the camera, and to the other boys. I could sense the heightening erotic tension, as Paul opened up the tub of Vaseline and carefully used his fingers to scoop up a generous dollop of lubricant, spreading it over the fingers of both hands.

Paul was very visibly getting turned on; a hard ridge of his manhood showing in his tight jeans, and as I moved back for a wide shot, I could see that the other two boys were beginning to be similarly afflicted; Martin was leaning back on the ladder, his skimpy white slips bulging with the developing pressure of his hard-on, Bill kneeling on the floor, his sturdy erection thrusting the loose fabric of his string pants away from his body.

Slowly and deliberately, Paul smeared Vaseline all around Ewans pucker, before slipping a greasy finger into his hole, sinking it in as deep as he could; 'Ok, stand up,' he commanded.

Ewan obeyed, his pants slipping down to the floor, as Paul turned him side on to the camera, taking hold of his cock with his free hand as he stimulated my lovers prostate with his deeply inserted finger. 'Mmm, give me more,' Ewan purred, his penis springing fully into hardness. Paul obligingly started to wank him with his greasy hand, and the other two boys pressed in closer for a better view, Martin pressing the bulge in his pants against Bills shoulder as they jostled for position.

Paul slipped a couple more fingers into Ewan and slowly ran his fist up and down the length of his cock while he continued to probe the boys' arse.

'Well, I think that's all working properly,' Paul grinned, 'I just need to check your temperature, then we're all done.' He slipped his fingers out of Ewans arse, and discarding the gloves, he picked up the thermometer; 'If you'd just bend over the desk once more.' Ewan bent over again, and Paul carefully inserted the instrument into his back passage. 'Now just hold still for a couple of minutes while I go and wash my hands, then we'll all be done.' With that, he stood up, and left the frame, leaving Ewan looking rather lost; naked, bent over the table with his pants round his ankles, and the thermometer sticking out of his bottom.

'Ok, it's over to you two now,' I instructed, 'just take it slow and easy, there's nothing to be gained by rushing.'

As soon as Paul was out of shot, the other two boys moved round from behind the screen, and posed for a moment, looking down at Ewan. Martin had moved close up against Bill, thrusting his erection hard against the string pants of his friend. As they looked on, Martin moved his hand up under Bills vest, stroking his nipples, Bill responded by reaching behind him and squeezing his bulging package; straining in the cotton slips. After a moment of mutual exploration, they pulled away from each other, Martin hauling his vest off over his head, his action mirrored seconds later by Bill.

The two boys stepped closer to Ewan, dressed only in their pants by now, they gazed at his nude and supine body, Martin casually clasping his erection through the cotton of his pants, Bill was more blatant, thrusting a hand down the front of his string briefs. After I'd taken a few shots, they moved things on a bit; Bill pulled his pants to one side, releasing his cock into his practised hand, Martin just allowed his stiffy to flop out over the waistband, and they stood wanking over the naked boy.

Moving in even closer, Martin kneeled down beside the table, and Bill mirroring him on the other side of Ewan. Martin put out a hand, and slowly stroked it up the inside of Ewans leg all the way from his ankle to his bottom. 'At last,' Ewan spoke out, before he shivered deliciously, and splayed his legs even further. Martin took advantage of this and slipped his hand up between his thighs to stroke his balls and then on up to explore the hard shaft of his cock. Bill, as ever, lagged behind, mimicking his friends actions, and eventually their fingers met around Ewans cock.

'Does that feel good?' Martin asked quietly.

'Yeah,' Ewan whispered, 'don't feel that you have to rush things though.'

'Suits me,' the other boy replied, and slowly began to move his hand up and down my lovers cock.

'I think we should lose the thermometer,' I said, anxious that my boy shouldn't be harmed by an accidental breakage.

'Ok,' Paul answered from somewhere behind me, 'I'll pop back in then.'

Paul moved back into shot, as though he had returned from his mission, the two boys pulled away from Ewan as if startled, tucking their dripping erections back into their pants. Ignoring them for the moment, Paul moved over to Ewan and pulled the thermometer out of his anus, checking the reading and noting it on his clipboard.

'You'll be pleased to hear that your temperature is completely normal,' Paul grinned, absently patting Ewans naked bum.

'Oh, good,' Ewan replied, slowly standing up, and turning to face him, his stiff cock jutting proudly in front of him.

Paul sat back down in the chair again, his legs apart, and the lab coat open, revealing his crotch, his erect penis very obvious through the faded blue denim of his tight jeans. He stretched out a hand, and gently grasped the tip of Ewans cock, already red and slippery with pre cum. The other two boys moved closer in, and Ewan, sensing their presence, reached behind and began to explore their bulging packages.

'That feels good,' Bill spoke up, eagerly pushing his crotch against Ewans palm.

Ewan turned round, and wiggling his bottom, sat down on Pauls lap, the thick tube of Pauls erection pressing comfortably against his greasy crack. Yet again, Ewan reached out his hands and pressed his fingers against the bulges of the two boys. Paul, in the meantime, reached around and took hold of Ewans stiff rod and began slowly masturbating him again.

I was finding the whole scenario very erotic, and absently rubbed at my own erection as I moved into a better position. I noticed that Ewan was watching, and he grinned up at me as he clocked my momentary confusion.

Meanwhile, the two boys kneeled down in front of Paul and Ewan, their knees splayed and their bottoms towards the camera, and leaning in together they both took hold of Ewans cock; Martin opened his mouth and slowly extending his tongue began to lick the red tip of his glans. Ewan arched his back, grinding his bottom against Pauls hard-on, and thrusting his erection towards the other boys, his blonde curls mingling with Pauls darker hair as he leaned his head on his shoulder. Bill softly stroked Ewans' balls, watching intently as his friend began enthusiastically to suck off the younger boy.

Paul groaned out loud; 'Hey, I'm feeling a bit left out here.'

'Poor you,' Ewan giggled, wriggling his bum, 'you don't feel left out to me.'

'Yeah,' Bill agreed, 'you'll get your turn.' Martin just grunted, his cheeks bulging as he expertly tumbled Ewans manhood in his mouth.

I photographed the four boys from every angle, getting in close enough to feel the heat of their warm bodies as I took my close ups. 'Ok,' I said, 'maybe it is time to do some more.'

Ewan slowly stood up, his cock slipping from Martins lips, the other two boys sat back on their heels, watching, as he turned and looked down at Paul. 'You look hot,' he said.

'Thanks,' Paul replied.

'No, I mean you are all pink and sweaty, I think you may be over dressed.' Ewan kneeled down by Paul, and slowly ran his hand along his thigh, exploring the shaft of his cock with his finger tips. 'Hmm, it's about time this saw the light,' he smiled. Martin and Bill got up, and stood on the other side of Paul, watching as Ewan carefully tugged the zip of his fly down. They slowly began stroking each others bulging packages, the white cotton fabric of their pants damp and stained with their leaking juices. Undoing the tight waist button, Ewan slowly slipped his hand into Pauls jeans, the back of his hand outlined as it made its gentle odyssey along the length of Pauls erection.

'Mmm, that feels good' Paul murmured, as my lover explored his stiffy.

The other two boys bent down and untied Paul's shoelaces, before slipping his shoes and then his grey socks off. They looked over to me, and I nodded, as they each grasped a trouser leg before beginning to pull. Paul slipped back in the chair and lifted his bum up, allowing them to debag* him with ease. Ewan meantime, hadn't moved, and as Pauls jeans slipped off, and his pants came into view, was still holding fast to his erection. The fine gold fabric was distended and stained by the curving fat length of Pauls cock, Bill and Martin, who thus far had only seen his body in pictures, leaned in to get a better view, hands rammed down the front of each others pants, clutching at their hard-ons.

'Wow, those pants are nice,' Martin said, 'd'you think we could get some like that?'

*for the benefit of trans-Atlantic readers, debagging was a traditional British schoolboy custom, whereby the victim was pushed to the ground and pulled along by his trouser legs until his trousers were pulled off. It wasn't necessarily sexual, even though sometimes it certainly was a prelude to further experimentation.

'I'm sure you can,' I answered, 'cool pants are never an issue when there's a photo session planned.'

'Can I have a feel of them?' he continued, looking directly at Paul.

It was an indication of how far Paul had moved on from the instinctive reactions of his early days that his only action was to give a nod of agreement. Martin moved closer, his legs pressing against Pauls naked thigh, Ewan relinquished his grasp and watched as Pauls classmate stretched his hand out, tentatively stroking the silky material and then embracing the hot rod underneath it. Paul pushed his hardness against the touch of the other boys hand, and at the same time, lifted a hand to explore the crotch of his friends' underwear.

Ewan and Bill, meanwhile, moved up behind Paul, and started helping him out of his clothes; Bill slowly removing the lab coat, Ewan undoing his tie, and then unbuttoning his shirt. Paul and Martin were lost in their mutual explorations, I could imagine that any future investigations of Pauls girlie mag collection were likely to be a lot less inhibited than on previous occasions.

I photographed the group of boys; Paul laid out flat in the chair, flanked by the naked Ewan on one side, and the sturdy figure of Bill, his string pants thrust out by his erection on the other. Paul all but naked, but for the meagre cover provided by the golden mini-briefs, his skimpy pants distorted by the barely confined shape of a very hard cock; Martin pressing close to him, his fingers eagerly exploring its outline. Paul with one hand clasping the other boys cock through the white cotton completed the picture. I moved around the group, grabbing pictures from as many places as I could; the boys were pretty much oblivious to the camera by now, and posing had become an inclusive part of their sex play.

'Ok,' I said, interrupting their reverie, 'time we moved on.'

Paul languidly sat up, pulling Martins cock out of his pants, Martin backed away, towing the other boy towards the library table. When he felt the table edge against his bottom, Martin jumped up onto the tabletop and laid back, legs splayed and his dick flopping over the waistband of his slips. Paul stood alongside, back to the camera, and sliding his hands along the inside of Martins thighs, he stroked his balls before moving on to take a hold of Martins slender cock. In the meantime, Ewan and Bill followed the lead they had been given, Bill laying back on the table, alongside the body of his school friend, Ewan bending over to give some closer attention to his erection, and at the same time managing to give Pauls golden clad bum a friendly squeeze.

'I think this might be a good time to get you out of these,' Ewan murmured, running his finger tips over the scanty modesty panel of Bills baggy string pants, 'after all, I do seem to be the only naked person here.'

Bill obligingly shifted his weight onto one hip, and Ewan hooked a forefinger into the fly hole, gave a sharp tug and the ageing material ripped. Ewan pulled the tattered fabric away; revealing the fat cylinder of Bills circumcised cock, surrounded with a corona of thick black pubic hair. He leaned forward, delicately engulfing the other boys cock into his mouth, Bill closing his eyes in pleasurable anticipation.

Paul had continued masturbating Martin as he witnessed the destruction of Bills underwear; taking his cue from the other boys he held the waistband of Martins pants and abruptly pulled them down, leaving the boy naked on the table, his slender penis projecting stiff and proud into the air.

Paul bent over the table, legs apart, in a position reminiscent of the one he had made Ewan adopt earlier; I photographed him examining Martins cock minutely, his fist grasping the hot length as he slowly wanked his school friend. Through his legs I was able to picture his cock and balls; hot, heavy and for the moment neglected in the skimpy gold pants, alongside the slim naked figure of my lover bent over the stocky body of his other classmate.

As if he had read my mind, Ewan expertly ejected Bills cock from his mouth and stood up, he held a hand out to Bill and helped him off the table; his manhood projecting from the shredded ruins of his string pants. Without speaking, Ewan turned the other boy away from the camera, and kneeling in front of him, he slowly pulled the remains of his underwear down, revealing Bills soft and pale cheeks to the camera. For the moment I was intrigued to see that skin of his butt retained a faint criss-cross impression from where he had been laying on the coarse mesh fabric.

Still without speaking, the two naked boys stood on either side of Paul and placing a hand each under his armpits, pulled him gently upright. Martin scrambled down off the table, and stood alongside as Ewan and Bill turned Paul round and pushed him back against the table. With a sigh, Paul laid back on the oak surface, shuffling along until he was stretched out full length, like a patient etherised upon a table. To my surprise, Ewan hopped up on the table too, and straddled Pauls recumbent body, his long and slender cock thrusting against Pauls fat curved organ in its fabric prison. The other boys moved in closer, and began stroking my lovers cheeks, Ewan splayed his legs wider, revealing the pink pucker of his anus, surrounded with a soft coronet of blonde hairs.

As Bill continued to stroke the soft skin of Ewans butt, Martin reached for the Vaseline and scooping up a good-sized dollop, slapped it into the crack of my lover. Ewans response was to wriggle with pleasure as Martins fingers continued their slippery journey along his crack and between his legs, covering Ewans cock and balls with a fresh coat of lubrication.

'You look ready to fuck,' I commented, admiring my lovers gleaming penis.

'To fuck or be fucked?' Ewan asked quizzically, sitting upright, his greasy crack pressing firmly against Pauls hard on.

'Either, or possibly both,' I said, grinning at him, 'whichever you fancy.'

'I think it's time that Paul lost his pants, that's what I fancy.' He lifted his bottom up, revealing that the golden pants were now tarnished and greasy from the application of Vaseline. Bill and Martin had jumped up onto the table behind Paul and watched intently as Ewan slowly pulled Pauls pants down, I heard a small gasp as it became clear that Paul was shaved.

'Blimey,' said Martin, 'what made you decide to shave your pubes off?'

'Umm, cos I thought it might help me get a shag, and it made my dick look bigger,' Paul stammered, 'I noticed all the guys in the porno mags are shaved.'

'How does it feel?' Martin asked.

'Really sexy, but itchy as fuck once it starts to grow back in again. I'm thinking of letting it grow back in.'

'Not been getting any shags then?' Martin grinned.

'Oh I wouldn't say that,' Paul lied, 'it's just a pain to have to keep on doing it.'

'Can I feel?' Martin asked. Rather than speak, Paul nodded and spread his legs wide; his classmate put out his hand, running his fingertips over Pauls denuded pubis, before slipping it under his cock and down to feel the weight of his hairless balls. Martin then returned to run his hand the length of Pauls hot erection, pulling back his foreskin to reveal the red tip of his glans. 'Hmm, you're looking a bit dry, I'd say.'

'D'you want some help?' Ewan chipped in.

'Yeah, why not.'

Ewan reached over and scooped up some Vaseline, carefully, and with Martins assistance, spreading it all over Pauls hot dick. Then, he turned his back on Paul and bent forwards, sticking his bottom in the air; offering up his hole to the older boy. 'it's about time you stopped talking about it, and actually lost your virginity,' he muttered, but quietly, so that I think I was the only person who heard him.

I saw a look of confusion and indecision flicker across Pauls face, replaced a moment later by an expression of pure lust. He propped himself up on his elbows, contemplating the vision in front of him, before stretching out a hand and stroking the sweet bottom that had been offered to him. He delicately fingered Ewans crack, before tickling the hairs around his hole, Ewan wiggled his bum with pleasure, and at that moment I saw Paul make up his mind.

He sat up, rocking forward onto his knees, his hot member thrusting out; he shuffled forwards and pressed the tip of his cock against Ewans crack. He pushed, and the tip just penetrated Ewans hole, before slipping out again. Martin leaned over, his naked shoulder brushing against Pauls; 'allow me,' he said, slathering some more Vaseline onto Ewans crack. He and Bill leaned forward and held Ewans cheeks apart, and Paul offered his cock up to his hole once more. This time he was in, and Ewan grunted with pleasure as Pauls curving length slipped into his back passage. The expression on Pauls face was blissful, to my certain knowledge this was his first fuck, and even though it might not have been quite what he had planned, he was certainly enjoying it. Judging by the moans of pleasure Ewan was enjoying himself too, Paul was bigger than me, and his cock was fatter as well, but I think our regular lovemaking had prepared the younger boy for the experience.

In the background, Bill had offered himself up to Martin, and the blonde haired boy was enthusiastically ramming his hard length into his soft bottom, his low-slung balls slapping against Bills thighs as he entered him.

'Try not to come inside him,' I urged them, 'it's good to have a come shot.'

'Ok,' Martin answered, his face red and sweat gleaming on his back.

'Mmm,' Paul grunted, I knew from experience that he was near to coming, his ears were brick red and he too was sweating. He continued thrusting in and out of Ewans, until finally he pulled out, his cock red and glistening; 'Oh,' was all he could say as he started pumping spunk all over Ewans hole, up his back and even into his hair. Paul sat back, his stomach sweaty and heaving, and the last few dribbles of spunk hanging from the end of his cock, 'Wow, that was intense,' he said breathlessly, then, 'I hope you don't think that makes me a poof, cos I'm not.'

'No, of course you're not,' Ewan and I chorused, Ewan somewhat muffled as he was still face down on the table, back liberally splattered with Pauls jizz.

'Umm, I think I may be coming too,' Martin announced politely. Paul and Ewan turned to watch and I focussed my camera on the other two boys as Martin pulled out of his friend, his red and slippery cock grasped in his experienced hand; moving up and down the shaft faster and faster before he shuddered and gasped, squirting jets of creamy spunk over the soft round cheeks of his friend.

I grabbed Bills shredded pants off the floor and handed them over to assist with mopping up. 'Wow, that looked great,' I said, 'can you just hold it there for a minute while I load a new roll of film?'

All four boys sat up, their legs dangling over the side of the library table, and watched me as I rewound the exposed film and loaded a fresh one into my camera.

'How many films have you shot?' Ewan asked.

'This'll be the fifth can,' I answered, 'I think I've got some good stuff.'

'That's good,' Martin said, 'I think we may have earned our money.'

'Yeah, I'd say so,' I agreed, 'though so far only you and Paul have come. I think we need to see Bill and Ewan spunking as a grand finale.'

'Talking of finishing things off,' Paul interrupted, 'there's four of us naked here, and you're walking around fully dressed, even though you've had a stiffy since we got started.'

'Yeah well, somebody has to take the pictures while you're having fun,' I protested.

'Poor you,' Paul said sarcastically, 'I think you should join us.' He looked around at the other boys, 'shall we?' Before I had a chance to react, the four boys leaped off the table and pinioned me to the ground. Ewan winked at me and grinned as his hands expertly unbuttoned my shirt, then my school tie was ripped off and used to blindfold me, at the same time I felt rougher hands pulling my shoes and socks off, and undoing my waist button. A moment later my zipper was pulled down and my cords were ripped off me. That wasn't to be the end of my ordeal, however, as the four boys half dragged, half carried me over to the library table, and heaved me up onto it, still holding me tight.

I felt a hand exploring my g-string and its bulging contents, followed by another, 'Mmm, more nice pants,' Martin said.

'Yeah,' Bill agreed, 'can we try some like these as well, d'you think?'

'If you're very good, we might be able to sort something out,' I answered him, 'although I haven't taken your measurements yet.'

'No problem, you can do it any time,' he answered. I sensed that Ewan was no longer among my tormentors, and a moment later my intuition was confirmed by the click of my camera shutter, as he recorded my torment for posterity. I have to admit that the feeling of helplessness was quite a turn on, especially as I still had complete trust in at least two of the boys. Even with four against one, I could probably have fought them off if I'd really wanted to, and they knew it. So I decided to let them have their wicked way with me, it seemed only fair.

While I was working this out for myself, Bill and Martin had continued their exploration of my pants, taking it in turns to stroke my rigid cock through the silky fabric of my g-string. I was quite happy with this situation, both boys were surprisingly gentle and expert, not that surprising I suppose, given how they earned their pocket money.

'Right,' I heard Paul say, 'turn him over.' My little moment of harmony came to an abrupt end, as I was brusquely flipped onto my front, my legs were wrenched apart, and my arse lifted up into the air. I felt a hand pulling my string to one side, and a cool dollop of Vaseline was roughly smeared onto my anus. Almost straight away I sensed the warmth of another body climbing up onto the table behind me, my cheeks were held apart, and without ceremony I felt someone's hard cock enter into me. Whoever it was, was firm but slow, taking his time to penetrate me with his full length, and I was loving the sensation. Next my shoulders were gently lifted up forcing me to crouch on my elbows like a dog.

I caught the scent of a turned on boy, and my lips were presented with a stiff member, there was nothing for me to do but open my mouth and suck it in, I could tell from its unfamiliar taste and smell that it wasn't Ewan or Paul, but, if you have ever tried to guess the size and shape of anything, just using your mouth, you'd know that it was difficult to work out whose it was. A little exploration with my tongue and I realised that it was circumcised, so, I must be sucking Bill. I idly wondered what the other two boys were up to, although my speculation was soon answered by the click of the camera, and, after a brief moment by a hand exploring my g-string once again. A moment later and the pouch was pulled to one side, and a warm hand gripped my cock and began to wank me off. I didn't recognise his grip, which by a process of elimination, meant that it was probably Martin, and, unless Paul had recovered really quickly, it must be Ewan who was fucking me.

I stopped thinking then and just relaxed into the sensations of the moment, Ewan sliding steadily and easily in and out of me, Bills cock filling my mouth and Martin confidently masturbating me.

'Maybe we should move things along a bit,' Paul said, from somewhere behind me.

'Alright,' I heard my lover say, and at once all my persecutors withdrew from me. Once again I was flipped over onto my back, and for a moment I laid still my arms by my sides, wondering what was going to happen next. I didn't have to wait too long, as someone climbed onto the table between my legs; his thighs pressing against mine, stabbing me with his stiffy. He was followed swiftly and silently by a boy on either side of me, their warm bodies holding me in place, not that I had any intention of going anywhere. I lifted my hands and ran them up the thighs of each boy, softly exploring their bodies, judging by the soft fuzziness around their balls I guessed these had to be Bill and Martin. Their cocks were ramrod hard, and I encircled them with a hand each and slowly started to wank them. As I was doing this, Ewan took hold of my erection in his slippery hand and clasping it alongside his began to masturbate us together.

I could hear Paul clicking away, I didn't think I was going to last very much longer before I came, I'd been feeling pretty horny all the way through the session, and this was just getting better and better. `Umm, I don't think I'll be long,' I murmured.

Good,' Ewan whispered, nor will I, shall we come together?'

`Yeah,' I answered.

His response was to double the speed of his strokes, and soon I felt the onset of that familiar feeling as I slipped beyond the point of no return and headed for orgasm. As I started to come, I lost all sense of place and time, all I was conscious of was the sensation of spunk spraying up my chest. I had continued to hold onto the other boys and as I jerked and twitched with the force of my own orgasm, I could feel their bodies arching as they too tipped over the edge and came too, their come squirting over my arms.

Finally, I slumped back, exhausted, and after a moment, gentle hands removed my blindfold. I looked up, blinking in the bright fluorescent lighting, to see my lover, still kneeling naked between my legs, a soggy strip of material in his hands and a wry grin on his face; `I think you're going to need to wash this,' he said.

`What is it?' I asked.

`It was your tie,' he waved exhibit A at me, I'd obviously copped quite a faceful, as a small rivulet of jizz fell off the tie, and joined the puddle that had accumulated on my sweaty stomach.

Wow,' I said, that was quite a ride, I hope you got it all, Paul?'

I think so,' he answered, and Martin came twice too.'

I couldn't help noticing that Paul was the only one of us who was still hard, his curving member standing firm; `were you feeling left out?' I asked.

'No,' he grinned, `but after watching you lot at it I was thinking I might be up for another go too.'

Come on then,' I smiled, I suppose I might as well collect the set.' I climbed down off the table, conscious of the four boys' combined spunk trickling down over my chest and legs. I knelt down in front of Paul, took hold of his cock and started to wank him slowly. His cock was still hot and hard, the foreskin slipping easily over his glans as he produced a spray of pre-cum. Ewan had picked up the camera to record what had to be the conclusion of our schoolboy orgy, and squatted down for a closer shot. Delicately, I extended my tongue, and licked the drop of salty pre-cum off the tip of my friends' cock.

`Why don't you kiss his dick?' I heard Martin ask.

I slowly pursed my lips and kissed the head of Pauls cock, opening my eyes and gazing into the lens of the camera. Once I was certain that Ewan had taken the picture, I leaned forwards and sucked his hot shaft into my mouth, closing my eyes and concentrating on giving him maximum stimulation. While I was blowing Paul, I felt the heat radiating from their naked bodies as they moved in close by him, and began softly running their fingers over his skin, stroking his butt and reaching between his legs to fondle his hairless balls. I also noticed that my cock was rising to the occasion, as I knelt in front of my friend.

I could feel Pauls cock swelling in my mouth, and knew it wouldn't take him long now; much as I loved the feeling of hot spunk hitting the back of my throat I was still aware that we were playing to an audience, so, reluctantly, I let his erection slip from my mouth and took hold of it one more time. As I started the swift rhythm of strokes that I knew would make him come, my hand was joined after a moment by those of Martin and Bill, lucky they had small hands! The new sensation was enough to tip Paul over the edge; he groaned and spunk spilled from his cock, the thin white ribbon of his seed hanging in the air with an almost mystical slowness; an image frozen in time.

Almost as though it had been waiting for this moment, the school bell rang, announcing the end of school for the day, Blimey,' Ewan said, have we really spent the whole afternoon doing this?'

Yup,' I said, scrambling up off the floor, and looking round at the quartet of naked boys; sweaty, dusty and still partially tumescent, and we'd better get a wiggle on, or the caretaker'll be coming round to empty the bins and find us like this.'

Paul grinned, `That'd certainly give him something to think about.'

We hastily dusted ourselves down, pulled our clothes back on, and I spent a couple of minutes resetting the room back to its former state, so that,

hopefully, no trace of our activities could be detected.

With a bathetic inevitability, nothing very much happened for the next few days; Ewan and I spent our evenings and nights together, and I occasionally saw the other boys around the school, Martin giving me a cheery wink when he caught me looking at him. I couldn't find an opportunity to develop the films, and so, for the time being life returned to its normal humdrum pace.

Then, with a suddenness which startles me even now, when I think about it, we were overtaken by events.

Event one; later that week I came home from school and my mother pounced on me; "Ewans' father has just been on the phone, he's got something important to tell him, do you know when he's coming back here?'

'Shouldn't be far behind me,' I answered, feeling strangely apprehensive.

'He's going to phone again in an hour,' she continued.

'He should to be back by then,' I said, 'if not, get a time when he can call tomorrow, and I'll make sure he's back here in time.'

'You're a good lad,' she said affectionately.

As it turned out, Ewan didn't make it back in time to speak to his dad, transatlantic communications were much more of an issue back then, and calling him back was not an option.

We went to bed that night, with me still feeling restless and unsettled, and as Ewan snuggled comfortably into my arms, I stayed awake longer than he did. At some point in the night I was awakened by the sound of police sirens shrieking in the distance. It has to be said, that in suburban London, this was by no means uncommon, and rarely disturbed my sleep. This time, however it seemed to be quite close, and now I was awake I could see the light flickering on the bedroom wall opposite my window, and the combination of flashing blue and flickering orange could mean only one thing, somewhere nearby there was a fire. I prised myself out of our comfortable cuddle, and, without waking Ewan, went over to the window. Somewhere over towards the High Street a fierce column of smoke and flames was pouring into the night sky. I watched for a bit, and then climbed back into bed, there was nothing more to be seen from my room and there was no chance of creeping out of the house to have a look. Ewan moaned gently as I slipped back into the bed, warming my chilly body against his.

In the morning, when I woke, the fire was over, a few wisps of smoke could be seen drifting into the air, but nothing much. Ewan didn't seem very impressed when I told him about my nocturnal adventure, 'some of those old slums are just asking for a fire,' he said dismissively, 'they're full of squatters and old winos.'

When we made our way over to school next day, I couldn't resist the temptation to detour via the High Street, and see what the damage was. It came as a bit of a shock, where there had once been a small parade of dusty old shops, there was now an ugly blackened gap, rather as though a tooth had just been knocked out.

'Wow,' Ewan said, 'that was quite a fire, there must be four or five shops burned down.'

'Yeah,' I agreed, 'and I'm afraid that one of them was Grahams tailors shop.'

'Oh My God, you're right,' Ewan said, looking shocked, 'do you think he's ok?'

'He didn't live there,' I answered, 'so I imagine he's alright, this might put a bit of a dampener on our cottage industry though.'

'I hadn't thought of that, I suppose all the pics we took for him have been destroyed.'

'I suppose so,' I agreed, 'I don't know how we'd get in touch with him any other way either.'

`I suppose that Martin and Bill might know,' Ewan grinned.

`Possibly, although Graham was dead paranoid about them.'

`If he's been taking advantage of their very personal services, then I'm not surprised.'

That was the last we ever heard or saw of Graham the Tailor, it took me nearly thirty years to discover that the pictures we had already given him had not been destroyed in the fire, and then, only when I encountered them on a vintage porn website. We did try to track him down, after all, he was a lucrative source of income, but it wasn't so easy back then, and he evidently didn't want to be found. I stuck the rolls of film from our last shoot in a drawer, and forgot about them, without a client there didn't seem to be any point in developing them. Somewhere, among my old school books and bits of schoolboy junk, they are still there, waiting for me to get round to it, and who knows, one day maybe I will.

I suppose the main reason I abandoned my minor assault on the porn business was personal, when Ewans dad finally managed to get through on the phone, it was to inform his son that he had been appointed professor at the University in LA, and that, as soon as we hit the summer holidays, they would be moving to the States. I was devastated, we were so close, and the idea of being separated by the Atlantic, was deeply saddening to me. My mother tried to cheer me up by suggesting that we could write to each other, a bit of a non-starter for Ewan in those pre-facebook days. When the dreadful day came, and we waved him off at the Airport, I knew with an unshakeable certainty that I would never see him again.

That I was proved to be right gives me no pleasure, as far as I can deduce, Ewan slipped effortlessly into the LA college and gay scene; his beauty and the novelty of his English accent must have made him irresistible, all I know for certain is that he died some time in the mid-80's and it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to work out what he died of.

That he was my first true love makes it all the harder to bear, but I can console myself with the happy memories of all the fun we had together, and the occasional sightings of our work on some dubious internet site.

As for Paul, once he'd heard that the shop and Graham had gone, he made no further reference to our last photo orgy. His money was soon spent and without any mental effort he returned to his previous activities; the fruitless pursuit of girls, and the enlargement of his porn collection. Paul and I had a few sexual adventures, and we did do a couple more photo sessions together; Paul effortlessly slipping back into his delusional belief that this would help in his attempts to get a girl, but our heart wasn't in it, and when he finally got his end away it was a bit of a relief for both of us. As for Bill and Martin, they returned to their pocket money earner, giving blow jobs to weary commuters. Once they'd realised that it was all over, they returned to their previous friendly, but distant, attitude. Bill and Paul left school at sixteen, Martin went to a sixth form college, and we all drifted apart. Bills name has popped up on Friends Reunited, but I haven't ever felt the need to contact him, the feeling is obviously mutual. As for me, I'm older and fatter now, I've had a number of interesting encounters after Paul and Ewan, but no-one has ever made me feel the way that Ewan did.

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