Pauls Pants

By spasm2

Published on Jan 1, 2006


After our last adventure Paul and I avoided each other's company for quite a while, I think we were both a bit shocked by the intensity of the sensations we had managed to produce in each other. Of course, nowadays I would be thrilled to feel that much excitement, there is nothing to compare with the strength of feelings created by your first sexual experiments. The other thing, of course, which put a spanner in the works, was that Paul acquired a girlfriend. This was not altogether unsurprising, as he was obsessed with the idea, as you may have noted in the proceeding narrative, he was worried that he might be thought to have a tendency to be gay. How anybody could have come to that conclusion, after he had posed naked on my bed, come over me and played with my cock on our last session together, I don't know.

Paul's girlfriend was a bit of a drip, she regularly attended church, and wasn't prepared to do more than allow him a tentative grope and a kiss. On the occasions when I did see him at school, he told me that it was going well, but that she hadn't let him go the whole way yet. Given that I knew how horny Paul was most of the time, I could imagine how frustrated he must be feeling.

As for me, I was quite unsettled by our encounter, as long as I can remember I have been quite happily Bi, and wasn't at all bothered by the implications of my attraction to Paul. I was more bothered that in the last couple of encounters we'd had; Paul had taken control, and was really quite dominant. I wasn't sure if I liked that, on each occasion he had pushed the boundaries a bit further than I was expecting, and whilst the outcome was entirely pleasurable, I was still a bit uncertain.

Still, when I looked at the pictures, and remembered the fun we had taking them, all my doubts were swept away. I wasn't falling over myself to do it again, but I wasn't going to turn him away if he picked up the phone. I vowed to myself that if he did, this time I wasn't going to let him take control.

You won't be surprised to hear that it was quite a while before Paul did pick up that phone, we were into the spring half-term holiday, and the city was grey and bleak, the weather unremittingly wet and cold. I was at home, revising for my exams when he rang, "Hi Paul," I said, "how's things? How's the girlfriend?"

"She's dumped me," he said gloomily.

"Oh dear," I said feebly, this was, I think, the first time I had to offer my sympathy to a friend. "How come?"

"I wanted her to come across, and she wasn't having any. I tried to put my hand up her skirt, and she slapped me, told me I was disgusting and that she didn't want to see me any more."

"Probably just as well that you hadn't shown her any of your pictures then," I said, not unsympathetically.

"That was what I was going to do next, get her all turned on, and then, while she was ready, pow."

"Pow?" I was really finding this quite hard going.

"Yeah, bend over, panties down, legs open and in like Flynn."

"Right," I said very thoughtfully, "I think you've got a bit to learn about women. Anyhow, what can I do for you?"

"I was thinking, it's been months since we did that last picture session, maybe we could do another one?"

"I'm not sure, do you really want to?"

"Yes I do, it was fun, and I keep thinking about it."

"Alright, I'll do it, but I'll give you the story to act out this time if you don't mind."

"That'll be fine, I'll do whatever you suggest."

"I'll give it some thought, and give you a ring back." I put the phone down, and went up to my room; my stiffening prick an indicator that some part of me felt this was a good idea. I locked the door, took the box of Paul's pictures from their hiding place, took off my jeans and settled down to look through the pics for inspiration. As I looked through the prints I meditatively stroked my prick, the pictures were good, and some of the scenarios were quite sexy. I was not sure what I would ask Paul to do, but it would have to be something special, this time. I was not doing very well, and was teetering on the brink of coming when an idea finally sprang into my head. I postponed my sexual gratification for a while, and pulling my jeans back on, I went back downstairs to phone him.

"Ok Paul, here's the deal, I want to do a stripping school boy session, try and find your school uniform, dig out some sexy pants and get your arse round here tomorrow morning."

"Oh, right, I'll see what I can do."

Paul sounded less than enthusiastic, and I relented a little, "What's the problem?"

"Doesn't seem very grown-up to me, how am I going to explain that to a girl?"

"Take your point, but adults go in for role playing all the time, just think of your girly mags, girls dressed as maids, nuns, princesses, traffic wardens, you name it. Who knows, maybe you'll meet a girl who's kinky for school boys?"

"I suppose so," he said doubtfully.

"Tell you what," I said, relenting further, "we can do a couple of scenarios, how about we do mine, and you pitch up in the clothes you would most like a girl to undress you from. We can see what we can do about your deplorable attitude to girls as well."

"I don't know what you mean," he said, indignantly, "I just want a fuck that's all."

"I know, but it's how you ask for it that makes all the difference," with that I rang off. I had some difficulty sleeping that night, my cock was stiff and hard, and I was full of excited anticipation. I decided to take charge of Paul's somewhat old-fashioned attitude towards the girls he lusted after, and try to make him realise that he wasn't going to get anywhere if he behaved like that.

The next morning I got up early and had a bath, I was having trouble with my seemingly permanent erection, but managed to keep my hands off it for the time being. I put my favourite thin white cotton briefs on, my stiff cock was very prominent and obvious in them, and I posed in front of the bathroom mirror for a moment before I put on a t-shirt and my tight black cords. I only just had time to make my bed and set up my camera before the doorbell rang.

My first impression was not that favourable, Paul was wearing a nasty tweed jacket, obviously bought by his mum. Underneath it, however, he had a plain sweatshirt, and some pleasingly tight jeans. He also had his terrible old school bag, bulging promisingly.

"Long time no see," I said, "come in." He came in, and I followed him up the stairs to my bedroom, his bottom inviting in its tight denim. Once we were in my room, Paul dumped his jacket into the corner.

"Ok then, what are we going to do?" he asked.

"You tell me, this is your story, but before we start, I want you to think of a couple of things while you are posing."

"Ok, what exactly?"

"Right, here goes, I think you might have frightened your girl off by being too dominating. You need to be more sexy, when you're lying there, think of me (whoops!), think of the camera as the target for your affection, and play up to it as much as you can." I was determined to be cruel, after all, he'd turned me on already, and didn't have to do very much at all to make me come.

You have to remember that this predates our modern exposure to flesh in all its possible permutations, Paul had to make up his moves, he couldn't possibly have seen anything, whatever, he certainly gave it his best shot. He started standing up, rolling his hips gently he ran his hands over his body, pausing only slightly when they passed over his groin, his cock, no surprise there, was stiff, for a change though, it was a stiff outline down his thigh, the tightness of his jeans leaving no room for doubt. He pulled his sweatshirt over his head, showing his flat and hairless stomach. Licking his finger, he rubbed it over his erect nipples, before plunging his hand down over his denim-clad groin and ever so lightly teasing the end of his tumescent cock.

This was so much better than I had expected, he was being quite sexy, and I was loving it. For the first time I think he'd grasped the difference between undressing and stripping off, he turned his back on me, and bent over, running his hands down his thighs before going all the way to the floor and undoing his shoes, from behind you could see the outline of his cock as well as the cute globes of his butt. Looking over his shoulder at the camera, he kicked his shoes away, and without turning round, he carefully, but obviously pulled down the zip on his jeans. As he turned slowly round, I could see that he had pushed his hand into his jeans and down his leg, where the tight denim was stretched over his knuckles. Moving over to the bed, he turned his back again, and, swiftly undoing the waist button, he bent over, swinging his hips from side to side as he pulled his jeans down. He was wearing tight red cotton briefs, and as he stepped out of his discarded jeans, he turned to me, his distended cock poking out of the leg hole. With a look of mock shame he covered his erection with his hands, and fell back onto the bed.

After a little re-arrangement he stretched out luxuriously, his cock, for the moment concealed again behind the red cotton, was sticking stiffly out to one side, the outline of the glans clearly visible through the straining material. He paused briefly, as I strove to get the best possible angle on this vision, before he flipped over onto his front and raising his bottom up into the air began slowly and gently to rub on his cock and balls. Pulling the taut fabric to one side, he slowly pulled his erection free, and ran his hand up and down the stiff shaft, his foreskin pulling freely back as he did so. Once again, he surprised me, abandoning his wanking; he heaved his pants up tight, so that the material was pulled into his bum crack, the globes of his sweet buttocks revealed. A cheeky wiggle, and he stood up again, and came over to where I was kneeling on the floor, rearranging his pants as he stood up. "How did that look?" he asked.

"Um, pretty good," I responded, "you really seem to have got the less is more idea. You're getting to be quite a performer." I was very conscious that his cock was only inches from my face, and stretching at the constraining fabric, on an impulse I put my hand up and ran it along his erection, thrilling to the feeling of his stiff hard cock. Paul just straightened his back and pressed himself against my willing hand. "I think we're probably ready to see a bit more of this now," I said, reluctantly letting go of him. "There's about 15 shots left on the roll, let's take this as far as we can go, before we do the next set-up."

"Ok," he said, "but I think it might be time for you to let yourself go too."

I didn't really need any encouragement, I ditched my cords double quick time, Paul looked at my bulging white briefs and said; "Mmm, I think you're horny." He stepped over to me, and rubbed his groin against my aching crotch, at the same time, his hands went round the back and cupped my buttocks, a brief transitory rub, and they found their way round to the front again, an all to swift, but promising squeeze, and he turned away, hurling himself onto the bed. Where he laid, legs apart, and a cheeky smile on his face. "Ready when you are," he said.

I struggled to regain my composure, he'd tipped me up again, oh well, we'd see how the next session went. Without much ceremony, Paul pulled his pants right off; now completely naked he lay on his side, the weight of his cock and balls flopping to one side. He grasped his distended penis in his hand and sat up, the curved tip extending above his fist. Letting go he rolled over, and sticking his butt up in the air, placed one leg on the ground and reached back gripping his cock again, at the same time smiling enigmatically at me. I couldn't resist it, setting aside my camera, I reached out, and very slowly ran my hand from the base of his spine, down over his white buttocks, round his thigh and over to the base of his balls. Even slower, I gently ran my fingers through the hair on his balls, and then continued on down the shaft of his dick, firmly pushing his hand out of the way as I continued my journey. Holding his hot and throbbing cock, I ever so gently rubbed my finger over the tip, already wet with pre-cum. The look of ecstasy on his face was reward enough for the moment, we weren't ready for a come shot yet. Regretfully, I let go, and he flopped over, his cock large and heavy, a languorous expression on his face, snatching up the camera I captured that moment, and, as luck would have it, finished the film.

These photo sessions were becoming more and more erotically charged, I wasn't complaining, it was just not what I was used to. A true Brit to the core, once he'd realised that we had finished this set up, Paul suggested that we stop for a cup of tea before we carry on, no wonder the porn industry is a bit strange in this country. I suppose if I'd thought about it, two young men, dressed only in their underwear in the kitchen making tea, was a vision that would probably have provoked comment, had anybody seen it, I guess we were fortunate that my family stuck to their schedule, and no unexpected callers turned up.

Once Paul had finished his tea, plenty of sugar, the boy had to keep his strength up, I summoned him back upstairs: "Ok, are you ready to do the stripping schoolboy?"

"Um well, not exactly," he muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, being half term and all that, my mum decided to have my blazer cleaned, the rest of my school gear is just black trousers, shirt and the school tie. I didn't think that would be good enough somehow."

"So what have you got?"

"Well, I thought if we made it to another session, I'd just bring a selection of pants and see how we went. I didn't want to let you down, after you'd put yourself out for me."

I was touched, he had thought, "Alright," I said, "let's do what we can with what we've got, as it happens I haven't got that much film left, so we'll save that for another day." When Paul chose his undies for the photo shoot, he had clearly taken the less is more philosophy to heart, his first choice was a pair of green nylon micro briefs that left nothing to the imagination. With his cock fully erect there wasn't a lot else to see as he rolled about on my bed masturbating through the taut fabric. I moved in for a few close ups and couldn't resist a little stroke as I directed his position, eventually pulling them to one side for a more revealing shot. Cute though they undoubtedly were, there was only so much we could do, and after a few more nude shots we moved on to another pair.

Should anybody choose to try and match up my story with the photos, it is a matter of eternal regret that my savoir faire deserted me completely when Paul put on the next pair of pants, what can I say, small, very tight white cotton front opening briefs, god knows how he crammed his lovely cock into them. He looked about 14 again as he lay there, hands by his side and an impish smile on his face. My cock was trying to climb out of my pants at the sight, I could feel a breeze. Paul just lay there smiling, all too obviously aware of the effect he was having on me.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"Fantastic," I croaked, hardly able to speak. "Shall we?" I took a shot of him as he lay there, and then with an impish smile he rammed his hand down his pants and grabbed his cock forcing the glans against the white fabric. Next he turned over, sticking his cotton clad butt in the air as he reached back between his legs and began to rub his balls. I had moved in for a close up, but instead I found myself repeating my sexual journey from the first session, leaning against his thigh, I oh so gently ran my hand over his cotton clad buttocks, the soft fabric, and the warm flesh within it was unbelievably sexy to me, and I moved my hand steadily and slowly through the gap in his legs, over his cotton clad balls and along the hot shaft of his penis. At the same time I became aware of a questing hand, that moved from my ankle, carefully up my thigh and inexorably, but almost as slowly as my hand had done towards my bursting groin. I rubbed the tip of his dick with my forefinger, then, gently, ever so precisely, I scratched it with my fingernail. His hand tightened on my cock, and he rolled over onto his back, the end of his cock springing free from the too small pants. His hand, still holding my cock, tightened and pushed me up into a standing position; I bent over and pulled his pants off, to his obvious relief. "I'll race you," I said, and straddling his body, pulled my briefs to one side and let my cock out. Difference was, this time I grabbed his cock and he grabbed mine, and I was sitting on top. How different was that, remember the first time someone pulled you off? Everything about it was good, my cock, slippery with juices getting a good tugging, his cock, solid hot and curvy and in my hand.

Wow, it brought wanking onto a new plane, I slid back on his sweaty body, and for a few strokes we held both our dicks together as we jerked in harmony. Then sliding apart, we tried our masturbating skills out, to see who could make the other come first. I was doing all right; Paul had obviously had a lot of practise, although my cock being a bit shorter and fatter than his was throwing him a little. I was varying the pace, a few short fast strokes, followed by long very slow ones using both hands, it was touch and go who would finish first. I was well aware that Paul was going to come, the pre-cum sprayed from the head of his cock and I could see the glans going purple, at the same time I knew I was coming, the pressure was building up and I could feel the sweat running down my back. Just for that last couple of moments we both stepped up the pace, our hands flying up and down each others cocks, faster and faster until finally it came, we came. Two jets of spunk in perfect synchrony, we couldn't have done it better if we'd tried, and we'd probably never do it again.

Gravity being what it is, just for once I wasn't the one who was all jizzed up, Paul, on the other hand was covered in it. I scooped up a palm full and daubed his already spattered forehead with my forefinger, he grabbed my hand and noisily sucked up its contents, indicating that I should do the same. I bent over his stomach and licked at the puddle of spunk, while he messily splattered some on my forehead. I became aware, that his cock was still erect, and smeared all over with spunk, and, as I was there, I started to lick it off. His hand, which, up `til now had been lazily hanging over the side of the bed, sought, found and tightened on my cock in my pants. As he seemed to approve, I lifted his dick up and licked up and down the shaft, paying special attention to cleaning off the tip, he groaned with pleasure, frantically jerking me at the same time. I could see what was about to happen and played with the tip of his cock as I rubbed my other hand, still slippery with come over his balls and his shaft, his second coming was not explosive like the first and we didn't come together, instead, as I sat back, exhausted from all that wanking, he gently rubbed my cock and after a few very pleasurable minutes, and for the first time after all that threatening, he made me come in my pants.

We sat still, in sticky solidarity, for a while, neither of us was inclined to move, nor was there much to say. Ultimately though I was very happy, I felt I had taken back the initiative, and maybe Paul had learned something too. I also knew that I was really looking forward to the stripping schoolboy photo session.

Next: Chapter 5

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