Pawn and Porn

By Jay Roberts

Published on Jul 15, 2010


+++This may appear to be a spelling lesson. It isn't, so get that spelling bee out of your bonnet. This is a fantasy for adults over eighteen. If you are carded and are younger, you are here without the permission of the writer and most of the rest of the world.

Jasper Spelling had reached the age of twenty nine without accomplishing anything, not a lover, not fame, not a decent job and most of all...........Money.

At the moment he had forty cents in his pocket. Hardly enough for a beer, or something to eat. With his usual flair for the dramatic, he tossed it into a beggar's held out hat.

"Thanks Gov," the bum said, thinking that the handsome guy in the expensive clothes was a rich, important person. Actually, he had more in common with that hobo, than a gentleman.

His suit was his only suit. It was a bit out of style and had been left to him by his father. His father was a drunkard and there was no other inheritance. Jasper hadn't expected more. In fact, Jasper never expected anything good to happen.

Now in Jasper's pocket was a gold watch his mother had given to him a week ago, on her death bed. She had held it back from him, knowing that it would have been pawned long ago.

Jasper was heading for a pawn shop at this very moment. It was just ahead, three balls shining in the dim after sunset light.

Typical of his luck, the shop was dark and the "closed" swung in the window. It must have just been turned from the "open" side.

Not gaining admission meant that he'd have to go hungry until the store opened in the morning. He also meant another night on the park bench. But wait, the light inside snapped on. The latch on the door turned. Jason couldn't see the agent of that unlocking, but as the door swung open, he saw a little man, perhaps four feet tall, elderly, dignified, wearing a blue tinted monocle. This was indeed a strange sight, but strangeness was the order of the evening as the little fellow croaked, "Come in Jasper, I've been expecting you.

Jasper stepped in, the door was relatched and the odd fellow stepped behind a meshed booth that had an opening at the bottom. Jasper imagined that this was protection from robbery.

"What do you have to pawn, son?"

Calling Jasper "son" seemed logical as the proprietor must have been nearly a hundred years old.

Jasper put the gold watch on the velvet pad in front of the enclosure. The gnome inserted a loupe in the other eyes, the one without a monocle, and made humming sounds.

He put the watch down. A little heavily thought Jasper, for such a valuable object.

"It's not solid gold. It's a poor plating job. I can give you a dollar for it, it ain't even running."

"Maybe it's not wound."

"It's wound alright, over wound, the main spring's busted." Then cocking his head and looking owlish he asked, "You got anything else to pawn?"

"Sadly no."

He turned to leave, but the elf called after him. "I think you do, sir. You are only thirty years old and..."

Jasper corrected him, "Twenty-nine."

The uncle, as they call pawn brokers, continued, ...and it hasn't had much use, especially the last few years."

"What are you referring to; or rather to what are you referring?"

"Your penis, and balls."

Jasper staggered back. "That is something valuable to me, I assure you, but not to others, mainly because it is not detachable."

"Is!" he dwarf said loudly. Jasper noticed for the first time that the little fellow was dressed in clothes that belonged to the era of a hundred years ago.

"When you say "is" you mean you believe it is detachable."

"Most certainly."

Jasper laughed, thinking that this was really fun and took his mind off his lack of everything.

"How much is it worth?"

"Have to see it."

Now Jasper began to think that this man was a little perverted. Little yes, perverted, surely. He snatched up his watch and turned to leave, but a full blast of a monumentally authoritative voice stopped him and rooted him to the spot.

"Drop your trousers at once!"

Jasper obeyed. Secretly he was very proud of his penis. It was long, even when flaccid. When excited, it reached the amazing length of nine and one half inches, less 1/8th (Jasper had carefully measured it, many times.)

As though the elf could read his thoughts, he said, "And it is beautifully shaped and never shortened by a mad surgeon. The testicles are in the correct style, as well."

He took out his loupe again and leaned close to examine the organ. "Yes, yes, one of the best I have ever taken in for pawn."

Jasper's mouth gaped. "You mean, this is a common occurrence? Well you've seen it. How much?"

"Twelve hundred dollars."

"Yikes. I always knew it was valuable, but it's nice to have a price put on it's head, so to speak."


"So What?" asked Jasper.

"Is it a deal?"

"Yes," Jasper said but didn't really believe this was anything but a crazy little fellow.

"Sign here."

Jasper did, still smiling. But when the store owner began counting out the money, he found his hand straying to his crotch. There was nothing there.

"Where is my penis?"

"It's safe, hanging with the others, awaiting the sixty day holding period, then it will be sold at auction."

"There are such auctions?"

"Yes, but the announcements are mailed only to a special clientele. Now if there's nothing more, be on your way."

Feeling definitely lighter, Jasper opened the door and the cool, damp night air swept over him.

What next, he thought, and immediately several answers popped into his head: take a pee, eat a meal, pick up a sex partner.

Now the first could be a problem, but when he sat on the commode in the men's room of the fancy restaurant, he found that his piss stream emanated from a hole down there and he was able to easily empty his bladder.

Eat a meal was at hand and he ordered the most expensive things on the menu. He worked his way through his prodigious fare, finished two bottles of wine and sat back to burp luxuriously, something he hadn't done it quite awhile since he hadn't had a full meal.

Everything looked rosy to him. Not having his penis? He snapped his finger in complete elan. His waiter looked at him. "Anything more, sir."

For the first time, Jasper looked over the fellow. Hey he was young, maybe early twenties, even younger. He was very good looking in an Italian way, strong teeth, full muscled arms and a little hair on them. Yes, quite a sexy boy.

The waiter lifted his eyebrows, a gesture he had developed before a mirror and smiled with gleaming teeth. He had quite fallen in love with the potential wealth of this hearty eater and decided that the meal might end, but not their relationship.

He held out his large hairy backed hand, and intoned in a continental accent, "I am Alphonse, and I know you are Jasper, like the beautiful marble found in the hills of my home."

Jasper was enchanted and horny from being deprived of sex for over one year. It was alright for holy men, but not for a full blooded, formerly large penised guy like himself.

"You are charming, Alphonse, and an inspired waiter. I enjoyed you service and the food, but I must admit, I am a bit sleepy. Is there a spare space I might rest for awhile."

Alphonse's full red lips broke into a full smile and his tongue passed quickly over them. "There is a small room off the kitchen that we servers use to rest between the lunch and dinner time. Come follow me."

No mention was made of the bill for his large repast. It must have been a big one. He had the feeling that Alphonse planned to "take it out in trade" as it were, far better than washing dishes.

The room was tiny. The small cot almost filled the space. Alphonse, as he passed through the door, was transmuted into a very different personality. No longer did he bend from the waist and compliment with honeyed, continental voice and accent. No, he now seemed to be a street person, pushy, demanding and rough.

"I have very little time, strip and lay on the bed, on your stomach."

Trembling from sexual need and not a little fear, Jasper slowly undressed, taking his usual care of his only suit, folding it and placing in on a nearby chair. Alphonse shouted with impatience, "You're taking too long." He swept the fine suit onto the floor and approached Jasper, dropping his waiter's pants and his baggy black shorts down his hairy legs to his hairy ankles.

He stopped in his tracks. "What happened to it? It looks like a whale blow hole. Well, no matter, it's the other hole I am interested. Get on your!"

Now Jasper had been, in better times, a very oral lover. That used to be called a French Queen. He had always avoided giving or taking annul sex, partly because he was too fastidious to give it and too afraid of pain to receive it. In short, he was not a browning queen. Alphonse know nothing about the thoughts that Jasper was experiencing, nor did he care.

He moved up against the very finely shaped, smooth, hairless ass of his barely willing partner and put his Romanesque prick head against Jasper's rosebud and pushed it in.

Expecting the handsome diner to scream in pain, he had his big hand over Jasper's fine mouth so tightly that only a few muttered muffled sounds escaped.

Alphonse was on fire. This rich, pretty fellow, was the epitome of his fantasies. He lurched forward, burying his fat cock deep in the bowls of terrified Jasper. He pulled out almost completely and Jasper, to his amazement, missed the Italian sausage. Not for long. Huffing and puffing the hairy, sexy young waiter pushed in again and began a heavy fucking. Jasper began to enjoy it so much that he began pushing backwards. The hand was no longer blocking his utterances and he was moaning softly.

His hole, were formerly his cock resided was opening and closing like a female organ. He felt it vibrating and opening and closing exquisite feeling...until suddenly, it began spewing sperm only the cot below. His ass followed suit, massaging the young waiter into an earlier cum that he had planned, but he gave into it, licking Jasper's ear passionately as he enema'ed the virgin ass.

But Alphonse had spent too much time away from his station. He slapped Jasper on the ass and pulled up his pants. "Got to go. See you soon. Let yourself out."

Jasper lay there, still panting from the sex. Gradually he came to himself, used the wash stand in the corner and slowly dressed. When he was nearly finished, the door opened and a hand thrust in a shopping bag. He had no idea what that was all about, but before slipping out, he peeked into the bag.

To his pleasant surprise, in was filled to the top with money. It must be the day's take, shoved in here until later for a night bank deposit.

He dumped the contents on the bed and proceeded to load his pockets with the loot. What was left that he couldn't fit in his pockets, he shoved down his pants and hobbled out of the room, back through the small corridor and out the back door into the night.

End Part ONe

Next: Chapter 2

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