PC in the UK

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 13, 2020


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ gmail.com and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

"PC in the UK" Chapter 5

Alan stepped into the shower as Gareth was stepping out. They had watched television for about an hour. Alan wanted to watch Gareth pounding his ass but Gareth told him that he was sorry but since Alan's ass ring was a little puffy that they had to wait until they got home. He also said that with an hour ride there that he did not want to have to explain to his Mum what that was leaking out of him. Alan laughed and told him that he would wait but tonight they had to fulfill one of Gareth's fantasies. "My fantasy is having you with me." Gareth said. "Me being with you is a dream come true for both of us but I want you to think about it all day. We will fulfill one of your sexual fantasies tonight or you will do without mister." Alan said. "If I do without you will too." Gareth laughed. "I can try hard to suffer through it." Alan laughed.

Gareth was dressing when Alan came into the bedroom. Alan made Gareth take the boxers off. "But my Mum." Gareth said. "Is she going to check to see if you have on clean underwear ?" Alan asked. "She might." Gareth laughed. "Well you can tell her you are saving money. If you don't wear them then you don't have to worry about wearing them out." Alan said. "My Mum is going to love you." Gareth laughed.

The sky was overcast and there were a few showers on the way to Gareth's parents. The narrow and winding back roads had both Gareth's hands on the steering wheel so Alan kept his hand on Gareth's leg. On the longer and wider stretches of the trip Gareth would take his hand and lace their fingers together and rest them on the console. "This is some beautiful country." Alan said. "It is. How much site seeing have you done ?" Gareth asked. "A couple of tours in London and then from the train window." Alan said. "We need to sort that out." Gareth said.

Arriving at Gareth's parents Alan took a deep breath. "Since we got here early we can leave early. If we had gotten here just in time to eat then Mum and Da would expect us to stay until tea tonight. Plus Da would want me to watch footie with him." Gareth said. "If you want to watch soccer with your Dad I don't have a problem." Alan said. "Thank you sweetie but you have never watched footie with my Da. It won't hurt my feelings to miss it." Gareth laughed.

Gareth's Mom opened the door before they made it up the walk. "So good to see you son and you must be Alan. I have heard so much about you." she said. "Hello Mrs. Reid it is an honor to meet you." Alan said. "Oh I love your accent and you are so proper." she said. "He calls it a southern gentleman." Gareth said. "Growing up in the south, manners, respect and being polite is beat into you at an early age." Alan said. "I just thought those movies like "Fried Green Tomatoes" made up those accents." she said. "No ma'am. Some of the actors use a heavy accent but then again there are many with much heavier accent. I am use to it and I sometimes have trouble figuring out what they are saying." Alan laughed.

"Mum, Alan said that where he comes from that you never show up empty handed so he cooked." Gareth said. "Since you are from the south I would love for you to teach me how to make that southern peach cobbler I have always heard about." she said. "If your son will carry me to the store I can fix one for lunch. It's quite easy." Alan said. "I have a spotted dick that I was told to give to you." Gareth said. "We will have spotted dick today and next week you can show me how to make that peach cobbler." she said.

"Who's there ?" came a shout from the living room. "It's Gareth and his Alan. Get your lazy bum up and come say hello." she shouted back. Gareth and Alan followed her into the kitchen. "Hey Da." Gareth said. Alan turned around to see a tall older handsome man standing in the doorway. "This is Gareth's Alan." Gareth's Mom said. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Reid." Alan said. "Say that again." Mr. Reid said. "It's an honor to meet you and thank you for inviting me to eat in your home." Alan said. "Were you in Gone with the Wind ?" he said and laughed. "Da." Gareth said. "No sir but I didn't miss it by far." Alan said. "I like this bloke Gareth. He's a keeper. Just have to be ready for the blokes at the pub when I tell them I have a yank as a son in law." he said. "Tell them it's a red neck not a yank." Alan laughed. "Red neck ?" Mr. Reid said. "Later Da." Gareth said.

After losing the argument Gareth's Mom let Alan help her get the rest of the meal ready. The food was ready to go on the table when they heard the front door open. Alan stopped to listen knowing he would not recognize the voices but he knew it was a man. "That's Gareth's brother Jamie and I am guessing he brought Darla, damn." she said.

Mrs. Reid took Alan by the arm and carried him into the parlor. "Jamie this is Gareth's Alan." she said. "Pleasure to meet you." Alan said. "Blimie. Where you from ?" Jamie said and smiled. "I am from Georgia in the US." Alan said. Alan then turned to Darla. He had to quickly bite his lip to keep from laughing. "You must be Darla. It's a pleasure to meet you." Alan said. "Darla looked at him with disgust and turned her nose up but extended her hand as if she wanted Alan to kiss the back of her hand. Alan just smiled and turned back towards the others which brought a grunt from Darla.

Before we go further I need to explain Darla. Alan is from the US and his first thought was the Wal Mart customer pictures that are posted on the internet for laughs. Her hair was long but the design was not even explainable. Other videos of women that had no clue how to do the smokey eye, eye shadow came to mind. She had very dark eye shadow under her eyes. On the lids was an almost neon green with sparkles. There was a line of silver glitter eye shadow that outlined the green. Her eye brows had not been trimmed or waxed but she drew some on anyway. Darla was not tremendously overweight but she squeezed and extra large into a medium. Her top was so tight it looked like two pigs fighting for space across her mid section. The top was cut low. Darla had ample breasts but she had them pulled up so high and pulled together so tight it practically hid the space that normally separates breast. The faux leather red mini skirt was also two sizes too small. She wore black fish net stockings and the heels had to be at least five, probably six inches. Alan had to sneak a peek when she was not looking. "How the hell does she squeeze that much foot into that small a shoe." went through his head. "Oh well. Judge not less ye be judged." he thought.

Alan helped Gareth's Mom bring all the food to the table. She growled a little when she saw that Darla had taken the seat she normally sat at the family table. Darla even began dipping food to her plate while Gareth's father blessed the meal. "Me Jamie had me busy this morning and didn't have time for a sammy." Darla said. Alan sat close enough to hear snide comments every time he or Gareth spoke coming from Darla. Every time they would ask Alan about something in the US such as family meals Darla would interrupt. "Me Jamie had me nails done up ." she would say and hold her nails up. No one responded. Gareth's Dad asked about where Alan lived. As Alan started to answer Darla spoke up again. "Me Jamie kitted me out for today, even had me hair done." Darla said. No one commented.

Darla was on her third serving of some of the items including the potatoes. "I guess you are going to have to teach me to cook some of that southern food." Gareth's Mom said. "Its not........" Alan started. "OOOEEEEE. Me Jamie had me kitted out to come here and all you can do is talk to this dead common pufter. Need to cut these pufters ballocks off." Darla said. She then readjusted her bra and belched. "Those potatoes is doing my tummy right up. I guess it was the cook." Darla said.

"Have you not figured out that no one at this table cares about the outburst of a spivey twat. Better said from my country a trailer park slut." Alan said. "What did you call me ?" Darla said. About that time Gareth's father burst out laughing. "That's my boy. You need to keep this one Gareth." he said. "WWHHAAAPPP". Gareth had looked at his father but Alan had not taken his eyes off Darla. Darla reached back and slapped Alan across the face as hard as she could. Gareth was on his feet in a second with his chair landing on it's back on the floor. "Let me tell you something you dirty wanker." Darla said. Alan had put his hand out to stop Gareth. The next "WWHHAAPPP" made them all jump.

Gareth's Mom slapped her hands on the table and stood. She walked around and grabbed Darla's ear and twisted it. "Ooeee. Careful with me bobs." Darla said. "It is time for you to leave. No one comes into my home and disrespects a guest." she said. "Just a dirty poofter." Darla said before another long ooeee came out. Gareth's Mom twisted the ear tighter and lifted Darla from the chair. "Time for you to leave and don't ever come back. I don't allow bint birds at my table or in my house." she said pulling Darla towards the door.

Jamie went to push his chair back. "Son you keep that arse in that chair. IF you go after her I will forget you came from my batter and I will knock you out. Your Mum and Alan worked hard on this meal and you bring that disrespectable cunt to eat at your Mum's table. You set your arse right there and apologize to your Mum when she gets back." Gareth's Dad said. Gareth was on his knees and holding Alan's face. "Are you alright. You have a concussion." Gareth said. "I am fine. I saw it coming and braced myself for it." Alan said.

Gareth's Mom came back to the table. "Now that the trash is in the bin let's enjoy our meal." she said. "I need to apologize to everyone. Normally I would never do anything like that but I just could not take her making comments about Gareth anymore." Alan said. "Gareth ? She said more about you." Jamie said. "I have thick skin. I have been called much worse by much better people. I am sorry about ruining your day Jamie." Alan said. "Your a cool bloke. I met another bird and been seeing her on the side. Today was Darla's last day anyway. She was getting a little too deep in the pocket." Jamie said. "I still am ashamed at my actions. May I be excused for a minute ?" Alan asked. "The lieu is down the hall." Gareth's father said.

Alan could hear Gareth fussing at Jamie as he went to the restroom. Alan stood in the mirror and looked at his own face. The tears began to flow. It was not from pain of the slap but the embarrassment of opening his mouth being a lunch guest. He turned the water on and washed his face. The tears continued to flow even after splashing water. There was a tap on the bathroom door. "Almost done." Alan called out. "It's me Alan. Please open the door." Gareth said.

Alan opened the door. The moment he saw the tears he pulled Alan from the bathroom and across the hall to a bedroom. He sat on the bed and pulled Alan over to sit on his lap. "Did she slap you that hard ?" Gareth asked. "No it's not the slap. I deserved the slap and I deserve your Mom throwing me out of her house for the way I acted at her table." Alan said trying to stop crying. "I am so sorry." Alan said. "First off my Mum and Da have their chest puffed out proud of what you did. Jamie knows better and he will get a right telling." Gareth said. "Jamie did not do it. She did." Alan said. "But Jamie brought her here." Gareth said. "Yes and you brought me here. I have spoiled your family dinner." Alan said.

Jamie had been standing at the door and heard Alan defend him. He was expecting Alan to be very upset with him but was surprised that he was defending him. "He's right out of sorts. Gareth told him I was going to get a right doing for bringing her here and he told Gareth it was not my fault." Jamie said. "That man back there is in a foreign country. He was attacked and left for dead. About the only person he knows in this country is Gareth. Just think if you were in his country all alone." their Mum said. "I know Mum. I am sorry. I thought Darla would behave." Jamie said. "Boy all you cared about was to get your end away with her. We tolerated her for the last couple of weeks. I just got her from banging on the door and told her she step in the garden one more time and I would call the police. Now you need to go back there and send Gareth back. You need to apologize to Alan. Gareth done found him one fine bloke and if you toss this up I will beat your arse." their father said.

It took some convincing but Jamie was able to get Gareth to leave him alone with Alan. Jamie was not quite as tall as Gareth but they looked a lot alike. Jamie did not shave his head but kept his hair cut very short. "I am sorry for that Alan. I should have spoke up and shut her trap." Jamie said. "It's my fault. I generally just let people talk but the whispered comments she made about Gareth were just too much for me to take. I would easily die for your brother and I could not take her comments anymore." Alan said with his back to Jamie.

"You love my brother don't you ?" Jamie asked. "I love your brother so bad it hurts. I have fucked that up now." Alan said. "No you haven't. I have known that wanker my whole life. For the first time in my life I can see something in his eyes I have never seen. My brother is mad in love with you too." Jamie said. "You seem to be a great guy too Jamie and your parents did very well in raising their boys but I don't know that any of them can forgive me for what happened." Alan said. Jamie took and pulled Alan to him and hugged him. "Don't go worrying about that. Hell Mum is ready to have a life size picture of you hung over the fireplace." Jamie said.

Jamie convinced Alan to come back to the table. "Now let's finally enjoy all this good food." their father said. Alan just picked at his food. He had lost his appetite. Gareth sat with one hand on Alan's leg and would lightly squeeze it every now and then. The conversation moved back to Alan and his life in the US. "I hate to get in your business but do you two know how you are going to sort this out ? You working in Cockwood and Alan being in the US ?" Jamie asked.

"I need to talk to my friend and financial advisor in London. I want to see what he recommends." Alan said. "Got a good block on him there Gareth." his Dad said. "Yeah I think I am going to keep this one." Gareth said. "How long before you have to go home ?" their Mom asked. "I have to contact the US consulate. I was suppose to fly home today and that is the date I gave customs. It will be at least another week so I have to see what type hassle that will be." Alan said. "We will know more after we meet with Paul in London." Gareth said.

Alan offered to help clean the kitchen. "My boys know that if I cook they are cleaning. Let them argue it out. They are use to it." their Mom said. "Ooee. You get my floor all wet you two are going to sort it out." she shouted into the kitchen and then winked at Alan. "Yes Mum they called back in unison. "You have two fine sons. You can tell they were raised well." Alan said. "We wonder about Jamie sometimes." their Dad said. "He is a good man too and he is getting there." Alan said. When the two returned to the parlor. "Bet your house in Georgia makes this one ashamed." their Mom said. "Not at all. It's just a simple, plain house." Alan said. Jamie went and turned on his Mom's lap top. "What is your address ?" Jamie asked. Alan gave him his address and Jamie typed it in to Google Earth. "This it ?" Jamie asked as he passed the lap top. "That's me." Alan said.

The lap top was passed around. " If that's plain I would hate to see what's really plain." Gareth's father said. " It's three bedroom and two bath." Alan said. "Don't let your Mum see that. We would never see her again if she had that garden." Jamie laughed. "I have always wanted a big garden." she said. "My house is on seven acres." Alan said. "Seven acres? You have a farm ?" Gareth's father asked. "No there are a lot of farms around me though. In my area most farms are three or four hundred acres or more." Alan said.

"No Mum we aren't moving to Georgia." Gareth's father said and laughed. "We can visit though." she said. "All of you are welcome at my house anytime you want to come." Alan said. "What about your family ?" Jamie asked. Gareth began to get nervous. Alan quickly explained about his parents death his Aunt evicting him on graduation night. "I have not seen nor heard from any of them since." Alan said. "Well you have a new family now." their Mom said. "Thank you Mrs. Reid." Alan said. "Enough of the Mr. and Mrs. I am Mum and that old wanker is Da." she said.

Gareth watched as Alan finally calmed so he delayed leaving for home. His hope was that Alan would see that his family was not upset and that he would not stress over the incident anymore. Gareth joined his father and brother to watch the soccer game. Alan and Mum sat in the kitchen drinking tea and coffee discussing the differences in British foods and American foods. Gareth's Mom realized that the saying was true from some of the movies that portrayed the south. "If you can't figure any other way to prepare it. Deep fry it." Discussing Alan teaching her how to cook some southern and cajun dishes made her feel better also that Alan was not going to just walk away from her son.

Gareth and Alan said their goodbyes. Gareth was proud when Alan told his family that he would cook a meal for them before he left to go back. They could either come to Gareth's or he would prepare everything and bring it to their house. "It's been a while since we have been to Gareth's so we will come there." Mum said. "If you have an extra plate I will bring Mum and Da." Jamie offered. "There will be plenty of food in case you want to bring a guest too. Well as long as it is not Darla." Alan said and laughed.

As they started out Alan sat in the seat as if he were scared. "You alright sweetie ?" Gareth asked. "You must really love me." Alan said. "I do but why would you say that ?" Gareth asked. "I am so ashamed of how I acted and you didn't kick me out of your parents house." Alan said. Gareth reached over and took Alan's hand and placed it on his leg. "Sweet heart I was so proud of you. I could hear her whispers but had no idea what she was saying. I should had sat beside her. I would have said something much earlier." Gareth said. "She could say anything about me she wanted. I have thick skin but she kept making ugly remarks about you too. I just could not let that go. I took all I could." Alan said. "What was that you called her ? The American version." Gareth said and smiled. "Trailer park slut ?" Alan asked. "Yeah that one. It took me a minute to translate that and realize what you were saying. I need to remember that one." Gareth laughed. "Well I don't know what you call trailer parks here." Alan said. "Caravan parks or Residential Parks." Gareth said. "Sounds more accurate from my version." Alan laughed.

Gareth was almost like a tour guide on the way back to his house. Taking a different route took an extra fifteen minutes because he took more country roads. The rain had stopped and the sky was lightly overcast. It was not gloomy but not so bright that you could not see the beautiful views. "London is nice but I can see why you chose this area to transfer too." Alan said. "The scenery is one thing but the people here are really good folks. I originally thought I would have issues with the locals in my territory when they found out I was gay. Yeah you have the cop haters that will say anything to try and get a rise out of you but the majority of the law abiding citizens seem to accept me and are fine with me being gay. I have even had some of the elderly ladies try to fix me up." Gareth said. "I guess I need to put a patch on your vest that says taken or off the market." Alan said. "So I am really taken ?" Gareth said and smiled. "Too late to turn back now mate." Alan laughed. "No turning back." Gareth said.

Alan turned in his seat to look at Gareth. He reached his hand further and began to massage Gareth's package. "Oee. driving here." Gareth said and smiled. "You were suppose to think about something while we were gone. What did you decide ?" Alan said. "I decided to take a different route home why ?" Gareth said. "You know exactly what I mean silly." Alan said squeezing Gareth's hardening package again.

"I have thought about it and have an idea but I have to make a call when we get home first." Gareth said. "Now if you are talking about a threesome then count me out. I am a greedy bottom." Alan said. "I guess if a threesome is out then five total is really out of the question." Gareth said. "Just kidding. Driving here remember." Gareth said as Alan gripped his package even harder. "So I guess there will be no phone call." Alan laughed. "Oh I am making the call but it was not to have them join us." Gareth said and smiled. "Good. I catch that copper cock in another mouth or ass and that person can have it. I will cut it off and leave it inside them." Alan said. "Threaten bodily harm to one of Her Majesty's officers ?" Gareth said. "Damn straight. I think the queen would approve." Alan said and smiled.

Gareth laughed when the gate closed behind them. "Gates closed, clothes off." Alan said. "We have to get the dishes in first." Gareth said. "Darling you can carry a dirty dish naked just as well as you can clothed." Alan said. By the time they got to the back door Alan was beginning to wonder about his statement. He ended up carrying the two dishes and Gareth had their clothes draped over his shoulder. As Alan walked Gareth was behind him and taking his fingers and placing them under the cleft of Alan's ass cheeks and making them jiggle. At first Alan was a little annoyed but his heart quickly reminded him that no one had wanted to touch his body at all for many years and he finally had a man that could not keep his hands off. Once the dishes were on the counter Alan spun and wrapped his arms around Gareth's neck and kissed him with the passion he had wanted to show all day.

While Alan cleaned the dishes and put them away Gareth went out in the garden with his phone. A few minutes later he came in with a huge smile on his face. "What are you smiling so big about ?" Alan asked. "Well you made me promise earlier that we would fulfill one of my fantasies tonight." Gareth said. "And ?" Alan asked. "It is all sorted." Gareth said. "All sorted ? Now you are beginning to worry me." Alan said. "No need to fret. There won't be any other mates involved." Gareth said. "I am still worried." Alan laughed.

The sun was beginning to set when Alan went up stairs and prepared for whatever surprise Gareth had in store. Having no idea what the fantasy may be he at least hoped it meant that he would eventually be impaled on Gareth's cock. Alan was a little surprised as he looked out of the shower to see Gareth setting back on the vanity with his arms crossed watching him. "What are you doing ?" Alan asked.

"Do you know how sexy you are with all that wet hair stuck to you ?" Gareth said. "You must have left your glasses down stairs." Alan said. "Don't wear them and there is nothing wrong with my eye sight." Gareth said. "About this fantasy you have planned out. Shouldn't I need to be informed so I can do the right thing." Alan said. "You being there will be the right thing." Gareth said stepping up and running his hand between Alan's ass cheeks as the water ran over him.

Gareth took a quick shower as soon as Alan got out. Gareth stood behind Alan and looked in the vanity mirror. " You are so sexy." Gareth said. Alan reached behind him and gently stroked Gareth's cock. "Not nearly as sexy as you." Alan said. "Don't worry. The knob comes with the fantasy." Gareth said and smiled. Seeing the smile over his shoulder in the mirror caused Alan to begin to leak. Taking the wet towel to wipe the mess up. "And my baby leaking is part of that fantasy too." Gareth said as he slipped a finger between Alan's ass cheeks and ran his finger around the rosebud.

Gareth came down the steps a few minutes later. He had a couple of large towels in his hands and was dressed in shorts and t shirt. "Are you going somewhere ?" Alan asked. "We are. You said that we were going to fulfill a fantasy of mine." Gareth said. Gareth handed Alan the cleaned and folded hospital gown. "What is this for ?" Alan said. "Well love I don't think we need to go for a ride with you fully naked." Gareth said and winked. Gareth reached back and played with one of Alan's exposed ass cheeks as Alan put the gown on.

As they pulled out of the driveway Alan still had no clue what Gareth was up to. They drove three or four miles up the coast and Gareth turned off onto a much narrower lane. Pulling up to a gate he got out with his torch and walked to a tree that was about a hundred yards away. He unlocked the gate and then pulled the X5 through the gate. Gareth was sure to close and lock the gate behind them. He then drove down a small path that lead to a wooded area. Once parked in the wooded area Gareth got out and removed his clothes. and placed them in the driver's seat. He went to the back of the SUV and got out one of the mats he had gotten from the patio. "Oh so you wanted to have sex in the woods." Alan said. "Nope." Gareth said and smiled.

The two walked down a short path that opened up to a private beach area. "No love. One fantasy was to fuck someone on the beach." Gareth said. "Is there anyone around ?" Alan asked. "A mate of mine owns this and he and his family are in Ireland for the weekend. He is the one I called to get permission." Gareth said. The moon was full so once they cleared the tree line the torch was no longer needed. Gareth placed the mat and towels on the small beach area. He then walked over and picked Alan up and carried him out into the water just over ankle deep. Placing Alan back on the ground he turned Alan to face him. He leaned over and began to kiss Alan. He took some of the pre cum that Alan had began to leak and lubed his fingers and started with inserting just one as they kissed.

The longer they kissed the more intense it got. At one point Alan had one leg lifted up around Gareth's leg as Gareth used three fingers to fuck and loosen Alan's ass ring. The kiss stopped and they both watched as one of the fishing boats came back in to port. It was much closer to shore since this beach was almost at a point. Gareth never removed his fingers as the two watched the boat go by. The captain shined the light and their direction and blew the horn. The boat was not close enough to really see the two unless he used binoculars. "Is he going to call the law ?" Alan whispered. "I am the law." Gareth said before resuming the kiss.

Gareth then picked Alan up again and walked out of the water. He stood Alan so that he was looking out over the moons light on the water. He got behind Alan and got down on his knees. He began to pull Alan's ass cheeks apart and then back together causing the puffed up ring to appear and disappear. Alan screamed out a moan as Gareth's tongue entered the ass ring. Alan had heard how sensual a rim job could be but had never been rimmed. He could feel the liquid rushing up his hard cock and leaking a solid stream to the beach.

Gareth smiled to himself as he rimmed Alan. He had reached around to collect some of Alan's precum but just cupped his hand and was quickly rewarded with more than enough to lube his raging cock. "Fuck me Gareth. I need you inside me.. PLEASE." Alan shouted as his body vibrated. "If that's what my baby wants." Gareth said. Standing up behind Alan Gareth reached one hand around Alan's chin and turned his head for a sensual kiss and he took one quick push and went balls deep inside Alan. "Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Alan shouted as his cock arched and began to shoot his load out onto the beach. "Damn love. I don't see how you can come without touching yourself." Gareth said as he held Alan's vibrating body tight to his body. He even moaned a couple of times because it seemed Alan's vibrations were shooting through his cock buried deep inside Alan.

Gareth held one arm around Alan's waist and the other still holding Alan's head so they could kiss. Gareth was surprised when Alan took his tongue between his lips and began sucking on it as if he were giving his tongue a blow job. Gareth had to stop pumping his cock up into Alan to keep from shooting his load too soon. The edge was off again so that Gareth could begin his slow comfortable fuck on the beach. Another boat passed by and began blowing the horn more often that it normally would and even began flashing it's deck lights. "See they are watcing me make love to my Alan from Georgia in room two forty five." Gareth whispered. "Let them watch. Let the whole fucking world watch." Alan said as he reached behind him and grabbed as much of Gareth's ass cheeks as possible.

Gareth turned Alan still impaled on his cock and brought them both to their knees on the mat. He then pushed Alan down so that his shoulders and head were on the mat but his ass was raised in the air. "Bloody hell my love your arse is always so fucking tight. " Gareth growled as he held Alan's hips and punched his cock in and out. "Just for you baby. " Alan said. "Oh hell yeah. Fucking my man on the beach under the moon light and I am going to fill him with man batter until he leaks everywhere." Gareth growled. Gareth put one foot flat on the mat and raise his hips giving him an even better angle to drive his cock deep inside Alan.

Alan began to shiver and his entire body shook as he had a full body orgasm. "Fuck yeah love keep that up. Oh fuck yeah. UUUuuggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Gareth shouted as he lay his body on Alan's pushing him flat onto the mat and his hip swayed as his cock began to unload deep inside Alan. When Gareth's body stopped shaking and his cock slowed it's flexing he rolled to two to the their side with his cock still buried inside Alan. The two lay there watching the moonlight on the water and even two more fishing boats pass by. Gareth lightly kissed Alan on his neck and seemed very pleased with himself as he would flex his still hard cock inside Alan and Alan would shiver and moan. "I love you Alan." Gareth whispered in between kissed on the neck. "I love you too PC Gareth." Alan said. Gareth then reached down and pulled Alan's hips as far back on his hard cock as possible.

Gareth had closed the gate and replaced the key. Alan had elected to sit on the towel since his well fucked ring was still leaking. Gareth had made him forgo the gown and sit in the seat naked. They had made it about a mile down the road back towards Gareth's house when a car approached behind them. Blue lights began to flash. Alan grabbed the gown and put it on quickly but had to put it on over the seat belt. Gareth pulled to the side of the road. The officer approached the passenger side window.

"Well I'll be damned Gareth. Might have known it was you." the office said. "What are you doing out here Daz ?" Gareth asked. "Short handed in the area so I am working down here tonight. Got a call of someone having sex on the beach so I had to ride out. Hell if I had known it was Big Gareth I would have snuck to the beach to watch." Daz said. "I haven't admitted to anything." Gareth said and smiled. "Well mate when you have him strapped in the car with his clothes over the seat belt it doesn't take much figuring." Daz laughed.

"Daz this is Alan. Alan this is my mate Daz." Gareth said. "Nice to meet you." Alan said. "Fuck mate. No wonder you pound that pussy. I love that accent." Daz said. "The accent makes me hard but when you get one this tight it's one of the great wonders of the world." Gareth said. "Gareth." Alan said. "Figures it would be a copper getting doggy on the beach." Daz laughed. "So you should be out running tags for baddies." Gareth said. "Just chilling for a while." Daz said. "You should take a break and stop at the house for a cuppa." Gareth said. "Sounds good. I might just do that. He going to be wearing the gown ?" Daz asked.

"You got your own at home. Frankie may not like that." Gareth said. "I need to get you to sort me out using that key. Me and Frankie could really give them a show on the beach. Show them how to really fuck a man." Daz laughed. "Is this what you two talk about all night ?" Alan asked. "Well Gareth just listened until now. Now he has some stories to tell." Daz laughed. "See you in a while. Got to get this one home he is leaking on my seats." Gareth said and laughed. "See you in a bit and nice meeting you Alan." Daz said. "Nice meeting you too." Alan said. "I guess I will skip taking you in for improper wear of seat belt." Daz said as he laughed and walked away.

"You will pay for this one." Alan said and laughed. "I look forward to my punishment." Gareth said as he leaned over and kissed Alan before pulling off and heading home.

Next: Chapter 6

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