PC in the UK

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 20, 2020


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

I welcome all responses to my stories. Please make sure that you list the name of the story in the email line. If your email is to alert me of misspelled words or improper punctuation or grammar save your time because it will be deleted. I hope you enjoy my vivid imagination. Please let me know what you think at lakesinclairsstories @ gmail.com and don't forget to donate to Nifty as they do an amazing job

"PC in the UK" Chapter 7

Time came to leave for London. Gareth had completed three shifts before taking four days off. Alan had kept busy by working off the laptop until the last couple of days. Apparently the power had gone out at his home in Georgia at some point because his home computer was no longer online for him to sign in to. He grumbled about it but deep down was glad. He only had four more days in the UK so everyone would survive if they could not reach him.

Gareth insisted on driving to London. The two were staying at a Hotel so there would be plenty of parking. Paul had offered for them to stay at his flat but Alan did not want to inconvenience him at all so the Motel was the best option. Alan used the excuse that Paul's flats have no parking. The closest parking was three blocks away and very expensive. The last two hours of the trip were fairly silent. It had taken a couple of extra hours due to taking the scenic route for part of the trip and also stopping to see different tourist attractions along the way. Gareth also carried Alan to some of the sights that only locals knew of.

Once checked in the Hotel he contacted Paul. They arrived mid afternoon and Paul had asked if they could come by the office before closing time. Alan was a bundle of nerves. He wanted to meet with Paul but knew that once that started then he knew that it was getting closer to time for him to leave. Gareth realized what was going on and kept assuring Alan that it was just temporary. Alan decided he wanted to get the office visit over with so they arrived just after three at Paul's office.

"Damn guy. It sure is great to see you. You are looking good. Seaside life agrees with you." Paul said as he hugged Gareth. "London life agrees with you too my friend." Gareth said. The three men sat and chatted for a few minutes. Gareth and Alan both told of the different sites Alan had been shown. " Tomorrow I plan to give him a private tour of this great city." Gareth said. " As long as you schedule a little bit of office time for you both here and then dinner with some friends tomorrow night." Paul said. " As long as you don't take up too much of his time. That is reserved for me." Gareth laughed.

Gareth listened as Alan and Paul talked about what Alan wanted and a little of what needed to be done to accomplish that. They talked for about thirty minutes and then Paul asked if he could talk to Alan alone for a few minutes. Gareth had felt uncomfortable about listening to Alan's financial matters anyway. Alan protested but a quick kiss and affirmation that he would be out in the lobby calmed Alan's nerves. " Alright. What are you wanting to accomplish ?" Paul asked.

Alan sat back in his chair for just a moment. "First off I want to take part of this money and pay off Gareth's house. He does not owe much but he is planning to retire in a couple of years. I want to pay his mortgage off so he can feel more comfortable with what he saves to retire on." Alan said. " You really like him don't you ?" Paul asked. " I plan to use this money the best that I can to help Gareth and I have a happy life together. If it does not work out for some unknown reason I will still be happy knowing that I was able to give him that little boost. He has said that he owes around or less than twenty thousand pounds." Alan said. "Well that will be easy enough. Have you discussed that with him ?" Paul asked. "Not yet. I want to weigh my options and then bring him in to hear what I plan to do." Alan said.

About an hour later Paul rang his assistant and asked them to send Gareth back in. Alan's heart melted and his cock also leaked as Gareth walked in with that huge sexy smile on his face. "Did you two get it all worked out ?" Gareth asked. " Possibly." Alan said. "Are you ready to start your tour of London ?" Gareth asked. "Not quite. There are a couple of business things to discuss." Paul said. "I will wait outside." Gareth said. "No you don't. This affects you too." Alan said.

Paul started out by explaining to Gareth parts of what had been discussed. Paul and his partners have a client that had hit a financial brick wall. He was a land developer. In the town that Gareth's parents live in he had built sixteen semi detached units to lease to the council. They were designed for elderly pensioners that got council housing. They were almost complete and was estimated about one hundred thousand pounds to complete them. The partners were not able to purchase the units from him as they were financial advisors and he was a client. The client had already lost his case in the local court and the high court. He had less than thirty days to pay off the creditors or he would loose the units and affect his credit. The client had approached Paul's firm to see if they could find someone to just pay off the debtors. The debt was just under five hundred thousand pounds. Another one hundred should have them ready to let.

Paul and Gareth sat back almost shocked as Alan listed out restrictions. The main ones being that the council paid the rent and that it not be used as regular council housing. "If it is designed for the elderly than that is what it has to be. I will not do this unless they assure me that the elderly living there will not have to deal with families with small children and teenagers. I have no problem with either but if you are moving to what you feel is a retirement community it is not easy to relax with soccer balls bouncing off the house or teenagers hanging around. " Alan said. " I can tell you do this all the time." Gareth laughed. "Close to it anyway." Alan laughed. "Next the council has to be responsible for paying the rent. They have to be responsible for evictions. I am sure that Gareth's Mom and Dad can tell me who in the area I can hire for maintenance." Alan said. "Jamie may be interested in that." Gareth said. "Sounds good. In the US we get a security deposit. In this case the council has to agree to pay for tenant damage repairs. Normal wear and tear I will pay for." Alan said.

" Next you said there was a house that comes with the property. You said it sits on two acres." Paul said. " It is a really nice place. It is about two miles from Mum's house. I was not sure what they were building." Gareth said. " The lot was approved for thirty council units but that is removing the house." Paul said. " I want the house separated. I have no interest in building more units." Alan said. "Once the loan is paid off that can easily be done." Paul said. " If you don't mind I would like for you to be the one that pays the contractors to finish the units. I don't just want to give them a blank check. They are saying one hundred thousand pounds. It will probably take one hundred fifty thousand. I never bank on the lower amount. " Alan said. "So you want to pay off the units to get clear title, then complete the units if the council agrees to handle them, pay off Gareth's house." Paul said. "What ? No. Wait a minute. I don't want you for your money. " Gareth said. "Can you give us a minute Paul ?" Alan asked. "Sure. I can have them call the council now and see if I can get an answer." Paul said as he got up and left the room.

" Please listen to me. I know you may argue but let me tell you everything and then explain why I plan to do what I am." Alan said. " As long as you will listen to me if I disagree." Gareth said. Alan explained that he had no family to leave anything too. Everything he had in the US was paid for. The rental income from the units would give them more than enough to do whatever they wanted to within reason. He wanted Gareth's parents to look at the house. It had over an acre of garden for his Mom and if their house was paid for then they could either rent it or sell it and use that money to travel or do whatever they wanted.

If they decided that the units were too much trouble then they could easily sell them at a massive profit once they were rented. As for Gareth's house, Alan explained that he knew that Gareth planned to take early retirement in a couple of years. This would allow him to do the remodeling he wanted to do and also save even more towards his retirement. That way when he decided to retire he would have the work done and paid for along with more in savings. "I don't have anyone to leave with I have to. We, yes we, have either a niece or nephew coming that can benefit from these units in the years to come. Your Mom has complained about the teenagers in their neighborhood. This house will give her the garden she wants and no teenagers around along with the security that you and I will take care of their home." Alan said.

Gareth sat and looked at Alan for a couple of minutes. " You do know that I want you and not your money, right ?" Gareth said. " You did not know that I had any money when you met me so I have never thought that. This is my idea totally." Alan said. " I will do as you are asking under one condition." Gareth said. "What is that ?" Alan asked. "Promise me that you are coming back and that you will not go home and change your mind." Gareth said. " My only concern is that once my plane takes off you will say thank God he is gone." Alan said. " Baby right now if I could get away with it I would fuck you right here on Paul's desk to assure you that will never happen." Gareth said. " I don't think that secretary in that office across the alley would enjoy the show." Alan laughed.

Paul came back into the office. "Everything alright guys ?" Paul asked. "Almost. We have the plan we just have to execute it." Alan said. " Our attorney drew up these papers yesterday just in case we needed them. Since you will have business interests in the UK and you were quite clear that Gareth would be involved in your US interests he has drawn up the papers for each for dual citizenship. It is not required but it makes it much easier when you are dealing with business interests and also travel. " Paul said. "That sounds good for me." Gareth said. "Does that mean that we will not have to give tentative dates for me to stay here or Gareth to stay there ?" Alan asked. " Yes that takes away having to apply for visas." Paul said. "Where do I sign ?" Alan said. "This may take a few months to finalize but we will get started on it tomorrow." Paul said.

The papers were signed and the folder closed. "What's next ?" Paul asked. "We will buy the units and the house. I want Gareth's name on everything just like mine. The only thing I need to do is be careful that he does not get hit with heavy taxes." Alan said. "If you are the first name on it then he will not have to worry about the taxes." Paul said. " When I get home I plan to put all my properties on the market. I have always wanted a house in the Smokie Mountains and I will have more than enough from my properties to buy one. Once I sell and buy will I be able to transfer left over monies here for you to invest ?" Alan asked. " You still have your company here that held your investment. We will just transfer that money into that account. " Paul said.

"I have rented a cabin for two weeks already. I had thought about canceling and loosing my deposit but I will use that time to look for a house. What I expect to get from mine and what I expect to spend will leave maybe close to four hundred thousand US that I would transfer." Alan said. " Keep one hundred thousand of that invested there because around the first of the year you will get your second payment on this investment and it should be over three hundred thousand pounds." Paul said. "Three hundred ? Hell I figured it would be fifteen or twenty thousand pounds." Alan said. " I can keep the rest." Paul laughed. "That's alright just make sure it goes in to accounts with Gareth's name on it too." Alan said. "I will get all of this done and if you two can come by tomorrow after lunch it should be ready." Paul said.

Gareth and Alan spoke very little on the way back to the Hotel. Alan was a little anxious about what Gareth may be feeling. Once inside the Hotel room Gareth pulled Alan to him for a deep passionate kiss. "Are you alright with all of this ?" Alan asked. " I will get use to the fact that you are paying my house off but if it makes my baby happy then I am fine with it." Gareth said. "Can we call your parents and see what they think about the house ?" Alan asked. "Later. I have to show my sweetheart how much I love him right now." Gareth said as he began to undress Alan.

Thirty minutes later they lay in the bed with Alan's back to Gareth's chest. His cock was still hard even to stay inside though it had just unloaded deep inside Alan and Gareth was dialing his parents. Gareth's Mom was thrilled with the idea She had gotten Gareth's father to pick up the other extension in the house. "Love you don't have to do that for us." she said. " I don't know if your house is paid for or not but this house will be. You can sell yours or rent it for the income." Alan said. "Da and I owe very little on our house. We had talked a little about trying for a elder flat through the council and letting Jamie finish paying for this one if he wanted it since he is getting married." she said. " I am sure we have enough to pay it off ." Alan said. " No you don't. We wanted to talk to Gareth about it because we did not want him to feel left out if we gave this house to Jamie. We don't have loads of money to divide when we die." Gareth's Dad said. "Talk to Jamie. I have my house and it will be paid for. There is a Grandbaby coming that needs that security." Gareth said.

"So this means you are coming back ?" Mrs. Reid asked. "I had hoped to be able to come back for yours and Gareth's Birthdays but with all these changes I need to handle a few things in the US and it will be a couple of weeks afterwards before I can get back. " Alan said. "Don't make me come hunting you." she said. "Don't worry Mum. I will be back. If you will accept me I plan to be a part of your family if you and Gareth will allow it." Alan said. He had to stifle a moan due to Gareth flexing his cock that was still deep inside him. " You leave him to me. I am still his Mum and I can box those ears in a minute." she said and laughed.

"We will know tomorrow if everything will work out. Paul said there were no worries. Glenda can get in the house. See if she will take you two over there to look at it and see if you will be happy with it." Alan said. " We know the house. Your Mum has loved that house for years." Mr. Reid said. "Before you decide I do want you two to go look at it. If you don't like it I may offer it to Jamie." Alan said. "Bloody hell you will. Room for lots of flowers and fruit trees. Jamie can take this house or we will sell it. Besides if only pensioners are allowed in the let units I can envision many a tea with the ladies in my garden." she said. "We will buy it from you then." Mr. Reid said. " No you won't. It will be Gareth's one day or our niece or nephews. " Alan said.

Gareth and Alan took a short nap after the conversation ended. Neither felt tired but with everything that had happened in such a short period of time it seemed that both brains needed a break. Alan woke first and moaned as he felt Gareth's cock still deep inside him. He lay there looking at the window trying not to cry at the reality that he only had about forty eight hours before he had to board a plane back to the US.

When Gareth woke they both showered and dressed for their evening. The restaurant was nice and the night lights of London were enchanting. The two sat at a table in sidewalk cafe with coffee and just watched London pass by. "Are you alright with everything from today ?" Alan asked. " Love if you are happy I am happy. I don't care about the money, the let units or anything else but you." Gareth said. "I wonder if Mum will get any sleep tonight ?" Alan laughed. "I doubt she does and I doubt she let's Da sleep either. You know you don't have to do this." Gareth said. " WE are doing this. This is an opportunity for us to cement our retirement and also help the family without having to really pay out any money. Do you have a better suggestion ?" Alan asked. " Not really I just never dreamed I would be able to make my parents and my brother this happy." Gareth said.

Back in the Hotel Alan was pleased once more to show Gareth how much he loved him. Gareth lay there catching his breath with Alan straddling his hips. Alan lay forward on Gareth's chest trying to catch his breath also. " Keep this up love and I will stow away on that plane." Gareth said. He felt the tear hit his chest and wrapped his arms tighter around Alan. "We almost have it all sorted love so don't cry please." Gareth whispered. " Easier said than done. I am so happy and on the other hand I am so scared." Alan said. "Scared of what ?" Gareth said. " This is a dream come true. I am just afraid I will land in Georgia and it will all be over." Alan said. "No way sweetie. Besides we need Uncle Alan to teach Uncle Gareth how to change nappies. They say they can be quite raunchy." Gareth said. Alan just pressed more of his weight into Gareth's chest and held him even tighter.

Both men woke up fully relaxed. They had an appointment before lunch at Paul's office. From there they would have the day to themselves until around seven that evening when they had plans with Paul and some of his friends for dinner. The office visit took less than an hour. Paul's team had contacted the lender of the duplexes and they had accepted the offer. The money would be transferred after lunch and the units and house would be Alan and Gareth's within five days. Alan had gotten nervous about how fast everything had come together. Gareth called and made sure he was off on the signing day. Alan signed the equivalent of a power of attorney for Gareth to represent him and sign his name to anything needed in his absence. " We got the paperwork filed yesterday for the joint citizenships. Before you leave London I need you to go by the American consulate for an interview and some paperwork." Paul said to Gareth. "Do I need any papers ?" Gareth asked. "We got copies of your certificate of birth and a letter from Scotland yard. They already have that. We also have the paper drawn up putting you as one of the owners of the company that has both US and UK interests. " Paul said.

" Now what will I need to do ?" Alan asked. "All your information has been filed also. It may be a month before they contact you but you will need to go to the UK consulate in the US. They already have a copy of your UK interests and you will need to carry your birth certificate and your driver's license for your interview." Paul said. "This is all happening isn't it ?" Alan said. "Have I ever let you down ?" Paul said. "Not yet." Alan laughed. "The approval from the council was done. Paul's office would handle the investment end of the let properties and investments. Paul's office had contacted Glenda who was happy to handle the rentals through the council and also the contractors to finish the units.

Paul's team had also filed the paperwork to have the house removed as a separate property from the rental units. "What are you doing with the house ?" Paul asked. " We think that Gareth's Mom and Dad are going to live in it. They are going to offer their house to Jamie and Glenda." Alan said. "Gareth if you can go by the house and see what remodeling it will take and we can include that in the let units cost before it is separated." Paul said.

The meeting had finished and Alan and Gareth had left Paul's office. They stopped at a small cafe that Gareth use to eat at frequently when he lived there. To his surprise the owner spotted him and remembered Gareth from years back. The owner enjoyed embarrassing Gareth with tails to Alan of his past and some of the funny mishaps as a rookie officer. Alan offered to pay the tab but the owner would not hear of it. "This bobbie saved my arse many a time. He always worked the night beat and the pub crawlers always started shit. Gareth here got them sorted quick and good fashion." the man said. "Yeah he is quite good at sorting things good fashion." Alan said causing Gareth to blush a little.

"Want me to grab a taxi so we can tour more of London ?" Gareth asked. "How far are we from the Hotel ?" Alan asked. "Five minutes by Taxi. Probably thirty walking." Gareth said. "What I would really like now is to hold my boyfriends hand and walk back to the Hotel. Once there I want him naked and in bed." Alan said and smiled. "We can get that sorted well enough." Gareth said and smiled. Back at the Hotel they both stripped and stood at the edge of the bed naked, kissing.

The two had expected to dive in the bed and have mad, passionate sex. There was tension in the air realizing that in about twenty four hours that Alan would be getting ready to board a plane back to America. The two kissed passionately on and off for about three hours. Gareth lay on his back with Alan laying at his side with one leg over his lower body and his head and hand on Gareth's chest. Alan's fingers lightly caressed the hair on Gareth's chest. Gareth had one hand placed on Alan's arm and the other was between Alan's ass cheeks with one finger slowly moving in and out of Alan's ass. There had been no sex at this point. It seemed that both men felt if they fucked that this might end so they rested, dozed and just relaxed in each other's arms.

The sun had began to set. Gareth removed his finger and pulled Alan so that he lay on top of him. "We need to get moving love or we will be late." Gareth whispered. Alan leaned down and kissed Gareth as he gripped and kneaded Alan's ass cheeks. "Do we have too ?" Alan whined. "No love we don't but as much as Paul has done for us I think it would be rude if we skipped on him." Gareth said. "You know you can make me so mad when you are right." Alan laughed. "But you love me don't you ?" Gareth said squeezing the two ass cheeks. "Get in the shower and I will prove how much." Alan said.

Alan turned and lathered Gareth's chest , cock and balls well. As he moved Gareth under the water to rinse Alan got on his knees and took Gareth's hard cock into his mouth. Gareth moaned and placed his hand on Alan's head as he felt the nose bury in his pubes and Alan's goatee tickle his balls. "Oh shit babe.... Ahhhh fuck.." Gareth would moan. Alan could feel the cock in his mouth and throat begin to stretch and flex. Pulling back off he would let Gareth calm before starting all over again. The third time Alan pulled Gareth to the brink of explosion and then pulled off was more than he could take. He pulled Alan to his feet. "You cheeky tease." Gareth smiled.

He grabbed a small bottle of Hotel hair conditioner. Quickly he lathered Alan's entire ass crack and then his cock. Holding Alan's head turned toward him for a kiss with one hand he took the other and turned Alan's body so that his lower back was against his groin. It only took about five thrusts for Alan to clinch his ass ring around Gareth's cock and begin coating the shower walls. "BBbbbllllooodddyyy Hhhhheellllll." Gareth shouted as his body jerked along with his cock as it unloaded deep inside Alan's ass.

Gareth and Alan arrived at the Restaurant. Alan had met all but two of the guests at a previous dinner with Paul. Gareth was surprised at how many of the group he already knew from his days in London. Alan was pleased at how much Gareth smiled as he caught up with old friends. There was one in particular that seemed to be irritated and Alan could not put his finger on it. Once they had retired to a lounge area of the restaurant Alan pulled Paul to the side. "What is that guy's problem ?" Alan asked. "He and Gareth's ex were best frineds. I have heard some say that he visits the ex in prison." Paul said. "Well fuck. Guess it's time for a little redneck intervention." Alan said. "Redneck intervention ?" Paul said and laughed. "Watch and learn my friend. Watch and learn." Alan said.

The man's name was Thomas. He was finally able to corner Gareth. As Alan approached he had not heard the earlier conversation but he could see that Gareth was not happy. " You know you owe him for what you did to him and how dare you show your face in London again ?" Thomas blurted. "Everything alright baby ?" Alan asked. "Baby ..pppfff." Thomas said. "Alan I am guessing you have met Thomas. He is a friend of the ex." Gareth said. "You need to go see him while you are here. You owe him that. You owe him a hell of a lot for what you did to him. " Thomas said. "Excuse me. Is this the ex that cheated on you ?" Alan said and smiled. "The same." Gareth said. "Well sweetie with that dick you got you don't have to worry about me ever cheating on you." Alan said and reached down and gripped Gareth's package lightly.

"This is non of your fucking business. Go back to your swamp." Thomas said. "Sweetie I don't live in a swamp and if you are attacking my man then this is my fucking business big time. Besides this is suppose to be a celebration. Everyone may I have your attention. I would like to propose a toast to Gareth. One of the UK's newest millionaires." Alan said. "Cheers." everyone shouted and toasted Gareth. "Millionaire ? No fucking way." Thomas scoffed. " Hey Paul. Did i misunderstand our meeting today. Was it not established that Gareth was one of UK's new millionaires ?" Alan said. "You heard right. " Paul called back. "Thought I heard right. I am southern so we talk slow and listen slow." Alan said. " Millionaire huh ? You haven't heard the last of this." Thomas said. "I think he has. Your buddy cheated on him. His loss is my gain. I have one of the newest UK millionaires. " Alan said before moving right up to Thomas' nose. "And this new millionaire is mine. It will be in your best interest to forget Gareth and tell your fucked up buddy to forget him to or you will meet some good old fashion redneck justice. Feel me friend ?" Alan growled. "HOW DARE YOU." Thomas shouted. "Easily. Do I need to repeat myself ? You may not have got the full meaning of what I just said." Alan said. Thomas slammed his drink down on the table and stormed out of the restaurant. "Bloody hell we should have been toasting you. Gareth bud we need to keep him here in London." One of the group said and laughed.

"Was that redneck justice ?" Paul laughed. "No that was Alan justice. If it had been redneck justice his nose would have been pushed to the side and he would have spit out a few teeth." Alan said and smiled. "You sure you are going to be able to handle this one Gareth. Hell Thomas was shouting and this bloke never raised his voice but got Thomas good and told. Had me worried for myself there for a minute." one guy laughed. "Well I don't ever plan on bringing that side out of him." Gareth laughed. " Look guys that was nothing plus I learned long ago you get your message through a lot better when you don't shout." Alan said. "Bet Thomas is headed home to change. I would have shit myself if you had been talking to me." another said and laughed. "Enough about Thomas he is ancient history. Let's get back to celebrating." Alan said. "Hell I thought we were. That just made my night." one laughed. "That was the most polite cursing out I have ever seen." Paul said.

"Look guys I am from the south in the US. We are brought up to defend the ones we love. Gareth was being nice just because of the situation. I didn't have to be. Thomas could have attacked me all night and I could have cared less. He is not even a gnat in my life but when he attacked Gareth it changed. In the south you let someone brush up against you and even push you around a little but if they ever step on your toes you knee them in the nuts and finish the job." Alan said. "Remind me not to piss you off." one laughed. "Paul didn't you say we were all going to Florida sometime on holiday ? That's the south so we may need to change plans." one laughed. "Don't worry. Florida is the new north. The old south stops at the state line." Alan laughed.

The group began to break up. All the men hugged and said their goodbyes with promises from Gareth and Alan that they would be coming to London for more dinners like this one. "I will make sure that they are not strangers." Paul told them. Most of the men also tried to make the two men promise to be at their Christmas party this year being held at Paul's flat. "I am sorry you had to endure that." Gareth said. "Thomas ? That was nothing." Alan laughed. "He said this was not over." Gareth said. "Baby I am more worried about the key working on the Hotel room door than I am about Thomas and his threats." Alan said. " In that case I am sure that the key will work." Gareth laughed. "It better I can't hardly wait for one of UK's newest millionaires to fuck my brains out." Alan said as he reached back and squeezed one of Gareth's firm ass cheeks. "I think he can handle that." Gareth said stopping on the street and pulling Alan to him for a kiss.

Once the Hotel room closed behind them Alan turned quickly and pulled Gareth to him. Alan grabbed Gareth's shirt and pulled it quickly. If there had been stronger button holes there would have been buttons flying everywhere. He quickly loosened Gareth's belt and was quickly able to unbuckle and unzip Gareth's pants. Gareth's firm ass cheeks held the jeans up and Alan reached through the waist band and gripped one ass cheek firm and pulled Gareth to him as he placed his other hand on Gareth's chest to run his fingers through the chest hair.

A deep and animal instinct kiss began between the two. Alan was melting into the steam that was radiating from Gareth's body. "Bloody hell you are a horny yank tonight." Gareth said and smiled as he looked down into Alan's eyes and ran one hand down his cheek. "Only horny for PC Gareth but who wouldn't be ?" Alan said and smiled. Gareth reached out to undress Alan. "Not yet. You stay just like you are and I will be back shortly. I want to finish unwrapping my going away gift for myself and Thank you." Alan said. "For what love ?" Gareth said. "Going commando just for me. I love my man commando." Alan said squeezing the bare ass cheek one more time.

Gareth lay propped up on the bed with his shirt wide open but still tucked in on one side. The side that was un tucked bore bare skin of his hip where the V shape of his body met his pelvis. The ora and site of Gareth's bare hip, chest and the site of the partially bare ass cheek had Alan both hardening and leaking as he walked back towards the bed naked holding a towel. "Guess I need to shower quick too." Gareth said. "Oh no PC Gareth you are perfect just like you are. Well you will be when I unwrap the new millionaire." Alan said. Gareth reached his arms out to his sides in the air. "It's all yours my love."

Alan dropped his towel to the floor. Placing one knee on the bed he leaned over and lowered his head for a kiss. Gareth's lips parted quickly as Alan's tongue touched them. Alan had one arm on each side of Gareth to balance himself. Gareth reached up and began to fondle Alan's hard and leaking cock. "Careful stud this is suppose to be about you. " Alan said. Gareth took his wet fingers and placed them in his mouth. " Mmmm.. Don't worry love this is about me." he said and winked. Alan pulled himself up and reached out for Gareth's hand. Alan was surprised at the restraint as he tried to pull Gareth to his feet. "What's wrong ?" Alan asked. "Not a thing my love. Do you have any clue just how bloody sexy you are ?" Gareth said. "These millionaires will say anything to get what they want." Alan laughed. "Well this millionaire plans to get what he wants very shortly." Gareth said and rose from the bed.

Alan stood in front of Gareth and reached out and slid the open shirt over Gareth's shoulders. He stood and ran his fingers lightly over Gareth's hairy chest. He also reached up and traced Gareth's muscled shoulders with his fingers. Gareth reached out to touch Alan but got a light slap on the hand. Gareth finally won the hand battle as he was able to lightly pinch both of Alan's nipples. Gareth smiled to himself as he could feel Alan's body almost melting into his fingers.

Alan leaned in harder against Gareth's hands for a deep kiss. Pulling back he pushed back from Gareth to release his nipples. He then leaned back in and began to kiss Gareth's neck and then began working his way down his chest. He lightly licked and nibbled on Gareth's nipples getting passionate moans from his lover as his reward. He kissed and nibbled his way down to Gareth's open jeans. He lightly bit and tugged at the soft flesh of Gareth's muscled love handles and then soft tissue of his hip bone. He then slid the jeans over Gareth's muscular ass cheeks and laughed lightly as Gareth's steel hard cock sprang free from the restraining denim and got a love slap across his cheek from the hard cock being released.

Alan leaned back and looked up the God like figure of Gareth's body. Their eyes met and Alan kept eye contact as he opened his mouth and quickly took Gareth's cock deep down his throat until his nose was buried in Gareth's pubic hair. A deep growl came from Gareth as he broke eye contact and leaned his head back exposing the strong muscles and strained blood vessels in his neck. Breaking eye contact Alan began to focus on the large gland he had moving in and out of his mouth and down his throat. "Careful love or it will be over quick." Gareth whispered. Alan moaned causing a vibration on Gareth's sensitive cock and he felt Gareth's body shutter.

Alan released Gareth's cock from his mouth. He leaned forward and licked the bulging tip and looked up and smiled at Gareth. Even from that distance he could see the lust in Gareth's eyes. Alan stood and went to his tip toes. He leaned forward and nibbled Gareth's ear lobe. "You know what I need my love ?" Alan whispered. "Anything you want sweetheart." Gareth said with a raspy voice. "I need you to fuck me now. I need you to fuck me hard and fill me with your millionaire cum." Alan whispered. "Oh baby I plan to make long sweet love to you. Gareth whispered. "Later lover. Right now I need you to fuck the hell out of me." Alan said as he moved away from Gareth and got down on his hands and knees on the floor. "I need my millionaire stallion with his horse dick to mount me and breed me." Alan said. "Bloody hell." Gareth whispered

Gareth got on his knees behind Alan. He ran his hands down Alan's back and slid a finger down the crack of Alan's ass. "Oh I see you are ready. I see this sweet pussy is already lubed up." Gareth whispered. "Just for you my love." Alan moaned. Gareth reached around and collected some pre cum that Alan was leaking and rubbed it on his raging cock. He took one hand and parted Alan's ass cheeks. He began to slap his hard cock against Alan's twitching ring. Gareth had to smile as he watched Alan's body trying to capture the raging cock. Gareth moved and pushed the mushroom head of his cock against the soft tissue against the ring.

Gareth leaned over Alan's back and nibbled on his ear lobe. He reached under Alan with one hand and tweaked one of his nipples. With his other arm he reached under and around Alan's waist. "Is this what my baby wants ?" Gareth whispered. "Almost baby. Almost. PLEASE fuck me... fuck me hard. Make me see stars." Alan begged. With one sharp jab of his hips Gareth sank into Alan balls deep even moving his body forward as the base of his cock even stretched him wider as Alan screamed in ecstasy.

Gareth held Alan tight and arched his back making sure he was fully seated inside him. "Is this what my lover wants ?" Gareth whispered. "Make love later. Now fuck me with that horse dick and make me scream." Alan said. Gareth needed no other invitation. For a few seconds he enjoyed Alan's moans as he swiveled his hips while fully impaling Alan., The movement of his cock inside Alan made him whimper. "Hard please. Fuck me hard." Alan pleaded. Gareth tightened his grip around Alan's waist. He released the nipple and placed his hand on the floor for stability. Arching his back he began to fuck his large cock in and out of Alan's ass as fast as possible. The loud sounds of the ass ring trying to hold onto the raging cock as it came completely free and then the squishy sound of the lube as it opened right back just as quickly to welcome the large cock back rang out through the room.

Grunts and moans from both men filled the room also. Gareth could feel Alan getting closer due to his ass ring starting to quiver around his cock. Leaning further forward he lightly bit into the skin of Alan's neck. Rising a little off his knees seemed to give him more power to push harder and further. " Oooohhh...... aaahhhhhhhh...... bbbabbyyy......lloooveee...thatt. hhhuuuugee...... hhhhooorrrssseee ..... ddiiiiiccccckkk.....ffffffuuucccckkkk." Alan shouted as his body went into spasms and his cock began to spray it's load onto the towel beneath him. "Ahhhh,,,,,blllooooodddddyyyy........ffffuuuuuccccckkkkkk... "Gareth shouted as he lunged as far forward pushing his dick in so deep it seemed he was trying to even get his balls inside Alan as his cock began to flex and spray. As they began to catch their breath Gareth's body still jerked every time he flexed his cock inside Alan. "Damn baby that was amazing." Gareth whispered in Alan's ear. "Amazing. That horse dick is just what I need. My millionaire horse dick." Alan said. Alan moaned loudly as Gareth smiled and took one more hard jab into Alan's ass and flexed his cock. "Yep my baby just got breed by UK's new millionaire." Gareth laughed.

Author's Note: As promised a short story. Only one chapter left.

Next: Chapter 8

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