PC in the UK

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 24, 2020


Author Lake Sinclair

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"PC in the UK" Chapter 8

Alan woke before Gareth and slipped from the bed. He was trying his best to plan his morning sex marathon for he and Gareth and not think about his flight back to the US later that day. Alan stood and looked at himself in the mirror. "How could he love this ?" he thought to himself. Tears fell on his cheeks as his fears began to creep back in that once his plane took off that Gareth would forget him. Alan did not realize that Gareth had gotten up and was standing naked in the door watching him. "It's not going to happen." Gareth said causing Alan to jump from surprise. "What do you mean ?" Alan said. "I am not going to forget you as soon as you leave." Gareth said. " You promise ?" Alan said. Gareth walked over and wrapped his arms around Alan and placed his head on Alan's shoulder so that they were both looking in the mirror.

The sun had not come up and the two lay back in the bed. Gareth lay on his back with Alan on his side half covering him. Alan had relaxed and he had one hand on Gareth's chest lightly rubbing his fingers back and forth across one of Gareth's nipples. Gareth had one arm behind Alan and lightly ran his fingers up and down Alan's bare back as both slipped back off to sleep.

A couple of hours later Gareth had his arms wrapped around Alan's body with Alan's back to his chest. He held Alan's body as tight to his as possible as his cock flexed deep inside him dumping a heavy morning load. "AAAAhhhhh ffffuuuuuccccc...." Gareth almost shouted into Alan's neck. Alan had not been able to hold out and had lost his load onto the bed a few minutes earlier. The knock on the door made Gareth try slow his breathing. He smiled and chuckled as he pulled his still hard cock from Alan. "Yeah my love. Good and fucked, good and loaded." Gareth said due to the sucking sound from Alan's ass as his cock came clear. Gareth grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist before opening the door. The young man delivering the room service could barely speak as his first view was a gorgeous man with a half hard cock answering the door just wrapped in a towel.

Alan had pulled the sheet up to partially cover himself. The young man pushed the breakfast cart into the room and began setting the cart up. "Good morning Sirs. My name is Oscar and I am here to help you .... in anyway... you may need." he said. "We can finish that." Gareth said. "It is part of the service sir. The front desk said that you had a wakeup call for noon. Should I cancel that ?" he asked. " No we need to leave here by one so that we don't miss Alan's flight." Gareth said. " According to my list you are scheduled to check out tomorrow. Should I list you as an early check out then ?" Oscar asked. "No I will not be checking out until in the morning." Gareth said.

"Well sir I will be on duty until nine this evening. IF there is any service that you need I will be more than happy to oblige. If after hours service is needed that can be arranged too." Oscar said. "I think we are fine but thank you anyway." Gareth said. "Enjoy your days sirs and have a nice flight sir." Oscar said as he left the room. "No way in hell I am getting on that plane and leaving you here with .... Oscar." Alan said. Gareth walked back to the bed and dropped his towel. Pulling the sheet back Alan lay on his back with his knees up. Leaning down he kissed Alan and ran a hand down between Alan's legs. He slid one finger inside Alan's leaking ass and moved it in and out. " That little boy ? No need to worry about him. I have everything I will ever need right here leaking fresh little Gareth's on the sheets." Gareth said.

Gareth had ordered a full English breakfast for two. Alan sat across for Gareth and was able to eat a couple of bites of a piece of toast. " You need to eat baby." Gareth said. "Oh I have all I need and plan to feast shortly." Alan said as he reached under the table and touched Gareth's flaccid cock. "It's all yours baby. Do with it as you please. " Gareth said and smiled. Gareth sat back in the chair minutes later with his hands behind his head as his hips bucked and he held his breath while unloading his second load of the morning deep inside Alan's throat.

Alan pushed the thoughts of leaving to the back of his mind. The phone rang alerting them of the wake up call they had requested. At the time of the call Alan lay on his back with Gareth laying on top of him keeping him fully impaled. They had been in this position for almost an hour. Alan had his arms and legs wrapped around Gareth. Gareth slowly moved his cock in and out of Alan's ass as they kissed and used their hands to explore each other's bodies.

After the phone rang Gareth began to speed up his motion fucking Alan. They had both edged many times over the hour and had lay still and just kissed until the urge to finish had passed. "Oh baby you are always so fucking tight." Gareth whispered. " You are so damn big I will always be tight for you." Alan whispered. "So you like this copper knob ?" Gareth whispered. "I love this copper. HIs huge knob is just a bonus." Alan said. His voice had began to hitch because he knew this building orgasm he would not be able to suppress.

"Faster......FASTER....HARDER....HARDER BABY." Alan started to shout. Gareth placed one hand behind Alan's head and one under his hip lifting him giving him better access. "Bloody hell you make me so damn horny." Gareth whispered in between kisses. "Uhhhh.....uuuhh... OOOHHHHHHHHHH." Alan shouted as his entire body shivered and his cock released a built up load on his stomach and Gareth's chest. "GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRR." Gareth growled as he dug his toes into the sheets and pushed his raging cock as deep inside Alan as he could and began to release. Alan had opened his eyes and marveled again as Gareth's face turned red and the veins in his neck and across his forehead became even more visible from the force of his orgasm. "Oh fuck." Gareth whispered as he could finally breath again but his body still jerked periodically and his cock flexed deep inside Alan.

About ten minutes later they were in the shower together. Alan was taking his time to make sure he lathered every inch of Gareth's body. It had been fairly silent during the shower. "Baby you didn't need to ummm... clean yourself out before we showered ?" Gareth whispered. "No way in hell. I am taking these loads home with me. I plan to keep them as long as I can." Alan whispered. "Baby there is plenty more where that came from." Gareth whispered. "I hope so but it will be a while before I can get a fresh supply." Alan said and looked up into Gareth's smiling face.

He tried to smile but the tears told a different story. Gareth wrapped his arms around Alan and pulled him tight to him. "Do you trust me love ?" Gareth asked. " Yes, you know I do." Alan said. "And I trust you. We almost have all of this sorted and we will see each other again in a few weeks." Gareth said. "I don't know that I can wait that long." Alan said. " We both have things we have to get done to make our dream come true. I am going to the consulate tomorrow before I leave London to see if I can speed things up on my end." Gareth said. "You know I love you don't you ?" Alan said. "No doubt in my mind that my yank loves me to death and your PC in the UK loves you will all his heart and soul." Gareth said.

Their first stop after leaving the Hotel was at Scotland Yard. The receptionist had a folder ready for Gareth to pick up. Apparently Gareth had dealt with Immigrations in the past so he planned to be prepared. There were also papers that he need for his meeting the next day. Alan met a few of Gareth's old work buddies. "Never thought big Gareth here would find the man that totally stole his heart." one said. "You gonna make him a yank cop ?" another asked. " Yeah they all carry guns. I can see big Gareth with those sunshades on and his hand on a gun on his hip." another laughed. They explained part of their plans and each of the guys told Alan that if he ever needed anything just shout.

They arrived at the airport and it was easier for Gareth to get through security with his badge than it was Alan. Once past security they sat in a waiting area before heading to the boarding area. A stumpy little lady that looked like she had on a ragged wig walked up and asked Alan to follow her. "Is there a problem ?" Gareth asked. " I am Mrs. Langford from immigrations and I need to speak to him about his visa. This does not concern you." she said and directed Alan to a group of offices.

About ten minutes later Alan and the lady came back out. The lady had a grin on her face and Alan looked as though he had seen a ghost. " I over stayed my visa." Alan said. Gareth pulled out the folder and took out the police report from the attack and the letters from the doctor and handed them to the lady. "I will investigate and return but do not board your flight." she said. " What's up baby ?" Gareth said. " She said I over stayed my visa. I explained about the attack and the doctor's orders. She told me I should have came here and applied for a visa extension." Alan said. "Bloody bitch." Gareth said. "Gareth she said she was recommending a six month ban on my travels to the UK and planned to mark me for any requests after that as an over stay risk." Alan said. Alan was visibly shaking.

Gareth kissed his cheek and then stood and pulled out his phone. He walked away and began talking. Alan pulled out his phone and called Paul's office. He explained to Paul about what was going on. "Don't worry I will walk over to the legal department and get one of our solicitors on it right now. Don't worry Alan. We will get it sorted." Paul said. Gareth came back a couple of minutes later and took his seat beside Alan. It was a long ten minutes before Mrs. Langston came back. By that point one of the Scotland Yard officers on duty had arrived and was talking to Gareth.

"Come with me sir." she said to Alan. "PC Gareth is coming with him." the man said. "He has no authority here." she said in a stern voice. "Ma'am when the Police Superintendent of the Crown says he has authority then he does." the man said. "That means nothing to me." she said and told Gareth to stay seated. It wasn't but about three minutes later that he director of Scotland Yard at the airport walked in to her office un announed and then right back out and motioned for Gareth.

"I have researched your papers. I contacted the hospital and the nurse said your record showed that the doctor "suggested" that you not fly for two weeks. It was not a direct order so you could have left on time. I am amending my suggestion to an eighteen month ban on travel to the UK and stern vetting on any travel here after that. That is my final decision." she said. About that time there was a knock on the door. The officer that stood in the back opened the door. The lady gave him a dirty look because he had not asked her first.

"I am Brian Walker. I am the airport representative of the US consulate. It seems there is an issue with one of our citizens." he said. " He over stayed his visa." she said. "It is my understanding that it was at the recommendation of a doctor." he said. "Recommendation not order." she said. "May I see your boarding pass ?" he asked. Alan handed him his boarding pass and he pulled out his phone. " Yes this is Brain Walker with US immigrations. I am ordering a hold on flight A635 to Hartsfield Jackson International in Atlanta Georgia USA until further notice." he said. "You have no authority to do that." she barked. "I just did." he said and motioned for Alan to join him in the hall.

"I am so bloody tired of this." she said. "He stayed under Doctor's suggestion due to an injury that he received at the hands of a UK citizen." Gareth said. As Alan and Brian started back into the office she slammed her hands down on her desk. "It's not that. I am bloody tired of American citizens coming to our country and thinking the rules do not apply to them. Especially the homosexuals. They come here and corrupt our young men and think they can bloody well come and go as they please and there will be no repercussions." she shouted.

Alan almost lost his footing. The officer at the door caught him quickly before he lost his balance. " So this is about him being gay ?" Brian asked. "Keep your bloody poofters on your side of the pond. It is time to stop this and I plan to do my best too." she said. She turned and typed into her computer. "There. Complete ban. Sir you will never be allowed in the UK again." she said and sat back and smiled. "Mrs. Langford am I correct in hearing you make a derogatory comment about homosexuals and also call them poofters ?" the officer asked. "You are bloody correct." she said and smiled.

"Mrs. Langford I am arresting you in accordance to the Anti-social Behavior, Crime and Policing Act of July 2014." he said. "You have no right to do that. What are you a wanker too ?" she said. "Would everyone excuse me while I remind her of her rights. Gareth would you inform the airport office that I will need transport ?" he said. "Gladly." Gareth said. At this point the embassy representative had his phone out again. "This is Brian Walker again. I am posting a formal request from the US consulate for any and all files concerning US Citizens that have been reviewed by Mrs. Langford in the past two years." Brian said. "There was a couple of moments of silence. "That is fine then I will inform my office to have a red flag placed on all travel to the UK from the US. " Brian said and hung up. His phone immediately began to ring again. Mrs. Langford's boss came running down the hall. "What is going on here ?" he asked.

The officer that had Mrs. Langford in cuffs told the supervisor about the visa and the conversation. "What were you thinking ?" he said looking at the lady. " Sir she has been arrested and is under caution." the officer said. "Take her." he said. He then turned to Brian. "Please answer your phone I am sure it is the Airport director." he said. " At this point we have nothing further to discuss. If US citizens are going to be treated this way then we will red flag your country. Simple as that." Brian said. "Everyone just calm down. Let me look at her notes. What the hell was her problem ?" he said.

He quickly began to type and then picked up the phone. He spoke to someone and gave his employee number. "Sir I am so sorry for all that you have gone through. Mrs. Langford will be dealt with appropriately and your passport has been wiped clean including the excused visa extension. Please accept my apologies. Brian can we get the flight off hold and back on schedule ?" he asked. Brian took out his phone and made a quick call. "I think we are almost done. I expect a copy of all her dealings with US citizens on my desk for review within twenty four hours. You have that long before I have the UK red flagged." Brain said and turned to leave.

The supervisor made another call. Moments later a nice young lady walked into the room. "Sirs if you will follow me. We have a private waiting room that you can use until time to board your flight." she said. "Thank you sir. I did not plan on causing any issues much less all of this." Alan said. "I am just sorry that you and your officer here had to deal with all of this. I can not promise that she will loose her job but I can assure you that she will never deal with passengers again." he said. "She has problems Gareth. I don't want her prosecuted." Alan said. "I will see what I can do baby." Gareth said. " You have a good man there." the supervisor said. "Yep this is my yank." Gareth said and smiled.

Once inside the lounge Alan turned and locked the door. He quickly walked to Gareth and reached out and began to unbutton his shirt. "Baby we are in the airport. I don't think sex is a good idea." Gareth said. "I would love nothing more than for you to rip my clothes off and fuck all my anxiety away but I know we can't. I want you to hold me but I want bare skin." Alan said as he slid Gareth's shirt off his shoulders leaving the tail tucked into his jeans. Gareth stood and held Alan tight with Alan's face pressed into his hairy chest and arms wrapped tight around his back.

Gareth ran his hands up and down Alan's back and kissed him on top of the head a few times. When the knock came on the door Gareth had sat in a chair with his shirt still off and had Alan in his lap with his head on his chest. "Just a minute." Gareth called out. "Just a five minute call sirs to let you know that we will start boarding." a voice called out. " Thank you. Gareth called back. Alan quickly got out of Gareth's lap and got on his knees. He unbuckled Gareth's jeans knowing that he was commando for him. " Baby we can't. " Gareth said. He stopped fighting when he looked down into Alan's eyes and saw the shear need in them.

Gareth ran his fingers through Alan's hair as he felt his cock harden quickly in Alan's mouth. "It will all be fine baby." Gareth whispered. Once his cock was fully hard Alan took him deep in his throat and began to hum. Gareth began to wiggle in the chair due to the sheer pleasure of the vibration on his cock. Gareth tried to calm Alan but he soon realized that Alan was a man on a mission. The five minute mark was quickly approaching. Alan took Gareth's massive cock back into his throat balls deep and hummed until he felt it begin to flex and strain. "DDDDDDDaaaaaaammmmmmmnnnnnnnnn..... " Gareth whispered loudly as he began to unload his cock in Alan's mouth and throat. Alan slowly licked the spent cock clean before tucking it back into the jeans. " Baby I don't have time to...." Gareth started. Alan reached up and placed his fingers on Gareth's lips. "I love you with all my heart PC Gareth. I just needed you to know just how much I love you and how much I appreciate you protecting me today." Alan said.

A young lady met them as they opened the door. "Sir we need to move you along. Early boarding will begin in a couple of minutes." she said. "I am flying business class." Alan said. "No sir the airport upgraded you to first class on us due to the earlier situation." she said. "There was no need in that." Alan said. " We know sir but this is our apology for what you went through and they are also offering a set of free first class round trip flights on the airline of your choice." she said. "Thank you for visiting Great Britain and we look forward to you returning." she said. "Thank you." Alan said.

"Baby let me know that you got home safely." Gareth said. "You could come with me to make sure." Alan said. "If I could I would but we will see each other again in a few weeks. Besides Finn might not like me leaving him here." Gareth said. "Give Finn a hug for me. I will give him one myself when I get back." Alan said. "Baby you know I love you." Alan said after a small kiss. "I love you too and don't you forget it." Gareth said.

Alan waited until the very last second to board the plane. His emotions were in tact until the plane lifted off. It finally hit him that he was headed away from Gareth. Once the seat belt alert sign went off Alan pulled the privacy curtain and balled up into the fetal position. He could feel the need to cry but at this point fear was winning. He was not afraid of flying. His fear was that now that he was gone Gareth would move on without him.

The nine and a half hour flight in some ways seemed to take a lifetime and in other ways was too short. In Alan's mind until they touched down they may have to turn back for some reason. Alan survived the escalator into the main terminal of Hartsfield - Jackson in Atlanta. People ran to hug loved ones and friends. There were signs with people's names with someone waiting to take them to their destinations. For Alan the only thing waiting on him was a shuttle bus that would carry him to his home town. A direct drive from the airport would take about an hour depending on traffic and the shuttle would take at least two and half. Finally arriving in his hometown he was relieved to see his SUV still parked in the corner of the parking lot.

Walking into his front door was usually a relief for Alan. He had always been glad to get home. This time it was different. It was almost depressing. He carried his luggage to his bedroom. He then went to his home office and started his computer back up. While the computer booted up he went to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. It was two am but he knew that jet lag would torture him for a few days with their being a five hour difference in London and Georgia. The coffee was ready and after pouring a cup he headed back to the other end of the house. The light on his answering machine was blinking. There were eleven messages. Pushing the button he almost decided by the third message just to hit the erase all but then again listening to all the sales calls took up time, time that he needed someone to fill. The last message seemed to ring through the house and his heart. "This is PC Gareth and Alan I love you."

Alan's heart was filled and for the first time since the plane took flight bringing him home he sat with his cup of coffee and sobbed. Part was from the loss of Gareth not being with him but it was a relief for him that his worst fears were finally gone. "He loves me. He really does. I didn't fly away and he walk away." Alan thought. It was almost three when he made it to his computer. A second cup of coffee and he signed in and opened his email account. "Damn I am glad I slept on the plane. It looks like this will be a long day." he whispered. Scanning the emails he saw a strange email. He went ahead and opened the ones that he knew what they were. Invoices that needed to be printed and receipts that needed to be posted. Once he had those printed he sat back and decided to open the strange email.

Clicking the button he saw UK in the email address. The little clip showed there was an attachment. Alan realized that it was Gareth's email account. He quickly opened the attachments. The first was a picture of Gareth laying naked in the bed. There was an envelope laying across his low hanging balls and the tip of his flaccid cock was visible. Alan strained to try and read what the envelope was after setting back and just admiring the Greek God on his screen. The second attachment was a close up of the envelope. The headline said "Early Birthday gift from Mum and Da. If you will have me" Alan's heart froze. The envelope listed on the outside that it was round trip tickets for Gareth from London to Atlanta in eight days. The dates showed a two week stay. For the first time since the flight took off Alan sat back and reveled in the sore feeling he still had in his ass from the marathon in sex before he left. He pulled his phone out and the paper from his pocket. He pulled up his viber account and typed in Gareth's cell phone and sent an invitation to join "Viber." This would allow them to talk by phone free as long as it was on wifi.

The day seemed to drag. The sun had come up and still no response from his invitation. Alan finally sat down at he computer and replied to the email. He typed "YES" probably fifty times before hitting the send button. Alan had gotten his luggage unpacked and started a load of laundry. He had pretty well caught up on his work for his clients before the sun came up. The stress and jet lag was starting to get to him. He lay down on the couch and quickly fell asleep. His phone made a funny noise. Opening his eyes he lifted his phone. "Oh shit. It's a Viber call." he shouted. "Hello, hello." he said quickly. "Hey baby. I love you." Gareth said. " Ah Tom you are so sweet." Alan said. "TOM ?" Gareth said. "Just making sure you were listening baby." Alan laughed. Alan learned that the delay was due to Gareth's visit to the American consulate and then the drive home.

The visit to the consulate was more productive than Gareth and Alan thought it would be. They were fast tracking his paperwork since he was planning to travel to the US. The consulate representative at the airport would meet him before his departure and have him sign the last papers and then by the time he returned his dual citizenship would be complete. "I booked my flight to Washington DC and will fly out for an overnight trip on Thursday. " Alan said. "So can I come visit ?" Gareth said. "Yes, yes, yes. I was suppose to leave the day after for the mountains but I will cancel that today." Alan said. "Please don't. We will go to the mountains and if you don't mind I will tag along as you look for a new home." Gareth said. "No baby we will look for our home together." Alan said. "I like my picture." Alan whispered. "Good. It took the room service boy three hours to get a good picture." Gareth said. "DO WHAT ?" Alan said. "Just making sure you were listening." Gareth laughed. "Baby is this the beginning of our new life ?" Alan asked. "Yes love. Our life together." Gareth said.

The End


Today is an anniversary. It was three years ago today that Gareth first frisk me. Believe me it has happened many, many times since. I lay here in our house in the North Carolina mountains watching the love of my life sleep. Gareth had planned to retire in two years but we learned that Finn would also be retied that year but four months after Gareth so he stayed for two and half years. Finn is ours and even more protective of me than he was then. We have made sure he has all his records so he can travel back and forth to London with us and no quarantine. His bed is beside our bed where ever we are but always on my side of the bed. It did take a while for him to not get upset when I screamed as long as it was with Gareth. Anyone else and he is ready for action. The first time I screamed during sex we ended up having to replace the bedroom door. Finn made quick work of the closed door.

We have been here for four months this time. Jamie and Glenda had a beautiful little girl first and then we were there when they had our precious nephew. We are leaving in about three hours to meet Mum, Da, Jamie, Glenda and the two babies at the Charlotte airport. They are coming here for two weeks and then we will all fly back for a few months at home. Yes home. To me this is a vacation home and Cockwood UK is home.

The council has approached us about building more flats on the land. The units there have been so successful they are pressuring us to build more. If we do we will not build more than six more flats. The residents love all the open garden areas we have created. Mum is in heaven. Jamie has built a large gazebo in her garden and three times a week there are usually six or seven ladies that come to her house for tea. We did use some of the money from my second payment to build a social hall with a kitchen on the site with the flats.

Da meets many of the men to watch footie or just chat. Mum and Glenda have started taking Sunday evenings and cooking a meal available for all residents of the flats. Mum has taken it upon herself to feed a few of the residents. They are able to take care of themselves but some of the single men do not know how to cook and some of the women are not really able. Mum says if the truth be known that their pension does not leave enough money for them to buy groceries so she makes sure that five of them have at least one good meal a day. Gareth would call to see if she was excited about her trip. He would always laugh once he was done. Her answer was always "Can't talk now love. I have too many meals to cook and get in the freeze. Just because I am going on holiday these pensioners still have to eat and your Da isn't a damn bit of help." she would say.

Gareth took well to driving in the US but I am still a little scared to drive in the UK. I will drive to the shops and have driven a couple of times from our home to Mum and Da's but that was because Gareth wanted both hands free to pull my cock and balls out to play with while I drove. I can't complain because I do that to him every trip. For the most part I get to do the most playing because he usually drives everywhere. I was afraid that as young as we both still were that he would not like retirement but he has began consultant training and only does that a couple of times a year for three weeks. He makes almost as much those two training terms as he did with his salary. It keeps him in with the P C's which he loves and gives him the freedom to be with me. About the only time we are apart is when he is training and by the third week we are both wishing it would end soon.

When we are "home" we go to London for the night at least once a month and go out with Paul and his friends. Paul has a significant other now and he seems to be a super guy. I am glad that everyone seems to be happy. Paul credits me for his new love. Paul's new love is the one that he had to negotiate the council contracts for our flats. "Never knew I could fall so deeply in love with a man that I hated to hear the voice of. All we seemed to do was shout at each other." Paul would laugh and say.

Alright guys I have to scoot. Finn is getting restless and my lover is beginning to wake up. Our house is secluded with gorgeous mountain views so we don't have to dress here. Yes when there is no company other than Daz and Frankie there are no clothes allowed. Gareth even uses the riding mower naked He does dress for the weed eater though.

Time for Finn to go out to his pin for a little while before we leave and also time for me to get my scream on. For the next two weeks I will have to be a little quieter so before my PC in the UK gets out of bed I need him to fuck the hell out me. I plan to be busy with precious babies shortly so time to run. Have a great life guys and remember that there will be obstacles to getting a happy life but if it is worth it hold the path and you can get what you want. I did.

Author's Note. I would like to thank those that emailed comments about my little UK venture. I hope you enjoyed the trip. Thank you.

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