Peacock Photographic Studio

Published on Oct 12, 2013


Peacock Studio 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Marcus and Delmar returned for some trial posing. They had told me they were well equipped for posing. If anything, they understated the case. Physically they both had cocks more than seven inches long. Marcus was thick too. Both stayed hard without effort and Delmar was indeed nearly double jointed.

Both men loved sex and were entirely without modesty. They possessed no tendency to be shy and had no desire to hide their affections or passions. They were not monogamous and seemed to have an unlimited sex drive. It was clear that they considered sex to be an ordinary human activity, like eating or breathing.

Marcus rejected the sinful concept of sex with respect to male with male activity. He felt the all-male sex was fundamentally unlike male and female sex.

"There are dangers and problems associated with sex for the woman," he explained. "Before modern medicine, pregnancy and the possibility of death was a typical outcome for a woman. Society rightly surrounded sex with woman with taboos and restrictions. It was important that the male be willing to support and protect the female, especially with she was largely defenseless with a baby in arms."

"None of those taboos apply to men. For us it is all pleasure," he added.

"Some of my early experiences are not good," I said.

"I know some men are too forceful and their overtures are not welcome," he said. "I had the opposite experience. I wanted to do and know more, but couldn't find a guide or partner. I think the natural sexual urge causes problems. Sometimes one gives the impression that a person is more willing that he is. Some men miss read the signals and make incorrect assumptions."

"I personally can't enjoy sex without my partner's mutual enjoyment," Marcus said. "Historically, there has been no requirement that a woman enjoy sex. It is her wifely duty, not a source of pleasure. Men seem to regard it as a right and do not regard mutual pleasure as a necessary part of sexual activity."

"You have noted the Delmar and my sexual lives are filled with mutual pleasure," he said. "We have many friends who share our intimate pleasures."

"If you have that many friends, how intimate are the pleasures?" I asked.

Delmar smiled. "Does a great chef cook only for himself? I believe sharing pleasures only intensifies them." I had never encountered anyone who even approached their sexual skills or needs.

Marcus had carefully coiffed hair and a modest mustache. Delmar had curly locks and was entirely smooth. He looked younger than he was. The trial shots were entirely successful. Some aspects were difficult to catch on a long exposure plate, but as I worked with them men, the task became easier.

Marcus and Delmar came by my studio several times a week for photographic posing. They sometimes came with other friends who shared common interests. One of the most interesting and unexpected was Dr. Samuel Winslow. He was a big, bearded man who taught anatomy at the University.

Physically, he was an impressive man, I would have thought more suited to be a blacksmith than a professor. He had served in the cavalry during the Civil War and thus had a baptism of fire into anatomy, seeing it in the horrendous wounds of battle.

I thought of anatomy in terms of what organ is where in the body. For an artist the skeletal and muscular systems are great importance. Winslow was interested in the way the organs worked and interrelated. He seemed to think of the human body as a machine of extraordinary complexity and sophistication. I knew this with respect to the heart as the driving force of the circulation system.

While Winslow understood this, he was also interested in the role of the brain and emotions in the way the system worked. While a locomotive is a machine of great complexity and elaboration, it does not respond to emotion, pain or pleasure. It responds only to switches and mechanical controls.

A locomotive does not select the fuel it uses, it does not anticipate a curve ahead and make any necessary adjustments. While the locomotive may be the most complex man made machine, the human body is much more sophisticated in every way. This aspect of Dr. Winslow's studies was easy to understand. He wanted to learn the biological switches that control the human body.

Winslow thought that the ultimate expression of his human complexity was sex and sexual satisfaction. He felt this involved a complex interrelationship between physical and emotional factors.

Dr. Winslow was a great admirer of Mr. Darwin and his theories of evolution. Winslow was also a Presbyterian with a fondness for pre-destination. This struck me as odd, but Winslow believed that evolution was an expression of divine order.

I also found his interest in sex between men to be unexpected. Winslow was a scientific man and firmly believed in scientific observation and experimentation. For him sexual experimentation with women was impossible, since it might result in pregnancy. A woman who might participate in such experiments would be regarded as a fallen woman and have her reputation ruined even if her motives were purely scientific.

Sex between men did not have these problems. There was no potential for pregnancy, and there was no way to tell if a man was a virgin afterwards. Winslow recognized that society tended to admire sexually active men. They were just being men; they weren't sluts. It was a double standard and while it might be unjust, it was the way of the world.

His experience in the war affected his thinking. He knew that men could become deeply attached to other men and that sometimes this attachment found sexual expression. He had been surprised when he first found it, but soon saw it as a perfectly human characteristic. He understood that it is hard to feel deeply about another person and avoid all sexual expression of these feelings. He had seen too many men hugging and caressing the dead bodies of the men they loved to be shocked. He knew that some must have done the same when they were alive.

Winslow was a realistic man. His connection to Marcus and Delmar was originally scientific, but it evolved. They were good looking, attractive men, but Winslow found himself drawn to one of their friends, a man named Gustav Held. Gustav was a German born man who made glass lenses. He originally did only spectacles, but he also did microscopes and telescope lenses. He had just finished a large lens for a local university.

Gustav was not physically attractive. He was bald with a bushy, mutton chop beard. His eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, and twinkled. Unmarried, he had encountered Marcus and discovered a common interest in man sex. Naked, he could have illustrated the missing link between primitive man and modern man. He wasn't hairy; he had a pelt. Winslow, Marcus and Delmar brought him to my studio.

He possessed one attractive feature other than his enquiring mind; his cock was a monster. Indeed it might have been regarded as a deformity if it were any organ other than the cock. When Winslow saw it for the first time he asked Gustav if he could bequeath it to a museum after his death. It was long and thick. His balls were impressive too, but didn't approach the scale of his penis.

Gustav wasn't the sort of man who was attractive to women. He was always properly dressed and his clothes gave no evidence of the massive organ. The soft cock rarely shows any clear indication of its erect state anyway. I had little actual experience with oversized organs, but they were easy to photograph. This was especially true of intimate shots.

Due to my peculiar photographic specialty I had noticed that some impressive soft cocks inflate very little, while some distinctly small ones grow in a spectacular fashion. Gustav looked good soft and even better hard. When Marcus and Delmar found him, they were impressed. They were all but insatiable when it came to sexual activities.

When Gustav came to his first session at the studio, he was uneasy and shy. I will say that he relaxed quickly. Dr. Samuel Winslow was there with my assistant Clive. Marcus introduced us all. The Professor seemed to make Gustav more nervous. He bowed to the professor. I had heard that professors were greatly respected in Germany. We all disrobed together and as soon as Gustav's magnificent organ was on view, all was well. Even shy men like to be admired.

"What a beauty!" Samuel exclaimed.

"Holy cow!" Clive added.

"Did I tell you men that Gustav possesses one of the Seven Wonders of the World?" Marcus asked rhetorically.

"I think you mentioned it was memorable," Samuel said.

"It looks too big to do anything with it," Clive remarked. "It would split me in half."

Gustav's cock responded to the praise. That didn't make it any smaller. His cock head a just begun to peel open the foreskin when Samuel dropped to his knees and began to lick the swelling organ. I was shocked. Dr. Winslow rarely participated in the sexual games. He was now doing an imitation of a carnival sword swallower. Clive was fully erect by now and Gustav looked at him with interest.

"Let me get the camera ready now," I said. "I would hate to have the session over before I take a shot!" There was laughter and Samuel stood. We went to the posing area.

"I am sorry to have jumped the gun," Samuel said to Gustav. "I was inspired."

"I appreciated the attention," Gustav replied. "It was lovely." He reached out and fondled Samuel's cock. Samuel jumped a little.

"I'm sorry," Gustav said as he withdrew his hand.

"There is no need to be sorry at all," Samuel said. He reached over to Gustav's hand and returned it to the position on his cock. "It was good," he said as he stroked Gustav's organ.

I had just witnessed two men who seemed to have felt an immediate sexual attraction. That was certainly true of Samuel and as soon as Gustav recognized Samuel's interest, he responded. To a lesser degree, I also found that Clive and I responded too. You could almost feel it in the air.

While there was a definite sexual atmosphere in the studio that afternoon, there was another feeling. It was of camaraderie. It seemed as if we were all sharing the same warm feelings. While I liked Marcus and Delmar, they were handsome men who were a couple. They were complete as a couple, although they liked to share the wealth as it were.

Dr. Winslow, Gustav, Clive and I were average men. Marcus and Delmar could pick and choose who they played with. Gustav liked sexual activity and he was pleased that you would join him. Marcus and Delmar was nice men and they weren't offensive at all. Indeed they were polite and courteous at all times, but it was different with Gustav.

Marcus and Delmar were willing to engage in sexual relations with Clive, but Gustav was excited and pleased we were willing to play with him. Sex had been rare in his life, and he was pleased as punch. He was by no means as experienced as Marcus, but he was willing. He was also a man of science and he found the Doctor and me interesting company.

The camera was one of the wonders of the age. As a lens maker he was interested and understood the principles. To most people, the camera as almost magic. He was interested in developing a lens that could work for close up shots. He also subscribed to some German journals and was aware of some new experimentation with paper and chemicals that could be used in place of glass negatives. He knew of Mr. Eadweard Muybridge's work in high speed exposures and he understood the principles of the process.

While Gustav was a modest man, he was proud of his oversized organ and my photographs of it excited him. He had no problem maintaining an erection, he felt the need to stop for an exposure reduced the sexual experience. Let me be frank here. There was no evidence the delays effected his sexual performance of the pleasure involved. Even in along exposure that was evident.

The session with Marcus and Delmar was good. When they left, Gustav and Samuel stayed. It was getting late in the afternoon and the light was fading. We sat in the warm conservatory of my house-studio and talked. We had a good conversations about photography and science. Gustav understood Samuel's interest in the science of sex and my interest in optical devices. I broke out the sherry and the conversation became animated. It was getting late.

"Is there any chance you gentlemen would be interested in some non-scientific sexual activity?" Samuel asked. "I must confess the afternoon's activities have left me feeling . . . needy." I was shocked at his directness, but I felt the same way.

"I would like that, Herr Doctor," Gustav said. "I am large. Sometimes it is not easy."

"Would I insult you if I said your magnificent penis is some of the attraction?" Samuel said. Gustav just smiled. We left the conservatory and went to my bedroom. I became very excited. In the studio I tried to be professional and treated the shoots as scientific experiments. That was not the case in my bedroom.

Both Gustav and Samuel were excited. That excitement seemed to spread to me. I am normally reserved ad quiet, but as they became involved, I became involved. As the excitement grew, I joined them with equal passion.

My ideal partner would have been a handsome young man, athletic and sophisticated. Neither Gustav nor Samuel were that type. I wasn't particularly attracted to them. But for some reason, that improved the sexual pleasure. Looking back several days later, I realized that since I hadn't been that attracted to them I could relax. I was often afraid I would do something wrong and offend my playmate. That wasn't a problem with them.

I wasn't expecting true love so I could relax and go for physical pleasure. To give some idea of how inexperienced I was, I didn't understand that intense sexual feelings often translate into a deep emotional attachment. Perhaps that should have been obvious, but it surprised me.

There were other surprises. Trevor had slipped his cock into my ass a few times. It had been modestly pleasurable for both of us, although I think he felt greater pleasure. I knew that was deeply pleasurable for Marcus and Delmar. I assumed that reflected their own preferences.

My sexual experiences had also been static. I would get on my knees and suck Trevor, or he would do the same to me. With three of us in a single bed, the situations was fluid and changing. It seemed as if everywhere I turned there was an erect cock begging to be sucked.

Gustav was an ordinary looking man but he was a gentle and considerate playmate. He made love to my cock, he didn't just suck it. I tried to copy his approach as I sucked Samuel. I wasn't as skilled as Gustav, but the doctor appreciated my efforts. As I took care of Samuel, Gustav's tongue strayed towards my hole. This was totally unexpected, and much more pleasurable than I would have guessed.

That seemed to intensify my efforts to give Samuel pleasure. I began to taste a sweet liquid oozing from his cock. I didn't know if it was a liquid or a jelly. Whatever it was, it was good. A little later we switched positions and I was at Gustav's spigot. His drool was not as sweet as Samuel's but it was more plentiful. It was a continuous stream of genital juices. He was sucking Samuel and when he swallowed the entire organ, the flow increased.

As we played, the feelings of intimacy increased. This hadn't happened with Trevor. Sex with him was enjoyable, but it was almost mechanical. It was as if when you flipped switch one, two and three in the right order you would have an orgasm. Now an orgasm can only be so bad, but with Gustav and Samuel, it was uncharted territory. As I sucked Gustav I discovered what excited him and I knew he had learned about my tastes as he sucked me. It was a voyage of exploration, not a mechanical exercise.

I later realized that as I learned about Samuel and Gustav, I learned about myself. Introspection isn't one of my characteristics. I was excited by many of the things that excited my friends. I simply hadn't admitted this to myself.

I had one more discovery that afternoon. I returned to Samuel's cock and Gustav's tongue returned to my ass. A little later something bigger and much harder was at my ass. I couldn't decide what to do, but my ass began to twitch and I began to undulate my hips. I was unsure about taking the horse cock. My ass wasn't unsure at all.

Gustav was gentle he took his time. At first it seemed that he was using his boated knob to massage my hole. It may sound odd, but he was both gentle and determined. The only lubricant we had was spit and his own natural juices. It was painless but not without stress. It didn't seem to be possible that it would fit.

It took a while to get his knob on the dark side of my sphincter, but he did it. That was deep enough, I thought. He pushed still deeper and suddenly I was in a place I had never been. I was floating in an ocean of pleasure. Just when it seemed as if there couldn't be more pleasure than I felt, suddenly there would be a wave of indescribable pleasure.

I was in a storm of pleasure and suddenly found lightning bolts of pleasure exploding in my ass. I couldn't believe a man could feel so much. I don't know exactly happened, but it was good. I do remember eating Samuel's man cream as he spurted it into my mouth. A little later I felt Gustav shooting his man seed into my ass, as Samuel was at my cock sucking up my own ball juices.

When things calmed down, I fell asleep for a little while. I woke when Gustav eased his cock into my ass again.

"I'm sorry," he said. "It was so beautiful I have to do it again." I felt the same way. Eventually he went home and I had a chance to think. Actually it took a day or two before I was able to get control of my emotions and begin to figure out what happened.

The doctor dropped by and few days later. "Are you all right?" he asked. "It was intense."

"I am fine," I replied. "I think I am still disoriented. It's almost as if I am dizzy. I didn't know a man could feel so much."

"I could tell, but I wasn't sure what you were feeling," Samuel said. "I have never had a man's organ in my rear. I don't have any real sense of what it feels like." He paused. "Can you tell me?"

"I don't know," I replied. "It was so personal and intimate. It's embarrassing. We were all naked but I was totally naked. It seemed too much."

"Do you remember taking Latin and Greek and giggling about the naked men and women and the orgies of ancient times?" he asked. "We know sexual rituals were a basic part of the ancient world and of most primitive peoples. When our teachers alluded to them it was normally as the evil, pre Christian world, filled with sin and debauchery. I think it was much more than that."

"I think it was celebrating the creative urge. In the orgasm men and women are all but divine. They are creating life out of all but nothing," Samuel continued. "Sex and sexual ecstasy aren't sinful, they are part of creation."

Next: Chapter 3

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