Peeking from the Closet

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Dec 23, 2005


(Author Note)

Visualize the standard disclaimer, and legal, language in this space, please. Another fictional effort from storyguy22, a hopefully believable tale, which contains not a lick of truth, other than its high degree of probability in some real life, in some real place. Enjoy, and if so motivated, comments are greatly appreciated.


The so- called life of Ryan White, mine actually, pretty much sucked. Well, not totally, maybe. Just the lack of any sucking part is what sucked, actually. A week short of my sixteenth birthday, and here I was, showering, and trying to get my game face on for yet another Friday night party with my group of friends from school. One more fun filled evening of stress, and my own version of dodge ball, or more to the point, dodge the aggressive chick, or chicks.

Somewhere around the time I was twelve I had figured out that what little sexual curiosity I possessed at such a tender stage of my development centered, definitely, on other males of the species human. As my puberty began to roil just below the surface, I experienced all of the same symptoms, and emotional and physical traumas, as any other budding teen at that trying time of life. I remember well the trepidation of each morning, wondering what new physical changes had occurred overnight, and carefully checked my naked reflection in the mirror as I went through my morning routine. Each little facial zit was a new horror, nearly equal to the horror of each morning that once again revealed no evidence of emerging pubes, until one morning, as I neared my thirteenth birthday, finally, I managed to locate a straggly wisp, or two, sprouting from my heretofore bald groin.

Virtually every one of the predicted changes that the health sciences teacher had warned us of, in fact, seemed to occur, just maybe slightly out of the predicted order. Suddenly, every morning, as my eyes opened, my dick seemed to open right along with them, and morning wood was an absolute constant occurrence. That, and the amazing spontaneous erections that somehow managed to occur without warning, or the slightest provocation, like, in the middle of a Algebra exam, for instance. Go figure.

Not that I especially minded the erections, you understand. In fact, they had rapidly become pretty much the focal point of my meager existence, as I desperately longed for a few moments of privacy to indulge them, and the shuddering experience of letting it loose, and stroking it, to the point of experiencing that most mind boggling of sensations, the orgasm. As I neared the end of my twelfth year of life, the sensation was greatly enhanced, with the sudden appearance of my somewhat watery seminal discharge, and the definite dropping of my previously snug balls in their very cool little sac.

Some of my friends swore, in private, of course, that the more you played with it, and made it "cream," the faster it all would grow, and the thin product would thicken, and become white, with its developing potency. This sage advise was largely dispensed by those among us with older brothers, who were benevolent enough to serve as reluctant mentors to their younger siblings. Though I was not personally blessed in this way, I had, on occasion, witnessed a friend conferring with his older brother on these delicate matters, and my impression was that the older boys accepted the dead-serious musings of their younger brothers as a kind of "duty," or a been-there-done-that, kind of mindset, and did their best to keep us on the straight and narrow path, albeit amongst much eye-rolling, and audible sighs.

I had also been blessed to be born of a highly favorable gene pool, with both parents, and virtually every member of the extended families, being above average in looks, and physical assets. No, not that asset, necessarily, although I seemed to measure up, as it were, based on my very limited opportunity to make comparisons at that early stage of the game. I was, all due modesty aside, a very good looking boy, about average in height, and slim of build, with a naturally toned body that was beginning to take on some definition in the arms, shoulders, and chest. As I neared thirteen, I stood about 5' 7" tall, and weighed around 120, with a 26" waist size. My hair was thick, and a kind of dish-water brown that tended more toward a dark blond in summer, as the sun bleached it. My eyes were, as my mother was fond of pointing out, a "stunning shade" of blue, topped with thick eyebrows, and long, nearly too curly lashes. My teeth were another blessing of the gene Gods, having erupted in perfectly straight rows without need for the orthodontic sufferings that so many of my friends endured. Save for the much desired pubes, and a faint shadowing of my underarms, I was free of body hair, much like my father, insofar as I knew, though there were the beginnings of a light fuzz emerging on my lower legs. In all, I guess I could be considered a fairly handsome lad, or, as the bevy of young females that always seemed to hover nearby favored, "cute!"

I had been raised in a happy home, and both parents possessed a lively sense of humor, and as a product of that enviable environment, I was a happy kid who liked to smile and laugh, and those ingredients emerged as a pleasant personality, an attribute that made me popular with my peer group. I had an abundance of friends of both sexes, and my emerging sexual leanings aside, I truly enjoyed them all, especially the girls. While I was beginning to realize that I didn't see them in the same sexual light that my buds did, I enjoyed hanging out with them, talking endlessly, and generally enjoying their company. Many of my male friends were convinced that I was "doing" half the girls of our crowd, and the truth was that I did little to deter that assumption, quickly realizing that it provided excellent cover for my actual emerging desires, which I seriously had no desire to discuss with any of them, boy or girl.

I had done enough covert surfing of the forbidden internet sites to recognize the fact that I was greatly more titillated during my visits to various gay sites, than when lurking on hetero porn pages, and while I was not clear on the "why," I tended to accept it as fact. Iin fairly short order, I abandoned the hetero sites totally, while fueling my masturbatory data banks with multiple images of male to male activity. Lying in my darkened bedroom at night, and/or upon waking in the morning, as well as any opportunity between, I would happily stroke myself to breath taking orgasm, my feverish mind filled with those images, and my own very active imagination, regarding similar activities with certain of my buds, or other males that I had randomly encountered. My somewhat immature deductions transmitted the thought wave that I might well be gay, though I worried deep down that that fact might well not be especially cherished by my parents, so I strived to keep the idea private, and outwardly exhibited a zealous interest in the fair young maidens that were always plentiful in my environment. I frequently attended movies, or school functions, etc, in the company of girls, and my father was fond of giving me sly little winks, and muttering something about the "old block."

This little safe harbor niche that I had created was suddenly rocked in a rather big way during the weekend that occasioned my thirteenth birthday, however. My emergence from boyhood to manhood was considered more than a minor milestone by my parents, a rather auspicious occasion that necessitated a family party of proportion barely short of epic. All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins that were even remotely available were summoned to assist in the grand celebration, and as the Saturday morning of the big event rolled around, our house was filled with distant relatives, and a hodge-podge of various catering people. My father had proudly declared that his only son was to become a man only once, and, damn the expense, we were going for it in a big way. I liked that about dad, a definite go-for-it guy, and I seriously hoped that some of that particular gene lurked somewhere within my own DNA.

Among the near-captive audience of assembled family and friends that swelled our home to near overflowing that weekend was a distant cousin of mine named Mike. When I say distant, I mean it in the sense that we rarely saw each other, given that his family lived in a city some considerable distance from us. In terms of blood relation, we were in fact first cousins, my father, and his, being brothers. Mike was already sixteen, a junior in high school, and, pretty much everything that I longed to be. He was, in a word, gorgeous, and so drop-dead sexy, that I nearly sprang wood the moment I laid eyes on him when they arrived. I hadn't seen Mike since I was maybe eleven, and he was fourteen, and while I remembered him as being cute, and "grown up" at that time, it was slightly before my own...uh...interests...had fully developed, so until this meeting, I had not considered the acutely sexy angle about him.

This visit, however, that was very nearly the first angle to him that I registered. He was tall, probably around six feet, and built like an athlete, with a lithe, lean body, that appeared very toned, and fit, while at the same time not totally gym buffed. He was wearing a polo shirt that fit his nicely defined chest to a tee, the definition of his pec's clearly visible, and the short sleeves clinging tightly to his muscular arms. His hair was maybe one shade lighter than my own, worn fairly long, so that it covered his ears, and the collar at the back of his neck. His eyes were like mirrors of my own, no doubt a product of that gene pool I mentioned earlier, and his smile was nothing short of killer, and his frequent flashing of it seemed to have this incredible impact on my balls, causing them to tingle whenever he turned it my way. The polo was tucked into the slim waist of a very snug fitting pair of denim jeans, and I happily noted a sizeable bulge pressing against the fly front. As we made a return trip to the car to retrieve more luggage, I timed it to follow Mike down the sidewalk, and practically drooled at the sight of his firm little butt snugly encased in the jeans. Somehow, anyhow, I decided on the spot, this was to be my roomie for the duration. It had been made abundantly clear to me already that some family member would need to share my bedroom this weekend, and I vowed to make it Mike, no matter what!

Mike and I schlepped the bags into the house, and I seized the opportunity to ask him which of the bags were his. When he indicated a mid-sized sport bag with a nod of his head, I quickly latched onto it, and started for my bedroom, indicating that he should follow. We went upstairs, then to the far end of the hallway, and entered my personal Shangri-la, where I deposited his bag on the futon. I slept in a queen sized bed, and kept the futon as a sofa when alone, doubling it as a bed when I had sleepovers. I indicated some closet space for Mike to use, and showed him my mostly private bathroom across the hall, and generally welcomed him to my inner sanctum. He flopped that awesome body onto the futon, and heaved a loud sigh of relief, telling me that he felt almost rescued, as he had been dreading being condemned to sleeping on a sofa, or floor, in a public area during the course of the visit. I smiled, and with a wave of my hand around my room, indicated to him that it was definitely mi casa, su casa! Please God, I silently prayed, let him sleep naked, or, in briefs, at the most!

After a brief catching up chat, we were admonished by my Mom to come downstairs, and join the festivities, and we reluctantly obeyed, agreeing that we could play more catch-up later. From his lips, to God's ears, I thought wickedly. Over the ensuing few hours, the usual reunion kinds of activities took place, capped by one of my Mother's usually outstanding meals, which was served buffet style from the long counter in the kitchen. Mike and I loaded our plates, and stole away to the back patio, seeking some privacy, and escape from the din. We took seats at the patio table, and hungrily attacked our food, as only teen boys can do, until our hunger was slacked, and we settled back in the comfy padded chairs.

Mike leaned back, and lifted his legs, placing his feet on the chair opposite, and looked me over. "Thirteen, huh?" he said, "Awesome, dude, now it all begins for you." I grinned, and fluttered my eyelashes at him provocatively, and replied, "God, I hope so!" He grinned that killer smile, and lifted his eyebrows in question, and asked, "Meaning?" I blushed slightly, and muttered, "Meaning, I hope things start to happen for me, I've been waiting, like, forever, you know?" He winked at me, and said, "Well, if I remember right from the last time I saw you, you weren't much ready for...things...but all of that has definitely changed're actually pretty hot." I blushed again, and felt my balls tingle some more, and mumbled shyly, " want to see hot, dude...go look in the mirror!" He flashed that delicious smile again, and replied, "Yea, well...takes one to know one...runs in the know...!" I let my eyes drop onto that bulging crotch in his jeans, and slowly licked my lips, almost sensing the heat, and tension, that I pictured captured under that lump in his lap. Mike's gaze followed mine, then, he looked back into my eyes, and said, under his breath, "Really...!" I felt my cheeks glow warmly, and held his quizzical gaze, and nodded my head slowly, saying, "Don't know, actually...just...well...I think about it....lots, actually." Mike winked at me again, and asked, "Just think?....that's it...?" Feeling more heat flood my cheeks, I squeaked, "Pretty much, actually."

Mike pondered that response briefly, then, suddenly dropped his feet, and sat forward in his chair. His arm came forward, and he dropped his hand onto my upper thigh, squeezing me, and making my cock shoot straight up inside my pants. He gave me the grin again, and said, "Well, little Cuz, we have all weekend...and, your who knows, right?" I felt like my leg might burst into flames where his had touched me, and almost shuddered from the feelings that were singing through my balls, as I nodded dumbly, and squeaked, "I wish!" Mike winked once more, and stood, his crotch suddenly filling my view at eye level, and my gaze locked onto the thickness that prodded the front of his jeans. He stood rock still for a minute, then turned, retrieved his dinner plate, and, as he walked toward the house, said to me over his shoulder, "Careful what you wish for,'s your birthday, after you might just get it!" I stopped trying to control it then, and shuddered strongly, as I dropped my hand into my lap, and gripped my rock hard cock, rubbing it quickly, as shivers ran down my spine. Once again I repeated, speaking to the now empty back yard, "I wish....oh man, I so wish!"

I sat there until I managed to will my hardon mostly gone, then, picked up my plate, and carried it back inside. The kitchen was a hubbub of female activity, as my aunts, etc, helped my Mom with the clean up, so I set my plate in the sink, and wandered into the family room. The next couple of hours were filled with various board games, and TV watching, and after a particularly intense game of Scrabble, I glanced around, noting the absence of Mike. I glanced at the clock on the mantle, and was surprised to see that it was almost eleven pm, and figured that Mike was probably beat from the long drive, and that he had gone to bed. That thought threatened another spontaneous hardon, so I stifled it, said my goodnights, and headed up to my room, hoping against hope to find Mike sprawled naked on my bed, waiting my arrival.

What I actually found when I walked into my room, was near darkness, the only light coming from the small blue light that sits on top of my computer. I paused as I closed the door, blocking the light from the hallway, and let my eyes adjust to the semi-darkness for a minute. I looked at my empty bed, then scanned across to the futon, and was able to discern Mike's body stretched out on the made-up futon. I walked closer, and felt my cock spring back to life, as I managed to bring my eyes into focus. He was stretched out on the small bed, fully on his back, and wearing only the briefest of white briefs. My eyes locked onto his bulging crotch, and a small groan escaped my throat, as I hungrily perved the fullness of his package. The lump of his balls looked like a baseball stuffed inside the tiny briefs, and I could discern the outline of his thick cock as it lolled to one side, the mushroom cap clearly evident against the smooth material. By now, my own dick was fully erect, and pressing strongly against the front of my jeans, and I dropped my hand, stroking a bit, and adjusting it inside the snug pants.

I tore my eyes away from Mike's bulging crotch, and checked out his muscular legs, and the fine coating of soft hair that sprouted lightly on his lower legs until they disappeared into the white crew socks he wore. I gazed upward, lingering once more on the strained briefs, before drinking in the sight of his smooth torso. His stomach was flat, and his abs defined, though not a true six-pack, and I feasted on the site of his dark nipples, suddenly longing to touch him, and lick his creamy skin. I stepped closer still, and started to extend my hand toward him, then froze, realizing what I had been about to do. My hand was shaking slightly, I noticed, and I could hear my heart racing, making my ears roar, as I continued to stare at his swollen crotch. He stirred slightly, moving his hand into that plumped crotch, and grappled with his package, apparently shifting the position of his turgid meat. Jeez, I thought, that thing is either already hard, or its freeking huge, or maybe both. He let out a soft groan, and shifted onto his side, mumbling sleepily into his pillow. When he settled again, I stepped to the foot of the futon, and checked out the stunning bubble that was his tight little butt, my breath once again catching in my throat. Oh man, I thought, what a hottie this dude is, from front, or back!

I finally tore myself away from his tempting body, and made my way over to my bed, stripped down to my own briefs, and laid down. My heart was still pounding in my chest, and my hands instinctively went to my tented briefs, then inside, to cup my aching balls, and rub my rock hard shaft. I could actually pick up his scent as I lay there in the near darkness, stroking my cock, and tugging on my balls, wishing totally that it was Mike's hands touching me this way. I felt some precum emerge from my slit, and used a fingertip to spread the slick goo over my throbbing cock head, as I shuddered, feeling the need to blow growing rapidly in my nuts. I wanted, needed, to jack off, big time, but was afraid I would loose it, and make way too much noise if I got off, so I reluctantly slid my hands out of my undies, and rolled onto my side. I sighed, and closed my eyes, my nostrils still filled with the scent of Mike, as I listened to his steady breathing. I willed myself to relax, and it worked, I guess, as I was soon fast asleep.

I woke suddenly, my eyes moving to the illuminated clock beside my bed, and registered that is was just after three a.m. I realized that the small light was now off, and the only light in the room was a kind of filtered moonlight streaming in from outside. I rolled onto my back, and pushed the pillow under my head, and lay silently, listening to Mike twisting around on the bed, grunting softly. "Something wrong, Dude?" I asked softly, and after a few seconds, Mike replied, "Only everything....this f'ing things sucks as a bed, pretty much!" My heart rate increased, and I was instantly wide awake, feeling my cock thicken once more, as I said, nearly a whisper, "You can move in here, if you want to, Dude, it's cool with me." He shifted some more, and suddenly, there he was, standing right next to my bed. I looked at him, his silhouette backlit by the moonlight, and I once again locked my gaze onto his swollen crotch, then, gulped, as my mouth suddenly flooded with saliva. He reached out, and tentatively lifted the corner of my sheet, and asked, quietly, "You sure you don't mind, Cuz, I mean, it's possible that I might forget where I am, and who I'm with, if I get in here with you." I giggled nervously, my hand under the sheet squeezing my rock hard cock, and replied, "Yea, right....promises, promises." He chuckled, and muttered, "Ok have been warned." And he dropped that cute butt onto the mattress, and slid in under the sheet next to me.

I tried, and failed badly, to stifle the small moan that escaped my mouth as Mike's bare leg made contact with my own, and I groaned again, louder, as he shifted around next to me, and dropped his arm across my bare stomach, as he said, "You're the best, Ryan, that futon thing is for shit as a bed." I sucked in my breath at his contact with the bare skin of my tummy, and my dick jerked strongly in my grip, as I felt my balls draw tighter in their sac. Mike nuzzled his head into my neck, and he started slowly moving his palm in small movements over my tummy, bringing forth yet another small groan of pleasure from me, as he whispered, "Damn, Dude, you got really soft skin, and you smell really good, too." His movements continued, and he began working his palm upward, until his fingers grazed over my stiff nipples, moving back and forth between the small nubs. I groaned some more, reveling in the new sensation, and he repeated himself, whispering, "!" I shuddered strongly, my ears ringing with my rapid heart rate, and I clamped my fingers tightly on my aching cock, mumbling, "Yea, well, not all of me is soft, Dude... parts of me are not even a little bit soft!" He chuckled softly, and I felt his wet tongue lick the skin of my neck, then, move, and lick my ear, as I shuddered again, and released a long moan of pleasure.

He licked my ear some more, whispering directly into it, as he replied, "Really...hmm....lets see about that." I shuddered again, as his hand slowly moved south, back over my tummy, as he dipped a finger inside my little navel, causing me to inhale sharply. He continued downward, his fingers brushing over the elastic band of my briefs, and lower, until his hand bumped mine where I held my throbbing cock tightly. "Hmm..." he uttered, and nudged my hand away, replacing my tight grip on my granite hard meat with his own. I gasped, and groaned deeply, as Mike closed his fingers around my turgid shaft, and stroked it up and down, whispering, "Nice, Cuz....very damned nice!" I squeaked some sort of reply, bright little blips of light flickering behind my tightly closed eyes, and he rubbed me some more, until I was sure I was going to just explode, and expel a huge load into my briefs.

My ears filled with a roar, and I could feel my heart pounding inside my heaving chest, as Mike lifted his hand, and moved back to the elastic of my briefs. I held my breath, my small hips coming slightly up off the mattress, as my rampant cock sought to reestablish the electric contact with his groping hand, and I groaned again, as his fingers slid under the elastic, and down, then, tangled in my sparse pubes. I gasped again, and he muttered for me to shush, lest I wake up the house. I held my breath again, feeling my cock leaking like a bad facet, as his fingers explored my groin, setting me on fire with sensation. His hand groped inside my snug briefs, and his fingers slid down the length of my shaft, until they closed gently around my aching balls, squeezing softly, and tugging them downward. I spread my legs wide, wanting to scream with the incredible feelings of pleasure that flooded my quivering body, as Mike deftly worked my balls in his fingers, before releasing them, to again enclose my throbbing cock.

He stroked me, and swiped his thumb back and forth over my drooling cock head, spreading the slippery fluid of my precum over the smooth head. I shuddered, and very nearly lost it, so intense were the feelings of his knowing touch. He picked up my closeness, and backed off rubbing the sensitive head then, and resumed a slow up and down stroking of my shaft. "Easy, Cuz..." he whispered, " up a little..." he told me, and I groaned still again, as he gripped my briefs, and slid them down my legs, freeing my aching cock from the tight confine. I brought my leg up, and tugged the briefs down, and off, kicking them away, than, lying back, fully naked. Mike played with my cock some more, then, eased up on his elbow, and flipped the sheet back, and off the foot of the bed. He paused then, his gaze intent on my drooling cock, and he lightly ran a single finger up and down my pulsing length a few times. "Man, got a real pretty cock, Dude, big time primed!" I groaned, and gently thrust my hips back and forth, desperate to increase the feather-like sensation that he was slowly applying to my turgid meat. He chuckled softly, and once more ran a fingertip over the silky head, and whispered, "Hmm....a nice wet one, too.....sweet...anybody ever done this to you before, Ryan?" I rolled my head side to side on the pillow, and muttered, "' I ever think about!" Mike chuckled again softly and closed his fist around my cock, again stroking it slowly, so damn slowly!

My hips were on automatic as he rubbed my quivering cock, thrusting in sync with his torturous stroking, and he leaned closer, so I could feel him blowing his warm breath over the wet, shiny head of my cock, causing me to shudder strongly, and emit more soft moans of pleasure. He blew warm breath over my cock again, and whispered, "You like that, Cuz...?" I nodded my head rapidly, unable to find my voice, as my chest rose and fell like a bellows. He blew on me again, still stroking me in that maddening slow pace, and I heard him whisper, "Well, cool, then.....cause, Baby-Cuz....if you like are going to love ...... this!! And with that whispered proclamation, he leaned in, and swabbed the flat of his wet tongue across the spongy head of my cock. I yelped, the sharp intake of my breath loud enough to be heard about a block away, and he shushed me again, his hand coming out of nowhere to clamp down on my mouth. I mumbled sharply into his palm, as I felt him once again lick the head of my cock, and I nearly passed right out, as I felt the warm, soft, wetness of his mouth engulf the length of my throbbing cock, until my soft pubes surrounded his nose.

My entire body, and soul, flooded with a feeling of such intense pleasure that I thought I might explode, and blow into a million small pieces, the resulting gore painting the walls, and ceiling of my bedroom. Never, in all of my thirteen years of life, had I even imagined a feeling so wonderful, as Mike began deftly sucking my rampant cock, a steady moving of his head in a bobbing motion, his warm saliva slicking my meat, as his fingers captured my aching balls, tugging them gently, in sync with his sucking motions. I couldn't breathe, my breath stuck in my heaving chest, and I wanted it to go on forever, or at least until my hammering heart muscle exploded in my chest, and I died of a sheer pleasure overdose. Every nerve ending in my body was screaming, and my balls were on fire, as Mike drove me higher and higher, the exquisite slurping noises of his magic mouth filling the room along with my stifled groans of pleasure.

My fists grabbed at clumps of the sheet under me, and I thrust my hips faster, the tell-tale tingling building deep in my balls, and I gagged on my own drooling saliva, so far gone with lust that I had even stopped swallowing. Mike seemed to sense that I was on the very edge, my impending eruption eminent, as he tugged sharply on my ascending balls, and slid my swelling shaft part way out of the warm cavern of his mouth, leaving just the drooling head against his tongue, as his fingers closed around the very base of my shaft. He tongued the sensitive plumb of my cock head, and stroked the shaft with short, rapid movements of his fingers, until I thrust my hips strongly upward, and my shaft swelled in his mouth, and erupted, a volcano of my pent up nectar exploding in rapid jets across his tongue. He stayed right with me, as I continued to drain my balls, until I actually wondered if the nuggets themselves might expel onto his tongue, as he swallowed, ingesting my copious offering as quickly as it presented.

Finally spent, and exhausted, I teetered momentarily on the very brink of unconsciousness, desperately trying to recover, and return from a place I had never been before. Mike held my wilting dick gently, his fingers milking the last traces of my discharge from the softening shaft, as he lapped at the now super sensitive head, until I begged him to stop, before I passed out. He released me then, and nuzzled his nose under my spent, and loose, balls for a minute, then, slid up beside me, and again nuzzled my neck, saying softly, "wow!" I exhaled deeply, and my overloaded body shuddered, as I giggled softly, nodding my sweaty head on my pillow, and replied, "!"

I slept then, or, more likely, passed out, and when I opened my eyes again, the room was filled with a soft daylight. I rolled over, realizing that I was naked, and the sudden memory of last night swept into my mind. I ran my hand down my torso, and fondled my soft cock, and my slightly aching balls, my heart beat increasing, as I recalled the incredible sensations I had experienced at the hands, and mouth, of my unbelievable cousin. I smiled, suddenly warmed by the knowledge that all of my dreaming, and wishing, and thinking, had been totally right. Surely, I decided, nothing on earth could ever come close to feeling that good, not in a zillion years. I rolled my head to the side, eager to see the older cousin who had so blessed me with his unequaled skills, and frowned, at finding the bed empty. I lifted my head, and checked out the futon, and frowned again, seeing it equally empty. I rolled onto my back, my mind suddenly filling with fear that he would regret the events of last night, and deny me the chance to experience that, and more, again. I shuddered at the mere idea, then, suddenly realized that I desperately needed to deal with my aching bladder, and kicked off the sheet, rolling out of my bed.

Staying naked, I opened my bedroom door, and stuck my head out in the hallway, checking for wandering family. Across the hall, the bathroom door was closed, but I could hear the shower running, and I guessed that it was Mike. Feeling bold, and suddenly horny, I decided to take the chance of freaking out an aunt, and quickly stepped across the hall, and entered the bathroom. I checked the shower stall, and was relieved to see the shadowy figure of Mike through the frosted glass door, and turned to lock the hall door, before stepping rapidly to the toilet. I lifted the seat, and gripped my tumescent cock, releasing a strong flow of pee into the bowel, relief flooding through me. Finished, I hit the flush, and the sudden drop in water pressure alerted Mike. He snapped open the stall door, and peered around the edge, smiling broadly when he saw me standing there, naked, my cock at about half mast. He winked, and beckoned me with a bent finger, and I giggled, quickly stepping across the small space, to join him in the steamy stall.

My first sight of him actually naked, and my eyes once more hungrily drank in his stunning body, coming to rest on his breath taking equipment. I groaned softly, my eyes going wide, as I focused on his rock hard erection, jutting proudly from his hair laden groin. He must have been close to seven inches of granite hard meat, thick, and veined, with a flared mushroom cap that was a deep red color. His shaft swayed slightly before him, and his balls were plump, as they hung loosely between his firm thighs. He had obviously been stroking himself prior to my interruption, and some soap bubbles lingered in his silky pubes, and dripped from his heavy balls. I stepped right in front of him, and lifted my gaze to meet his eyes, my eyebrow lifting slightly in question, as I tentatively reached for his turgid cock. He smiled, and nodded, then said, "Cool....gotta be quick, though....people are stirring downstairs." I nodded, and closed my fist around the silky smooth stalk of his thick cock, as a moan escaped my lips, and I was suddenly slightly dizzy, as I reveled in the feel of my first ever cock in my hand.

Mike groaned softly, as I mimicked the movement that I used to get myself off, stroking the silky loose skin of his beautiful cock back and forth over the rock hard tissue below. I remembered the awesome feeling of him playing with my balls last night, so I dropped my other hand down to cup his heavy sac, gauging the weight, and fullness, of the large orbs. He groaned again, spreading his legs slightly to give me better access to his pendulous nuts, as I increased the pace of my stroking his thick cock. My own cock sprang to full erection as I found a rhythm, and began working his dripping tool in earnest, as he reached down, and began the same movements on my rampant cock.

We were still then, save for our mutual groan's, and the sounds of our wet hands sliding over each others hardons. He had said quick, and it certainly was that, as our excitement quickly grew, and our desire grew right along with it. Our mutual stroking was enhanced with brief contacts between our silky cock heads, and I reveled in the copious flow of precum that drizzled steadily from his small slit. My mouth was watering, big time, and I desperately wanted to get on my knees, and taste this marvel, and experience his massive ejaculation flooding my mouth with his creamy fluid, but the danger of discovery in such a populated house was just too great. Vowing to seize the first opportunity to orally ravage this incredible meat, I turned serious about getting him off, as I was now eager to witness his shooting. Mike seemed to be of the same mind set, as his ministrations to my own leaking cock intensified.

We continued our little ballet, our soft moans of pleasure pretty much lost to the noise of the cascading shower, and as the end drew near, we positioned our straining bodies in a way that would allow our eruptions to paint each others smooth body with the creamy results of our rampant efforts. As I tugged on Mikes full balls, I felt them resist, and pull upward in their heavy sac, as his thick shaft grew thicker still in my grip, and he rolled up on his tip-toes, expelling a sharp grunt, as he exploded, his long ropes of thick, creamy cum jetting across my stomach, and my crotch, mere moments before my own eruption occurred, and I splashed rapid fire puddles of my juices onto his spitting cock, and swinging balls.

Finished, we collapsed together, each clinging tightly to the others naked, wet, body, as we gulped in air. The warm water of the shower ran over us, washing away the evidence of our mutual satisfaction, as we continued to lightly fondle each other as our equipment grew flaccid. We washed off, and stepped out of the stall, using the large fluffy towel to dry each other, amidst some quick little licks, and sucks. We wrapped the towels around our waists, and did a quick check of the hallway, before scampering back into my bedroom to dress, and once more join the family fray on the main level of the house, having made a pact to seize the first opportunity to escape on our own, and expand our explorations.

After breakfast, and some requisite family time, Mike managed to talk his Dad into letting him use the car so that I could show him my school, and some of the other cool places of our town, and we gleefully got out of there. We did, in fact, tour around some, and check out my school, but it was pretty obvious that what we both really wanted was to find a place to be alone. I guided Mike toward the area of town known as River Park, and we started off across town. River Park is just that, a large city park that covers several acres, and roughly parallels the river that flows around the edge of the city. It is a pretty cool place, actually, and contains a multitude of family oriented areas, including a child play area with swings, etc, several picnic areas, and various sports fields for soccer, baseball, and basketball. There is a swim area with sandy beach, and miles of river front trails frequented by fishermen, runners, and mountain bikers. In a complex so large, it isn't really difficult to find some private places, and after we parked the car, I headed toward an area that I and some of my friends often migrate to when seeking to escape the family outings that frequently take place in the park.

We followed one of the trails along the river for a ways, then, veered onto a small path leading inland, and over a small ridge. At the far side of the ridge, the terrain opens into a small valley that lies protected from both the river, and the park in general. It is basically a small, grassy meadow, surrounded by tall Pampas Grass plants, and various shrubs, that kind of hide the meadow, so that if you didn't know it was there, or just happened on it, you would likely walk right past it, unaware. I led Mike at a crouch through the tall grass, and we emerged into the deserted meadow, quickly selecting a small grassy alcove that offered virtual privacy, even from someone crossing the meadow. I settled onto the soft grass, and tugged Mike down beside me, pushing him onto his back, as I all but attacked him, pushing his tee shirt up to expose his chest, and tummy. He chuckled, mumbling something about having created a sex monster, as I ran my fingers over his smooth skin, and experimented with teasing his dark nipples. I had been stifling all of these desires for so long, that I just kind of went slightly nuts, at long last having the opportunity to explore all of the things that held such great interest for me. My hands were on him everywhere, and, as I tugged his shorts down his muscled legs, I was elated to see his thick cock at full attention, threatening to rip through the thin material of his small briefs.

As I pulled his shorts free of his feet, and tossed them aside, my face hovered mere inches from his expanded crotch, and my wide-eyed gaze fixed onto the turgid lump filling those very sexy briefs. I sniffed deeply, his male scents flooding my nostrils, mixed with a faint lingering aroma of the familiar bath soap from earlier that morning, and a deep groan escaped from my chest. I was slightly dizzy with excitement, and desperately wanted to see him, and touch him, and lick him, everywhere. He moved his toned arms up, and cupped his hands behind his head, flashing that killer smile, and said softly, "Go for it, little Cuz, I can see it in your eyes, and, I know what that hunger is all about." I shuddered, my eyes darting over his near-naked form, unable to decide where to begin, wanting it all at once.

I braced myself on my arms, nearly straddling him, and brought my face close to his firm, smooth chest, again inhaling his fresh scents, and extended my tongue, lapping at the satin smooth skin of his upper chest. His taste was incredible, and my mouth drooled with saliva, as I moved my tongue over his skin, and flicked it at one of his tight little nipples. He sighed heavily, as I closed my lips over one of the stiff nubbins, and sucked on it gently, my feverish brain flooding with the realization that I was, finally, actually free to let myself go, totally, with another boy. I tongued, and sucked each nipple in turn, and moved lower, licking across his stomach, and dipping into his tight little navel, as he flinched slightly. I ran my tongue side to side at the elastic of his briefs, and repositioned myself, so that I could lick that rock hard bulge on the outside of the thin material, and closed my lips around his thickness. I felt it pulsing between my lips, and I marveled at its thickness, and at the heat of it, and the free flowing saliva in my mouth increased, wetting the swollen crotch of his little briefs.

I rolled up onto my knees then, my heart pounding inside my chest, and stared for a minute at the straining bulge of his briefs. I reached out, and hooked my fingers into the elastic band, and began tugging the small garment downward, as Mike lifted his butt, helping me free his throbbing cock, and heavy balls. I rolled the briefs down his legs, my breath gagging in my throat, as his thick tool sprang free, and lay heavily on his groin. I paused, briefly frozen by the sight of his rock hard cock, so big, and thick, the smooth head shiny, and wet, with his precum. The heavy vein that ran the underside of his stalk was swollen, and visibly pulsing, as his heated blood flowed through it, and his plump balls were cradled tightly below, rolling slightly of their own accord within his smooth sac. I shuddered again, my mouth flooded with my saliva, and I dropped down, stretching out between his spread thighs. I gripped his steely hard stiffness in my fist, and stroked the satin smooth skin up and down, as my other hand cupped, and hefted, those incredible balls. Mike lifted his slim hips slightly, and mumbled, "Ahhh.....yea...!"

I continued to stroke him, and fondled his heavy balls, my mind reeling with the simultaneous sensations of heft, and girth, smoothness, and heat, all combined. Eager to experience my ultimate fantasy, I leaned in closer, and ran my tongue over his heavy ball sac, licking the tiny wrinkles of skin there, and poked at each large orb with my tongue tip. Mike seemed to sense my eagerness to explore all his little nooks, and crannies, and just relaxed, and allowed me to have my way with his incredible cock, and balls, and encouraged me with small groans, and mews of pleasure, as I tongue washed every inch of his delicious skin. I licked my way up the shaft of that rigid cock, and ran my tongue over the bulbous, slick head, captivated totally by the texture, and taste, made even more intoxicating by the heady aroma emanating from his heated body. I gripped the thick base of his stalk between fingers and thumb, and rubbed the leaking, spongy head of it all over my face, and lips, as I gazed wantonly into his downcast eyes. I prodded the tiny slit with my tongue tip, capturing a tear drop of his pearly essence, and felt a sudden ache in my jaw, as my taste buds exploded, savoring his acrid, somewhat nutty flavor.

Unable to control my burning lust a second longer, I lifted my head above that burgeoning slab of meat, and engulfed it, sliding its girth deep inside my mouth, until I gagge,d as the spongy head of it stabbed at the back of my throat. I was afire, my entire being singing with pent up lust, as I, at long last, came to know the thrill of having a warm, slippery, and very thick penis filling my mouth, and prodding my throat. My saliva ran like a waterfall, coating his rampant tool, as I closed my lips around the throbbing shaft, and began bobbing my head over it, sucking as if literally trying to swallow it whole. My eyes exploded with overflowing tears, and my jaw ached, so stretched, and full, was my mouth, and I sucked that beautiful organ with complete abandon, my breath coming in ragged wretches, as I drooled, and slobbered around the thick shaft. My fingers captured his heavy balls, and manipulated them inside the smooth sac, as my mouth worked to bring life to my every fantasy, imagined time and again.

Mike thrust upward at me, his hips matching my bobbing movements, until he was literally fucking my mouth, and I closed my fingers around the base of his cock, stroking the silky skin there in sync with my sucking. He was groaning, and muttering unintelligible utterances, as I increased the suction, and pace of my efforts, longing to incite the eruption that I so desperately, eagerly, longed for. He brought his hands down, fingers tangling into my hair, and tugged gently, adding yet another sensation to the near overload that I was experiencing, and I groaned, a strange and guttural sound from deep inside, as I began to taste an abundance of his nutty flavored precum, as the rate of leakage increased from his churning nuts. I gripped the plump sac in my palm, milking it in a not entirely gentle way, almost willing the orbs to surrender, and bring forth the infusion of creamy nectar that I craved so wantonly. Mike tensed, and grunted, his fingers yanking still harder at my hair, as his hips drove upward, forcing the wide head of his cock into my throat. "Aggggg......fuck....Ryan....!" He wailed, and slid his throbbing cock out of my throat until only the drooling head remained, captured firmly between my puffy lips, as I swabbed the leaking slit, and fingered the smooth skin of his shaft up and down.

Mikes hips bucked violently once more, and I felt his balls move sharply under my fingers, as his cock head seemed to thicken between my lips even more. I stabbed at his slit again, and swiped my tongue rapidly at the "v" at the bottom of his crown, and he grunted loudly, as his cock literally exploded, expelling his warm slippery cream across my tongue in rapid jets, one right after the other. My mouth flooded with his first volley, and I gulped rapidly, only to be immediately flooded once more with his second, third, and fourth, eruptions, and I closed off my throat, reveling in his molten cum filling my mouth, the salty fluid electrifying my taste buds, and coating my tongue. His strong blasts finally slowed, and I could feel his shaft flex again in a steady series of smaller contractions, as his orgasm began to weaken, and he pulsed several smaller emissions into my overflowing mouth, then stopped, as he sagged back, completely spent. I let his wilting cock slip from my mouth, and rolled my tongue, reveling in the creamy thickness of his warm fluid in my mouth, then, swallowed, shuddering in pleasure as the silky substance slid down my throat. I smacked my lips obscenely, savoring the acrid after taste, and reflexively swiped the back of my hand over my puffy and tender lips, staring at Mike's now flaccid, and very red cock. I slowly shook my head in wonder, the realization sinking in, that I had finally, actually done it, sucked a cock, and tasted, no, relished the result. Better still, not only had I actually done it, I pretty much loved it, and was already eager to do it again! I shifted my slightly stunned gaze up, and met Mike's wide smile, and I felt my cheeks grow hot, as I blushed furiously, and gave him a sheepish little grin. He winked at me, and exclaimed, "Wow,, little Cuz.....are a natural! I giggled, blushing hotter yet, and thought to myself, yup, I coulda told ya that!

After a bit of recovery, and some light hearted boys being boys banter, good old cousin Mike returned the favor, using his skillful mouth to administer another mind blowing blow job to my eager cock, before we again headed home to join the birthday fracas. Whatever special gifts might lie in wait for my celebration, they would surely pale in comparison to the gifts I had received from cousin Mike, on the very fitting occasion of my emerging manhood. My parents would later remark that they had rarely, if ever, seen such broad smiles on my face as were evident on the occasion of my turning thirteen, and I would blush sweetly, thinking if they only knew why.

I snapped out of my reverie, realizing that my shower water had gone cool, as I had wandered down memory lane, reflecting back to that incredible weekend almost three years ago. I turned off the water, and stepped out, drying with a large fluffy towel, as I forced my thoughts back to the present, and the party I was getting ready to attend. Mike, and that birthday weekend had been my turning point, affording me the opportunity to explore my well guarded desire for gay sex, and it had clarified, and helped me understand my nature. I was gay, for sure, and certain, though I had yet to figure a way to share that fact with friends, or family, so my very closeted life continued. I had, since that weekend, and Mike, managed a very few, and infrequent, dalliances with a couple of like minded strangers, students at the local college. While a source of gratification, these events were nowhere close to the relationship that I so strongly desired, and had really been nothing more than hurried blow jobs in one of the dorms bathrooms that was well known among us closeted gays. While I secretly harbored a couple of prospects among my friends and schoolmates, I had yet to summon the courage to pursue them, and my long standing charade of female conqueror continued, albeit with waning enthusiasm. I sighed, and headed back to my room to dress, and be off to the party.

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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