Peeking from the Closet

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 13, 2006


And so it was over the remainder of the school term. Bobby and I hooked up several times to "work" on my technique of sucking him off, and whether or not I improved, I continued to enjoy doing it, a lot. On a few occasions, he let himself go to the degree that he jacked me off, but even though I clung to the hope he would, he never fully reciprocated. I wasn't really surprised at that, or even really disappointed, because I knew he was totally straight, and that the feverish events that we shared were merely a way for him to get his rocks off. Bobby continued to avidly hustle all the girls that would give him a tumble, and I guess I always knew, deep down, that as soon as he found one willing to administer the blow jobs that he had grown fond of, I was toast.

I had long ago given up trying to talk myself out of liking it the way I did, and finally just admitted to myself that I possessed whatever gene it was that rendered me gay. My only regret was the need to keep that side of my life stealth, and I frequently longed to expand my horizon beyond delivering quickie blow jobs to Bobby. I did a lot of subtle cruising of my classmates, and friends, even total strangers that I encountered at parties, or the mall, or at the park. In today's much more open environment, I probably would have worn out my knees at a very tender age, but in those times, it simply wouldn't do to gain a reputation as a cocksucker, or "queer," so I operated very close to the vest, confining my activities to Bobby, and my right hand. That remained the course of action, until I had the very good fortune of meeting Tim.

Tim was a cousin to one of the girls from school that I was really good buds with, and I met him when he was invited to spend Thanksgiving with Shari's family. He was just nineteen, and was a college freshman attending the University that was located in a neighboring city some hundred miles from our town. His family lived in New England, and because finances, and available time, precluded his going all the way home for the holiday, Shari's Mom, Tim's Aunt, had extended an invite to him to join them. We were all out of school for the week, and Shari and I had made plans to spend the afternoon at the local mall, shopping, lunch, and the likelihood of seeing some friends. She had phoned the previous evening, informing me of her cousin's visit, and asked if I minded his joining our outing. I had no problem with that, and said so, thank God, as it turned out to be the highlight of the year.

I drove over to Shari's the next day, parked, and rang the door bell. Shari answered, and we stepped back inside the house. I detected movement from my peripheral vision, and turned my head toward the living room, and my heart nearly stopped beating. Just getting up from the sofa was what may well have been the best looking male I had ever encountered in my brief life. I thought Bobby was killer good looking, and he was, but, this dude would make anyone consider throwing rocks at Bobby. As he approached Shari and me, I took note that he was taller than I was, probably six feet, and lean built, in that solid kind of way. His hair was cut short, a soft brown shade, and kind of swept forward on his head. He was blessed with Hollywood good looks, maybe a younger Brad Pitt, and his smile alone was movie star quality. His face was more cute, than handsome, with his snow white smile, and a pair of deep dimples carved into each cheek. He extended his hand, as Shari made the introduction, and when I gripped it, I felt an electrical jolt deep in my balls. As I held his hand, I gazed into his incredible eyes, almost fawning in my tracks. His eyes were not only blue, but almost an azure shade, so captivating that it was hard to look away from them. He spoke, and the comment was totally lost on me, as I stood there, I'm sure, looking like I was about to drool down my chin. Well, I was, actually.

I recovered, suddenly realizing that I must look like a star struck school girl, and muttered something fairly appropriate, I think. We broke our hand contact, and settled into small talk, while Shari went in search of her purse, and a jacket. As we stood chatting, I again became lost in those incredible eyes, and missed much of whatever it was that he said. Shari returned, thankfully, and we walked out to my car, and climbed in, then, headed to the mall. The whole way over, I had one eye on my driving, and one on the rear view mirror, as I maybe not so subtly checked Tim out further, as he and Shari gabbed away. We arrived in one piece, despite my divided attention, and parked, then, entered the mall. We strolled around, checking out shop windows, and venturing inside a few. We paused here and there, chatting with school friends, and finally felt hungry, and decided to go get lunch at the food court. We rode the escalator to the second floor, with me pausing to make sure Tim was in front of me, so that I could check out his cute tush as we ascended. Damn, this dude seems to have it all, pretty much, I decided, and I silently prayed for an opportunity to demonstrate my newly honed skill on the treasures that I was sure lurked between those long legs.

The mall food court is a sort of international affair, made up of several vendor areas where most everything from Chinese to Italian fare was available, along with the typical teen favorites of burgers, fries, and pizza. The three of stood there a minute, surveying the possibilities, and Shari wandered off toward the huge salad bar. Tim turned to me, that stunning smile crossing his face, and asked, "So, Ryan, what looks good to you, Dude?" I came very close to answering that with "you," but refrained, and instead told him I was considering Generals Chicken, and some fried rice. He winked at me, and replied, "Seems like we share that particular taste, that's exactly what I was thinking, too." I smiled back at him, and said, "Well, I'm really not surprised, you know, creatures of culture, breeding, and excellent taste, right?" he chuckled, nodding, and we went to stand in the Chinese food line.

We got our food, and joined Shari at the table where she had settled, and dug in hungrily. I sat opposite Shari, and Tim opted to sit next to me, which pleasantly surprised me. Shari, by the way, tends toward perpetual gabbiness, and she blabbered away as we ate, filling Tim on local gossip that I'm sure he could have cared less about, but was politely attentive, none the less. About half way through the meal, I almost choked on the fried rice I was chewing, when Tim's leg made contact with mine, and stayed there. I swear I even felt him add pressure against my thigh, but resisted pressing back for fear that it was just wishful thinking on my part. As he finished eating, he pushed his plate away, and leaned back in his chair, then, casually slid his arm around the back of my chair, giving my bicep a small squeeze, and saying, "Damn, Ryan, that was a good choice that you made!" I tried not to react beyond his reference to the food, but I felt my cock respond to his now two point contact with my body, and squirmed slightly in my seat, suddenly afraid that I was going to pop serious wood, and that it would be obvious in my shorts. At that moment, one of Shari's girl friends plopped into the empty chair next to her, greeting her excitedly, and the two immediately launched into girl talk. Tim seized the moment of distraction to give my bicep another squeeze, then, ran his fingers lightly up and down my upper arm, as he said quietly, "I really like those shorts you are wearing, and, the way that they fit you." I felt my face grow instantly warm, and flush, and Ryan Jr., bless him, had heard the comment as well, and accepted the compliment by graciously extending into a full hardon. I heard Tim's soft chuckle, and glanced sideways at him, then blushed even harder, as I realized those gorgeous blue eyes were staring directly into my tented lap. Tim lifted his gaze to meet my wide eyed stare, and chuckled again, saying, "Good food, and good company, good...everything...I'm really glad that I made this trip."

Shari turned to catch Tim's attention then, introducing her cousin to her friend, and he removed his arm from the back of my chair to shake her hand. His leg, I realized, stayed firmly in contact with mine. Holly shit, I wondered, my mind racing with the possibilities of the meaning of the recent events, and comments. Could it be, oh please ,God, that Tim was into better still, interested in me? Lost in the myriad of thoughts that raced through my brain, I suddenly realized that Shari and her friend had walked away, and that Tim was saying something to me, though I had missed it completely. I blinked a few times, dragging my attention back to the here, and now, and muttered, "I'm sorry...what did you just say?" Tim fixed me with the killer grin, and wiggled his soft looking eyebrows at me slightly, and repeated his comment, "I said, the ladies have momentarily abandoned us in quest of the restroom, and I wondered if you could show me to the men's room?" Oh shit, I thought, he wants me to go to the men's room with him, take a leak, for God's sake, maybe even catch a glimpse of his....Jesus! I blinked some more, no doubt looking like an idiot, as Tim continued to calmly smile at my flustered state. He reached out his arm, and actually ruffled my hair with his fingers, as Little Ryan jerked strongly inside my shorts, and said, with a wink, "It's really Ok, Ryan, I hardly ever bite, you know."

With that, he stood up, and waited patiently for me to get up, and show him the way to the mall restrooms. Right, like I'm just going to get up, my totally erect cock poking out like a freeking pocket rocket, in front of Tim, and the whole damn mall. After a small pause, I heard another soft chuckle from Tim, who was clearly enjoying the hell out of himself. He reached across the table then, and retrieved Shari's jacket from where she had left it hanging over her chair, and dropped it into my lap, saying through his dazzling smile, "Here, carry this, will you, we don't want Shari loosing her jacket." Relieved, and embarrassed as hell, I gratefully grabbed the jacket, and draped it over my arm in front of me as I got up, my boner somewhat secure behind the jacket. I hurried away, Tim in close pursuit, as we headed toward the men's room.

During the walk to the concourse where the restrooms were located, I tried my best to dream up calculus problems in my head, and images of eighty year old pussy's, and by the time we got there, about half of my aching boner had thankfully receded. I dropped Shari's jacket onto the bench that was just inside the men's room door, quickly stepped up to a urinal, and pushed the elastic waist band of my shorts down, freeing my semi-hard cock. I gripped it, suddenly really feeling an urge to pee, and flexed a couple of times, to get things started. I held my breath, as Tim stepped up to the urinal on my right, and I felt my cheeks redden once more, as from the corner of my vision, I saw him fumbling with his fly, while he used his height advantage to peer over the modesty panel that separated us. I stared straight at the wall in front of me, glowing I'm sure, as he checked out my equipment, nodding slowly. I heard his flow running onto the porcelain, and my cheeks grew warmer still, when I heard him say, very quietly, "Awesome, Dude, really awesome." About three things happened then, simultaneously, a) my heart rate doubled, b) a loud roaring noise filled my ears, and, c) my cock instantly shut off the pee flow, and went rock hard, again. I actually thought that I might just melt, liquefy, and become a puddle of the former me, right there on the tile floor. Tim turned his attention to the business in his own hand, as the door swung open, and two giggling preteens entered the space, shattering the moment. I didn't know whether to feel relief, disappointment, or both. Tim, finished, turned from the urinal, then, headed to the sinks behind us, as the two tykes clamored to the facilities, fishing their boy pricks from their shorts. I stuffed my own half rigid meat away, and joined Tim at the sinks. As we washed our hands, our eyes met in the mirrored wall, and Tim flashed his killer smile, and gave me a sly wink, before turning to the paper towel dispenser without a word. As we exited the room, Tim held the door for me, and, as I passed close to him, he said, softly, "I'd really like to pick that up where we left it, sometime." As my cheeks toned up once more, I managed to croak, "Me too!"

We located Shari then, and resumed our forage through the mall, and I tried my best to stay focused, as my mind raced with plans to come up with a way to be alone with Tim. He would be here a few more days, and was obviously an ally in my schemes, so I would find a way to make it happen, even if it meant kidnapping him from Shari's house in the dead of night!

(To Be Continued)

Authors note: I'm wondering if there are any readers still following this tale. I am getting precious little comment on it, and am considering letting it go, but do not like to leave any reader just hanging. I'm not begging for love here, I just see no point in carrying on a story that is of no interest. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 8

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