Peeking from the Closet

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jan 17, 2006


Authors Note:

Wow! Now I know what my favorite Grandma meant, when she used to tell me, "Be careful what you wish for, Robby." My email runneth over with all of your VERY kind comments, and I sincerely thank you, one and all. I would prefer to make individual responses, but the volume I refer to would necessitate my hiring a secretary to accomplish, so please accept my heart-felt thanks in this "group" format. I am truly flattered, and energized by your response.

Peeking From the Closet


When we returned to Shari's house from our mall adventure, her Mother graciously extended an invite for me to stay for dinner, and I quickly accepted, silently rejoicing in the opportunity to extend my exposure to Tim. I called home, and informed my parents of my whereabouts, and, at the same time, learned that they had received an unexpected call from old friends that were passing through town, and that they were meeting them for dinner at their hotel. My dad advised that they would no doubt be rather late in getting home, since my Mother, and this other lady, were famous for their marathon gab-fests. I digested this tidbit, my mind already scheming on ways to extricate Tim from his family as soon after dinner as possible. If my own house was going to be empty until the wee hours, it seemed an excellent time for me to give Tim the grand tour of my room, and to possibly share some of my new interests, and skill, at the same time.

I'm sure the pace of dinner at Shari's was perfectly normal, but it seemed to drag on forever. That, I'm sure, was in large part due to the pre-dinner conversation that Tim and I had, wherein we discovered a mutual passion for PS2 video games. I had mentioned two, or three of my most recent purchases, the very latest issues of hugely popular titles, and that revelation had received an excited response from Tim, who had yet to have an opportunity to experience any of them. My parents never having raised a slow-on-the-uptake dummy, I naturally offered to take him to my house following dinner, so that we might do battle on the thirty-two inch television that was the focal point of my bedroom, and to which the PS2 was connected. What I didn't verbalize, naturally, was that my ulterior motive had to do with the queen size bed which was the other focal point of my bedroom. I really didn't verbalize that last part, but somehow, I was almost sure that Tim had heard it, anyway.

We were seated side by side at dinner, with Shari sitting on the opposite side of Tim, and not long after we sat down, he moved his leg so that it came into contact with mine, and kept it right there during the course of the meal. I was thankful for the heavy linen napkin opened on my lap, and for the longish table cloth, both serving well to conceal the ardent protrusion in my lap. As the dessert course was being offered, both of us politely declined further consumption, and were subsequently excused from the table. By then, thankfully, I had my boner mostly under some degree of control, and I was able to escape the dining room with my dignity mostly in tact. We said our thanks for the delicious meal, and bade Shari a good evening, as she headed upstairs to shower, and perform whatever other tasks are typical of the fair sex as evening descends, and we got out of there, headed for my car.

In the car, headed to my house, Tim settled comfortably in the passenger seat, as he checked out my various CD's, and the cars stereo equipment. "Sweet ride, Dude!" he proclaimed, and I blushed slightly, ever the proud owner of my "baby." He inserted a disc in the player, and the cars interior filled with some gentle tune, the name of which escaped me. I do not actually do well with fragmented attention, and frankly, my attention was on Tim, well most of it, anyway, I mean, I was driving, too. He shifted around in the seat some, and finally settled back once more, his near arm extending, as his hand settled onto my thigh. My balls lurched strongly at the contact, and I might have gasped slightly, as Tim chuckled softly, and apologized for startling me, though the hand stayed put, right there, about an inch from my rapidly growing cock. I muttered some inane thing in response, god knows what, as my mind reeled with the sensation emanating from my thigh. Tim chuckled again, as I felt my cock inflate completely, swelling the front of my shorts in a very obvious way. He moved his hand very slowly over my thigh, and my peripheral vision picked up his direct gaze into my tented crotch, as my balls did that zing thing again. He let his fingers all but make contact with my aching tool, and said, "I did say how much I liked these shorts on you, didn't I, Ryan?" I nodded rapidly, and managed to croak, "Uh, yea Tim, and, um, I'm glad that you do." His hand tightened a little on my thigh, and I worried that my cock was going to tear the stretched material, it was do freeking hard, as he chuckled, and said very softly, "Really cool about the games, Dude....I am really going to you." My foot pressed harder on the accelerator, as I suddenly became very much interested in getting home, ASAP.

I stopped the car, killing the engine and lights, as I parked at the curb in front of my house. Tim kept his hand scalding the skin of my thigh, and I turned my head to look at him. God, I thought, what a hot looking dude he is, and just so freeking cool, as he calmly sits there, not quite stroking my aching dick, his pretty eyes definitely NOT meeting mine, as his gaze stayed totally fixed on my protruding crotch. "Tim..." I croaked, my damn voice cracking like some adolescent, "I...uh...well....jeez!" He made that soft chuckling noise again, and I saw is head move up and down slowly, as he replied, "Uh huh, Ryan....I know, too!" Right then, as my heart leapt into my throat, he lifted his eyes, and met mine. He held my gaze for a heartbeat, or an hour, I can't be sure which, then, slowly leaned toward me. I watched his cute face, incredulous, as his soft lips parted, and closed on my own, and he freeking kissed me...right on the mouth...his tongue teasing at my I suddenly realized that, jeez, I was kissing him back, my head spinning, and my cock threatening to explode inside my shorts. Unconscious of my own movements, I suddenly realized that my arms were around him, and that I was holding onto him as though I wanted to squeeze the life from him, as he added intensity to our kiss, and his tongue fully invaded my mouth. I allowed my own tongue to duel with his, as my heart hammered my chest, and I became totally lost in my first serious kiss. Amazing, I thought, totally amazing, and, damn, I like this....I like this...a...lot!

Finally, he broke off the stunning kiss, and pulled away just a little, and those brooding eyes once again met mine in the dimly lit car. He smiled, that cover-boy grin, melting my heart once more, and muttered, "Wow!" I giggled, feeling all sorts of hot flashes course through my body, and nodded stupidly, saying, "Uh!" He moved in again, and I felt his lush lips nuzzle the skin of my neck, as his hand moved fully into my extended lap, and his fingers closed around my throbbing shaft. I moaned against his ear, my head exploding with the sensation of his hand on me, and mumbled, "Oh man,!" Not exactly Pulitzer prose, I know, but hey, I was definitely NOT thinking with the big head here, and "oh man" was about the best the very stressed out small head could muster at the moment. Tim licked my neck, and moved his mouth against my ear, his breath warm, and damp, as he whispered into my ear, "How about showing me those games, now, Ryan....and that bedroom of yours." I groaned, my head nodding a definite "yes," but my voice suddenly lost, and unable to function. He heard my feverish answer, even though I had not voiced it, and he broke our heated contact, saying, "Come on then, Ryan, lets go" I nodded once more, and turned to push the door of the car open, before following my rock hard erection outside, and hurried around the car to meet Tim, just as he stepped onto the sidewalk. He paused, and stepped really close in front of me, his hand slipping between us, and he squeezed my hard cock once more, as he whispered to me, "Yummy....I am going to love this brand new game!" I all but melted into him, and shuddered strongly, then grabbed his hand, practically dragging him toward the front door, and inside.

Inside, I managed the presence of mind to dead bolt the door, then, never broke stride, as I guided Tim to my bedroom, and I even remembered to lock that door, as well. I switched on the small lamp on the desk behind my computer, and the soft light gave off a gentle glow within the room. I stood in front of Tim, a quivering mess, so longing for him to touch me, and kiss me, again, and then, again. As if reading my thoughts, he moved into me, and bent his head, once more closing that silky soft mouth over my own, his tongue again slipping inside my mouth. I leaned into him, my arms going up, and around his neck, as I held him, my heart pounding, and my mind spinning, as I surrendered to the overwhelming passion that coursed through me. He held the kiss, moving me backward, until the backs of my knees hit my bed, and I fell back onto it. Tim paused, and looked down at me, shaking his head gently side to side. He dropped to one knee on the carpet, and placed both hands onto my thighs, moving upward, his light touch setting my skin on fire. His fingers grazed over my swollen crotch, causing me to gasp with pleasure at just that light contact, then, moved past, and slid under the hem of my shirt. He moved his hands upward, as I leaned back, my elbows on the bed behind me, as my eyes watched the gopher trails of his hands under the loose material of my shirt. His fingers found my erected nipples, and lightly grazed across them, as I expended an audible moan of pleasure. He pinched each small nub gently, sending electrical current directly to my balls, and I groaned again at the new sensation, my back arching forward, as I sought to maintain the fiery contact. He chuckled softly again, and mumbled, "Ryan, Ryan....yes, Baby...I knew you were this sensitive....intense...!"

He slid his hands free of my shirt then, and deftly opened it, moving to my shoulders to slide the garment down my arms, and off. He paused, his eyes roaming over my now bare chest, and tummy, as I lay there, literally panting. His head moved slowly, side to side, and he mumbled, "Beautiful....just beautiful!" I felt more heat flood over my face, and knew that I was blushing like some school girl, as he gazed hungrily at me another minute, or so, before his eyes drifted downward, and came to rest on the front of my stretched shorts. I saw his tongue slip across his lips, as he dropped down on the other knee, and once more ran his fingers, so lightly, up my inner thighs. I shuddered, and moaned again, an electrical shock jolting my balls as he touched my skin, and I watched, as his fingers moved to the elastic of my short, and tugged them down. The shorts slipped down my legs, and off my feet, as Tim tossed the small garment aside, and returned his hungry gaze to my very swollen crotch. My small white briefs almost glowed in the softly lit room, as my cock pulsed visibly within the snug material, and Tim licked his lips again. My eyes were frozen onto his hands, as he ran his fingers once more over my inner thighs, before poking softly at my balls. I groaned again, and felt a drizzle of saliva slide from the corner of my mouth, signaling that I was so far gone as to forget swallowing. His hand opened, and briefly closed around my turgid shaft, squeezing, and stroking up and down, as I just stayed there, propped onto my elbows, my body aflame with multiple sensations.

Tim released his grip on my cock then, and moved to hook the elastic of my briefs, tugging first outward, then, down, as he slipped them off my legs, leaving me completely naked under his gaze. He ran his eyes over me, toes to head, and back, coming to rest on my throbbing cock where it lay against my groin. "Oh Jesus, Ryan.....sweet Jesus....what a beauty you are....fucking awesome!" I would certainly have blushed furiously, had I any blood left that wasn't already very much occupied, and hearing him say the words made my heart skip a few beats. I continued to stay put, as his hands once more slid up my thighs, once more setting my skin on fire. His fingers reached my apex, and he used the heel of his hand to separate my legs further, then, cupped my plump scrotum in the palm of his hand, as his other hand returned to my seriously leaking cock. "Aggg.....Tim....jeez....!" I croaked, the first word I had managed since we left the car, and he nodded, leaning toward me. His eyes flickered upward for a split second, and looked at me, before he gripped the base of my drooling cock in his fingers, and slid out his tongue, lapping it over the head of my wet cock. "Umggg....jeez...!" I shrieked, my cock suddenly lurching strongly from the molten contact of his tongue, and he lapped it again, deftly seizing the tiny pearl of precum that rested there at the tiny slit.

He lapped my cock head several times, his fingers working the skin up and down at the base, then, opened his mouth, and captured the head in his lips, sucking gently. I groaned, and almost lost it, as he slowly, so damn slowly, slid the length of my aching cock inside his warm, wet, mouth! I rolled my head back onto my neck, lolling like some rag doll, as my nerve centers went ballistic, singing, if not screaming, with the most intense feeling I had ever known. Tim reached the very root of my cock, and lingered there, his soft lips firmly closed around my stalk, and his nose in my pubic hair. I groaned again, sure that my balls would explode at any second, and grabbed at his soft hair with my fingers. He began moving then, sliding his so wet mouth up and down my length, expertly taking me places I had only dreamt of, as his hand tugged, and rolled my balls. I was wild with pure lust, every inch of my body wildly alive, and alert, as Tim worked me, gladly giving me all that Bobby would not, and more. I suddenly understood, no, knew why Bobby, so straight Bobby, was so willing to accept this unbelievable pleasure from me, another boy, or not. This, was to die for, and, I was actually afraid that I just might, so intense were the sensations screaming through me at that moment.

I felt it then, oh boy, did I ever feel it then! My balls suddenly rolled upward, as though trying to disappear inside me, and my cock grew so hard, I was afraid it would snap off in Tim's incredible mouth. I dropped my arms to my sides, and my fists hammered the mattress beneath me, as I felt liquid lava sear through the length of my ravaged cock, and erupt, spewing my molten load into Tim's magic mouth in strong, and rapid jets. He never flinched, as he calmly accepted all that I had to offer, swallowing down my nectar as quickly as it presented. Completely spent, and suddenly exhausted, I sagged onto the mattress, as Tim slipped my wilting cock from his mouth, and gently suckled it, as it softened in his fingers. I lifted my spinning head from the bed, and gazed down over my heaving chest, as he looked up, meeting my gaze with those smoldering eyes, as he dramatically pursed his full, lush lips, and planted a wet sounding kiss on the shiny head of my dick, then, winked at me, saying, "Awesome, taste better than ice cream!" I giggled, and stretched out my arms toward him, signaling him to crawl up the bed with me. He did, and I grabbed him, hugging him fiercely, still struggling to regain my normal breathing. "Holy shit, Tim.....jeez....that!" I gasped between rapid gulps of air, and he hugged me, saying against my ear, "Uh huh...definitely!"

We cuddled there for a while, as I calmed, my head spinning with the wonder of it all. Finally, I shoved at him, and he rolled onto his back, and I scooted onto my knees beside him. He gave me his heart stopping smile, as I struggled to get his shirt off of him, and I said, "Help me out here, Dude...not fair at have way too many clothes on...and...I want some ice cream, too!" He chuckled, and pulled the shirt over his head, as I attacked the fly of his pants, eager to make him naked like me, and hungry to drain him as he had me. I got the pants off of him, and paused, letting my eyes drink in the awesome body before me, his smooth, and defined chest, and the small, very erect nipples, then, downward, to the flat tummy, and the narrow treasure trail of soft down that descended from his small navel into the black briefs that he wore. My eyes widened, and I felt my mouth flood with my saliva, as my eyes rested on the very packed briefs, the pulsing outline of his very hard cock clearly defined inside the tight briefs. The lump of his balls below looked like he had a softball stuffed in there, and I swallowed, seeing a silver dollar size wet spot on the briefs, where the head of his cock rested. I grinned, and reached out, my hands gripping the elastic band of the briefs. I tugged out, and downward, as Tim helpfully lifted his slim hips, and I skinned the small garment off him in one quick pull, dropping it to the floor. I gasped out loud, my eyes locking onto the thick cock that throbbed against his groin, the smooth mushroom head shining wetly in the soft room light. He was beautiful, both longer, and thicker, than Bobby, and I decided he must be seven inches easy. The circumcised head was perfectly sculpted, so smooth, and rounded, and I watched another small tear drop of his fluid ooz from the small slit in the center. I swallowed again, and dropped a hand onto his firm thigh, my fingers grazing the smooth skin, as I moved upward, and gently cupped his full, and heavy ball sac in my palm. I tugged on it gently, and Tim moaned, as I moved to stretch out on my stomach between his open legs.

I slid forward, my face at the apex of his legs, and I inhaled the heady aroma of him, my mouth practically drooling, as I extended my tongue, and lapped at his smooth scrotum. He groaned again, and I captured one ball between my lips, and sucked it gently. I released it, and inhaled the other one, moving the heavy orb around with my tongue. Tim lifted his hips slightly, and I tongued his sac some more, before moving up to capture the thick shaft of his cock in my fingers, stroking the glassy smooth skin back and forth. I lifted the stalk off his groin, and ran my tongue over the plump head, digging into the tiny slit with my tongue tip, as I delighted in the sounds of his soft mewing, and moaning above me. I made his cock head wet, a mix of my saliva, and his flowing precum, then, held the thick shaft in my fingers, as I rubbed the slippery head against my cheek. He groaned louder, and I slid that silky smooth head back and forth across my lips a few times, then, opened my mouth, and engulfed that beautiful meat, moving steadily down on it, until my nose was buried in his soft pubes, and I felt that spongy head in the back of my throat. He humped his hips upward, mumbling my name, and I slowly withdrew, holding only the head between my tightly closed lips.

I moved my hand back to his heavy balls, and hefted them in my palm, as I again slid that throbbing meat into my mouth, taking him deep once again. I felt his fingers tangle in my hair, as I found a rhythm, moving my drooling mouth up and down his turgid cock, reveling in the smoothness, and the fresh, clean flavors. I tugged, and rolled his balls in my fingers, as I strove for my A-game, sucking him with a hunger that was almost scary in its utter intensity. He was spewing a steady cadence of soft moans, mixed with saying my name, as I worked that magnificent cock, drooling as his heavy shaft filled my mouth entirely. His hips bucked, matching my rhythm, as I stepped up the pace, hungry to feel the force of his passion explode into my mouth, and eager to taste his inner essence. As if reading my thoughts, he thrust sharply upward, and I felt his shaft thicken still more, as his balls rolled upward, away from my gripping fingers, and he let out a deep growl, as his cock suddenly erupted, and my mouth was instantly flooded with his warm, thick fluid. He spasmed repeatedly, each flexing of his shaft again filling my mouth, at an amazing pace, and volume, as I strived to keep up, rapidly gulping his tart emission, and losing thick streams of it from the corners of my gapping mouth. He stopped then, nearly as suddenly as he had begun, and his body went limp under me, his thrusts stopping. I continued to gently suck his shrinking tool, my fingers closed around the base of it, milking the remaining drops of his semen onto my tongue. I let him go then, sensing his high level of sensitivity, and I slid forward, my head lowering, as Tim's lifted from the mattress, our mouths meeting in yet another feverish kiss. He stabbed his tongue eagerly into my cum streaked mouth, swabbing it all around, as we shared the acrid aftertaste of his recent orgasm, mixed with the lingering flavors of my own earlier one.

We rested then, cuddled cozily on my bed, our blood pressures, and breathing regaining some degree of normalcy. He stroked my back, and I nuzzled my face against the warm, smooth skin of his chest, as a feeling of great satisfaction washed over me. Finally, I lifted my head, and gazed into his dark, brooding eyes, and smiled, saying, "Lets go all the way back to "wow," and start over, OK?" He chuckled, lightly tussling my hair, and replied, "Definitely....all of much more!" My heart turned a little flip in my chest, as I wondered just what "more," there could possibly be, much less, "so MUCH" more....!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 9

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