Penis Snakes on a Plane

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 2, 2012



Part Two: The Assault on Business and Coach Classes

By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Piotr Katerinsky had been wielding a butter-knife from the galley as an impromptu screwdriver, and doing poorly at it, when he heard the cries from first class stop. He fought for a view of the carnage within and shook his head. All those rich bastards in there, men with more money than sense (why else would you pay the exhorbitant rates for first class if you didn't want and expect to be pampered and coddled?) and now all of them were lying around with fucked asses and sperm-splattered faces and bodies. Some were fumbling their way to their feet or into seats, in motions that said they'd been butt-fucked royally. And all this in a space of what couldn't have been more than a few minutes. "Those poor bastards." he said to Clarence Carver in mock-sympathy.

Clarence knew what Piotr meant and chuckled. "Yep, they finally got the screwing over they've been doing to regular guys all their lives."

Piotr started to answer, but then heard Hardesty and the stewards arguing.

"You can't just leave them there. These men need medical attention!" one steward argued.

"And what do you want to do? Bring them back into the other classes?" Hardesty responded. "We have to isolate these men, they've been infected."

"We can't just leave them there, and there's not enough room to tend to all of them in first class!"

"And if there's another outbreak of the biochemical agent, what happens then?"

But the captain appeared at that point and Hardesty found himself outvoted and outranked. Ten of the men of first class were brought back, to be placed in various parts of the plane where the seats could be stretched out and converted into impromptu sickbeds. None of the men aboard were medical doctors, but they had a paramedic on board and he was wielding the first-aid kit's contents upon the victims. Mostly swabbing spunk off of their bodies and applying some soothing ointment to their rectums.

Piotr watched the paramedic plying a finger into one man's ass and joked to Clarence, "Well, if the guy was a virgin before, he sure ain't one now!"

The victim turned a hurt look toward the two Marines and complained, "I don't know what you two assholes think is so funny! I just got raped here, you know! Held down and raped!"

"Easy, sir, easy!" the paramedic soothed the man. "We'll get you proper attention in Atlanta in just a few hours."

"A few hours!" the man raged like a spoiled brat. "I was raped!"

"Yes, sir, and nobody is doubting it." the paramedic went on.

"Not according to what I saw before the barricade went up." Piotr said to Clarence sotto voce.

"I saw some of them reallygetting into it."

Clarence nodded. "And this guy was one of them."

But both spoke too softly for the man to hear and badgering a man under medical care held limited appeal. By common consent communicated by eye-motions and head-jerks, they wended their way back to their seats, toward the back of business class. These seats were in five rows of six seats, set up in three pairs. The thirty-three business class seats (three single seats next to the galley and lavatories completed the section) and business class was only two-thirds occupied with some twenty-four occupants. He and his buddy were surrounded by empty seats at the present as the rest of the passengers utilized the freedom to move about to cluster about the edge of first class and gawk at the carnage ahead. "Wonder what the hell kind of thing that was?" Piotr wondered.

Clarence understood his question. "Damned if I know. Some kind of biochemical agent, that agent said." He spoke with blithe unconcern about his confusing use of the same word in two capacities in the same sentence. "It turns a man's dick into a multi-pronged set of anacondas out to fuck every butt they can find."

"Yeah. So where did they go?" Piotr had noted that the man under the paramedics' care had a normal-sized cock. "I didn't see no feet-longs on that guy or any of the others that they brought out. But we saw them on the guys while they were in there."

"I know. It's weird." Clarence summed up. "Makes no sense to me."

"What should we do?" Piotr complained.

"Try not to worry about it." Clarence suggested. "We'll be in Atlanta in what, three hours? We can try to get another flight on in to Miami."

"You mean we're going to be stuck in Atlanta?"

"They got to check the plane for the nutjob who started this." Clarence pointed out. "Makes sense they're going to want to keep the plane for a while."

Piotr saw the sense in this as well as the inevitability. "Shit! So now what do we do?"

"Got a few hours. Sleep if you can, we'll probably have to stay awake a while in Atlanta."

Piotr copied Clarence in his attempt to resume sleep, reclining his seat all the way back and putting on the music headphones to let him tune out the unfamiliar sounds of the passengers and such. A Marine had to learn to sleep when and where he could, and they'd taught him that trick in basic training, it was just a matter of lying down and forcing your brain to He slumbered.

Piotr had half the knowledge of sleep a Marine needed, but the other half, the ability to yank yourself awake and be fully alert when you did...that was a lesson his young body had not yet fully learned, and probably wouldn't until he was awakened by the sounds of gunfire in combat. Also, his pet dog had slept in his bed and often would snuggle up to him in the night and wake him up with gentle warm nudging of his body. So it wasn't fully his fault that his slumbering body didn't immediately recognize what was happening.

His pants were first, the feeling of something warm nuzzling upwards on his leg. But his dog had oftened entered under his covers from the bottom and would quest up his body with his muzzle snuffling along his leg in much the same way.

And the soft wet dabs on his cheek were much like his dog's nose. And the feeling of his right arm being covered was much like the dog's body lying along it to nuzzle his face as happened now and then.

Then the wet nose-shaped thing made it to his lips and slid across them. Piotr was used to his dog doing this, too, but it was a prelude to having his face licked, an unpleasant event that would wake him up every time. So he opened his eyes and that was when his hand felt and closed upon a warm tube that felt very familiar, like his own cock, only this wasn't his cock!

He jerked and gasped in astonishment and the cock that was resting upon his lips used the opportunity to plunge within his mouth.

He hadn't realized until they took his rising up in the seat and flailing to grab him that he had been covered in the long cock-snakes until now. And the one that had slid into his pants was precariously close to his ass, only his briefs were balking the penis-snake in its effort to fuck him.

Piotr's mouth wasn't so lucky. The cock had a firm section of it inside him, with his hands and arms handicapped by the other pricks around his arms and legs, he couldn't dislodge it. He opened his mouth wider to try to bite the invader, and that only let the prick shove into him deeper, and his jaws couldn't hold this dong and still bite down! The cock was sliding back and forth and fucking him, and before he could think of what else to do, this prick exploding come into his mouth. He found the cock too deep within him at that time to do anything but swallow it as it shot out, he was getting the entire load. His eyes went over to his buddy, but Clarence was similarly entrapped.

And as the cock finished and slid out of his body, limp and spent, Piotr realized the cock at his ass had found a way under or through his briefs, he couldn't tell exactly from where/how he was, but the fact that the glans was pushing his butt-cheeks apart was unmistakable.

"Gluh, uh, guh-uh!" he coughed leftover spunk free of his larynx. "Help, help!" he got out, softly but enough to be heard.

"Over here!" someone called out. "It's got two more!"

Two more? Piotr heard the words with dismay.

"They're coming back everywhere!" someone else called. "We got four groups in coach also being attacked!"

"I told you!" Hardesty burst out. "I told you that we had to isolate the men infected! Now they're all sources of further infection!"

Not here, Piotr thought. The ones attacking him and Clarence weren't coming from any of those men infected. Theirs had come in through the vents! Couldn't anyone see that?"

The cock at his ass shoved and got inside his butthole. Piotr yelped in pain and another cock jumped into his mouth. And the sensations in his body, that were roiling into his brain.

Passion. Desire. Oh, God, he was loving these cocks! They felt so warm, so good, so firm and virile and manly! Shit, his body wanted more, more, more!

The second cock in his mouth squirted, and he drank this one down eagerly. Clarence was writhing beside him in equal ecstasy, both powerful brown arms flailing away at cock-snakes on either side. They erupted, spraying the big black man's body in white worms of spunk that arced up and over and down onto him.

Piotr took one of the cocks in his hand and aimed it at his mouth, it was wrapped around his arm and he couldn't bring it to his mouth. He jerked it instead, and the come sprayed all over his face, his tongue lapping at the fountain of jizz as best he could. God, don't let this end, don't let this ever end! His own cock ejaculated, spraying and he felt his prong growing. He was about to become one of the multi-pronged snake-dicked men. And right now, he couldn't manage to care!

Hardesty was too busy to gloat! He had dicks everywhere, out to ravage the entire fucking plane now! That first attack had been merely a preliminary sortie, to build up the sources of infection, to let this second attack be on the entire plane's complement! Christ on a cross, what was he going to do?

He'd already learned that these cocks were effectively impervious to any attack. You couldn't smash them, crush them, penetrate them with anything he dared wield on an aircraft high in the air. All he could do was try to help fend off the cocks from the uninfected passengers, rally his forces.

But there were so many areas here! They'd kept six of the eleven infected men in first class, but the other five had been brought back to the other classes. Five separate areas. No, more, for the original infection source was still within the air vents!

"We have to shut off the air vents!" he called out as he fended off a dong that had crept his way. He had no choice, he had to wade into this fray full-fledged. Hold them off from as many of the passengers as he could until they again abated.

He dove into the knot of writhing men closest to him. One sailor had a cock around one arm while another crawled down his pants through the waistband behind. Hardesty caught hold of the ass-diving prod and yanked it out and it promptly began to aim at his mouth. He held it back by raw force of will. Other pricks were approaching him now he was available to them, one caught his left leg and wrapped it, another caught his free arm, he was being caught to permit other cocks to attack him. Well, he was truly busy as he could be, this one cock at his face was practically inches from his face. His hand was gripping the shaft, but the cock began to work itself in that grip, the foreskin offering scant real purchase. It was aiming at him, trying to gain his mouth, but he held it still.

And it began to squirt jizz at him! Hardesty ducked one spray aimed right across his face, it would have splattered him across his eye and cheek, and he turned his head away and it instead soaked his right ear and hair across that side. "Shit!" he grunted. And other one shot at him from a short distance away, this one landed just below his lips, God, his lips! He could almost fucking taste the jizz! He wiped it away savagely! If any of that got inside him somehow, he'd be a goner!

"Hold out, everyone hold out. It'll stop if you can just keep them away long enough, and...glmph!" A cock had broken through his defenses and slapped across his mouth! Yuck! He yanked it away and as it tried to bring the glans to bear, he trapped that cockhead under his right arm. He struggled on, hampered by his captive dong, as more of them wended around him, the new men affected in this second assult had added their cocks to the forces of evil, they were outgunned and outmaneuvered by these insidiously long and angry dongs!

Hold out, don't let them fuck your ass, Hardesty, he told himself over and over. If they fuck your ass, you're a goner! Thank God his pants were still proving themselves a barrier to the prongs around him, he just had to hold out a little longer and....

A slackening in the feeling of the dongs about him, a withering away of them as they softened and retracted. Soon, Hardesty was free, panting, sweaty and tired, but his ass' and mouth's virginities remained intact. He wouldn't be infected by the sexual contact so many others had sustained.

Now it was time for triage, this time they would listen to him and shut the infected men off from the ones who weren't infected. And this time, those fucking air vents would be closed down!

George felt kind of sick himself as he saw the casualties of this second attack. Shit, they'd gotten Carl this time around. And if he hadn't ducked back into a corner along with Chad, they would have suffered the same fate, and even then, he and Chad had had to struggle with a couple of questing dongs toward the end. A few wads of come had splattered one sleeve and he'd peeling his shirt off quickly. That Hardesty guy was telling everyone that it took anal penetration to infect you, but he wasn't taking any chances.

"Damn, that was close, wasn't it, Chad!" he grumped.

"Yeah, close." Chad said to him.

George looked over at him. "You all right?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Chad sounded faint.

"Did...did they get you?" George asked.

"I don't think so." Chad said.

"You don't think...."

"One of them splattered me on the neck, but I wiped it off quick as I could." Chad said quickly. "You won't tell that Federal agent guy on me, will you? I mean, he'd probably want to shove me in with the infected men just to be safe."

The entire first class and business classes had been cordoned off to keep the infection in those areas. The cockpit was in the front of this, but they had a full door which had been locked for safety. The sections between business and coach were now a rather formidable barrier of tray tables and seats which had been pulled up and stacked. And the vents were shut off, the lone unaffected steward had set out air tanks and cracked them to help keep the oxygen level up. And Atlanta was only an hour away.

The nightmare was nearly over, thank God!

Beside him, Chad was shivering. George reached over and said, "Chad, what's wrong?"

"I feel funny. Kind of weird, right in my crotch."

George looked over at it and said, "Shit, man! You got infected!"

"What am I going to do?" Chad wormed. "I can't go in there with those other guys! You got to help me, man, please! Don't tell anyone, please!"

The coach class section was only half full and that Federal agent had most of the men on "guard duty" at the barricade. "I won't tell anyone."

"You tell and they'll lock me away with those other guys. I couldn't take that. Please!"

"Calm down, buddy, calm down." George soothed his friend.

"They're going to lock them all up and throw away the key, I'm sure!" Chad whined. "I'd never see my family again."

"All right, all right." George agreed.

"Oh, God, there they go!" Chad whined as his cock sprouted out around his shorts, eight shafts crawling out. "They're going to see me, they're going to see!"

George had to cut and run now if he was going to. It would leave his friend alone and exposed but...

Those cocks reached for him. Eight of them, little tubes of Chad, his bud, his pal. George reached out and took them with all the reverence he could. With two of them around his legs, two around his arms, one in his ass, one in his mouth, one in each hand, he just accommodated all eight of them.

Chad was in heaven as all eight of his pricks sent their pleasure into him at once. "Oh, man, this is so good, so fucking good!" he moaned. "Thank you, man, thank you, ah-ah-ah-GUH, UH!"

George was too busy gulping come to argue with him. His own cocks were busily entangling Chad. Guess he had been infected himself after all. Maybe that was why.... Chad's cock coming in his ass guillotined that thought. His own was busily burying itself in Chad's ass anyhow. If they could keep all this on the Q.T., he figured they could take care of each other long enough to get off this plane. After that...well, he'd have to see what happened after that.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 3

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