Perfect Substitute

By moc.sratsruodnoyebraf@kcabdeef

Published on Dec 8, 2024



Perfect Substitute

Perfect Substitute

T. C. Vega

Nobody gets you in trouble just like your siblings.

Warning: This story is intended for adult audiences. All characters depicted in the story are at least 18 years of age. If you are not comfortable with adult content or are not of legal age to view such material in your jurisdiction, please exit this site.

After three calls in fifteen minutes from her sister, Alina finally relented and Natalie's hologram flickered to life in the middle of the exam room.

"Hey, Lina. Are you busy?"

"Duh. I'm at work, I've got a dislocated shoulder in Three, a broken nose in Four, and that's just for starters. The waiting area is packed."

"I won't keep you long, I just have a quick question." She moved closer to the holo cam. "Could you fuck Aaron for me?"

Alina almost spilled coffee over her scrubs. "Excuse me?"

"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't really important. We're going on our second date tonight, and I kinda, sorta, invited him to my place afterwards. But something came up. I told you about him, right? I really think he could be the one this time."

"Well, call him and postpone."

Natalie bit her lip. "I can't, I already had to cancel twice. I'm gonna duck out for dinner, but we're trying to fix an issue with an experimental hyperdrive, and it looks like it might take all night. I was thinking you'd come to Ernesto's, we switch clothes in the bathroom, and I get back to work. Easy."

"I'm sure he'll wait. You're young, you're hot, and you're literally a hyperdrive engineer."

"That's exactly the issue. I intimidate men. But he's different, we talked for hours, and he really, really gets me."

"He's the mathematician?" asked Alina, taking a sip of coffee.

Natalie shook her head. "No, no, that's his brother. You gotta keep up, sis. Aaron is a theoretical physicist, but they both teach at the Kestrel Institute. I skimmed some of his papers, it's fascinating stuff."

"I'm sure."

"Listen, I can't take any risks here. I need my goddamn fairy tale, okay?"

Alina sighed. "Seriously, Nat. If he finds out that it's me instead of you, that fairy tale will be over before you meet the evil stepmother."

"How would he find out? Even mom and dad can't tell us apart."

Back in school, some ten years ago, they had sometimes swapped boyfriends without anyone being the wiser. Not a lot of teenage boys were good in bed, so it made sense to share the few notable exceptions.

"I'm married, remember? You were at the wedding. I can show you pictures to jog your memory."

"So? How about a bit of variety? Tell Paul you caught a double shift. Some ship came in, war refugees, quarantine protocol, whatever. Happens all the time, right?"

"I'm not gonna fuck around behind my husband's back. I'm hanging up, Nat."

"Wait, wait, wait! What if I ask him? Would you do it if he agrees?"

Alina scoffed. "Good luck with that."

"Would you do it?" She looked at her sister with pleading eyes. "I'd be forever in your debt. A year at least if we hit it off. Which I absolutely think we will."

"Okay, fine. If and only if Paul agrees. But he won't, because this is your fourth or fifth soulmate in a year. And now excuse me, I've got patients."


"I can't believe Paul would pimp me out like this," said Alina, standing in her underwear in a bathroom stall at Ernesto's.

Natalie handed her the dress over the separator wall. "He loves his sister-in-law and understands that I can't risk losing my potential soulmate. Your husband is a romantic, sis."

"Uh-huh. What did you promise him?"

"Self-made brownies -- you know, the ones Aunt Carol used to make. Oh, and another threesome. We haven't had one in months, and I've got a lot of new toys we can try out."

Alina rolled her eyes. "Of course."

"What? It's a win-win. He gets to tie me up and spank me, and do all the stuff you don't like. You should actually be grateful, now that I think about it."

Alina sucked in her stomach and barely managed to zip up the impossibly tight dress. They had both worn it on occasion, but thanks to Paul's cooking and too little time for exercise, it almost didn't fit. She shot an angry glare in her sister's direction, but said nothing.

"Lina? Talk to me. Are you mad?"

"A little, but okay. You owe me, and I know who's gonna pick out Christmas gifts for Mom and Dad this year." She put her wedding ring in the purse. "Anything in particular you want me to do with your prince?"

"Just the basics. I don't wanna scare him off."

"The basics, huh?" Alina smirked. "That means no prostate massage while I suck his dick? Guys love that, he'll be back for more. And there's nothing wrong with a free prostate exam."

"Lina, please, don't ruin this for me. Sucking, fucking, and maybe anal if he brings it up. Nothing too slutty, and definitely no butt fucking if he's got a big dick. I'm not a size queen like you, so don't give him ideas." She opened the door. "Alright, gotta run. Love you!"


It was only her second time at Natalie's apartment downtown, on the fifty-fourth floor of Mitsumi Tower, but the apartment was easy enough to find and the keycode worked. Even though he really was great to talk to, there was no reason to drag things out, so she took him right to the bedroom.

Let's get this over with, she thought, kicking off her heels. She had rushed to the restaurant directly from work, skipping dinner, and she felt the effects of the alcohol on her empty stomach -- two shots, the minimum this particular situation required.

He looked at the scratches on the bed frame. "You like to play with handcuffs?"

"No, ... I mean, yes, but not tonight. If you're not careful with that stuff, you can give yourself nerve damage."

"Yeah, that's what I keep saying. Leather cuffs are a much more sensible choice."

Without further ado, she dimmed the lights and returned to the bed where he had already taken off his shirt.

"Not bad for a physicist," she said, taking off Natalie's dress without putting on too much of a show. She threw that skimpy thing on the floor, on top of a mountain of other clothes in the corner.

He nodded approvingly. "You're not bad for an engineer either. Definitely the hottest I've ever dated."

"Oh, you're trying them all?" she asked, stepping out of her panties, revealing a smooth pussy. "Or are you gonna stop at some point?"

Instead of an answer, he pulled her closer for a long, passionate kiss, and her vow to fuck him but not enjoy it was crumbling fast. His toned, athletic body and the alcohol -- of course, the alcohol! -- were affecting her more than she liked to admit.

"You're surprisingly practical for a theoretical physicist," she said, when he flawlessly unclasped her bra at the first attempt, which elicited a chuckle from him.

Sitting down on the bed she closed her eyes as he kissed her breasts, gently stroking her nipples with his thumbs as his kisses moved further up, slowly, taking his time. Paul's permission made this a lot easier, and maybe Nat had been right after all. A bit of variety wasn't so bad.

"Okay like this?" he whispered into her ear.

"More than okay, but let me see the rest of you."

She helped him out of his pants, and like most men before him, it didn't take a lot of work to get him ready. He was well-equipped, even by her demanding standards, and there was no doubt, Nat would have a lot of fun with this one.

"Nice dick," she said, spreading her legs invitingly. "You know where to put it?"

He laughed. "I think so. Or do you prefer the, err, non-obvious choice?"

"Sometimes I do," she said, smirking, "but not on our first night. Remind me next time, and now show me what you can do."


An hour later, he was standing in the doorway, watching her as she was looking through the cupboards for the coffee pods. They were in the least logical place, in a drawer at the opposite side of the kitchen, far away from the coffee maker. For an engineer, Nat was not great at staying organized.

"Okay," he said, grinning. "You're not Natalie. You're her sister, right? The doctor?"

Alina's heart almost stopped. "What?"

"Well, back at the restaurant I caught a glimpse of her bra strap. I thought it was black, but when we came here it was skin-colored."


"The black one was uncomfortable, and women change clothes all the time. When I wear heels to a party, I change into flats for the way back."

"I wouldn't know," he said, shrugging. "But if this was your apartment, you'd find the coffee and the light switches. What if I sent a message to her right now? On whose comlink would it show up?"

Alina buried her face in her hands. "Gods, this is so embarrassing."

He walked over and turned the coffee maker on. "My guess is you switched at the restaurant before we had drinks. Are you checking me out for her or something? Did I pass?"

"It's not like that," she said, feeling weak in the knees, "I'm really sorry, Nat's got some urgent problem at work. She was worried you'd think she wasn't interested if she canceled again. Me filling in is just another one of her creative solutions."

He chuckled. "Siblings can be a pest, especially when they pull us into their nonsense."

"Exactly. I'm Alina, by the way, the one who should have known better."

"Pleased to meet you, Alina," he said, extending his hand. "I'm Joseph, and I'm afraid Aaron couldn't make it either."

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