
By Harrison Morris

Published on Feb 14, 2019


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Part 9. Nice Guys Finish Last...Or Do They?: Jason's Perspective

As John Roberts and I rode up in the elevator, making out - he in a drunken stupor and me stone cold sober - I was faced with a decision...a decision that was more difficult than you'd think. My hard cock, straining in my pants, wanted me to extend this make out session to John's bed in his hotel room and take it as far as his "bourbon goggles" would allow me to. But, my sense of decency and my fear of how John would react in the light of the next day wanted me to plop him into his bed and then go back to my room and have a frustrating - and memory-filled - jack-off session in my own bed.

Now, it was time for the moment of truth. I was standing outside the door to his room. John was draped over my body, leaning against me for support and giggling absent-mindedly as he nibbled and licked on my ear. Damn, he wasn't making this decision any easier! Because I suspected that, once he had sobered-up, John would never act this way toward me again, I really wanted to make some memories to call back on in the future when I thought about him.

I stuck John's key into the lock and guided him inside and over to the bed. He laid down, still giggling goofily. When I stood next to the bed, looking at him, still trying to decide what to do (I was acting like this was Sophie's Choice, or something), he looked up at me and grabbed my arm with his hand, trying to pull me downward onto the bed. "C'mon, Jay Jay...! I want to do what I want to do. I want you to have your way with me!" Fuck, I wanted that too!

Then, as if I was having an epiphany, I realized I couldn't go through with it. It wasn't how I was raised. And, if I had gone any further with John in the state he was in, it would be considered taking advantage of him. It occurred to me that, not only would our friendship and working relationship be changed forever, but I might not be able to live with the fact that I'd taken advantage of a drunk man who was unable to consent to whatever I'd do to his body.

Trying to resist all of my urges, I removed all of John's clothes except his boxers and pulled the bed covers over him (taking time to quickly feel his well-defined and hairy chest a couple times - I AM a man, after all...), doing my best not to pay attention to the tented-out boxers. I was about to turn off the light and go back to my room when I caught sight of him, passed out on the bed. I didn't want to leave him like that. What if he got sick in the night? I decided to stay the night in John's room.

I didn't trust myself enough to sleep next to him in the bed, so I grabbed a blanket out of the closet and laid down to try and get some sleep on the lumpy, uncomfortable couch on the other side of the room.

Somehow, I managed to get some sleep on that damned uncomfortable couch. When I woke up sometime after 8:00am, I looked out the window to see a virtual winter wonderland down below and the snow was still falling hard. I turned the TV on with the volume low so I wouldn't wake John. The weatherman said a foot of snow had already fallen and another foot and a half was expected before the storm wound-down tonight. I figured that meant the whole PST conference was going to get canceled. I turned the TV off and decided that I'd grab a shower and then see about getting breakfast for John and I for after he woke up.

In the shower, under the hot spray of the water, I was finally able to release all of the pent up desire from last night. My hard, insistent dick responded to my lathering hands. In a matter of minutes. I was spraying cum into the tub to be washed down the drain. Damn, it felt good to get off. I wish it had happened last night with John. But I actually felt like I'd made the right decision. I finished drying off, tied my towel around my waist and padded out to see if I could call the front desk and get a recommendation for an alternative to the room service breakfast, which I was certain would be expensive. When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw John lying in bed, looking at me. Glad he was awake, I said good morning to him. In response, he brought his hand to his forehead and asked, "What in the hell did I do last night?" Not exactly the response I had hoped for after the way I looked after him last night.

Trying to lighten the mood, I grinned at him. "You got drunk as a skunk. That's what you did!

"My head pounding as much as it is, I figured that much. What I'm talking about is why I'm practically naked in bed and you're coming out of my bathroom wrapped only in a towel."

"Oh that..." I tried to laugh it off. "I took your clothes off, put you in bed, and then slept on the couch. When I woke up this morning, I felt like having a shower and didn't want to go back to my room to do it. Sorry."

"Oh..." he reacted as he rubbed his face with his hands, trying to clear out the cobwebs. "No problem."

I grabbed my clothes from last night and headed back toward the bathroom. As I got dressed, I called out to him. "Listen, I was on my way downstairs to see about breakfast - or at least some coffee. Why don't I let you get your bearings? Then, we can talk some more."

I came out of the bathroom to find him sitting up on the bed with his legs slung over onto the floor. Seeing him there in just his boxers made him so hard to resist. It was taking all of my willpower not to go over there and lay a hot kiss on him. "Okay." I could tell John was still trying to make sense of it all. "Sounds good." I'll give you some money when you get back."

"No worries," I smiled back at him as I opened the door. "You bought pizza last night. Breakfast is on me."

Riding down to the lobby in the elevator, I couldn't help but flash back to the events of last night. Not even eight hours ago, John and I were standing in this very spot, kissing like a couple of long-lost lovers. Oh how I wish I was back up in his room, naked in bed with him. No one ever said doing the noble thing was easy.

Twenty minutes later, after charming the fifty-something concierge, I was headed back upstairs with eggs, sausage, coffee, and orange juice...all free of charge. When John opened the door for me, he was holding his phone out in front of him, but he wordlessly motioned for me to come inside as he walked back to his bed. "I miss you all SO MUCH! I love you and I can't wait to be home!"

Then, I heard his wife's voice. "Say love you and bye-bye to Daddy..." followed by the sound of his kids' voices, "Bye-bye, Daddy! Love you!" If I wasn't certain before, I was certain now. I definitely did the right thing last night. If I'd done the wrong thing and my actions affected those kids in a negative way, I would've felt like such a prick.

"Love you, Honey," I heard his wife say.

"Love you too, Babe. I gotta go. Bye!" He ended the video chat. "Sorry about that. I wanted to check in with the family."

"No problem. Are they all okay?"

Curtly he responded. "Yeah. They're fine." then changed the subject abruptly. "I talked to Jeff Prescott with PST right after you left. He confirmed the entire clients' conference has been canceled." "I figured as much. The storm isn't supposed to end until late tonight and the weatherman said there could be up to 3 feet of snow on the ground by the time it's all over."

"Yeah. Hopefully, the airport will be cleaned up by the time our flight home is scheduled to leave later in the week. But for now, it looks like we're snowed-in, Jason."

Looking at his face and into his eyes, I forgot myself and replied with, "It's all right by me. The company's excellent." Perhaps I'd gone too far and there was too much subtext in that comment. John looked awfully uncomfortable, so I continued talking. "So, do you want to talk more about last night?"

"Uh..." he said, as he rubbed the back of his head and looked like he wanted to jump out of his skin. "Actually, would you mind going back to your room to eat? I kinda want to have a little time alone."

"Oh..." I WAS a little disappointed. "I don't mind at all. Maybe we can meet up later on or something."

John walked me to the door and responded as he practically pushed me into the hallway with a brusque, "Yeah. Sure thing." before shutting the door in my face.

While I was gone, had John remembered kissing me and propositioning me for sex last night while he was drunk? That's the only explanation I could find for his sudden change in behavior. I decided not to think about it anymore. I didn't want to go back to my room. If I did, I knew all I'd do was think about John...and that wouldn't be a good thing, at this point.

Remembering the concierge I had charmed a free breakfast out of earlier, I headed for the elevator, not sure exactly what I was looking for, but knowing that I needed to get John off of my mind.

When the elevator doors opened in the lobby, I found the man I was looking for at the front desk ending a phone call from someone obviously looking to cancel their reservations because of the weather. As he set the phone down, the man looked up at me. "Hello again. Back to see if you can con free Danish and other assorted pastry out of me?"

Feeling a little ashamed about the way I had used him earlier, I knew an apology was in order. "No. I'm not. I'm here to apologize. I'm sorry that I lead you on earlier."

"It's all right," he said back to me, in a tone that made me certain that it wasn't. "You're not the first younger man I've let charm me. The curse of being a handsome man in the hospitality industry, I suppose."

"I'll agree with you there." I wasn't blowing smoke to the guy, whose name badge said "Pete.' He looked like a younger version of John O'Hurley from Seinfeld.

He looked at me sideways. "Okay, so you don't want free pastry. What is it that you DO want for free? It must be something."

"No really. I'm being sincere. I find you very attractive. I feel bad about the way I used you earlier to get free food for my colleague and I. I was hoping I might be able to make it up to you...maybe have a drink or something. When's your next break?"

He smiled and looked at his watch. "It just so happens I'm due for a break now."

"Excellent. So, I'll meet you in the bar once your relief gets here to cover you?"

"I'm afraid not. My break is only an hour, then I have to get back to work. I can't drink."

"Oh. Then I'm not sure how I can make up my earlier mistake to you."

"I have an idea." Pete got this mischievous look on his face. "Why don't I meet you up in your room in 10 minutes? Being stranded here at work for the past couple days, I haven't been able to see my partner. That kind of separation can drive a man crazy, if you know what I mean. Maybe you can help me...release the tension."

"Uh, I'm not sure that's..."

He interrupted me. "You DID say you wanted to make your behavior from earlier up to me, didn't you? Help me out and I might be able to swing some free dinner for you tonight."

Suddenly, what Pete was suggesting seemed more like I'd be whoring myself out for food than making up for being a d-bag to him earlier. But, on the other hand, I WAS horny and looking to get John off of my mind. "Okay, then," I heard myself say before I ever realized I was saying it. "See you in 10 minutes. My room number is..."

"I know what room you're in. I'll be there soon."

Ten minutes later, I was opening my room door to welcome Pete inside. Quickly setting aside the preliminaries, Pete pulled me into a forceful kiss. It wasn't the most sensual thing I've ever experienced. In fact, he was pretty rough, especially when he reached back and grabbed my ass, practically holding my cheeks in a vise. Now, I don't mind a little rough play...but when it's with someone I know and trust. However, I soon put my concerns behind me when we started undressing each other and I got a look at Pete's muscular, broad, and hairy chest. Man, did he look good! And the huge bulge snaking inside his boxer briefs was enough to make me forget how rough he'd been at the start.

Being with Pete was nice. But halfway through, I realized it wasn't what I wanted and he wasn't WHO I wanted. I hadn't gone down to the lobby looking to make myself forget John. I'd gone down there looking for a replacement...and it definitely wasn't Pete. I was horrified at much so that I pretty much phoned-in the rest of my time with Pete. If he noticed that I wasn't actively participating in our sex, he didn't let on. Maybe he was so horny that all he cared about was getting off, but by the time he shot his load into a condom in my ass, I was more than ready for our time together to be over and for him to leave as soon as possible so that I could work on regaining my dignity.

After he was done, Pete slapped me on the ass and ambled off to the bathroom to shower. Meanwhile, I lay in the bed, awash in self-loathing. Maybe it was time to stop beating around the bush with John. I'd been honest with him last night while he was drunk. I needed to do it again while he was sober...and not just about how badly he'd been treating me at work lately. Maybe it was time to lay all my cards on the table about my attraction to him to. If he didn't want to beat the shit out of me, maybe it would bring us closer together. I made up my mind. The minute I was able to kick Pete the hell out of my room, I'd go next door and talk to John.

It was then that there was a knock on my door. When I looked through the peephole and saw John standing there, my heart sank. Fate sure could be a cruel bitch sometimes. Having no other choice, I opened the door and tried to act normal, hoping I could usher him back to his room before Pete appeared.

John had an intent and intense look on his face as he looked me directly in the eye and said, "Jason, I need you!"

If the situation had been any different, I would've probably leaped into his arms and kissed him. But, at precisely that very moment, I heard the footfalls of Pete coming up behind me in the doorway.


Part 10. It's All Coming Back To Me Now: John's Perspective

"Holy shit! What in the hell did I do last night?!" My head was still pounding due to a hangover as that last phrase echoed in my brain. I had awakened in the morning half-naked in bed - with only a vague memory of drinking several shots of bourbon the night before at the bar with Jason McKinley. And then Jason came traipsing out of my hotel room bathroom with a wet head, wearing only a towel around his waist.

Before getting drunk last night, I remembered deciding that maybe it was okay for Jason and I to flirt with each other again. After all, I missed that aspect of our friendship. And maybe that's what was causing me to have inappropriate fantasies about him. But I never intended for us to have sex!

Jason proceeded to explain to me that he brought me upstairs from the bar, took off my clothes, put me in bed, and then stayed here with me and slept on the couch. At the time, I was too hungover to ask him. But later, I wondered why he didn't just bunk in with me.

My head was starting to clear a little bit when Jason came out of the bathroom, fully dressed, and offered to go downstairs to see if he could find us some breakfast. I was glad to have the time alone. I needed to pull myself together. I stumbled to the bathroom and turned on the shower, hoping that the water cascading over me might help my mind clear up. While I was standing under the shower head, feeling the hot water pouring over my head, I started to have flashes of memories: first, me laying on the bed last night in just my boxers with Jason rubbing my chest and then a brief flash of us in the elevator, kissing.

Startled, I jerked my head, stopping the flow of any other memories that might be coming back to me. Maybe more happened last night than Jason let on to me this morning. I wasn't sure I wanted to know... Instead, my mind turned to a side effect of that brief flash of rapidly hardening dick. Just the idea that Jason and I might have kissed...that he was touching my body...and that we might have done more was making me feel as horny as hell. I ran my hands down my hairy chest, cupping my balls with one hand and starting to jerk myself with the other.

I had to shake myself again. This was crazy! Jason could be back any minute. I can't be in here, jacking off to thoughts of him when he gets back. But part of me wanted to be. I wanted to be here in the shower, hear Jason's voice telling me he's back with breakfast, and ask him to come join me in the shower. I wanted to watch as he pulled off his clothes and stepped into the shower, us touching and exploring each other as we kissed. I wanted to look up at his face as I knelt down and took his dick in my mouth.

"For the love of God!" I cried out aloud in the shower. "Get a hold on yourself, John!" I reached down and turned the water off, hoping my hard on would eventually soften. I'm a married man who loves his wife. This whole thing of fantasizing about another man has to stop! I dried off and had just walked back into the bedroom when my cell phone rang. It was Jeff Prescott at PST, telling me they'd just canceled the whole conference because of the weather. Even though I couldn't be blamed for this, I felt like Janine would somehow be disappointed in me when we got back to work next week.

Needing some emotional support badly - and a distraction from these thoughts of Jason - I got dressed and used FaceTime to connect with my family. It was good to see my kids and to talk to Laura. She asked how things were going with Jason and, when I tried to act as if everything was fine, I could tell she didn't quite buy it. If I didn't do something about what I was feeling, I was going to have to practice being a better liar and not wearing my thoughts on my sleeve.

I was just ending my video chat with my family when Jason arrived with breakfast. All of these conflicting feelings that were churning inside me were still too raw. I was still trying to process everything that had happened since last night and determine what had actually happened versus what was a fantasy. I could tell Jason was disappointed when I asked him if he'd be okay with taking his portion of the food back to his room so that I could have some time alone.

I tried to eat...and did manage to get some of the food down. Plus, the coffee was much needed. But in the end, I didn't really end up eating much of the breakfast Jason had gotten. I was too consumed with the feeling that I was descending into madness. My stomach felt like it was tied in knots! Not intending to fall asleep, I laid on the bed. Maybe laying down for a while would make things seem better. If anything, it did just the opposite. I ended up falling asleep. All I could think about were my fantasies of Jason and I having oral sex in his office at work. Then, I began to have flashes of the same memories from last night that had come back to me while I was in the shower earlier: Jason feeling my bare chest while I lay on the bed...and then us kissing in the elevator.

I woke up with a start and brought my finger up to my lips to trace them. The flashback of memories had been so real. I still felt Jason's lips on mine. It was almost as if we had really been kissing a moment ago. I looked over at the clock on the bed. Two hours had passed since I sent Jason back to his room. I got up off the bed, feeling a lot better than I had earlier - physically, if not mentally. I needed to press Jason further about what had happened last night. Between my memories of us in the elevator and him touching me on the bed, there was a big hole in the events of last night. I needed to find out exactly what went on between us. And...if we DID have sex, figure out where to go from here.

I grabbed my key card and headed into the hallway. After a couple steps, I knocked on Jason's room door. It took a few moments for him to come to the door...longer than I would've expected, I remember thinking. Oh well, maybe he was taking a nap or in the bathroom. When he opened the door, he seemed sheepish.

Before he could speak, I started right in, not wanting to waste another minute. "Jason, I need you!"

"Uh..." was all he got out before I heard a deep voice from farther in the room.

"Sorry I have to fuck and run, but I have to be back downstairs for my next shift at the front desk." A moment later, a salt-and-pepper-haired man, who looked to be in his early or mid-50s stepped past Jason and into the hallway. When he saw me, he looked surprised. "Oh...sorry. I didn't realize you were talking to someone. See you later, Jason." I watched, dumbfounded, as the man leaned back toward Jason and gave him a peck on the lips. "If you want to get together again before you go back home, you know where to find me." He turned at nodded at me, smiling, and the walked off toward the elevator.

Jason's cheeks were red with embarrassment. "John, I...uh..."

Oddly enough, I was at a loss for words, too. But it wasn't embarrassment I was feeling. It confused the hell out of me. But what I was feeling in that moment was jealousy. "No, Jason. You don't owe me an explanation. Maybe I should leave you alone."

He reached out and grabbed my arm as I turned to walk back over to my room. "No. Don't go!" When I turned back to face him, he still seemed embarrassed. But I also saw something else in his eyes. Was he sad for some reason? "You said you needed me. Why don't you come in so you can tell me what's going on?"

Reluctantly, I stepped into Jason's hotel room, unsure of whether or not I should actually go through with my planned conversation.

Next: Chapter 6: Perspectives 11 12

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