Perverted Pleasures Station

By Trans Gender

Published on Aug 11, 2004


Please don't distribute this story in part or whole without credit to: Natasha -

This story deals with: Transgender, Hetero and Homosexual situations, prostitution.

This is a science fiction story.

Please feel free to use the email address above to share discussion and constructive criticism about the storyline and writing style.

The shuttle rocked as something exploded off to one side. Mike clung on to a strut and breathed hard, panic fillnig him everywhere. In one corner, the vuscreen droned on.

"And in the financial news... Michael Desi, owner of Perverted Pleasures Station, is due back at the luxury destination today to attend the annual shareholders meeting. The meeting should unveil his new plans for the controversial space station..."

Another explosion rocked the shuttle again and something broke with the tinkle of glass. Michael peered desperatly at the front viewscreen. The station looming ahead didn't seem to be coming any closer, even though the shuttle engines were screaming with effort.

"Perverted Pleasures Station is famed for catering to any taste possible, using a huge range of advanced androids, indistinguishable from the real thing. The station is arranged in a series of levels, each increasing in quality... and of course expense... as one climbs from the docking level at the bottom to the penthouse level at the top."

Another distant explosion was heard. Mike flicked the nearest screen to the shuttle's rear view. Several sleek, grey spaceships were dwindling into the distance as the station grew nearer... obviously fearing that the station defenses might take offense at the firefight on their doorstep. The presenter continued to chat inanely on the vuscreen.

"Speculation continues to run wild as to what Mr Desi... with his recently consolidated majority shares... will address at the meeting. The most persistent rumor is that he will restructure the share allocation scheme, and begin work on enlarging the station. There is already a six month waiting list from across the known galaxy, so more capacity would definately be a wise moclick"

Mike flicked the channel across to his private player and shoved in the datacube he had found in his office. A shadowy figure appeared on the screen.

"Greetings, Mr Desi. I apologise for the cloak-and-dagger appearance of this recording, but as a clandestine customer of the services of your station, I'm sure you understand my desire for confidentiality." The figure paused briefly.

"In the line of my business, I recieve a great deal of corporate information. One piece of information concerns yourself. Rather unwisely, you have decided that in the event of your demise, your shares will be distributed evenly amongst the other shareholders. Unfortunately, this means that one particular group will have a majority share and use it to take control of the station." The figure leaned forward pointedly.

"This group intends to bring about your demise, Mr Desi." The figure leaned back again.

"I seek no reward for this information, other than the continuation of the excellent services of your station." The screen flicked off, and then automatically switched back to the newscast.

"...major component of the services offered, and indeed designed, by the station is a memplant bodyswap. This is a very high-tech procedure where an individual is implanted with a 'memplant'. This device continually records the individual's mindstate. At some point, perhaps upon death or simply at a whim, the individual can elect to be placed in a new, synthetic body... either a replica of his own, or an entirely new design. It is estimated that ninety percent of those with an annual credit earning of more than one million credits have a memplant."

A new voice chimed melodically over the sound system. "Docking request accepted. Welcome to perverted Pleasures Station. You are on Adam and Eve level. Have a very perverted day..." There was a loud clunk and the shuttle shuddered as docking arms latched onto the shuttle and pulled it against an airlock. Mike scurried to the main door and peered out as it automatically cycled open. As he feared, there were grim-looking men in grey suits scanning the crowd at every entrance. Behind him, the chatty voice of the newscaster filled the cockpit.

"...legality of the bodyswap system has always been in question. The only concession that Perverted Pleasures Station, along with other bodyswap sources, has made to calls for regulation is the requirement that the identity of the individual is kept in a small chip, implanted somewhere on the body. The station hasn't conceded to the galactic lawmakers much at all, citing it's status as an individual entity and supoprting that with an impressive financial powerbase. As such, the station has become a reputed home for many of the crime lords of the galaxy, and the sublevels have become a hotbed of criminal activity."

Mike slipped out of the door and hurried along the edge of the massive docking bay, his head down, keeping the milling crowd of arrivals and departers between him and the main entranceways. Ducking into one of the emergency stairwells, he paused for a moment to catch his breath. He staretd violently as a voice shouted from above.

"Hey! You!"

He glanced upwards. It just took a moment to take in the grey suit and angry features before he turned and ran down the stairs. Bursting through a side door, he stared around wildly, trynig to figure out where he was. Pipes covered every surface, occasionally venting steam, and he recognised the first of the sublevels. He paused... the sublevels were possibly as dangerous as the people chasing him... but ringing boots on the metal grids of the stairways decided him. He charged down the narrow walkway between the pipes, taking turns at random until the sound of pursuit dwindled into the distance.

After a while to catch his breath, he wandered randomly through the pipes until he found an elevator, then spent a few second cursing. The lift only went down, not up... he would have to brave deeper sublevels, or continue to wander this level with his pursuers. At least the crew levels would be likely to have a vidphone that he could use to call his private security team. He stepped in to the elevator and thumbed the first residential section.

A riot of noise and confusion assaulted him as he stepped out of the elevator, and it took him a moment to realise what was going on. Rather than a residential section, he'd selected the level that offered 'Perverted Pleasures' services to the crew of the starships who couldn't afford the more select offerings in the main levels. Low quality prostitute androids bantered with grinning crewmen, grimy shops and stalls offered a cornucopia of mind-altering substanced and devices, and in an open area a pair of combat droids tore each other apart while yelling spectators waved bet slips in the air.

Pushing through the crowd, Mike eventually spotted a vidphone and dialed his office. A worried security officer appeared on the screen and listened to Mike's detailing of events.

"We'll have a security detail there in less than three mintues, Sir!" "Shit!" "Sir?"

Mike had seen a grey-suited figure stepping out of a nearby elevator. Bolting out of the vidphone booth, he hurtled towards the nearest door and clattered through it.

Peering around, he noticed what seemed to be old-style video boxes. Peering closer, he realised that each box carried a grimy 'memplant' and 'bodyswap' logo in one corner. He had stepped into a back-alley bodyswap shop. Suddenly aware that the camera over the pay booth was swiveling towards him, he hurriedly picked up a box at random and moved towards the back of the shop.

Suddenly a loud voice was heard from outside.

"We tracked him here! He has to be in this area... we've covered all the entrances to this sector. Yes Sir." The voice increased in volume, "Ok you maggots, start searching the shops. He's gotta be here somewhere."

Mike hurried to the back of the shop and started pulling frantically at the door. A tinny voice came from the paybooth.

"Ya gotta pay here first... damn new arrivals, never know anything..."

Mike rushed to the paybooth, slammed the box and his credchip on the counter. The booth bleeped and he grabbed the credchip and burst through the door, then looked around wildly. He was in a corridor wtih doors leading off in all directions. He tried doors until one opened, then scurried through and locked it behind him.

The room he was in was filled with mansized white capsules. As the door locked, the lights came on. Mike was aware of a crashing noise from the front part of the shop, and a tinny voice raised in complaint. Panicking, he scurried over to a capsule, finding a catch in the side. It opened to reveal a smoothly contoured shape. He climbed in and closed the capsule over himself, hearing the catch snick shut with some alarm. After a minute nothing happened, and he relaxed a little and kept his ears straining to pick up some sound.

Suddenly the door opened and determined steps came in. He heared the person bumping around the room, and froze into immobility. There was a clunking sound at one end of the capsule, and then it suddenly lit up. A melodious voice filled the capsule as he heard the steps recede and the door close.

"Welcome to the Perverted Pleasures Bodyswap network. Your new home is being prepared. While this is done, you will be put gently to sleep, and the contents of your memplant will be scanned and verified. When you wake up, you will be in your new body, fresh and rejuvinated and ready to face a new life."

Michael started thumping furiously on the inside of the capsule. The soft lining absorbed his banging and his yells, while the voice continued reassuringly.

"Please try and relax. All systems are verified operating at one hundred percent. The selected module, '13FSXMDL', has been installed and the body model is already being created. Sleep well, valued customer."

There was a faint hissing sound and everything turned to black.


The white fuzzyness in front of Michael's eyes slowly resolved itself into a gleaming white ceiling. With an effort he turned his head left and saw an array of electronic equipment. Further slow movement right showed a rank of empty beds. Everything swam briefly and he shut his eyes. The same melodic voice sounded.

"Well done, valued customer. The operation was a complete success! Some slight weakness and disorientation is expected, it will pass momentarily. Your belongings and a new set of clothes, courtesy of Perverted Pleasures, is on the table by the door. Your identity chip has been implanted on the inside of your right elbow, for future reference. Have a very perverted day."

Mike sat up as the dizzyness receded, looked around again, and then looked down. His scream echoed through the room.

Two small mounds poked out the soft white material covering his chest... he realised after a moment it was a surgical gown. The gown followed the contures of the small body he now inhabited. Slim, delicate arms hung from his shoulders... small shoulders, he realised... and slender, smooth legs appeared from under the hem of the gown. He realised that even the scream sounded young and girly.

Noticing a mirror on a nearby table, he climbed awkwardly off the bed and stumbled over to it. An elfin face looked back at him. Pale skin, high cheekbones, large eyes, rosebud lips, the picture looked like it might have come from an expensive teenage modelling magazine. Dropping the mirror he moved to his belongings by the door. Next to them was the box from the shop... he grabbed it and scanned the back.

'Are you a woman seeking the wild childhood she never had? Perhaps you're a man wanting to experience life from the other side. If so, this luxury model is for you... all of the pleasures of teenage girlhood, with none of the pains. This design comes with all of the features as standard... flexible, fast-healing structure, advanced hormonal replication, the latest in nutrition processing. You'll be able to take punishment and eat food that a natural navy seal couldn't handle, with minimal waste and no concerns. system details: Black hair, perfect skin, curvy figure, high attractiveness rating. For technical specifications, please consult the manual. Compliant with all popular brands of memplant.'

The pricetag confirmed that this was indeed a luxury model, probably designed for a very elite customer base. How it ended up in this shop was a puzzle... probably stolen from one of the supply ships, along with the other equipment in the shop. Fortunate really... at least it was a quality job. It was also starting to dawn on him that this was a really good disguise. Maybe now he could get up to the upper levels and find his team.

He started to climb into his clothes, but paused as he realised they wouldn't fit. Turning to the little pile of clothes next to his, he stopped and glanced across at a larger mirror. Approaching, he twisted and turned to admire his new body, pulling off the surgical gown. The figure in the mirror was certainly very attractive, at least for... he consulted the box... 12? Younger than his usual taste, although age meant less these days. His lines curved in under a pair of small, perky, pink-nippled breasts to a slender waist, and then back out to well-rounded hips. Slender legs led up to a perfect round bubble butt. Everything but his eyebrows and head were completely smooth and hairless. He glanced again at the box... so much for reliving childhood. This model was for sex, and no doubt about it... nicely catering to the darker tastes of the galactic elite.

He turned back to the clothes and groaned... while the job may have been high-quality, the clothes were all sub-level. A minute pair of thong panties, a very short mini, and a cutoff tshirt, all in bright pink. A pair of fuck-me heels completed the picture of young hooker. With wry amusement, he noted that the groan of annoyance was turned by his new voice into a very sexual-sounding moan... he'd have to be careful. Fortunately there were a couple of pink hairclips... the long black hair was already getting on his nerves.

He climbed into the clothes and wriggled around a little. They felt strange, touching him in unfamiliar places. He was trying not to think about the softness between his legs, or the bumps on his chest... their combined sensitivity kept sending him little electric surges every so often, which made that idea difficult. Bundling his clothes up, he paused and pulled the credchip out of the bundle. After a moment's hesitation, he managed to tuck it into the mass of hair, using one of the clips to hold it in place. All of his other belongings were rolled up and tucked under one arm.

He stopped at the door, thinking about the chip. It was finally dawning on him that they probably tracked him via his cred transactions. He'd have to find a way to get around without using the chip. Perhaps back up to the elevators, and then as high as he could go without using the id chip in his arm.


He shifted irritably as the thong rode up into his butt and stepped up to the door, then jumped back in fright as it swung open. A geeky looking boy, around 17 at a guess, stood grinning in the doorway. There was something unsettling about the grin.

"So. All up and ready, are we? Happy in our new body?"

His heart beating fast, Mike nodded. He suddenly realised that his new body was very weak, relatively speaking.

"Those guys that were here. They were looking for someone that looked amazingly like you did..."

Mike nodded again. There wasn't much poitn in denying it.

"There's still one out here. He's waiting in the shop... seems convinced you come in here. You're gonna need me to get past him."

"I suppose you want money." Mike heard his own voice properly for the first time. It was like warm honey would sound like, if it were female and 12. The grin on the boy's face widened.

"Nah. You're going to be good to me, if you know what I mean. Put those pretty little lips to good use. That's the only way I can get you out..."

"I can't do th..." Mikes protest was cut off by the sound of a door opening. Footsteps staretd coming nearer, and this made up his mind. He dropped to his knees as the boy undid his pants. A slim cock fell out, already mostly erect. Mike scooted closer and without thinking about it, before he lost his nerve, he leant forward and closed his mouth around the shaft.

Later, he realised that his wilingness to submit to the demands was probably a combination of fear and the remains of the anasthetic. With his lowered inhibitions, the warm flesh filling his mouth was almost unbearably sensual. The taste and scent were quite pleasing as well, and he felt an unaccostomed wetness growing between his legs, along with a warm tingling spreading from his new pussy and up through his body.

The footsteps came closer and a grey-suited figure appeared in the doorway. Mike started and tried to pull away but the boy had a hand behind his head. The boy's cock shunted smoothly in and out of his mouth as the boy glanced casually across at the man.

"Shit, dude, can't a guy get a bit of quality time with his girlfriend?"

He reached out and pushed the door shut in the guy's face, then started rocking his hips faster. Mike had to concentrate hard on his breathing, dimly aware that the cock was sinking deeper and deeper into his throat with each thrust, before he felt the boy shuddering.

Suddenly, warm fluid was filling his mouth and flooding down his throat. The cock was pulled out of his mouth and several more spurts spattered over his face as a little ran out of the corner of his mouth. He swallowed reflexively, and realised that it tasted wonderful... that kind of rightness to the taste that you get when you eat something you have been craving for a while. Swallowing again, he sat back on his knees and shuddered himself, the intensity of the moment getting to him. Pulling himself together, he reached up to wipe his face but the boy grabbed his hand.

"Need to keep that on there, so the guy assumes that you're for real, dude..."

Mike stared at him a moment, then stood and turned blindly towards the door. Stumbling out with the rolled belongings under his arm, he almost walked into the guy. Flushing furiously with fear and a hint of embarrasment he ducked around the guy and walked out into the front of the shop, and then into the street. He was amongst the crowd before he wiped the cum from his face with the corner of his old shirt. Glancing down, he noticed with a slight cringe that there were lines on his tshirt that looked like cum if you knew what you were looking for. He sighed and carried on pushing through the crowd.


The journey through the crowd was a lot more difficult for a 12 year old girl than it was for a 30something man. Especially when the girl is dressed like a hooker. Hands groped her tits and ass, lewd comments flew by, and more than one passer-by tried to stop and proposition her. Finally making the brief safety of an elevator, he reached out to punch the controls, and then hesitated. The elevator would demand identification, and that would probably trigger an alert for anyone watching for him.

More consternation crossed his pretty features. To create a new identity for the body, he would have to pay. To do that, he would have to use his credchip. That would be a bright arrow pointing back to himself. He couldn't even draw credits from an ATM... they had cameras that would identify his new look. Cameras everywhere, even down here. He was just lucky that the bodyswap shop probably didn't have a working camera... it would ruin most of the business if it did.

He would have to get money from somewhere... but how. The obvious solution hit him abruptly, just as a tall man leaned into the elevator.

"Hey baby, looking for some company?"

He glanced him up and down and nodded. "What are you looking for?"

"Just a little quickie, a little oral action..."

He held out a couple of cred notes and mike took them wordlessly, then followed the guy around the corner, into a disued shop. Assorted stains and pharepernalia made it obvious that the darkened space was a favourite of hookers and drug users. Gingerly he kneeled down and reached out to undo the guys pants, tugging out his cock with another sudden sensuous spike at the feel of the hot smoothness.

He paused to study the shaft for a moment, admiring the smooth curve, and then leaned forward and sunk it into his mouth. The moment seemed to freeze, almost crystallize. He was aware of the delicate thing panties resting against his sensitive pussy, sticking closely to the growing dampness, the string tucked between his round butt cheeks. He was abruptly aware of his skirt riding up, exposing his ass, visible to anyone passing as he had his back to the door. The noise of the crowd outside seemed to spiral in around them, an undertone to the heavy breathing from the man before him.

Slowly he started to move his head back and forth, sliding the cock slowly and lovingly out of the warm, wet cavern of his mouth. He listened to the breathing and occasional moan of the man, increasing the speed of his movement as the breathing increased, soon bobbing his head rapidly and sucking firmly on the shaft. Finally the man groaned and jerked, cum filling mike's mouth again, flooding down his throat as he swallowed and tricking out over his chin.

He licked the shaft clean and then stood up. The guy reached down and cupped his ass, and he heard a rustle as something was tucked between the cheeks.

"Thanks sweetness, that was good..." and the guy was gone. Mike stood in bemusement for a moment, then reached back... it was a tip, another hundred creds. Mike shrugged and tucked the cash into the hem of her skirt, and wandered outside to stand idly on the corner of one of the main corridors, waiting for another score.

Four blowjobs later, Mike was standing with a wad of crednotes tucked into his skirt. He noticed a general movement in the crowd, all heading towards one of the viewscreens mounted at intervals along the corridors. Straining on tiptoes to see around the crowd, he peered at the screen and tried to hear the presenter above the noise.

"...and ongoing reports show that Michael Desi has indeed been confirmed on the station. Unfortunately there is nothing more to show where he may be at this time, but he is definately alive. The meeting has been postponed until his life or death is confirmed one way or another."

Mike turned, looking along the corridor until he found a medshop, and then pushed his way determinedly towards it.


Pushing into the dim interior of the shop, Mike was surprised to see a middleaged woman. In this world of bodyswaps and hookers, most women made more money on the street... the temptation at this level was too great for most. Moving closer, he smiled winningly, trying to ignore the cumstains on his shirt and the mess of his hair.


"Yes, can I help you?" The woman looked Mike up and down with interest... perhaps more than casual interest, he thought.

"I'm trying to get a new ID chip..."

The woman chuckled. "With a new ID, I suppose. Ok, well, lets see what we have... sure, we have a fresh chip. I'll need to link it to your old ID, of course..."

Mike pulled a face.

"Well, I was kinda hoping for an entirely new ID... unlinked..."

The woman leaned forward.

"Oh honey, that kind of thing can cost you... fifty thousand creds should do it..."

Mike looked down at his wad. Around two thousand creds looked back up at him.

"Um..." He said. The woman smiled, and leaned forward a little more.

"Oh, I think we could make a deal. You look like a girl who is accustomed to negotiating company. I'd like to be escourted to a club for the evening. Anyone watching will need to believe that you are my girlfriend. I also want you to fuck anyone I point out. Think you can handle that?"

Mike nodded and smiled.

"Good, then lets give you an ID. Name?"

"Uh... Michelle, I guess... Michelle... Snyder."

"Ok Michelle. Address?"

Half an hour later, Mike had a numb left hand where the chip had been implanted, a new set of evening-wear from a quick visit to a clothing store, and a long hot shower at the woman's home. The woman's name turned out to be Carolyn. She took advantage of the shower to kiss and grope Mike fully.

'Michelle', he reflected, not 'Mike' any more. He'd have to start thinking of himself as 'her' as well. It wouldn't be good to slip up and have people notice.

She finished drying herself off and stepped into the small bedroom, reaching for the panties on the bed. A small wave from Carolyn stopped her.

"No panties," she said, "I want to touch you whenever I want."

Michelle smiled at her and slipped on the long, black dress. She had dumped the male clothes during her hooking spree, when she caught distant sight of a grey-suit searching the crowd. The pink clothes had been cleaned while she showered, and she rolled them into a tight bundle and tucked them into a bag she had bought. The remains of her money and her credchip went into a small evening bag, and she turned to look at herself in the mirror.

The slit in the dress, true to the sublevel fashion sense, went right up over her hip. An incautious movement and anyone watching would see that she wasn't wearing underwear. As her hair dried, it moved into a well-shaped style naturally... another blessing of the body model, she assumed. She looked so desirable that she herself would want her, and no matter that she only appeared 12.

"Lets go," said Carolyn and slapped her ass.

The club was classic sublevel: loud, smokey and overly sexual. While few clubs dealt with only one gender these days, it did seem to have a higher percentage of lesbian pairings than most clubs would. Michelle was soon getting a lot of looks as she hung on Carolyn's arm and tried to appear attentive and girlfriendy. Carolyn took every opportunity to psuedo-secretly slide a hand under the dress or fondle Michelle's ass or small tits. After an hour of wandering around and sipping drinks, Carolyn seemed to find some friends. The women seemed to be young at first, short and youthful-looking, but Michelle soon realised that it was artful makeup. The women were actually fortysomething.

"Yeah, we met down on E deck. She was visiting some guy, and I swept her off her feet. Ain't that right, Michelle?"

Michelle put on an adoring look and nodded at Carolyn, then beamed at the other two women, who smiled back and almost licked their lips.

"She's so sweet. You're so lucky Carolyn."

"She does everything I tell her to, don't you sweetheart?"

Michelle nodded again and murmered a shy "Yes Carolyn." The women looked at her speculatively.

Carolyn leaned forward and grinned at the women.

"You want her? You want to fuck her?"

The women glanced up in surprise, then grinned and nodded. The four of them got up and headed to a bathroom, Carolyn leading Michelle pliantly by the hand.

Clattering into the bathroom, the women immediately turned and grabbed Michelle, one kissing her deeply while the other pressed against her from behind sliding her hands up to squeeze her small tits. Michelle kissed back enthusiastically, curling her tongue around the womans tongue. All three were rapidly naked (The women giggeling approvingly when they discovered Michelle's lack of underwear) and nestled around each other. One of the women was riding Michelle's fingers, while her thumb found the woman's clit. The other perched herself on a basin while Michelle tongued her pussy.

Eventually, both women were shuddering to orgasms, their juices coating Michelle's hands and face. Glancing up, she realised that Carolyn had masturbated herself to an orgasm at the same time. The women dressed quickly and vanished out the bathroom, and Carolyn arranged her clothing and followed them out. Pausing by Michelle, she threw a couple of notes on top of Michelle's clothes.

"Thanks hon. That was great. You can go, we had our fun. Here's my number if you're looking to make a quick buck again some time." The card landed on top of the notes.

With that, she disappeared out of the bathroom.

Michelle slowly got dressed, pulling the dress on sluggishly. Her body felt tired from the continual sexual excitement without any release. She climbed heavily to her feet and tucked the tip into her bag, then walked out of the club. A half hour later she had retraced her steps to the docking area, and was walking through the main doors. The grey suit at the door didn't give her a single glance.

Before her stretched the main corridor. At the end were lifts, leading up to the higher levels. To the left and right were doors leading to rooms and sexual areas... each taste was catered for in a specific area. Most of this level was straight sex. The next level was mostly homosexual, above that was group, and so on. By the time you got halfway up, the droids were animals and children.

Shrugging, she headed for the elevators. She didn't know if her chip would get her all the way to the top, but it was a start...

/-- Continued in Part Two

Next: Chapter 2

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