Pete Finds a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 16, 2020


Pete walked along campus, lost in thought - lost in very melancholy thought. He felt very depressed, very sad. He had gone to the wedding of his former lover the day before, as the date of his mother. No question: it was PETE's fault: he could've been the one getting married to one of "NY's Hottest Bachelors" as one of the magazines called Jake.

They were dating, seriously. He was in love, so was Jake. Then he decided to "spread his wings" and start dating a woman. Problem is, he didn't tell Jake. Jake found out from Pete's mother, a good friend of his. He wound up with Hilary - a dominatrix who gave him what he wanted, and probably needed, including fucking him with a strap on.

That was until SHE found someone new. And Pete found out about it when she told him she was pregnant from a different man.

Now, at 27, he had a Master's in Cell Biology, a half written dissertation, no boy or girlfriend, and he lived with his mother. Quite a come down, for the guy who had been named "Best Looking" as an undergrad, and got more than his share of looks.

Pete was thin, but not skinny, maybe 6'1", with tightly curled black hair, brown eyes, and a mildly hairy body. He had been described as looking like Michael Nouri when Nouri was a young man, and he had no problem with that. Many more than his mother thought he was extremely good looking. His looks were not the major reason he had been together with Jake, and then Hilary. Pete was submissive. He was constantly on the look for someone who would take charge. He liked all the features of BDSM sex, as long as he could be the submissive . Jake, and Hilary both, were total Doms, and while his looks certainly played a role in each of them choosing him, his attitude was more important, to both.

Then, of course, he had screwed with Jake who dumped him right away. Hilary's "betrayal" as he put it, rightly or wrongly, had taken longer. When they had married, she had insisted on the right to spend time with other women, and occasionally, other men. Pete was wearing a dog collar at their wedding, so he really didn't object. He didn't suspect that this could mean.. what it now did. He hadn't gone to Hilary's wedding, but he had been invited to Jake and anthony's, even after everything - and there was a LOT! He had stalked Jake for the longest time, until he got his comeuppance. He thought, honestly, he would never see Jake again. At the wedding, Jake had put his hand on his shoulder. "Dance with me you sexy beast." As he fell into Jake's arms for the slow dance (Jake's husband was dancing with another one of Jake's former lovers: a guy named John), Jake whispered "you deserve the best, Pete. Get your head together, and go and find yourself what you need." He was hoping for a kiss, but that probably was NOT going to happen, ever again.

Whether it was by design, or by chance, he had caught BOTH garters at the ceremony. Did that mean anything? Who knew? It was one of those days when it didn't seem to be able to make up its mind if it was fall, or summer. Pete had a sweater with him, but he strolled around in a green polo and some khaki shorts, together with his athletic socks and his size 13 sneakers. That was ANOTHER thing: he was gifted. It was hard to find a date who didn't assume that... well, Pete would take charge. He had tried it once. It was so comical that it should have been filmed.

He had no friends. He saw people walking around campus in pairs, in groups, very few people walked around looking as morose as he did. He stopped and leaned over a short wall: one of the grassy knolls you see on campuses everywhere, was half filled with students It was late afternoon, and it was the start of a semester, so no one was particularly busy yet. He saw a group of men, who seemed to be either grad students, or young professors, or something like that: they weren't 21, but they weren't 50. It looked like those photos you see in foreign language books, or in brochures recruiting people for college. Their good humor was contagious. As they laughed, he smiled. One of the guys looked up and saw him.

"Hey. Don't be a stranger. Come join us. I got an extra beer." Pete pointed to himself. "ME? NAH?" The guy continued "What's the matter? Not good enough for you? How you gonna know if you don't find out." Well, that wasn't it, but... "don't fuck this up" he told himself. Awkwardly, he got over the wall, and came over . The guy who had called him was applauding. "Degree of difficulty high, degree of execution low." He held out his hand. "I'm Drew. Nice to meet you." "Pete. Same here." There was the usual introducing all around. They WERE grad students, except for Doug. He had finished, and had stuck around to lecture in English composition. Were they gay? He couldn't tell. Were they straight? No way of knowing: no one mentioned a girlfriend and there were no women there. Were they couples? He couldn't tell. But the conversation was lively, it was fun, and he was enjoying himself. Pete was smiling. He was smiling willingly. And laughing. And every now and then, was he imagining it, or did he feel Doug's hand just lightly graze his arm, or "accidentally" brush up against his thigh? He didn't think about it much. He did think about this very lanky, straight haired,blue eyed man, who spoke in a very level voice, and laughed a lot. "Well, of course, if he met DOUG's standards, that means his prime choice for anyone." "Ok. " he thought. At least Doug is gay. Doug laughed at that and answered "Look, don't be nasty. I make my mistakes. Scott, YOU'VE dated a few who , well.." And everyone laughed. Doug turned to him "Are you single, Pete?" Pete sighed. "Yeah. Twice over. Married. Divorced. Left on the shelf." "Oh, good heavens why," a guy in the group, named Josh asked. "Geez, a guy like you should be dating half the school!" Doug spoke. "He should be dating one person. Me." "OOOOOH. You hear that Pete? Sounds like..." "Sounds like Pete and I need to go and take a walk by ourselves gents. Carry on. " He took Pete's hand. "Pete, let's go. Let's talk away from this mob." He didn't ask, he just gave an order. Pete looked at him. Yeah, he could spend the night with Doug. Maybe more. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

"So Pete, I've seen you around campus. I've been here a while. You were dating... what's his name... that physicist guy, Jake? The one who always wears black? "Yeah, we were together for a while." "What happened?" Pete blushed. "I'm not proud. I cheated on him. With a woman." "OUCH. Ok, if I were dating Jake Gold, I don't think I'd want anyone else, but a woman? " "I was confused. I knew I wanted something. I wasn't sure if I wanted it in a man or a woman." Doug grabbed his hand. "Ok. Now this is making more sense. If you started with Jake, you were looking for someone to dominate you." Pete blushed. "No reason to blush Pete. Three of those guys were my subs." Pete stopped walking. His eyes got big. "THEY WERE? WHICH ONES?" "ha hahahahaha. No, you're not getting that info. So you wanted domination, but you couldn't figure out if you wanted it from a man or a woman?" "I think that's right. I convinced myself I wanted it from the woman, but..." "You couldn't get Jake out of your mind." Pete smiled and shook his head. "Boy, have you got ME pegged." Doug smiled. "I think someone who slept with Jake would have a hard time getting him out of their mind. His reputation says he's a madman in bed." "HE IS!" Then Pete reddened. "OOPS. I shouldn't have said that." "Maybe you'll tell me more later, Pete." Now, Doug stopped, and he put his hands on Pete's arms. "Look, Pete, I wasn't being charitable when I called you over. I've seen you before, and I thought you were taken. Now, it looked like you're not, and I was right. I'd like to spend more time with you. Starting with dinner tonight. Do you think you could share a pizza with me?" Pete smiled. He could feel something stirring that he hadn't felt in a long, long time. "I'd love to. " Doug smiled. "It's up to you. We could go back to my place and hang out before dinner, but if you feel like you need to go some place first, I'll give you my address, or we could meet

at the pizza place. Up to you." It was getting harder for Pete to hold in his excitement. "You know, I worked out this morning, and I had intended to go home and shower. I just didn't. " Doug smiled. "Did you have a point?" Pete blushed. "I did, but I said it wrong. This is pushy. This is really pushy. Would it be appropriate to have an overnight bag? Doug shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "It couldn't hurt." "Can we meet at the restaurant? I won't take long. I promise." "Let's meet in 90 minutes. I'd like to change myself. " He grinned. "I also would like to clean up my apartment a bit." "I'll see you there." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

"MOM. I have a date. Don't faint. I have a date." Melissa looked up from her magazine. "I'll try not to. Male? Female?" "Male. His name is Doug. I met him on campus today. "PETE. Do yourself, do us all a favor: NOT the outfit Jake liked so much. Try something new. "What then? WHAT?" Melissa sighed, and got up, muttering "he needs Grranimals or something like that. "Why don't you wear a blue one, Pete? I think most people think you look better in blue than white." "You think so?" "Yes, and you're tall. Don't tuck it in. Look even taller." "I'm already taller than him Mom." She looked over her glasses. "And it makes him feel even more like a MAN to take a tall guy to bed." Pete stopped. "I think Jake said that..." "STOP THINKING ABOUT JAKE, PETE. THAT'S OVER. FOCUS ON... WHAT'S HIS NAME?" "Doug, mom." "Well, ok, we're ahead of the game. You remember him.. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PULLING OUT THOSE CORDS? " "Well...." he blushed. "Jake liked them." He blushed more. Melissa took a breath, pushed her hair out of her face and rifled his closet. "HERE. The jeans you won't wear because they're too tight. THESE. They go well with blue, and even MOM thinks her son's ass looks good in them." He looked at her. "Am I a Momma's Boy?" She laughed "Petey, you are THE ULTIMATE Momma's boy. Just find a man so HE can be your mom instead of me." He bent down and kissed her. "I love you mom. I may not be home tonight." "You better damn not be. If I didn't train you to be a slut, my life is OVER."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx Pete grabbed a tan leather jacket he had gotten for his birthday some years ago, and headed out to the pizza place. The Pizza Place. That was its name. No one knew how many people it had served, or how many it would. What they knew was that they did not serve gluten free pizza. Or pizza with non dairy cheese. Or slices. And every day, there was a line at lunch, and at dinner. How many marriage proposals? How many break ups? How many games of footsie under the tables? How many gay, how many straight, how many lesbian? No one knew. All anyone knew was, if you went to that University, at some point you visited "The Pizza Place," and you left full, and happy.

Pete saw Doug on line when he got there. He was wearing tortoise shell glasses. "Oh my God, he's even cuter with the glasses!" Pete thought, as he went over to Doug, a big smile on his face. "I hope I didn't make you wait long. " "Not at all. I just figured I'd get a place on line so we didn't have to wait forever. " He smiled and looked at Pete. "You look taller than I remember you." "Is that a problem?" Pete asked, and Doug smiled "No, I'm just wondering if my ceiling is high enough." "For what?" Pete asked innocently. Doug leaned over and whispered "for your legs once I get them in the air you sexy fucker." Pete felt a shiver go through him. A good one. It took about 30 minutes before they sat down, and about 15 to decide on a pie they both liked: mushroom and sausage fit the bill. Doug was smiling the whole time. "I'm still not believing you agreed to go out with me." "WHY?" asked Pete. "Well, you're such a fine looking man, and you're well spoken and doing high level biology, and I'm just a beginning English teacher." Now Pete smiled. "Who looks even sweeter in his glasses than without them." "You like them? I'm so glad. I had in contacts when we met, but they hurt my eyes after a while. " "No. I have a thing for glasses, and yours are real sweet. " Doug was quiet for a minute. Then he asked "do you mind oregano on the breath of someone who kisses you? Because I plan on kissing you a lot after dinner, Pete." Pete reddened like the sauce. "No.. No... There isn't much I mind in a kiss. I like kisses a lot." Doug grabbed his hand. "Would we be the first people to leave without finishing their pie here?" "Let's assume we wouldn't be." On the street, Doug backed Pete against a wall. "Now, I'm gonna do more of this when we get to my place, but for starters. MMMMMM" He began kissing Pete's lips. Fast and short, before he went in for a long one. Pete responded by grabbing him and pulling him in tight. "My new favorite flavor is oregano." Doug laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. " Doug's apartment looked like a typical junior faculty apartment. It was clean, but small: "efficient" was how he had described it to Pete on the way there, just before he grabbed Pete's hand. Pete tried to think back to the last time a male date had held his hand on a walk. He couldn't. He sat down on the sofa, right in the middle, and folded his hands in his lap, as Doug went and hung up their coats. Then Doug came back and sat at the corner of the sofa. He patted the space next to him. "Come on over here handsome" Pete smiled. "Come and get me." Doug looked over his glasses. "You want it that way?" Pete got up. "If you want me, you gotta catch me. " "THAT... is not gonna be a problem. Doug dove for Pete and almost got him. "AGGG. AAAAA BEAST . BEAST. You're attacking me. BEAST.." He ran to the other side of Doug's table. They were both smiling. "Pete, take a look at the ceilings. Think they're high enough." Pete was fooled. When he looked up, Doug attacked. "GOTCHA you big sexy drink of water..." He dragged Pete back to the sofa, with no struggle, and put his hand behind Pete's neck. "Now come get some more oregano, Pete. Sexy Pete... " Their lips smacked together, and then again. Pete began to slide down on the sofa, pulling Doug along with him, on top of him. "You wanna move that fast, Pete, we should go to the bedroom." "Yes. Let's.. " They changed rooms, but not positions. Doug was on top of Pete, smothering his face with kisses. He was holding down Pete's left wrist, and Pete had wrapped his legs around Doug's lower body. "GOD YOU"RE SEXY" he whispered to Doug, just as Doug found "a spot" on the right side of Pete's neck. Pete was clean shaven, but he hadn't shave since the morning, and Pete reacted to the bristle. "OH SWEET JESUS. DON'T STOP DOING THAT. " "not for a while Pete. Not for a while. By the way, you look so fucking hot in blue. You look hot in green. You just look hot.. GRRRRRRRR" he went back to Pete's neck, and Pete began to make inarticulate sounds, at least until Doug shoved his tongue down his throat, and kept it there for about four minutes. "Can I undress you Pete?" "Please do. Please. I wanna feel you against my skin." Each time Doug opened a button, he kissed Pete's torso. He started from the bottom, so there was a slight jump when he kissed Pete around his navel. There was more of one when he teased Pete by running his beard along his ribs. And when he moved to Pete's nipples, Pete yelled out "OH MARY MOTHER OF GOD DON'T STOP" Doug looked at him. "Are you religious or something Pete?" Pete looked at him almost begging. "The only religion I know is getting on my knees. Can I? " "I'd make some sacrilegious joke, but I'm feeling blessed myself tonight Pete. " Doug let him up so he could take a position. That's when Pete asked the question he thought would ruin the evening. "Doug, I shouldn't have said pizza. It always makes me feel so full that, well, anal becomes uncomfortable. I'm sorry. I'll pack up if.." "THE HELL YOU WILL YOU SEXY PRINCE. You'll get your mouth on my cock, and tomorrow morning, we'll check out ceiling heights. Now what are you waiting for?" Doug unzipped his pants, and his cock flew out. It was a beauty. Cut, round, and beautifully pink. "Nine inches? " Pete asked and Doug laughed. "Flattery will get you everywhere. Just a wee bit over 7. Sorry for an experienced guy like you, to give you such a meager portion. I'll make it up to you tomorrow." Pete got to work. There was NO reason for Doug to apologize. Doug was much more active in the blow job than most of Pete's partners had been. He pulled his cock out of Pete's mouth, completely or partially, ran circles with his cock head around Pete's face, and made it a challenge for Pete to finally capture it, and NOT let it go. "DAMN. I can usually keep it away from guys longer than that. I didn't know you were a professional. " Doug had his hands in Pete's thick curly hair, and he was holding his head there. "I'll risk you biting. Your tongue is so fucking good. OH SHIT.... Pete, pull off. Seriously. Don't let me cum in your mouth on the first date." Pete wasn't moving, but Doug was adamant. He yanked Pete off and shot across the floor of the bedroom. "Pete, I can't ask you to swallow me. Not just yet. I'd feel, well, guilty if you got sick." Again, Pete wasn't used to this in the guys who he had dated. Even Jake, who was meticulous about everything, was adamant from day one. You swallow or you leave. "Doug, if that is any indication of what I'm getting tomorrow morning, I'm not leaving. " "You weren't leaving anyway." Doug reached under the pillow of the bed, and pulled out a set of handcuffs. "Hee hee. I guess I don't need to use these." "No, but you can if you want." "I'd rather not. Not tonight. Tonight I wanna see you cum too, Pete, and then I wanna just get in bed with you for the whole night. I wanna feel you next to me. I want my arms around you, I want... ."DAMN PETE I JUST WANT YOU." " NO ONE had ever spoken to Pete that way. He knew it was a first date, and there was infatuation, but... Doug REALLY seemed to be into him." "Ok stud. I like to lay down when I jerk. " "Yeah, lay down, and keep your hands away. I wanna do it." In fact, Doug trapped Pete's hands so he couldn't have anyway. He was as active in this as he was in the blowjob. In fact, more so. "So... you think you're ready to cum sexy boy?" He asked Pete when he had him right at the edge. " "YES! YES! " Doug let his hand go. "I don't think so. I'm not hearing magic words." "Magic words.?" Doug got back to work. Pete was so excited, he got to the edge faster. "YES. YES. Make me cum. Make me shoot." Doug let go again. "Still not hearing the magic words. Actually, ONE magic word." Pete smiled. He figured it out. As Pete jerked him to climax again, he yelled. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE LET ME CUM. PLEASE..." and then, with one more pull, Doug had him shooting everywhere. "OOOOH. OOOH GOD. Hug me Doug. Please. Hug me. " When Doug did, Pete began to cry. Deep, heaving sobs. "Hey. What's up Pete? What happened?" "I... I just can't believe this day. I mean... Oh, Doug, just let me sink into it. Hug me some more. Please. " "As long as you want. As long as you want." As he held Pete, Doug heard his breathing get lighter, and then, the sounds of sleeping. He kissed Pete on the forehead. "Pete babe? " "HUH? Oh. Wait. OH HUH? You're Doug. Oh, I'm sorry, I was sleeping so deep." "I know. And now you'll get undressed, and get in bed. With me. " "yes sir. " In less than ten minutes they were in spoon position.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx Doug woke up at around 7 the next morning. Pete was still sleeping. Doug didn't teach that day until 2, so there was time. He whispered into Pete's ear "How's your tummy sexy?" Pete smiled. "My tummy is fine." "Then let's test the ceiling." Pete rolled on his back as Doug reached over for a rubber. His hard on was way more than a piss hard on. Pete knew the position and his legs went up and over Doug's shoulders. Doug laughed. "I guess baby long legs here is used to apartments with low ceilings." "Less talking, more fucking Sir." "I like this one," Doug thought, as he began his assault on Pete's asshole. However solicitous, or kind he was before, he was none of these when he took Pete for the first time. And that was fine with Pete. He LOVED being treated roughly, and that's what he got from Doug. Yes, it was with a condom, and with lubricant , but this wasn't a "lover fuck" as one of his guys had called them: this was "one night stand/we'll never see each other again/but you'll remember me for a few days" . He had heard that in a song. "Please don't let it be a one night stand," he thought to himself, and then he felt the gushing of Doug into him. He smiled and grabbed for Doug. He should have been on his way to the lab, but he wasn't going yet. "MMMMM. That was good." He kissed Doug. Doug kissed back and looked at him. "You think this is a one night stand, Pete?" "Oh, shit, NO. I talk out loud when I think. I was thinking PLEASE don't let this be a one night stand." Doug smiled. "If you come back, it doesn't have to be?" "What makes you think I'm leaving?" "Ha ha. Your research. SOMEONE's gotta feed the cells. " "How did you know that?" "Petey... you talk in your sleep." "Petey. " His mother called him that. No one else. It felt right with Doug using it. "I do. I think too much about that project. And I DO have to feed them." He rolled over and kissed Doug. "You want to come to the lab and see what's up there." Doug thought for a minute. "You know, I thought I was going to say no, but I want to. I'd love to see you in a lab coat." He grinned. "You wearing nothing but a labcoat is probably nearly as sexy as you looked last night." "I don't know about that," Pete answered. "Well, neither do I. Maybe we'll have to find out." "Seriously, I got to get up. You wanna come by the lab? " "Yeah I do." Pete waited for Doug to get ready. They ate lunch together too, before Doug went off to teach. About Pete wearing nothing but a lab coat? Well, stick around.

Next: Chapter 2

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