Pete Finds a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 23, 2021


So Doug did call Melissa. His call didn't much surprise her: pete hadn't stopped talking about Doug since he had met him, and she liked him too.

"Doug, I'm going to ask that you do the three of us a favor. If you get rings now, pete's going to go completely insane, and he'll never finish his dissertation. And he'll be at you, 24/7, to pick a date. Trust me: you've known him a semester. I've known him nearly 30 years. So, let's put off ring shopping for a couple months. And why don't you give some thought to what you think you'd like him to have on his finger, to remind him of you?"

Doug WAS a little disappointed, but he could see, beyond the possessiveness, and the almost suffocating love pete's mother had for him, that it WAS a sensible plan. There was no way that Doug was going to propose until pete finished his dissertation - in fact, his plan was to show up on the day of the defense and, assuming that pete passed, get down on his knee after pete left the classroom.

pete, for his part, did not forget that Doug said he was going to start shopping for rings. He had told Doug that would make his year, and it would. After things fell apart with Jake, and then with Hilary, pete was truly convinced he was going to turn into that bachelor professor, who spent his weekends getting out of town to have sex as far away from home as he could. "He loves me," he said to himself one day, after a run, when Doug was still in class. A few minutes after he had toweled off, and put on a t shirt and some old sweat pants, he heard the door open. Doug walked in, with a big bouquet of pink carnations. He smiled.

"Hey. I wanted to get you something fancier, but nothing's in season yet. I hope you like these pete. " He smiled. "I don't know why, but when I saw these carnations, I thought of you." pete was touched. "You got me flowers? For no reason?" "There's always a reason for things pete, but for these, well... I saw them, I thought of you, and I was thinking, well... in case he's too tired, or too busy, or just didn't want to... maybe he'd make love when I got home." pete blushed and Doug laughed. "THERE IT IS! I DIDN'T REALIZE IT, BUT THE CARNATIONS REMIND ME OF YOU BLUSHING." pete put them down for a minute and put his head on Doug's chest. He smelled his lover's familiar smell. "How about the color of my ass after a spanking?" Doug growled. "I don't know . Maybe we'll have to see." pete whispered "No time like the present Sir. And I've been real naughty. I looked at a man today." Doug grabbed pete's butt cheeks in his hands. s "Oh, DID you? And what did you think?" "I thought 'why am I looking? I've got a stud at home." "You do But for that, well... " He hooked the waist of pete's sweat pants, and began slowly pushing them down, as he kissed pete. "I have a sudden craving for melon." pete knew that meant Doug wanted to get his tongue in him. He needed no persuasion. In a minute, he was on the bed , butt in the air, as Doug spread his cheeks and dug in. He had a hand on pete's balls, and he twisted them just a little as he was pushing in his tongue. He surprised pete by pushing him flat on the bed, and then flipping him on his back. He continued to rim him, only from a new position. He had his hands on pete's ankles, holding them up and apart, and the sounds he was making, which were like little grunts, were driving pete mad. "DAMN YOU DOUG. IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD." Doug looked up with an evil look on his face. "Oh, don't get too comfortable sexy boi. Cause after I take that ass, the only way you're gonna cum, is if I beat it out of you. But first.... I'm gonna fuck the shit out of the carnation boi." pete whimpered as Doug's cock found its mark. It had been a hard day. He had been with his sponsor, going over the first chapter of the dissertation, and it had been brutal. pete's strengths were in science, and math, in that order. He wasn't a good writer. He knew it. Scientists didn't have to be. As Doug was pounding him, he remembered: Doug had offered to edit the dissertation with him. He should take him up on it. Just not right now.... " Doug was from the Kentucky area, and when he climaxed, his yell was something like an Appalachian yodel. He loved it. He grinned, and laughed. "Oh, NOW you're gonna get it carnation boi." Doug pulled out, and pete could feel his sticky cock against his belly, as Doug flipped him over and began the spanking. It WAS making pete hard. Like one of the three bears, he seemed to know what was "just right." He wasn't too gentle, and he wasn't too hard. And pete was getting more and more turned on. "PUNISH ME DADDY. PUNISH THE NAUGHTY BOY. PUNISH THE BOI WHO CAME IN HIS JEANS. " Then pete lost it. His cum spilled on the floor: some on Doug's shoe, some on the floor. Doug grabbed him by the back of his neck, like a puppy. "You're gonna have to clean that mess, pete. Get on the floor. Let's see you do it." "FUCK YES SIR." While he was bent down, cleaning up the jizz, he felt his collar go around his neck. Then he felt Doug pushing a dildo into his ass. "For the rest of the night sweetpete. I should make you stay naked the whole night too." "Sweet mother of God, oh YES! " pete responded. Doug looked at him and smiled. "Isn't tonight your turn to make dinner?" "Uh, yes sir." "So where are we getting takeout from tonight?" pete blushed his carnation blush again. "I haven't thought it through yet, Sir." "Well, you have two choices. You can do the ordering, but you have to answer the door naked. Or, I'll cook for us tonight." An exhibitionist at heart, pete took the first choice. When the Chinese food came later, and pete paid for it, standing in the buff, the delivery guy never even flinched. "It's NY pete. I'm sure it wasn't the first time. " As they ate, pete brought up his dissertation. "Unlike what you just did, Sir. I got fucked, and NOT in a good way, by my mentor when I went in with my chapter today. He said I write like a third grader." "That sounds a bit severe," Doug answered. "Remember my offer." "Can I take you up on it?" "Yes, but you have to know: you're probably going to get very angry at me. Your dissertation's gonna be better, but you're gonna get angry at me." Then he smiled. "But that's ok. Anger turns me on. I may have to hold you down and fuck the anger out of you." "OOOOH. This is sounding better and better," pete smiled. The next morning, before he went to the lab, he put on the heavier slave collar: the one with a lock on it. Travis smiled. "Tyrone's gonna come over tomorrow. Hope you can meet him."

Tyrone DID come over the next day. pete could hear the new, deep voice at the door of the lab looking for "my boy travis." In walked a wall of a man: his muscles had muscles. It looked like every inch of his clothing was struggling to cover him, and in a deep part of pete, he was hoping that the clothing lost. "Uh, travis is in the clean room right now, he'll be out in a minute." pete was trying to keep from trembling as Tyrone smiled. "Hey, you must be pete. Travis talks about you all the time. Says if you were single, he'd ask you to join us." pete blushed deep. Travis had never said that to him! "Uh, oh, I'm flattered. But Travis is right: I'm not single. I'm... kinda committed. I think I'm gonna be engaged soon." Tyrone smiled "Well, there are always four ways, ya know." "Please rescue me travis, PLEASE..." pete was thinking as his cock grew. "HEY Master T..." Travis came over and allowed Tyrone to wrap his arms around him. "Since both of our names start with 'T' we use Master and slave to talk about each other.. pete was still trying to get his composure. "That makes sense. " "Hey, Doc pete." Travis had started teasing pete about his up and coming defense. "Can you take some pix of us here? No one will quite believe that Tyrone is in a bio lab." "I hated science. Never got past oxygen on the periodic table." pete tried to steady his hands as he took Travis' cell phone. He shot about six different pictures. When he handed them to the "T's" and they smiled, he asked "Now how about one of the three of us? We can set the timer?" He put down his own cell phone ran in between them and smiled. He felt Tyrone's HUGE hand on his shoulder, and Travis' arm around his waist. "EXCELLENT. You guys have a good lunch. Travis, I'll see you back here later." Now it was travis' turn to blush. "I may be late, Doc pete. Tyrone doesn't get a lot of afternoon's off." That night, pete showed Doug the picture of the three of them. "Hmmmm. I don't think I can compete with a guy like that." pete smiled, and curled up in Doug's arm. "You're not. He was a quick diversion at the lab today. Nothing's gonna happen. " pete kept quiet the comments about three ways and four ways. " "I will say, pete.. given that MONSTER bulge in his pants, I think you need the big dildo tonight. " "No sir. All I need is you." He got the dildo anyway . Part was Doug's insecurity and part was just a desire to see pete squirm."

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Melissa put on her sweater to meet Doug. She had asked him to meet her in Midtown, rather than Chinatown. Of course, she had the connections in Chinatown, and she knew the products were better. This time, however, they were shopping for a ring for her SON. That was more important to her, of course, than making the boyfriend, now husband, of her friend Jake , happy about HIS ring. She wanted to see just how far Doug was willing to go in terms of spending for pete - the rings were more expensive in midtown - and also, what he would pick. When she got to the corner of the midtown jewelry district main street, Doug was already there. He had put on a jacket - a bit worn, but it was good quality - and he smiled as he embraced her. "Melissa, thank you for meeting me. I can't tell you how I appreciate it . I know NOTHING about jewelry and, well, I want to do this right." "Bonus points" she thought, and smiled. "Let's go in here first." Mort's jewels was NOT a store she patronized. The stuff was, well, just not good enough. Doug didn't know he was taking a test, but he was. "We're looking for a man's engagement ring. This gentleman will give you ideas on what he would like" Melissa smiled at the clerk. "I want something with a little class, but also, something he can work with. He's going to be working in a lab. Probably, he'll have to take it off at times. I'd like it to be something..." he began to choke up. "That he regrets taking off." Melissa turned away so he wouldn't see her smile. She couldn't imagine Jake saying something like that. The salesman came back with a tray of rings. There was an assortment: gold and silver . Doug began looking them over. "Hmmm. If there's a stone, I want it to be something like an opal. Maybe opal with a little color in it. Blue, or green. Gold. Not white gold, gold. He was thinking "I want pete to know I think he's as good as gold," and he fought off choking up again . Melissa looked at the rings. She didn't find the quality satisfactory, but she said nothing. Doug picked up a ring. "Melissa, I need your help. I'm not really crazy about this one, but I'm not wearing it, pete is. Would he like it? " She wrinkled her nose. "I don't think so. It's too, well, heavy. And that stone is not good quality." Doug thanked her. "I don't think there's anything here that I'd be proud to give him. Can we look elsewhere ma'am?" She smiled. "Indeed, we can." Melissa took him to three other stores on the street, and the result was the same. She saw Doug's frustration. "Am I being difficult Melissa? I'm sorry but... I just haven't seen anything that I think is good enough for him." "No, I agree with you Doug. I have to be honest. Usually, I find this area to be unsatisfactory, but occasionally, there's something worth seeing. Let's head downtown. Do you like Asian dumplings?" "I LOVE them." "Well, let's catch a little lunch, and then we'll go shopping."

Melissa led him to her favorite teahouse, and over an assortment of dim sum, she put down her chopsticks. "If I may, Doug, even though it's none of my business, how much were you willing to spend on the ring?" "No, that's a fair question. I have 10,000.00 in mind." Melissa nearly spat out her tea. "Is that too little?" Doug looked concerned. "NO, NO. That's far too much. FAR too much. I think the most I've ever seen someone spend on an engagement ring is about 5000.00, and that was... my husband. " Doug reached out and covered Melissa's hand. "I know money is not the way to show it Melissa, but pete is so precious to me, I love him so much. I want him to look at his hand every day and say "Someone who loves me gave me this, and I'm gonna be his husband." Melissa smiled, and put down her chopsticks. Doug had passed. "I think we should head to my friend's place. Madame DOES have the best stuff. I think we'll find something there." They headed to Madame X'in's store.

Doug had heard Chinese spoken before, but not the way these two ladies did. Had he known what they were saying , he would have heard Madame say "You back AGAIN, you old hag?" "I'M the HAG? Why does your ankle move when you smile?" "ha hahahahahahahahaha. Nice to see you Melissa. But seriously, why here?" "My son. This is his boyfriend. He wants to propose, and where else would I take him but here?" Madame X'in looked at him and smiled. "You make a good partner for Madame Melissa's son. I know Pete. He needs someone strong, someone direct. Someone who takes charge. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "Thank you Madame X'in." "Now, let me ask you: Do you have any pictures of Pete that are recent? And by any chance, a picture of his hand?' Doug had LOTS of photos on his phone. Most of them were even suitable to show Madame. But of pete's hand? "Here. I snuck one the other day." Melissa held out her phone. "AH. Long fingers. Delicate. He's good with flowers, isn't he?" "YES. YES. HE IS. And he types so fast." Madame X'in laughed. "I don't have anything that speaks to a typist, but...." She came back with a collection of rings, and she held one out in particular. "It's gold. Gold is his color. There will be no arguments on that in this store. It is 24karat, but it's beaten fine. It won't weigh his hand. Now, if you look at the stone - it was so white that it gave off a bluish glow - you'll see the faintest imprint of a rose. A white rose. " Doug looked at it, and he may have stopped breathing. It was BEAUTIFUL. It was PERFECT. And there was absolutely no way he could afford it. Melissa looked at him staring at the ring. Then she looked at Madame X'in and began to haggle in Chinese. They left with 2 pair of earrings for Melissa, and Doug had paid 6,500 for a ring that had a price tag of 19,000." "HOW DID YOU DO THAT MELISSA?" She smiled. "People call me overbearing. They're right. They call me pushy. Right again. But.... who do they come to, when they need a good bargainer, a good haggler. " She stopped Doug from walking. "You understand, of course, that I would never have done that if I didn't think you were the ONE for my son. " Doug found himself tearing up again. "Thank you Melissa. THANK YOU. You know, when I met pete, I thought we'd just have a little fun, but.... GOD do I love him." She smiled. "I know you do. And you do all the things that Madame said he needs. Keep doing them."

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pete was already home when Doug got back. He had slipped his ankle restraint on, and also put on the heavier weight collar. He also locked handcuffs on in front of him. He sat there, waiting for Doug. He had opened the second button on his blue shirt, which was "code" for "I want to play." Doug smiled. "Hey you." He came over, and put his hands on pete's shoulders while he kissed him. "I want to go and put some stuff away, but I just want to tell you: it didn't really hit me until today how much I love you boi. I love you so much. " He sat down on the bed, and put his arm around pete's shoulder." "Am I giving you enough of what you need?" pete cuddled into him. "I wish you could be rougher with me Sir. I want to HURT after sex. I want to remember every single thing we do. " Doug winced. In the past, his boyfriends had told him he was TOO rough, so he tended to back off. "Tell you what pete? I'll do my best. But you tell me. PLEASE tell me, if it's too much." pete cuddled in closer. "It won't be. But I promise." Doug went and hid the ring. He took off his jacket, and his sweater vest. Then he came to the bedroom. pete was grinning. "you have any idea how hard I am Sir?" "Think I give a SHIT?" Doug answered. "How hard YOU are, is not my concern. " He unlocked the ankle chain. He had other plans for pete. He left the handcuffs on, though, and pulled pete's wrist up above his head. He attached the handcuffs to the chain at the headboard. Then he spread pete's legs, and locked his ankles. pete WAS hard. His bulge was very evident, and Doug put his hand down on it. "You want relief man-cunt? " pete moaned. "OH GOD. YES SIR. I want relief. I want you. I want..." He didn't get a chance to say anything else. Doug slapped a piece of tape over his mouth. "I don't CARE what you want. You're my manbitch. What you want doesn't matter. GOT THAT? " pete whimpered "yes sir" through the tape, as Doug began opening his shirt. "One of these days, I'm gonna make you shave all this fur yourself, studmuffin. A boi shouldn't be furry." He began nibbling on pete's nipples. They weren't particularly sensitive, but Doug liked doing it, and he knew... once he got to pete's ears, he'd turn him into a "boi puddle," in pete's words. Doug's mouth was up at pete's neck. He began to suck on it. "HEH HEH. What's your buddy Travis gonna say when you come to the lab with a hickey, petey boi? He gonna get jealous?" Then he whispered into pete's ear. "Probably not. He's got that big black STUD to take care of him. You've just got... ME." Then he attacked pete's ear, and pete began to buck on the bed. He was trying to moan out how much he wanted Doug's cock. He didn't have to. Doug planned

to give it to him. When he was ready. And he was ALMOST ready. He got up, and got the hitachi rod. He was gonna play with pete's balls for a while. He had recently bought an attachment for their rod, which increased the vibrations, and he moved it to high . He leered. "Next time, petey boy, you're gonna be in the cage when I use this. " He was also planning to get a few smaller ones to use on other parts of pete's body. For now though, this was more than enough. He rubbed the head of the rod over pete's crotch, and he saw his lover twitch, and squirm. Then he heard the moans "Better hold it in petey boy. You cum before me, it's a week in the cage." "MMMMMMMMMMMPH. " pete tried to cry out in desperation. He was SO close. He breathed a big sigh of relief when Doug opened his jeans, and pulled them down. "Look at that pretty ass. " He began circling pete's hole with his finger. "That belong to me? " pete shook his head vigorously. "Then I'm gonna take it." He slide one, then two, then three fingers into pete, and watched him twist like a fish on a line. Then Doug reached into his pocket. "Something I bought today... " It was a string of ben wa balls. pete had seen them being used, but had never used them. Now, as Doug inserted the first, the second , the third, and the fourth on the string into him, and he felt them roll around, he wanted cock even more. Doug pulled them out VERY deliberately. "You like those petey boi? pete shook his head. He did. They weren't as good as Doug's cock, but they were... stimulating. "I want you to use them EVERY day. EVERY day. You go into the bathroom, and you use them. Ten minutes. Gets you ready for me later in the day. "MMMMPH. MMMMMPH... " pete's groans were whines. He was begging. And his cock was rigid. It was so rigid, it had begun to hurt. That's when Doug began sliding into him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" came out of pete. He began to shoot pre-cum, and he tried, desperately, to hold back, to let Doug finish. It didn't work. "AMMMMMMMMMMMGNGNAGNGGNGGGNGNGNGNGNGNGNG" is what Doug heard, as pete shot a huge load. Doug laughed, as he leaned over pete, and pulled off the gag. "Ya couldn't do it petey boi." "it was the balls sir. It was the balls. Now it's... OH FUCK.." Instead of pulling back and forth, Doug was resting his full cock inside of him, controlling his breathing so it got fatter, than thinner, then fatter again. "OH GOD SIR. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME? ' "Proving to you... you don't need Tyrone, you don't need Travis. All you need ... is ME. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK..." He shot into pete and began to cry. "GOD DO I LOVE YOU PETE. GOD DO I LOVE YOU." 'And I love you too Sir Doug. With all my heart. You're right. I don't need Tyrone, I don't WANT Tyrone, I don't need Travis, I don't WANT him. I want you." pete was sincere, but he thought he probably needed his mom's advice. See, Travis and Tyrone had invited them to come to dinner. He had to discuss it with Doug. Doug's jealousy and insecurity were much more subtle than Jake's , but he saw it. He'd keep the invitation quiet. At least for a while. "Can you uncuff me Sir? I wish we could cuddle a bit before dinner." "We can cuddle as long as you like , my love. As long as you like." It WAS a long time. They ate Doug's meatloaf at about 11:30 that night.

Next: Chapter 7

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