Pete Finds a Dom

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 7, 2021


So, as soon as he got off the phone with the lab, pete called Doug. He hoped that he wasn't in class, but he was so excited that he couldn't remember what Doug's schedule was. "HELLLOOO, my callipygian sweetheart," Doug teased into the phone. "Callipygian" was a word that Tennessee Williams had used and he would tease pete with it: it meant "well shaped ass." pete always felt that his ass was too bony to be attractive, although Doug was doing his best to convince him to the contrary. "Doug??? Doug? " "Yeah, it's me. What's wrong?" "Nothing. Nothing. Everything is right.. Doug... I got the job at the hospital?" Doug smiled. He had expected this. "Well, congratulations. You deserve it. Do you want it?" "Uh, I already told them yes. I didn't want to take the chance and... your contract is good for at least a year isn't it?" "Yup. If I want to stay at these hallowed halls, they'll let me. " Then he squealed. "PETEY, this is amazing news. We need to celebrate. Whatcha wanna do?" "I dunno. Can I call ya back this afternoon?" "Yes, but remember: if you wanna go fancy tonight, we gotta move fast." "Not tonight, stud. Tonight, I wanna celebrate by... champagne and your big cock in me." "Well, I think I can handle that. I'll pick up a bottle on the way home." "Don't forget the important part." "Ha ha. I'm kind of attached to it. Don't worry. pete babe. I love you. Congratulations. " "I love you too. Now, I'm gonna get off the phone and go cry." pete did cry a little. Then he called his mom. "Oh, pete. This is SO great. So you'll still be in NY?" "Yes mom. I'm taking the job. Doug has an appointment for at least another year so.. you're kinda stuck with us." "I can't think of better. Again, congratulations. You and Doug should celebrate. Let me know when we can do something together. " She got off the phone and took a deep breath. She looked up to heaven. "Thank you Jesus," she thought. She wasn't praying about her son though: she was praying about Doug. She knew that the English Department was planning on some cuts, and when that happened, lecturers always went first. She was ready, with her checkbook, but as it happened, Doug's evaluations from students and teachers were so strong that cutting him had never crossed their mind. Now, she turned to tenure track positions.... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When Doug got home that night, he looked for pete, and didn't find him in the living room, or the kitchen. Where was he? "pete? Hey pete? " "mmmmmph?" he heard from the bedroom. He walked in and found pete, naked. He had gagged himself before he had slipped on the heavy collar chained to the bed leg, and the handcuffs in front of him. Doug smiled. "You been waiting long?" pete looked at him with big eyes, and shook his head yes. Doug sat down next to him, and put his hand on pete's cock. "You been good?" pete shook his head no. "OOOOH. I think that means someone who's REALLY cute may need a spanking before he gets a good, thorough reaming." "MMMMMMMPH!!!" there was a look of excitement in pete's eyes. "So petey boy, let's unlock this chain." Doug detached the chain from the collar, and let's get this BAD, BAD boy over my knee, and.... " His hand came down. And again. And again. pete wished he could reach down and play with his cock, but Doug had positioned him so that his cock fell between the space in Doug's thighs, and didn't rub against them. His hands were out in front of him, and he just had to take every last smack: all 30 of them. Doug laughed. "One for each of your years babe." Doug always teased pete about being younger. "Actually, let's have one for each of MY years," and he went up to 34. Then, he looked at his lover's dark pink ass, and he began to run his finger up and down the crack. "My sweet soon to be Dr. pete, with the beautiful ass, and the beautiful face, and the beautiful, the beautiful... Oh, the beautiful everything. " He pushed his thumb at pete's hole. "We know who owns this ass, pete?" pete shook his head up and down "mmm hmmmm." "Is it you?" He shook his head no "Is it mom?" pete shook his head no, harder. "Is it the bio department.?" pete laughed a little because they sort of did, but he knew that was the wrong answer. He shook his head no. Then Doug hooked his finger in the neck collar. "Then I guess it must be.... ME." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" pete shook his head up and down. "Well then, let me get some of what belongs to me." He put pete up on the bed as he got undressed. He took off each piece of clothing very slowly. His cock was hard in front of him. The manacles were flexible enough for him to hold pete's wrists above his head. He pulled the gag out. "I want that pretty mouth too. I want it." "Yes sir. TAKE IT . Take me 100%" Doug kissed pete long and hard. Then he pushed his underarm up to pete's mouth, something he hadn't done in a while. "Forgot deodorant today, hee hee. CLEAN IT." "MMMMMM. Taste my man." pete got to work, then got to the other one. The pit washing got Doug very excited, and he grabbed pete's ankles. "pete, you're gonna get my pistol. " "More like a gatling gun Sir. OH FUCK. OH SWEET JESUS." He felt Doug coming in hard, all the way. Doug did this occasionally and pete loved it. Doug could NEVER fuck him harder than pete wanted it. Doug looked at him. "You ready?" "Ready for what Sir?" Doug lowered his voice. "For me to BREED you fucktoi." "OH GOD YES SIR. YES SIR." He felt Doug's cum filling him. Doug's teeth found his neck and the next day, well, pete was glad he didn't have any appointments. He hated turtlenecks and that hickey was BIG.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx After they had finished off the champagne, and were cuddling on the sofa, pete said "Know how I'd like to celebrate? You remember our first date?" Doug played with his hair and smiled. "The pizza place?" pete sat up and smiled. "Yup. I wanna have mushroom, so I think of your dick" Doug started laughing. "Now THAT's a biologist joke." "I'm serious. You KNOW mom is gonna want to take us out, and you KNOW it's gonna be over the top" "Pizza it is then. By the way... He kissed the mass of hair pete needed to cut. "This top had so much fun this afternoon. Let's do it again real soon." And they did . Before pizza the next day.

And pete was right: his mom's celebration WAS over the top. She had called one of the Chinese banquet houses she knew, and arranged for a private room. The room sat ten, so Doug and pete invited people: pete's sponsor, Tyrone and travis, and a few other people from the lab. "I'm glad she didn't invite Jake," Doug whispered to pete. "You know I should call him. " "Why?" pete blushed. "I dunno. I just feel like... well, he and I could be friends again, couldn't we? " "I want to be there if you hang out." "Yes sir. I'll make sure of that." Doug turned to what was in front of him. "Melissa: what am I eating?" "ox tongue with bitter melon. You'll love it." pete whispered again. "you won't. But it's one of her favorite dishes. Right next to moose testicle." Doug laughed so hard a piece of ox tongue came back up. "Actually, it's one of my favorite dishes too." pete reached down and grabbed Doug's crotch. On the way home that night, Doug grunted like a moose. "They didn't serve moose testicle tonight" Doug remarked as they got undressed for bed. "I think it's not in season. Only in the winter." "WRONG!" Doug thrust his crotch in front of pete. "Get to work." "MMM. This is DEFINITELY my favorite dish."

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A week later, Doug called Ahmad and invited he and dave to come to dinner. "Oh, that's lovely Professor Doug. I'll accept for both of us, but I have to ask a favor." "Which is?" "I haven't told dave yet, so... can I ask you and pete not to bring it up? " "Oh sure. That's fine. Oh, I forgot to tell you. When pete got his job, he met someone who you might remember: some guy named Gabe? He says he knew dave, so I thought he might know you." Ahmad was silent for a minute. "GABE? You met GABE?" "Yeah, he's a doctor at the hospital. I think what's happening is pete is replacing him in the lab, because he's going into private practice." "Professor Doug, I have to ask you for another favor then. Please don't mention that." "Well, sure. Can I ask why, because I'll have to tell pete?" "Uh, right before we started, Gabe and dave... 'dated'. It was only one time, but Gabe left without saying goodbye and I don't think dave ever recovered from it. "Oh boy. That makes you worry how he's gonna take YOUR announcement. Everyone who he trusted enough to sleep with... is leaving." Ahmad was silent again. "Please Doug. I feel like shit about this. " "I'm sorry. Don't feel like shit. I have a feeling, based on what you told me, that once he gets over the emotions, dave is going to understand why you had to go." "I hope you're right Professor. We'll see you next Wednesday." Doug had started making Italian dishes, and with a wink to pete, he made a mushroom risotto for their dinner. "pete loves eating mushrooms." There was silence as pete turned beet red, and then dave said "So do I. Especially at the end of long stems" Then the four of them laughed, hard. As Doug and pete cleaned up that night, pete started talking about them. "They're lovely boys, but WOW. That dave." Doug looked at him. "You're not getting top man urges are you?" "Well, no, but I was thinking that... if you ever wanted a three way..." Doug began to laugh. "I may be a moose, but pete, you are a pig. A first class pig." Then he paused. "That thought DID cross my mind too though." "OINK OINK." pete teased him until Doug grabbed him around the middle and dragged him down on the floor. He fucked him right there.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Then... THE DAY. Defense. In the two weeks before, Doug forced pete to go out and get a haircut. "I feel like a dad," he said, as he picked up three of pete's curls. "I'm gonna keep these. " "My hair is gonna grow back Doug." "I know, I know... I'm getting sentimental though. That hair is gonna be on DOCTOR pete's head, not pete's head. "It'll still be your boy's hair, Sir." "Damn right it will." The haircut actually made pete look more handsome than cute. Melissa was glad they did it before she took him out to get "a suit you'll wear twice in your life. Once to your defense and the other..." "To where mom? " She just smiled. pete was so worried about the defense that he didn't figure out what she was hinting at.

Their university allowed for the public to attend a dissertation presentation. Doug was there, of course. So was Melissa. Travis came (Tyrone had to work), and so did Jake and anthony. And, interestingly enough, Ahmad and dave came too. Jake may have understood PART of the presentation, but they were there mostly to see someone they knew complete a cycle.

"Thank you Peter," said his sponsor, sitting at the center of a panel of five examiners. "Now, if the audience would mind leaving, the formal examination will begin." "GOD I'M NERVOUS" Melissa was sweating as they waited. Doug took her hand. She began to cry. "I know what's happening Doug. I'm about to be a mother again. And I'm so happy." She fell into his arms and cried. Jake looked at him. "You're popping the question?" Doug smiled. "Well, I couldn't pop the cherry so..." Melissa looked up. "DOUG! Such language. pete's mom is right here." He looked at her and she smiled. "It'll be good to have a son who tells a GOOD joke." "You're proposing? OH SHIT. CONGRATULATIONS PROFESSOR" Ahmad threw himself at Doug the way he did to dave, only unlike with dave, he didn't drag Doug down on the floor and force his cock in his mouth. dave was much more reserved. "Congratulations Doug. I hope the two of you will be blissfully happy." He smiled. dave had thought about marriage: he wasn't sure how he felt about it, but if he married, it would have to be Ahmad. He was sure of that.

Dissertation defenses are all about the rituals. pete's sponsor opened the doors of the auditorium after about 45 minutes and said, in a level voice. "Permit me to introduce you all to Dr. PETE!" The committee was applauding and now, everyone there did too. "OH sweetie congratulations." His mom went to hug him and then stopped. "No Doug, you first. " "No mom, you first. You've known him longer." When she was embracing her son, Doug fumbled for the ring. He was nervous. He was HORRIBLY nervous. "Professor. It's on your ring finger. In your jacket pocket. You put it on after they closed the doors." Ahmad whispered to him. "Oh Shit. That's right." When Melissa finished hugging her son, pete smiled. He looked at Doug, and then he was confused when Doug didn't hug him. Then Doug got on his knee. He was crying. "Doctor pete.... you make my life so full. So happy. In front of all these people..." He held out the ring. "Will you marry me?" NOW things made sense. Melissa's comment about the suit, Doug calling her mom... pete began to flood. There was no question. Of course he would marry Doug. He had wanted to for so long, and... and... "AND NOTHING" he thought to himself. "Fuck , this man would've gone to Mongolia for me." "Stand up Doug. Hug me. And yes. And I said yes I will yes yes." pete had memorized the last line from one of Doug's favorite books, and their kiss, well... Ahmad, dave, Jake, anthony, all thought of it that night as they made love. So did travis, and by proxy, so did Tyrone, as he saw the photos. His words summed it all up. "One fucking hot couple. I hope their sex was great." It was.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So, what happened afterwards? Well, Melissa's wedding present was a trip to where ever they wanted to go. For Doug, that was Ireland and for pete, it was France. They spent a week in each country before they came back, took another couple of weeks off, and then pete started his job at the hospital. Meanwhile, a position had opened up in the department for a tenured professor in Doug's area. He hesitated about applying: he was so well known as a writing instructor, that he was afraid the academics would have labeled him. There WAS some of that, but one day, after pete came home, he was met with a bottle of champagne, and the collar with the chain. "Meet the university's new Assistant Professor of Irish Literature." "OH MY GOD. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU HUBBY." "If you're happy for me, let's do what we did when you got your job." And they did. And now, let's leave academia, and our happy couple, gentle readers.

Dave and pete aren't going away completely, though. You'll see them show up in one of my other stories, "graduate student submission." So, hang around there if you like. And... before you go. If you read this story, any of my other stories, or any of the other stories on Nifty, and even more so: if lockdown, pandemics, weather, etc, have kept you from many of the things you enjoy doing, and Nifty helped you get through: throw a few bucks this way. See y'all in my other stories. Thanks for reading.


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