By Robert Thomson

Published on Apr 24, 2017



Several years on from the events described, Robert (Jamie) Thomson shares a story told to him by a former close schoomate. It includes explicit details of sexual activity between juvenile males. Any reader resident in a jurisdiction where such material is illegal, or who is likely to be offended by it should leave this site at once.

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One evening when both of us were in our early 20s and hadn't seen each other for years, Pete and I arranged to meet up at a quiet pub not far from where we had been classmates and close friends all the way through school.

After a lot of chat about what both of us had been doing since those days, and about other old classmates we had run into, our conversation turned to masturbation, and the way it had been such a constant topic of interest for just about every boy known to us during early teenage years. We had a laugh remembering the way our hormones were raging, some boasting about how often they could do it inside 24 hours, and unlikely accounts of the big amounts of 'spunk' produced. Pete reminded me how another classmate had once said it was like his cock had a life of its own and his balls were in permanent overdrive.

Warming to the subject, I was telling Pete how I first heard from a classmate about how good it was supposed to feel, and how I had tried & tried time after time, usually in bed, sometimes in the shower, but with no result except a nice kind of shiver. Nothing ever came from my cock and once or twice I made it red raw from trying and almost gave up.

Then, success at last! When I was maybe a month off 14, with some hair above my cock, I had got really hard while washing my bits in the shower, pleased with the way my cock seemed to have grown bigger, and the same with my balls. Having turned the shower off, I got hold of it, working my skin up & down, gripping it tightly. After about 10 minutes of that, I could feel the start of something different. It was like warmth, deep down in my belly. Something else made me put my other hand under my balls. Usually, they didn't hang down much, more like right close under my cock, even when it wasn't hard. But this time, they seemed to be much tighter than ever before, like they were moving slowly upwards. When I pushed them down, they went up again even tighter as soon as I took my hand off them.

I kept on with wanking steadily. That nice warm feeling seemed like it was fading a bit, and then coming back stronger as I went on. What happened only a few minutes after that is something I never forgot. That warm feeling got stronger and stronger, and then it turned into a fierce kind of sharp feeling, nothing bad, more like very nice.

All the time I was wanking, my cock had been very stiff. Now it went even stiffer in my fist, and gave a kind of jerk upwards and the first wave of an amazing feeling went all through me. I could feel something coming surging up through my cock, almost like it was going to burst. My legs & knees were going all weak and shaking so bad that I had to put one hand against the wall of the shower to steady myself. There was an extra strong wave of that feeling, and the stuff shot from my cock, several strong squirts, one after another, every one with another wave of a lovely feeling I'd never had before then. Gasping and out of breath, my head went forward, still holding on to the shower wall. I just couldn't move. Still wanking, my spunk stopped spurting, several drops of it falling on my bare feet. It took me some minutes before my heart stopped going like a hammer and I got my breath back.

Only then I saw where these strong spurts of my spunk had gone. They were on the glass door of the shower, well above the level of my cock, so they must have shot more than at least two feet upwards. It was now running down the glass in white streaks. When I ran my fingers through it, it was slimy, and when I tasted it, it was salty & bitter. I wasted no time before turning the shower on again and washing my cock carefully, making sure all the spunk was washed off the door and down the drain. That night, I had a really good sleep, still feeling very proud of myself.

Pete said,"Bloody hell! Must have been a lovely surprise, that, and you can still remember it like it was only yesterday." I went, "You can say that again. What about you, Pete? When did you have your first proper wank? Maybe you told me at the time, and I've forgotten it. The two of us told each other most things, didn't we?" He said, "Sure thing, just about everything, but I know I didn't tell you that. Never mind, it was such a long time ago, so I might as well tell you now." Here's what he said.

I had a cousin. His name was Dwayne. Actually, his dad was my dad's half-brother. His dad was something like half-black, and his mum was white, so Dwayne's skin colour was like milky coffee. His hair was in little fair curls, and his eyes were really green. I never saw anyone else with eyes that colour. He & his folks lived not far from us. He didn't go to the same school as you & me, so maybe you never met him, but he was less than two years older than me and we got to know each other well. His parents were happy that the two of us became good mates. We used to do all the usual stuff, like biking about, playing basketball in his garden, just talking for hours, and going swimming at that outdoor pool and at the indoor one when the weather was colder.

The two of us had been for a swim several times. The changing room for men & boys at the outdoor pool was pretty old and nothing much, just some benches & lockers, with duckboards close to the benches, and the hot & cold showers at the end of the room. After swimming, lots of men & boys just took off their swim trunks, going under the shower naked before drying off and getting dressed. On the day I'm telling you about, we had finished our swim and headed for the changing room. The only others there were a few kids, all naked, playing about in the showers. They cleared off to get their clothes on so the two of us just peeled off our swimmers and got under the shower.

I guess Dwayne & me hadn't paid much attention to each other's bits. He was just that much older than me, and I'd sure enough noticed that he was strongly built, very smooth & muscular. The surprising thing was his nipples. Of course, they were nothing like a girl's, but they were prominent enough, so when he was only in a T-shirt, they really stuck out. The other thing about him that I couldn't help having a good look at was what Dwayne had between his legs. That was a big thick cock, with the skin still there. At that stage, I had never seen him with a stiffy (our schoolboy slang), but even when his was soft it looked big, with his big balls close underneath it, kind of pushing it out. On his belly just above his cock he had a little fringe of curly hair, the same colour as on his head. I'm sure he never spotted that I was looking at him.

After showering that day, we got out and went to get dressed. I was standing on the bench beside our two lockers, still naked and drying myself, when Dwayne suddenly grabbed hold of one of my legs, going something like, 'Hey, Pete, you wanking yet, if you don't mind me asking?' I think I must have gone red in the face, so embarrassed that I can remember feeling my balls tightening up, and it wasn't from the cold. He still had hold of my leg. I shook my head. 'OK, then, so that's a no? It's nothing to worry about, I promise. The longer you wait before getting started, the bigger & better the surprise when it comes.' He let go of my leg and we got dressed. Walking home with him, there was a couple of times I was on the point of saying something about wanking, but I didn't, and the two of us parted that time. For days after that, I kept on thinking about what Dwayne asked me and couldn't keep from wondering how big his cock would get when it was real hard. Standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror, I often used to examine my own thing, looking at the hair beginning to grow round it, getting it hard and feeling my balls.

A couple of weeks after that time at the swimming pool, just when were having a breather from playing basketball at his, I finally said to Dwayne that there was something I wanted to ask him about. Grinning, he went 'Oh, let me guess what it is. See if I'm right. It's about wanking, yes?' I just nodded. 'Well, that's nothing between friends, is it? Just say when, Pete, and we can fix up to show you how it's done. How about right now? My folks won't be back for ages, so we won't be bothered. You OK with that?' I tried not to let on how eager I was, feeling my cock stirring inside the thin shorts I had on for basketball, and putting a hand in the pocket to make sure there was no bulge.

Lucky I had some tight Y-fronts on underneath, so nothing was showing as I followed Dwayne into the house and upstairs. 'Tell you what. We're both sweaty, so why not have a quick shower first?' He led the way into the bathroom, pulling off all his clothes. I did the same, both just leaving them in a heap on the floor. He turned on the shower and once it ran warm, we got under it.

With the door closed, and without a word, he started soaping my back, gradually working down to my backside and round my front, his hand all over my cock & balls. He was standing so close behind me that I could feel his cock brushing against me. 'Did that feel good? Now, you do me,OK?' Putting his hands against one wall, he spread his legs. I began with his back and his backside, feeling him clench his buttocks as my hands went over it. When I got my hands on his cock & balls, slapping plenty of soap there, I could hardly believe what I was doing, and amazed that I didn't get hard and neither did he. With the water off, we stepped out to get dried, drying each other's backs. I was making to reach for my clothes to get dressed when Dwayne stopped me. 'Won't need these just yet, Pete, just pick them up and follow me'. He picked his up and I did the same, following him into his bedroom. I'd been there plenty of times before, just chatting. We dumped both lots of clothes on a chair.

Going to a drawer, he found a big fresh blue towel. He spread it out on the top of his bed-cover while I just stood there, feeling my cock. It was stiffening, with my skin going back like it does. Seeing it, Dwayne gave me a big grin. I honestly thought that he was going to get on the bed and let me watch while he wanked himself, so it came as a big surprise when he said, 'You ready?' and pointed to the bed, going 'On your back, hands behind your head, mind, and keep them there, and legs wide apart. Leave the rest to me.' I was nervous but I did as he said. Getting me to move over a bit, he sat down on the bed close to me, putting a hand flat on my chest. 'You sure about this, are you? Any time, if you change your mind, tell me to stop, and I promise, I'll stop, OK?? At that moment there was nothing I wanted more than for him to wank me, so I nodded for him to go on, shutting my eyes, waiting to feel him taking hold of my cock. By that time it had stiffened up quite a lot.

I waited for his hand, but instead he began to draw his fingers up & down the insides of my legs, just short of my balls. It felt lovely, making my balls tighten up even although he wasn't touching them. I kept my eyes closed, just enjoying what he was doing. I could feel my hard cock twitching. Then he got his fingers round it. That made me gasp out loud, and I opened my eyes, looking down at him doing it. My cock was as stiff as it would go. He wasn't gripping it hard, just firmly, working my skin up & down, as far back as it could go, and then forward again all the way over the head of my cock, and stroking my balls with his other hand. He was watching my face. 'D'you like that? Knew you would.'

I have no idea how long he was wanking me like that. Lying there with my eyes closed, I lost track of time, only wanting him to go on like he was doing. Whenever I opened them to watch Dwayne's fingers, I could see his big cock sticking up from between his legs, thick and hard, with the head of it right out from under the skin, somewhere between red & purple. Then he said 'Listen, Pete, this is important. Just as soon as you start feeling anything different, you tell me, OK? Anything at all.' My mouth was going dry, but I said I would tell him. A few moments later, it was as if there was something moving & getting kind of warm, deep down, hard to know whether it was in my belly or my balls, so I tried to tell Dwayne how it felt. He just grinned and went on wanking me. Then he ran a finger over the head of my cock, lifting the finger to let me see a clear drop of something. It looked sticky, clinging to his finger when he pulled it away. 'Yes, Pete, you got some pre-cum. Well done! Not long now! Be sure to say right away if you start to get a good feeling.' He went on wanking me, maybe with faster strokes and gripping my cock a bit tighter.

I could feel my balls tightening right up, further up than they had ever been, almost up as far as one on each side of the foot of my cock, and Dwayne's hand knocking against them at every downward stroke. Before I knew what was happening, I felt like there was something coming surging up inside my cock, like it was near to exploding. Hardly able to speak, and with my eyes tight shut, all I managed to say was 'Oh! Dwayne! What's this? Aah!' Not letting up wanking me, he went, 'Pete! Pete! Eyes open! You have to see this!' Opening my eyes and looking down, some waves of an amazing feeling began running through my whole body, and my cock jerked and jerked again. At the second jerk, a thick white blob shot out of my cock, landing just short of my belly-button and right after that, with every jerk of my cock came squirt after squirt of something else, white like thin cream, shooting past my belly-button and on my chest. Even when it started spurting out like that, Dwayne had never stopped wanking me.

I was still shaking with excitement, out of breath, unable to move. He went on doing it until no more came, lifting the hand he'd been using to wank me, showing me my spunk all over his fingers. I couldn't believe it when he licked it off them and swallowed it down. He stayed sitting alongside where I was lying, with all that stuff on my belly & lower chest, waiting until he saw I'd got my breath back.

Telling me not to move a muscle, he got off the bed with his big thick cock sticking way out, disappearing for a few minutes. When he came back, he brought me a drink of cold water. Seeing how dry my mouth was, I needed that. He also fetched a pile of tissues, making me stay lying there while he cleaned all the mess off me. It had run down making a little pool in my belly-button, wiping my cock very gently, showing me the thick sticky blob that was the first thing that shot out of my cock before the strong spurts started. He said it was the stuff that had been building up in my balls ever since they started working, and he'd counted four strong spurts & about three smaller ones before it was finished, so I should be pleased with myself, which I sure was.

While we were getting our clothes on and I said thanks for teaching me how, Dwayne just laughed, saying that maybe I could give him a wank sometime when he was needing it bad. I think I also asked him how long he'd been wanking me before the spunk came. He said that was a weird kind of question, but he reckoned it was no more than 15 minutes. We had only just gone downstairs and were drinking some Cokes when his dad & mum came home. When his mum asked how we'd spent the afternoon, Dwayne said we played basketball and chatted, giving me a big wink his mum didn't see.

I looked at Pete, saying,"Lucky you. Sounds like he was was an expert, even at his age. What happened after all that? Did you ever give Dwayne a wank?" "No, not even once. He never asked me, and I wasn't going to make a nuisance of myself by asking him if he wanted it. Once I knew how to do it, taking my time over it and not being in a hurry to finish, it was like it got better & better, and I had about three years at it before I just got tired of it and gave up, that was about two years before we finished at school." "What about Dwayne?" "The two of us promised each other that we would never tell anyone how he'd wanked me, and anyway, it was me that asked him to do it, so I never thought of it as something he did to me, more like a favour he did for me, that's the difference, Pete. It was a good experience. We saw each other plenty after that, swimming and playing basketball and other stuff, but we lost touch after he & his parents moved a long way away." (End)

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