Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Dec 20, 2007



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome -


Part 2

Early the next morning, Peter awoke in his own room. A good night's sleep after three days in the airing cupboard was bliss. Pushing back the bedcovers, Peter rolled out of bed and pulled the curtains back. Squinting at the morning sunshine, it was time to get dressed.

When Peter pulled open his wardrobe doors, there were no clothes for him at all. Not even a pair of socks. Even his school uniform had disappeared. Perhaps Jane had decided in a moment of madness to dump everything over at the laundrette for an early-morning wash. 'To heck with it, I'll have some breakfast first'.

Downstairs, Peter made himself some toast and some orange juice. As he sat at the table with the morning newspaper there was some activity coming from upstairs. Ghosts? Nah, probably Jane. Peter finished breakfast and walked back upstairs into his room.

There, Lucy and Jay confronted him, both decked out in school uniform. They had stripped his bed down to mattress level, leaving covers all over the floor.

Peter went to the wardrobe again just to make sure he wasn't seeing things and found it equally empty. A sideways glance at Jay and Peter's body language told him they'd had something to do with this.

"Where's my uniform?" asked Peter. "I need my uniform."

"You don't need anything," said Lucy cryptically. "Little boys who tie themselves up don't need clothes. Today you'll be wearing your suit." Peter shot her a look of abject confusion. "Don't be so thick Peter!"

"I'll show you your suit," said Jay. He jumped towards Peter and forced him to the floor. Holding his wrists with one hand, Jay quickly pulled Peter's pyjama top up over his head while Lucy straddled Peter's body. With a quick swap, the item of clothing was entirely free of Peter's body. Meanwhile Lucy pulled her brother's pyjama bottoms down and off his legs in one fell swoop while he was distracted.

"That's right," mocked Lucy. "Today you're going to be wearing your birthday suit. It'll teach you not to ignore us when we tell you to do something." As Jay clambered off, Peter lay there and knew he was as naked as the day he was born. His first instinct was to cover himself up with his hands.

"Move your fucking hands," ordered Jay. Peter reluctantly obeyed, going bright red in the face. Jay was now able to get a good look at Peter's genitals. "Is that it, that little stub?" he laughed. "Fuckin' hell! Any smaller it wouldn't be there! I'll make it bigger," he mocked, moving towards Peter who could only stare at him wide-eyed. He immediately covered himself up with his hands again but Jay was just about to grab and forcibly shift his hands when Peter was saved.

"Kids!" drifted Ian's voice up the stairs. "Come on kids, you're gonna be late for school!" Peter sighed with relief, while Lucy just glared at him with a look that would have made Medusa proud and could have probably turned Peter to stone on the spot. Jay moved round behind Peter and pulled his arms behind his back.

"Okay dad, we're coming," she shouted down the stairs before moving towards the writhing Peter. She knelt down close into his face and looked him deep in the eye before resting a finger on his chest. "You're lucky this time," she hissed at him, in a tone that was hurtful to Peter. "Your clothes are in the red box along the landing, you can wear them today but you mark my words, you will be going to school in your birthday suit whatever it takes. Lucy Beale always gets what she wants." As she spoke, Lucy ran her finger along Peter's chest, stopping at his left nipple. She tapped his nipple with her fingernail in time with her speech, each one hammering home her point to her brother.

"Get yourself here after school or else," Jay whispered into Peter's right ear. He then blew heavily into Peter's left ear before throwing the boy to the floor. He and Lucy left the room, leaving the embarrassed Peter to retrieve his clothes and get dressed. He had neglected to tell them that he had football practice after school but Peter figured he'd call Lucy and Jay's bluff tonight.

Throughout the school day, Peter tried not to let the morning's events concern him, however Jay blowing in his ear had given him earache. During break time Jay walked past tapping his watch as if to remind him about tonight. On the one hand Peter had enjoyed his previous experience of being tied up and effectively held hostage by Jay, but he wasn't sure how far Jay and Lucy were prepared to go with him - could they end up killing him?

3:30pm came round, Jay's warning of "come straight home" rang in his ears. Ignoring it, he went straight to football practice, earache having finally worn off. Fortunately, for him Jay was not on the football team any more, having been kicked off it a couple of weeks earlier for fighting with other players. Peter could practice in peace with his fellow teammates.

All was fine until about twenty past four. Peter was all set up to score a goal when he saw two figures peering over the school fence. He recognised them as Jay and Lucy, just as he mis-hit the football. It hit the crossbar, bounced back out and smacked Peter right in the side of the head - on the same side he'd had earache for four hours earlier! He was able to stay standing up, but he was clearly dazed. The trainer advised him to go home and rest. Two of his teammates accompanied him back to the changing rooms where Peter dismissed them.

There, he changed and prepared to leave, however he was in for a surprise at the door when his exit was blocked by somebody half his height with twice the attiude.

"Oi!" Jay shouted as he entered the changing rooms, followed by Lucy. "You dirty little poofter. Get here, now!"

"You're not my boss!" shouted Peter, loud enough for his voice to echo off the back wall. "Now shift!" He went to push Jay forward but Jay grabbed his arm first and pulled him back into the changing room before grabbing Peter by his shirt collar.

"Listen, Bealey-boy. I don't like your gob. You've no respect. You're a mouthy little arse with no guts, I didn't like you from day one and I don't like you not obeying your sis."

"Jay! Leave it," interrupted Lucy. "Let's go home." Peter could see from the look on her face that she didn't want things to have had to come to this.

"Home!" exclaimed Jay, as if a light bulb had gone off in his head "Good idea. Peter's coming with us." He pulled out two pair of handcuffs from the set that Peter had accidentally sealed his own destiny with in the back garden just a few days ago. Jay handcuffed his left wrist to Peter's right and Lucy took up the other handcuff. With no warning to Peter, the pair set off home. They were unchallenged until they arrived back at 45 Albert Square.

Lucy and Jay rushed Peter up the stairs so fast his feet hardly touched the floor. Back in Peter's room, the door was locked, the handcuffs came off Peter's wrists and Jay stripped him naked once again. Lucy stripped the bed and told Peter to lie on it as he stood there covering himself up again, eying up the door hoping for his father to call them again. No such luck this time.

"No, I've a better idea," Jay suddenly said, catching Peter in mid-stride. "Giz your hands." Peter could immediately guess what was going to happen, a rush of adrenalin ran through him. Could he go ahead with this, he though to himself, as he held his hands out in front of him. "Turn around, hands behind your back. Hands in front is for poofs, but you should have known that already," snapped Jay. Peter followed this order and felt the chill of cold metal on his wrists and the warmness of Jay's hands on his, followed by the click of the lock on the handcuffs. Now he was committed.

The telephone rang from the landing, prompting Lucy to leave and answer it. Peter sat on the stripped bed and watched as Jay pulled out his key ring and put Peter's handcuff key onto it. There was no way he'd be seeing that any time soon. He could only now go with the flow as the key ring disappeared back into Jay's zip pocket. He learnt that as soon as Lucy came back they would go do something fun.

Peter gazed at Jay, who had turned his attention towards flicking through Peter's music collection. He really liked something about Jay. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but there was something nagging in the back of his mind about the chav schoolboy that Peter really liked. He couldn't stop thinking about that moment earlier where Jay's warm hands touched his, to a point where he could feel his penis becoming harder. Quickly he changed his thoughts to something less racy.

"I have some stuff for our game," said Lucy upon her return. She had a big long-sleeved coat and some sandals. "If in doubt, wrap the coat around Peter and shove the shoes on him. If we're caught parading him around naked, I'll get it in the neck from dad."

"We'll run down the allotments, get his feet dirty," said Jay, thinking aloud. "After the allotments, we can do wherever."

Lucy wrapped the coat round her naked brother and fastened the middle, top and bottom buttons. From a distance, it covered the boy's entire body. She put the sandals in one of the pockets. Happy with the arrangements, all three went down the stairs and quietly left via the front door to avoid disturbing Jane in the kitchen.

This was a strange new experience for Peter Beale; walking around a public place like Albert Square wearing nothing but a long overcoat. As he walked, flanked by Lucy and Jay, he couldn't help wondering what the reactions would be of the people if they knew what was happening here.

By the time the trio arrived at the allotments, Peter's bare feet were hurting slightly, having had to walk across gravel and stone chippings. There was nobody around at the allotments and nobody in sight of coming to the allotments so Jay was quick to slip the coat off Peter. A slight cool breeze hit his body.

While Lucy kept a watch for anybody who might be on their way, Jay's warm hands held Peter's lower arms firmly. He walked Peter all over the allotments, across the grass, occasionally into fresh soil. One braver venture was to pour a bucket of water onto some grass to make it soggy and force Peter to stand in it for a few seconds. The blonde schoolboy wasn't particularly keen on it as it went between his toes, but strangely enough, he felt happy to be under Jay's control whatever happened. He could do this all day.

Lucy, by comparison, wasn't as hands-on with him as Jay was. She decided to mostly walk around the premise a few times with him with a tendency of just showing him off. By the time Lucy had had enough, Peter's soles were virtually clean from the grass.

Jay decided to up the ante at this point. He spotted a big muddy puddle just outside the perimeter of the allotments. Informing Lucy of his destination, Jay took Peter to this puddle and bent him over far enough backwards to lose his balance and fall in. The mud splashed everywhere. Peter in a slight panic tried to get up and out but couldn't pull his hands forward. Jay found this an amusing situation to observe but watching Peter caked in mud gave him a new idea.

Rather than helping Peter out, Jay's hand went straight to Peter's groin and gently took hold of his muddy penis and began to gently stroke it. This caught Peter off-guard but he now couldn't help staring at his own penis becoming slowly more erect the more stimulation it received. Even through the mud, Peter could still feel the warm of Jay's hand coming through.

All too soon though, this stopped and Jay pulled Peter from the puddle. With wet mud dripping off his body, Peter was frogmarched back into the perimeter of the allotments and to a water butt. Lucy and Jay both used water from the water butt to clean Peter's face of mud but deliberately left the rest of his body untouched - he'd have to have a bath or shower later, Jay had decided. Lucy draped the coat over her brother, fastened it up and they took him back home. En route, they deliberately had him walk through stray puddles, over loose collections of pebbles and had him kick his toes into the gutters.

The trio quietly went back into the house to find it empty, Jane had left a note saying she'd be back soon. Jay ripped Peter's coat from him and roughly manhandled the boy up the stairs back into his room. A glance at the clock told him he'd been gone just over an hour. Lucy looked him up and down; dried mud caked all over his body. She asked Peter what had happened just to humiliate him even though she'd witnessed it all previously.

"The fucking poof fell in," Jay fibbed, shooting Peter a knowing look. "Thought he saw somebody coming and dived forward. Splash!"

"We'd better clean him up before dad and Jane get back. Then I'm going out. Fun's over for today."

"Peter's a good boy; he ain't gonna grass us up, are you Peter?" Lucy gave Jay a peck on the check.

"Be a good boy Peter!" she said, disappearing out the door and into her own room.

"Now you're mine. All mine."

"Bring it on!" exclaimed Peter. "Do what you want!" Jay leant forward towards Peter and put his hand out towards the blonde boy's mud-stained penis. He had just touched it when his mobile phone rang. Using his other hand, Jay took the call and played with Peter's penis at the same time.

"Alright dad?" Jay said, speaking into the device. "Um, I'm at Peter's. Just finishing some homework." He gently squeezed Peter's genitals as he spoke, Peter emitted a silent gasp. "Yeah, back in five. What we got? Oh. Yeah okay. See you in a bit." Jay terminated the call and looked Peter in the eye, while continuing to play with his balls.

"You going then?"

"I gotta go." Jay stood up and prepared to leave.

"Um, unlock me before you go?" Jay turned round, nodded his head and undid Peter's restraints. He was relieved to be able to pull his hands back round in front of him again. He now had no desire to cover himself up in front of Jay.

"You can keep the links." Jay put them on Peter's bed, his cheek was right in line with Peter's face. As Jay gave Peter's balls a last quick fumble for the day, Peter could resist no longer. He was now smitten.

Completely catching Jay off guard, Peter leaned forward and gave Jay a quick peck on the cheek. Jay retaliated with a dirty look and a tight squeeze of Peter's genitals. The more he did this, the more it turned Peter on. After a couple more kisses, Jay cottoned on to what was happening and pulled back.

"Fuck off! Stop kissing me, you nob!"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" pleaded Peter, his face going bright red. "I just... I like it. I liked it when you did that. I loved it when we were round the allotments, when we were handcuffed together, when you held me..." Peter was now rambling on, with sentences that tumbled out of his mouth making no sense. He only stopped when Jay slapped him across the cheek.

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! You're doing me bloody head in!" Jay laid heavily into Peter for his endless outburst. "I'm gonna piss off before I do summat I regret. Go shower, you dried-up turd!" With this, Jay stormed out of the room and out of the Beale house.

Peter sat on the edge of his bed thinking about what had just happened. He carried the thoughts over to his time in the shower. Yeah, he'd played with himself before, what boy hadn't. It was just it felt so much better when Jay did it to him. Okay it was a mistake to tell Jay all this so early on but it had felt so right. Was he going to regret this?

-- All feedback appreciated!

Next: Chapter 3

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