Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Feb 18, 2008



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome -

-- Part 4

It would be another week before Peter would see Jay again. Peter had been bogging himself down with up to ten pieces of homework a night due to rushing into the decision to commit himself to Jay's academic studies, as well as his own sports commitments, homework and chilling out. Peter had no time for himself at present and was constantly tired. He was also heavily confused inside himself after the way Jay had kissed him last week so his emotions were all over the place. It was no good; he had to see Jay about the homework. It was Sunday night, well past bedtime, and the work had finally been finished.

Next day, Peter spotted a teacher talking to Jay about something. Rather than interrupt this, he chose to wait. When Jay was finished, his face was like thunder as he stormed across the playground.

"Jay! What's happened?"

"Mr Philips, my form tutor, thinks I'm bribing some kid to do my homework. It stops or I get suspended."

"Sorry about that."

"But more important, I got caught because it's higher grade than before. And it's your fault!" replied Jay, pointing at Peter.

"You wanted grade C!"

"Don't fucking argue. I need to change our agreement."

"Yes well I wanted to talk to you about that," started Peter. "The thing is..."

"What we'll do," Jay began, interrupting Peter in the process, "is you will keep doing my work but I will write it. This time I want Grade D, nothing else."

"But I don't have time. I barely have enough time as it is for me without propping you up as well." Jay sighed and put his arm round Peter's shoulder.

"Listen up, Peter. If I get suspended, I get grounded. If I get grounded, I won't be able to tie you up anymore. If I can't tie you up anymore, then you'll spend the rest of your sad little life wondering what you missed. And all because 'you don't have time'."

"Okay, okay. Come round my place at about 6, I'll do it." Peter had let his feelings overrule his head once again and had felt pressured into making this decision there and then. Jay knew Peter would do this but also had a concern at the back of his mind that Peter, under too much stress, could blow the cover. He had to do something to help him, and this was the perfect opportunity.

Late that evening, Jay turned up at Peter's house with his stuff. Peter had wanted to do homework on the front room table but Jay wanted to work upstairs.

In Peter's room, Jay's first plan of action was to lock Peter outside and turn the room upside down. He'd kept all the ropes, handcuffs and restraints from the previous tying-up sessions but he knew Peter had more because they kept appearing out of nowhere. His first task was to find the source and see how obsessive this kid was.

Jay emptied all the cupboards, all the drawers and tore everything off the shelves, with no success. As Peter hammered on the door, Jay kicked through the piles of clothes and magazines on the floor, scattering them everywhere. Peter's hammering was beginning to grate on him and he went to pull him in.

"What you doing in there?" asked Peter, as Jay grabbed his left ear and pulled the boy in. "Argh! That hurts!"

"Where are they?" asked Jay bluntly. "I know you've got lots of 'em, because I've got the other half. Where are they? You must have a stash of 'cuffs, ropes and gags somewhere."

"No," whispered Peter quietly, having now been reduced to kneeling down to relieve the pressure on his ear. Jay wrapped his arm around Peter's neck and held him in a tight headlock while still firmly gripping Peter's ear.

"Where are they, you poof?" He tightened his headlock slightly, forcing Peter to try and break the headlock with his hands. He could feel his ability to breathe having been restricted. Jay tightened up the headlock significantly and held it until Peter gave in. Just as he thought he was going to pass out, Peter blurted out for Jay to look under the wardrobe. He then lay on the floor gasping for breath as he watched Jay look behind the draws in the fitted wardrobe. He pulled out a plastic box with a padlock on it. Peter, not wanting another close experience with death, pointed at his school bag where the key was and pulled himself slowly to his feet.

Inside the box Jay found multiple sets of handcuffs, long rope and all kinds of wierd and wonderful devices, including a mini chastity cage. Also present was a bag of keys, a few blindfolds and various types of gag. He could tell from the size of the stash that Peter had it bad.

"Some good stuff there," gasped Peter, shuffling uneasily from foot to foot, stroking his throat, not quite sure how to behave.

"Where'd you get all this stuff?"

"Got it on the internet. eBay. Just say you're 18 and as long as you pay them it don't matter. I have a debit card and have done since I was 11. The stuff's cheap enough anyway."

"How much you actually used?" asked Jay.

"Mostly the handcuffs. I've been meaning to experiment actually, until you caught me that one time." Peter was slowly going bright red as he reeled off his experiences to Jay.

"What's the hell is this?" Jay asked, holding up the chastity cage.

"It's some sort of device that stops you wanking," started Peter, staring uneasily at the pattern on the floor. "You put it on your bits, lock it up and then you can't play with yourself anymore. I got it in a job lot on eBay." Jay shot the device a strange look and threw it back in the box.

"Anyway, enough of that. Need to talk to you. Fancy a Jay wank?" Peter nodded. "Get your kit off then!" Jay locked the door while Peter quickly stripped off. Jay moved Peter towards the bottom of the bed, threaded the links of a pair of handcuffs he'd found in the box through and around the bedpost and locked Peter's hands into the metal devices behind his back. This arrangement left Peter kneeling on the floor facing the opposite wall. His lower legs disappeared under the bed, his toes in cahoots with the dust bunnies.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Us," said Jay. He put his warm hand on Peter's genitals and began stimulating him gently. "Just a reminder, fag boy, you're the gay one - not me. And do not, and I fucking mean this, do not tell anyone about us. So what's up, faggy - you seem stressed."

"I am, actually. Its hard work fitting everything in my life in right now."

"I'll sort the homework; don't go to anybody else about anything. You help me with the homework, and you need me to help you wank yourself off."

"I can wank myself off!" protested Peter. "But it feels a lot better when you do it." Jay gently tightened his grip on Peter's penis and the boy gasped as Jay sped his hand motions up slightly.

"Then you admit it. You need me so badly. Nobody else can help you. Swear to me you will not talk to anybody but me. If you do, I will chop your dick off."

"I promise," whispered Peter, squirming about on the floor. He needed to shoot his load so badly but Jay wouldn't let him. "Let me cum! Please?"

"Imagine it," whispered Jay, milking the situation for all it was worth. He slowed his stimulation of Peter to an optimum speed - not slow enough for Peter to lose his erection but not fast enough to entice him towards ejaculation either. "Think about what we can do with your stash. Think about us smooching, having fun, me getting you off.

"Now think about your miserable, sad, boring fuck-off excuse of a life when I'm not here. Not fun now is it? You need me, Peter Beale. You need me so badly, you want me." Jay had to stop at this point as Peter was now crying, the sexual frustration welling up inside him. He alternated his gaze between Peter's facial expression of hurt and torment and the boy's blood-filled penis, while Peter just stared at Jay, bleary-eyed.

"I do need you," Peter wailed. "I get the picture. Just get me off, it hurts!"

"So you do want me! You are so fucking gay. Go on say it - say 'My name's Peter Beale and I'm a fucking poof'!" said Jay. Peter didn't really want to repeat anything but he wanted relief so he nodded his head quickly. He hated how Jay had the knack of holding him at the point of no return for as long as he wanted - Peter had struggled for months to do that himself.

"Just," started Peter, through floods of tears. He started hitting the floor with his lower legs. A tear ran down his cheek and fell onto Jay's hand.

"SAY IT!" demanded Jay, squeezing Peter's genitals hard. He leaned into Peter's face as he spoke and stared deep into his eyes as he squeezed.

"My name's Peter Beale and I'm a poof," whispered Peter, his eyes closing and his voice wavering. He could feel his arms shaking behind his back as his serious desire to shoot his load intensified with every second that passed. He felt like he was going to explode, if not seriously damage the bed.

"It'll do," said Jay, as Peter grimaced. "I won't say you're a faggot. But you do what I say or else the school will know along with your bondage secrets. Are we cool?" He had drawn the situation out for as long as possible until he knew Peter could bear the pressure no longer; this was an ideal time to get what he wanted. Peter would have quite happily thrown himself off a bridge right now for want of sexual relief.

"But... Yeah okay. Finish me!" pleaded Peter once again, now thrusting his midrift towards Jay in an effort to get the extra stimulation needed to end the agony. Jay squeezed Peter's genitals once again and by now he could not bear the sound of the crying 14 year old any longer. He sped his motions up and led Peter towards climax. The boy shot a big chunk of watery yet clearly white semen out of his penis and onto the lightly coloured carpet, shaking violently as he went. Jay had to cover Peter's mouth with his other hand to stop him screaming too loud.

As soon as the load of semen had left Peter's body, he felt several pounds lighter. Tears continued to pour down his face. Jay cleaned his face up with a tissue but refused to touch his penis again. Eventually Peter calmed down as Jay left the room to go to the bathroom.

"I am so yours," whispered Peter to Jay on his return. "Forever." He didn't know how else to feel. It was true, he really liked Jay as a person - he had managed to worm his way into Peter's life and take it over. Jay freed Peter from the bed and watched as Peter dressed himself and cleaned up his own mess on the carpet before settling down, up close to each other, to do some homework together.

The next day, Jay was in a foul mood with Peter. His plan had backfired - Peter managed to screw up a core part of Jay's homework due to carelessness and that had landed Jay in detention, yet again. He was now seriously running the risk of being suspended. Therefore, Peter's cheery voice did nothing to help the situation.

"Hi Jay!" chirped Peter, over the moon after the previous night's events. "How's stuff?" His mood suddenly changed when Jay roughly manhandled him into the toilets and threw the door shut.

"You're dead, you tosspot. You fucked up my homework. After what we did last night as well."

"Um, which homework?"

"The maths. Look." Jay pulled a jotter from his bag and threw it in Peter's direction. He opened it to reveal a sea of red crosses towards the back end of the work. "The first part's wrong, the second bit is also wrong. As parts three, four and five depend on the answer being right for part one, the whole sodding exercise is fucked up good and proper." As Peter scanned the work over, he knew exactly what he'd done - he'd missed carrying a one over.

"I forgot to carry the one. It's easy to fix. I'll sort it now." Jay snapped at this point - he grabbed Peter at this point and pushed him up against the wall with some considerably force for one so small. As Peter fell to the floor, Jay grabbed his shirt collar and started shouting.

"Your not carrying the fucking one has got me detention to do it properly. Your not carrying the one means I'm even closer to suspension. Your not carrying the one has seriously pissed me off. You dare get us suspended for arsey homework and your fuck off excuse for a shitty little life won't be worth living."

"Sorry," bleated Peter, watching Jay with a big-eyed expression.

"Sorry means fuck-all to me now. I'm going to have to stop you fucking my life up all the time."

"What are you going to do?" asked Peter, wondering if Jay was serious about cutting his genitals off last night.

Jay stood in front of the entrance to stop Peter getting out and to stop other students coming in. He unzipped his trousers, pulled out his penis and urinated in the middle of the floor of the boys toilet, while Peter watched. Once done he put his member away, grabbed Peter's shirt collar again with his dirty hands and flung him to the floor.

"I'll do what I should have fucking done ages ago," shouted Jay, as Peter lay face-up, looking deep into the sole of Jay's shoe hovering inches above his face. He closed his eyes and grimaced, expecting Jay to literally kick his head in and leave him for dead. He felt Jay's shoe come into contact with his cheek and the rush of air as Jay pulled his foot away.

With no warning, Jay didn't come back down to crush Peter's head as he was expecting - instead he felt Jay's fingers suddenly digging into his sides followed by some force on his stomach. As Peter opened his eyes expecting to see the Pearly Gates, he was greeted instead with the sight of grotty run-down school toilets and Jay balancing on his stomach. With Peter's full gaze fixed on him, Jay stepped back slightly, intentionally compressing Peter's genitals much to his pain and discomfort for a few seconds. Quick off the mark, he jumped off and kicked Peter several times across his body, while Peter shielded his head with his arms which were also attacked. Jay only kicked him hard enough to hurt, but held back from booting the boy with enough force to leave any marks, much as he felt like it. Peter, on the other hand, just lay there and took it - he dared not cry, whimper or plead.

"Now get down there and clean my piss up like the poof-loving arsehole that you are!" When Peter failed to respond, Jay poked him. Peter somehow summoned enough strength to roll over and get up on his hands and knees. Eventually he began to slowly crawl towards the yellow liquid, his face a picture of disgust. "Lick it up. Go on." Peter gagged at the idea of drinking another boy's urine, but having to drink it off the bathroom floor was awful. Jay pushed Peter's head downwards towards the liquid. Now it was a choice of drink it or lie in it. Resigned to his fate, Peter stuck his tongue out and began to lap up the urine like a cat drinking milk.

After a few moments of this, Peter could bear it no longer. He wished Jay had beaten him to death now. He looked at Jay with pleading eyes, not that he was expecting any mercy. To his surprise, Jay let him up, but told him he'd have to take responsibility for urinating on the floor.

"I'm not done with you yet, you cunt. I could spread the fact you're a faggot as a rumour, but that would be too fucking good for you. Meet me on the top playground as soon as the bell goes at 3:30. Don't you dare be late, piss breath." As soon as Jay had disappeared, Peter dragged himself to the sink to wash his mouth out with hot soapy water, only for the caretaker to wander in and hyperventilate at the fresh urine in the middle of the floor. He gave Peter a mop and bucket and cleaning Jay's bodily fluids up filled the rest of Peter's break.

At the end of the day, Peter poured his stuff into his bag and waited for the school bell to ring. As soon as it did, he was first out of the door and raced round to the top playground, fearful that if he were late he might not live to see another day. Jay arrived from the other end literally two seconds later. He signalled to Peter to follow him.

They went round the block to the gym area and the changing rooms. They waited while the previous class filed out and went down to the changing rooms. Jay ordered Peter to strip and put all his stuff in his schoolbag, which Jay later confiscated.

Peter found himself shoved into the girl's changing rooms, much to his horror. Fortunately, it was empty, though Jay continued to drag Peter into the adjourning shower area.

"I'd love to stay but some prick got me detention. So this is where you'll wait until I return." He delved into his pocket and pulled out two sets of handcuffs he'd picked up from Peter's box of tricks last night. Despite Peter's struggling, he managed to lock them on the boy's wrists.

"Don't do this," pleaded Peter, suddenly realising what was going to happen. "I'm sorry about the homework. Jay, please..."

"Too pissing late now. Just shut up and do what I say. Put your hands up." Reluctantly Peter obeyed and Jay fastened the other cuff links to the shower stands, forcing Peter's arms out to his sides. Peter could only watch as Jay wrapped some thin rope around his ankle, feed it through the draining vent and back up to wrap around his other ankle. Not that Peter has plans to kick anybody, Jay had put paid to it anyway. He tested the handcuffs to make sure they were secure.

"Please..." pleaded Peter once again. Jay popped a baby's dummy into Peter's mouth and threaded a long elastic band through it and over his head. He wouldn't be spitting that out any time soon. He decided to have a quick play with Peter's penis and was able to bring him up to erection pretty quickly. To finish the job, Jay slipped a blindfold over Peter's head but left it covering his forehead.

"We're done. I have detention until 4:30. Have fun. Girls finish netball between four and quarter-past. Bye." With that, Jay left the shower area, making sure he had a key to get Peter free later. He took Peter's bag of clothes as well to the detention classroom.

The idea of a bunch of girls seeing him in the nude filled Peter with absolute terror. He suddenly remembered that his sister was also on the netball team but couldn't be sure if she was playing today - caught by her in his own back garden was bad enough, but here by Lucy and her colleagues in the female changing room showers was mortifying. Peter was just able to read the time on his waterproof watch - he had been here about ten minutes now. His erection had subsided. He pulled at the handcuffs, hoping they'd give way but Peter knew Jay had covered all the bases. All he could do was wait. His arms were beginning to ache as he stared at the floor.

Elsewhere, Jay was quietly seething at detention, for he loathed it. He continued to check his watch for when he would be able to get out of here. The maths work he had to redo was long, boring and pointless. On the upside though, Jay managed to solve the problem himself with the correct answers.

"Good Jay!" Said the supervising teacher. "That's the right answer. See how easy you can do it when you try." This teacher has a reputation amongst the pupils to talk down to his students and rub them up the wrong way.

"Don't patronize me please sir," said Jay.

"I'm not patronizing you. No, I'm not. But think about how much more you can achieve when you work at it properly." Jay really wanted to insult the teacher but decided to bite his tongue and say nothing.

"Can I go now sir?"

"It's only four o'clock."

"But..." Jay wisely decided not to argue. "Yes sir." He'd try again a bit later.

Peter sneaked a glance at his watch and made it out to read 16:06. He really wanted Jay to come back and get him out of this before the girls came back. He sighed and looked down his pasty white body. Why was he such a wimp? Why couldn't he be more like Jay? Was he doomed to a life of running a market stall, a breakfast cafe and a chip shop? The thought of inheriting his dad's businesses had always appealed to him but he wasn't keen on the idea of being bashed by a Mitchell every other month. That would be the first Beale "tradition" he'd scrap.

A few more minutes passed - his watch said 16:12 - and Peter heard commotion in the other room. He heard the sounds of female voices and froze. Now he had no way out. Peter didn't recognise any of the voices so his sister was not there but would the saga get back to her somehow? In one way, he was in a bind - trapped and exposed to these girls but then he would get to see some girls naked himself. He wasn't sure now what it was that was actually turning him on. He could feel an erection starting to develop and cursed himself.

It wasn't long before the voices and sound of commotion became louder. They were moving towards the shower area. Peter tensed up and flicked his gaze between the two entrances - he could feel his heart thumping heavily in his chest. One of the girls came round the corner in a towel and upon seeing the naked Peter Beale shackled to the showers with an half-erect penis and a baby's dummy in his mouth, she stared at him for a few seconds before emitting the cry that Peter had been dreading for the last half hour.

"There's a boy in the shower!"


All feedback appreciated :)

Next: Chapter 5

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