Peter and Jay

By ku.oc.liamtoh@rewotelcaert

Published on Nov 14, 2008



Comments, feedback, etc. are always welcome -

Thank you to everybody who's mailed me to date with feedback on this story, your emails are very much appreciated. Sorry I can't reply to everybody as the standard question is when's more coming and the answer is when it's ready.

Thank you also to everybody who has or will take the time to read this story. Those who mailed me wanting an extra dollop of Peter and Jay action - you've got it.

-- Part 9

Over the next year or so, Peter became more dependent on his chastity belt for his sexual kicks. He found that spending a couple of days wearing it tightly around his midrift and filling his head with Internet-sourced erotic fiction in the meantime gave him a high sexual buzz especially when he put himself in the place of the main character in those stories. This meant he was never short of new material to get off to when he felt a masturbatory urge to scratch.

Peter still let Jay masturbate him on a semi-regular basis but now he wasn't under the kid's thumb any longer, Peter returned to his old self-masturbation ways, though he much preferred somebody else beating him off instead. Jay was happier to make his own sexual images to get off to rather than jack off on somebody else's fabrications.

A lot had changed in Peter's life. Lauren had become his girlfriend but Peter was able to have two relationships on the go at once. Lauren didn't know about Jay and Jay didn't know about Lauren. Peter's stepmum's brother Christian had arrived and was openly gay. Peter found he had a lot in common with Christian but he didn't dare mention to him he was having a platonic relationship with the local chav. Steven Beale had been and gone too, Peter had suspected for a while something was up with Steven and Ian but he'd never been able to prove it. It later turned out Steven was gay, an experience which was effectively a dry run for Peter's coming out to Ian. Peter thought his dad had taken it well, until he threw Steven out.

Much had changed in Jay's life too. He'd moved house three times, spent time at the Masoods, the Millers and living with Dawn and her screaming little brat, Summer. Secretly Jay loved spending time with his dad, but his having been out of the boy's life for years, Jay wasn't exactly over enthuastic when his father proposed to Dawn for her hand in marriage - he wasn't going to wear a pageboy outfit for anybody!

Peter and Jay's relationship continued to grow. The two boys continued to grow physically as well, Peter began to shoot up in height and his voice deepened. Jay also gained in height very rapidly but his own puberty-driven growth spurt was irrelevant when he heard Peter's new deepened voice and promptly fell in love with it. He'd already learnt ages ago that first impressions mean nothing, and his time spend previously tormenting Peter Beale meant he knew the kid better than Peter knew himself.

Jay was starting to crave being the "victim" in their games so he began to allow Peter to control him, and gradually let his guard down, allowing Peter to run the show. With his new height had come a surge of testosterone that had sent him crazy. Jay had seen the effects of this horomone on Peter and the amount of semen he'd manged to get out of his penis if he built up enough pressure. Bringing Peter to ejaculation and watching him recover had always made Jay horny, though he'd been careful in the past not to bring his own sexual feelings into the mix when he was blackmailing Peter. Now those days were over, it was about the boys.

It had taken Jay a long while to get a point where he'd be happy to let Peter have unrestricted access to his entire body, and even then he had to ask Peter to force him into it because he knew he'd bottle it. In Peter's bedroom, Jay stripped to the waist and locked two pairs of handcuffs on himself, one on each wrist. Breathing deeply, he gave Peter a thumbs up, closed his eyes and held his breath. He felt Peter's hands force him onto the bed, and then the sound of locking handcuff links caused Jay to panic and thrash around.

He opened his eyes to find Peter straddling his body tightly. As Jay lay there and looked around, his feelings of panic dissolved away as he saw the handcuff key hanging from a chain around Peter's neck. That wasn't so bad, he thought. Just as long as he doesn't leave the room...

Peter moved round to pull Jay's socks and trainers off followed by his tracksuit bottoms and finally the boxer shorts. Peter then slapped some leg irons on Jay's ankles and locked them to the bed. He didn't want to screw this opportunity up. Jay had given him some of the best sexual thrills and encounters of his life to date, and they hadn't even shagged each other yet. It was time to give something back.

Peter straddled Jay's legs, sitting so the boy's genitals were right in front of him. After staring at it for a few seconds, he gently took hold of Jay's flaccid penis and lightly ran a fingernail up the underside of the organ, to trigger the flow of blood into it. From there it didn't take much effort for Peter to bring Jay to an erection but the real fun started here. As Jay grimaced, Peter wrapped his hand around Jay's penis, took a firm grip on it and began to move his hand up and down as Jay started to pull at his restraints.

"Think of something sexy, you don't have to tell me, and concentrate on it," whispered Peter. Taking the advice, Jay closed his eyes and opened up a world of creativity inside his own head. Visions came to him of Ben Mitchell being forced to suck off his own nephew, Peter Beale, while Jay had anal sex with Peter who at the same time was being masturbated by Liam Butcher who had orchestrated the entire setup. The idea of anal sex with Peter was all the extra incentive Jay needed. Unfortunately he opened his eyes and promptly forgot the entire dream. Now he'd never know what the fuss was about.

Peter continued to slowly masturbate Jay as an erection developed in his own groin area that demanded attention. Being in control was a right turn-on. Peter reached inside his own trousers to grab his own penis and managed to get a rhythm going to beat himself and Jay off together. As he approached climax Peter rolled his own trousers and pants down, then lay down next to Jay on the bed, continuing the simultaneous masturbation, thought he ended up taking all his clothes off anyway as the motions and emotions were causing Peter to overheat. Peter managed the art of synchronised ejaculation though, by smome strange miracle. Jay thrashed about widly as he shot his load and calmed down shortly afterwards.

Peter now had two sticky hands, one covered in Jay's watery semen and the other in his own thicker gooey mess. He offered the hand with his own semen on to Jay's mouth and to his surprise the boy licked it all off. Peter licked Jay's load off his other hand. He could hear Jay breathing heavily as he recomposed himself. Peter put his head on Jay's chest and heard a rapidly beating heartbeat.

As Jay recovered, he could tell Peter had fallen asleep on his chest. He didn't really have a lot of say in the matter as he couldn't get out of the handcuffs anyway so it was just a case of waiting for Peter to wake up again. He felt like he was in a Stephen King novel as the feeling of anxiousness built up in his stomach again. As long as he didn't have to slice his arm open he'd be fine. Jay closed his eyes again, trying desperately to remember the dream that had just turned him on.

When Peter next opened his eyes an entire hour had passed and he was looking at Jay's fully erect penis. He stood up and looked around. Jay was still securely handcuffed to the bed posts and he was also asleep as well. Peter gently shook Jay to wake him up and planted a kiss on his cheek, again interrupting Jay mid-dream. This was what had caused his erection, which Peter took hold of.

"For fuck's sake!" cried Jay, shooting dirty looks in Peter's direction. "My dream! I wanted you so badly. I think. Don't you dare wake me up in the middle of a dream ever again, you fucking tosspot!"

"What can you remember?" asked Peter soothingly, stimulating Jay's penis once again.

"Don't matter," snapped Jay. Peter squeezed the boy's penis and repeated his question to Jay, tightening his grip with every repetition. He reduced his voice to a whisper every time he spoke to Jay.

"Share with me."

"No. Ooh, don't do that Pete... That fucking hurts! ARGH! Okay okay, don't crunch me nob!" Peter gripped Jay's penis hard, not enough to cause damage but enough to reduce the boy chav to a quivering wreck on the bed. Peter listened, occasionally varying the intensity of his grip as Jay was forced to reveal what he could recall of what had just happened in his head.

He painted a vivid picture of Peter naked and spread-eagled in some medieval stocks, held by both his hands and feet. The boy's security was enforced by the presence of big heavy padlocks and extra handcuffs on Peter's wrists and ankles. Quite what had happened for Peter to end up in this situation Jay would never know. Then Jay came along, knelt next to Peter's hands close enough so the boy could masturbate him. While Peter understandably masturbated Jay in a half-arsed fashion, the other boys on Albert Square crowded around Peter's genitals, staring at them endlessly. Somebody somewhere said something, which was where Jay was rudely awoken by Peter. Now he'd never know what would have happened next.

"That's, um, interesting," said Peter, releasing his grip on Jay's penis. He wasn't quite sure what to make of that but then he'd had dreams that were strange, unique and never to be repeated.

"I wanna drink", murmured Jay quietly. Peter knelt down either side of Jay's chest so his penis was hovering above the restrained boy's mouth. "Fuck off!" said Jay loudly. "I ain't drinking your piss, mate."

"Fancy some cum?" asked Peter innocently as if it were the most natural thing in the world to ask somebody. Without waiting for an answer he began to flog his own penis again. Jay, having not a lot of say in the matter, didn't really have much else to do except watch and wait for the inevitable.

As Peter's organ filled with blood once again, the sight of Peter masturbating himself was enough to give Jay another erection of his own that neither he nor Peter could relieve. Peter regularly switched hands as cramp set in and began to pant as he felt the need to shoot approaching. The sight of Peter doing this was really turning Jay on.

Finally after twenty long exhausting minutes, Peter forced his horny hairless penis into Jay's mouth and ejaculated, leaving Jay with semen running down the side of his mouth. Jay swallowed the load without question, licked his lips and then pleaded with Peter to finish his own erection off. Peter clambered off the bed and took hold of Jay's organ, squeezed it tightly and pumped it for all he was worth, keeping a tight squeeze on it as often as possible. The naked Jay began to writhe and squirm on the bed again as he approached climax. Peter decided to hold Jay on the no-return point just to be nasty.

"Make us cum, you poof!" cried out Jay, trying so hard to force something out of his body to stop the aching pain. "Bloody hurts!"

"Welcome to my world," said Peter softly. He kissed Jay's blood-filled penis and continued to lightly stroke it, teasing Jay with every stroke. After what felt like hours, Jay was relieved to feel Peter's hand flogging his penis firmly again and he shot a big load of watery semen onto his stomach. Peter moved back up the bed, planted a wet kiss straight onto Jay's lips and they shared a passionate kiss for a few minutes, as Jay's erection subsided.

"Can I call you my boyfriend now?" Peter asked Jay, looking deep into his green eyes, clearly searching for an honest answer. The question took Jay by surprise and he thought about this for a short while.

"No fucking chance!"

"In private only," said Peter, planting a kiss on his damp forehead. He put on a pitiful look as this was something he'd though about for a long while before asking it.

"In private, fine, whatever. Gonna let me go now?" asked Jay, feeling cramp building up in his arms.

"Do you consider me your boyfriend?" asked Peter, again looking Jay deeply in the eye. It was that moment that Jay suddenly realised he knew Peter well enough to consider calling him more than a friend.

"Yeah mate, I do," said Jay. Peter broke down in tears at this as he removed the handcuffs from Jay's wrists and allowed the boy to embrace him tightly.

"You dunno how much that means to me," bawled Peter, as his naked upper body rubbed against Jay's naked upper body. "I'll never forget this, I love you so much." The boys stayed embraced with locked lips for a good few minutes.

A few cycles of Peter Beale style domination over the following days and Jay was obsessively eager to being putty in Peter's hands. Peter managed to talk him into wearing a chastity belt of his own, an encounter that Jay found intriguing, fun and scary. He'd always been one to get things done off his own back but now he was putting his faith totally in Peter. Jay learned a lot about himself in the time he was chaste, and deliberately let Peter lock him up for days on end, just to see how far his body would go.

To try and tame his own desires to masturbate while chaste, Jay took them out on Peter's bits instead. It didn't make him feel any less horny but Peter wasn't complaining. Jay gave the boy regular slow, methodical masturbation sessions when his own body wanted relief. Once Peter had ejaculated the first time the boys did this experiment, Jay leaned over and kissed Peter full-blown on the lips before moving down his naked body with the kisses. He arrived at Peter's semen-covered stomach and began to slowly lick the semen from him as Peter writhed in pleasure with a rapidly growing erection again. Jay then pushed his tongue into Peter's belly button as the boy gurgled with delight and Jay licked out as much of the semen as he could.

Like a hungry orphan looking for food, Jay grabbed Peter's penis again and flogged it for all he was worth, as Peter gasped, closed his eyes and had visions of being in bed alongside Jay and Darren Miller. His mind's eye stared at the three naked youths as Darren forced his rock hard penis up Peter's backside and Jay sucked Peter off at the same time, all while Peter actively masturbated Jay. This pretty powerful image was all Peter needed to force a heavy load of semen out of his penis. He was drawn back to reality when he could feel Jay's teeth on the head of his penis.

Jay felt Peter's fresh semen on his tongue and proceeded to swallow it. He continued to flog and suck Peter's penis in order to extract every last ounce of semen from this ejaculation. Jay could feel his own penis being squeezed against the tube of the belt, killing the urge straight off, for now. At least this saved on toilet paper and kitchen roll.

When Peter was finally allowed to masturbate Jay again after a week of straight chastisement, it took only a matter of minutes for Jay to ejaculate. The sense of relief that flowed through Jay's body as he shot his load was far more powerful than the frustration of not being able to masturbate in the first place. He asked Peter to join him in a marathon chaste session, having acquired a taste for the post-masturbatory winding-down feeling. Like the fool he was destined to be, Peter rushed straight in and agreed to it.

Peter, with the more turbulent hormones, found it hard being forced not to masturbate himself for a fortnight, in fact he knew that if his chastity belt hadn't been tightly installed on his midrift he'd have relieved himself twice over in the space of three days. It took loving support, encouragement and occasional stern talking to to get Peter through the two week period, while Jay seeked the same support and encouragement himself from Peter to cope. They'd made a gentleman's agreement, now it was time to stick to it.

By now the two boys couldn't get enough of each other, since they were holding the other's genitals to ransom. It was an intense situation, neither wanted to crack but both needed sexual relief. The boys went out together to take their minds off their sexual frustrations and spend quality time with each other but Peter found the evenings challenging, it was as if every programme on TV going knew just how horny he was. By the fourth night Peter was so high on horniness he had to put himself to bed early in the hope of having a noctural emission just to make things better. As per Beale luck, it didn't happen.

"Wank me, please!" begged Peter the next morning, literally on his knees in front of Jay. He was close to tears by now and had only come to find Jay because he didn't know what else to do. He couldn't cope with another nine nights of this and there was no way Lauren could find out.

"All right mate, stick with it," said Jay soothingly. He gave Peter a big hug and a kiss. It didn't make Peter's burning genitals any easier to cope with but being held in Jay's arms was comforting. "Only a one-off game like, no big fucking deal." He looked Peter in the eye. "Tell ya what," he said. "Last another nine days, don't be a girl about it and I may just make it worth your while, like."


"You'll see. But if you wanna be a fucking ponce like you are, I'll get it off ya now."

"Help me cope?" whispered Peter, thoughts of a really good masturbation session at the end of the torment forming in his head.

"Course I'll help you cope, you silly shithead. My fucking idea anyway!" Peter had a noctural emission later that night anyway which made things far clearer the next morning, so with Jay's support and help, Peter survived an entire fortnight without sexual stimulation. Jay also received mutual support from Peter, not that he needed much of it as he'd coped for a week already relatively recently.

At the end of the agreement the two boys stripped off in Jay's bedroom, unlocked themselves from their chastity belts and shortly afterwards jacked each other off in strict syncronisation and at the time of reckoning, Peter lay down with his mouth next to Jay's erect penis, Jay next to Peter's penis. They continued to jack each other off until their subjects were ready to shoot. Wrapping their mouths around each other's genitals, each boy shot his load into the other's mouth. Jay produced a still watery but evolving solution of semen - not that he'd have known about it as it promptly disappeared down Peter's throat. Peter produced a thicker solution that Jay could feel running down his throat as he swallowed. He continued to pump Peter's penis to get all the semen out of the penis and into his mouth before releasing his grip on Peter's organ.

Jay sat up properly, swallowed again and put his arms around Peter. He snuggled himself into Peter's lap deliberately sitting on the boy's erection and simply sat there, resting his head on Peter's shoulder with his arms around Peter's back linking his hands together. Jay felt like he was five years old again, sitting on his father's lap soaking up love and affection. When Peter wrapped his arms around Jay, the younger boy began to close his eyes and gradually drift off to sleep while Peter held him closely and watched Jay's penis lose its erection in the evening sunlight coming through the window. Jay looked so happy and peaceful in Peter's lap he couldn't bear to move him as he gazed adoringly on the boy's facial features.

Peter didn't ask if this was the "worth your while" experience he had been promised but it had certainly come close. After being a pillow to Jay for a short while, Peter gently picked him up and put him on the bed. He quietly dressed the boy in his nightwear and put Jay to bed. After a quick peck on the forehead, Peter dressed himself and left the apartment. --

All feedback appreciated :)

Next: Chapter 10

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