Peter Cross

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Dec 19, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and sexual acts between males. If your mother, municipality, morals, or medication dictates that you should not be here then good-bye.I hope that you just enjoy the story knowing that any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental. The best part of writing this is hearing from you. Thank you.

Part Two Peter Cross

Below, maybe from the kitchen a door opens. Feet tap around on what sounds like a title floor. The damn door is locked, I'm in the hall and Peter could be coming up those stairs any moment, I am so screwed!

The creak of the first step and the low thump of ascending feet, I need to hide, but where?

Headline News: Naked Newspaper Boy found among Barbie dolls; No I don't think so.

Another room next to the bathroom, I turn and open the door, I step back. Inside is like I have walked into a Marine Recruiting Station. Camouflage netting covers the ceiling, a rifle in its rack above the bed. Pictures of tanks and gun mounts, two signed photographs. One is General Tommy Franks, the other largely states: Paul, For Freedom, Fight to Your Death: Colonel Oliver North.

I now hear footsteps in the hall, not knowing if they're Peter's or perhaps his younger brother's who must be Paul, I looked for a place to take cover. As the door to the room swung open I was closing the sliding door of the closet. Inside was not as sweat a smell as Peter's. In the low light coming through the slats in the door, I could see military boots and more camouflage material made into pants, shirts and jackets. I felt like I was in Delta Strike Force Command Central.

The room fills with movement; it's the kid who always pays me, the younger brother of Peter.

I have seen Paul around school; he is a year behind Peter and I, so he must be fifteen. If I had not seen him answer the door of Peter's house, there was no way I would think they were brothers. Paul did not receive the gift of good looks and air of confidence that Peter carries with him. Paul is not ugly at all, but there is something about his hair that does not allow the burnt red mane to lie completely in place. His freckles spread around his face and arms. He is just about my height, both of us about two inches shorter than Peter. For some reason he always leaves me with the impression that he is not completely sure about himself.

Paul begins to undress. I remain quiet and in the closet cannot help but be a voyeur.

Heavy boots tumble off his feet, jeans push down and are kicked off the toes, shirt pulled up and over the head, and camouflage undershirt follows. Just boxers of olive green and of course socks remain the cover for his body. Clothes lay on the floor as he turns on his computer. He stretches out on the bed as the monitor warms and the hard drive boots. His hand naturally goes to his groin; I can see him in front of me just three yards away. He pushes at his boxers and as they go down a nest of red hair begins to appear. Both hands remove the boxers and one throws them at the closet while the other fondles his balls. The striking of the boxers makes me gasp, or perhaps it was the vision of Paul's really nice package.

He cocks his head, like he has heard a deer in the forest. Rolling off the bed Paul moves to the closet door. He stands for a moment in front of it. His dick is half hard; his body is a stocker variety of Peter's. Paul is not fat, but a layer left from childhood could move either into muscle or languish into lard. Freckles everywhere, moving down his chest, less so on his softer stomach area and hidden somewhat by a brief patch of red pubes shadowing his dick already turning red as it grows to a very nice size. Paul has at least ten pounds on me and looks like he could whip me without much effort.

I take into consideration the rifle, a hunting knife on the dresser and wonder if his hands are registered weapons?

Headline News: Naked Newspaper Boy falls to Military Mighty Teen Attack Machine.

I am scared, seeing him just inches in front of me, however my dick has his own mind. He thinks he's gay remember? So while I'm shrinking back into the closet, my dick is pushing forward and is in "Let's Party Mode"

Paul one hand pulling his dick the other scratching his other head he turns and starts back towards the bed. His cheeks are fluffy white with no sign of freckles, but before I can contemplate that he turns and rolls the closet door open. It slams against the opposite wall making us both jump.

"AHHHH" we scream together

I stand there looking into his eyes and flashing quick looks at his dick, his face turns red, and I think I am dead, and then I see a smile like a kid getting his first bike. To my surprise, he pulls me forward, I follow my dick and before I know it, Paul and I are embracing.

I pull him into me and can feel his dick rub up against my own. My arms go around him and I caress his back, his arms go up and around me as he turns his head, our eyes meet, and his shine with happiness. He moves in and we kiss.

First time for me so I'm not sure what to do with my tongue, he finds a place for his in my mouth, wow that's different. His dick is really hard and is pressed against mine. Our lips part he is smiling.

I say "What?"

He says, " Holy cow, the power of prayer."

"Look I'm sorry, I can explain"

No I can't what am I thinking.

Are you kidding? I've been waiting for this day" Paul smiles, "It's not everyday a cute naked guy comes out of your closet you know."

"Every week I wait for you trying to get up the guts to ask you to come in. When I don't I run up here and pretend I did and you're here with me, just like now."

I realize that Paul now has my dick in his hand. Its not bad understand, up close I find him kind of cute, my dick is humming happy tunes, but this wasn't what I had in mind.

Thinking about it, I don't know what I did have in mind.

Here I stand in Paul's room, naked to the ankles holding this young hunk next to my body while he gets me hard. I kind of like it, but before I can get into it I remember Peter's room. My clothes, my cum, his silk underwear is all over the place. I pull back.

Paul senses a problem, not letting go of my dick he gives me a look like what's going on.

Looking into his eyes, he really is cuter than I had realized. I don't want to hurt him, because he has my balls in his hand, nothing to do but go for the truth, right?

"My clothes are locked in Peter's room"


He drops my dick and pushes back from my body, suddenly I'm cold and want him back.

I can't tell if I've made him mad or sad or what the hell I've done. Paul moves to the dresser, he reaches for the hunting knife, he removes it from its cover, and he turns and looks at me.

Crap he's going to kill me, my parents are going to ground me big time for getting killed.

Paul moves towards me and he has a smile on his face.

"This is what I use when I want to get into the sissy's room."

Peter's a sissy I think. I'm not sure I understand, but move on behind Paul.

I follow Paul out into the hallway. He takes the point of the knife and springs the bolt back. Peter's door swings open.

Paul gives me a weird look after surveying the mess I had made. My clothes were in a pile, Peter's silky briefs we matted and stuck in a ball and dried cum rested on the mirror, dresser and wall.

"You had a good time didn't you?" Paul remarks

I blushed big time.

"You've got it bad for Pete right?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to see, I just wanted to, I don't know."

"Good luck, Pete has never put out for anyone. Believe me I've tried."

"You're gay?" I ask

"Yeah, and if you think you're straight, look around you? Paul said defensively.

"No, I mean I don't know, I guess I am I liked what we were doing, its just that I don't know." How did you know for sure?

"It's easy when your dad tell you that you're gay. My dad found me with my best friend, our next-door neighbor Josh Norton. I think it might have been the fact that Josh was butt naked and I had a lip lock on his hard dick that helped dear old dad decide I was gay."

"What happen?"

"Well after Josh was thrown out of the house and I was whipped to an inch of my life. Dad took me to the preacher and made me confess and pray everyday for a week. I think the preacher enjoyed watching me suffer. One day I just started screaming and rolling all over the floor and then pretended I had fainted. When I came out of it, I told them I was cured. That's when I went Gun Ho with all the military crap. I hate it, but it makes dad happy to think I'm straight.

"Wow" was all I could manage.

Paul went on. "Yeah, Josh is the best, he has the hottest swimmer's body, the sweatiest lips and a dick that won't quick. I really miss him. I can't have him so I dream about having you every week. I tried to get Pete horny, we would mess around a little, nothing serious, but once see saw how dad handled things, he won't let me do anything."

"Is Peter gay?" I asked hopfully.

"He doesn't know, he won't let anyone see his body, but I think in the right situation with the right guy he could lean that way.

Just them the first step creaked. Paul and I looked at each other; we were both naked and standing in Peter's room the footsteps were coming too quickly to get out so Paul grabbed my stuff off the floor and I grabbed the briefs. Once again I found myself in a closet, this time standing next to Paul who held my clothes in one hand and my dick in the other. I think he was enjoying this.

Peter walked into the room. Unbelievably he didn't notice the mirror, wall or dresser. He acted like he was on a mission. To my delight he pulled off his light green Ralph Lauren oxford complete with collar stays and the horse and rider logo. He folded it, placing it on a chair next to his bed. He slipped his shoes off and put them neatly under the chair. His belt and top button of his khakis opened a view of his upper torso. Peter was smooth, dime size nipples and nicely shaped chest, just above a flatted stomach with a defined six-pack traveling below the beltline. He was so cute, so nice. Paul pulled my dick just to remind me he was there. I was hard nothing was going to stop that, not with Peter in my view. He allowed his pants to drop, wearing a form fitting pair of Fruit of the Loom pristine white briefs; Peter stepped away from his pants. He bent over to pick them up showing his rear. Peter's bubble butt was richly defined below the briefs and it took my breath away. Paul squeezed my dick to bring me back to reality.

Peter kept looking out the window and seemed rushed to complete his task of undressing. Now with just briefs, oh yeah and socks Peter stood in front of the window. I could see his hands moving in front of his body but was unable to see what he was doing. It was easy to guess, considering that they were at his groin.

I thought I would faint when I saw him push his briefs off his body. There in front of me was Peter Cross, the vision of my dreams looking out the window for what?

Then it hit me. No? You don't really think, No! But what else could it be, you don't really think he's looking for me, No, maybe yes.

When Peter turned, I lose it. Below soft brown pubes his dick was, well smaller than in my dreams. He was hard and rising, and what there was of it was pointing up opening a view of two balls hanging in fuzz-covered bag. He's not very long, but so cute I gasp.

Paul lets go of me; I think he knows we've been caught. I don't care; I'll rot in prison for fifty years and still have the vision of how hot Peter is there in front of me naked except for socks.

Peter walks back towards our side of the room. He stops at the dresser and smears the dried cum with his thumb. He looks at the wall and the mirror and then at the closet.

He stands in front of us like he knows we have to be sweating this out. I am, not my dick of course he is ready for the dance; I hate him sometimes.

The rush of light blinds my eyes as Peter swings the door away. There, face-to-face dick-to-dick stands Peter Cross across from me.

Part Three Peter Cross

First he looks into my eyes, and then his view travels down my body resting somewhere around my dick, I think he is impressed, he should be I think to myself. Looking back up he sees I am holding his matted silk underwear. Without a word, he plucks them from my fingers and tosses them toward the hamper.

"You're wrinkling my blues" his first words to me.

Then from the rear a big push from Paul sends me traveling into Peter. My hard dickhead slammed into his balls and I could feel his little dick being bend by the force of my body.

This was truly a head on collision.

Peter's eyes went back into his head, a grunt came from his lips and as we fell backward onto his bed I was sure I heard a snap.

Headline News: Newspaper Boy gets life for breaking the dick of Peter Cross.

Paul watches in horror and runs from the room yelling,

"I'll get ice."

I had dreams of this moment, in bed together with Peter; but the situation did not include the whimpering and crying and the lack of length hanging from Peter.

"Chill out you'll live". I say a little overwhelmed.

Through tears, "look down there and see if you broke my dick," Peter cries.

I push his legs apart and see his dick is little and slightly red. I feel his ball sac, and at first can only find one ball. Crap there will never be another Peter Cross thanks to me.

Paul runs back in and hands me one ice cube.

Is this all you could spare?" I ask

"Anymore might drown the little rascal Paul snickers. Just rub it all over his dick and balls; the sissy will be fine in a minute."

"Don't make fun of my penis, and I'm telling dad you called me a sissy again." Peter pouts

Yeah and I'll dad about the time I found you sleeping with Barbie in your underwear, and now that Ryan knows and he can spread it all over school".

Oh boy I think, brothers.

I find myself holding Peter's dick and rubbing his balls, but in a clinical way. His dick has loss all its power and now has shrunk deep into a grove of dampen brown pubes. Looking at Peter this way, crying, shrinking, pouting, and well small, he doesn't seem to be the same kid I fantasized about.

Looking him over carefully, I see he has a little too much hair on his butt, his ball sac looks strange with just one hanging in it and the tears take away that cute look I have enjoyed, not that size is always an issue, its just that, well he's small. That's all I'm saying.

The ice cube melted, his hair all wet sticks to his body, exposing his little red dick. I remove my hand from is groin.

"Aren't you going to keep rubbing me? He asked in a whiney voice

"No, I think you're going to be fine

"Maybe now that we know each other we could hang out at school?" Peter says hopefully as he eyes my package.

"Maybe, but I doubt it" I reply moving across the room, finding my clothes and beginning to redress.

"I could tell everyone I found you naked in my closet." He threatens

"And I could tell them about Barbie" I smile

Paul moves forward smiling. He asked, "What can I do to help you?"

"You can pay me $4.80 for this weeks delivery for starters", I smile

We walk together to the door, he says "will you come back to see me?"

"Yes, I need to collect every week" I smile.

"Good I can't wait". Paul smiles.

Last house after a long day, I think as I walk up to ring the bell.

The door swings open and there in front of me is the neighbor of Paul Cross, Josh Norton.

Josh standing there; with a towel wrapped around him, smiles.

"Hi, what can I do for you?"

"Oh Hi I'm collecting for the Newspaper delivery." Thinking I had a better answer.

"My mom had to go to a meeting, and my wallets in my room, do you want to come in and I'll get you what you need?"

Oh Yes.

I like Maple Street.

After Thoughts:

I guess your dreams can be better than reality sometimes, and people can chance the more you know them.

It's funny how sometimes you find a treasure, but not the one you thought it would be.

Things did change at school, but not the way I thought they would after meeting Peter. Actually Paul and I began to have lunch together. We would sit out by the reflecting pond and just talk. He turned out to be really cool and as he aged, his body shaped up nicely and his freckles gave him a soft warm look.

After school when Josh didn't have swim practice he would join us and the three of us would hang out together. It wasn't always sex that gave us the best of times. It could be just gong to the mall together as friends, or Paintball Games or camping out.

I won't lie to you though, the best day of the week was Thursday and the best place to be was Maple Street making my collections.

Peter and I did become friend's and. a few times he suggested we renew our first greeting, but I chose not to. However I enjoyed watching him climb the social ladder

Peter married after college, received a law degree, had kids and today he is a member of Congress. You know who his is, the one with the shiny brown hair, he is so popular, cute and funny and nice to all his friends. Yeah that's him.

Peter's oldest son calls me Aunt Ryan. Yeah Paul and I stayed together, coming out of the closet once again together.

So if you ever get a chance to live out one of your dreams....

And your head says "Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it",


The End.

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