Peter Pan and Adam

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Dec 27, 2008


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.

Dedicated to: Anthony-Art.Ch with grateful thanks for his beautiful artwork


Part 2


G. Cutter

'Well, hello. little boy,' Adam drawled gazing at the sun tanned angel standing blocking his way. The tyke really was a vision, slender with overlong and scruffy long hair and a ready if knowing smile. Adam could see why Redskin should favour this boy. He was shirtless and wore sun faded jean cutoffs displaying golden brown long legs that must lead to buried treasure.

'I'm not that little,' the boy smirked. 'Would you like to see my secret place?'

'Now there's an offer I can't refuse,' Adam grinned inanely, his pecker had perked now and his sarong looked like it contained a pyramid. 'Lead on, Ralph.'

'Come on,' the boy giggled and with a wriggle of his tightly clad bottom made off at a run with Adam in hot pursuit.

Ralph led down the winding track and diverted to the right, he turned smiling and beckoned Adam who's erection had flagged a bit and now hung heavy between his legs. 'Whew it's hot,' he panted and ran a little to catch up.

'We're here,' Ralph led into a little clearing under a tall cliff, Adam guessed that the cliff was the one that the boy's encampment was perched upon. The point was that with the surrounding foliage the clearing was in shade apart from a space right close to the cliff and as far as he could see, totally hidden at ground level as well as from above.

'Is this where you and Redskin lurk?'

'A bit more than lurk,' Ralph giggled and thew himself down onto the mossy grass. He patted the space alongside himself and smiled invitingly. 'Red's trying to get to Peter before you do,' he spoke as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

'Really?' Adam laughed and lay himself out alongside the boy. 'And you are? A diversion?'

'Sort of,' Ralph moved in closer and ran a finger down from Adam's throat to the waist of the sarong. Suddenly he licked one finger and worked it around the bigger boy's navel grinning when Adam moaned. 'Red is madly in love with Peter you know.'

'I guessed,' Adam turned inwards and pulled the willing boy closer. 'This is all a bit devious,' he whispered and pulled the grinning boy in even tighter until their smooth chests made contact. He reached over and clasped one firm buttock in one hand feeling Ralph's hand between them and slip inside his sarong. The boy didn't grab his penis as he'd expected but cupped his heavy balls and the kid actually purred like a contented kitten. 'I could give the yummy Peter a miss for a kid like you,' Adam murmured clasping the boy's soft bottom feeling it firm up as Ralph clasped his cheeks tightly. 'A dishy, beautiful kid like you,' he added.

'And once tonight is over we can have a long and dirty foursome,' Ralph giggled finally clasping Adam's penis now rapidly hardening into a full erection.

'So, what's the master plan for tonight?' Adam nuzzled at the boy's slender neck, kissed his fuzzy cheek and then settled on his eager red lips.

'You sleep with me and Red sleeps with Peter, after that we can do all sorts of things,' Ralph whispered after a long breath taking kiss. 'But first I want to see it,' he tugged at Adam's sarong opening it up allowing the bigger boy's hardness to pop free, He took the pale skinned shaft in his hand and immediately ducked his head kissing down Adam's chest and belly clearly heading for the obvious. Adam groaned as he felt Ralph's warm and wet mouth encompass his glans and gently suck as the boy grasped him and slowly worked the loose skin up and down.

'Gods,' Adam moaned and unclipped the boy's shorts exposing smooth skin still suntanned but not as much as the rest of his body. It was clear that most of the boys probably ran around naked at one time or the other but they wore shorts or briefs at some stage as well. Ralph groaned with pleasure as he felt his much smaller dick grasped by Adam but also his bum, The bigger boy wriggled his finger in Ralph's crack searching for his sweaty hole as he toyed with the boy's penis. Ralph just wriggled around still sucking on Adam's rock hard erection and gently played with his uptight scrotum.

'Oh, yes, yes,' Ralph spluttered aroung Adam's thick cock as he suddenly felt the jerk of one finger entering him and Adam's other hand massage his scrotum and jerking cock. 'Yesssss...' he sighed as the finger delved deeper in a circular movement and the thick and meaty cock began to move in and out of his mouth. He smiled as he felt Adam all over him but he kept his head down on the juicy fuck pole filling his mouth. Red was big but Adam was bigger and he was finger fucking his bottom, that was more than Red did, perhaps the mission he'd been give was going to turn out lots of dirty fun after all.

Adam slipped his finger free, Ralph would be no problem when the time came but for the time being, a small juice test. He moved the boy around until they were head to tail and as Ralph crouched above him on all fours he positioned the boy so that Ralph's jerking cock was just above his mouth. A bit of a stretch and he had the sweetmeat in his maw.

'Oooooh...' Ralph warbled and bobbed his hips up and down slipping his stiff four inches in and out of Adam's hot mouth as Adam for his part fuckled upwards into his. Ralph was delighted, this castaway seemed to know more tricks than Red and the thought of that big pale skinned cock up his bottom was the turn on to end all turn ons.

When Red had suggested he kept a watch on Peter's hut and try and have a word and even tempt the blond boy he'd had his doubts but those doubts had disappeared.

The blond seemed quite amenable to sharing a bed for the night and on top of that Red would be happy as well. He almost fainted at the thought of being used and abused by both his pal Redskin, the new boy and then even Peter. Golly gosh, he thought as he redoubled his efforts on the now slippery and dribbling stiffness in his mouth. An eruption was due and he wanted it all.

'Oooh.ooh. oooooh.' Ralph wailed, he felt the burning at the base of his coak and let fly, as his body jerked and spat he rubbed Adam's slippery and slimy knob against his face. He'd get back to that in a moment, for the time being he could feel his own hot spurts being swallowed and sucked away by the bigger boy and he set his resolve. He was going to drain Adam dry. He set to and redoubled his efforts, he knew how near the big blond boy was but not how near, he should have guessed with the older boy's balls up so tight in their sac but he was still caught on the hop.

'Ralpheee...' Adam held the younger boy's head and let fly. Ralph's cheeks bulged and he choked as a long slippery streamer flew into the back of his throat followed by another and then one more. He swallowed, gobbled and dribbled around Adam's cock as the overflow ran down the shaft.

'Oh, Adam,' he choked and lapped at the puddles on the blond's belly. 'You cum bucketloads.'

'Really,' Adam grinned proudly. 'How's about more of that lot in your belly, up inside your beatiful soft bottom?'

'Please,' Ralph grinned and lay alongside his new lover. God, he was so looking forward to bedtime.

'Tonight should be something to remember,' Adam stroked the boy's smooth flanks and squeezed the soft flesh. He'd like to have pronged Ralph there and then but loving in a bed had to beat laying out in a grassy clearing where anyone might walk in on them at any moment.

'You know something..?' Ralph looked slyly at Adam.

'I know lots of things,' Adam laughed. 'Like now I know you have something you want to say.'

'When Red does my bum he let's me do him.'

'Seems fair,' Adam grinned moving his attentions back to Ralph's noodle which with the stamina of boyhood was as stiff as a poker again... all four inches of it. 'You can have a nice frontal, I can gaze into your cross eyes as you shag.'

'I haven't got cross eyes,' Ralph giggled.

'You will have after I've made love to your sweet bottom,' Adam promised. 'And when you do me I'm gonna kiss your beautiful little face off.'


'Yeuchy,' Peter Pan spluttered down on the beach. Red had cum and his dark skinned hardness had gone off like one of the pirates muskets. Peter had taken the first blast of Red's spunk down into his throat but he'd choked and made the mistake of letting Red's jerking cock escape his mouth. He'd got the remainder of Red's climax on his face and neck. Suddenly he laughed and went down on Red's cum oozing cock sucking and swallowing the remainder of the sweet fluid. Red sighed and lifted Peter up his body lapping at his young lover's face and sucking his own juices from the giggling boy.

'My turn now,' Red took another look down the beach and the other boys were dragging the night's debris around making something, probably another disastrous raft he opined but he had other things on his mind. He dropped his head and sucked the strings of white sperm from Peter's neck and then moved down onto his nipples.

'Oooooh...' Peter writhed as he felt Redskin's sweet lips and tongue on his body and going downwards all the time. He jerked his hips up and gasped as he felt Red finally duck his head and swallow. 'Red...' he wailed as the heat and wetness enveloped his jerking cock.

'Mmmm...' Red slowly and sensually ran his lips up and down Peter's shaft tickling the slippery crimson glans with his tongue feeling Peter's lithe body squirm in his hands. He slipped his hands under Peter grasping smooth flanks and springy buttocks. He'd dreamt of this moment for so long but more was to come. He took a massive leap of faith and knew in his heart that tonight was going to be their night. The blond boy wasn't interested in Peter as a lover, he was only interested in a fuck and Ralph would serve that purpose. He, Redskin known as Red loved Peter heart and soul and had done for some time. Tonight they were going to mate as man and wife or as boy lovers... it was in the stars.

Peter for his part was in his own private heaven, first the blond stranger had arrived, they'd done what they'd done and then everything had gone mad. He'd found out about Red, he'd sucked Red of his white pee and now Red was sucking him and handling him as if he wanted more. Tonight he would get more, they would both get more, they would both get what they desired. and that was each other in warm and sweaty loving... all night long.

'Red...' he moaned softly as he felt his juices rising again, he was going to spurt and his lover Red sucked harder and virtually drew trhe fluids from his body. He gasped and threshed around as he felt his dick now as hard as an iron bar twitch and squirt his semem into Red's swallowing and a few minutes later it was over..

Ten minutes afterwards they were in the cooling water both naked and for once Red didn't even have his tiny pouch on and they pleasured one another rubbing their wet bodies together and ducking and diving in the clear blue lagoon. Later as the heat really began to beat down raising steam from the nearby jungle they were joined by Ralph and Adam both showing clear signs of sexual activity. The foursome of swimmers was soon joined by others as the main body of boys wandered up from the other end of the beach and joined in. Some wore their shorts, others just their patchy and torn underwear and now some naked. Peter grinned at both Adam and Red, it seemed nudity was catching and some of the boys he had barely noticed before now became objects of desire. Ralph with his stubby four inch cock and whispy pubics, the young mulatto Donny, well formed and extremely well hung for a boy of his build and finally Snitch and Snatch with little jiggly willies but both sporting dark pubics. All 'squirty boys' as Red called them. Peter didn't ask how friend Red knew this, some questions are best left unasked.

The four of them now a little family sat up on the higher beach watching the others frolic and play in the shallow water. Peter looked at them and smiled. Sex was in the air and things needed to be said.

'Red will stay with me tonight,' he looked at the others. 'Perhaps Anthony and Ralph should use Red's hut. It's more private than the Den.'

'Indeedy,' Ralph chortled.

'Donny's rather nice,' Peter gazed into the middle distance and then looked back at his friends. Adam looked mystified as well he may, he didn't know which boy was Donny, Red also looked a bit blank but Ralph was the giveaway, he had a broad grin on his face and burst out laughing when Peter looked directly at him.

'What?' He tried to look innocent.

'Donny,' Peter prompted.

'He don't half get big,' Ralph giggled. 'After a bit of a suck that is.'

'Slut,' Red took a slap at the laughing boy's head . He hoped he'd got the word right but Adam laughed as well so he must have been near. Inside twelve hours a new vocabulary was surfacing, maybe some words from the boy's past but new ones and all Adam imports.

The day wore on and the foursome enjoyed the fun, they even helped the boys with their driftwood raft but as usual it got about twenty feet out in the water before gradually disintegrating amongst screams and laughter. Peter with his new found desires found he had a permanent hardon, fortunately he'd put his shorts back on but some of the boys were giving him curious glances. The lump in his shorts was very unlike Peter. Some of the older boys knew exactly was drifting through Peter's mind and these were the ones that made a point of brushing up against him and the handsome blond who the waters had washed up. The other lads, all innocents in the ways of what boys could do with their private pieces carried on as usual, fun, fun and more fun. This was Neverland and there was no past or future... only the present.

As the day drew to it's close the boys wandered back to the camp, the spitroast was on the go with Snitch and Snatch in charge as usual, it would be torn apart and devoured by the boys just like the savages they pretended to be but before that it was breadfruit and other fruits. The meal was washed down by fresh water from the spring or juices crushed by the boys with the cleanest feet.

However, the small pig was the highlight of the evening and after a lot of prodding by Snitch and poking by Snatch who's name seemed to cause Adam endless amusement, the animal was declared ready to eat. Adam was totally unprepared for what happened next, the burnt and charred corpse was laid out on broad leaves and Peter as the leader just said one word. 'Go.'

Adam felt small wiry bodies clamber over him as the mob and it was a mob dived upon the sizzling piglet ripping it to pieces and literally diving in. Peter and Redskin were no exceptions but after grabbing healthy portions retired to a safe distance from the squabbling mass of kids. It was messy, greasy and glorious... living on fruit and vegetables was passable but the roasted pig they had once every week or so was an event. Greasy and slippery kids struggled over the scraps and even Adam broke down and dived in only to be leapt on by Snitch and Snatch in concert. He felt their greasy hands grope him and put them into his little blackbook for future investigation. He even felt Snitch give him a slippery kiss in the confusion but managed to struggle back to Ralph.

'Cheeky little brat,' Ralph scowled. 'I saw that.'

'Never mind, Sweet Nuts,' Adam smirked. 'Tonight it's you and I,' he ran his grease stained hand up inside Ralph's inner thigh and the boy trembled in anticipation.

'Let's go to bed,' Ralph pleaded.

'After Peter and Redskin,' Adam promised. Good, he thought to himself the boy was ready, he'd be begging for it in ten minutes.

Peter for his part licked his hands free of most of the pork fat and then took Red's hand and drew it to his lips.

'Peter, some of the boys are watching,' Red protested but Peter ignored the protestation and licked Red's fingers and then with an impish grin took the two important fingers into his mouth and sucked with a slutish grin.

Red gave up, he dragged Peter into the darkess just outside the flickering fire's glow. Grasping the back of Peter's neck he kissed his bestest best friend on the lips, seconds later their tongues writhed together. 'Tonight we make love, dear Peter.'

'Yes.' The answer was simple but it brought a big grin to Red's bronzed face. Tonight he was going to take Peter all the way and then he was going to let Peter do the same for him.

Red snugged in closer as he felt Peter's hand snake under his loin cloth and then move his pouch out of the way to grasp the solid boy cock jutting from Red's belly. Red felt Peter's fingers rub across his glans and smear the seepage around making him squirm with desire. Then to his surprise he saw Peter bring his fingers out into the dim light and lick the gleaming juice from the tips.

'Peter...' he sighed and wormed his way into Peter's shorts and found what he was looking for, his friend was just as hard and had exactly the same problem, he was oozing and Red squeezed Peter's foreskin over his knob extracting a two finger pinch of pearly juice. Making sure Peter saw him he brought the creamy essence to his lips. They kissed again smearing the mixture of cum between them and then lay back in the darkness kissing and rubbing their half naked bodies together. 'Say good night to the others,' Red whispered and Peter smiled in the semi darkness. Now it began.

They walked the little way back to Peter's hut followed by more than one pair of eyes and longing eyes at that but they were alone at last and once in the hut with the door closed Peter lit one small oil lamp, just enough to give a poor but perfectly adequate light to their lovemaking. It also gave enough light for anyone peering through the cracks in the wooden wall but they didn't know that. Well, Red did but he assumed everyone else was headed for bed with full bellies and exhausted after a day's cavorting around on the beach. However, Snitch and Snatch had moved into position and stiffling giggles they waited for the show. They knew perfectly well was about to happen, they did things themselves but they were about to receive an education.

Red stood in the lamplight with his red skin glowing with it's natural hue and his hands and face shining with pig grease. He slowly dropped his loin cloth and peeled off his pouch allowing his manlike boy cock to spring free and gently sway as he moved his hips tantalising Peter who lay on the bed.

'Wow,' Snitch said to Snatch who cuddled upto his brother, both boys were as hard as the marlin spikes on the pirate ship, their cocklets jutted from their whispy haired groins and they cuddled each other trying to share the paltry crack in the wall.

'You're beautiful,' Peter croaked shucking off his tunic and laying bare chested in the centre of the bed as Red crouched above him.

'So are you,' Red sighed. He knew it sounded both trite but right. He hadn't come for the conversation, he'd come for Peter's slender pale skinned body. He unclipped the front of Peter's cut offs and peeled them away as if preparing an exotic fruit. As soon as Peter's twitching cock sprang free he grasped it with a greasy hand and wanked it up and down finally slipping his lips over the sweet knob now dark red in the poor light.

'Aaah,' Peter sighed as he felt Red gently begin to suck him. He knew this was just the foreplay and the real loving was about to begin. He grasped Red's thick cock and guided it down to just under his own balls smiling as Red's greasy lips moved up his body, he guided the meaty pole between his thighs and clamped on it's warmth. 'Yesss...' he sighed with satisfaction just before Red's lips met his and his hips began to move up and down. 'Do me, Red... do it now,' he demanded as he felt the dark skinned cock move under his balls nearly reaching into the bottom of his divide.

'I need to relax you first,' Red whispered just to get a mumbled assent from Peter. Peter was clearly willing and Red was more than ready.

'Gosh,' Snatch whispered as he saw Red lift Peter's legs and then move them apart. From what they could see Peter was laid out with his bottom totally exposed and then something happened that made them almost yell out. Red's head dropped and they saw him suck and slobber at Peter's tiny hole, the virgin hole that was about to be violated.

'He's going to pop his plum,' Snitch started to dry hump against his brother.

'Pop his cherry you mean,' Snatch grinned and moved his brother around so that Snitch was eyeball to the crack and he was crouching behind. he rubbed his four inches of boyhood into his brother's crack and Snitch wriggled. They'd played this game before but never got anywhere with it. 'Look...' Snitch nearly yelled but Snatch's hand covered his mouth... his other hand was also rubbing pig grease into Snitch's crack. Snitch wriggled backwards against his brother. This could be their night as well as Red and Peter's.

In the hut Red finally rubbed against Peter's hole with his finger and then slowly but firmly pushed. Peter groaned softly as he felt the finger enter him and his pucker adjusted to the moving finger now pushing in and out. Peter was so hard he had to think of other things to stop squirting there and then. He knew perfectly well what came next and faced it with trembling fascination. He would take Red's thick and now grease covered cock or die in the attempt.

'Yes, yes...' Red managed to squeeze another finger into Peter's hole and then began to pump regularly as Peter moaned and wriggled on the bed. Moments later and satisfied with the grease and saliva coating outside and inside of Peter's bottom he slowly withdrew his fingers.

'Ooooow...' Peter wailed. He was just getting used to that and a finger against that joy spot had got him as hard as hard could be, a few more minutes and he'd be spunking all over his belly.

Snitch stared as he saw Red's huge member or at least huge to him come down onto Peter's well spread and taut pucker. He barely felt it when his brother took him in one sharp push, he just groaned a little and pushed back onto Snatch's jerky movements, he was too intent on what was going on in the hut.

'Ooooooh, Peter,' Red sighed as he pushed and felt his swollen and dripping glans push against Peter and Peter's flesh gave way. The pucker opened up and Red's lubricated knob entered heaven. Red almost passed out as he felt his cock surrounded by warm flesh and then Peter reached out dragging his face down for a kiss. Red moved in deeper and then started to fuck the incredibly tight passageway opened up by his advancing erection. The heat and tioghtness were incredible and Peter just gave soft little moans and sighs as he felt himself being filled by his Redskin, his lover.

'Hot piglets,' Snatch dragged his pal around and forced him belly down onto the grass in the darkness to the rear of the hut. He never thought Snitch would let him, he was buried deeply in Snitch's erstwhile virgin bottom and was pigging out. As he fucked his chum's pert little bottom Snitch moaned and clutched the grass. He'd forgotten all about the goings on in the hut all there was, was the here and now and his friend's hot cock pounding his bottom. He pushed his bum up onto Snatch's assault, he really could get to like this, he grinned as Snatch began to kiss his neck, they hadn't kissed for years and now it was happening. Snitch and Snatch were a proper team at last.

In the hut Red pushed down onto Peter's soft bottom and yielding body, his pubics were pressed up against Peter and now he began to fuck for real covering Peter's shoulders and the side of his neck with wet kisses. He felt Peter tighten up as he thrust so that he was entering against resistance at each thrust but Peter then relaxed each time Red withdrew and now he was muttering encouragement as well. 'Yeah, go on Red. Harder, harder,' Peter cried out and Red grinned. Peter was gone on cock and he was the cockmaster. he recalled something that Ralph had tried once and it was a disaster but it may work with Peter who was larger and more supple... and keener.

'I'm going to move around, keep it in tight as we move,' Red instructed and Peter willing at this stage to try just about anything just clamped his bum in reply. Red tried to remember what to do, he knew that not slipping free was the aim of the game and as he started to turn to the left he lifted Pete's leg. Still in tight he moved Peter's leg up and over and rotated himself at the same time. Gradually they came to face each other and Peter's legs clamped on his back,. They were face to face and if anything he was even deeper in Peter's gut. There were tears glistening in Peter's eyes but he smiled.

'Now this is the way it should be done,' Peter pulled Red's face down again and whispered in his ear. 'Do it harder, Red. I want you to cum inside me and then...' he gave a quirky smile and Red got the message. No more belly on back, this was the proper way. Humping like dogs was maybe fine for the little ones but they were the men of the tribe. They fucked like men. Peter's smile broadened as Red began to root hard and root deep.

Long and sweaty minutes later Red groaned... 'I'm gonna...' his talk was cut short as Peter put a hand over his mouth and clamped his legs on Red's back harder. 'Aaaaaah... Pete....' Red spluttered between Peter's fingers as he felt his cock seem to swell and then the pleasure and the joy as his superheated spunk rushed up his penis splashing and splattering in Peter's more than willing body. Again and again he blasted away and Peter wriggled and clamped hard on the pulsating member buried in his bottom. He lay still with Red buried in his oozing back passage and kissed the side of Red's sweat slicked face.

'I guess we're married now,' he whispered and clamped on the softening monster in his belly feeling the warmth and trickle of Red's fantastic climax. If there was any doubt of Red's feelings that one incredible spunking put an end to them, Red was his, body and soul. 'That was so good, lover,' he whispered and pulled a face as he felt Red's limpening meat begin to find it's way out. His bum began to relax as he felt Red's hardness soften and leave him and then he felt spent cum trickle from his hole which had just been hugely stretched but it was worth it.

'Do me that way,' Red demanded urgently flopping onto his back. 'I want to look at you when you fuck me.'

Red lay back and raised his legs as Peter wearily climbed into a kneeling position, he wasn't going to last as long as Red but they had a long night to do it all again if they so desired and he rather cautiousl;y prodded at Red's pucker with his still greasy hands. Red sighed as he felt Peter's twin fingers enter him. Peter let some saliva trickle from his mouth right on target and worked his fingers in deeply enjoying his love bug groaning beneath.

'Ew, you rotten sod... You squirted inside me,' Snitch wriggled free of his panting brother. 'Feels good though,' he gave a cheeky grin.

'Come on, Snitchy Poo, do your best,' Snatch lay on the grass and spread his legs. If he liked it as much as Snitch seemed to they had a brand new hobby , they could target Ralph as they'd both spotted the boy ogling them although they didn't yet know the word. It was something they would learn in the near future.

'Ready,' Peter whispered rubbing his oozing glans up and down on Red's pucker not wishing to move before getting permission.

'I've been ready forever, Peter,' Red whispered and grasping Peter's hot cock held it up against his hole. 'Gently...'

Peter pushed and as they say so often in stories like this he entered heaven. His glans speared into Red effortlessly although the bigger boy grunted and then Peter was trapped in the slick tightness and heat. The feel of Red's legs on his back and his hands holding his hips initially stopping him going too wild and then guiding and finally holding him in was an additional pleasure. He and Red were one again only this time the positions were reversed. He moved slowly at first but he was so near cuming he had to go faster and Red loved it. 'Yeah, Peter, harder, faster,' he chanted as Peter fucked himself into a frenzy battering and ramming into Red's ever welcoming bottom.

Peter moaned with the frustration of it all as he felt himself hardening up in the initial stages, his dick was like an iron bar and it was sore but he climaxed in bursts and gouts of cum that filled Red and even overflowed around Peter's dick as he moved. When he finally withdrew his cum still pumped in lazy squirts splashing over Red's palpitating pucker and as they held each other's sweaty bodies it was all regrets.

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' Peter wept in frustration. 'I wanted it to be so good and I just cum, I couldn't stop myself.'

'It'll be better next time,' Red assured him. 'You'll last longer and...' he dropped his voice to a whisper. 'When we catch those two little rats outside we'll have a four way, you do one and I'll do the other.'


'Snitch and Snatch I think.'

'Oh, they're rather sweet,' Peter grinned at Red secure in his new found prowess. True love is just grand for your main diet, maybe even the food of life but a few side dishes never go astray.


One more to cum to complete.

Next: Chapter 3

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