Peter's Mistake

By Iarwain

Published on Jun 8, 2003

Usual Disclaimer: If you are not 18 years old yet do not read. If you are offended by male to male sexual content do not read. If the laws in your state or county forbid this type of material, do not read. Otherwise enjoy the story and all comments good or bad are welcome and I'll look forward to hearing them.

The author retains copyright (2003) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.

What happened in Part Seventeen. Jeremy came for tea and saw his new room. Michael and Sam's joint exhibition was an amazing success. Jeremy moved in and Peter and Michael went to the mountains and sky-diving.

Part Eighteen

Peter and Michael both had stacks to do when they got home from their weekend. Peter looked for Jeremy first. He was in his room having a rest in his big bed but he called Peter in.

I've been a bit tired today but I'm getting up soon.

Peter grinned at him.

Did Sam give you a good massage?

Ah! Yes! He did.

Good! Show me your picture.

Jeremy went red.

What picture?

Sam always gives out a picture with his massage.

Peter! I feel guilty because you are special for me, but you made me promise to do what Sam said, and once we started I couldn't back out.

Jeremy! You don't have to feel guilty. They did the same trick on me and I ended up with a new friend after one might. Did he teach you many things?

Peter! You wouldn't believe how much.

Yes I would. He did the same to me remember. When are you going to show me? Tonight?

Ah! Can we say Tuesday night?

Oh my God! Did Sam wear you out that much? Well! I hope you had a good rest because we're going out for his birthday at 5 o'clock.

Do you mean I'm coming too?

Of course you are. You're part of the house now. Or you will be when Pete gets through with you tonight.

Have you talked to Andrew yet? I know he wants to see you about some old junk he's got. Just knock on his door when you get up.

Peter headed for Sam's room next.

Hey! Sam! How's the birthday boy?

Peter! I'm still recovering from last night.

Jeremy is pretty wrecked too.

He ought to be. I didn't get to give him his massage till after 4 AM this morning. If I hadn't been in charge I'd never have kept up with him. I've got a new record too. You're right Peter. He really is special isn't he?

He's a bit like you Sam.

Peter went up to his computer and sent an e-mail to petersmistake.

I have taken the photos that you asked for and ended up with 22. It was very hard because I had to take the camera to the shower room at college. You'll just have to trust me though because I 'm not giving out their names.

Everyone gathered at 5 o'clock and left for the restaurant. The meal was a serve yourself type, and about halfway through Pete disappeared for awhile. A big announcement came over the speaker.

Attention please Superman! Your boyfriend needs to meet you at the phone booth. Superman alias Sam Ngyen, please! Page to the reception!

Everyone looked at Sam.

It's Pete! What's he doing now?

Once again the speaker's came on.

Superman disguised as harmless artist Sam Ngyen! Your boyfriend is still waiting at the phone booth!

Sam stood up and made his way to the smiling people at reception. When he got there they said Happy Birthday and told him to go to the restrooms. The group at the table waited, wondering what was happening, then Peter felt like diving under the table. Pete and Sam were walking towards them. Pete had his arm around Sam and was wearing a pair of red jocks over the top of his jeans and a tight blue T-shirt. Sam had some blue speedos over his jeans, a tight red T-shirt, and from somewhere Pete had found a blue cape. Pete must have stuffed some socks in Sam's speedos, because he looked super endowed as well. As they reached the table the speakers burst into the happy birthday music and the whole place sang along then gave a big cheer at the end. They stayed dressed like that for the rest of the meal and Pete carried on kissing and hugging him.

When they got home Pete said there wasn't a big production till Sam's 21st, but there were some things for him.

The first was an ankh like Peter and Michael's. Michael wanted Sam to have one too, and Brian and Anthony provided the silver necklace for it. Peter and Andrew had a classy sound system for him and Pete had a CD, which he knew was one that Sam liked.

Michael had a special gift, which no one knew about. He'd kept his favorite picture that Sam and he had worked on, and had it blown up to poster size and mounted. He hoped it could be hung in the living area and everybody thought that was a great idea. Pete took over again.

Now Jeremy! It's your turn. Has anyone told you that you're not officially part of the house till you've been christened and initiated? We have traditions here going back for years. Christening is like in church and it's very important. Have you brought your christening costume?

No one told me anything about it!

Gosh! What are we going to do? Peter! Do we have any spares anywhere?

I think there might be one in the bathroom.

Come on Jeremy! Let's see if it fits.

When they came back Jeremy was wearing some light blue speedos, which looked fantastic.

The house rules say that you have to wear them whenever you go swimming with any of us. Okay!

Aren't they a bit small for me?

No! That's the way they make them these days.

Pete took him through the usual ceremony then dried him off but wouldn't let him get changed.

We have to initiate you now Jeremy! This is to show you can put up with all the crude jokes and nasty tricks that Sam and Peter carry on with all the time. First of all we have to dress you up as suits an honest gay guy like your self.

Anthony produced his Anthea wig and Jeremy laughed and fitted it on. Michael produced a set of giant rubber boobs which fastened on like a bra. Pete meanwhile put some lipstick on Jeremy and darkened up his eyebrows.

Oh! You're such a cutie Jeremy. Now! There's just one more thing.

Pete got a box from under the table then struck the contraption inside round Jeremy's waist. It was a large artificial cock and loose rubber balls and Pete discretely held a simple remote control console behind his back.

Peter! I'm glad to see you're getting some photos of this. Now Jeremy! I'm going to make some statements. You don't have to answer but we are interested in your reaction. We hear that Sam gave you a massage last night and you enjoyed it a great deal.

There was a hissing noise and the artificial cock swelled up a bit. Jeremy looked down and his eyes opened a little before he started to grin.

Jeremy! Imagine you're able to take Michael's clothes off.

Another hiss and the cock got even bigger and started to poke out.

What if Andrew were to hold your hand?

A hiss and the 12 inch cock was horizontal.

Peter comes along and gives you a kiss.

Another hiss but this time the rubber balls inflated.

Jeremy! I don't think any of us are safe from you in this house. What happens if you see Brian in the shower?

A hiss and the balls got nearly as big as a couple of oranges.

My gosh! Jeremy! That's disgusting. What would happen if I came over and gave you a hug?

After the hiss the cock was standing vertical.

Sam! If you're game, would you give Jeremy a big hug so we can see what he thinks of you?

Sam walked over and gave Jeremy a nice frontal hug. This time there was a long hiss then a loud bang. Sam jumped back and looked down to see a white liquid spurting onto him from the head of the cock and the balls had burst like balloons.

Jeremy! You'll have to learn to contain your self. We all like Sam, but not in public like this.

Jeremy was still smiling but he was blushing with embarrassment and looked a bit stunned as well.

Pete didn't let him off the hook though and after taking all the gear off he made him stand on the chair in his speedos.

Well Jeremy! You're officially part of our house now. After that and rude show you put on for us you have to show us how happy you are by crowing like a rooster in the morning.

If Pete was trying to embarrass Jeremy it didn't work because after a moment's hesitation he grinned again, took a deep breath, then at the top of his lungs crowed and flapped his arms with all the energy he could muster. Big smiles lit up and everyone gave a cheer and a clap as Jeremy jumped down from the chair. Pete started again. Now Jeremy! You'd better start thinking about what you're going to say because after we'd had a drink you have to make a speech for us. Peter watched Jeremy thinking furiously about what to say, while Sam served up one of his special mixtures, with coconut milk, you a bit and soda water. Peter relaxed when he saw the concentration leave Jeremy's face and he knew he was ready.

You're trying to make things hard aren't you Pete? I'm never given a speech before so it's scary. You all make me feel like I should give you something so here's what I can do.

Jeremy walked to face Michael, held out his arms and hugged him.

Michael! You can have my arms! You gave me yours with your hugs and made me feel great.

He moved to Sam.

Sam! You can have my body! You gave me yours with your massage and made me feel good about mine.

Everyone was suddenly quiet and still as they realised something special was happening. Jeremy went to Brian and Anthony next and held out his hands to them.

Brian and Anthony! You can have my hands! You've given me yours in friendship and shown me that love is for gay people too.

Jeremy looked around then walked over and rested his forehead on Andrew's chest for a moment.

Andrew! You can have my head! You've made me think. You've given me so much time and shown me I could do things I didn't think I could.

Peter had a strange feeling of tension and nervousness as Jeremy moved towards him. Jeremy stopped in front of Peter and looked at him with shining eyes and a wonderful smile. He took Peter's hand and held it to his chest.

Peter! You already have my heart! You took my loneliness and gave me friends. You took my fears and turned them to hopes and your kindness has pierced my soul. I will love you for the rest of my life.

Emotion poured through Peter and his heart was brimming as he received this gift from Jeremy. Jeremy smile grew even bigger as he watched Peter's reaction, then he turned and walked to Pete.

Pete! You were the hardest to know what to give! You've given me laughter again and you are the one who caused all this to happen to me. Will you accept a gift from me?

Pete could only nod, then watch dumbfounded as Jeremy slipped out of his speedos and stood nude in front of him.

Well Pete! Are you going to come and get your gift?

Pete looked around at everyone staring then moved towards Jeremy.

Ah! Well! All right! But do you mean here in front of everyone?

Yes! Of course!

As Pete reached his hand out, Jeremy grabbed it and gave him the speedos.

Here you are! You have to put them on and wear them for the rest of the night.

The stunned silence turned to a great burst of laughter and Pete grinned as he realised he'd been conned. Jeremy waited and watched as Pete stripped and put the speedos on, then went to the bathroom for his ordinary clothes. For nearly an hour everyone joined in a singalong with Andrew and Michael, then had some supper to finish off the night.

When Peter went upstairs he checked his e-mail but there was only junk mail. After he'd had a shower he checked again. There was a brief response.

Good! Well done with the photos! Check the locker tomorrow after school.

The next day in the locker, he found the address of a short course for massage. He was to attend for the next four weeks running on Tuesday nights for an hour. The money for the course fees was supplied and Peter thought this would actually be quite interesting. When he turned up the next night he discovered it was a course for people interested in erotic massage. Peter learnt a great deal but was also embarrassed a great deal.

Peter's major focus now was working on the photos for his exhibition, which was only six weeks away. He had to work harder because Michael was too busy on his own work to help at all, and Pete didn't have the skills. Peter wanted Pete to get into a good College routine as well. He went to the Surf club but came home on Saturday afternoons. Michael and Jeremy were progressing marvellously with their maths and physics, and Brian and Anthony were both able to swim over a kilometre, though Anthony could manage it much more easily.

Philips prediction for Sam and Michael proved correct, and they brought in $30,000 and $35,000 for the next two exhibitions.

The swimming team won their first competition with almost a walk over.

After the massage course was finished Peter had to join an Australian adult site called Gaycheck. He had to build a CD with over 50 new guys found there and was given the month of April to do this.

In the second week of April Peter's exhibition started. For the first time, he took a day off College to set up at the gallery, because this exhibition was twice the size of any he'd done. He didn't like this large size but the sections of work he was showing, all complemented each other, and there was no way out of it. His main feature was called Fire by Day and Fire by Night, and was two sets of four pictures each. He had six traditional portraits, and six of his portrait and background type. There was a set with fifteen expressions of Pete's character, and a set of six nude photos, which were too good not to be put in. The whole theme was labelled 'Pete'. Peter had worked out his pricing, but when Philip saw everything set-up in place, he changed it.

Peter! We're not selling anything till the last week. You watch!

On Thursday Peter dropped in at the gallery and found Philip with a big smile on his face.

Peter! I don't know what happens at that house of yours but it has good results. I've got a surprise for you, but you'll have to wait till the official opening to hear it.

The next afternoon Pete was attacked by nerves.

I can't even figure out what to wear.

Peter knew the best solution for this and collected Sam.

Sam! Look through his things. Dress him up well and see if you can calm him down a bit.

Sam grinned and grabbed Pete's hand.

Come on little man! Let your big brother look after you.

Sam did him proud, and besides looking great, he also became a lot calmer. Peter didn't blame Pete one bit because he was quite nervous himself. In his own mind he felt that he had some special work on display, but the judgment of others would be the critical test. The whole household was there but the two Peters would be the center of attention. When they walked in, it wasn't so crowded, but Peter immediately recognized some heavyweights from the art world.

Pete! Don't tell any of your jokes. There are some important people here tonight, and we don't want them to be sick.

Pete grinned and Peter knew he was okay now. Philip did the introduction, then Peter gave his spiel and answered the questions directed at him. Some were very discerning and he had to think hard to express his response properly. Pete had to answer several questions as well and he did it in his own lively manner. Philip then spoke again.

Ladies and gentlemen we have had to withdraw the two main features. Fire by Day and Fire by Night, from the catalog of pictures for sale. The National Gallery of Victoria has asked permission to show these pictures as complete sets, at their Modern Artists exhibit next month. They will be available here at the Gallery a short time later.

Peter listened to the buzz of conversation that went around the room. He grabbed Pete's arm.

Pete! You've just become famous and Philip has done wonders for us.

For the next hour and a half Peter spoke and answered questions for the various people he met. The impact of the interest in his work by the National Gallery sank in and he could feel his excitement building. Sam and Michael were up in arms.

You're a sneak Peter. You didn't show us any of these pictures beforehand and look how good they are. This national Gallery stuff sounds pretty important.

Peter couldn't restrain himself and gave Michael a quick hug.

It is Michael. It will be great for my reputation, and it means all my work will be more valuable from now on. It also means I'll have to work a lot harder to keep it good as well.

The two Peters stayed talking with Philip for a while after everyone else left. As they walked out to the car Peter grabbed Pete and gave him an enormous hug.

Pete! You're a wonderful man. Look how all that time we worked has paid off. I told you, you were special, and now this has proved it even more than I thought.

Peter picked Pete up and jumped around with him a few times.

Wow Peter! You're happy about this aren't you?

Pete! Promise me you'll finish college.

Well! I hope I will. You might have to help me a bit sometimes, but why wouldn't I?

Pete! Michael said it tonight. I've been a real sneak with you. I did it on purpose this time because I enjoy it so much. How much money do you think you'll get from all your modelling work with me?

I don't know! Whatever you want to give me I suppose.

Come on! Have a guess.


Oh my God! $500! You think you'll get $500?

Peter! Are you drunk?

Pete! I am, and without any alcohol. It's the best way. Now multiply that by 160 and tell me what you come up with.

Peter watched Pete concentrate and then look amazed.

$8000? You really are drunk!

Peter had to sit down. This was just too much.

Holy hell Pete! I think I'm going to die. Who teaches you maths?

You do.

I'm no good at my job. Do it again! Really carefully!

Peter watched again as Pete concentrated.

Oops! I forgot the zero. Peter! Let's go home. I think you need to go to bed or something.

Say it Pete! Go on! Say it!


Yes! You worked it out right. You think I'm stirring don't you? You think I'm delirious. I probably am. You want the true amount don't you Pete?

I think so.

Well I don't know! But it will be more than that. Pete! It's the National Gallery. One of the most important Art places in Australia. When they do this they usually want to buy the pictures themself. Thousands of people will be watching Pete Williams, nude and burning in the sunset. They'll be seeing Posoidon the God of the ocean glowing incarnate in teenage form. Pete! This is true. True! And I'll get exactly the same as you because we share equally.

Peter could see that Pete was looking worried. He saw Philip leaving the Gallery and shouted to him.

Philip! You wonderful Director! Come over here and help Pete. His brain is having a credibility malfunction.

I don't know what's happening Philip. Peter seems to have gone crazy.

Peter grabbed Philip and turned him towards Pete.

Philip! Pete and I are equal partners in his project. Will you tell him what he share will likely be?

I can't say exactly Pete. I don't see you getting anything less than $80,000 but it should be more.

Peter laughed again.

I told you Philip. Credibility malfunction.

Come on Pete! I'm taking you home. No I'm not! I want to see the God Posoidon again.

Pete kept looking at Peter as they were driving.

You're serious aren't you?

A moment ago I was drunk, and now I'm serious? Yes Pete! I'm serious.

Peter drove into the college parking lot and Pete suddenly realized where they were.

What are we doing here?

I told you! We're going to see Posoidon. He'll be at the swimming pool. Pete followed as Peter let them in with his keys. The pool was glistening and still under the dim security lights.

I don't know who you're talking about Peter, but there's no one here.

You're wrong Pete! Posoidon is here, and I want him in the water where he inspired me. Are you going to take your clothes off before I throw you in?

Pete undressed quickly then dived in when Peter approached him.

Up to the shallow end Pete.

Peter got Pete to stand up in the shallowest part of the pool then looked at him.

Pete! It was the image of you in the water with the luminescence that gave me the idea for our best pictures. You said you were on fire without burning and I knew I had to get that kind of picture somehow.

Peter jumped in and gave Pete a big hug and kiss.

Peter! You should've taken your clothes off first.

Peter managed to get his clothes into a soggy pile beside the pool. He grabbed Pete again.

With $80,000 I'm not worried about some clothes Pete. Come on! We're swimming eight laps. Each lap is $10,000 burned into your brain and you have to believe it by the time we finish. We did this together, so we have to swim together.

Peter swam hard and Pete battled to keep up with him. On the last lap Peter made sure they touched the end together. When he'd recovered his breath enough Peter hugged Pete tight to him.

Tell me Pete! What's your share in our project?

It's $80,000.

Good! Posoidon was the God of the oceans, and that's what I thought you looked like with the light glowing round you. Now I want to make love with a God.

There was a bed in the little sickbay next to the office and they spent over an hour there.

Pete loved it when it was time to go home and Peter's clothes were too wet.

Give me your keys Peter and I'll drive closer so you can race out quickly.

Peter went to put at least his jocks on, but Pete had bundled everything into a plastic bag and was on the way out with it. Peter had to race to the car in the nude, then wait a nervous minute while Pete pretended he couldn't unlock the door. When they got home Peter didn't go upstairs but raced into Pete's room and jumped into his bed.

Pete! I hope you don't mind if I stay here tonight.

Pete proved that he didn't mind one bit.

Peter got up early to get the newspapers. The reviews were excellent and he and Pete read them together. At 9:00 in the morning he woke Brian and Anthony.

I'm sorry to get you up, but I have to go out soon, and Philip sent a message that he needs to see your first catalog this week, so he can make up his mind.

Brian said he had his proof copy done and would take it over that morning. Peter had a look and knew it was better quality than the ones Philip had been using.

You've got the contract Brian! Philip will be really pleased with this work.

Peter made some important phone calls before lunch then spent most of the weekend catching up on College work. He locked his hatch and spent several hours at the Gaycheck site as well, downloading pictures for the CD he had to burn. The next Thursday Jeremy came up early and they had a big talk before the maths help.

Jeremy! Are you very busy this weekend?

Not really! Sam wants to see me on Saturday night. He's got some game where he wants to blindfold me.

Oh really! What about the next weekend? I was hoping you could come away with me.

I'm sorry! I could talk to Sam and change his plans if you like.

No! The next weekend is just as good. Jeremy? How is the money side of things going for you? It would be good if you did that couple of hours extra work so you could keep the $30 for yourself. I don't know how you survive on the small payment.

Peter! I'm going to pay my way like everyone else does and I feel as a rich as anything compared to before. Michael and Sam have helped me with ideas for food and cooking because I didn't really know much about that. Michael and I are in the same class for physics and we've started working together. He's very clever and it's a battle to keep up with him. We both enjoy it though. Pete's been driving me whenever I need to go somewhere and he makes me laugh all the time. I've started writing some stories on my computer, and Andrew has joined me up on an electronics course on the Internet.

Peter picked up his ears at the stories bit and wanted to know what they were about.

They're just experiments Peter. I've got some ideas that I want to work on and they're rough drafts.

Would you be happy to let me read them? You know how much I like to read.

Peter! I'd love you to read them. You can tell me if they're any good or not. I'll work on the one I think you'll like best and give it to you when it's good enough. Can I ask you a favor Peter? Andrew has been showing me some things, and he wants me to build an intercom system for the house, so it would be good if you thought it was okay.

Jeremy! You are Mr. Back to Front aren't you? That would be doing me and everyone else a favor.

Great! Andrew seems to know a lot of things doesn't he?

Jeremy! That's a joke! He had a Masters in maths and a Masters in computer science by the time he was 20 years old. I still haven't figured out how that was possible. Now! Here's what I wanted to talk to you about. Last year Michael did two years of maths in one and I want you to do the same. I talked with Michael about it and we want you to work together on the third-year course. He suggested it would be good if you could come along on Wednesday nights when we do the maths.

Do you think I could? The work has been fairly easy for me.

I know you could Jeremy! It would mean you'd have to put in some extra time though.

Later, at their swimming, Brian announced to Peter that he and Anthony were now officially a company, and they'd signed their first contract. Peter grinned at him.

I hope you know what you've let yourself in for.

I think so Peter! Is there some kind of catch that we don't know about?

It's not really a catch but I can tell you that Philip's gallery isn't the only one complaining about the high prices they've had to pay for their catalogs. I suspect that Philip will be telling them to look closely at this first one of yours, and I think you could end up getting five or six more contracts if you want them.

My God! Five or six! I'd have to quit college to do all the work.

No you wouldn't. I've thought about that. I think you could start any new jobs in the second semester when you have to do a major project of some kind for your course. I'm sure they'd class running your own design company as a major project, and you'd hardly have to attend college at all.

Peter! You're a genius. That would work perfectly. Boy! This could turn out major league for us. You watch! I'm going to swim one and the half kilometers tonight.

You'd better start right now then, because that will take most of our time.

Peter went over to watch the other four who'd come along. He stopped Sam and Pete and they watched Michael and Jeremy gliding through the water.

Those blue speedos look great on Jeremy don't they Pete? Have you ever had a close look at what's inside them?

Pete looked at him, rather puzzled.

Well! I just wondered if you are planning to find out this Saturday night that's all.

Pete and Sam looked at each other.

Don't worry! You scheming brats! He doesn't have a clue but he'll certainly have a better idea of what you two can get up to.

Pete looked at Sam again.

I think he really is a mind reader. Don't worry Peter. He'll be in good hands.

Pete! I'm not worried one bit. I think the more good people he's close to at the moment the better.

One minute I'm a brat and the next I'm good?

Well! Let's say you're a good brat.

Peter! William found out we sometimes come here on Thursday nights and he's asked if he can come along.

Yes! That's okay. But we'll only be going till the end of semester because Brian and Anthony won't need me after then. Pete! Is William in some kind of trouble or something?

I think he's close to it Peter. He's a nice guy but he lives on the edge a bit. I know he's been trying some drugs and I think he uses his good looks to get them.

So it wasn't an accident he turned up in my tent either?

Sam! I can't get away with anything when Peter's round. Did anything happen?

I've been meaning to talk to you about that for ages. He grabbed my cock a few times in the night and in the morning and he tried very hard to get me to have sex with him.

Wow! What did you do?

I don't quite understand why but I surprised myself. The answer came out as a maybe but not till he turned 18. But we need to do something soon Pete, in case this drug thing goes wrong. When is the next weekend you two are free, because I want you to help me? Did you notice how much he enjoyed your camp Pete? I think we should try and take him away with us.

The first opportunity turned out to be three weekends away and Peter asked Pete to find out what he could about William's situation.

Peter went to the South Coast by himself on Friday night. Life seemed to be getting very hectic and he hadn't had a time to himself for ages. On Sunday night Peter finished his CD of the 50 best looking guys he could find on the Gaycheck site, and put it in the locker the next day.

In the afternoon Peter went to the gallery to make sure everything was ready for the 'Best in Time' sales the next morning. He took his set of pictures for sale by invitation as well. This was a set of 21 pictures which he had wished to include. They were available by appointment, for set prices, which were below the average set by the main catalog. Philip met him with a big smile.

Peter! I've got some great news for you. The National Gallery valuers and purchasing officer were here today to look closely at your work. They've set a minimum value of $35,000 on each of your fire sets. This means if you auctioned them you would probably get close to $50,000. They are keen to purchase them themselves as complete sets and have made and on the spot offer of $70,000.

Philip! We'll do it! I designed them as complete sets and it would be great if they were in the National Gallery permanently.

Philip made a phone call and the deal was made.

Peter! This sets the scene for tomorrow. The National Gallery deal will raise the price of all the rest.

On Thursday at lunchtime Peter rang Philip to hear the result.

Peter! The whole catalog is sold. If we sell the invitation set accordingly your total will be $325,000 less $16,000 for my commission.

Peter had a credibility malfunction himself.

Philip! It's just as well I'm sitting down, I don't know how I'm going to convince Pete this time. I'm not accepting your $16,000 commission. Instead I expect you to charge $25,000.

I'm already doing well out of it Peter.

How did the National Gallery get to be involved at such short notice Philip? I think you put your reputation on the line for me.

OK! I will thankfully except!

Peter rushed back to College and when he found Pete he took him to the pool.

Quick! Into your speedos Pete! We didn't swim far enough on Friday night.

Pete raced off ahead of Peter at the start, obviously not expecting to do more than one or two laps. When they finished and recovered their breath Pete was just staring.

Peter! I counted seven laps. I thought you meant extra at the start but that must be the final total.

I did mean extra Pete and it will all be in your bank in about two weeks. I've got Philip's phone number for you so you can thank him. Why don't you take the afternoon off to think about it?

I wish I could.

I think I will. I won't hear a thing the lecturers say anyhow.

After College Peter went to his Credit Union for a special appointment, which was very successful.

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