Pheromone Trouble

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 15, 2011




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I stopped when I saw the cage in one corner of Professor Zetter's laboratory. Large, overly muscled, looking like a football player on steroids that worked too damned well! The...person (it looked too human for me to call it a beast) looked at me and snarled and turned around. It was nude and definitely, emphatically male, I noticed with embarrassment, because it had a throbbingly huge erection. It followed my gaze down and gripped its dong and began whacking itself off.

"What is that?"

"That, Perry, is my star boarder. His name is Tyler." Professor Zetter said. "Tyler Matthews."

There'd been a football player at the university which had vanished last fall. "You named him after the football player that went missing?" I asked.

"No, no, no." Professor Zetter said. "That is Tyler Matthews."

"THAT is Tyler Matthews?" I'd seen his picture in the university paper, I could see the resemblance now I had the reference, though it was about as close to the thing in the cage as a gorilla resembles a human. Visualize a muscular man, then expand him to about twice as broad as that and all the expansion being muscle. Put him next to the current Mr. Universe and Mr. U would look wimpy by comparison. And the pud he was jerking was similarly huge, with a glans the size of a doorknob and a shaft the size of a baseball bat.

"Yes, he came to me about increasing his body strength. I...seem to have made a slight miscalculation." Professor Zetter said. He could at least have appeared abashed at this admission, but he announced it as though it were a slight setback and nothing else.

I looked back at Tyler (now I had a name for him, I couldn't call him a beast or a thing any longer) and he was still wanking away at himself. Came with a guttural roar and sprayed a sizeable load of white spunk into one corner of the cage.

"You'll have the job of cleaning out his cage." Professor Zetter continued. "You'll be glad to know that he uses that particular corner for all his fluid and voided wastes. Rather like a pig, I must incorporate that observation into the paper I'm doing on the experiment. Anyway, once a day will be sufficient to cleanse his cage, though twice a day is much more sanitary. He hasn't adopted the monkey tactic of snatching up and throwing his feces at anyone yet, but I dread the day he rediscovers that little tidbit of anthropoid behavior. You also will need to hose him down once a day, and scrub him too if he'll let you. My last assistant managed to get rather friendly with Tyler. A shame about losing him."

I didn't like the sound of that. "Losing him?"

"I told Mark not to touch the hyperspace experiment." Professor Zetter said with a definite lack of empathy. "He was cleaning it despite my telling him this and tripped the switch and...poof!"

"Which one is the hyperspace experiment?" I asked nervously, looking around.

"It went with Mark when he tripped the switch." The Professor now showed some emotion, that of displeasure at losing a valuable experiment he'd been working on. "Now I have to build another one. I just hope Mark landed somewhere he can survive, though I fear the odds are heavily against that." Professor Zetter saw the look on my face. "I TOLD him not to touch the equipment, truly I did. I don't like losing my laboratory assistants. Had a marvelous one who graduated last year. You may remember him, Val Atheniou, do you remember him?"

"Them, yeah." I said. He'd gotten triplicated by one of the Professor's experiments. "Yeah, I remember Val."

"I shall miss Vals 1, 2 and 3." the Professor mused. "Best two years of my work here was with his help."

"I hope I can be as good as he was." I said. "If not as good as all three of him."

"The military took my duplicating machine." the Professor said with a shrug. "It was meant to be a transporter, not a duplicator, but they refuse to let me continue my work and perfect it." The Professor shook his head. "Anyhow, here, let me show you my next project."

Somewhat to my relief, he took me over to a workbench loaded with chemicals, beakers and the like. "I'm working on isolating the chemical triggers affecting the human genome."

"Such as?"

"You might think of it as a love potion." the Professor went on. "Actually, the intent is to find which chemicals stimulate various emotional reactions in humans and then stimulate their production to maximize the impact upon others. I don't insist that it make people fall in love with the user, though I intend though to find one which makes a person favorably impressed by the wearer, a sort of gentle nudge to making a good first impression."

"That...sounds safe enough." I said carefully. "Better than the hyperspace experiment, anyway."

"I told Mark not to touch the machine. Anyway, as long as you're here, you can clean Tyler's cage." He saw my expression. "Don't worry, I have the cage set up so that you can restrain him before you enter the cage, though I hope you'll make friends with him like Mark did. He's still human, you know, it's just that the unbalanced hormones in his body are overwhelming his logical thought processes with more primal urges. He may well snap out of this on his own and the experiment will have been a success, after all, albeit delayed. He's very strong now, just as he wanted to be. Note how some of those bars are bent, Tyler did that, and it's two inch thick tempered steel. Formidable."

With that faint reassurance, I went to my tasks. Tyler turned out to recognize a guy holding a hose as a chance to take a bath, and he cooperated without protest. I used the hose to flush the contents of his "poop corner" out of the cage and swept it from there to the drain, only needing to use a dustpan for the, uh, hard matter. Unpleasant but no worse than that. Then I took him a plate of food, finger food, which Tyler could pick up and eat. Vegetables, fruit, bread and some boiled meat chunks. Feeding him twice a day, he had a water pot he could suck water through a straw from. And the rest of the job was outright dull, sweeping, washing beakers, the usual lab assistant work. I was feeling vaguely let down, the Professor had a reputation for oddball experiments, I had figured on some occasional excitement from all accounts, there'd been numerous explosions from his previous work, but this one was nothing worse than a bubbling beaker overflowing.

So two weeks later, I was settled into my new job and figured this for an easier way to make some spare cash than I'd feared...or hoped, I'm not sure which.

Then one morning, when I was about to leave for classes, the Professor said, "Feed Tyler and then come over here, I need your help with something."

"I have to leave in another ten minutes." I demurred.

"It won't take that long." the Professor assured me. "Ah, there they are. Come on in."

To my surprise, three girls from the cheerleading squad come in, giggling and looking at me.

I fed Tyler and went over. "All right, Professor, what is this?"

"My first field test on the pheromone enhancer." the Professor explained, holding up a small atomizer. "These young ladies have volunteered to help me test it out." And he aimed that atomizer at me.

"What's this supposed to do?" I asked warily, images of Mark floating dead in hyperspace (whatever that was) and Tyler lost in his bestial impulses and Val being turned into triplets.

"If it's successful, you'll be kissed by three beautiful girls." the Professor indicated and the girls giggled at me. I knew I wasn't that hard on the eyes to girls, but didn't need to carry a stick to beat them off from me. "You can handle that, can't you?"

"It's a dirty job, but if it's in the interest of science." I grinned at the girls. "Fire away, Professor."

The Professor gave me a shpritz from the atomizer. And I looked at the girls expectantly.

"Anything, ladies?" the Professor asked. "Any desires to get closer to him, any increased interest in him either physically or emotionally?"

The girls looked at each other and at me, and back to each other. "Sorry, Professor."

"Smelled pretty good to me, actually." I chipped in. "Maybe you didn't use enough?" I added hopefully.

The Professor shpritzed me twice more and I stepped closer to the girls and they obligingly inhaled.

"Smells like a dead goat!" one of them wrinkled her nose.


"Barf city!" the third agreed as they all backed away from me.

"I take it I'm not a chick magnet now." I mourned.

"I seem to have made a miscalculation again." the Professor sighed. "Thank you, ladies, I'll call you when it's time for the next test."

"Don't I even get a kiss goodbye?" I asked the three.

"Not until you wash that off!" and they scurried off.

I sighed and went out the back way with them. They were headed to the gym and so was I, I had physical education class for my first of the day. And if I hurried, I could take a quick shower, it sounded like I needed one.

It was pushing ten o'clock in the morning, there were two p.e. classes, one from eight to ten and the other ten to twelve (my class), so I was arriving at the time of the busiest use of the lockerroom.

Everywhere were guys moving and changing and undressing and dressing, and the showers were in full play. I slipped in between Ted Nelson and Floyd Hooker and started twirling the dial on my locker's combination lock. "How's it going?" I asked Ted, not really expecting an answer.

"Pretty good." came the answer and I turned, startled, for his answer was right at my ear.

I found myself pretty much nose-to-nose with the guy. "You smell real good today, Perry."

"Uh...thanks." I backed away to find myself bumping into Floyd, who was only a half-step behind.

"Really good." Floyd said and his hands came up and caught me at the waist. "It really turns me on, man."

"But...but...." I knew Floyd enough to know that the guy was married! And had a kid!

Then I had Floyd's tongue in my ear and further conversation seemed rather futile.

And Ted's hand had just landed on my crotch and was holding on tight!

And Floyd had just progressed from tonguing my ear to kissing it.

And Ted was now gnawing at my groin.

And two other guys were trying to wend their way in.

So by the time I could figure out what to say or do, all I could say was, "Holy shit!"

Another guy I didn't recognize was now down by Ted and tried to head-butt him out of the way so he could chew my basket instead. Floyd was trying to undo my belt and a fourth guy, Jim Parson, had gotten over the bench in the middle of the two rows of lockers and he was tugging at my shirt, a pullover, and I was in serious trouble.

"Hey, get out of here." Ted protested to the other guy at my knees. "He's mine."

"I'm going to suck him off."

"Hell, no, I'm going to suck him off!"

"No, me!"

"No, me!" Accompanied by a shove by Ted.

"No, me!" Shove back by the other guy.

Floyd had my pants undone and Jim let go of my shirt to help him yank them down.

"Hey, hey, let me go!" I protested to the growing crowd around me. I was about four deep in guys in all directions.

"I'm going to fuck his ass." Floyd said as he and Jim yanked my pants and briefs down together.

"I get him the moment you're done with him."

Ted had hold of my cock and stuffed it down his throat. I was mostly hard by this time and one hard suck by him had it stiff and throbbing. I mean, normally I can't get anyone to pay much attention to me, and now I had guys fighting over me.

Actually fighting. I mean, Ted was trying to shove his cock into my ass but Jim was now trying to fend him off and another guy behind Floyd was trying to pull him away. And Ted got three sucks on my cock before another guy yanked him off and that third guy snaffled me down.

I had hands all over me, one guy had actually crawled under and was nibbling at my ankles. My shirt was off, and I had Floyd still trying to get close enough to ram my butt for me, but now two guys were pulling at him. Jim was rutting against my hand and since he was only wearing a pair of briefs at the moment, he didn't have that far to go to be naked. I was now down to my pants pooled around my feet and my shoes were being pulled off by a couple of guys (I guess, I couldn't see) and this was all just too much of a good thing here! I stepped out of my pants and was now totally naked and helpless.

But the fights over me was building and involving more and more of my, uh, entourage. They were so busy fighting over who was going to nail my butt that none of them were. I ended up naked, with a sticky dong, but by climbing over and under and through the squabbling guys, I managed to get clear.

"He's getting away!" someone called and the fights ended so the guys could chase me! Out the locker, down the hall, the mob behind me gaining members as I ran past them, the football squad out practicing caught wind of me, I guess, because they broke off their scrimmaging to add to the crowd from a second direction.

Ahead of me was Professor Zetter's laboratory. I got there, hit the buttons to the lock fast as I could, messed up, hit reset, did it again and this time the door opened up and I got it closed and leaned against it, naked and sweaty and scared of what I had awakened.

"Professor! Professor!" I screamed. "Your potion works, but it works on guys! Help me! Help!"

All I got in response was a roar. Tyler! Tyler was now in range of my pheromones, which were now in overdrive! Thank God he was in the cage.

But the door. The professor's door was trying to open on me! Someone else had the combo to the door-lock!

I threw my weight against it and held it shut as it tried to open, but it was too much. I had any number of horny guys trying to bash their way in and have their way with my body and my bare feet were slipping on the tile floor. "Professor! Professor! Help!"

"ROOOAAAARRRR!" came a yell and I looked. Oh, my God! Tyler! Tyler had pulled the bars of the cage apart by sheer force of his arms! He had a hole big enough to squeeze through! He was getting loose and in addition to his own bestial hormones raging through him, he had my pheromones to drive him insane!

I did all I could think of, I let go of the door and dove for the safety-hole I'd been shown. More than one assistant had dived for this cubby to protect himself from an incipient explosion, and I hoped it would let me hide from the mob and/or Tyler.

I got into the cubby and the door flew open and the mob surged in. To be met by Tyler snarling at them. Instead of attacking me, he had jumped between me and the swarm of horny guys and was daring them to take one step my way!

The pheromones I was exuding wasn't enough to make these guys brave an attack by an oversized brute of what used to be a football player to begin with. They fled ignominiously before Tyler's snarling form.

Tyler chased them far as the door and then some human piece of him reached up and closed the door.

I rolled out, feeling grateful to this huge brute. "God, thanks Tyler, that was close, I was about to get gang-raped by every guy on the university and...and.... Oh, God!"

Tyler had another erection and he was advancing on my frail, naked form. A line of drool dripped from one side of his mouth; he was slavering at the prospect of having his way with me.

"Oh, God, Tyler, Tyler, God, we got to...we got to...." Right about then, my options sort of laid out for me. I could either stay here and deal with one, oversized horny brute. Or I could go outside and deal with a hundred horny regular guys. All in all, my best option was to stay right here and hope I could handle this monster. And I was talking about the cock he was aiming my way.

I figured my best bet was to get him off, quick as I could. So as he got close, I dropped to my knees and grabbed his cock and shoved it into my mouth as quick as I could. Whoa! I got a load of smegma from the inside of the wrinkle of his cockskin at the glans like you wouldn't believe! Hosing him down hadn't cleaned this out, it was thick, it was gamy, it tasted as foul as smegma ever does, and I got about six times as much of it as I'd ever landed before...and I didn't like it when I got it then, either!

But Tyler went "NNNNYYYUUUUHHHH!" and he shoved that cock at me, hard. It went in a lot further than I expected it to, the glans shoved the back of my mouth and went into my esophagus a short distance. I'd never expected to be able to do more than lick at him some, but he had about four inches of a fifteen-inch dong in my mouth and he wasn't going to settle for less.

So I held my jaws apart and Tyler proceeded to hump at my mouth with a roughness that was bruising to the back of my mouth and throat. I milked him as best I could despite this rough treatment, get this big fucker off and maybe he'd stop! Even when he speeded up I did my best to keep my lips around his shaft, make him love it, make him love this blowjob. Then maybe he wouldn't get some sort of bright idea like....

"Yerk!" Tyler had just pulled out of my mouth and I knew just what this big brute-man had on his mind! "Tyler? Tyler, you don't want to do that, you don't want to...."

Tyler's hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around and his massive fingers caught my hips and pulled back and lifted as I spun, I went forward from the waist up and was bent over and available.

"Tyler, Tyler, listen to me, please, listen, don't do this, don't.... Yerk!" That huge glans now sloppy with my spit was knocking at my back door and I didn't want to open it.

Tyler grunted and shoved and I felt him straining my anus to the limit and beyond it. Jesus H. Christ, this was like trying to take a fencepost up my butt! If I hadn't slobbered all over it in my attempt to get him off with a suck-job, he'd be ripping me to pieces. As it was, it still hurt like hell, but I was surviving it with only a massive amount of discomfort.

Tyler fingers clenched at my hips and he lifted and damned near stuffed me onto his prod. The result was another inch or two further in for him and a loud yelp from me.

"Oh, ah, God damn it, Tyler, slow down you fucking prick, take it easy, Jesus, don't shove so hard, GAHHH!" Another inch or so went in. How deep was he going to take this, anyhow. My God, my ass was going to resemble hamburger by the time this was over! What had I been thinking...I should have gone with the gang-bang here, I would at least have been taking normal-sized dongs in both ends instead of this skyscraper-sized cock!

Another couple of agonizing shoves, and Tyler stopped for a time, I felt the huge length of him throbbing in me. Damn! This wasn't so bad after all.

"Okay, Tyler, you got it inside me, now let it sit there a while and I think we can both enjoy this bit of....Gurk!" Tyler had decided to start fucking me!

"Oh, God!" I moaned as his massive hips rammed his dong in and out of me. Damn, he wasn't being slow and gentle by any stretch of the imagination! "Damn it, Tyler, you don't have to be so damned rough! I'll let you fuck me, just slow down and...Guh!"

My ass was now officially dog-food style, I had been opened and stretched and plowed and pureed! And now that all that was over with...This was feeling pretty damned good. Damned good! It wasn't a case of his cock touching my prostate now and then, he was giving it a full-length stroke every time, no matter of hit-or-miss involved. The result was one long delight with every motion of those massively strong and athletic hips!

The weight of Tyler's body bore me slowly over and I went down on my knees after a time, but Tyler's cock was imbedded so firmly, he didn't lose his purchase on me, he rode me down by squatting behind me, and when I was on all fours, he began to hump me with renewed vigor.

"Oh, God, Tyler, shit, man, this is beginning to feel good, man!" I heaved. "Crap, man, I could get used to this, shit!"

"Ahuh, huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!" was his response.

"Let me, ah! Let me turn over! Ah!" I groaned.

That penetrated enough to get him to stop, and I pivoted on his hard dong like I was a pig on a spit. Once around, I wrapped my arms and legs around his huge body and I said, "Now, give me all you got, you hunky bastard!"

Tyler's reaction was to reach his strong arms and encircle me and he picked me up, I mean he literally picked me up, and I ended up riding on his cock in mid-air! With my legs about his waist now and his arms about me, I wasn't putting my real weight on my ass. That let me begin to bob up and down on him. Tyler helped by moving my body with his arms and fucking me by moving my entire body.

Oh, God, that was so damned great! I wanted to ride this huge prod forever, just ride him on and on and on! I muttered something like that in my sexual intoxication and Tyler grunted and humped me faster.

I moaned, and my cock surged. "I'm coming, Tyler, I'm coming, uh, uh, GUH-HUHH!" My cock sprayed hot jizz all over Tyler's magnificent chest, and Tyler's eyes opened wide, and then he drove his prong deep into me, a final burst of pain and Tyler roared and his cock burst that huge load like I'd seen him spurt in the cage, only this one was in my ass and felt bigger than even that! It was the damnedest feeling, I could tell the spunk was churning in my bowels, hot and heavy and warm, warm, warm!

I clung to Tyler desperately, hanging on despite my post-ejaculation weakness, and Tyler sat down, me sitting on what was now his lap. He held me, crooning, rocking back and forth. His cock was still jammed deep in my intestines, and he made no effort to pull it out.

After a moment or so more of rest, he rolled over so I was on the floor and his cock swelled, and when it was refilled with his energy, he began to fuck me again. By now, nothing he could do would hurt me any more.

When the Professor finally showed up again, some time that evening, I'd been getting fucked by Tyler for about ten hours, and he had come in my ass about six times. His spunk was dribbling in a near-steady stream out of my ass, and I had squirted two more loads of my own which was making us both sticky as hell.

"Well, now, Perry, what have you been up to?" the Professor asked me. "I just dropped back here to get some notes and here you are, making much better friends with Tyler than I ever expected."

"We got along pretty well after a while." I said, exhausted but managing a smile. "Your pheromone booster worked a little too well, only it worked on men instead of women."

"Yes, I realized that this afternoon, it was why I left soon after you did." the Professor said. "I now have all the alternate chemicals I shall need for my next experiment. We can bring in those three girls again about the day after tomorrow and they'll be swarming all over you."

"Uh, you'll have to find someone else to volunteer for that." I said. "I seem to be spoken for already."

"The pheromone-enhancement dosage I gave you ought to wear off by morning." the Professor assured me. "Tyler should be willing to let you go free by then, I should think. Unless, of course, the mating instinct is activated in him, it ought to add greatly to our knowledge of Mankind to find out if he insists on your keeping him constant company or not."

Tyler moved, his cock falling out of my savaged ass at last, and I sighed. Then Tyler picked me up and, with the Professor holding the cage door open for him, took me inside with him. "I think he's going to want to keep me." I said as he settled us both down on the mat where he slept in the cage. "What am I going to do, set up house in this cage with him?"

The Professor considered this. "Well, look at it this way. At least you aren't lost in hyperspace like my last laboratory assistant."

It turned out that Tyler was willing to let me leave him in the cage alone long enough to attend classes and work in the lab and such, so long as I came back to him when I was done and spent my nights in the cage with him. So my life in college was now pretty much set, full room and board, so to speak, as long as I don't mind sleeping in a cage with a sex-crazed superhunk that fucks me every couple of hours around the clock.

People ask me why I'm crazy enough to be lab assistant to the crazy Professor Zetter, I just tell them that the perks are worth it.

Although I have to admit, having to study for finals while I'm being fucked can be a real pain in the ass!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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