Philippine American War

By JJ Cruz

Published on Jul 11, 2006


Although this story is fictional, the cultural milieu is based on the history of the Philippine-American War of 1899-1902 (downplayed by American textbooks as the "Philippine Campaign" or "Philippine Insurrection" as an attempt to cover up America's first overseas war of extermination where 600,000-1,000,000 Filipinos died.) Any similarities to any persons or events, past or present are purely coincidental except for historical figures mentioned. This story may contain scenes which involve sexual situations between males. If this type of material is offensive to you, or it is not legal for you to be reading this type of material, please do not read any further. Please do not copy this story for distribution or post on any online server without the author's permission.

July 25, 1900 11:00 a.m.

As I continue writing this journal, I can see past the bamboo grove a young David Colt sitting on the steps outside his hut. He smiled towards me. I sneer back at him to show my displeasure.

I had to adjust some protocols with Sgt. Tibo-on early this morning, just so David wouldn't cause more trouble- for me to be exact. He forced me into compromising my position as leader of my men, but he promised me he will not jeopardize my career by escaping into the deep jungle. His threats last night were, in my opinion, quite serious. So serious that from this point on, I have to tread very carefully when doing further interrogations with David. As for the Pvt. Wilkins, he can be dealt easily, but this one is indeed a special case. His tall disheveled sandy blond figure gave me a shudder when I realized how manipulative, shrewd and devious he is.

I was not sure how the events last night inside David's hut unfolded since after he tackled me onto the bamboo floor and threatened me, things got awry. I have myself to blame for not alerting my troops.

I was scared to my wits when Pvt. David Colt took advantage of the situation. While pinning me to the bamboo floor using his heavy body, he retrieved the cut abaca twine nearby and retied the loose ends together and then bound both of my wrists like a trussed up capon. He slowly stood up whereby he took the kerosene lamp down and blew its flame away leaving the entire hut bathed in darkness, save for the moonshine.

David gathered up my clothes and fished out something from one of the pockets. I heard my pocketknife flicked open and close. Then I heard him searching for something else and after a few seconds, I suddenly felt a gag being stuffed into my mouth. It was my come-filled handkerchief!

"Hijo de Puuummphhhh^Åmmmmph!!" I shouted. But the sound that went out from my gagged mouth was like a water buffalo in heat.

"Don't even try making a sound, SIR, or is Lt. Crisostomo Ibarra?" He hissed.

"MMMPH??" I said.

My ears could not believe what this stupido has said! I did not inform him, and I believe none of my men too had informed him of my name and rank! How did he arrive to that information?

"Heheheh. I see you're surprised. I'm so sorry Lt. Ibarra! You see, unlike my other partner, I am not stupid." He purred, "I did my homework before being assigned here in Batangas province, and I learned everything I could about you- your likes, dislikes, your family, why you're not married yet. The picture of you in uniform which my superiors circulated was really attractive, but from what I see now, this view is much, much better."

"Mmmmmphhhhh.." I tried to throw the bastard off me, but to no avail.

"No you don't!" He barked. David shifted his weight on my back whereby I was not able to squirm away, not even an inch.

"Mmmmph!" I tried to trash around but David's weight was too much.

I felt David's body lay on top of me, his heavy weight made my breathing more difficult. My back connected with his sweaty chest, for which I could feel the ridges of his muscles, the hardness of his nipples. His hands tousled my short cropped hair, traced the knotted muscles of my back with his fingers, and his mouth breathed against the skin of my neck. His hard member was caressing the cleft of my buttocks leaving a wet trail as it glide to and fro.

"I dunno about you sir, but I find this position verrrrry appealing. Hehehehe," he said breathily.

"Oh Damn! You'll regret this you fool! Oh God! What kind of nightmare is this?" I thought. But my loins were as excited as the hot poker stabbing my behind. My hardened member was pinned against the bamboo floor making it painful for me to move.

"I think this will change your mind from thrashing about!" David spat his saliva on my anus and with his rough fingers, he stabbed my insides one fat finger at a time, pushing in and pushing out, caressing the skin of my innards. I was sure my penis was oozing with clear fluid.

"MMMpphhhh," I moaned. I could not describe the sensation at that moment. At first, my insides were burning like fire, then after, I felt a quick jolt of orgasmic electricity coursing down my loins. Then, the burning pain took over again, and in another moment, that sweet jab of pleasure reared in.

I was confused. Here I was being violated in the most disgusting way possible, and yet, my defenses are being pulled down inch by inch, and finally I surrendered to the massaging hands of fate. I cannot resist being abused by David's expert manipulations.

My mouth was salivating through the gag. I think my eyes were rolling in burning ecstasy then.

"Take it Lieutenant! Take it like a man!" he growled.

Suddenly, without warning, David pulled his fingers out of me and with his weight being his lever, he forcefully pushed his large manhood into my already violated anus. I tried to quickly tense my buttocks, but he succeeded in slipping in his dripping penis into me. At first I only felt increasing pressure below, but with one thrust, I hear my anus popped. Then I realized that my only barrier was breached. Now my inner sanctum can be assaulted by David's penis again, again, and again. And he did, with impunity.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ohhh Lieutenant, I had nights dreaming about this! Me on top of you; my skin against your skin! Ugh!" David moaned as he pushed his body into mine.

The sensation of being penetrated by a white soldado was indescribable. My eyes shot open, my face contorted and my eyes watered as the searing pain traversed my entire being. The pain was so exquisite, so tender, that I howled into my wet gag. It was as if a lighted torch was forced inside. My lining scorched in his every push, his penis scratching my rectum. David mercilessly grunted each time he slid his thick wet penis in and out of my hole.

"MMMMMMPPHHHHH!!!!", I howled.

There was little pleasure in it, even none at all. I felt like St. Theresa of Avila whereby a handsome angel thrusted into her heart his long flaming spear, but unlike her sweet ecstasy, mine was a nightmare straight from Dante's Inferno. The burning fires of hell came and went inside me, without respite and without mercy.

In panic, I twisted my back hoping to dislodge David.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! No, you damn monkey!! Ugh! You have to do better that Oooohhh!!!" he hissed as he plunged deeper into oblivion. I saw his eyes shut in utmost pleasure, his tongue licking his lips sensually.

His rough hands painfully jerked my hips back into his loins thereby meeting head on his burning spear. He growled lustily at each deep penetration, saying to my sweat-covered ears "You're mine now, nigger! I have marked you forever! No one will have you!" He anchored his fingers on my hips where I felt him digging fiercely into my skin, never letting me go. No matter how I wiggled my buttocks away from David, he simply dug deeper into my hips and pulled me back into him.

"MmmmMMmmmMmmph!!" I cried. My cheeks were wet with tears. I just wanted him to stop. Oh the pain, such burning pain. Unfortunately, I was overpowered by a monster. Me! An Insurgent officer! Overpowered by brute strength by this, this, monster! I could not endure the pain any longer.

David's tempo increased, sliding furiously his thick penis into my ass. I felt his sweat-covered abdomen and pelvis strike against the skin of my back. There was a stickiness that I could not pinpoint- more of fluids lapping together, flesh rubbing against flesh, lubricating every crevice.

My anus was probably already numb from David's pounding for my eyes had become white with delirium.

"MMMmmmmph!!!" I moaned desperately.

"Ugh! Ughff! Ughfff! Your small goo-goo ass so tight, tighter than any whore I have fucked!"

Suddenly, without warning, small electric pulses of pleasure began to build up in my loins. Every time the bastard penetrated my hole with the base of his thick uncut penis, a single pulse of indescribable pleasure sweep my entire being. When he quickened his assault, the more frequent that erotic feeling welled in me.

I have no idea, even now, what it was hitting on! Was it an organ? How can that be? The pain I felt being pinioned to the floor while being raped gradually faded away, and in its place, warm electric currents of pleasure filled my entrails. My penis became harder as that feeling increased, and my stomach was fast becoming wet with the fluid that oozed from my manhood.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Oh yeah, I'll give you a good lesson sir! Ugh!," David hissed. The young soldier gyrated into me, making his strokes clockwise then after a pause, mercilessly jabbing his hard American penis inside.

He then moved his weight forward which forced him to straddle the rump of my buttocks. His glistening face went into the crook of my neck and unexpectedly, he lowered his tongue and began licking the salt of my skin plowing it from my shoulders up to my ear and back down again.

David growled at my right ear with every push, which I surmised that he truly was enjoying the whole activity. He tongued my earlobe, flicking it, wetting it, caressing it with his wet rough tongue. He even had the gall to insert it into my ear as if it was his member and my ear was another hole to penetrate.

He then said in the most lustful voice: "Ugh! Oh, you're so fucking delicious Lt. Ibarra. Your ass^Å so tight! Ooohh! I can feel it clamping on my hard dick! You like my hard dick plowing your delicious brown ass, don' ya? If only I can eat you, I will! You're mine now nigger. Ugh! Ugh! You're now my bitch!" He chuckled softly, then smirked at me. His tongue kept licking my neck and wetting my ear.

I shuddered at his statement. It indeed sent cold butterflies into my stomach, but my penis oozed otherwise.

Never before have I felt so debased, so enslaved, so^Å owned. I will never be a property of some stupid Americano, or anyone at that. And I promised myself that I will never cower under someone's boots. Never. But the rhythm of David's chest slapping on my back or his pelvis grinding into my buttocks was quickly melting my resolve. I must not succumb to him. I have to stand against this feeling^Å this new and frightening feeling of wanting to be abused. It is not me, dammit!

I can still remember growing up in my grandmother's home at the genteel Manila district of Malate where the tiled-roof colonnaded mansions and their bougainvillea hedges are located. Back then, I already had an independent mind and my grandmother always get frustrated when I go against her so-called advices. She would yell, "Unico hijo, how many times do I need to tell you, you have to be here when your Tita Rosing and I pray the Angelus!" or "Unico hijo, don't touch my Ming blue-&-whites! They're expensive! Probably more expensive than keeping you under my roof!" I could only say "Yes Lola Consuelo. I will," and as soon I left her presence, I dislodged the thought through my other ear.

Grandma Consuelo always groaned every time she sees me, telling herself out loud, "Dios mio! Animal ka! Akala ko'y isang demonio!" She would utter countless variations of the same Catholic expletive while doing the sign of the cross in front of me and this was her affectionate way of letting me know that I was her little devil.

During those formative years, I was stubborn to a fault and no self-serving authority can make me do what I do not wish to do. Perhaps this is why my parents chose to send me away to my grandmother's house in Manila on the pretense that I shall enjoy the best education that the Dominican friars of Santo Tomas can give.

Though I was the youngest of eight siblings, I was the only one who was dark-skinned compared to everyone. My brothers teased me that I was adopted or I was the maid's bastard son, but I tried to dismiss the thought off. I wonder if any of their taunts have a grain of truth. My mother, when she heard this, she merely ignored us and went out to the garden. Father said that they would come and visit me during Christmas, but never did. They always send a card and some Chinese ham over, but that was it. It was odd, and I resented them for all those lost opportunities that they had wasted. From there, I became cold, emotionless and detached. My heart had learnt to close its doors, and my face had discovered how to strip itself of any shred of emotion whenever the need arises.

Because my parents were more concerned about my educational welfare than my emotional life, and because my grandmother was more caring towards her antique Catholic saints (she even dresses them and bathes them!) and her Ming porcelain, I was left to my own devices to learn the ways of the world. And yes, the world has found its way inside my anus!

David grunted as his penis stretched my insides once more. He placed his sweaty face against my neck and said, "Listen sir, I'll take the gag off, but don't you dare shout for your men! If you understand, nod your head!"

I nodded furiously. My face was a mess. Snot was going down my nose, and tears were streaking down my cheeks.

David gently hooked his fingers inside my mouth and took away the saliva-drenched gag. He grabbed my chin, looked deeply into my eyes while sliding his penis all the way, and without warning, forced his tongue into my mouth.

"What thumppphhhh!!!" I yelped in surprise.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm" David moaned as he ravaged my mouth with his expert tongue. I felt suffocated and penetrated, but my organ was singing the opposite tune. It was continuously dripping pre-seminal fluid and its rubbing on my stomach was all it took from shooting my white cream on the floor.

"MMmmmmmmmm! You taste delicious sir. I think I'll have some more! Heheheheh!," he smirked.

David dove again into my mouth, his tongue excavating its way into my throat flicking constantly with my palate. His face smashing against mine, and from the moonshine, I saw how handsome he is- strong, boyish and dirty. My head was spinning, I was intoxicated. My eyes were rolling from pure lust.

"MMmmmmggggg" I moaned.

I felt my loins suddenly tightened as I couldn't hold more the lust that filled my body. Suddenly, my penis spewed forth thick ropes of white come on my belly. The floor was splattered with my seed and I really did not give a damn back then. The soldier took his tongue from my mouth and proceeded to rape me harder.

"Oh! Oh! Ugh!! Here it comes Lt. Ibarra! I'll make you white with my come!" David growled. "UUUUUUUHHHHH!!"

David must have felt my anus clenched as I came because in less than a minute of intense pounding, he jabbed deeply one more time and I felt a warm fluid engulfing the whole of my entrails. I felt full. But there was a different feeling, a feeling of being violated. I felt the wildest pleasure possible, but there is this twinge of nausea that made my stomach jump. It was a feeling of losing my last barrier to someone who is my enemy.

"Ahhhh!!! Ohhh! Enough! Please!" I moaned.

I heard my rapist pant behind me as he rested his weight on top of my body. He leaned towards my face and proceeded to kiss me again. I looked at him with resentful eyes and clamped my lips tight. His tongue slid against my lips trying to force his in, but to no avail. He retracted and looked back to me. Both of his eyes had that look of surprise, and perhaps disappointment, but I still can sense the deep seated lust that curdled in his heart.

David smirked, and spat a big batch of saliva on my face. He pushed my body away from him, the stickiness between us making a sound. His deflated manhood slid out of my buttocks without first making such dreaded lip-smacking sound. My face must have burnt crimson when I heard that embarrassing noise.

"Uhhhhh! Hah! Hah!" I groaned as I felt his weight gone.

David knelt at my right side, and with my pants, he wiped off his sweat from his chest, back and abdomen, then cleaned his organ and groin with the same material. I saw the same confident smirk plastered on his cocky face.

Unexpectedly, I felt something was being wiped on my behind. I turned my glistening back to see that the foolish soldier was swabbing my good pants on my come-drenched anus. I flashed David my meanest glare.

"Hmmmph! You were asking for it!" David chuckled. He bent his body whereby his handsome face was on my right ear.

"Now, here's the deal! If you want my full cooperation, these are my demands: 1) No sentries guarding me or this hut, and for that I won't dash off into the forest. That's a promise. 2) My hands will not be bound in any way starting tonight. 3) The food I shall eat will come from your plate, you have to share yours with me and we'll eat together. 4) You shall come into my hut each night for further interrogation. 5) You shall support me unconditionally when asked by your superiors about my behavior."

"W-what?" I was sputtering. "Y-you ca-can't make demands you hijo de puta! You ca-can't! Y-you are our prisoner of war! This is highly irregular!"

I was about to lift my prone body from the floor when David's knees suddenly rested on my nape. His whole weight squashed my poor soul on the bamboo floor.

In a low menacing voice he said, "You shall do exactly as I say or I will tell the goo-goos out there what a lovely scar you have on your left buttock and how you begged me to stuff you with my white meatpole. You can't seem to grasp the idea sir that with your name tarnished, Aguinaldo will be forced to sign your discharge papers, and with that, you'll go back to Manila disgraced and probably disowned." He then proceeded to flick his tongue on my earlobe.

"You are insane!" I protested.

"Am I?" He sniggered.

"No one will believe you! I'll make sure of it!"

"Really Lieutenant? Try me!," he smirked.

". . . "

David paused and looked at my shocked face. He must have seen a tear rolling down on my eye that he said, "Of course, it's all up to you Lt. Ibarra. I studied your file, remember? And my dead father was a psychologist. So, I know how to skin a cat in ten different ways. And you're the most beautiful cat I've ever laid my eyes on, and I shall keep you on a tight leash 'cuz from now on Lt. Ibarra, you're my property. Of course, outside, things will be the way as they were before, but I'm sure you'll remember my demands without any problem at all!"

"Nnnnooooooo! You can not do this to me you hijo de puta! I can't believe this." I croaked.

"Yeah, better believe it bub! As Mark Twain said in your article, we Americans play the European game!"

"Uuugh!" I cried in disgust.

I slumped on the floor. I began to feel my energies drained that night.

My mind had not registered yet the pleasure and humiliation that I had experienced in just a couple of hours. David stood up and donned his pants on. He sat on the cot eyeing me as I struggled to get up. I managed to get my shirt on, and smoothened my pants from any annoying crease. I folded my wet handkerchief and stuffed it back into my pocket.

I was on my way to the door when David said something under his breath.

"What was that you said?" I demanded.

"Me? Oh, nothing! Nothing at all!" He then gave a lustful chuckle.

"Hmmph! Better watch your head David, many things can happen while you are sleeping."

"I shall remember that sir. Always."

I can feel his smirked still plastered on his cruel face. I turned the knob and opened the door as silently I could before my men can jump into any conclusion. I went down from the bastard's hut and walked on the soft ground towards a dimly lit hut perched near the camps promontory. A couple of my men were drinking some palm toddy and as I approached them, they offered me some to which I declined.

"Leandro! Joselito! You better be on your guard, you hear? I don't want any trouble on account of your drunkenness tonight."

"Yes, Teniente Ibarra!" they chimed, smiling at me.

"Eh, bueno. Open the lock for me Leandro, I have to interrogate our prisoner before you boys get so drunk that you won't be able to remember how to close the lock." I said in friendly banter.

Leandro and Joselito were inseparable twin brothers whose parents were killed during the start of the American hostilities. Their family was very poor and subsisted only on the produce of their small vegetable plot outside their hut. They lived in a tiny village nestled under the coconuts, papaya plants, and frangipani trees. It was hidden and beautiful.

When the Americanos arrived at their village one fine morning, all the residents were rounded up into the main street and the American soldiers began burning their palm huts while looting each house for any gold and jewels they can get their hands on. Both boys told me how their parents and neighbors must have watched in horror as their lives burned to cinders. Many wailed and cried, and some who tried to save their houses were shot by soldiers with no mercy or regard.

During the time when the crime happened, the twins were on their way to the recently opened public school ironically administered by American soldiers. When they walked back home, they were greeted by stray dogs sniffing at pools of dried blood, spent bullet shells and the burnt remains of their neighbors' homes. The whole place was eerily silent.

They rushed barefoot towards their house but when they got there, it was empty, and ruined. Leandro and Joselito searched frantically everywhere- the coconut plantations, banana groves, the river, and even under the bridge, but there was no sign that they were there.

As they walked backed, they saw one of the village strays crossing the street and in its mouth, it carried what seemed to be a portion of a baby's arm. The boys glanced left and remembered that there was an abandoned copra mill some distance from the main road. They ran as fast as they could and when they could already see the mill, a strong metallic stench assaulted their nostrils.

They dashed towards the back of the mill and what they saw will never be forgotten. In an open pit were scores of lifeless bodies piled on top of one another, drenched red. Mothers, sons, daughters, grandfathers- whole families exterminated with no pity at all. Even toddlers were not spared. Each had a bullet wound on the head and many have bayonet marks on their backs. Several strays were getting a handful from gnawing and feasting on the flesh of the dead.

The twins cried and began to look for the corpses of their parents. They first beat the strays with sticks driving them off. They took their clothes off and lowered themselves into the pit. They had to sift through the dead faces of their neighbors whose mouths were open in anguish, their friends whose closed eyes betray the horror. Even the beautiful lasses whom they had personal fantasies for were also slaughtered.

Suddenly, they heard a wail coming from above the pit.

"AAAAHHH! INAY!!!", the boy cried. Mother!

"ITAY! Bakit? Bakit?" Father! Why? Why?

Leandro signaled to his brother that he will take a look. He climbed up the pit and saw that it was a child.

The boy was about eight or nine years old, poor and exhausted. He said he came from the next town where he heard that everyone from this village was massacred in retaliation for the grisly death of an American officer. His father sent him to buy some soap and cooking oil from the market, and as soon as he had heard what happened, he dropped his load and ran back to find his parents.

Joselito clambered up the pit and the twins assured the boy that they shall help him find his parents. All three boys went down into the pit and after an hour, they had located their kin. One by one, they pulled the corpses up and laid them on the ground.

All three cried and cried. They beat their fists into the ground promising revenge for this cowardly act. That same afternoon, they buried their loved ones in the yard of their former homes and later that night, they took flight into the deepest part of the jungle where they ultimately ended up as foot soldiers in our campaign to kill Americanos. Both boys are still learning the ropes which is probably why General Miclat assigned them to me, but from what I have observed from their training, they are really quick learners and have the presence of mind, a trait that many of my men do not have.

Leandro quickly took out the lock and opened the bamboo door. He stepped aside and saluted me stiffly. I saluted back and went inside. I had difficulty walking ever since coming out from David's hut and with Pvt. Wilkins sleeping in his cot, I must walk firm steps so that he would not notice my discomfort.

"Sit up, soldier!" I shouted.

Pvt. Wilkins who still has some caked blood on his forehead jerked up from his cot and turned to me. He rubbed his eyes with his bound hands and furrowed his brows trying to see who it was that disrupted his deep sleep. As soon as he saw my face, he became so flustered that his cheeks went livid.

"Uh^ÅUh^Å" He panicked.

"Cat got your tongue, soldier?" I mused.

"Sorry sir," he replied. Pvt. Wilkins' eyes went from my dirtied pants and with a flash of suspicion, he quickly looked down to the bamboo floor.

". . ."

"I see you are more relaxed than yesterday. How is your head?" I asked.

"Fine sir," he replied.


"Already done sir."

"My. My. Isn't he a bit subdued today! I must find out what Sgt. Tibo-on did yesterday to make this beast turn into a sheep," I thought. It had to be something big for him to be cooperative. Perhaps the bump on the head? Tibo-on must know! It's imperative that I should speak to him.

"What is your first name, Pvt. Wilkins?"

"Jeremiah, sir."


"Died of cholera," he replied. His voice cracked and full of sadness.


"None sir"

"Why did you join the army Pvt. Wilkins?"

"Money sir."

"Money?" I asked, surprised at the frankness of his reply.

"Yeah sir. I was promised lots of bucks if I join the army here in the Philippines. They are in short of volunteers sir."

"I see. Who promised you that soldier?"

"General Franklin Bell sir, the head of the army here in Batangas sir."

I took a mental note of Pvt. Jeremiah Wilkins. I misjudged him completely. I thought Pvt. David Colt would be the easier of the two, but in fact, it is this poor soul in front of me who is more cooperative. I saw his eyes shift, from the floor to my pants and up my crotch. The light fabric of my pants can sometimes give the illusion of a bulge, but I could not care less. I like wearing it for its comfort, not for its sensuality. But as for Pvt. Wilkins, has he smelled our cum?

"How many regiments does your general have in these parts?"

I looked down where his legs meet and I saw a thick tube snaking upward.

"Five sir."

"And where are they located?"

"I dunno sir. My superiors know where, but us soldiers do not know sir," he softly replied. His eyes were on my pants. I think he may be scrutinizing all the stains that splattered a while ago.

"It is alright soldier."

Damn! I am getting an erection again! My penis formed a bulge in front unmindful of the soldier sitting in front of me. I think I need to reestablish my authority over these Americanos especially after I was stupidly humiliated by that bastard Colt. Pvt. Wilkins may just be the fool who can salvage my frustrated ego today.

I surprised myself when I said, "Thank you soldier. You may go back and rest. But before I go, I need to inspect you before I retire tonight. Camp protocols, you understand. I am sure you do Pvt. Wilkins, since it is your race that is fond of protocols and gentlemen's agreement."

" Uhh^Å"

I continued, "Kindly bend over on your cot and please lower your pants down. This will only take a minute soldier, nothing to worry about really."

The rugged solder blanched and gulped. I saw beads of sweat forming on his forehead as if he knew exactly what will happen. Besides, he has already defiled men before, so this won't be a surprise to him. He bent his hips on the cot where he rested his torso on the canvas spread. My hands started unbuckling his pants and after a few seconds, the material landed on his ankles.

I grabbed his hairy buttocks and mashed them with my deft fingers. Pvt. Wilkins squirmed momentarily but did not make a move to get out of the cot. I spit into my fingers and proceeded to wet his back entrance. His buttock was muscular with generous amounts of curled hairs that made it look masculine. I jabbed my finger inside his hole and he stiffened as I pushed deeper into him.

"Uhhhh" moaned Pvt. Wilkins.

"You do not like that soldier? The inspection is not even half-way through yet!" I sneered.

"No^Å no^Å I mean^Å Ahhhh^ÅOhhhh" he mumbled as I inserted my second finger into him. I added more spit into his puckering hole which only made it hungrier for my touch.

"Admit it. You like being inspected."

"Nooooo^Å ooohhh^Å shittt^Å. Sooo^Å soooo^Å fuck!!" he moaned.

"Shush! You better keep that sensual mouth of yours shut if you do not want to be tied to a banana tree for the rest of the night!" I growled.

"Please sir^Å no more^Å it's soooo good," he pleaded.

I smirked at this trussed-up soldier. I pulled out my fingers and wiped them on Jeremiah's pants. I then unbuckled my cum-stained pants and knelt behind him.

"Please be gentle sir. It's still painful sir." Pvt. Wilkins looked at me with those pitiful eyes. Even a rugged man like him with his strong mountain features can still melt my stupid heart.

I said to him gently, "Alright Jeremiah, I shall do you slowly. Just suck in some air. And why is your bottom painful, eh?" I reached down and inspected his anus and I saw that some parts were still red from being rubbed too much.

". . ."

"Do not worry. I shall know sooner or later. Just relax and let me in, ok?" I cooed.

"Y-yes sir."

I spat some saliva on my throbbing brown penis and flicked it over his hole, teasing my target. His hole puckered. Oh, I could not wait to invade his inner sanctum.

In one forceful push, I penetrated Jeremiah Wilkins' private bottom. My throbbing manhood speared his anus until it reached the base of my groin. Ohhh^Å what a feeling! Such tight muscular hole massaging my entire length! My trembling eyes were relishing in the explicit pleasure when I heard my victim scream.

"Aaaaaaahhhh!!! Please Stop sir! It hurts!!!"

Jeremiah howled a bit louder than usual that I immediately clamped my hands over his mouth.

"MMMMMmmmphhhh!!" He moaned.

Suddenly, the door opened. Standing by the door was Leandro and Joselito with rifles drawn in our direction.

"S-SIR! We heard a sound! We thought you were hurt!" Leandro ejaculated.

"It's alright Leandro. Both of you, close the door." Joselito hurriedly bolted the door.

Leandro and Joselito gasped as they realized that I was pistoning my penis in and out of Pvt. Wilkins' ass. I did not bother pulling my penis out. I let my instincts guide my hips as I slammed into the poor soldier. I think I saw the face of both boys turned maroon from our spectacle, but they did not excuse themselves or go out in shame. Both merely stood their ground with their eyes stuck on the American's undulating hips, they tongues licking their lips in lustful glee.

"Come! Eat with me!" I smirked at them.

Leadro took the bait. He pulled down his trousers and with his hardening member sticking out, he walked in front of Pvt. Wilkins. Soon, Joselito followed suit. He took off all his clothes and rubbed his penis on my captive's lips.

With the hut locked from the inside, and the windows drawn down, the forest was the only mute witness to our carnal activity. It watched us until the first rays of dawn, unmindful and disinterested, as we continued ravaging the Americano again, again and again.

... to be continued.

Please send all your comments to: . Sorry for all the typos. Thanks and enjoy the story. I'd be glad to hear from your feedback and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 4

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