Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on Apr 21, 2009


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and has no bearing on any people or characters mentioned within. With the exceptions of characters I create the rest are trademarks of Marvel Inc. This story may contain adult situations and may only be suitable for adults over the age of 18 or 21 depending on where you live.

First there is black; the simple void. There is no earth or sun; heaven or hell. There is nothing. Emptiness covers the whole of existence, and utter silence pervades the universe.

This is my nightmare.

Suddenly it begins. I hear the low hum of violins being tuned before a symphony. As their strings warm, a small sliver of dawn begins to glow in the east. The moaning of the oboes join in and are matched by the voice of the organ.

The light brightens.

As the drums pound, the planets and stars begin to take shape, and I recognize Jupiter and the rings of Saturn coalescing before my very eyes. The trumpets rouse the sun, and as it crests the newly formed planet behind me, I stand on awe at the wonder of creation that even God must have surely felt.

Time has no meaning in this vision. Aside from our own galaxy being formed, I witness countless others being created and destroyed in an instant. Planets, not much unlike our own, are birthed and then devoured by ravaging stars and black holes alike. I see the laws of physics created and demolished in an instant.

Conpletely unable to comprehend these mysteries of the universe, I turn back to our own solar system being created in front of my eyes.

The orchesta is still composing, and the music is reaching its crescendo. All of the instruments have joined in, and the song is the most beautiful and terrifying thing I have ever heard. The sun has fully risen and is blindingly bright, yet I can nearly see something in its heart.

Despite the burning pain I feel, I dare to gaze into the sun, and I can make out what I take to be a figure within its depths. He is moving his arms smoothly and with purpose; almost as if he is the conductor of this symphony.

As I peer closer, the symphony reaches its zenith, and the music blares to defeaning proportions! I am unable to move.

With a voice of thunder, the conductor cries, "I AM FIRE AND LIFE INCARNATE! NOW AND FOREVER, I AM PHOENIX!"

The world goes black.

I awake and sit up straight in bed, shivering like mad and drenched in a cold sweat. The world swims for a moment in front of my eyes before settling back down into my room I know so well, illuminated softly by the light from my aquarium.

Gasping for air, I turn to the radio clock on my nightstand to see it's only midnight ... I've only been asleep for an hour! Dear God! It seemed like the dream lasted for years! This recurring nightmare has been happening off and on for a good five years, so you would think I would get how it works by now.

Something DOES feel different this time, though. I reach my hand under the covers, and they come back sticky and smelling musky. Every guy on earth knows what that means, but I find it weird since that hasn't happened to me since my buddies in Jr. High taught me how to take care of it myself.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, I lie back down and try to quell the shivers that have overtaken me so I can fall back asleep

'What the hell,' I murmur, 'It's not as if this dream is new to me. Why am I so freaked out?'

As I gradually slip back to sleep, the answer starts to come to me, but I try to push it out of my thoughts.

Before I woke up, I got a glance at the person controlling the cataclysm around me; and what my mind wouldn't let me comprehend is that ... I think that person was me!

That's it for part 1. This is my first crack at this so feedback is welcome. I can't promise this will be some erotic sex thing since, while I have an idea where this will go, the story might surprise me. I just hope you enjoy reading it and that you might eventually find it somewhat sexy! But Please hit me back at Any and all help is welcome.

Next: Chapter 2

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