Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on May 28, 2010


All my disclaimers and warnings from my other stories are in effect.

The fire that surrounded us is subdued, and we landed in a field pockmarked by war. People from every class and station were wounded; devastation made an equal master of all.

"Is this the place?" asked Cyclops.

"Yes, or it will be," I replied, "Liz has spread her might here,"

The moment the words left my mouth, the cry of the Phoenix echoed across the valley, and as we looked up, the Great Bird passed above us and continued its destruction across the land.

"It's too much!" yelled Nick, "You can't face and defeat her!"

I turned, and smiled sadly, "I don't plan to."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I have a plan," I responded, "You two will help carry it out."

I grasped Nick by his arms.

"I know we've made some mistakes, both of us. But I know you've always loved me, and I you, as best friends. I need you to follow my instructions right now, despite how it may seem. I am trusting you with everything. Will you promise to do what I ask?"

Nick gave me a look of horror, "You want me to let you die?! I CAN'T! I messed up too much before! I'm not going to do it now!"

I smiled and said, "Thank you, Nick. I forgive you for what happened. But that's in the past, and I don't hold it against you. You did what you thought was right, and it was! You were correct in keeping watch over me knowing what was harbored in me. You were right thinking I was a danger to everyone. You were right! Now, I need you to trust ME to be right. Can you do that? I finally know what must be done to save us. I get it now! Will you let me do what has to be done?"

Nick hesitated for a moment, tears sparkled in his eyes, "Yes ... ok ... I trust you."

I sighed, "Good."

I raised my hand and gestured at him, and a look overcame him as if the wind got knocked out of him, and he disappeared.

"What the HELL was THAT?" yelled Cyclops.

"We had to forgive each other," I replied, "I needed to have a clear conscience. Now comes your part."

"Are you looking for a kiss from me?" he responded sarcastically.

I laughed, "Hardly, but I wish it was that easy! You'll know what you have to do. For now, be patient. Just think of the memory of the woman you loved"

"What?" he asked.

"Trust me, as he did, please?"

Cyclops gritted his teeth and nodded.

As I said that, I called on the Phoenix, transformed into It's glory and chased after Liz.

The wrath of Dark Phoenix lay before me.

Innocent lives crumbled as she flew past.

Evil incarnate left its stench for me to find.

I focused all my power on meeting up with the source, and an unknown energy suddenly boosted my speed until I saw Liz barely moments in front of me.

At this distance, as she destroyed towns and cities, I could reach out and either reconstructed them or stopped her from her destruction.

It didn't take Liz long to notice her work being undone.

Dark Phoenix stopped and turned towards me.


Her words nearly dropped me from the sky, but I stood firm.

"I have the power to face you and to undo what you have done."


I replied, "I admit my failure."

Dark Phoenix laughed, "SO THE MORTAL ADMITS HIS ERROR!"

"Not error, But failure."


"No!." I yelled, "Failure is admitting mistake!"


I sighed and began, "I made the mistake of being a coward! My actions led to the death of the man I love. I made the mistake of covering up what I did! I made the mistake of thinking I was strong enough. I made the mistake of forgetting a lesson taught years ago."

As I said this, I had the rapt attention of the Dark Phoenix


"And furthermore," I continued, as the tears began to flow down my face, "I made the mistake of believing that I could use Our power to change the past."

Tears of fire began to flow down my face as I continued and owned up to myself, "I was responsible for what happened on that fateful day! I was the one who led to the deaths of my loved ones! It was MY fault! But I thought I could fix it!"

I wept with a force I couldn't conceive possible as I admitted this.

Before I knew it, I had descended from the sky and was kneeling on a carpet of grass. Liz still hovered in the air, as the fire and hate of Dark Phoenix flowed through her.

"I killed my beloved, and yours too!" I managed to gasp to Liz.

"YES YOU DID!" she replied with fury.

"And I'm sorry!" I yelled, in my own agony.

I collapsed in a pile on the ground as the past overwhelmed me and I murmured, "I loved Tim with all that was in my being. Yet I was a coward and gave him up. I am at fault."


"Yes," I whispered, "And I accept my punishment. I accept my fate."

I surrendered myself and gazed up at Liz' countenance as her hatred overflowed and destroyed me.

With the last of my will, I said, "I offer my own life to bring him back. I truly love him. I offer myself in his place. Unleash your hate upon me, its rightful heir"

Dark Phoenix cried out in agony and sent Its fury at me.

Fire engulfed me, the world faded away and darkness overtook me in a swirling void.

As I plummeted into nothingness and I lost all thought, I heard one last moment of the sweet voice of what I thought was the Phoenix ...

The next chapter will be the final one.

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Next: Chapter 25

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