Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on Jul 3, 2010


All the disclaimers and warnings from my last stories are in effect.

The long walk home ...

Scott nearly laughed to himself as that cliche rocked through his head. Not only had he lost pretty much everything he held dear, he was finally separate from his love, Jean.

See, despite the fact she sacrificed herself on the moon years ago, he had always held some hope, some connection, SOMETHING with her. He couldn't explain it, but there was always her voice echoing in his head.

Now, that voice was gone, and the emptiness rocked him harder than her actual death years before and what seemed to be now.

He lost track of the time it took to wander back to the mansion, but he didn't care. He was empty now, why did it matter?

Whether months, weeks, or days later, he finally arrived at Charles' School for Gifted Youngsters and was almost taken aback to see it was completely restored and functioning as it was before the Phoenix laid waste to it. Surprise lasted for a mere moment before he remembered his love's last words 'the tears of the phoenix will avail much'

Of course, Jean's death had restored what she, the Phoenix, had destroyed.

Scott nearly cracked a smile as he saw the young mutants bustling around the campus either heading to class or enjoying some free time to play a game of pick up basketball or, for the mentally powered mutants, a nasty game of chess.

He DID smile as he saw two young mental mutants try to cheat each other at chess.

It was almost back to normal, except for the man who was missing ... the man who built this house.

"Scott?" a familiar voice asked.

Scott turned to his left, jaw dropped, as a very living Charles Xavier WALKED over to him.

"Pr ...Pro ... Professor?!"

Charles smiled slightly and said, "Yes, it is me, Cyclops. What's wrong? You look troubled."

"Indeed," another voice joined in as Erik Lenshire joined Charles, "what seems to be bothering you, Scott?"

Scott immediately backed up and raised his hand to his visor to unleash his power to attack Magneto, "STAY BACK, PROFESSOR! HOW DID MAGNETO GET HERE?!"

Charles and Erik looked at each other with a confused look.

"Scott," began Charles, "You're confused. I know you've been through a lot lately, but how can you forget that Erik has been my ally since you've known me? He was the one who found you at the orphanage. Do you remember?"

"Yes, Scott," continued Erik, "We've been like father and son for ten years. What is wrong, my boy?"

Scott shook his head in disbelief, "I ... I don't know. It feels like I'm coming out of a horrible dream. Something I've been living for years but is finally over. OH GOD! What happend to Jean and Ryan?!"

"What's wrong, babe?" a familiar voice asked.

Scott turned and saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen walking towards him; Jean Grey, as herself as he had always remembered her.


"Yes, Scott, of course, why wouldn't it be? What's wrong?" she asked as she embraced him.

"I ... I ... don't know, it's just that ... well ... you... the Phoenix ... you ..."

"The Phoenix?" Jean asked, "what are you talking about? The Phoenix fought against the Shi'Ar empire and it's corrupt prince and defeated them. She has been off protecting us for years."

Scott had no clue what to say, or how to react.

The voice, familiar resonated in his head.

"To whom?" he asked silently.

<to ryan, he sacrificed his all for you>

"What do you mean?"

<we gave him his utmost wish, and it was for you, charles, erik the xmen, and especially for you and jean to live long and happily>

"He sacrificed his love for Tim for us?"

<he knew what mattered most. the continuation of what xavier started and his mission for all mankind. he asked for the war between mutants and humans to end, for the battle between xavier and erik to have never existed, but most of all, he wanted you and jean to always be together. that was the most important thing to him>


"How can I thank him?"

The Phoenix almost seemed to smile in his head <you already have. you accepted his gift and he is now free to roam the cosmos with me. free of fear, hate, guilt or persecution>

"Is he happy?"

Phoenix laughed and as she spoke, it transformed into Ryan's voice <i'm happy, scott. tim's here, and we can never be parted. we have been granted eternal life with the phoenix. we'll always be together, as we were meant to be, and as you and jean shall be. best of luck to you, scott. be as happy as we are>

With a cry, the voice of the Phoenix left Scott in the arms of Jean.

"What is it, my love?" she asked, worried.

Scott shook his head free of the cobwebs that had filled it, and looking at Jean, smiled and said, "Nothing. Just glad to be home."

Jean smiled, and taking his hand, began to walk back to the mansion.

Scott looked back and locked eyes with Xavier.

"I know" his mind projected.

Scott smiled, "Me too," he thought back, "he was the greatest of us."

"Yes," Xavier replied, "Yes ... he was."


And that's my story. I hope you all liked it. It wasn't perfect, and I apologize for the plot holes or grammar issues, but I hope you enjoyed the thought behind it. Final feedback at as always.

Next: Chapter 28: Phoenix Reborn II 1

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