Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on May 14, 2009


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As the memories of the past finally fade, I somehow shake myself awake and get out of bed.

I know five years is a long time, but I can still smell the gunpowder and smoke of that day.

"Oh Tim," I mutter softly before standing up and heading into the bathroom for a shower.

My morning regularities done, I dress, grab my keys and head out of the house. I am welcomed by a sunny clear blue day that defies my mood. Why should the weather be so happy when my heart feels so dark?

It's nearly time to meet Nick and Cindy for lunch, so I hop in my Civic and head for the restaurant..

I pull into the parking space, lock my car and walk towards the door of Carinos.

I spin around looking for who said my name, but I see no one. Shaking my head, I continue into the restaurant. It must be the day, I convince myself. I'm just too worked up.

Once inside, I look around before seeing Nick and Cindy sitting in a booth, sipping on margaritas and munching on crusty bread.

I slip in across from them and signal a waiter to order drink.

"Hey, buddy," Nick mumbles through a mouth full of bread and garlic, "Sorry to get started without you, but you were late and Cindy as starving."

"WHATEVER!" Cindy exclaims with a laugh while slapping Nick's arm, "The garbage disposal here only waited like 3 minutes before diving into the appetizers."

"What can I say," replies Nick as he stuffs more bread in his mouth, "They have good food here."

"Glad you're enjoying it," I say as the waitress shows up, "Double vodka tonic ... two actually."

The waitress smiles and says, "Of course, Ill be right back.

<Oh great! Another business man on lunch break who thinks he is Gods gift to women!>

"EXCUSE ME!" I say angrily, "I have no intentions of hitting on you no matter how many drinks I have, and I resent the fact you lump me in with the drunk pigs who do just cuz Im a guy!"

"Im sorry?" says our waitress.

"Yeah, what the hell are you talking about?" asks Cindy.

"I won't sit here and be judged as a sexist male just because SHE says I'll get drunk and hit on her!"

"Im sorry, sir, but I didn't say anything ... I'll be back with your drinks on a moment."

With that, our waitress walked off, but looked back with a confused, yet knowing look on her face.

"Ummm, bro, she didn't say anything to you," Nick mutters, "I think you're just wound up about today."

"No I swear! She got all pissed off cuz she thought I wanted her!"

"Sweetie," began Cindy, "She didn't say anything. Maybe the drink you ordered will calm you down."

I nodded my head slowly. What the hell ... I'm losing it. Hearing voices twice in the same hour?! It must be cuz of what day it is! Yeah, that's it! I'm just overloaded because of the stress I'm under because of the anniversary of Tims death and the dream last night.

Our waitress returned with my drinks and smiled sweetly as she set them in front of me.

"Sorry, I said sheepishly, "Today has been a bit crazy."

"No problem, hun. We all have those days."

"Huh?" I ask.

"Nothing, sugar," she replies with a wink, "If you need anything more, just let me know."

As she walks off, I look at Cindy and Nick to see if they heard what she said but they are busy with their cesear salads.

I glance at our waitress again, but she is already busy helping some diners a few tables over from ours and doesn't catch my eye.

The rest of lunch goes well; the meal was excellent, as always, and all three of us sit back afterwards full and content. Our waitress brings the check, and I immediately grab it and offer to pay over the objections of my friends.

"Trust me, I got this. I just got the promotion, remember?"

"Well if you're being so generous, you want to pay my mortgage this month?" Nick asks sarcastically.

"I would, but I know how much fun you have working the corner, and I couldn't deny you that."

Nick laughs and aims a punch at me which I deftly avoid as I get up to pay the bill.

I unfold the receipt to see our total, when I notice a message scrawled at the bottom by the total.

"I knew you would see this first, so meet me out back."

"What, is the total too much for mister I-just-got-promoted?" Nick jokes, seeing the bewildered look on my face.

"N... No Im just gonna go have a smoke before we leave."

"That shit will kill you," Cindy says disprovingly.

"So will McDonalds," I counter.

"Point taken. Just hurry; we don't want to be late."

I walk away from the table and exit through the back door next to the bathroom. When I get outside, I light up a cigarette and look around for whoever left me the message.

I follow the voice I hear in my head and walk around the back of the building to see our waitress there smoking a cigarette as well.

"So you're a mutant too, huh?"

"What?" I stammer, "I have no clue what you're talking about!"

"Oh come on! You heard my thoughts in there AND knew where to find me when you came out here!"

"I saw your note on the receipt and simply followed the directions."

"Whatever," she says as she blows out smoke, "You heard my voice in your head and followed it. It's ok to be out, ya know. The more of us who are honest with what we are, the easier it gets for everyone."

"No, I swear! I'm not a mutant! I have nothing wrong with it ... HELL I have mutant friends ..."

"Like the ones in there?"

"NO not them ... But I'm homo sapien!"

"Then how did you hear my thoughts?"

"WHAT?! NO!"

"You did! I'm sorry for thinking you were some drunk ass who wanted to hit on me, but that was only a thought; I never said anything, but you heard it all the same!"

"You didn't say that?! But ... But I heard you!"

"Yeah, you heard my thoughts ... Only telepathics can, so if you're 'not a mutant' how did you do that?" she asks a she takes her last drag and grinds out her cigarette.

"I ... I don't know. This has never happened to me before."

"Maybe you're just a late bloomer? Maybe you're coming into your powers just now?"

"No ... It couldn't be! Mutants find out who they are at like 13 or 14. EVERYONE knows that!"

<Maybe you're special?>

"Im not!"

"You heard me again, and I'm not even telepathic. You're hiding something!"

"Whatever," I say as I throw down my cigarette, "Im not a mutant. Trust me, there have been times I wish I was ... I could have made a difference. I'm leaving; good luck to you."

With that, I turn and walk around the corner and back into the restaurant.

The waitress stands there for a second, a smile on her face, before lighting another cigarette and pulling out a cell phone and dialing a number.

"Hello, my dear," a voice answers, "And how did our little experiment go?"

"Better than we could have hoped," she replies, "He passed with flying colors."

"Good, good," says the voice, "Follow him and see what happens. I'm interested to know what happens at the memorial today."

"Of course. I'll keep you informed."

"See you soon, my dear,"

The waitress closes her phone and turns to walk away from the restaurant. She takes a quick glance back with her suddenly bright yellow eyes.

Yes, it has just begun. Soon the humans will learn the error of their ways ... They have just unleashed a force caused completely by their own stupidity.

There is part 4 ... Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 5

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