Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on May 19, 2009


All the disclaimers and restrictions from my last stories remain in effect.

Stars everywhere! And not like the stars we are used to, but orbs of fire and cataclysm that burn and explode with the fury of the gods. Looking around, I can see I'm in the utter depths of space and not on earth where I last remember being.

What WAS I doing just a second ago? I know it was something important, or was it? My past life and everyone and thing in it seems miniscule and vapid faced with the infinite wonder and majesty of the universe before me.

That's it! I've been in this vision before, but never to this part. Creation's labor pangs are all I've witnessed having always awoken before the universe is done being born. But why am I here and not where I belong?

<you have always belonged here. It's why you visit so frequently>

"Who is saying that?!," I yell, "Show yourself!"

<in due time. I rather enjoy these quiet moments with you, and I would hate to ruin them or overwhelm you>

"Overwhelm me? What are you talking about?! Who are you?!"

"You would help me more by explaining what the hell is going on! Are you the one who keeps bringing me here?"

<I am not. This is your escape when things move beyond you, as they recently have>

"Move beyond me? I don't remember anything like that."

<you don't seem to remember much at the moment>


"I remember hearing a voice much like yours ... Only it was cold, heartless ... angry. Was that you?"

<it was me and not me ... that is for you to decide>

"ME! What do I have to do with anything, and how is this my decision?"

The multitude of stars rush forward and engulf me, yet strangely, I feel no scorching heat, only the gentle breeze of a lover's kiss.

The suns collide violenty, before joining together and growing in both size and power. The forces of gravity and fusion overtake all I behold leaving me breathless with both fear, anticipation and dare I say, ecstacy?

Under no volition of my own, I find myself being drawn closer.

As I come nearer to its heart, I see a figure forming in response to this nuclear chain reaction.

With a giant shockwave and incoming rush of air, the suns collapse into a shining and incredibly beautiful woman floating before me.

Nevermind, 'beautiful' cannot even begin to describe the flawless features of this creature.

She has the most lustrous and flowing red hair I have ever seen and the most piercing green eyes that literally burn with a jumping fire that mirrors the energy consumed to create her.

She is naked, but does not seem in the least bit concerned about her lack of clothing, and while I have never looked at a women in a sexual way, I instinctively know she possesses the most gorgeous body seen by the human eye.

What sets her apart the most, though, is her smile. One that is both compassionate and loving yet sly and almost conniving at the same time.

It is not a question, but a statement of fact.

"Erm," I mumble, "You could say that."

Her smile widens slighty before wavering as she turns her head to one side as if listening for something. With a look of shock on her face, she turns back to me.

<we do not have much time as I must leave soon. I will give you as much information as I can, but I fear it will not be enough, yet>

"Wait, time for what? What do I need to know?"

As this being floats over to me, I start to hear the sound of something ... A machine of some sort ... begin to power up ... Almost as if it were charging and storing up power.

The creature reaches me, and lightly strokes my face. At her touch, an eternity of memories invade my mind. Infinity caresses me, and I shudder at the weight of it all.

Throughout this, the charging sound continues, growing in intensity.

As does the pain and now fire of what is being bestowed into me.

"Too ... Too much! Make it stop! It burns. IT BURNS!"

<forgive me, it must be done. But I promise to help you deal. Until such time as you are ready, these secrets will remain locked away>

At those words, the pain ceases, and I am blown backwards away from her at an incredible rate.

As I fly away from the entity, the charging sound finally stops and is replaced by the WHOOSH of released energy.

"JEAN!" a man's anguished voice cries out.

"SCOTT!" the woman yells in return.

The universe explodes.

When the light of the devastation clears from my head, I find myself back on earth, surrounded by chaos.

The podium where that Charles Xavier had been speaking is deserted, and the chairs that had been set up for the attendees of the memoial service were strewn about as if a tornado had struck.

Aghast over what lies around me, I tumble to the ground in near shock. What the hell happened?

"Ryan?" whispers a small voice behind me.

I stand and turn around to see Nick's crumpled and bloodied body lying on the ground.

"Oh my God, Nick, are you all right?!" I cry as I rush to his side, "What happened? Who did this?"

Nick pulls away and tries to push himself as far away from me as he could get.

"Nick, what's wrong with you? I'm trying to help!"

Nick only continues to crawl away with a look of terror in his eyes.


"That will be quite enough," a quiet yet commanding voice tells me.

To my left, in what's left of his wheelchair, sits Charles Xavier, with a stern yet shocked look on his face.

"What happened!" I demand as I stand and walk over to him, "Who did this?"

Xavier grimaces and says, "You did, Ryan. Or should I say, Phoenix."

And with those words, a force hits me that reaches into my head and shakes my brain.

For the second time that day, I lose consciousness.

Well, how did this one go? Let me know at

Next: Chapter 7

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