Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on May 20, 2009


All the restrictions and disclaimers from my last stories are in effect.

"HANGOVER from HELL!" Is the first thought that greets me as I awake. Dear God! I've NEVER felt so horrible in my life! I gradually pry open my eyes to look around, but the blinding light pierces my head, and I have no choice but to shut them tightly again.

"What the fuck happened?" I softly murmer.

"You had to be sedated," a somewhat familiar voice says softly, "And I apologise for the crude manner I had to administer it to you."

"Can you turn the lights down?" I plead.

"Not a problem," a new voice with a Scottish accent replies, and the lights immediately dim.

"Thanks," I murmer as I crack my eyes open again, this time able to finally get a look around my environment.

I am in some kind of science lab filled with all kinds of analytical equipment, and as I try to sit up, I find myself bound to an examination table.

"What the hell?!"

"It's for your own, and our, protection," the first voice calmly replies.

I look over to see Charles Xavier in his wheelchair to my left.

He smiles slightly and says, "You have been out for a few days now. I didn't mean for my dampening your mind to knock you out for so long, but I had to make sure you wouldn't wake up too soon and continue your assault."

"What assault?! What are you talking about!"

"Your manifestaion of the Phoenix Force! You nearly destroyed everyone AND thing around you!"



"Are all right," finishes Charles, "They have been here under constant medical supervision from Moira. They're still recovering, but should be fine shortly."

"Oh my GOD! What exactly happened?!"

"You have no memory whatsoever of the events that took place?"

"NO! The last thing I remember was everyone giving you an ovation for your speech, then hearing this crazy voice in my head before blacking out. I came to, to see my best friend bleeding on the ground and scared out of his wits of me! So NO I don't know a god damned FUCKING thing that happened!"

As my anger and confusion rises inside me, I feel a fire burn toward my head before an agonizing migraine pierces my head and makes me go limp.

Seeing my reaction and what happened to me, Charles says, "We placed a neural inhibitor on you to keep the Phoenix Force latent within you. I know this will put you in pain, but it's for ALL our safeties."

"This is somewhat strange," Charles says, turning to a middle aged woman who, I assume, was the other voice I heard, "Jean at least knew what was taking place when acting as Dark Phoenix, yet our young patient here has no idea of his actions."

"I've more disturbing news for ya, Professor," she replies, "The test results came back and 'es not even a mutant! So 'ow is 'e controlling the beast i'side 'im?"

"Beast? Mutant? What do you mean?" I ask.

"This is not the first time we have had to deal with this ... issue," Charles says slowly as if careful to choose the correct words, "You see, one of our ... my ... closest friends battled with the same omnipotent creature that now resides within you ... a goddess of creation known as the Phoenix. At first, the Phoenix exerted its incredible power and wisdom to save the universe, but as time went on, its cruel and destructive nature revealed itself and nearly destroyed us all. It was only by the sheer will and love of its host, Jean, that it was finally destroyed."

"Destroyed?" I query, "But if it was a goddess, how could it be destroyed? I mean, you can't kill that which is immortal."

"No, apparently not," Charles frowns, "As it seems very much alive and empowered within you."

"So you're saying this goddess ... This ... PHOENIX ... is living inside me?!"

"It appears so. And since you have no recollection of what took place, I believe I should show you. Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit," Charles begins as he places his hands on my head, "Just close your eyes and relax."

"Ok, but ..." I begin before the view of the lab fades away and a bright sunny day replaces it.

I look around and see Charles on the podium as the entire crowd leaps to its feet applauding. I can see the warm glow of accomplishment on his face when I suddenly notice a young blonde haired man in the crowd bolt upright and run from his chair, down the aisle and behind a nearby tree. The guy sitting next to him also stood and followed.

With a start, I realized the two men were me and Nick.

When Nick reached the tree I was behind, a piercing scream invades my mind. A mixture of terror, anger, agony and ecstacy wash over me like an unexpected wave at the beach.

Nick's last scream echoes loudly, "OH MY GOD! RYAN ... PLEASE NO!" before I see Nick fly through the air and smack into another tree. His body hovers there for an instant before crumbling to the ground and lying still in the exact same position I found him earlier.

The audience murmurs as one at the excitement taking place, and look around to see what is happening as the tree I'm standing behind rips free of the ground and hurtles towards the unsuspecting guests.

The person revealed there appears to be me, but seems incredibly different. His eyes burn with an other-worldly fire, and his mouth is twisted into a cruel smile.

He is floating a few feet off the ground, and a ring of flames surrounds his body. He opens his mouth to speak:


He raises and flicks his hand, and the chairs, and all those in them, fly forward.

People stand up and scatter, screaming.

He emits a pitiless laugh.


He erupts in maniacal laughter for a moment before the sound suddenly stops in his throat. A look of terror grips his face, and he screams as the fire around him evaporates and he falls to the ground.

"And you know the rest," Charles says gravely as I suddenly find myself back in the lab.

"I did all that?!" I ask in horror, "I attacked everyone and nearly killed my friends?"

"Not you," Charles explains softly, "The Phoenix which lives within you. You had no control over Its actions. Yet the question remains how it came to find you as a host."

"WAIT! When did Jean sacrifice herself to stop It?"

"Just over five years ago," replies Charles.

"The same day as the memorial?"

"Yes, that would be the day."

A memory not my own rushes into my mind, and I hear the voice again.

"I know why this is happening!" I exclaim, "But I don't know if I can stop it."

Part 7 is in the can. Feedback, as always, at

Next: Chapter 8

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