Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on May 27, 2009


All the disclaimers and restrictions from my last stories are in effect.

I had really expected a more elaborate way to cross the pond than what I am now flying in. I mean, I had seen the jet the X-Men fly in on the news, so I was expecting more than just a cramped seat in coach in a commercial jet. When I asked Xavier (he had mentally informed me I didn't need to be so formal by calling him by his first name) he replied that it would raise less suspicion to travel normally rather than by a Mach 5 jet. Still, if I was involved with the X-Men, I would have at least liked to travel in style instead of being scrunched between a married couple who seemed to be fighting at the moment. I had already offered to trade seats so they could sit next to each other, however both parties said they would rather not be in THAT close of proximity to another ... not that it stopped their leaning over me to argue with each other.

I slide further down in my seat and pull the Man. United cap even more firmly over my head.

I HATE hats but agreed to the fact it was necessary to hide the inhibitor on my head.

DAMN that thing! I've had a lingering headache cuz if it ever since I woke up hours ago. But I dealt with it since I was told it 'kept us safe' and I didn't want to put my friends in any more danger.

Ah, my 'friends'; ever since I as reunited with Cindy and Nick, I had refused to talk to or even acknowledge Nick. I wasn't angry or upset he was an X-Man and hadn't told me; I just couldn't believe he had been spying on me all this time while playing along that he was at Xavier's school learning how to work for society's better good! We had emailed and called back and forth countless times while he was 'away'. We both trusted each other completely with our lives and secrets! How could he have betrayed me this way!?

The anger rises in me, and as it does, pain flares through my head. I lean forward and moan slightly as we hit some turbulance.

"Are you ok?" the lady next to me asks, "Are you going to be sick?"

"No, I'm fine. Just got a bit of a migraine."

"Oh good," she replies gladly, as if the thought of someone puking next to her would be more than she could deal with.

Thankfully, I hear the captain alert us to ready ourselves for landing in New York.

I am gripped suddenly with fear and anticipation. Fear about where this journey might lead me, and anticipation over finally figuring out what is going on inside me.

We land at JFK without incident, and as we exit the terminal, we are greeted by a small group of people dressed in business casual.

Xavier immediatey wheels over to a medium sized, red haired man in a polo shirt, slacks and what appears to be opaque, dark red glasses.

As they confer for a few minutes, I get a chance to check out the rest of our welcoming committee.

There is a tall and extrordinarily beautiful African-American woman with shockingly long, white hair; a lanky man with what appears to be red eyes; a young woman leaning against him with brown hair that has a blonde streak in the front who was furiously working on a piece of gum; and an incredibly handsome young man with spiky blonde hair and a sarcastic smirk on his face.

As I take in this motley crew, a voice sounds behind me.

"Uh, Ryan," Nick begins.

"SAVE IT!" I reply sharply, "Dont talk to me right now!"

Nick stays silent, and I walk over to Xavier.

"Ah, Ryan," Xavier says as he turns toward me, "I want you to meet the leader of our team. This is Scott, otherwise known as Cyclops."

Cyclops doesn't change the hard look on his face a he extends his hand to take mine and says, "Ryan. The Professor has filled us in on you."

'Filled us in on me?'. That was far from the welcome I was looking for.

"Funny, he has said nothing about you," I reply.

Cyclops says nothing, but drops my had and turns back to Xavier.

"What are you proposing to do with him?" Cyclops asks, and I can feel myself tense up, annoyed at being dismissed so easily by this stranger.

I call myself down, though, because I don't really want to be hit with another jolt of pain from my inhibitor.

As the two men resume their conversation, I walk away and look around for a restroom. I really don't like to use restrooms in an airplane, so I really new to go.

Spying one next to the food court, I start to walk over when I hear Xavier ask, "Where are you going?"

"Uh, just gotta pee."

"Very well. Bobby," he says, and the blonde guy looks up, "Will you please escort our friend to the restroom?"

Rolling my eyes, I say, "Im an adult! I've been potty trained since I was a toddler. I'm sure I can manage on my own."

Xavier smiles, "I am sure of that. I am only sending him to make sure you are protected."

"Protected?! From what? All the tourists?"

"Just to be safe. We look out for our own."

"But how am I 'your own'? I'm not even a mu ..."

"You are in our care," Xavier interrupts. "And we mean to keep you safe. So, Bobby, if you please."

Bobby shrugs nonchalantly, and begins to follow me as I continue walking to the restroom.

With Bobby on my heels, I enter the bathroom and head toward one of the urinals. There is no one there but one young guy washing his hands at the sink. He is pretty cute, and after I pass him, I glance back for a second look only to catch him looking at me with a sexy grin on his face.

In a different situation, I might have said 'hi', but with Bobby as my bodyguard, I simply continued to the toilet, set down my bag, and went about my business. When I was done, the cute guy was already done drying his hands and out the door.

As I was at the sink, I said to Bobby, "Youre being pretty quiet."

"Eh," he replies, "I was busy on a date with my girlfriend when we were told to meet the Professor here, so I can't say my mind isn't focused on something else at the moment."

"Well sorry I messed up your night," I say sarcastically, "This isn't my idea of a pleasure cruise either."

"Yeah well, let's hurry it up so I can get back to what I was doing," Bobby replies testily.

"Whatever," I murmer as I dry my hands. "You know I've been here ten minutes and met two of you X-Men, and both of you seem like pricks. So much for looking at you guys as all heroes!"

"Look," begins Bobby, softening somewhat, "Sorry if you took this the wrong way. It's just that the Professor filled us in on what's been going on, and we're all anxious over this. We've been through this before and nearly lost our lives over what happened. We're all just a little uptight."

Bobby offered me a lopsided and very cute grin and said, "Sorry we got off to the wrong start. Name's Bobby, or Iceman, take your pick. Nice to meet you."

Bobby extends his hand, and as I reach to grab it, the cute guy I saw a moment ago rushes back in, pulls a gun, and shoots Bobby in the back.

Bobby's smile wavers and fades completely as he crumples to the ground with a dart in his back.

I stand in shock as a similar dart hits me in the chest, and I also collapse to the ground.

I am completely conscious but unable to move. Thankfully, I fall on my back and can see what is unfolding before my eyes.

The guy who shot us suddenly transforms into a strangely beautiful blue skinned woman. She grabs my arm, touches an earpiece and says, "I have him. Take us back."

At her words, the world begins to waver and spin. The bathroom disappears, and I find myself lying on a cold concrete floor.

The blue woman releases my arm and walks over to a tall and older, yet distinguished looking gentleman.

The man smiles gently and says, "Welcome, young Ryan. We have been watching you for some time. My name is Erik, and I welcome you."

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Next: Chapter 10

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