Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Dec 21, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 12

From Josh's point of view.

Don walked past me giggling his usual naughty giggle. There is something that you should know. Whenever Don is planning something naughty and cute he giggles. Poor guy can't hide anything no matter how hard he tries. But it is very cute to watch him try. Quite sexy too. I watched in amusement as he darted into the living room with a handful of garland. Yes you heard me right. Garland as in Christmas Garland. Donny and his daddy and Danny have been driving me nuts decorating the whole house. But to see Don's face all smiles did my heart good. I soon discovered that Christmas by far was Don's favorite holiday. He was so cute! And not to mention horny! Every day several times in fact he would drag me off to the bedroom where either I would have my way with him or he would have his way with me. I had to admit I loved it. Any time I got to get all naked with my lover was definitely worth it.

"Joshy!" Donny called up at me. I looked down to see the poor little guy all wrapped up in red garland and bows. I giggled at him only to have him glare up at me. "My Daddy is picking on me!" I could tell he was having the time of his life too. Ok so that would explain the giggles and the naughty grin my fiancé was making when he darted into the living room.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked confused.

"Help me get him back!" Donny said with a wide grin.

"Ok buddy," I said grinning. "I promise to help you get your daddy back."

"Goodie!" Donny said as he marched back into the living room.

"Planning on being naughty?" Don's sexy voice sounded from behind me. I looked at him and shivered at his very naughty glint in his eyes.

"Who me?" I asked licking my lips. "Would I do that too you?"

"Oh yes," Don said laughing at me. "But that is what I love about you. Come on and see the tree." He was so excited about it that I didn't have a choice. He was going to drag me there weather I wanted to go or not. So I happily followed him in. Once I got there I stifled a giggle. "What?" Don asked with his hands on his hips. "What's wrong with the tree?"

Well there really wasn't much wrong with the tree. But it was obvious who had done most of the decorating on it. A certain three year old had done most of it cause most of the ornaments ended up on the bottom part of the tree. It was so cute and there was no way that anyone would ever dream of changing Donny's special tree. "Well sweaty," I said as I wrapped my arms around him. "I can certainly tell who put most of the work in the tree."

"Well he insisted," Don pouted. "But it is really cute isn't it?"

"Just like his very sexy and incredibly good looking daddy," I cooed into his ear. He shivered with delight. "Want to go up stairs?"

"Sorry," he giggled. "I can't. I have to help Donny put up the nativity scene next." Some how that made me a little worried. "Want to help?" Would I ever give up a chance to spend time with the two best looking guys in the world. A few minutes later we all busy putting up the nativity scene. When we were done we stepped back and I giggled again. It had seemed that Donny had added a few things to it. Like his teddy bear and all of his star wars action figures. Even the spaceships he had were parked up on a mountain top next to the camels. Yep this Christmas was definitely going to have a certain little three year olds mark on it. I loved it. I shivered when I felt his lips against my neck. "Now we can go up stairs," he said with his very naughty tone of voice. Who was I to argue? I followed him up stairs knowing full well what was coming.

Two hours later from Don's point of view.

I woke up and looked around. Josh wasn't anywhere to be found. I slid out of bed after our mid afternoon lovemaking session a little sore. I smiled at the memory of Josh making love to me. I loved it when he had his way with me. It was sweet heaven. I slid on my clothes and headed down stairs. Once at the bottom I smiled. Josh was standing under the missile toe. I giggled as I ran up to him and threw my arms around him and kissed him. He led me a few feet closer to the living room and stopped and looked up with his very sexy and cute naughty grin. There was more. I giggled again and kissed him proper. Two more steps and again I was kissing him. I looked around and saw that he had hung missile toe all over the place. "You are a bad boy!" I scolded him. He just laughed as he wrapped me up in his loving arms and kissed me again.

"Do you like it?" Josh asked looking down at me with his loving eyes.

"Well this is one way to make sure you get all your kisses in," I replied as I placed my forehead on his. "Yes I love it."

"Good," Josh giggled. "Now let's go in and see what Donny is up too."

"What is he doing anyway," I asked curious.

"I think he said something about making his Santa Claus list," Josh replied.

"I wonder what he wants?" I asked as I walked in and stopped and looked around. Donny and I had done a nice job on the living room. Justin was standing next to the tree looking at it like it might bite him. "Hey boss." He jumped when he heard me holler out his name. "What do you think?"

"Ummm," Justin looked at the tree and than looked at Donny. I nodded and he smiled and shook his head. "Looks like it should look," Justin said grinning. "I can't wait to see what Kevin thinks of it."

"Think of what?" Kevin asked as he walked in. Danny was walking right behind him with a grin on his face. It was obvious that Danny had taken advantage of Josh's little Missile toe stunt.

"Well what do you think of our Christmas Tree?" Josh asked pointing at it. Kevin looked at it and than looked at Donny who was busy working on some sort of project.

"Well I can tell who did most of the work," Kevin chuckled.

"Who put up the nativity scene?" Justin asked frowning at it. We all pointed at Donny and Justin laughed.

"What?" Donny asked looking up from his project.

"That is a very nice tree Donny," Kevin said smiling down at him.

"Nice Nativity scene too," Justin added. Donny just smiled widely at them and than went back to work.

"Ummm guys?" Kevin asked softly. "Ummm we need to talk about something." Ok so that got our attention. "Danny and me aren't going to be here for the holidays."

"Why?" I asked frowning. I was expecting this. I had heard Kevin and Danny talking about going to Kentucky over the holidays to meet Kevin's family and spending Christmas and New Years. I had also heard Danny expressing some reluctance in doing that.

"Well we have decided to go to Kentucky for Christmas," Danny said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Kevin's waist and pulled him closer.

"Are you sure?" I asked Danny.

"Yea I wasn't sure at first but now that I know how important it is to Kevin that I meet his family," Danny said snuggling closer to Kevin.

"Well we'll miss you," I said softly.

"Yea but we'll be here until Christmas Eve," Danny said grinning. "So we can exchange gifts than."

"Well as long as you are happy," I reminded him

"Plus ummm we're going to be going to the billboard awards in Vegas," Kevin added. "As a group."

"You mean all of Backstreet?" I asked shocked. Kevin nodded.

"Wow when was the last time you guys were all together?" Josh asked perking up.

"A month ago when we were did that taping on Oprah," Brian added. "It was great to see AJ and Howie again." I noticed that Kevin didn't act too happy about Brian's comment.

"Well that is good. When are you guys going back into the studio?" I asked getting my hopes up. I was a huge Backstreet Boys fan and was in a serious need of some BSB music.

"January," Kevin said grinning as he rubbed his hands together. "It has been a long three years!"

"I'm going to the Billboard awards too," Josh popped up. "As a presenter."

"Can I come?" I asked snuggling up to him.

"Sure," Josh smiled down at me. "We'll just have to find a sitter for Donny."

"How long will we be gone?" I asked Josh.

"Just over night," Josh replied.

"Than do you mind if I stay home?" I asked giving him a puppy dog look. I could tell that he wasn't too happy about it.

"Yea if you want to," Josh replied with a little pout. "Probably will be for the best. Donny will be here all alone with the sitter."

"Or we could take him with us and party," I said smiling my naughty grin at him. "I mean I've never been to Vegas before."

"Ok," Josh said with a huge grin. "Let's do it."

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," Josh replied.

"Auuughhh!" I yelped. "I have to pack! You have to pack. What will you wear? What will I wear? What will Donny wear?" By now everyone was laughing at me including Josh. "What?" I demanded with my hands on my hips. "You have to look hot on that stage!"

"Yes dear," Josh said meekly. "Now go up stairs and pack for us."

"Do I get to pick what you wear on stage?" I asked giving him another one of my puppy dog looks.

"Of course you do," Josh cooed down at me.

"Good," I said giggling at him. "After all we can't you wearing feathers again." This brought laughter from Justin and Kevin and Brian. Danny just looked at us like we were nuts. Josh pouted for a few minutes. "I love you," I smiled up at him.

"I love you too brat," Josh smirked down at me. "You going to pack for me?"

"You want to come up and help?" I asked using my naughty grin.

"Ummm yea," Josh stammered. I grabbed his hand and pulled him as I ran up stairs.

"Here we go again!" Kevin smiled shaking his head.

Later from Josh's point of view.

I tried to ease out of bed without waking him but failed. "Where do you think you are going?" he asked as he wrapped his thin arms around my waist. "I want to stay in bed with you all day long," he said as his hand graced my cock. I shivered and groaned softly and he let out his usual very cute giggle.

"I have to get up and get back to work," I said kissing him on his nose.

"Nope," Don giggled as he tightened his hold on me. "You're mine for the rest of the day." I had to admit that the prospect of laying here all naked with my lover was really tempting. Especially since his cock was rock hard again and pressing against my ass crack. I knew that if I didn't put my foot down we would be here all night long.

"Baby," I smiled down at him. "I really have to go." He pouted a few seconds and than nodded. "You going to be ok?"

"Yea I'll be fine," he replied. "I have some scheduling for Justin to do. He still has a couple of publicity things he has to go too. So while you are making your beautiful music that you do so well I'll get some work done too." I gave him a kiss and than reluctantly slid out of bed. It was so warm and comfortable there with him that I almost said screw it and stay in bed with him. But I knew that the sooner I got my work done the faster I could return to him. I quickly dressed and headed down stairs. I rounded the corner and walked into my private recording studio. I frowned when I saw Danny already in the booth. He may be horny as hell but he was dedicated and loved his job. I think for the first time in a long time I did the right thing in hiring him. Now all I had to do is to keep him out of my pants. Easier said than done. I saw the hungry look he gave me but choose not to say anything. At least he wasn't pushing me to have sex with him any more.

"You ready to get some work done?" I asked.

"Yea," Danny said. "I have some ideas on that piece we were working on yesterday. I think it will rock it!"

"Good let's hear what you have planned," I said sitting next to him. I noticed that he was wearing new cologne. "You smell good."

"Yea I thought I would try something new today," he said shrugging. "Kevin loves it. So I guess I'll keep it." By now he had pulled up the program he was working on. "You're going to love this!" Danny said with a grin. I had to admire his dedication. It was very attractive. I loved the way his eyes sparkled with glee as he hit the play button. What came out of the speakers was pure music. "Like it?" he asked his eyes alive and eager to please.

"I love it!" I said edging closer to him until our shoulders were touching. He smiled a really cute and shy smile and continued to show me what he was working on. Three hours later I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Did I scare you?" a voice whispered into my ear. I looked up and grinned happily. "You going to take a break to go get something to eat with me?" Hmmmmm what should I do? Stay here and work on music or go out to eat dinner with my sexy fiancé? Like there was ever a decision to make. I shut down the studio and grabbed Don's hand and headed out of the studio.

"Are we taking Donny?" I asked.

"Nope," Don replied. "He is having a sleep over at Justin's house. "Something about making us our Christmas gifts."

"Making our gifts?" I asked. Suddenly I was a little worried.

"I'm sure it will be very cute," Don reassured me. I certainly hoped so. "Now where should we go and eat?"

"Planet Hollywood!" we both said at once than promptly busted up laughing.

"What is so funny?" Kevin's voice sounded from behind us.

"We're just decided on where to go eat," I giggled kissing Don on the nose. "We think a like."

"Want some company?" Kevin asked. "Danny and I were thinking of going out too."

"Sure," Don said grinning up at Kevin. "The more the merrier." Well it looked like we were going on a double date. Rats!

"So this is cool," Danny babbled on. Ok so what is wrong with this picture? Kevin is up front with my fiancé. I'm stuck here in the back seat with horny toad Danny. I growled softly under my breath glaring at Don. For some reason he insisted on Kevin riding up front with him. "So have you decided on what you are getting Don for Christmas?" Does he ever shut up? I turned and shook my head, deliberately not saying anything hoping that he would get the message. "That's ok. I haven't thought about what I am getting Kevin either. Maybe you and I could go Christmas Shopping together. Cause you know Kevin and I know Don and we could help each other out--- babble --- babble---babble!" God please put me out of my misery! Finally the car stopped.

"OK everybody out!" I shouted scaring the crap out of Danny. "I'm hungry and I'm sitting next to Don!"

"Of course you are sweetie," Don said grinning happily at me. "So did you Danny have a nice talk?" I growled at him. "Ummm ok,' Don said looking confused. "Well we're here and I want to order appetizers!"

"Yea so do I!" babbled Danny as he threw both arms around me and Don. I growled at him glaring at him. He was really crowding my special time with Don. God please turn him into bird and than make him fly south! That was my prayer. I looked hard at him as if expecting God to actually make Danny sprout wings. "So what do we want to do after dinner?" an excited Danny babbled on.

"I want to go to a movie," Kevin suggested.

"That sounds like fun," Danny quickly agreed.

"I want to go home and watch a movie on pay preview," I quickly interjected. I gave Don a stern look and he caught on and quickly agreed with me. Yess!!! I finally got Danny away from us!

"Actually that sounds like fun," Kevin added. So as you can now see the whole world is trying to stop me from spending time with my sweetie. I whimpered softly as I laid my head on Don's shoulder. "Ummm actually that movie I wanted to watch is leaving tomorrow. So Danny and I are going to go after all," Kevin said winking at me. Yesss! There is a God! On the way home I made sure that I got to sit up front with Don. Danny glared at me the whole time but I didn't really care. Kevin just sat there looking at us like we were nuts. I grinned at him and snuggled closer to Don. I think Kevin got the picture because he spent the rest of the ride home glaring at Danny. Once we got home they headed into Kevin's car and I quickly ushered Don into the house. Once inside I ran up stairs and stripped out of my clothes and into a comfy silk pajamas. All the while I was undressing and redressing Don stood there watching me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I demanded as I pulled on a robe.

"You are so cute," Don giggled. "What was all that about anyway?"

"What was all what about?" I asked confused.

"You know, with Danny," Don pushed.

"Oh that," I groaned rolling my eyes.

"What did he do now?" Don demanded harshly.

"Nothing, he was just weary to talkative is all," I replied. "I wanted to spend a quiet evening with you is all."

"Well you got me now," Don said spreading his arms open wide.

"Fuck you Kevin!" Danny voice shouted from outside the door.

"Come back here Danny!" Kevin's deep voice sounded from the hall.

"No! Stay away from me!" Danny sobbed.

"Now what?" I whimpered. I laid my head on Don's shoulder. Don leaned down and kissed me lightly on the top of my head.

"Let's see if they can work it out for themselves," Don whispered in my ear as he nibbled on it softly. "In the mean time didn't I remember someone promise me a movie with a certain hottie?"

"Yea I think I remember promising you something like that," I replied smirking up at him. Don pulled my head down to his and pressed his lips to mine. Yep that worked! The memory came back. "Yep," I giggled. "I did promise you that. And you know the perfect part of all of this?"

"The alley of missile toe?" Don asked raising his eyebrows.

"You read my mind!" I giggled. Together we walked out of the room and down the hall. We passed Kevin's and Danny's room and could still hear them shouting at each other. Don shook his head sadly and continued his trek down the hall. Soon we down stair and Don stopped beneath the first bunch of Missle toe and raised his eyebrows again. I eagerly kissed him breathlessly. Finally after stopping six times we finally made it to the living room. Don said down on the comfy sofa and patted the spot beside him. I jumped onto the couch and we begin to flip through the channels. "The Core?" I asked. He nodded and I typed in the code and we settled down to watch the movie together. I enjoyed feeling Don's arms wrapped around my shoulder and me leaning against his chest. I felt so loved and so protected right then.

"I love you," Don whispered in my ear. I shivered with delight as Don's lips found my neck. I knew all to well what he was planning. I sighed happily as I heard him moan softly as he sucked my flesh into his hot sucking mouth. After a few minutes he would move to another spot and repeat the process again. "There!" he said quite proud of himself. "All done!" He than slipped his hand under my shirt and rested it on my left chest muscle. "You feel so smooth."

"You're missing the movie sweetie," I said softly. After that we paid attention to the movie and at some point we realized that there was someone else in the room. I looked over at the over stuffed chair and moaned in frustration. Danny was curled up in the chair watching the movie with tears flowing down his face. "Sweetie?" I asked softly. Don grunted and snorted loudly. The little stinker had fallen asleep.

"What?" he said in a drowsy voice.

"You take care of Danny and I'll take care of Kev," I sighed as I eased out of my very comfortable position. I leaned down and captured Don's pouty lips in a kiss. "If we hurry we might be able to watch it again." He nodded as he watched me walk out of the room. Once outside I growled softly under my breath as I headed up stairs. Once outside Kevin's door I knocked on it lightly.

"Come in," a gruff voice sounded. I gently eased the door open and saw Kevin sitting by the fireplace. I could see the tear tracks running down his face.

"Kevin?" I asked softly as I sat next to him. "What's wrong?"

"Why did we break up?" Kevin asked as fresh tears flowed down his face. "Never mind," he grumbled. "I know I was the one who fucked up."

"Did you and Danny have another fight again?" I asked as I wiped the tears from his face. He sniffled loudly and nodded. "What about?"

"You," Kevin said looking pissed. "He still hasn't given up on the fact that maybe he will be able to get into your pants!"

"Well he isn't going to get the chance Kevin," I sighed. "He knows that I love Don and there is no way in hell I am going to jepordise what we have."

"Don't you see?" Kevin wailed. "It is what he can't have that has him going nuts. You are so fucking attractive to him and trust me it is not just your looks. It is all about what he can't have and he wants it. He wants if so badly that it is going to cost him my love!"

"Has he admitted it?" I asked.

"Hell no!" Kevin hurled at me. "He wants me to wait on him. He wants me to wait to see if you're really worth throwing what we have away!"

"I have an idea," I said frowning. "What if we give him what he wants."

"What?" Kevin demanded. "Are you fucking nuts?"

"I'm tired of him trying to get into my pants. I'm tired of him hanging on me as if he was a dog in heat," I grumbled. "No, I would never allow him to get into my pants. It was just a thought. But we have to do something," I grumbled again. "Is he still going to Vegas with you?" Kevin nodded. "Well at least Don is going with me and he won't get the chance to rape me." I wondered how my lover was doing when the door opened and Danny came in. His eyes were wet and there was no obvious marks on him. That was a good sign. "I'll leave you two alone." I walked out of Kevin's room but did see Danny launch himself into Kevin's arms. I hoped that this was the end of it. As I headed down stairs I heard something. I heard Don coughing. I winced at the sound of it. I rounded the corner and saw him snuggled up on the couch looking into the flickering fire. "Hey sweetie," I said softly. He turned his very beautiful and sexy eyes up at me. The love and innocence in them made my heart jump a few beats. "I heard you cough, you all right?" I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his forehead and frowned. "You're getting a little hot sweetie."

"I think I'm coming down with a cold or something," Don said sadly.

"Well it is settled than," I said bluntly. "You're staying here."

"But I wanted to go with you," Don said sadly. "I wanted to see you on stage all hot and sexy." I had to smile at him because he looked so cute sitting there with his hair all messed up and his sad soulful eyes looking up at me.

"Well I'm worried about you," I said running my hand along the side of his face. He closed his eyes and sighed happily as he leaned into my touch. "I don't want you sick for Christmas."

"I'm not that sick," he replied.

"Well just the same I want you to stay home and stay in bed," I said sternly.

"I will miss you," he said giving me his adorable puppy dog eyes that he knew that I couldn't resist. I sighed and thought about letting him come. But at the end common sense won out.

"No," I said giving him a quick kiss on the nose. "You stay home and sleep and get better."

"I guess you're right," he sighed. "At least I'll have Justin and Donny to keep me company."

"You're not going to party all the while I am gone," I instructed him.

"I promise I will be a good boy and stay in this bed and rest," he insisted all the while giving me a completely innocent look on his angelic face.

"Ok," I smiled. "Now let me take you up stairs and tuck you into bed."

"I want to say good night to Donny," he said quickly.

"I'll call him after you're all tucked in," I promised. A half hour later I walked into the bedroom and smiled down at him. He was all snuggled in bed sleeping soundly. I had Donny on the phone and was hoping that he would get to say good night to his daddy but his daddy was out like a light. "I'm sorry buddy," I said into the phone. "But your Daddy is asleep. He'll see you and Justin tomorrow ok?"

"Ok Joshy!" Donny said loudly into the phone. "Kiss Daddy for me!" Than I heard the click and I shook my head and smiled. Donny was a cute little guy. I slid out of my clothes and into bed with Don and leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Your son says he loves you very much and wanted me to kiss you for him," I whispered into Don's ear. Don just grumbled something and wrapped himself around me. "Good night love," I giggled softly. When Don was asleep it was impossible to wake him. I frowned as I noticed that he was still hot. I sighed heavily as I settled into a long nights watch.

The next morning from Don's point of view.

I woke the next morning to an empty bed. I sat up and groaned loudly. I was plugged up. My nose was all stuffy and my throat was all soar and scratchy. I had a fever and well quite frankly I felt like crap. "Stay in bed mister," came the stern voice of my sexy lover.

"What time is it?" I croaked out.

"Almost 11 in the morning," Josh said softly as he sat on the bed next to me. "I let you sleep in sweetie."

"When are you leaving?" I asked pouting. I could tell that he was all dressed and ready to go. I wanted to go with him so badly. But I know that I couldn't.

"In a few minutes," Josh said kissing my cheek.

"You shouldn't be so close to me," I said softly. "I don't want you to catch this."

"I'll miss you," Josh said sadly. "In a minute I would cancel this thing and stay in bed with you."

"No," I said sternly. "You have to be seen by your public. You have be well and healthy and strong. So you are quarantined from me until I'm better." I gently pushed him away. The look of hurt on his face was so intense that I regretted it almost as soon as I said it. "And don't give me that look mister. I love you very much and I don't want you to catch this thing from me." He smiled his sexy and wild smile at me and nodded. "I love you," I whispered blowing him a kiss.

"Love you too," he whispered back as he pretended to catch the kiss and bring it too his lips. It was so sexy that I was hard the instant I saw it. "I'll hurry back."

"I know you will," I said smiling bravely at him. Than he was gone. The room was quiet and all that remained of him was the smell of his cologne. I grabbed his pillow and inhaled deeply. I laid down with hot tears flowing down my face. Hey I know that he was only going to be gone for a couple of days but I missed him. I wanted him by me. Strong! I had to be strong. If I could be gone for over three months and Josh survive I could make it a couple of days. I heard a light knocking at the door. "Come in!" I shouted at the door. The door peaked opened and Justin stuck his head in. "Hey," I said sadly.

"Hey," he replied. "I heard you were sick."

"Yea I got the stupid flu or something," I muttered. "Josh has confined me to the bed." I noticed that Justin had this really naughty grin on his face. Suddenly I was a little worried.

"Yea I know," Justin said waving a piece of paper. I took it and read it and laughed. It was a list of things that I could do and things I couldn't do. "He's worried about you," Justin said shrugging his shoulders. "So I decided to help you out." Ok now I was very worried. Justin whistled loudly causing me to jump. He giggled as he gestured to the door way. In walked three very strong and very good looking guys. They all were wearing nurses uniforms. Well not really uniforms. They were all shirtless and wearing thongs with red crosses on the crotches. They all gave me a killer grin and took up positions around the room. Josh was going to be so jealous when he found out. "These guys are here to wait on you hand and foot." Than I watched as three more muscle bound guys walked in carrying and plasma screen TV and a DVD player and a huge box of DVDs. I looked sternly at Justin. He just grinned his usual naughty grin. "So, you're getting your Christmas present early. Josh doesn't want you to leave your bedroom except to go the bathroom." Justin picked up the remote and turned on the fireplace. He whistled again and three more guys walked in carrying a tree and all the trimmings to make my room a Christmas Wonderland. As they worked on my room he sat in bed with me as he showed me how to work the TV and DVD player. Soon Josh and my room did look like a winter wonderland and the three nurses had switched into silk red thongs and had on very sexy Santa hats. I gave Justin a scolding look and he waved the three guys out. They all sighed and left but not before getting a nice fat envelope from Justin. "Yea I kinda figured that you didn't want them to hang around all day. But it was fun to watch the look on your face."

"Where is Donny?" I asked looking around for my son. Justin pointed to item number one. I read it and sighed. (Keep Donny away from his daddy. Don't want Danny to get this bug and ruin his Christmas.)

"He loves you, you know?" Justin said smiling at me. "Oh by the way I've had this thing so I can keep you company all day long."

"Donny to Daddy!" came a voice from Justin's pocket. "Come in Daddy!" Justin giggled as he took a walkie talkie out of his pocket. "Come on Daddy! I wanna talk to you!"

"Oh yea umm I got Donny these so he could talk to you," Justin said sheepishly.

"You are going to spoil that little boy," I scolded him. Justin grinned a cheeky grin and plopped the walkie talkie into my hands. "Come in Donny!" I said into the speaker.

"Daddy!" squealed Donny. "I miss you!"

"I know you do sweetie," I said grinning like a fool. "But I have a cold so you can't be in here with me right now."

"Are you and Justin playing in there?" Donny asked. I could almost see the frown on his face. Poor little guy was missing out on all the fun. "I wanna play too!"

"I'll go out and play with him while I let you rest," Justin whispered in my ear. I frowned and he pointed at number two on Josh's list. (Make sure he gets plenty of rest!) I rolled my eyes at him as he trotted out of the room giggling his head off. I spent the next few minutes talking to my son over the walkie talkie until Justin started a tickle war. Soon all I heard was Justin' monster noises and Donny's giggles. I sighed happily as I placed the walkie talkie on the bedside stand and switched on the movie. It was a sappy movie the Christmas Carol with Patrick Stewart in it. I settled in for a long afternoon of movies and napping.

Later I woke to a dark room. Well dark really doesn't do it justice. It was light in the room. The lights on the Christmas tree and fireplace mantel gave the place a magic feel. The fire was still flickering in the fireplace. "Sweetie?" asked a voice to my right. I looked to see the phone being held out to me. Justin was standing next to my bed holding the phone. Josh's voice was coming from it. "Don?" Josh voice asked again. "Wake up sexy! I wanna talk to you!" I took the phone from Justin and smiled my thanks.

"Hey," I said softly into the phone. "I Miss you!"

"I miss you too," Josh sighed into the phone. "The suite is way to big and way to lonely with out you."

"I feel a little better," I said as I took inventory of myself.

"I heard from Donny about the walkie talkies," Josh giggled. "Justin is such a sweetie."

"Yea I know," I sighed as I snuggled deeper into the comforters on Josh's side of the bed. "Did he also tell you about the strippers and the TV and decorations."

"Yea the strippers were my idea," Josh giggled.

"You are bad!" I scolded him. Josh laughed on the other end of the line. He sounded so good when he laughed. It was sexy cute and soo sooo Josh. Knowing that he was almost three thousand miles away from me made me choke up. I sniffled loudly.

"Hey," Josh said softly. "I didn't call to upset you baby. I called to lift your spirits. And to tell you that I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. I can't wait to watch you on the show tonight," I said smiling.

"I'm just going to present," Josh said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Hey! Any time I get to see my sexy fiancé all hot and dressed up is a very big deal to me," I said feeling sad again.

"Than when I looked into the camera I'll wink at you," Josh promised. "Deal?"

"Deal," I replied. "What do you have planned after that?"

"Nothing," Josh replied. "Kevin and Danny wanted me to go partying with them but I don't feel like it. Besides Kevin and Danny party kind of hard." I heard some voices in the back ground. "Listen sweetie," Josh said with regret in his voice. "I really hate to cut this short but I have to go."

"Ok," I said with a pout.

"No pouting," Josh scolded me. "Or you don't get my surprise."

"You got me a surprise?" I perked up. "Tell me tell me tell me!" I demanded. I was rewarded with another one of his laughs.

"Sorry babe," Josh giggled. "You'll have to wait until I get back."

"Ok," I sighed. "I love you."

"I love you too," Josh replied. "Get plenty of rest."

"Kay," I promised. I heard the click on the other end and I laid the phone down and snuggled back down into the comforters. I couldn't wait until Josh back. Than we could really get into the Christmas Spirit. And it was at that point that I panicked. I still had no idea what to get Josh. Three hours later I was still up worried about what to get him. I watched the awards show and saw Josh present and as promised he gave me a wink. He looked so hot standing up there on the stage all decked out in the clothes that I picked out for him. I heard a light tapping on the door. "Come in," I called out. Justin walked in carrying a tray for me. I frowned at the steaming bowl of chicken soup and glass of orange juice and cup of tea. He pointed at the list and smirked. (Chicken soup orange juice and tea. NO JUNK FOOD!) "Hey!" I blurted out as I suddenly got an idea. "What should I get for Josh?" And there began a long story about what Josh liked and what he didn't like. By the time he was done I still didn't have any idea what to get him. GRRRRR!

From Josh's point of view.

After hanging up with Don I turned and glared at Danny. He was standing in the doorway wearing a metallic skin tight shirt that shimmered and showed his very trim and fit chest. His pants were way too tight. And he had a sprinkling of glitter all over his hair and face. I had to admit that he looked hot. And again he was pressuring me into going clubbing with him and Kevin.

"For the last time no," I insisted. "I'm tired and I miss Don and I want to stay in and sleep."

"Fine," Danny grumbled. "Be a party pooper!" He stomped out and slammed the door behind him.

"Take a fucking hint!" I muttered at the door. I picked up the room service menu and glanced at it. I ordered a late night dinner and than hit the bar. I picked up a small bottle of brandy and opened it and poured into a glass with some ice and sat down in a recliner and switched on the TV. There was some Christmas Movie on so I settled down to watch it while I waited on my dinner. Little did I know what a night I was going to have.

Later from Danny's point of view.

"Hey Kev?" I said with a pout on my face. "I'm not feeling well."

"Do you want to head back to the hotel?" Kevin asked feeling my face. "You do feel warm. You might be coming down with what Don has. Why don't you let me take you back?"

"No," I said casually. "This is the first time you've been out with your group in a long time. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Kevin asked. I nodded and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Once outside I hailed a cab and headed back to the hotel. The sedative should've kicked in by now. Yea I know. I'm an ass. I slipped some sedative into Josh's meal. Tonight I was going to have him. One way or the other I was going to have him.

The next morning from Josh's point of view.

I woke to a very drowsy feeling. I was used to being sleepy when I first woke up but this was ridiculous! I looked around in horror to find myself naked. I smelled of sweat too. What happened to me? I heard a grunt and looked over my shoulder and yelled.

"What are you yelling at?" Danny asked raising his head.

"What the fuck are you doing in my bed!" I yelped. "Why are you naked! Why am I naked!"

"We made love last night," Danny cooed at me. "You were great!"

"We did what!" I yelped as my eyes filled with tears. "No way did I make love to you!"

"Yes you did," Danny said smiling. "And I got it on tape too!" I reached over and picked up the remote and turned on the TV an pushed play. I watched to my horror as Danny had sex with me. Tears flowed down my face as I suddenly realized that I had cheated on Don. The love of my life and I had cheated on him. "Now do you believe me?" Danny asked.

"How?" I asked shaking my head trying to clear my thoughts. I was still very drowsy. "God I feel like crap!"

"The sedative will wear off in a few hours," Danny said swinging out of bed. "Took you a while before you could get it up last night but once you did it was great." By now anger had replaced the feeling of dread.

"You fucker!" I shouted at him. "You fucking drugged me!"

"How else was I going to get you?" Danny asked shrugging. "I mean with you and your high morals I never stood a chance in getting you in bed."

"Get out!" I screamed at him. "Get the fuck out of my room now!"

"Oh I'll leave," Danny smirked. "But as for you and Donny you are through. I sent him a copy of the video via e-mail. So when he checks it he will know what happened before you even get home."

"Get out!" I screamed at him as I grabbed him and tossed him out of the bedroom. "Get out!" I heard the door slam and I sat down on the bed taking huge deep breaths and sobbing at the same time. "Oh God," I whimpered. "What am I going to do?" I picked up the phone and dialed home. Justin answered. "Justin I need to talk to Don!"

"He is not here," Justin said sadly. "Tell me something Josh. Was it worth it?"

"You don't understand," I sobbed.

"Spare me the fucking details," Justin hurled at me. "Stay the fuck away from Don and his son!" The phone clicked off at that point.

"Oh God!" I sobbed again. "What the fuck am I going to do?"

From Don's point of view

"Was that him?" I asked as tears continued to flow down my face. Justin nodded. I whimpered loudly as I lowered myself back into the soft confines of the bed. "God why?" I sobbed. "He loves me!" Justin's arm surrounded me and pulled me close to him. "Why? Why? Why?" I sobbed over and over again. At some point I fell back asleep. Dark dreams plagued me as I slept.

Three hours later I woke up and looked around. I was in a different room. I frowned and got up and walked out of the room and suddenly realized that I was in a different house. "Good you're awake," Justin's voice said from behind me.

"Where am I?" I croaked out.

"My house," Justin said sadly. "I thought it was a good idea to move you and Donny here. I didn't think that you wanted to see him when he got home."

"Thanks," I muttered. "You're right. I never want to see JC again!"


Next: Chapter 13

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