Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Dec 28, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 13

From Josh's point of view

December 24 2003 and I am hugging Kevin and sobbing into his chest. I had just gotten off the phone with Don. "I fucking hate you!" Donny had screamed at me. "Stay away from me and Donny. I never want to see you again!" Those words stabbed at me right through the heart. Thank God Kevin was here to grab me before I hit the floor. After clicking off the phone I felt my knees buckle from sadness.

"Shhhh," Kevin soothing voice filled my ears. "It is going to be ok. Trust me on this."

"He hates me!" I wailed. "God Kevin he hates me. How can we ever go back to what we had if he hates me!"

"Trust me sweetie," Kevin whispered to me. "Don doesn't hate you. He loves you so much. Remember how he is feeling. That fucking ass Danny really messed up his mind. But we will get you two back together again."

"He won't even see me Kevin," I whimpered. "I just want to die."

"No!" Kevin shouted startling me into reality. "You are going to stop talking like that. Or I'll have to kick your ass too." I looked up at Kevin and frowned at the black eye that Kevin got from Danny. After Kevin had found out what Danny had done he confronted Danny on it. Danny told him to fuck off and punched Kevin in the eye. That was the last hit that Danny got in. When it was over Kevin had the tape and the drug that Danny had used. Kevin had been trying to contact Don ever since to tell him what really happened. But Brian and Justin were guarding him with a vengeance. "We are going to go over to Justin's house and get in and explain to him what happened."

"You're dreaming Kevin," I sighed sadly. "It is over. Don and I are finished. We'll never get married and be happy and I'll never get to be a daddy to Donny."

"Fuck!" Kevin shouted. "Shut up about that crap now! Go up stairs and shower and get dressed. Be ready in 30 minutes to go. If you're not than I will pick you up and carry you there!" I went to argue but Kevin just growled at me. I hung my head and walked slowly up stairs. "Move it!" Kevin ordered me.

"Fine!" I muttered. "But this is not going to work."

From Don's point of view.

December 24, 2003 and I still am living at Justin's house. I miss Josh so much that it hurts. I want to call him and throw myself into is arms and let him love me again. But I can't. Josh cheated on me and that was unforgivable. The worst part of it all was tomorrow was Christmas. I was so looking forward to spending Christmas with Josh. But that wasn't going to happen. The pain I felt was immense. Poor Donny couldn't understand why his daddy and Josh were not seeing each other anymore. His birthday had come and gone without Josh being there. I had to watch as he tried to blow out his candles without crying. It tore us apart. But I was strong. Josh had cheated on me. I was so sure that I was right and Josh was wrong. Josh had tried to contact me several times but I either closed the door on him or hung up the phone hell I had even resorted to deleting his e-mails without reading them. Finally I blocked them all together. Danny and Kevin are through. Kevin threw Danny out the night they got back. For some reason Kevin is standing behind Josh. Kevin tried to talk to me too but Justin was playing watch dog. And what a watch dog he was. Very loyal and very protective. I looked out side and sighed. Justin was leaving with Brian. They were doing some last minute shopping. I felt the tugging of Donny's hand on mine. I looked down to see a sad face staring up at me. "What is it buddy?" I asked softly.

"I miss daddy Josh," he said sadly. Donny had decided that he should start calling Josh "Daddy Josh". "Where is he?" I thought about how to explain to him that Josh had cheated on me. I mean how do you explain to a little boy barely four years old that his "other daddy" had done something so terrible that I couldn't forgive?

"Josh is not going to be living with us anymore," I said softly. "In fact I am going to find a new home for us to live in."

"But I miss him," Donny said matter of fact. As if that would fix everything. I fought back the tears as feelings of love and betrayal over took me. I looked out the window again and frowned as I saw Josh walking up the drive. I finally resigned myself to confront him and end this. If I was to move on with out Josh than I had to be strong. I had to tell Josh to stay away from us. Even if I had to get a retraining order.

"I want you to go to your room and stay there," I said very sternly. Donny gulped and nodded quietly as he turned and walked to his room. The door bell rang and I got up and opened it. There he was standing there all beautiful as he ever had been. Sexy and good looking and exuding this comfortable feeling that threatened to overwhelm me. "What do you want?" I asked shortly. He jerked his head up and the hurt I saw in his eyes drove a knife right into my heart.

"I need to talk to you," Josh said softly. "Please Don, I have to explain to you."

"Explain what?" I asked bitterly. "Explain how you fucked my brother like I didn't even matter?"

"He fucked me," Josh hurled back. "I didn't fuck him!"

"Either way you got off didn't you?" He looked down at his feet. "Either way you shot your wad up his ass and enjoyed it!" By now the hot tears had started to flow down my face.

"You really need to hear him out," a deep voice sounded from behind Josh. It was Kevin. "It is very important that you hear him out."

"Fine," I muttered. "Five minutes." I stood aside and let them pass. Josh brushed by me and touched my elbow and I felt the surge of electricity rage through me. So much so that I let out a whimper. Josh's hand reached up and touched my face. I quickly jerked away and stormed into the living room. I heard him whimper too. "Clock is ticking!" I muttered as I plopped down in a chair.

"When I woke that morning I thought I had cheated on you," Josh said softly looking down. "I mean I was naked in bed with Danny and I smelled sweat and seaman in the air. It was obvious that I have had sex with him. Than I saw the tape."

"Yea I know," I hurled at him. "Danny sent me a copy of it!"

"He only sent you the part he wanted you to see," Josh said softly. "You really need to see the rest of it."

"No!" I shouted at him.

"Don you have to see it," Kevin said too. I shook my head emphatically. "Fucking coward!" Kevin shouted at me. Josh glared hard at him. "No!" Kevin hurled at Josh. "He won't even let you explain! You didn't do anything wrong!"

"He fucked my brother!" I sobbed.

"Watch the fucking tape!" Kevin shouted again.

"Fine!" I shouted back. "If it will shut you up than show the damned thing!" Kevin pushed the play button and I watched again as Danny and Josh made love. Kevin hit the pause button. "What?" I asked.

"Look at Josh," Kevin said pointing to Josh on the screen. I stood up and walked over to the TV and looked at it. Josh's eyes were opened and I was shocked to see that there was no sign of pleasure or lust in his eyes. I had made love to Josh countless times to know that Josh loved it. It showed on his face for hours afterwards. This Josh was staring blankly ahead. There was this dopey expression on his face. Kevin pushed the play button again. It had passed the part that I had seen. This was all new to me.

"No," Josh mumbled as he closed his eyes. "I don't want this."

"Oh well tough!" Danny rasped as he continued to bounce up and down on Josh's cock.

"Don," Josh mumbled again. "I love Don."

"Well he is not here!" Danny snickered. I started to get sick. I looked for signs of Josh being tied up or anything but didn't see anything. I looked at Kevin who just nodded back towards the TV. By now Danny was through. He got off of Josh like Josh was trash. Tears flowed down my face as I watched as Josh continued to moan out my name. Finally the tape stopped.

"What happened?" I asked looking at Josh. Josh had his head buried in his hands. "Josh?" I asked softly. "Please tell me."

"He drugged Josh," Kevin said softly. "Josh wasn't in control of himself when he had sex with Danny. Here is the drug that Danny used on Josh."

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"Danny told me after I beat the crap out of him and forced him to give me the tape and the drug he used on Josh," Kevin said bitterly. I frowned at the purple eye that Kevin had. "He got in one hit and he hit first."

"Oh god," I whimpered as I stood up and walked to the window. "I'm so sorry," I sobbed out. "I should've listened to you." I turned to Josh and saw him looking up at me with hope in his eyes. I reached for him and in flash he was in my arms. The instant he touched me I was home again. I buried my face into his chest sobbing loudly.

From Josh's point of view.

I had him. I had him in my arms again. I could feel his sobs as they racked his body. I could feel the hot tears as they soaked through my shirt. I leaned down and smelled his hair and allowed his scent to overload my senses. At some point we both stopped crying. We just held each other tightly. Finally Don started to pull away.

"I'm an ass!" he shouted. "I don't deserve you!"

"Baby," I started to argue with him.

"No!" Don insisted. "What kind of lover am I if I can't trust you?" The hurt raged through his face. The shame raged through his angelic features too. "You must hate me."

"Hate you?" I asked shocked. "How can I hate you?"

"I left you!" Don sobbed out. "I believed what Danny said without giving you a chance to explain and even after Kevin stayed on your side I left you!" By now he was struggling to get away from me. But I held on tighter. "Let me go!"

"No," I said as tears flowed down my face. "I love you Don Smith. I love you and I have no intentions of ever letting you go again."

"How can you love me?" Don sobbed. I tenderly wiped the tears free and smiled lovingly down at him.

"Because I swore to love you," I whispered. "I swore to love you through all the good and all the bad. And like it or not you are stuck with me."

"But I didn't trust you," Don sniffled. "What kind of a lover can I be if I don't trust you?"

"You were thrust in between two people that you love. Me and your brother," I explained. "You choose your brother to believe. I can't fault you for believing your brother. I would've done the same thing in your shoes."

"But I still feel like crap!" Don muttered.

"I love you Don," I said softly. "I love you and I still want to marry you and I still want to be a "other Daddy" to Donny. That has never changed. That is of course if you still want me."

From Don's point of view. I looked into the eyes of Josh and saw a mixture of emotions. Love and sadness and a hint of naughtiness. Finally the puppy dog eyes came out full force. I was hooked. There was no way I could say no to this god of a man. I pressed my lips to his and relished the whimper that came from him. His body pressed against mine and I was surprised to find out that he was rock hard. That made me hard too. We broke apart and I shivered at the look of pure lust that he had on his face.

"Of course I love you Josh," I said laying my hand against his face. "And yes I will marry you." Josh smiled his usual bright and happy grin that I fell in love with all those months ago. "Now what do you say we got Donny and our things and go back home?"

"Sounds really good to me," Josh replied. "What about Justin? He is not going to understand at first."

"You're right," Justin's voice sounded from behind us. "I don't understand how you can forgive him like that." I turned and cringed at the anger and hurt on Justin's face.

"Sit down Justin," I said sternly. "We have some talking to do." Justin opened his mouth to argue but I gave him a very stern look. He nodded quietly and sat down.

A few minutes later Justin looked at Josh. "God I'm so sorry. I should've known that you would never step out on Don. You love him." Josh nodded but chose to remain silent. "You must hate me for keeping Don away from me."

"No I don't," Josh said softly. "I love you Justin. You're my brother and I understand why you did it." By this time we heard the thunder of little feet. Josh smiled at me and I nodded. True to form Donny came running. He stopped when he saw Josh. A mixture of feelings raged through his little face. Happiness, sadness fear and than finally anger. Josh let out a strangled sob. I walked up to Josh and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. Donny's eyes lit up with happiness when he saw that everything was all right again. Josh took a deep breath and knelt down so that he was looking at Donny face to face. "I love your daddy and I didn't mean to hurt him. I'm sorry I hurt your daddy." Josh said with tears flowing down his face. "Please Donny, I love you and your daddy so much that it hurts. Please say you forgive me?" Silence racked the room as we all waited to see what the four year old boy would do. Donny looked at me and I smiled and nodded. He than took off running and jumped into Josh's arms. The force of his leap threw Josh back on his rump.

"I love you too Daddy Josh!" Donny said hugging his "other Daddy." "I missed you!" Josh's eyes filled with tears as he held onto the young boy.

"I missed you too buddy!" Josh said messing up his hair. "Guess what?"

"What?" Donny said with his eyes all flushed with happiness.

"I got you a birthday present!" Josh said grinning.

"Can I open it?" Donny said clapping his hands together.

"When we get home," Josh said hugging him again. I was happy again. The two most important people in the world to me was hugging each other involved in a tickle war. To hear Josh's monster noises and Donny's giggles made us all smile and laugh. Yes it was good to have things back the way it should be.

Once we got home we walked right up stairs and into our room. Once inside Josh turned into this really sexy beast as he quickly took me into his arms and urgently stripped off my clothes. Soon I was naked and laying on the bed. I shivered as his eyes looked down at me with such love and lust. "God you are so beautiful," he whispered shuddering.

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked as my cock grew hard in about two seconds.

"I'm going to make love to you all afternoon," Josh whispered as he pulled off his shirt. I watched in delight as he stripped off his clothes. Soon my sexy angel was a naked as I was. He stood there looking down at me with a sexy naughty grin on his face. I growled up at him and he just laughed. "Is something wrong love?" Josh asked all innocent.

"I'm lonely," I pouted. He let out this really sexy growl as he lowered him self onto me. I shivered as his sexy hot body came in contact with mine. His rock hard cock scraping against my tight abs leaving a long stream of pre-come on my abs. "Make love to me?" I pleaded. Josh just giggled as he lowered his head between my legs and took my cock into his mouth. "Fuck!" I groaned out as he immediately went to work sucking and bobbing up and down on my cock. There was this hungry look in his eyes as he continued to suck me hard and fast. In no time at all he had sucked out an orgasm from me and swallowed it fast and hard. Finally he let my drained cock fall from his lips and than he lifted my legs up and placed them on his shoulders and very gently and slowly slid his huge cock into me. I whimpered loudly as tears of joy flowed down my face. Soon he was in me and laying on me and kissing the tears away from my wet face.

"I'm so sorry," Josh said as he continued to cover my face with soft kisses.

"I missed this so much," I groaned out. "Please Josh," I pleaded with him. "Make love to me." Josh pulled out and than slid back in. I arched my back and met his gentle and urgent thrusts. I was happy again. I had my lover right where I wanted him.

Josh continued to make love to me the way he always did. With passion and love that only he could posses. Our bodies slick with sweat and the room was heavy with the smell of our lovemaking. His whimpers and groans only served to drive me further. "Ohh baby," he moaned as he nipped my shoulder with his teeth. "I'm so close baby," he whimpered as he started to shudder. I clung to him tighter as I felt his cock swell in me.

"Cum for me my love," I whispered while I trembled with lust. He slammed into me hard one final time and I shivered with pleasure as I felt his seed sear into me. I moaned loudly as I released my seed in between our bodies. We continued to hold each other as our orgasms over took us. Finally after we had calmed down I felt him pull out of me. I whimpered softly from the loss. He stood up and held out his hand to me. The love and devotion on his face shook me to the very core. I took his hand and allowed him to pull me up. He led me into the bathroom where he started the shower. Once there we made love again and than cleaned each other off and then he very carefully and lovingly dried me off and wrapped me up in a huge fluffy towel and led me back to the bed. I threw off the towel and climbed in between the sheets and waited for him. But when he started to get dressed I growled at him softly.

"I'm sorry love," Josh smiled down at me. "I have to ride into town for something." I pouted to see if I could get my way and he just laughed softly. "Sorry sexy, that is not going to work. I want you to lay down and take a nice long nap. I'll wake you when I get home." I had to admit that I was tired. Really tired. It had been a while since I have had any decent sleep. So I happily snuggled into the soft comforters on his side and closed my eyes and soon was in a very restful sleep.

From Josh's point of view.

It didn't take Don very long to fall asleep. The look of that angel sleeping all naked in my bed was almost enough to make me forget my mission and climb back into that bed. The soft knocking at the door made me realize that it was time. Time to set my plan into motion. "You ready?" a deep soft voice sounded from behind me. I nodded. "I'm going to miss you guys."

"We're just moving down the street Kevin," I sighed. "We'll be back all the time to bug you."

"But why don't I move?" Kevin asked again. "I mean I don't need this big house. I can get a smaller place."

"I want Don and I to start new. And to do that we have to move to a new house," I insisted. I shuddered as I felt Kevin's hand gently lay on my shoulder.

"You love it here," Kevin whispered.

"You're right," I sighed. "I do love it here. But I love the past that you and I shared. I love Don now and I have to move on. With you and I living in the same house you are always going to remind me of what we had. I don't want that to get in the way of what Don and I have."

"You know it won't," Kevin insisted.

"You're right Kev," I replied sternly. "That is because I won't be here for it to matter." I quickly left the house and climbed into my car and started it and drove down the drive and headed up the street to look at the house I had seen Don looking at one day. I smiled when I saw it. It wasn't huge. In fact it was actually small compared to what I was used to. I saw another car there and I breathed a sigh of relief. The realtor was there. I stopped my car and got out.

"Mr. Chasez?" a young male voice sounded from in front of me. I looked up and saw a very young man standing at the door.

"Please call me JC," I smiled up at him.

From Don's point of view.

"He is gone," Kevin's voice sounded from the doorway."

"Good," I giggled. "Is Donny is ready?"

"Yep," Kevin grinned. "Have you decided what to get him?"

"No," I said shaking my head. "That is why we are bringing you along." I heard the thunder of little feet running down the wall. I also heard the barking of Trixy as he tried to keep up with his young master.

"Daddy!" Donny squealed. "We are going shopping!"

"Yes buddy," I smiled down at him. "We are going to go and buy Josh's Christmas Present."

"Goodie!" Donny said as he clapped his little hands together. He was all smiles and so excited about buying his "other Daddy" a Christmas Present. That was all he talked about for the last few days. I remember the dark looks that Justin would give me when I refused to shut Donny up about buying Josh a Christmas Present. I heard the door bell ring and Donny took off running down the hall. "Justin!" he shouted. Trixy took off after him barking loudly. I realized quickly that this was going to be a very fun evening.

"Daddy daddy!" yelled Donny from the electronics shelf. "I wanna get this for Daddy Josh!" I looked over at it and smiled and shook my head. It was one of those electronic pets. "I have Trixy and he needs a pet too." I had to admit that it was cute. And besides, anything that Donny got Josh he would love and treasure it.

"Ok," I smiled down at him. Donny took one off the shelf and held it close to him. I heard Justin snort back a laugh. I looked up at him and smiled back. "Don't you just love children?"

"Yea," Justin said grinning.

"Ho ho ho!" sounded a deep voice. Donny looked back over his shoulder with big and wide eyes.

"Daddy?" Donny said with a small voice. "Santa Clause!"

"Wow!" I said kneeling down so that I was eye level with him. "Do want to go see him?"

"Can I?" Donny begged me.

"Sure!" I laughed. "Let's both go see him." I took his hand and led him towards Santa. I smirked as I looked over my shoulder. "Come on Justin! Let's go see Santa!"

"Yea Justin!" Donny said pulling on Justin's hand. "You have to tell Santa what you want for Christmas!" I tried really hard not to laugh at Donny's seriousness. Justin glared at me but followed us. I heard Kevin giggling in the background.

"You too mister!" I ordered him. The look of surprise on his face was so precious. "That will teach you for laughing at poor Justin." I giggled as I saw him sigh heavily and fall in step behind us. The rest of the customers were giggling quietly to themselves as Donny led us all up to see Santa. Donny was very happy that everyone got to tell Santa what we wanted.

"This is impossible!" I groaned as I put down the silver chain that I was looking at for Josh. "I can't decide!"

"Did anyone tell you that you were impossible to shop with," Justin glared at me.

"Well excuse me for not being gifted with the super shopping gene like you!" I growled back. That was when it hit me. I saw it laying on a blue velvet padding. "Umm can I see that?" I pointed to it. The sales clerk nodded and got it out for me.

"Ummm Don," Justin said frowning. "That isn't silver. That is platinum."

"Josh will love it!" I grinned at him. "How much?"

"Six thousand dollars sir," the sales clerk replied.

"I'll take it," I blurted out as I slid the credit card over to him.

"Are you nuts?" Justin hissed out. "Can you afford it?"

"Of course I can afford it!" I hissed back. "I haven't touched Pam's insurance money and it has collected at least that much in interest over the last few months."

"Oh," Justin said blushing.

"Besides I've been making investments and stuff too," I added. "Can I have that wrapped?" The clerk nodded.

"What kind of investments?" Justin asked.

"Gold and silver and diamonds and stuff," I replied shrugging my shoulders. "Want to see my portfolio when we get home?"

"You have a portfolio?" Justin asked.

"Don't you?" I asked looking at him like he was nuts.

"Yea," Justin replied quickly. "We all do."

"Listen enough talk about money. This is Christmas. I just want to get home with Josh's presents and get them wrapped and under the tree," I said. So we all piled into the car and Kevin headed home. We were driving down a street in a not so well to do part of town. Just as we passed this little family of a Man and Woman and a child about Donny's age Donny looked out the window.

"Why is that family standing on the street like that?" Donny asked frowning. Kevin and Justin looked very uncomfortable. "Why Daddy?" Donny insisted. I sighed heavily and looked at my son. He was all decked out in very nice clothes. He was well fed and very happy. I knew that this was not going to be easy to explain.

"Well son," I said softly. "They are poor."

"Why?" Donny asked looking confused.

"Well his Daddy and Mommy don't have any money," I explained. "A lot of people are poor in this world. They don't have any food or homes or toys for the children."

"Why not?" Donny asked still looking confused. "You have money and Daddy Josh has money and Justin has money. Why can't they have money?"

"Because they don't," I said sadly. "It is up to other people like us to help them. We help them find a place to live and we help them buy clothes and food." We continued to drive a little way and I watched as Kevin and Justin stared straight ahead. I looked back at the poor Family standing on the street corner. I looked at all the gifts in the car and looked at all of us with all that we had. I than looked down at Donny and saw his eyes looking up at me. I knew what we had to do. I couldn't not do anything with Donny there. It would definitely send him the wrong message. "Kevin turn the car around," I said softly.

"What?" Kevin said looking shocked.

"Turn the car around," I said sternly. "We are going to help them."

"Don," Kevin started to protest.

"They have nothing Kevin," I said sadly. "They are out in the cold and they have nothing."

"I don't think that his a good idea," Kevin muttered as he started to slow down.

"Why?" Donny asked looking up at Kevin with his huge trusting and innocent eyes. "Why can't we help them?" Kevin looked at Donny for a few minutes before sighing.

"You're right Donny," Kevin said smiling. "There is no reason why we can't help them. But before we do we have to come up with a plan."

From Josh's point of view.

"That little stinker," I said giggling. "He snuck out to buy Christmas presents." I had been home a while and had finally made it up stairs and peeked into our room. Don was gone and Kevin's car was gone too. Justin and Donny was gone too. Yep it was very obvious that they had gone Christmas Shopping. My cell phone rang and I quickly answered it. "Josh here."

"Josh?" Don's voice asked. "We need your help."

"What is wrong?" I asked starting to get worried.

"Nothing is wrong. We're just trying to help this poor family and we need a place to put them up until they get back on their feet," Don explained. I nodded not at all surprised. This was exactly the kind of thing that Don would do.

"Well I have a condo that I'm not using right now. It is furnished and stocked with food," I said. "Want me to meet you there?"

"Could you?" Don asked. "Oh and could you maybe kinda sorta arrange to have it decorated?"

"Sure hon., your wish is my command. I'll meet you there in say like a half hour?" I asked.

"Good, we're going to take them to eat and take the little boy Christmas shopping and we'll meet you," Don said. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was so excited about helping this family out.

"I love you sweetie," I said softly.

"I love you too Josh," Don cooed back at me. I could hear Donny talking in the background and from the sounds of it he was very happy. As soon as Don hung up I got really busy. I had only thirty minutes to pull this off. I was not going to let Don down. Not on Christmas Eve.

Thirty Minutes later at Josh's Condo on the beach.

"Great job!" I said to all the workers that had descended upon this place to decorate it and get a hot meal prepared. "Now that everything is done it is time to go." As they all left I handed each one a fat envelope. Yea I know I spending allot of money but Don wanted to help these people and help them we would. As soon as they had walked out I started the fireplace and turned on the Christmas Music and the lights on the tree. They would be here any minute. As if on cue I heard the ringing of the door bell. I opened it and saw Don standing there grinning. "Hey," I whispered to him.

"Thanks for doing all of this Josh," he said grinning. "I want you to meet the Kelley's." I stood aside as he walked in and Justin walked with Donny on his shoulders and Kevin walked in with a blonde headed boy on his shoulders too. Than a young man and woman walked in too. I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were kinda shell shocked.

"Hi," I smiled at them. "I'm JC Chasez." I shook the man hand and hugged the woman.

"I'm Marty," the man said. "And this is my wife Angelica and my son Tyler."

"Well nice to meet you all," I smiled. "Listen I have dinner in the oven all hot for you. Why don't we all go into the dinning room and we can all talk."

Three hours later

"Is he finally asleep?" I asked Don. He grunted loudly and plopped down in the sofa. "I'll guess that is a yes."

"He is finally asleep," Don sighed. "Now we have the rest of the night to ourselves."

"Well not exactly," I said kissing him on the cheek. "We still have to play Santa and elf."

"Who is going to be Santa?" Don asked giving me a naughty look.

"You are," I giggled as I put a Santa hat on him. "And being that you are Santa you have to help me put the toys under the tree."

"Auuugghhh!" Don yelped out. "I almost forgot!" He jumped up and ran out of the room. I had to laugh at him as I heard him running all the way up stairs. I resigned myself to doing it all by myself. A half hour later I had all the toys under the tree and Don walked back in the room with a armload of presents. "There!" he said proudly. "All done!" He quickly arranged them under the tree. I noticed all of them had my name on them and one was from Donny. "See?" he said grinning as he gestured at the presents.

"Yes I see," I smiled as I stood up and walked towards him. "You've been a very bad boy."

"I have not!" Don said still grinning. "I've been playing Santa!" He looked so cute standing there with that cute grin on his face. In fact he looked hot! "Ummm what are you thinking?" he asked with a worried look on his face.

"About how much I want to take you upstairs and make love to you all night long," I said smirking.

"Well why don't you?" Don asked as he took my hand and started to pull me along.

The next morning from Don's point of view.

"Daddy Daddy, Daddy Josh!" squealed Donny as he hopped in bed on top of poor Josh. Josh grunted loudly and I busted up laughing. "Santa came!"

"He did?" I asked pretending to be shocked.

"Yes he did and he left a whole bunch of toys!" Donny said clapping his little hands together. "Come on Daddy, Come on Daddy Josh!" The smile on Josh's face was so beautiful when Donny called him Daddy Josh that I almost burst into tears.

"Ok ok," I laughed at Donny. "We'll be down in a few minutes."

"No mushy stuff!" Donny said sternly with his hands on his hips. By now Josh was really laughing now. I groaned as I slid out of bed. Josh let out this really cute whimper. I looked back and giggled. He was laying in bed all hard and horny.

"Sorry," I giggled. "But you heard the boss. No mushy stuff." The pout on his face was it. I sighed happily and locked the bedroom door and hopped back in bed. Josh and I had our private Christmas morning before joining a very excited little boy. After giving Josh a few more hickeys we headed down stairs and down the hall of missle toe and finally made it into the living room where Justin, Brian, Kevin and Donny were waiting. We both blushed as we were teased about our tardiness. Than we settled down for opening gifts.

"Here Daddy Josh!" Donny said smiling as he thrust his present in Josh's hand. Josh looked at he present and tried really hard not to laugh. You see Donny had decided to wrap the present himself. There was ribbon and tape and paper everywhere. I had snuck a few pictures of Donny and Justin working very hard to wrap Daddy Josh's present well actually Justin was there to help with the scissors and tape. But it was really cute when Donny managed to wrap poor Justin up in ribbon and bows. I got a picture of that too. It was soooo cute.

"Well thank you Donny!" Josh said as he took the gift from Donny.

"Open it!" Donny demanded. "I wrapped it all by myself with help from Justin!"

"I can see!" Josh giggled looking at a blushing Justin. After tearing off the wrapping he looked at it and smiled. I could see the tears in his eyes.

"It is a pet for you!" Donny explained. "Now you have one too." Than quick as a flash Donny gave his daddy Josh and hug and kiss on the cheek and went back to his toys.

"He is so cute," Josh sniffled looking at the robot puppy.

"And you are a major softie," I giggled as I gave him a kiss. "Now open mine." I handed him the small box. I was so nervous as he opened it. What if he didn't like it? What if he hated it? I watched his eyes widened as he opened the small box.

"Oh Don," Josh whispered. "It is beautiful!"

"Umm do you like it?" I asked. He shook his head no and my heart sank. "But you said it was-- ummmph!" His lips closed on mine very effectively shutting me up. After he finished kissing me he looked down at me with those incredible eyes of his.

"I love it," he said as a tear rolled down his angelic features. "But why?"

"Because you got me a ring," I said softly. "It was only fair that you got a ring from me too." He handed me the box and I took out the heavy ring of platinum and diamond and placed it on his right ring finger.

"Uh uh," he said shaking his head. "Take it off and place it on my left finger."

"But, uuumph!" I grunted again as his lips crushed mine. After finishing kissing me breathless again he grinned again.

"I want everyone to see the ring that my fiancé got me," he said as he held out his left hand. I slid the ring on his finger. He held up his hand to the light so that it showed in the light. "Thank you love."

"Thank you," I said back. "Thank you for loving me and wanting to share your life with me. I'm so happy that we are together."

"When's the wedding?" Justin demanded. "And remember I get to be the best man!" Josh giggled at him and shrugged the shoulder.

"We have plenty of time to decide that," I said softly. "Right now I just want to get through Christmas."

"Now you have to go with me to see your present," Josh said with his very cute and sexy naughty grin."

"Go with you?" I asked confused.

"Yep!" Josh giggled. "It was a little big to put under the tree."

"What about Donny," I asked.

"I'll watch him," Justin eagerly agreed. "Besides I still have to get him back for wrapping me up as a present."

"I was wrapping you up for Brian," Donny giggled.

"Why thank you Donny," Brian giggled. "I had lots of fun unwrapping my present last night." Justin blushed really red when Brian leaned in and whispered in his ear. I wondered what that was all about. "Go ahead you two. Donny will be fine here."

"Come on!" Josh demanded eagerly. "I can't wait to show it too you." I laughed to see him acting like a child. But that was Josh. Happy and go lucky just like a kid. So we hurried out of the house and into his car and we took off down the road not knowing where we were going. After a few minutes we pulled into a small housing complex. It was gated like Josh's but not nearly as big. We than drove around for a few minutes before pulling into a drive way of a split level home. There was this huge red Christmas Bow tied around it.

"Ummm Josh," I said softly as he stopped the car and climbed out. "Whose house is this?"

"It is yours," Josh said grinning as he handed me the keys. "Well actually I was hoping that it would be ours when we got married." I was blown away. Josh and I had our own house! I heard a yipping noise in the house. I looked at Josh and saw him looking at his feet. "Josh," I said in a scolding voice. "What else did you get?"

"Well he was all alone in that big box! He was so cute sitting there looking up at me. He had this really cute look on his face. I just couldn't leave him!" Josh said still looking down at his feet. "All of his little brothers and sisters were all gone. He looked so sad and lonely. I had to get him!"

"Ummmm get who?" I asked getting a little worried.

"Go inside and see," Josh said grinning up at me. I pulled him along and stuck the key in the lock and opened the door. I walked in and heard the yipping again. "Spot!" Josh called out. "Come here boy!" We heard whimpering and the scurrying of little feet and this really cute all black puppy came running around the corner. "Hey Spot!" Josh giggled as he knelt down and caught the squirming puppy in his arms. "Have you've been a good boy?" Spot resounded by licking Josh right on the lips. "Yes you have! Spot has been a very good boy!" By now the all black puppy was all squirms and whimpers as Josh continued to pet him.

"Ummm Josh honey?" I asked really confused.

"Yes dear?" Josh asked back still garnishing attention on the puppy.

"Why is he named Spot?" I asked. The puppy was all black. There wasn't a spot on him. This was really confusing.

"Well he just looks like a Spot," Josh said handing me the squirming pup. Soon I held the cutest pup I had ever seen. Well actually he looked almost exactly like Trixy did when he was that small. "And now he is yours!" Josh said very proudly.

"Thank you," I said smiling at Josh. "But I think the little guy is going to have major issues."

"Why?" Josh asked suddenly very worried.

"Because silly," I giggled out. "This little fella doesn't have a spot on him."

"Yes he does!" Josh said snatching the pup away and turning him over. Sure enough right on his belly was a one very small and I stress one very small white spot. "See!" Josh said pointing to it.

"Ok," I laughed. "So he has one spot. So you're right he is a Spot!" Spot barked at me at the sound of his name. "Come on show me the rest of the house!" I was so excited. For the next hour we toured the house. It was your basic split level home but the one major difference was that it was ours. Josh had picked it out and I loved it! I also loved Spot too. He was such a cutie. I carried him all around the house. He was content to just be held and cuddled. When we were done looking at the house we headed back to big house. Once there I let Spot down on the marble floor. He looked up at us with this really cute guilty look on his face. We soon figured out why. A nice size puddle of pee formed under him. Poor little guy had to go. He had waited all this time. "Poor Spot!" I cooed down at him to let him know that we weren't mad at him. He jumped up on my leg with his tail wagging. "Come on and let's get you all cleaned up." I picked him up and carried him into the bathroom as Josh cleaned up the mess on the floor. Once Spot was all cleaned up we all headed into the living room. Donny saw him first.

"Who is that?" he asked pointing at Spot.

"This is my puppy that Josh got me, his name is Spot," I said as I put the puppy down. He walked over to Donny and sniffed his leg. Once he figured out that Donny was a good guy he waddled off to meet Kevin and Brian too. Kevin had decided to stay around here since he had broken up with Danny. He wasn't in the mood to go home this time. Spot barked at him until He picked him up. It was so cute to see Kevin turning to mush from exposure from a cute little puppy. "Do you think he will be friends with Trixy?" I asked Josh.

"Oh I think they will be best buds," Josh giggled as he watched Trixy giving poor Spot a bath. It had seemed that Trixy had taken on a parental role with him. "Isn't that cute?" Josh asked. I nodded as I watched as Trixy continued to give Spot a bath. It really was cute.

Later that night at a bar.

"Hey," a voice startled Danny. He looked up to see a very cute blonde standing behind him. "Mind if I join you?"

"Sure, it's a free country," Danny said pointing to an empty chair in front of him. "You come here alone?"

"Yea," the cute guy replied. "You come here often?"

"Nahh," Danny said shaking his head. "I just broke up with my boyfriend so I am here."

"Man I am so sorry," the guy said. "Ante is the name."

"Danny Smith," Danny replied.

"Listen if you're not doing anything want to get out of here and get some dinner?" Nate asked hopefully. Danny shook his head no. "Hey," Nate said softly. "No one should be alone on Christmas."

"Yea tell that to my fucking brother," Danny muttered. "Because of him I lost my boyfriend and my home!"

"Does your brother have a name?" Nate asked as he started to put two and two together.

"Don," Danny replied. Nate's smile turned evil for just a fraction of a second. "He got pissed because I slept with his boyfriend and tried to break them up."

"I know the feeling," Nate replied. "You thought that you were doing the right thing and he didn't understand."

"Oh it wasn't like that at all," Danny smirked. "I wanted to have sex with his lover and I did. And let me tell you, it wasn't all that. I really don't see what Don sees in Josh. Sure he might be an international pop star but as a lover he is lousy."

"Yea I know what you mean," Nate replied. So this is Don's brother. Good, this may turn out a lot better than I ever dreamed. Nate thought to himself. "Want to go to my place. I have the fixings of a Christmas dinner and I would love to have the company."

"Why not," Danny replied. "I've nothing better to do." So both men walked out of the bar. Nate slid his hand into Danny and Danny gave him a shy smile.

Back at the house from Josh's point of view.

"So is he asleep?" Don asked softly.

"Yea I finally got him down. He was so hyped up about us moving and all the toys he got," I sighed as I sank into the soft confines of the sofa. I shivered with delight as Don's arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. The lights were all out and the fire was flickering in the fireplace. Soft Christmas music was playing in the background. Everything was perfect. It was Christmas and this was made it so special about it. I was being held by the love of my life. Soon I heard the soft snores coming from him. I just snuggled deeper into his arms and closed my eyes too and was soon sound asleep. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Next: Chapter 14

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