Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Feb 20, 2004


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Trial By Tears: Chapter One (A Continuation of the Picking up the Pieces of My Life Series)

Valentines Day Fun!

February 13th

From Danny's point of view

One day before Valentines day and I still didn't have anyone special. For the entire day I had to watch as Don and Josh got to act all secretive. Josh was in his office/studio all day making his "Sweetie" a song. Don was giggling all day as he went from store to store shopping for Josh. He had four bags of stuff and guess who had to tag along with him as he shopped. Yep you guessed it. Me! Actually it was fun watching him shop for Josh. He would see something really cute and he would be off looking at it. Than he would spot something else and he would be off again. I was going to be so happy when Valentines day was over. Don was cute and all as he shopped for his love but to much sweet was making me a little sick. Donny was the cutest of them all. He had enlisted Justin's help as he made his Valentines cards for his Daddies. And to top it off he was being very secretive about it. He and Justin had commandeered the family room down stairs and wouldn't let anyone in. It was really cute. Me? Well I was at another support group meeting. I actually felt pretty good about it. I had gotten my first HIV results back and I was negative. I wasn't out of the woods yet. I still had two more tests. This was going to be a long year and a half.

"Hey," a soft voice sounded from behind me. I turned and saw a really cute blonde guy standing behind me. I could tell he was really shy. But he was also really really cute. "I'm ummmm Chris," he stammered holding out his hand.

"I'm Danny," I replied shaking his hand. He glanced up at me just fast enough for me to see that he had really blue eyes. "So you come here often?"

"Yea ever since well umm you know," Chris stammered. I could tell by the two other guys that were standing behind him that he was being really shy and it looked as if the two other guys were kinda sorta pressuring him into this.

"Umm listen, do you kinda want to go get some coffee or something?" I asked quickly. Chris's face broke out in a huge grin. Oh yea I was going to have fun getting to know this cutie.

"Yea that would be great," he said glancing back at the two guys who were grinning really wide and giving him thumbs up signs causing poor Chris to blush.

"Well let's go," I suggested. "I know this really great place we can go. It is quiet and intimate. It is one of my favorite places to go and unwind."

"Sounds great," Chris agreed. "Shall I meet you there?"

"Why don't you ride with me?" I asked.

"Sure," Chris replied. So Chris and I left to go the coffee shop that I loved. I had this feeling that we were going to hit it off really well. And not just because he was really cute. I felt this connection with him. All I wanted to do is get to know him. Not for his body or for what kind of sex we could have but for who he was. I wanted to get to know him and hopefully get to be his friend. Where did that come from? For the first time in my life I had found a cute gay guy and Sex was the furthest thing from my mind. Go figure. All I knew was that I was having fun. More fun that I have had in a very long time. And I didn't want the fun to end. When we arrived there I parked the car and together we walked into the quaint coffee shop. The aroma of coffee and all of it's flavors bombarded my senses. The flickering of the fireplace filled me with a warmth that I hadn't felt in a long time.

"Umm do you want to sit by the fire?" I asked softly.

"Yea that would be great," Chris replied eagerly. I reached for his hand and he shyly placed it in my hand and we walked to the fireplace and sat on a plush sofa.

"Can I get you two something?" asked a young lady.

"A large espresso?" I asked softly.

She turned to Chris. "I'll have the same," he replied.

"So I take it you come here often?" he asked me.

"All the time," I replied smiling. "This is my sanctuary."

"Well how do you feel about letting a stranger into it?" Chris asked.

"I don't want you to be stranger," I blurted out. I blushed the instant I said it. Chris blushed too and looked down. When he looked up I saw the sadness in his eye and I regretted it the instant I said it. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push."

"No," Chris said shaking his head. The sadness was still there. "It's not your fault. It is just that the reason I've been kinda sorta in a shell was because of my former boyfriend. Tonight is the anniversersry of his death." Ok so now I really was feeling like a heel. Poor guy was still mourning his lost love and here I was putting the moves on him. He must of saw the look of pure horror on my face. "Hey, he said quickly. "It is not your fault. I really like you but you've got to understand that me and Chad had something going. He was my whole world."

"What was he like?" I asked. He leaned against me with his head resting on my shoulder. I had to admit that I loved the feeling. A few minutes later he was spilling his soul out to me. By the end he was in tears and so was I. It was typical HIV turned Aids story. A lover standing by his man as he died. We had all heard them time and time again at the support group meetings. But for some reason his story hit me hard. Probably because I felt a connection with him.

"So how did you get HIV?" he asked. A little secret. Nobody knew at support group that I wasn't HIV positive. Not everyone was. Some were in the same boat that I was. Waiting for the boom to lower.

"I'm not positive," I replied. "But I probably will be."

"Want to talk about it?" he asked with his head still on my shoulder.

"Not much to tell. Cute guy sleeps with me. We didn't use protection and he tells me he is positive after sleeping with me for over a week," I replied bitterly.

"When did he find out?" Chris asked.

"When he got out of prison. He knew he was positive when he slept with me," I replied blushing. "God I was so stupid!"

"Are you pressing charges?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "You should. He is an ass. He doesn't deserve to be out of prison after doing that too you."

"I know he should be in prison. He was positive and knew it when he had sex with me. It was all part of a revenge thing to get back at my brother," I muttered.

"If you want me to be there when you do press charges I will," Chris offered.

"I'm not sure I'm going to do that," I mumbled. Chris got real quiet for a few minutes as he sipped on his hot drink. "What do you think I should do?" I asked softly.

"It is not my place to say," Chris replied. "It is your place. I think you should press charges. What he did was so wrong in so many ways. If I was you I wouldn't let him get away with it."

"I was going to talk to him first," I added.

"Why the hell would you want to do that?" Chris demanded.

"I just want to see if he has any kind of regret," I replied. "I need to see if he has some humanity in his blood."

"When are you going to have this talk?" Chris asked.

"Tomorrow," I replied.

"You need some support?" he asked. He was such a sweetie.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course I'm sure," he replied with a small smile. "No body should have to face this thing alone."

"I would love the company and support," I replied. It was about this time that I noticed that Chris was staring at the door way. I looked back and smiled. "That would be my big brother and his lover Josh," I said softly. His eyes got really big. "Yea he is gay but don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry," he said grinning. "I wouldn't do that to him. I love his music!" I frowned when I saw Don look over and smile at us. Quickly replacing the frown with a grin I waved them over.

"Hey," Don said as he pulled Josh down on the other sofa. "What are you doing here?"

"This is one of my favorite hang outs," I replied.

"Really?" Don asked. "Josh and I love this place."

"Oh Don, Josh, meet Chris," I said quickly. "Chris this is my older brother and his friend Josh."

"Nice to meet you both," Chris said politely.

"So how do you know my kid brother?" Don asked.

"We met at the support group," Chris replied.

"Ohh so umm you're HIV Positive?" Don asked looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Yea I've been positive for almost three years now," Chris replied.

"So what do you do for a living?" Josh asked.

"I write songs," Chris replied.

"Really?" Josh asked perking up. So the intimate talk that we had going turned into a business talk between Josh and Don. Three hours later Josh and Chris were still at it and Don and I were trying to get them to break it off to go home. Finally Don gave up and leaned against Josh and fell asleep. When he started to snore Josh and Chris grinned sheepishly at me and we decided to head for home.

"So umm you want to go out tomorrow night?" Chris asked me.

"Yea sure!" I said eagerly. We spent the next few minutes making plans for tomorrow night and than we went our separate ways. Once we got home I politely said good night and headed off to bed. For the first time in a long time I felt happy. I didn't want the feeling to end. I quickly got ready for bed and slid in between the covers and snuggled up and was soon sleeping. For the first time in a long time I slept the whole night with out any night mares.

From Don's point of view.

"What do you think is going on with Danny?" Josh asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I snuggled closer to him. This was my favorite place to be. Josh was all wrapped up around me. I could feel every part of his body that was touching me. It was a very special intimate time for us and we looked forward to it every night.

"He seem taken with that Chris fella," Josh replied as his lips brushed my shoulder.

"He is cute," I said shivering with delight. Josh would plant all of these feather kisses all over me before we went to sleep. Most of the time it would end with him making love to me. But tonight it was just a simple loving kiss that I loved so much. "Do you think that they might get to gether?"

"He deserves some happiness in his life," Josh replied. "But--,"

"But Chris is HIV positive," I sighed. "I don't want to see my little brother hurt."

"Chris doesn't seem to me to be the type of person to hurt anyone," Josh said kissing my neck again.

"I hope you are right," I said as I yawned really wide.

"Go to sleep love," Josh whispered to me. I sighed happily as I snuggled closer to Josh and closed my eyes. Josh's deep even breaths graced my bare shoulders and I could feel the rise and fall of his chest up against my back. He was staying awake like he did allot. Josh would stay awake just so that he could hold me and watch me sleep. He was such a sweetie. Try as I might I couldn't stay awake any longer. Soon I was sound asleep with my lover holding me tight.

The next morning.

"Daddy daddy!" Donny's exited voice sounded from behind the door. You see Donny was learning to knock before charging into our room. Josh quickly tossed me a pair of boxer briefs and he slid on his too.

"Come in buddy!" I called out. The door flew open and he came charging in with Trixy and Spot following him. He had two hand made cards. He was all smiles and it was obvious that he was very exited about to day being Valentines day. He clamored up into the bed and wedged him self in between us.

"This is for you!" he said shoving a card into my hands. "And this is for Daddy Josh!" he exclaimed handing Josh the other card.

"Did you make these?" I asked grinning widely at Josh.

"Yes I did and Uncle Justin helped me!" Donny said with his head nodding so fast that I was momentary worried that his head would fall off. I ruffled his hair and kissed him on the top of his head. He giggled loudly which of course started Josh tickling him. Soon the room was full of his laughter combined with Josh's monster sounds and Trixy and Spot's barks. The sound that I loved to hear in the morning. Finally Josh had mercy on him and Donny slid out of the bed and took off running out of the room causing the two puppies to go running after him afraid that their little master would leave them.

"Awww these are so cute!" Josh cooed at the cards. They were red and white with hand made harts and a picture of Donny and the puppies on them. "These are so going on the refrigerator!" I giggled loudly at Josh's eagerness to display them. "What?" he asked with a completely innocent look on his face.

"You are such a softie," I smiled softly at him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Josh replied as he placed his and my card aside and pulled me close to him. "Want to mess around?" I could tell that he was horny.

"With you?" I asked giggling.

"Yea with me," he smirked.

"Sure sexy," I giggled as I reached down and slid my hands into his boxer briefs and took hold of his cock. He moaned softly as he slid his hands into my boxer briefs too. Soon we were naked and doing what we did best, making love to each other. What a way for Valentines day to begin.

Three hours later from Josh's point of view

I looked at my lover sleeping soundly after our morning lovemaking session. I was still stunned at how much he looked like an angel after we made such passionate love. But here he was with his hair all messed up and his eyes closed and the peaceful and innocent expression on his face. It was so beautiful that it shook me to the core. I tried to get out from beside him only to have him growl softly at me and cling to me more tightly. I bent down and kissed lightly on the lips. This caused him to relax a little to allow me to get free. I quickly walked into the bathroom and relieved myself and than got dressed and headed out into the main part of the house. I could hear Donny giggling loudly from down stairs in the family room. I decided it was time for Josh to be naughty this time. "Hey buddy," I said as I walked into the family room. "Whacha doing?"

"Playin!" he said matter of factly.

"What are you playing?" I asked grinning. From what I could tell it was a combination of star wars and race cars.

"I'm having a battle!" he said grinning.

"Do you want to help me with a surprise for daddy?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"What kind of a surprise?" Donny asked. So I let him on my secret and he quickly agreed. It was going to make his daddy really happy and Donny loved making his daddy happy. After I informed him what was going on we set about getting ready.

Later from Don's point of view.

I woke up and stared at the clock. I was shocked to see that it was after twelve. That was so like Josh to let me sleep in. I looked around to see that I was alone. I growled softly and slid out of bed. I winced slightly and smiled at the memory. Making love to Josh was great as always. He always left me feeling a little sore. That wasn't a bad thing. Infact it was good. I reminded me what we had. I quickly threw on some clothes and left the room in search of my sweetie. I soon found him. I walked up to the family room and tried to open the door and frowned when I saw that it was locked. "Josh?" I called out. I heard his giggle and the giggle of my son. "Let me in!" I said grinning. The door popped open a crack to reveal a very sexy face that belonged to my lover. "Hi," I giggled at his flushed expression. I saw that naughty grin on his face and realized that he was up to something. "Can I come in?"

"Nope," he giggled.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Yea right," he smirked at me. "Like that is going to work."

"What are you doing?" I asked kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Stuff," he said still wearing that sexy guilty look on his incredible good looking face.

"What kind of stuff?" I asked pouting again.

"Valentines surprise kind of stuff," he replied as he slid back into the room and closed the door behind him and locked it. I growled at the door and stomped back up stairs to work on my own surprise for him. Two can play at that game.

"Ewww dammit!" I grumbled as I tried so hard to undo the red garland. "Danny!" I whined loudly.

"Yea Don?" Danny asked as he walked up the stairs and once he saw me he busted out giggling.

"Fine!" I pouted. "Laugh at me!"

"I'm sorry, but it looks like a war just took place here," he giggled some more as he looked around. Hearts were all over the place. red and white lights were strung out all over the dining room and red and white candles were all laid out. Red Valentines day Garland was all over the place too.

"Help me please?" I begged him. He giggled at me and nodded. So together we finished getting the dinning room ready. "Now it is time for valentines day dinner!" I said happily as I headed towards the kitchen. Danny just shook his head and headed off in the other direction. "Hey! Where you going?" I demanded.

"Hey I have plans too you know," he said grinning.

"With that Chris guy?" I asked.

"Yes with that Chris guy. We have plans for tonight," Danny replied. "Now if you will excuse me I have to go make myself all pretty."

"Have fun and be careful," I said sternly. Grant it my little brother wasn't the best at being a boyfriend. He had been really unlucky at love and I was really hoping that maybe just maybe he would find someone who would be happy with him and he could be happy with him too. I looked around the kitchen and groaned. I had a lot of work to do if I was going to make this dinner a special one.

Several hours later From Josh's point of View.

"Ok are we all done?" I asked looking around.

"All done!" Donny replied looking around too. The two puppies barked as if agreeing with us.

"Do you think your daddy will like it?" I asked worried.

"I like it!" Danny said clapping his little hands together.

"Than your daddy will like too," I agreed. "Now I think that you have a play date with your little friends across the street?"

"Johnny wants me to spend the night with him!" Donny said grinning really wide. "We're going to stay up all night long and watch movies!"

"Ok well let's get you all showered and packed for your play date," I giggled at his excitement. As soon as I got Donny ready and he had said good bye to Don and Danny I walked him over to his little friends house and than I headed back. After all I had a special Valentines evening with my sweetie to plan for. I got into the house and headed to our room. I smiled when I saw that Don had laid out my clothes for me to wear. There was a note on top of the pile of clothes. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Josh,

Take a shower, put on hot clothes and cologne and make yourself all hot and sexy and than come down to the dinning room.

Love Don

I smiled and shook my head. It had seemed that Don was planning his own little surprises too. I quickly showered and dressed and headed down the hall and into the dinning room.

From Don's point of view.

"There all done!" I said as I stood back and looked at the table.

"It looks great sweetie," came the voice of angels. I turned and looked at Josh standing in the door way. God did he look hot. The clothes that I picked out for him really made him look even hotter. His hair was all spiked up looking really hot and sexy like it always did. I blushed at the compliment. "I love you," he whispered as he held out his arms. I quickly walked into them. I shivered with delight as his arms closed around me pulling close to him. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I let out a soft moan as his tongue slid into my mouth. I allowed him to work his magic that he always did by kissing me breathlessly. I reluctantly broke away and giggled softly at his pout.

"Sit down," I instructed him. After making sure he was sitting in the chair I walked back into the kitchen and picked up the plates and placed on in front of him and one in front of my place. I than walked back into the kitchen and picked up the bottle of wine and carried it to the table. I poured him a glass and me a glass too. "I would like to propose a toast. To the best looking man that I love so much," I said as I rose my glass. He blushed and rose his glass too and touched it to mine. We both sipped and than placed the glasses on the table. "Now dig in!"

Later from Josh's point of view.

"Here put this on!" I demanded as I handed him a silk robe. It was royal blue and he looked hot in the very skimpy silk thong that I begged him to put on. I had one too and a matching royal blue silk robe. I wanted my love to be as comfortable as possible. "Please?" I begged him with my pout in full force. He finally slid it on and I grinned happily. "Man you look so hot!" I smirked at him. He blushed and looked down. I reached down and cupped his crotch and he moaned softly. "God I love you," I whispered as I gave him a little squeeze. "Now come on down to the family room."

"Oh so I finally get to see what you and Donny were up to?" he asked looking up at me with those incredible blue eyes of his.

"If you're really good," I giggled as I kissed him on his lips. I took his hand and led him down stairs and into the family room. He let out a gasp. "Do you like it?"

"Oh yes," he whispered. "I love it!"

I had spent all afternoon covering the ceiling with white lights and red lights too. A fire was flickering the fire place. A huge pile of furs were laying in front of the fireplace too. Beside the pile of furs was a bottle of sparkling cider and a futon of melted chocolate. A bowl of strawberries and bananas was beside the melted chocolate as well. A bottle of warming lubricant was laid out with massage oil as well. "I want to make love to you all night long," I said looking down at him.

"Oh really?" he asked looking up at me with those incredible innocent blue eyes of his. "And what else are we going to be doing?"

"Eating strawberries and bananas dipped in chocolate sauce and drinking lots of sparkling cider and listening to music," I said kissing him lightly on the nose as I slid off his robe. I shivered with lust as I beheld his body as it glistened in the flickering firelight. He slid off my robe too and let out a gasp of his own. "God you are so beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you are," he whispered back to me. His hand reached out and cupped the pouch that held my already erect cock. "Now what do you say we let Jr. out to play?" He smiled his naughty smile at me as he gently pulled my thong down and released my erect cock. He than reached out and touched it and licked his lips. "He is so beautiful," he breathed out as he knelt in front of me. As much a I knew he wanted to make me feel good I didn't want this end to fast. I gently but firmly pulled him back to his feet and looked into his eyes.

"Only one of us is naked," I said to him as I reached for his thong string and pulled it free. The thin clothe fell away from his body releasing his cock to the world for me to see and admire. "I love you so much," I whispered in a shuddering voice. "Lie down love," I instructed him. I watched as his laid down on top of the file of furs. He looked so vulnerable laying there slim and yet toned. He looked up at me with those incredible innocent eyes of his. I laid down on top of him and shivered with lust as his hot body trembled against mine. I looked down at his throbbing cock and realized that he was seconds from cumming. I smiled at him and reached out and with one finger I ran it along the underside of his cock. He let out a whimper as his body tensed up and I watched in pleasure and lust as spurt after spurt of his cum came shooting out of his cock. I gently and lovingly stroked him and listened with glee as he moaned and whimpered as he continued to shoot his precious load all over him and my hand. When he was done I sat back and looked at him. His skin was all flushed and he was breathing hard. His lips were slightly parted with just a hint of his white teeth showing. I looked down to see the cum on his rock hard abs. He looked so hot right now. "I love you."

"I love you too," he breathed out. "But I kinda sorta made a mess," he said blushing.

"I have a feeling that we are going to make several messes before this night is over," I giggled at him.

"Take me please?" he pleaded with me. "I need to feel you in me so bad."

"Are you sure?" I asked in a teasing voice. I was rewarded with his cute little growl. "I'll take that as a yes." I reached for the bottle of lube and poured some in my hand and than stroked my cock a feel times to get it good and lubed up.

"Please hurry," he begged me. I smiled lovingly down at him as I pressed the head of my cock up against his hole. I pushed in as he pushed back. My cock slid into him with ease. He shuddered with pain and moan with pleasure as I settled into my gentle thrusts. But he would have none of that. "Harder!" he urged me. Who was I to argue. I gladly obliged him as I increased my thrusts. I looked down at his tight body as he shook with each thrust of my cock into his ass. I laid down on top of him driving my tongue deep into his mouth. I could feel him shudder as he moaned into my mouth. We kissed for a few minutes before breaking free and than his lips attached themselves to my neck. He started to suck really hard and every once in a while he would nip at me with his lips and teeth. I was getting closer to cumming and I wanted this to last so I slowed down. He whimpered softly at my decreased lovemaking.

"I want this to last baby," I moaned into his ear as I nipped at it. He nodded as he laid his head on my shoulder. I could feel his sweat dampened hair on my shoulders. "I want to get married as soon as possible," I whispered to him in his ear.

"Sounds good to me," he smiled up at me. "Now be a good boy and continue to make love to me!" I had to smile at Don's eagerness. So what was I to do but to oblige him. Can't have my lover upset at me.

From Don's point of view.

"Ohh baby," Josh moaned out. "I'm so fucking close!"

"Cum for me baby," I urged him on. We had been making love for the past hour. Josh was being a bad boy and stopping ever fifteen minutes to talk. "Fill me with your cum!" I begged him. Josh let out this really hot groan and his body shuddered violently as he blasted his load deep into me. The feeling of his hot searing cum slamming into me sent me into orgasm for the third time that night. I held on his body and relished in the feeling of him cumming in me. I always loved to be made love to by Josh. He like so many things threw everything he had into the act. He allowed it consume him like he did for his music and dancing. That was what I probably loved the most about him, was his passion. It was at this point that I realized that Josh was talking to me.

"Baby?" he asked. "You still there?" I looked at him and shuddered at the concern that filled his eyes. I reached up and ran my finger down the side of his face. He leaned into the touch. Wow!" he breathed. "That was great!"

"You were great," I smiled at him.

"No you were great!" Josh giggled. Than his face turned that adorable cross between serious and cute again. You know the feeling that makes your world stand still. "What?" he asked. Josh had caught me staring at him again. I blushed and looked away. "Oh," he giggled.

"Oh?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You were ogling me again," he snickered.

"And so what if I was," I replied with a small pout.

"God I love you," he said again. That was another phrase that I never grew tired of hearing from him. "We should shower."

"Yea I guess you're right," I replied. "But I want to snuggle some more when we get out of the shower."

"Oh trust me love," he smiled down at me as he pressed his lips to mine. "There will definitely be some more snuggling involved." He helped me up and together we walked up stairs and into the master bedroom and than into the bathroom and into the shower.

From Danny's point of view.

"So are you enjoying yourself?" I asked Chris. We were sitting in a small coffee shop and just talking. Chris was trying so hard to be his normal chatty self but I knew that something was wrong. I could see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes. Chris was the type of guy that when he was saddened or in trouble you just wanted to gather him in your arms and hold him until everything was all better. But I knew that Chris wasn't ready for that kind of closeness. So I opted for being his friend. I hoped I could get through to him.

"Yea," Chris said. I could tell that something was bothering him.

"Are you ok?" I asked softly. He jerked his head up and I could see the fear in his eyes. "I'll take that as a no."

"I just heard some bad news is all," he mumbled. I waited for him to answer. After a few minutes he looked up at me again. "My "T"cell count is rising," he replied. A cold stab of fear filled my chest. "I'm going into the hospital tomorrow morning. They want to run some tests."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked.

"No!" he said a little harshly. My first instinct was to respond in kind. But I reframed myself. "I don't need you," he muttered.

"Yes you do," I replied softly. "And stop acting like a child. And stop trying to spare me pain. I know what you are going through and don't tell me that I don't. And I'm going with you tomorrow. We are going through this together."

"Why?" Chris demanded his eyes wide and wet with unshed tears. "Why do you want to put yourself through this hell?"

"Because I see you in pain and I want to help," I admitted. "Don't ask me to explain it. Just that ever since I met you and we had that kinda sorta date last night I couldn't help but feel connected to you." I was pleased to see that Chris smiled at me. He had such a cute smile. "So you going be good to let me come with you?"

"I don't think I can stop you," Chris replied with a small smile.

"That's better," I said grinning widely. "So where do you want to go now?"

"I'm really wiped. I'd like to go home," he said.

"Oh," I said kinda disappointed.

"And I'd like you to come with me," he blurted out. "Umm that is of course if you want too."

"Of course I want to," I replied. We stood up and paid our bill and headed out to my car. Soon we were back at his place. It was small but very cozy. He lit some candles and sat down on the sofa. I sat in the chair across from him.

"Uh uh," he said scolding me. His eyes lit up with an adorable naughty glint. "Sit next to me please?" I knew from that moment one that our lives would never be the same. I sat down next to him and held out my arms and let him slide into them. I gently wrapped myself around him. He looked up at me with those incredible blue eyes of his. "I won't break you know," he said softly. His lips were just to kissable that I couldn't resist. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. He let out this really cute little whimper as our lips touched. It wasn't a long kiss. Just a really short one. But the emotions poured out from both of us. Tears started to flow from each of us. We just held each other and cried our eyes out. Finally we stopped and wiped each other's tears. "Ummm wow!" he breathed as he blushed that cute blush again. "I don't want to be alone tonight," he whispered looking deep into my eyes.

"Do you want me to stay at your place tonight?" I asked in a shaky voice. He nodded as he chewed on his lower lip. "Ok I'll stay," I purred as I snuggled closer to him.

From Don's point of view.

I looked down at Josh sleeping. We had just finished making love again. Poor Josh was all wore out. He looked so cute laying there sleeping like an angel. I leaned and kissed him softly on the fore head. "I love you." He mumbled something about not having school tomorrow and I giggled softly as I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. The soft deep steady beat of his heat lulled me to sleep. It was a wonderful sound. I knew that this Valentines day would go down in our little history as one of the best ones.


Next: Chapter 17: Trial by Tears 2

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