Pine Bluff

By moc.loa@50242ehsAR

Published on Jan 12, 2000


Childhood Dreams -

Part One -

When I was 17 and a Junior in High School my main revenue of income was odd jobs round the neighborhood and an occasional shift at the Burger Bar over on Second Street.

The position was fairly easy with requirements like keeping the tables clean, crap swept up off the floor and keeping the outside clean and picked up of litter. Nothing hard and the pay was reasonable.

One afternoon I was working the 12 to 6 shift when I was in the parking lot sweeping when a Motor home rolled in, watching it wishing for the day I could afford such a beauty. Still sweeping I watched a handsome man get out and lock the door. Unusual I thought, a single person driving such a large Motor home. Forgetting it for now I continued my duties when I found myself beside the Motor home sweeping under to get an empty soda cup I couldn't help but look in the window. Beautiful, it looked like inside someone's home with all the luxuries. Scanning the inside I noticed a form sleeping on the bunk that was over the Main cab, startled and a little nervous to be peeking I could make out the form of a kid sleeping soundly, he looked to be 12 maybe 13. I couldn't see anything else for he had a sheet over him. I felt myself growing hard at a weird thought of going in and forcing the kid to his knees and sucking me off before his (I presumed) Dad came back.

I felt foolish and amazed at the reaction of my boner, I wasn't Gay and never had really considered any such thing but the kids face was so angelic and the mere thought of his sweet tender lips were driving me crazy. Blushing I swept away from the Van just as the man came out carrying a large bag of burgers, fries and shakes. He saw me and smiled, I waved back and walked to him as he went to the door of the Van.

"Great Motor home, must of cost alot." I said complimenting him meaning it with a hint of envy in my voice.

He smiled and unlocked the door, putting the food inside he turned to me, " I'm Randy and we're parked over at Pine Bluff Campground lot 46 if you'd like to stop in and have a private tour later?" He offered watching me a little too carefully I thought but what the heck I wanted to see it and I loved going to the campground, there was usually a lot of cool kids to hang out with.

"Sure, gee thanks, I get off at 6. I said feeling his eyes burning into me. Would that be okay around 6:30?"

"Of course, and your name was?" He asked.

"Oh gee, I'm sorry, I'm Mark Stone I work here. " I informed him.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that you with the broom and all." He chuckled and I saw how handsome he really was, nice and fit he must of worked out for his abs were huge !

"Oh yeah, of course...stupid me." I stammered, blushing and again feeling my hard on press in my jeans. Then I realized that his eyes were on my crotch making me blush even more.

"Well, we'll see you around 6:30 then, and oh by the way Mark?" He asked.

"Yes?" I strained to keep eye contact with him.

"Bring your friend with you?" He invitingly said.

"My friend?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, your friend screaming to get loose." He said laughing as he got into the Van and waving to me backed out and drove off.

Man oh man, he noticed all right I thought and now I was too worked up I had to go inside to use the restroom. The employee bathroom was in use so I went into the dining room and went into the customers. No one was in there , I went into the middle booth where I could take care of the impending business in my pants. The coolness of the AC met my legs as I shoved my jeans down not hearing a customer come in, startled I waited when I was aware there was someone out there. Listening, I heard a man's voice. "Okay, Derik, go ahead and Daddy will wait for you." Faintly I could hear a zipper sliding down and then a kids voice. "Daddy, why is there a hole in that wall?" Holding my breath I waited, what hole I wondered? "Oh, it's nothing son, finish up and go join Mummy out in the dining room. "OK, Daddy I'm done." The kid said. I could hear the door whoosh open and then the soft shuffle of footsteps, to my astonishment I watched as a hard cock slipped through the hole just below my waist, it was long and throbbing with beet red veins straining on it and the tip was wet and shiny with pre-cum. I wasn't afraid yet I wondered how this man could be so brave as to assume I was there for that reason. Hesitantly, I reached for the massive cock slowly grasping it I felt the heat radiate to my hand. "Yeah, that's it stroke it, suck it for me....go on you know you want it."

On my knees I took the now dripping cock, tentatively licking it I jerked myself off while the man slid his tool into my eager mouth, just as I was about to explode the door opened and the cock disappeared. Horny as hell I sat back on the seat and fiercely brought myself off splashing cum over my thighs and onto the cold tile floor. I listened as the door opened and closed again leaving the restroom quiet except for the steady hum of the exhaust fan. Pumping my spent cock I knew I had to get back to work or risk losing my job. Slipping my jeans up I tucked my modest 6 inches in and vowed that would be the last time I would risk anything like that. Checking out the diners I wondered which one I was just sucking. But, no one seemed to notice me so I left to go back out and continue the sweeping.

Six o'clock finally arrived and after punching out I went to the employee dressing room to change into my regular shirt, glad to get the restaurant one off I let the cool air dry me off watching my nipples harden as I coyly pinched them making the feeling last. John another hourly employee entered the room, shucking his clothes he stripped in front of me and I dressed slowly hoping to catch sight of his body or at least a glimpse of his basket.

So Mark, any plans for tonight or you going home to boredom?" He asked as he dropped the checkered cook pants that they wore on the food line. I zeroed in on his basket, nice and heavy from the looks. He fingered himself adjusting his basket as he reached into his locker to get his cut offs.

"No, I'm going out to Pine Bluff for the evening I guess." I answered wishing I had the nerve to grab him and rip the briefs off. My thoughts vanished as more employees filed in all eager to either leave or to punch in for their shift.

"Cool, maybe I'll see you out there later?" He said.

"Great, that would be cool." I answered as I pulled my T-shirt on over my head as I left the room eager to get over to the campground.

The ride over was sweaty and miserably hot. Finding Lot #46 was easy, all the lots were numbered and the Motor home stood out like a sore thumb. I spotted Randy bent over a stove trying to hook up a tank of butane.

"Hey..." I called as I peddled into his lot, he turned and smiled. "Hey yourself, it's Mark right?" He asked.

"Yeah, Mark Stone." I said as I dropped the bike to the ground. "Could I get a glass of water?" I asked dying of thirst.

"Of course, come on in and we'll get it and I can show you the Camper too." He offered gesturing for me to follow.

Inside was huge, the large loft that I had seen earlier and two others on each side with a , full kitchenette, a small toilet with a shower and a common area where a table came down from the ceiling . Randy showed me the cupboards and grabbed a glass as he did, filling it with ice cold water from the fridge he handed it to me making contact with my hand just for an instant.

As he explained the new AC system that was connected to the heating system the door opened and in came two boys, one I knew as the sleeping beauty and the other could easily pass as his brother. Both smiled at me and looked at Randy as if to question my being there.

"Hey boys, this is Mark Stone, he works at the Burger place where I bought lunch and he came over to see the camper. Why don't you both introduce yourself?"

The oldest ( the sleeping beauty) stepped forward, "Hi, I'm Josh." He said as he shook my hand, his small palm feeling electric as we meshed shaking. The younger one reached out and smiled, "And I'm Justin." We shook as the kid looked at Randy as if for instructions. Randy laughed and said, "Well, now that the preliminaries have been taken care of, what say we think about dinner. You can stay, can't you Mark?"

Taken off guard I blushed and said yes thank you that I'd enjoy that but I had to call home first. Randy nodded and pointed, "The rec. hall has a pay phone , hey Justin take Mark down to use the phone?" He asked. Justin smiled and said "Sure, no problem", pointing at Mark he motioned for him to follow. Mark went out feeling a little funny with the situation but then again, this kid Justin in front of him with the perfect melon sized ass was just asking to be fucked. Blushing he realized that he was turned on by the kid. Looking back as the door closed he saw Randy pull his tank top off showing his perfectly chiseled abs glistening in the sunlight. His cock throbbed as he walked beside Justin wondering where this was going.

Randy watched the boys leaving, his eyes followed the firm buttocks of Mark as he walked along his son. Opening the fridge he took a cold beer, popping it he took a long cold swallow. " OK, time to get things rolling if we're going to get dinner cooked."

Josh got up to help, he couldn't help staring at his fathers nipples, the hard quarter size nipples. Feeling his cock stir he wondered if his Dad would ever think he was a man and let him join him in his bed. He knew Mark was the lucky pick up for the evening and that he would be expected to keep Justin occupied while his Dad fucked Mark senseless. He knew the routine and he knew that his Dad knew that he wanted him.

"Dad?" He hesitantly asked.

"Yeah Josh?" Randy turned to look at his handsome son, just 15 and what a beauty, took after his Mother to be sure he thought as he focused on his young colt.

"You think maybe I'm old enough to like know..." He mumbled.

Smiling Randy got the message easily, he knew Josh was fighting his own feelings on being gay and he understood the feelings. He would love to be the boys first but, their was moral issues here and as much as he fought them he found himself weakening every day. "Josh, I know you think you know what you want but I would think it would be wiser to wait a few years." He waited for the familiar sigh. It came as quickly as he knew.

"Yeah maybe your right, but I know what I want and I'm going to react to it sooner or later Dad." He dared his father.

Stifling another smile Randy turned away, " Maybe your right son, maybe your wrong. We'll just have to see where it goes, OK?

"You mean it Dad? You mean I can join you?" Josh was suddenly weak with the knowledge he was this close.

"Whoa, slow down Josh, I didn't say anything about that. I said I know you will be discovering your own sexuality and it should involve someone your age I would think."

Disappointed by that comeback Josh frowned, but knew he was close. "OK Dad, I guess your right."

Josh went to get the food ready for his Dad to barbecue. His stiff cock throbbed in his shorts as he thought of what could happen if he played his cards right. What he didn't realize was his Dads eyes seeing his cock strain against the thin fabric.

Mark looked at Justin as he finished the punch line of a joke. He had to ask him if he messed around. This kid was a walking encyclopedia about sex and if he was reading him right he'd have no problem getting into the kids pants.

"That's funny Justin, can I ask you something?" He asked knowing the answer.

"Heck yeah, Ask me anything you want !" He laughed.

Taking the dive he asked, "You ever fool around with your brother or Dad?"

Justin stopped walking, he turned and faced Mark. "You been talking to my Dad, he likes you and I know that means you will sleep with him tonight. I never fooled around with Dad but me and Josh do sometimes but don't tell him I told you, OK?"

"Yeah no problem." Trembling Mark asked. "What do you mean I will sleep with your Dad tonight?"

Laughing Justin said. "Heck you don't think he invited you over to play Monopoly do you?" Giggling he grabbed Mark's crotch. " Now you want to find out if I mess around?

Startled by the boy grabbing him he gasped. "Justin! Here? What if someone sees us?

"Heck no, follow me , I know a path right over there." He said pointing. Mark grinned and followed.

"Your Dad is getting dinner ready, won't we be late?" Mark questioned as he followed the small tight ass that was screaming for attention.

"No we got time, we've only been gone 20 minutes."

He sped up and quickly Mark followed eager to explore the possibilities brewing here. Another few minutes they walked into a clearing, discarded beer cans and empty candy wrappers littered the ground but Justin sat right down, content with this spot. Mark stood waiting. His cock growing hard at the thought having this kid.

"Well? You want to or not?" Justin boldly asked as he slid his shorts down exposing his boyish cock. Mark sucked in his breath.

Nervously he unsnapped his jeans sliding the zipper down he watched the kid kick the shorts away. His slender boy cock jumping as it throbbed with desire.

As if he was a pro Mark dropped to his knees, " Let me suck you Justin, God I want to suck you." He motioned the boy to him. Justin stood, his hard boy sex being squeezed in his palm as he walked to the kneeling Mark. Letting the tip touch Marks lips Justin giggled as he heard Mark groan. His tongue flickered out getting a taste of the boy. His own cock hard and angry pulsated as he worked it out slowly stroking himself as the boy let his young cock slide into his hot and eager mouth. He easily swallowed the slender boy stick as his nose pressed against the firm boy flesh that showed no traces of hair except for a few soft wisps as his tongue sought out more of the boy. Justin moaned as he thrust with the blow job loving the feeling, "Oh damn Mark that's too bitchin cool, your better then Josh!" He pushed feeling his cock being devoured by the eager mouth.

Slipping of the boy cock, Mark lapped the hairless tight balls that hung high, licking he worked his way between the boys legs making him straddle as he searched for what he wanted the most. The warm moist aroma of boy met his nose as his tongue found the small tight hole, his tongue darted in and he heard the boy gasp. "Damn my ass.....oh man Mark that's hot." He ground his ass into Mark's face as the guy chewed away tongue fucking him as he jerked his boy cock feeling the rising of his orgasm burn it's path to his cock. Pumping up and down he fucked Mark's face when he felt Mark's hand take his hand off his cock and replacing it with his own. His hand caressed his stiff cock bringing him real close as his ass was being fucked he felt the cum rising. "I'm gonna cum Mark....I'm gonna cum."

Mark sucked in a breath burying his tongue deep into the kids ass he rode it moaning, stroking himself Mark felt his cum rushing to be released as he felt the boy tremble with his orgasm.

"Damn, that was too cool ! " Justin laughed and turned to Mark, he grinned and reached for the older boys cock. "You didn't cum yet? Let me help you". He went to his knees taking the boys cock deep into his young mouth. The hotness and the experienced tongue made Mark shiver as he felt his boy load explode deep into the kids throat.

Mark and Justin dressed smiling both knowing that they had shared something, a few minutes later they were on their way to the camper that when they neared they could smell the steaks grilling. Running they met Randy as he came out of the door. "Well, you guys took long enough, any trouble with the folks Mark?"

"Uh....No....I was just talking to Justin and I guess it's my fault if we're late, I'm really sorry."

"Hell, no trouble, I just asked. " Randy smiled and his gaze went to Justin, his son looked flush and so did Mark. Only one thing could do that he thought. Grinning he went to tend to the the meat on the grill.

Next: Chapter 2

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