Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Feb 8, 2009


This story contains sex between males, if you don't like such material or you are underage or it is illegal where you live then I suggest you leave now. Your comments are welcome at jacanakid21@yahoo.com all emails replied to except flames, these are extinguished on arrival. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Piracy on the High Seas, Part 1 by justjames17

My name is Jamie; I was 17 when I left my home port of Melbourne on the adventure of a lifetime, sailing round the world alone. I'd dreamt of sailing the world single-handed and with the support of my parents and a number of sponsors I'd been able to achieve just that. They had purchased a beautiful 34foot sloop, the Sea Hound, that we had converted so it was capable of being handled one up. I sailed down the Bay with spectator boats galore following their wakes causing a rough passage, once through the turbulent entrance at the Heads I turned West through Bass Strait beginning the long haul across the vicious Southern Ocean towards South Africa. I know what you are thinking; he's going the wrong direction to circumnavigate the world but I wanted to do it the more difficult way to what the rest had done before me, I was trying to break two records, one to be the youngest person to do it and by doing it reverse to the norm.

The decision I made meant extremely harsh conditions and little sleep as the monstrous seas that ran here towered high above my mast roared along like spume coated mountains, the yacht struggled to climb their grey green almost perpendicular faces to poise canted over at the foaming crest before plummeting down the back of the monsters like a falling lift, my stomach pressed up against my diaphragm and nausea followed. On and on it went without let up, everything was wet and cold, I began to doubt my sanity for attempting this seemingly insurmountable task. My stomach churned and heaved until nothing was left just pain from the continual vomiting, I was almost powerless as the yacht struggled on under it's tiny storm sails.

Half way across this heaving abyss I was lying on my bunk praying for some calm weather when I heard it, a roar like a jumbo jet as the yacht lay over on her beam ends scooting up the slavering face of the monster of all seas, I clung onto the bunk with all my waning strength as the yacht lifted fast being swept up the wall of water, the list increased as it climbed then suddenly we were in free fall dropping like a boulder back towards the trough as the crest of this gigantic comber broke thrusting us into free fall. Light vanished, a gloomy darkness as everything loose began falling towards the cabin roof, we were about to be knocked down big time. The sloop was arse up it's heavy keel pointing skywards as the mast splashed down into the sea; I was pitched from the bunk by the force of impact and fell onto the overhead amidst broken crockery, books, clothes and everything else that hadn't been secured.

The sea broke with a roar deluging and crushing down on the hull, water poured in through the hatch as the wave rolled on, suction and the weight of the keel dragged her upright shedding water like waterfalls from her scuppers and the mast whipped from side to side. I scrabbled to my feet amidst the water sloshing about full of sodden gear; my body aching from the pummelling it had just taken. I scrambled up onto the deck to see the normal monsters rushing past like express trains as the yacht struggled back on course under her self steering gear. I checked the gear and sails making sure all were ok after our violent upending, things appeared to be ok so I staggered below and started pumping the bilge to lower the water level.

The long days wore on wet and cold, the constant salty wet clothing chafing my tender skin until I began to develop open ulcer like sores, the pain and misery nearly driving me insane. Then one morning the gales dropped and the white water disappeared leaving huge smooth hillocks of water, the Sea Hound's motion eased and the sun broke through the clouds. I suddenly felt alive again and stripped off my damp clothing spreading it out on the fast drying cabin roof, I went below dragging my bedding up on deck to air and dry until the yacht looked like a Hill's hoist full of fluttering laundry.

My spirits rose as the sun warmed my pale bruised body; I felt it warming me to my bones and smiled up at the huge albatross that hovered nearby riding the air current its huge wings outspread as it seemed to stare at me in wonder. The wind swung to the North East and I lowered the heavy storm sails and hoisted full sail to take advantage of the favourable zephyr, the Sea Hound leapt ahead a white bone in her teeth as she picked up speed heading West towards the Cape of Good Hope. I even felt hunger pangs and grabbed my fishing gear letting out a brightly coloured feathered jig in the bubbling wake hoping to catch some fresh fish, the dehydrated packaged food was boring and not very tasty.

The reel's ratchet howled and the line peeled off the spinning spool of the red Abu 7000, I grabbed the rod and flicked it into gear setting the hook, the rod bent and the fish started swimming rapidly towards the yacht with me winding flat out trying to keep the line tight. I soon boated a beautiful small tuna of some type, I wasn't a fisherman so I wasn't able to identify it, the fish was despatched quickly with a heavy blow from a winch handle to its cranium. I cooked and enjoyed the fresh fillets and felt much better with a full belly and dry clothes, well a pair of dry speedos anyway as the rest of my clothing was still fluttering in the breeze on deck.

My tummy filled and feeling better with the unusually calm weather I returned to the cockpit and stretched out on the seat cushions enjoying the feel of the warm sun on my body. The heat on my body seemed to suddenly concentrate in my crotch; I suddenly cracked a stiffy and felt incredibly horny after weeks of feeling miserable. My hand moved without thought to my tented togs and I grasped my boner squeezing it through the flimsy silky lycra, my cock enjoyed my attention and throbbed in my hand. Pleasure surged through me and I caressed my penis feeling its length and girth as it pulsed away merrily, I felt the need to drain my balls, swollen from weeks of inattention and bursting with sperm. I'd never gone so long without creaming since I was 13 and first learned about wanking.

I hooked my red togs down under those fat cum filled eggs and lay back with my head resting on the upright cushion admiring my 7inches of extremely hard teen tostle as its exposed knob glistened with oozing pre cum. Each time I squeezed my prick it oozed juice, which I rubbed about the excited purple cock head sending incredibly erotic feelings through my whole body, I was quivering with pent up lust and just had to begin wanking hard and fast, I needed to relieve the aching pressure building in those sperm swollen bulging balls in their silky smooth sack. My hand began stroking up and down my steel hard cock faster and faster I pulled my pud, I was moaning no more like screaming in my flogging fury, it seemed like seconds before I was tensely bridged only shoulders and feet on the cushions, my bubble bum clenched tight deep dimples showing in my tensed buttocks as I thrust up into my gripping flying hand. Then that glorious tingling began in my extremities spreading through my whole being and centring in my crotch, my bursting balls ripped up tight and I felt the first explosive gush as the cream burst free to race up and out of my crazily pulsating prick. A fountain of sperm spurted skywards at least half a meter into the air followed by six more until I was coated in cum.

I was howling my relief before I slowly collapsed back gasping for oxygen, my body quivering and shaking as the dregs of my climax oozed from my crimson abused cock head. Panting I opened my eyes squinting in the bright light and saw my torso glistening with goo, I giggled thinking that it was marvellous jacking off in broad daylight knowing I was unseen. Then my eyes turned skywards wondering if the space station was orbiting overhead and thinking of those intrepid people living up there in space watching me spank the monkey. I dreamily began scooping up my sperm and eating it enjoying the tart tastiness realising how much I had missed eating cum. I felt completely relaxed and fulfilled as I lay there in the warm sun.

After a short time I felt my pale flesh pinking in the sun and smeared suntan lotion over myself before I got a dose of sunburn, which would be all I needed after so long being wet and cold. That night I slept like a log for the first time since leaving home as the sloop cruised on through the darkness leaving a phosphorescent trail behind her, dawn paled and I awoke rubbing my sleep filled crusty eyes and staggering up on deck to piddle over the side. I hung onto a stay as I emptied my bladder, the yacht was handling sweetly under the mainsail and jib, I checked the GPS and found we'd made over 60 nautical miles since I went to sleep, she had averaged 10 knots through the six hours I'd been out to it. I used the satellite phone to contact my folks later in the morning and felt overjoyed hearing their voices; it made me feel less alone out here on the vast ocean.

Bolstered by the weather and my phone call I set about cleaning up the pig sty of a cabin, during the weeks of foul weather I'd been too down to do housework but now things were bright and cheerful and encouraging. The rubbish removed and tossed overboard I cleaned the tiny galley till it was spotless and reorganised my books and clothing, by lunchtime I sat on the bunk admiring my efforts before I began cooking a meal of dehydrated rations similar to what the military had to endure. In my current state of euphoria I even enjoyed the cardboardy dehydrated food and wolfed down the evening meal, I checked on the radio for the latest weather report and was disconcerted to hear a front was moving in on my area.

I went on deck to check things out and it looked fine although there was cloud showing low down on the horizon, I tossed up whether to shorten sail before turning in for a few hours sleep but decided that the wind still seemed to be holding from the NNE and decided to let the Sea Hound run on until I awoke in four hours. I flopped on the bunk and immediately my hand slid down my flat firm abdomen onto my genitals, the wank earlier had brought back all the pleasures I'd been missing during the stormy crossing. Another jacking session would make me sleep like a log so I pulled down my speedos and began the enjoyable task of jerkin the gherkin. A satisfying few minutes later my tight nuts exploded spurting another fine load of baby juice out into my cupped left hand, as soon as I'd finished and got my breath back I ate the tasty elixir licking my lips with relish. Sleep followed almost instantly and I knew no more for four hours.

I awoke to feel the sloop beginning to pound her bows into building seas; I swung my legs off the bunk and sat up rubbing my tired eyes as I listened to the wind. Sea Hound was pig rooting in the water indicating that the seas had become confused and no longer ran in long smooth swells with small white caps. I stood up and holding onto the bunk I began to make my way towards the closed hatch when there was an almighty thump and the hull shook and forward momentum halted instantly throwing me hard onto the deck with a shout of, "What the hell was that."

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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