Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Jul 18, 2009


Piracy on the High Seas, Part 12 by justjames17.

The pirates boarded their launches and headed out to sea to where the tanker and the Sea Hound were anchored, the trip out was short but rough as a gusty wind had blown up causing short sharp seas that blossomed into white caps. Spray flew as the two boats battered their way out and finally they arrived at the tanker, they bobbed about bumping heavily against the towering cliff like rust streaked steel hull, the fenders squeaking loudly in protest as the heavy launches crunched against the hull. The boarding ladder was in position and the leader's launch gyrated up and down as he and most the men scrambled onto the boarding platform and hurried up the long steep steps leading up to the deck high above as the launch moved out a way to save its hull and the second boat moved alongside to disgorge its men. They too scrambled up the steps and disappeared from sight.

On deck the pirate leader told the men to gather everything edible and anything worth stealing, seeing their ransom looked ruined by the escape of their hostages. He'd decided to destroy the tanker and the yacht leaving the crew to starve on the island, the men scattered through the superstructure raiding the cabins and bridge for anything worth purloining. The leader stood looking across the wind tossed sea at the green verdant island, it looked so peaceful with its jungle and white beaches, a true tropical paradise. He cursed under his breath at the gang that had caused the problem and hoped they would rot in Hades for their interference.

The pirates were carrying armloads of equipment, clothing and personal radios and TVs stacking the goods on the deck near a loading crane, an hour passed and there was a respectable pile of goods ready to unload into the boats below, the leader ordered a cargo net be attached to the crane and the goods split up into two lo ds to be swung out and down into the waiting launches. He then called to one of his men, a man who had once served on tankers like this and they headed below decks down the ladders to the massive engine room of the tanker. The dark depths inside the huge vessel necessitated using torches to find their way as they moved about, searching for the seacocks hidden amongst the massive silent machinery.

They located the cocks and began forcing the knurled wheels, turning the stiff mechanisms to open the hull to the sea and eventually to sink the behemoth under the waves. Once they had done the deed they hurried to set some explosive charges inside the oil tanks after opening the inspection ports leaving them an hour to make their escape to a safe distance. They returned back on deck to manually oversee the unloading organising the men to crank the powerless cranes into action to unload their ill-gotten gains as water slowly gurgled and gushed into the cavernous hull beneath their feet. The crane swung out lowering the first net load down to where the launch bobbed and rolled on the sloppy seas, the load thudded heavily into the cockpit and the net was partially unhooked to enable the goods to be unloaded and stowed in the cabin. Once the task was done the launch signalled to the deck above and the net was haiuled up allowing them to motor away giving the second boat to take up its position. The task was repeated then the men on deck began hurrying down to board their boats as the tanker slowly filled settling little by little stern first.

Once the men were off the tanker they motored around the stern of the sinking ship to where the yacht bobbed and rolled on the churning seas, the leader of the pirates picked up an AK47 and chambered a round aiming at the yacht's waterline and squeezing the trigger, the gun barked and a bullet splintered the hull. He laughed and his men all began peppering the fragile craft's smooth hull, bullets gouging and tearing through her, the sport over they motored alongside the now badly leaking hull and the leader tossed an open jerry can of fuel into the Sea Hound's cockpit then lit a magazine filched from the tanker throwing it over into the yacht. They motored away to safety watching the yacht and the faint spiral of smoke from the burning paper, nothing happened at first but then the petrol spilling from the can reached the fire and a loud WHOOMP filled the air as it ignited and a sheet of flame half the height of the yacht's tall mast lit the day.

In minutes the whole length of the beautiful craft was ablaze, crackling sounds and evil dirty black smoke billowed away on the wind as the flames consumed her. The men watched gleefully as she was burning brightly, her tall mast crashed down in a flurry of sparks and flying wire stays as their fastenings let go from the burning hull. Sea hound settled on an even keel as she burnt to the water line she hissed and spat as the waters engulfed her burning hot hull, then she slipped beneath the churning waves with just a long traiol of smoke and a little charred timber floating to mark her last resting place. It was time to put some distance between them and the tanker before the charges ignited, both launches headed away running with the seas leaving the island and the slowly sinking tanked behind them.

Back on the island the stranded men ignorant of what was being perpetrated on the far side of the island were still on watch for pirate's retaliation to their initial engagement. The night and morning had been quiet; the skipper was pacing the battlements watching the tree line for any movement but other than wind there was no sign of the enemy. The men relaxed and by midday they decided that the pirates had retreated, they began laughing and cheering when suddenly there was a monstrous explosion. They all stopped their merriment stunned by the ear shattering sound, then the blast raced across the island like a hurricane bending trees and snapping some off at the roots.

The men were deafened and dazed as a huge mushroom cloud of billowing red and black appeared above the horizon of green treetops, the skipper regained his feet grimacing in amazement at the evil cloud. He wondered if an nuclear bomb had been let of thinking that their days were numbered if it was, radiation would kill them slowly and painfully. Calm returned and the huge evil cloud that seemed to reach up kilometres in the sky was blowing away from the island on the strong breeze, he looked about him at his white- faced men and saw their fear. They all wondered what had occurred, the skipper's curiosity peeked and he decided to leave the fort and head back cautiously towards the other side of the island, they were well armed if they needed to defend themselves from the pirates even though their weapons were 50 years old.

They assembled on the ground floor of the fort and removed the prisoners from the storeroom and the wounded lad who they placed on an old canvas stretcher before they set off back through the jungle. They were cautious and took their time ensuring they weren't to be ambushed, scouts led the way checking the jungle on both sides of the track. Eventually they arrived at the compound where they'd been incarcerated by the pirates, skirting it they moved on guns at the ready towards the shore past the crude huts of the pirates and onto the beach. To their amazement there was no sign of either their tanker nor Jessie's yacht, the rough sea was empty, the skipper realised what the explosion had been, the destruction of his vessel.

He saw the launches were missing and guessed that the pirates had left the island and destroyed the vessels as a final act of spite. He now worried what they could do to be rescued; they had no means of contacting the outside world. Aashish and Jessie needed some privacy and moved away from the group entering on of the abandoned crude huts, the place reeked of male sweat emanating from some abandoned clothing lying beside the stained mattress, probably filched from the tanker or some other vessel the pirates had captured. The two lads moved as one melding together as they hugged and began kissing deeply their agile tongues dancing and fencing together as they sucked spit.

Aashish began stripping Jessie's shirt off while Jessie undid his mate's shorts, in no time both their smooth sleek bodies were naked and the humid air along with their lust soon had them both glistening with sweat. Their passion soared on high after the recent tense times at last they felt free from the threat of the pirates, Jessie was sad the Sea Hound had been lost but at least he had Aashish to share his sadness. Aashish was just happy to be here with Jessie, he loved the young Aussie and was overjoyed in a way that both the tanker and the yacht were gone, he wasn't thinking of the future just the here and now as he kissed and fondled Jessie's awesome body.

Aashish slowly pulled Jessie down with him to fall onto the fetid mattress; the springs twanged their complaint as the two lads thumped down in a tangle of limbs their lips still locked together. Aashish folded his long slender lags around Jessie's hips humping up and grinding their cocks together as they moaned into each other's tongue filled mouths. Jessie clutched and clung to Aashish pulling their hot sweaty bodies together as their cocks pulsed and leaked between their flat firm bellies. Aashish moaned, "Ooooh Jessie please take me, slide your hot pink hard dick up my behind and fill me with your seed."

Jessie groaned and squirmed against his lover's hard taut torso gradually wrihggling back so he could do as asked, he felt his hard horn rub against Aashish's wiry black pubes then the soft mushiness of his scrotum rubbing on him as he slid back in search of the prize on offer. His raging rod slipped off his mate's nuts and it poked under the scrotum his sensitive cock head rubbing on Aashish's swollen excited perineum before moving down a little more to press against his hot flexing sphincter. Aashish flexed and pushed out welcoming Jessie's hot hard horn, Jessie felt the squirming muscle take the tip of his sensitive knob and hug it to itself. The heat and sensation almost made Jessie cry out to the world then Aashish opened and swallowed his wildly pulsating prong increasing the rapture he was experiencing.

Buttery soft hot flesh encompassed fondled his tensed tool, Aashish's innards welcomed him inside eagerly, Jessie's moan of utter bliss echoed about the site causing grins to break out on Aashish's crew mates, even the surly Baldev couldn't help grinning at the sounds of pleasure. Aashish panted his desire, his hot moist breath huffed and puffed on Jessie's ear as Jessie filled his rear end stretching his chute to accommodate his virile teen tool. Both lads lay wrapped in the wonder and delight of sex, Jessie fully inserted and enjoying Aashish's innards throbbing and massaging his invader while Aashish was delighted to feel the hard muscle massaging his prostate.

The two lads were lost in the wonder of sex as they copulated in the hut suddenly their ears deaf to the world due to their pounding hearts pumping blood furiously through their hot sweaty bodies along with their panting for oxygen was suddenly overcome by the cacophony of engines as a large helicopter flew low over the huts. The lads pleasure destroyed by the sound and the dust and sand whipped up by the machine's huge rotor blades as it circled just above tree height. The lads pulled on their shorts tucking their still semi hard dicks away and stumbled outside into the hot sun, dust and chaos.

They shielded their eyes from the sun and looked up at the rowdy machine, they saw the insignia of the United States and the word NAVY on the craft's long tail as it hovered above, everyone, except the captive pirates began to wave and cheer as the machine edged lower and lower towards the ground. The men ran back giving it room and it settled down on its spindly undercarriage and the racket of its engine stopped only the whooshing of the still spinning rotor blades could be heard as the crew climbed out. They hurried across the sand and asked who was in charge, the skipper moved forward and introduced himself, he shook hands with the aircrew who announced that rescue was on the way, their ship was only hours away and racing at speed towards the island.

The men asked if all the pirates had left and they were taken across to where the dejected prisoners were sitting. They looked at the cowering men and made them get to their feet and searched them for any concealed weapons. While doing so they told everyone that the two escaping pirates' launches had been sunk after a heated but one-sided skirmish with the destroyer, no survivors had been rescued. The chopper unloaded some bottled water and food then they took off once again saying they would see them on board the destroyer when it arrived. The machine took off in a flurry of sand and zoomed away nose down like a huge prehistoric dragonfly.

The men decided to have a party with the food and water to celebrate their impending rescue, Jessie and Aashish joined in for a short time then left them to it returning to the hut to complete their own private party. The young wounded pirate climbed to his feet and followed them, he knew his time was limited and he'd soon be a prisoner. He hoped the two young guys would allow him to join them, his wound was painful but his sexual drive and need overcame the pain. Jessie looked up as Aashish had him on his back, legs up and parted, while he began making oral love to Jessie's anus, he saw the slim black lad standing hesitantly in the entrance and he smiled up at him.

The lad took Jessie's smile as an invitation and he lowered himself slowly to his knees and pressed his thickish purple lips to the youth's pink soft ones, their mouths meshed and tongues greeted one another eagerly. Jessie's body was ablaze with lust as two pairs of lips and tongues made love to him at both ends of his squirming sweaty excited body. Aashish opened his dark eyes to see why Jessie's moans were muffled and saw him snogging the lean young pirate frantically.

Aashish smiled as his agile tongue swabbed about wriggling inside Jessie's molten hot silky chute, he loved the taste of Jessie's rectum, it was tart but exotically arousing as his ring clenched and relaxed around his slippery member. Jessie's balls no longer hung down in his silky sack, they were tight up, his scrotum round and thickly wrinkled as his excited body responded to the dual arousal. Aashish pulled away from Jessie's saliva saturated ring leaving it flexing crazily as he straightened up pushing Jessie's legs up rotating his sweet slot to a position where he could slip his eager schlong inside that hot hole and delve deep inside his mates beaut body.

Jessie moaned into the youth's moist mouth as their tongues danced like dervishes, he knew Aashish was about to enter him and he wriggled with pleasure at the thought of feeling his devilishly rigid rod pushing and splitting him open. Aashish looked down at Jessie's excited oozing dick where it lay on his ridged belly oozing juice onto his stomach, the other youth broke their kiss as he turned his head to watch Aashish's mahogany coloured cock breech Jessie's pale white bottom. Jessie moaned a high-pitched grunt as the penis breeched his wet ring and Aashish continued to lean in sliding fully up the welcoming tightness.

Aashish pressed in until his wiry black pubes ground against the stretched arse, his stiffy moving about deep inside Jessie's belly, Jessie's body flexed and trembled his hands reached out grasping the narrow waist of the young pirate. The youth bent down liking Jessie's arm then down onto his ridged stomach to lick up the sweet juice puddling on the warm flesh, his lips kissed the soft head of the dribbling dick. Jessie's whole being was encapsulated in his groin, the feel of Aashish's cock sliding in and out while his tingling tostle was in a warm soft mouth and being stimulated by a sensuously slippery tongue. The incredible fun didn't last too long before Jessie yelped, " Aaah I'm coming; ooh geez I'm going to blow."

Both lads increased their pace Aashish ramming hard deep and fast trying to climax with his friend while the young pirate gobbled and gulped on Jessie's throbbing swelling schlong until with a long drawn out, " Aaaaargh!" Jessie erupted, his cock spewing sperm while his spasming bowels dragged Aashish along with him causing his roiling balls to explode in unison, both lads sperming together. The young pirate gulped hungrily on Jessie's sweet sperm drinking it down as if it was nectar of the gods, his own hand jerking his gherkin causing him to cum almost in time with the two lovers. The three lads lay together trembling and gasping their chests heaving as they sucked in the hot humid air, it seemed to be low in oxygen as they tried to breath. Slowly they came down from that high place all males visit at climax, their youthful fit bodies cooled and calmed as they lay enjoying the warm bodies slick with sweat.

They lay sprawled out together in the hut their bodies entwined, they began kissing and cuddling but cheering outside and the sound of a ship's siren shattered the after glow. The destroyer had arrived offshore and was lowering boats to rescue the group; outside the men were cheering and clapping as the boats motored towards the shore. Jessie and Aashish hugged each other tightly and he whispered, "Looks like the end of the road Aashish, I'll be flown home once we reach civilization."

Aashish's eyes teared up as he clung to his young lover, his head resting on Jessie's broad shoulder, "I'm going to miss you so much Jessie but I realise things can't be the same and I can't come back to Australia with you."

Jessie hugged him tight tears running down his cheeks too, "Yes Aashish our authorities make it difficult for people to emigrate to Australia, there are strict rules and emigrants must fill these requirements."

The boats grounded on the shallows and everyone ran excitedly into the water, except for the pirate prisoners along with Jessie and Aashish who lagged behind holding hands as the walked slowly down the sand. Everyone was loaded aboard and the boats motored away out towards the sleek grey warship, they pulled alongside the scrambling nets that had been lowered down the side. The passengers scrambled up the nets onto the deck where they were greeted by the captain, the boats were raised and the destroyer's engines rumbled into life as she turn away from the island. Jessie and Aashish stood together, heavy of heart, at the stern watching the green verdant island diminish in size until it slipped below the horizon.

The end.

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