Piracy on the High Seas

By James Jones

Published on Mar 21, 2009


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Piracy on the High Seas, Part 7, by justjames17.

I was exhausted and dozed off in the shade of the thatched roof; I hadn't noticed the young seaman who had padded barefoot across to sit opposite me leaning against a pole as I was. All I wanted to do right then was sleep and that's what I did, my back against the rough timber support and my sore bum on the hard ground with my legs sprawled out. I'm not sure how long I slept but the sun was lowering in the west when I awoke, I blearily peered around as I rubbed my scratchy eyes. The compound was quiet everyone seemed to be in torpor; lying about lackadaisically only two of the white officers were talking quietly together.

The young seaman sat in the position he'd taken before I fell asleep, I looked at him and he gave me a half smile, a tentative attempt to make contact with me. I smiled tiredly back and his mouth creased up into a grin, his white teeth glistening in the light, "You ok?"

I nodded and replied, "Well I'm ok except for my arse it aches like crazy still."

He frowned and whispered, "They bum you before they brought you here?"

I nodded, "Yeah four of them used me and a couple really did the nasty in a hard way."

He nodded and whispered, "Yeah me too they like to do us young guys, the older crew members were just roughed up by them."

I asked him how long he'd been captive and if he'd been attacked since the first time, he told me they had been here two weeks and he was used every day or so; he added that after a few times it wasn't so bad he'd got used to them doing him and it didn't hurt anymore unless they really went crazy. I looked at him and could see dark marks that had to be bruises on his brown flesh; I shuddered as I pictured his thin fragile looking body being abused by those hulking pirate thugs, I felt my skin crawl at the thought that I'd be used again and again like he had been.

He asked my name, I told him it was Jessie, he smiled and told me his was Aashish, he scuffled across to sit beside me saying, "It will get cool as the night draws in the sea air makes it clammy, if you like we can snuggle together and share our body heat."

I could smell his body odour and he saw me inhale and his face fell, "I'm sorry for my stink but we aren't given the opportunity to bath."

I shrugged and said, "Don't worry I find your exotic spicy odour quite nice

He grinned at me and we lay together as the darkness thickened with me clinging to him from behind and my dick nestled in his arse crack, Aashish wriggled himself getting comfortable on the sandy ground but his movement triggered my boner and he giggled squirming even more and rubbing himself on my excited dick. I tried to control my reactions but he was deliberately arousing me, next thing I felt his hand between our bodies and he sought out my throbbing boner. I whispered in his ear, "Are you sure about this Aashish?"

He chuckled softly and turned his head kissing me on the lips, "Yes Jessie I want to get to know you more so we can be good friends."

I sighed and he pulled his lap lap aside then grasped my steely stiffy pressing it to his puffy entrance, I gurgled my pleasure as I felt his incredibly warm clinging flesh swallow me deep inside. Aashish pressed back till he had every bit of my cock my balls grinding on his buttocks, a huge sigh issued from his lips in the darkness. He moaned softly, "Ooh Jessie you feel so nice inside me, your penis fits me perfectly."

I began gently undulating my hips sliding in and out of his precious pussy; Aashish quivered and moaned as he enjoyed our sex, I was licking his sweaty neck and ear and enjoying it because I knew he was getting more and more turned on. I reached around his bony hip and fumbled my way inside his lap lap seeking his cock, there it was stiff as a peg and throbbing like a V8 with juice soaking into the cotton material of his cover. Aashish moaned as my hand grasped his hot hardness and jerked it out from under the lap lap and freed it.

Our dual climax made the earth move, at least it seemed to I filled his posterior with a goodly amount of sperm while his seed was spattered all over the dry sandy soil; we then snuggled together and fell into a deep sleep. The hard ground meant shifting position regularly so our deep sleep was broken after a while then we slept fitfully through the rest of the night. The cool dawn found us in the reverse position with Aashish behind me and our ardour high and our cocks both rigid and eager. Aashish took me and jacked me off while he enjoyed my arse; we both enjoyed another molten moment as we ejaculated together. Our grunts and heavy breathing followed by Aashish's high pitched squeal as he ejaculated awoke a few of his shipmates who opened their eyes and raised their heads to watch us in the final delicious moments of our dual climax.

We separated as Aashish's dick slipped from my rear end, he kissed the back of my neck whispering, "Thanks Jessie that was wonderful."

We tidied what little we wore to cover our privates and helped each other to sit up, red faced we faced the new day. The rest of the prisoners began to stir and the gates opened and a couple of our captors tossed a heap of fruit, mangoes and other tropical varieties I didn't recognize. Nobody moved until the gates creaked closed then there was a mad scramble to try and grab something to eat, I was slower or less aggressive so I missed out and watched the struggle in front of me. Aashish headed in my direction clutching two mangoes, he joined me handing one of the juicy yellow skinned fruit and said, "Quickly Jessie eat him before anyone tries to take it away, everyone is starving hungry and fights break out."

I began munching on the skin to open the fruit, juices running down my chin onto my bare chest and on down my flat belly, the taste of the fruit was incredible and I suddenly realized I was starving hungry. We sat together munching on the yellow succulent tart flesh until all we had left were the large furry seeds. That was breakfast and Aashish told me we may get something late in the day but it wasn't guaranteed it depended on the good will of the pirates. We spent the day in boredom, counting ants passed away a while but soon you lost count, Aashish and I talked about our lives I was stunned to learn he lost his whole family, mother, father and two brothers when a cyclone inundated his coastal village in Bangladesh.

He was the sole survivor of the whole village, the howling wind caused a storm surge that swept inland over the low lying area, tearing the flimsy huts down and drowning the inhabitants in the middle of the night. Aashish was lucky he was swept along and came upon a stout tree that withstood the flood; he clung to it and gradually pulled himself up and sat out the night and the next day hanging on grimly. The flood ebbed back to the sea and left a devastated land, crops washed away or destroyed by the salt water, swollen bodies of bullocks and people dotted here and there bloating under the humid heat.

The stench of death hung over everything as Aashish slowly and stiffly climbed down to the soggy soil, he staggered back to where his village had stood, the area was empty as if swept by a mighty broom, no trace of the huts was left. His family had vanished probably carried back out to sea by the retreating waters; he was alone no food or fresh water. The lad sat on the wet ground holding his head in his slim hands as he shook from head to toe tears gushing from his salt rimmed eyes. He wished he'd been drowned too what was he to do alone here in the devastated countryside?

Aashish curled up shivering beside a large tree, ripped out of the soil and left lying on the beach as monsoon rain pelted down on the already saturated land. Two days passed before the authorities were able to send out a helicopter to survey the area and assess the damage, Aashish heard the rattling roar of the chopper as it flew closer. He struggled to sit up and leaning on the huge tree trunk he peered at the sky, his wet hair covered his face as he brushed it aside he saw the camouflaged whirly bird hovering nearby. He waved an emaciated arm feebly in the air hoping the aircrew would see him.

Luckily they did and the huge machine settled lower its blades causing a gale blowing water and other bits and pieces about making Aashish duck down to protect his naked body. The helicopter engine stopped and there was the swish, swish, swish of the blades as they slowed to a stop then the voices calling out to him. He was too weak to get to his feet so the uniformed men hurried across the waterlogged ground to lift his thin nude body up and carry him to their aircraft. Aashish was exhausted and so starving hungry his body was hypothermic from the cold and wet, he was delirious and shuddering as his body tried to raise its core temperature.

Weeks later Aashish was fully recovered physically but not mentally, he was badly depressed and bordering on suicidal until he met a very nice orderly in the hospital, this man was understanding of Aashish's problem and knew his history. He showed the lad warmth and comfort keeping his patient's mind active with a multitude of games and other entertainment gradually bringing the lad back from the brink. He used a lot of body contact, hugs galore and gentle massaging, Aashish began to respond to his ministrations and then one day he became sexually aroused for the first time.

The man brought Aashish off by firstly wanking him then bending down and taking the lad's cock in his mouth and sucking him to a huge conclusion as Aashish drained weeks of sperm from his balls flooding the orderly's hungry maw. After the initial time they became good friends and Aashish moved in with the man on his release from the hospital. After a few months they separated amicably and the orderly introduced Aashish to a shipping agent friend who organized him a job with the tanker company as a seaman.

He had served for two years on the tanker until they were seized by the pirates and held for ransom, Jessie hugged his new friend and expressed his sorrow about the loss of his family, Aashish told him it was in the past and this was the present and they must look out for each other while the pirates held them captive. Unknown to Jessie one of the tanker crew considered Aashish was his and jealousy was bubbling away inside the man, he was watching the two lads and getting more and more jealous and angry.

The lads continued to talk together and Jessie told Aashish of his so far boring upbringing and told him of the voyage across the turbulent Southern Ocean. Aashish listened enthralled to his account, he knew how huge those seas could be as their huge tanker sometimes was almost submerged under them off the Cape of Good Hope. He thought Jessie was a hero attempting to sail a tiny yacht across those awesome seas, the two lads were getting on like a house on fire as they laughed and giggled together making the silent watcher more envious and angry.

His temper flamed and smoldered deep inside as he struggled to maintain a calm outer appearance, he could see how the two lads were attracted to each other and were sharing much between them. As the long hot day dragged on the prisoners became languid and began to lie about under the structures in the shade, sleep seemed to be the best way to pass the time so all movement and talk died out replaced by snores.

Late in the day the gates are opened and more fruit and a small plastic drum of water are deposited inside then the gate is slammed shut. The mad scramble begins Jessie and Aashish together in the scrum, suddenly Jessie is kicked hard in the groin and his balls flash with excruciating pain. He doubles over collapsing onto the sand and his body is kicked and stood on by the men fighting for food. Jessie's slender body is bucking from the blows of the feet and quivering as he gasps and gurgles struggling to regain his breath. Aashish cant see Jessie in the group of struggling men he struggles to grab food hoping Jessie has also obtained some as he only gripped a single banana and a stale bread roll. The officers who were yelling for order had seized the water and saying the water would be rationed equally amongst the prisoners.

As the crowd dispersed to the shelters Aashish found Jessie unconscious and bleeding on the ground, he hurried to his side and knelt down feeling his throat for a pulse then relaxing a little when Jessie moaned, he cradled the semi conscious lad in his lap stroking his sandy hair.

To be continued.

If you'd like to visit my story site here is the url http://groups.google.com/group/jamies_jottings/

Next: Chapter 8

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