Pirates, Slaves and Other Captives

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Apr 13, 2000


Pirates, Slave and Other Captives 2 bawdypen@hotmail.com

(scat / submissive / ws)


Only two weeks into my maiden voyage with the Norwegian schooner from my home town of Oslo, we ran into pirates! I was taken aboard, along with several other younger crewmen. We were headed for warmer waters I was told. I was also told that being the youngest on board, I would be the new suckboy! I'd heard tales of cabin boys being subjected to untold infamies aboard ship, but nothing like that had happened during my few weeks of service. My father had made inquiries beforehand that ensured my protection. He'd checked thoroughly the integrity of the line I'd signed on with. But...he hadn't taken into account the possibility of pirates!

These were rough, unscrupulous men. Men that took no account of the morals of civilized people. Men who took their pleasure when and how they pleased. Men who could hold no favor with having women aboard because of the ancient superstition of them being bad luck, but felt no compunction at taking liber- ties with younger, vulnerable lads and boys. I came into that latter category...I was a mere 14 when I'd signed on. I was also very innocent of the baser desires of lusty men and the debauchery men of their sort were capable of subjecting a boy to!

I was soon to find out. It was 1817 and I'd been taught to believe that the world was beyond the violent excesses of the past. But those teachers had obviously never come across pirates!

I was led to a cabin of my own by one of the younger rogues. He was rough, yet sympathetic and amusing. Still, he ripped my blouse and bared my hairless chest to run his hands along me. I flinched at his strangely intimate caresses to the front and back of my trousers.

"Don't be mindin' this, boy. You be remembering 'em as love touches fore they're done. Oh, yes...you have some goodies in here, doncha? If the Captain wouldn't run me through, I'd have them britches down right quick...you c'n bet on that!" he laughed.

"Please, sir, leave off with your nasty fondlings. I'm a gentleman!"

"Heh, heh, heh. We'll see. You'll have to lick the Captain's balls, you know," he leered seductively at me. "Be interesting to see how a little gentleman does it. He don't keep 'em too clean, neither!" he laughed, opening the door. "Oh, ye gots the run o' the ship, for now. You'll be safe til after ya sees the Captain, anyway. Don't get no notions 'bout jumpin' over. These is shark waters."

"Uh, the Captain said I was to be the new, um, suckboy, W-what's that, exactly?" I gulped, afraid of the answer.

"Woowie, ain't you the green one! Aintcha never sucked a prick?"

"N-no, of course not!"

"You will, honey...all of 'em!" he howled, slamming the door.

I collapsed on the bunk and cried myself to sleep, bemoaning my fate. I awoke to the sounds coming from the next cabin. A man was yelling that he wanted something given to him. Peeking out the door, I saw the way was clear and tentatively stepped out--tiptoeing to the open door of the next cabin. My mouth fell open at the sight of three naked pirates engaged in perversions!


The stench of rum hit my nostrils as I peeked in. The man yelling stood with his legs spread, bending and clutching the legs of a nearby table. He was bearded and very hairy all over. The man behind him called him Red and was plunging his very long member in and out of the fellow's rectum with a vengeance! My own anus automatically twitched in sympathy for the pain he must have been experiencing. Why then was he clamoring for more and thrusting his bottom back? A third pirate--also sporting a stiff organ which he manipulated rapidly--was being absolutely bestial! He sat on the floor between the two pairs of legs, his head askew as he ran his tongue salaciously over the copulating organs just above him!

He lapped both pairs of swinging balls, Red's bobbing prick, and along the undershaft of the slimy cock buggering the man. That alone was revolting to witness, but he also managed to slide his tongue along Sam's greasy arsecrack and lewdly lick his anus! His actions were unfathomable to me, having encountered how vile these animals smelled. I mused with scarcasm that it must be what passes as A Pirate's Bath!

Very disturbing was becoming aware that I'd been rubbing my crotch against the frame to pressure my cockstand. I became lightheaded with confusion as to why my prick was betraying me. For now it was not only the crude sounds and vulgar language burning my ears--together with the unholy sights--but wafting in my direction was the reeking scent coming from Red's bowels and the prick that repeatedly sloshed from his fetid bunghole. While I was fighting back nausea, it seemed to make the man beneath them all the more agitated with lust as he concentrated solely on licking along that filthy shaft.

"AHHH! POUND ME INNARDS, SAM!" Red demanded. "BY FUCK, I'M ABOUT TO SPRITZ! SUCK ME, MORT!" He grabbed the man below by the hair and pulled him onto his cock, ramming it down his throat and spending instantly. I could clearly see Mort's throat greedily accepting the explosion and washing it down. Then he spat the softening organ from his lips and scurried away to kneel beside the bottomfuck.

"He's finished. Put it where it'll be more appreciated... give it here, man! I'll suck your load and clean your foul prick at the same time!"

Red was now eager to disengage. Sam grunted, withdrawing his spear and waving it in the man's face impatiently.

"Oh, mother of mercy that's ripe! Just the way I like a prick to smell...fresh from a bumfuck!" He took the throbbing weapon into his mouth, sucking and licking the grime and anal juices from it...and in short order the thick spunk from Sam's balls! He prolonged the man's ejaculation by thrusting a finger up his arsehole at the very moment. Sam growled and screwed his bottom onto the probing digit--his body shuttering violently as he flooded the prick-sucker's mouth. I saw the other man's untouched cock jerk uncontrollably--spraying streams of white froth over his legs and everywhere!

Red was laughing, bending over to pick up his bottle. Mort sluiced his fingers up the man's hairy crevice and licked them!

"Ya greedy cur!" Red chuckled. "You be gettin' to like that shit o' mine, hunh?"

"Aye, mate, you might say that. You might even say it's intoxicating, tasting some of your rum-soaked turd!" He began to lick Sam's dripping calves, but the man pushed him away and began to dress.

"It'll dry. I best be gettin' to the watch."

I hurried back to my cabin before I was discovered.

I was roused early by a skinny, ugly-faced rogue with a patch over one eye.

"Cap'n wants ya. Last cabin down the end. Best high-tail it, sonny."

I hopped up and started to scurry into my clothes.

"Naw, don't bother with them," he chuckled, "dressing gown be good enough. Git!"

Gulping, I made my way into the corridor and went the way he pointed. Hesitating, and shaking with fear, I tapped lightly on the Captain's door.

The cook opened the door, smirked, and nodded for me to enter. He picked up a tray. The Captain, a husky, bushy-haired giant of a man was sitting on his bunk, wiping away the remnants of his breakfast. He waved impatiently, dismissing the cook, then gave me a lusty sneer followed by a big grin as he motioned me forward...his eyes appraising me up and down.

"Come closer, laddie. Let's see what we have here. Closer." He reached out and pulled me between his massive thighs. "And your name would be?"

"P-Petre, sir. Petre von Sant. I pray you wish me no harm, Captain. I'm only..."

"Sweet little melons, by damn," he hissed, his hands around me, his palms cupping my bottom.

I cringed but I was afraid to move away. Slowly, his fingers began to draw up the back of my nightgown until his hands were clasping my naked buttocks, causing me to shiver. I flinched when one of his fingers dragged a trail between my cheeks and over my hole. He removed that hand and brought it to his face, running the finger beneath his nose.

"Mmm, light and innocent that scent be. Sweet ambrosia that quickens a man's tool. See for yourself, me lad. Lift my tailshirt and take a gander."

Reluctantly, I reached down and began to slowly draw the material up, baring his thighs and privates. His hairy thighs repulsed me as I stared apprehensively. My eyes opened wide as I gazed in terror and astonishment at the incredibly thick organ standing fully upright. It was menacing, blood-engorged, and throbbing. I blanched in embarrassment being forced to look upon his genitals in so obscene and lewd a state as that. I involuntarily took in a gasp of breath, trying to control an encroaching lightheadedness as my eyes refused to turn away from the sight. I was frozen, transfixed. The huge bulbous knob, the veiny, pulsing shaft, the impossibly large bag of balls covered with silky dark hair...I gasped aloud.

"That be yore first, main, and primary duty aboard this ship, boy. Bend down and say hello with a big wet smooch on the head."

I blinked and stared at him as he gently, but insistently, forced my head down to his lap. My descent was a host of bombarding emotions and fears. In a cloud I got closer and closer to the vulgar object. First I smelled the robust manliness of his privates. That gave me a remarkable, unwanted wave of desire. But that soon gave way to the stagnant, festering odor emanating from his balls. It was overpowering and I wondered if the Captain often washed them...indeed, if he'd ever washed them since his birth!

"With your lips, boy!" He demanded gruffly. "Wrap your sweet little lips over my crown and give it a smack."

Fighting a wave of nausea I allowed my lips to brush across the crimson head. It was amazingly hot to the touch, yet soft and pliant. My mouth came away with a streak of moisture on my lips. He grunted and fisting his shaft wiped it back and forth across my mouth, leaving more trails of slimy wetness. Quickly, frightened of what he may do should I hesitate any longer, I barely parted my lips and placed a loud kiss upon the mushy knob.

"Stay," he ordered when I attempted to rise. "Might have had a few moments delay had you swooped right down and smooched it, but you ain't being very respectful, lad. So this time put your mouth over the head and give it good suck!" He forced me back onto it until the crown had slipped past my lips, then held me there. "SUCK ON IT! SUCK TIL I GIVE YOU LEAVE, LADDIE!"

The heady pungency nearly caused me to swoon and I obediently began to nurse the bloated knob. Had the smell not been so horrendous I might have taken my subjugation with a bit more resignation. For, in truth, the object was not in itself as repulsive as I had imagined it would be. Nay, a perfectly delightful thing to suck on...were the circumstances more favorable and the companion more to my choosing. But along with the stench soon came an assault to my tastebuds. Picturing again what had transpired the night before, I had to wonder in what unholy orifice his prick may have recently been entombed! I drove such thoughts from my mind as my sucking was rapidly dissipating the taste. In fact, a not entirely distasteful flavor was taking over...fluid was oozing from his pisshole ...fluid I was familiar with and had previously found quite favorable in my intimate, solo endeavors. For a few fleeting moments the ordeal was nearly endurable. Then he pulled me off. Off, but not up. Grabbing me by the ears he mashed my face into the crease between his thigh and his balls.

"Lick muh big nuts, lad. Dig your tongue in there and slop them knockers."

The area was moist, steaming with fetid gaminess that threatened to convulse me with dizziness. Surely a man's balls do not normally reek like this. But then it was becoming apparent the Captain was not a normal man by civilized standards. Regardless, an urgency remained...the sooner I licked my way through the dense foliage and laved the offending wrinkled sac, the sooner I'd be permitted to breathe honest air again.

While my head was buried in his odorous crotch he was slowly pulling up my gown--finally snapping my head back momentarily to wrench it free, leaving me entirely naked. Fortunately, his impatience saved me from having to complete the tour to the other side of his sticky gonads. Instead, he spun me around, still bent over as I was, and clamped his rough paws onto my bottom and pulled me back--his face meeting me halfway--and dug his nose into my arsecrack and began to sniff it lasciviously.

"Mmmm. Mmmm." He rummaged into my most intimate spot, drawing whatever scents he could deeply up his nostrils. "A pleasant mildness, but only a tease. We'll be having this kept ripe and crusty in the future," he muttered more to himself, then began to lick the area frantically! He'd stab his tongue up my rear hole, stopping only to suck wildly on my tender anus. As demented as his ministrations were, I could not deny the exquisite titillations his wet tongue was affording me as he moaned in bliss, rapaciously prying my cheeks apart to probe my inner recesses. This was beyond my limited experience in such matters, and my body reacted accordingly to the unique sensation. My breath quickened, my body tingled and my penis began to inflate. Discovering this when his hands began to roam over me, he pulled his mouth from my arse and turned me.

A quick, lusty leer of appreciation from him left me blushing with humiliation. He grasped my lewdly excited prick, stroking it while slathering his tongue over my near-hairless testicles. Soon, he'd plunged his mouth over my organ and engulfed it to the point where he was able to simultaneously resume licking my nuts. My eyes closed as my body began to shudder in carnal delirium. His mouth applied a gently- insistent vacuum while his tongue fluttered over my balls and along my hardened shaft. Had I sense enough, I should have been fearful the man might chew the items from me...such was his fervor.

Recognizing my precarious ability to withstand his expert mouthing, he left off.

"Ah, I like a lad what needs little priming. Ye got a good- sized suckable cock on ya and a darling shithole that tastes quite zesty up inside. Tell me, do you need to take a shit, lad? Do you have the need to blow a big turd outta there?"

"N-no, Captain," I sputtered, lowering my head at the embarrassing enquiry.

"Pity. Well, you're directed to inform me when that marvelous event approaches. Day or night you're to immediately seek me out. Dismiss any hesitations about interrupting me or any others; simply announce plainly and pointedly that you have a turd to bolt."

My mouth hung open and I stared at him in bewilderment.

"Mark this carefully, youngster," he glared at me, "I don't hold with less than total obedience aboard my ship. You've been cooperative thus far, but I demand absolute submissiveness to my every whim. You've a turd growing up your arse and I'll have it shitted into my mouth. Anything less, and in all matters, and you'll feel my wrath. I once had a bad lad, a very ornery, unwilling young man I was obliged to discipline severely by thrusting my hand up his rectum, pulling his entrails out, and forcing him to eat them!"

I gasped, recoiling in shock, unable to discern whether the momentary twinkle in his eyes was a mere abberation or an unconscious betrayal that he was fibbing to intimidate me. Whichever, I was indeed intimidated! I quickly muttered some- thing akin to agreement.

"Good." He layed back on his bunk and raised his legs. "Now suck me arsehole!"

I gulped, staring at the obscenity ringed in hair. Appalled at his vulgar suggestion my lips trembled--my eyes darting back and forth between his eyes and his grimy bunghole. His hardened expression conveyed only this once was I granted a period of hesitancy...and precious few seconds of it remained. Going to my knees, I took a deep breath and leaned my face toward that unclean, murky aperture. As strong as his balls had been, the fumes I dove into were of an unmistakably different origin. My stomach threatened to turn over and I was unable to control my outburst.

"IT'S...IT'S SO...!"

"Damnably filthy, lad!" he laughed. "Should have a nice caked ring of shit 'round it, I'd say by the smell. Til I order differently, you'll awaken me each morning, suck my prick and eat the crust off my arsehole. You'll do all your shitting in my presence and at my direction. But now, I crave your tongue lapping my big pooch and drilling up inside that dirty chute. Do a good job and I'll let you get accustomed to the taste of shit for a spell. Most are not so lucky, as you'll soon see. There'll be lots of turd-licking on deck today, and only by my grace will you be granted a temporary dispensation of sorts. Now sucker that craphole!"

Girding my resolve and stifling my sense of shame and revulsion, I plunged into the corroded pit of corruption. It was hot and humid...the grease in and around the wrinkled asslips sizzled like pork on a spit. The ugly thing pulsed! My eyes watered and my tongue burned from the acrid bitterness. The strong taste of shit dominated all else...my tongue collecting flakes and tiny cylinders of brown dung. I wanted desperately to spit the vile crud from my mouth, but knew that would be dangerously unwise. I swallowed my pride and swallowed the sour muck. Amazingly, I felt a small bit of gratitude that he was allowing me some respite from turd-licking, though apart from the abject humiliation such would be, I was unable to reconcile just why licking a man's freshly shitted turd would somehow be more loathsome than my current duty.

"Aye, lad, you'll be makin' a damned fine bumsucker in no time. The crew will be sittin' astride yore pretty face like a pack of sharks. And if you think my shithole is rancid, wait til you get a taste of some of those raunchy bums. Not that I'm the least bit less shameless, but being Captain I gets my hole suckered out more often. Damned arduous trying to keep a layer of filth on it for all them shitlickers."

I cringed. He'd plainly stated I'd be freely available to suck the assholes of every rangy pirate on board!

"Now give it a good tug, boy. Wrap your lips around my big tasty pooch and suck the damned thing into your mouth! I'll be lettin' ya plug me here and there...especially when I gets the urge to taste some of me own crap. Next to eatin' a juicy turd, best way to enjoy some spicy shit is sucking it off a big oily cock right when it's pulled from heaven's gate!"

Heaven's gate, indeed! But I was soon to recognize that this rowdy band of brigands did, for all intents and purposes, worship at that very portal. After suckering that odious hole of his for a good ten minutes I was dismissed to dress, if I wished, and join him on deck. I took as long as I felt I might get away with. Alighting my cabin I could see my ship in the distance. Half the pirate crew had boarded her. I wondered if the Captain and original crew were being subjected to atrocities or bound in chains. As I rounded the cabins and stepped onto the foredeck I saw my mates--those brought on ship with me--standing in a line, being inspected by the Captain and his fellow pirates with much joviality. Their blouses were open and flung off the shoulders and their trousers were down. Pirate hands roamed over their bare chests and freely fondled their privates. They stood rigid, attempting to ignore the lewd remarks being bandied about regarding their equipment and handsomeness. But the shame and humiliation was quite evident in their flustered gazes.

The Captain sat sprawled in a chair, totally naked and stroking his massive organ with amusement. He gave me a quick gesture to join the others, then returned his appraising eyes to the splendid nudity before him. One of the young men, Roger, the only one sporting a semi-erection was becrying an urgent need to urinate.

"If you please, my sweet-cocked Captain...?" a near- toothless scoundrel stepped forward with a lecherous grin.

"As I've said," the Captain spoke graciously to them, "your bodily functions shall cause you no discomfort...providing they occur with permission." He nodded to the toothless one. "There, there is your pisshole."

With a satisfied cackle, the toothless one knelt and took Roger's prick into his mouth and gently sucked on the knob. Understanding, though beyond the luxury of protest or further control, Roger resignedly began to piss into the man's mouth. By the way the pirate's neck muscles rapidly gulped and gulped, it was apparent he was receiving a thunderous blast of warm liquid down his throat! For nearly two minutes he swallowed deluge after deluge, nary missing a drop. It was a fascinating spectacle, if only because of the man's talent and passion to drink another man's water. He smacked his lips and stood up.

"Need I ask how you found it?" the Captain asked.

"Better than Portugese rum, by damn! Aye, fellow," he looked at Roger, "I be your pisshole any time. Just plug in muh yap!"

"Don't feel honored, fellow," the Captain laughed, "I've seen him suck down a dog's piss when he'd drained every prick within reach."

Another rogue was behind, idly fingering Sven's furry buttcrack.

"If you'll not be having if for yourself, Captain," he said, sniffing his finger, "I'd be grateful to eat the first warm turd from this big beauty's bottom. Gots a shithole what smells divine. You knows how I love to gobble the mash from a yellow-haired bottom like this."

"You and every other shiteater, you filthy bugger," the Captain scowled. "Bring it here. I'll have a whiff of that."

Sven was pushed toward the Captain and spun around. He was bent over so his ass was in the Captain's face. Rough hands clasped the massive cheeks and spread them. A nose was immediately pushed into the damp crevice, following by loud intakes of breath as the Captain smelled my shipmate's hair- ringed asshole. I could see the man's hard cock twitch, signifying, no doubt, that he found the pungent aroma much to his liking. He probed and nuzzled deeply into the crack until he'd sniffed every wrinkled pocket thoroughly.

"Finally, one heady with man-dung," the Captain gushed, giving me a quick glance of disapproval. "Yes, I'll suck this hole!" He put his mouth and lips to work, laving Sven's moist crack top to bottom, then attacking the center point with his tongue licking and stabbing it within. The outspoken pirate grimaced with disappointment and groaned.

"Aw, shut your trap!" he growled. "I'm only gonna eat it out a bit. You can have the turd, you greedy bastard. I'm in the mood to see some good shit chewing, but I'm awaiting the lad's sweet poop. Just lemme tongue this big thing loose for ya, then ya can feast." He slapped Sven's bottom. "Best you have something to give, big fellow. Got a hungry shit-eater on pins and needles, and a Captain that wants to see your hole open up and defecate. Petre, come stand by me."

Frowning, I walked to his chair. He was sucking and slurping noisily on Sven's anus. Then he pulled back and pointed at it. "Lick it," he ordered.

I bent over and thrust my tongue out, more repulsed at having to lap up the spit from the dripping orifice than having to lick Sven's anal hole...for surely it was now well-cleaned.

Grabbing my hand, the Captain took one of my fingers into his mouth and wet it.

"Stick it up his rump, lad," he said. "Shove it in there and find a turd. G'wan." He grasped my wrist and pushed, causing my pointed finger to plunge into Sven's rectum and making him flinch. "Deeper, boy. Wriggle around in there. See what you find."

I probed into the mushy warm silkiness, swirling in circles, finding no more than some stray turdballs until the Captain ordered Sven to assist from the other end and bear down. Sure enough, I found myself fiddling around the end of a large roundness gently pressing against my fingertip. For just a moment a delayed announcing my discovery. I felt some excitingly intimate thrill at having my finger up the handsome man's ass, playing with his sturdy tube of shit.


"It...it's there, sir," I nodded. "A big one, I believe," I added for no good reason other than my own confusing pleasure at the idea.

"That's good. Jake prefers a big turd in his mouth...or twenty little ones." He chuckled, easing my finger out with uncharacteristic gentleness. Automatically, both he and I studied the soiled digit. A thin layer of slime coated all but the tip; the tip having a sparse smear of brown. "Put it in your mouth and suck it, boy," he ordered. Ignoring the gasp of horror I let out, he pushed it toward my mouth. "Clean it, lad. Here..." he grabbed my other hand, "stick one up me arse. Nah, I ain't no mamby pamby. Shove that finger up my shithole! Cram it in there and get it dirty!" I poked and prodded. "Now yank it out and stick in my mouth...and the other one in yours!"

I did as he ordered. My finger came out filthy with shit, but he eagerly engulfed the entire thing and began to suck it clean. Suddenly, the comparison was absurd to me so I stuck my other finger into my mouth and cleaned Sven's residue while the old fuck and I looked into each other's eyes.

"Now lick my arsehole, boy, and we'll get on with this!" He spread his legs and I crouched down between them and began to tongue around his big hairy pooch. After all, it certainly couldn't have become any dirtier since the time I'd licked it in his cabin. A couple of my shipmates groaned in sympathy over my humiliation, feeling it more than myself. That realization bothered me, but I had no time to dwell on it as the Captain wanted only my public debasement for his amusement. I felt terror that there would be more of the same in store for me. "Ah, licking ass and sucking shit! You can train a boy faster than a man, I always say. Young lads are more amenable to the nasty stuff! But save your tender feelings, you older lads, for you'll be licking out bungs right quick."

He nodded to Jake, who immediately got down on the deck and sprawled on his back.

"SIT ON HIS MOUTH AND SHIT!" the Captain barked at Sven, pointing at the prone man laying there licking his lips. "And do it slow so's we all can get a good look."

Sven, who'd taken all this in stride, still attempting to maintain his pride and manhood, straddled the man and went into a squat. It was humiliating to him, of course. I could see that much in his eyes. Still, it was not him about to perform a depraved act. His was natural, if personal, but certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Doubtless that would come, but he'd face that when the time came. Resting his arms on his knees, he stared at the deck while Jake proceeded to slobber over his asshole and drive his tongue up to lick out the insides...no doubt to get a taste of what he was too impatient to wait for.

Soundlessly, Sven stiffened. He pressed on his sphincter muscles, hoping to feed the man his unholy lunch and be done with this abomination. Alas, and as I suspected, such a sturdy object was not about to be dispatched in a flash. But a loud fart gave evidence that things were progressing. Jake sniffed the aroma passionately and speared his tongue up the hole again. I wondered if he was eating those initial turdballs I'd encountered. Surely they would be pushed out first. Perhaps his greed was such that little balls of shit hardly registered. All eyes were staring intently at Sven's bottom. Most of the pirates had their pricks out and were flogging them in antici- pation. The Captain had left off stroking his cock and was instead plunging two fingers in and out of his asshole, taking them to his mouth and sucking them clean before ramming them back up his hairy pit.

"Ah! I've licked it!" Jake cried. "It's a tasty one! Shit that bugger out of there. Fill my mouth and ram it down my fucking throat!"


Several of the men gasped aloud, myself included, when Sven's anus stretched wide and a monstrous dark turd began to slide from his asshole. Jake groaned as the huge thing pushed through his lips and stuffed his mouth to overflowing. It was thicker than his mouth could open, but Sven's powerful body would not be moved. He shit into the man's mouth until it became apparent to all that should he continue he would surely suffocate the man.

The Captain was unconcerned. "SHIT DOWN HIS THROAT! BY THE QUEEN'S BALLS, THAT'S A BEAUTIFUL TURD! BLAST THAT HOT SHIT INTO HIS BELLY, HE'LL DIE HAPPY! That's what I want, lad. I want you to shit me a fat greasy turd just like that."

Whether Sven had no intention of actually killing the man, or simply decided it would make the Captain much too pleased, he began to lift his bottom so his asshole slid upward as the long turd continued to be extruded. Jake, red-faced and alarmed, nevertheless made no attempt to relinquish his prize. Given freedom of mobility, he displayed as much expertise as the piss drinker had. He suckered Sven's big turd and began to slowly devour it. He wrapped his fingers around the thick column and fed it into his mouth. Never in my wildest imaginings could I think it possible a man could lay like that and shamelessly eat another man's filth with such ravenous abandon. The finger I'd licked wasn't worthy of mention--nor the dirty asshole I'd licked. Even the crud the Captain was eating from his own shithole seemed a minor diversion compared to what we were witnessing. And they were all like that?

Sven attempted to rise but one of the pirates pushed his face into his crack. The Captain jumped up. "Nay, I'll have that! Find another one." Though four other naked captives were nearby, the pirate grabbed a nearby grubby sailor and wrenched his trousers down and began to lick his asshole out. I thought that a bit strange until I realized he wanted an asshole with shit on it and he knew just where to find one!

I noticed that Max, another of my shipmates, had gotten a full blown erection over the incident. A delighted pirate was handling it, preparing to go to his knees. But the Captain walked over and pulled Max with him.

"Now, shove that big pole right up my arse and fuck me senseless while I clean the sweetness from this shithole!"

Positioning Max behind him, he wriggled his bottom until he was able to back onto the stiff prick and have it driven up inside. Then he bent over and buried his face in Sven's buttocks and hungrily began to lick and eat any shit he could find. He bent lower and took a big swipe over the turd still protruding from Jake's mouth, but he wanted to eat shit from an asshole at that moment, and Sven's in particular. That big monster turd had totally inflamed his senses. He sucked ass like a fiend and humped his fat bottom to meet each of Max's violent fucking strokes. I doubt that Max had ever buggered another man before that, but the Captain's capacious rump was just what his incredibly hard, large prick was in desperate need of. He fucked the ass-sucking man as hard as he could --grabbing him by the hips and slamming him mercilously. The Captain, of course, absolutely loved it. I understood this more fully when a week later I found him with someone's arm buried to the elbow up the Captain' ass...punching in and out. Apparently, it was a favored act of his...one he engaged in quite frequently.

One day soon after that one of my fellow captives pulled me to the side. He was a head taller than me, dark-haired and quite handsome, no more than two years older. He'd been a passenger, traveling with his parents.

"Petre, listen. Tomorrow's the day, I've heard. The day we'll be obliged to suck a turd. I don't know whether to believe it or not, but I've been told we have the choice of our first one."

"I've also heard that, Marcel, but these rogues are devious and mean."

"But if it's so, I should like to pick you."

"Me? But why?"

"I...I don't know. Somehow the idea is slightly less horrendous should you be sitting on my mouth at that unholy moment. And I was wondering, um, if perhaps you might also find me a bit more tolerable. I would be happy to oblige you, should you think so."

"The stink I've smelled and the filth I've tasted, I just don't know if it much matters any more. We'll soon be sucking shit from pirates' assholes at any rate."

"Still, I've licked little of it, so far, and I'm absolutely petrified. I find you pleasant to look at and you have the most attractive bottom on the whole ship." He blushed at the admission, then quickly added, "well, you see I've been forced to notice such things, our predicament being what it is. I, uh..."

"I understand," I said with sincerity, "even when all things are dastardly, some are better than others. I'm flat- tered you find me a rung above the rest."

"Oh, much more than a rung, Petre!" he gushed, then looked away. Looking back with forced courage in his eyes, he made an admission. "Though it daunts and perplexes me, I think you have a perfectly darling bottom." Then he looked down, fighting his shame.

I was taken by the compliment. Naked as we were, and had been, I turned him by the shoulder and surveyed his ass. It was small and compact, a very beautiful one.

"I've sucked the Captain's rangy asshole too many times to have any boyish shame left in these matters, Marcel. Your words have shocked me from my reverie, and given me a precious moment of honest thought I felt I may never have again. You have a splendid ass, Marcel. A very beautiful ass. And I would be honored to join you in our shared humiliation and take a turd from your ass and suck on it."

"Oh, thank you, Petre. I feel much relief, though I'm sure it will be a trying moment."

"More for you I fear, my friend. For this grotesque voyage is having its effect upon me. I feel no shame in saying I'd mind naught to get down and lick your arsehole this very minute."

"Goodness, Petre, I...I suppose that happens. Well, uh, by all means," he turned slightly, "if you wish to. Twas filthy with shit this morning, but some pirate brazenly licked it all off."

Not wishing to expose my growing penchant to others, I pulled him against the wall and bent my face down, using my hands to pull his cheeks apart. What the Captain's dirty shithole lacked in beauty, Marcel's was abundantly exquisite. It was hot and his crack had sweated profusely, but the heady aroma was more intoxicating than rank. I quickly swirled my tongue along his valley and poked into his canal. It was not especially clean. That pirate had done a haphazard job at best. But I licked it lusciously, tasting flecks of his butt cheese and the slight residue of his shit just inside. It was most agreeable and made my bone rise.

"Your morning pirate was sloppy, Marcel. I tasted your shit. Perhaps it's only a momentary abberation, for you see my cock has hardened over it, but I think I shall even enjoy sucking on your turd."

"Petre! I...I wish I could say the same. I can only say I hope I find pleasure in it. This tub is full of shit-eaters. Pray we find the key that makes them so voracious. I would snap my fingers would it make me an instant advocate. Better to wallow in filth like these animals, and do it with a burning hunger, than constantly feeling the desire to retch with a mouthful of pirate shit!"

I spun around. "Quickly, Marcel, tongue my bottom. Taste my shit. Find pleasure in its sourness because it's mine. Lick with glee because you lick it from my bottom, and you love my bottom. We'll beat them at their own game! Hurry, I must go."

"Oh, Petre," he gushed, after rising, "I didn't mind it. I didn't mind the stink nor the taste, though you're quite filthy down there. If only given a goodly time alone I could learn to adore sucking your ass and licking it clean. An act of love, even. Tomorrow I shall do my best to find every opportunity for pleasure in the act. I pray I get to suck your turd!"

I hurried to the Captain's quarters, expecting to find him still passed out. He'd gotten stumbling drunk from his nightly orgy...moreso than usual. When I walked in he was still drunk, still drinking, and shitting on his bed! No matter that, his bedclothes and coverlets were crusted with old shit. His shit, pirate shit, even some of my shit. He was attempting to masturbate but couldn't raise an erection. Still, he gleefully blustered out a few turds, stumbled, and fell face-down into the mess...right where he intended to end up, but with a little more poise, perhaps. He started chewing his turds, saw me, and pointed behind him. I grimaced, knowing what that meant, and knelt down to lick his ass clean. It had been worse. Still, one side was fairly smeared with his foulness. I tongued it off, forcing my mind to dwell on the comparatively delectable taste of Marcel's lingering shit. Alas, it was much too overpowering to attempt such a personal deception, so I lapped it up as quickly as I could, leaving the Captain passed out with a mouthful of uneaten goop.

The Southern plantation owner was up North on business. His new partner took him to the local male orgy.

"Oh, muh gawd! Y'all let niggas join in?!!"

"Hell, yes. We love sucking those big cocks and...Say, since you like assholes so much, you gotta take a look at that nigger ass over there. Ain't it a beaut?"

"Well, it's nice and round and firm, but it ain't white."

"Wait'll ya stick your nose up 'tween a pair of them black cheeks. You'll change your tune right quick. Y'ain't experi- enced butthole heaven til ya suck out a big nigger hole. The smell and taste is enough you'll wanna run home and line up all your bucks and tell 'em you're gonna suck their assholes once a week and if you catch one of 'em wiping their shitholes after takin' a crap you'll whip 'em so hard they'll hear it in Savannah."

I'd saved the life of Jordan Miles, the wealthy 25-year-old young heir to a cosmetics dynasty. But dismissing a handsome financial reward that would have set me up for life, at 22 I asked for a different type of compensation: to be a 'sexual assistant' to the world-renowned playboy.

"But I'm straight and do not find you sexually attrac- tive," Jordan explained.

I nodded. "I ask only to be allowed to watch you perform sexually and assist. To clean you afterwards...and your partner, if you desire."

A bit of a rake, he mulled it over and decided it just might be a new kick. He was flabbergasted, however, to say the least, when the final ground rules were laid down. It consisted mostly of me making suggestions and him nodding...reluctantly, at the beginning, then with more vibrant enthusiasm as he pictured the possibilities.

I moved into his back room and became available at his discretion. The most outrageous aspect, which brought on his early indecision but probably ended up causing his final eagerness, was that I would, above all else, be his Potty Boy. Any time, day or night, at home, in the car, in the living room amidst his friends, he only had to whip out his cock and my face would go into his lap and take his prickhead into my mouth for him to relieve himself--shooting streams of hot, scalding piss down my throat.

A simply announcement that he 'had to take a dump' and he'd stand up, drop his pants, remove them, and sit back down on the couch holding his knees back. Immediately, I would kneel or crouch before him and begin sniffing his asshole and running my tongue around it in circles, over his puffy anus, and directly into the hole. When ready, he'd give no more of a warning than a simple 'unh huh' and I wrap my open mouth over his asshole as he begins to shit into my mouth. There, alone or in front of his friends, I eat his turd as it emerges then lick his asshole clean.

Or, perhaps he'll have me sit on the edge of the couch, leaning forward as he turns and bends over--sticking his ass in my face. That way his friends on the couch can watch without having to crane their necks or get up to see the action. If there are quite a few in the room, he usually snaps his fingers and points to the floor, whereby I lay down and he straddles over me, squatting down until his asshole is within reach of my lips. Then I'll sniff, lick and suck his hole until he shits a big turd between my lips.

This is all done with the understanding that he fully expects to shit a firm, solid turd. One consideration is that no shit makes a mess of the floor or carpeting...or over me. If he feels a chance of a messy dump, he'll go sit on the toilet ...dragging a few fellows along to watch. I kneel between his legs and sniff under his balls as he splashes his turds into the bowl, then he gets up and turns around, straddling the toilet. I pull his cheeks apart, letting the spectators get a good look at how dirty his hole is before I lick it off and stick my tongue up his ass to eat any shit that didn't come out.

In return for this honor, I agreed to also allow any of his male friends to sit on my face and take a shit...providing they assure everyone it will be a firm turd. I don't take it into my mouth but I lick around their asshole and run my tongue up and down it while they shit. Then I'll lick their anus clean. One thing I insisted on, however, is that I don't have to lick anyone's turds if I don't care to--his being the exception--and never do I lick a girl's turd. I don't mind them watching me, but I have no interest in having a female shit on me. Again, the exception is if Jordan fucks a girl up the ass, I do lick his prick while he fucks, and I clean it when he pulls out if there's no shit on it. I've told him if he ever decides to fuck a guy up the ass, or me, I'll suck his cock clean and eat any shit off of it...and if he ever allowed another guy to fuck his bunghole, I'd clean the prick and suck the guy's cum from his ass.

Another proviso--one I made no protest over--was that any of his male friends were welcome to a rimjob and blowjob if they desire. Even those I had no interest in were welcome to straddle the toilet backwards and I'd put my face up there and sniff their shit while their turds came tumbling out. In those cases, I usually go ahead and lick their holes clean since Jordan has very few friends that aren't somewhat attractive.

One such is Franklin. He really gets off on the nasty spectacle and spends a lot of time at the house. I won't allow him to shit on me, nor will I lick his turds. But he's aware, as is everyone, that I'll clean Jordan's prick no matter what guy he fucks. By the time he came up with his surprising suggestion, I had already gotten over my distaste of rimming him.

"Jordan, dammit, if he sucks my ass loose enough I'm gonna let you screw me. I'm just obsessed with the idea of watching the punk eat my shit off your cock. How about it, buddy? You're not one to turn down a cherry, how 'bout shoving it up my keester and turning me out this once? Hell, if I'm willing to let a dude bugger me in public in front of my friends, you shouldn't be embarrassed. Besides, I'll be the homo, not you. Just this once, of course. You guys all realize that, right?"

The group thought it was swell idea and encouraged Jordan to go through with it. Up til that time, he'd only been catered to by me...never actually did anything directly queer himself. Sure, they'd all watched me tongue his asshole and lick his prick while he fucked his chicks, but outside of licking the cream off the head of his cock, along with the pussy juice, his loads always went into a girl's mouth, cunt, or ass. I very, very seldom ever gave him a blowjob, and never in public.

He finally agreed and I was positioned so I could lick along his prick shaft and around Franklin's anus while he got screwed. It'd gone in fairly easy, what with my rimming him for twenty minutes, and the crowd was around us watching intently.

"You know, buttboy," Jordan said to Franklin, once he'd worked about 4 inches up his tail, "you're gonna feel real silly going through all this fag stuff in front of the whole world if my cock ends up coming out without any crud on it."

"Heh! Not a chance. I got a nice soft turd up there and with that long rifle of yours there's no way it's coming out of my shithole pink and slippery. I'm not quite as dumb as I probably look right now."

Sure enough, once Jordan got to where he was able to slam that ten-incher up Franklin's suspiciously capacious ass, he expressed to all that there would be no disappointments.

"Aw, fuck, Franklin! I can feel my prick driving right into your squishing shit. Keep licking, boy, I don't want to smell it. Lick all around his hole and keep my shaft clean...that crud is gonna start coming out."

How could it not? Jordan began driving deeply up Franklin's filthy rectum in longer and longer strokes. Brown streaks began to show up on his shaft and bubbles of poop began to form around his asshole. I was so turned on that Jordan was fucking another guy up the ass that I eagerly applied myself to the task at hand...putting my face down to where Jordan's cock was sliding in and out of the squirming rump and running my tongue around the dirty anus and lapping up the brown smears from the rock hard prick buggering him. Then I'd quickly go underneath and lick from there, making sure not even a stray turdball fell to the carpeting and the muck didn't begin to collect around Jordan's balls. It was an easy task, not much could escape from his deep recesses as long as that fat cock was blocking the path.

But when it finally came to a climax...Jordan pounding that rump mercilessly and blasting a load so big it caused my master to give out a rare, uninhibited cry of ecstasy as his nuts unloaded...I was naturally apprehensive. With reason. When that long prick was pulled from Franklin's gaping anus it got progressively darker and more soiled. When that fat knob finally snapped free it was carrying a lot of cargo. His entire knob was covered with caked shit...sticking to the head and packed beneath the rim.

"OH MY GOD!" Franklin cried, quickly turning to check out his success. "Don't like my shit, hunh? Well, let's see you suck that dirty dick!"

Jordan had a little grin on his face as he turned slightly, looked down at me kneeling there, and held his prick by the base and pointed it up to my lips. He was still heaving, trying to catch his breath, but he had no doubt whatsoever that I'd comply. I didn't hesitate. It had been a wonderful thrill watching him fuck a guy in the ass. I replaced his hand with my own fingers and began to slowly lick from his balls upward ...lapping the goop from around his shaft as I took deep breaths to become acquainted with Franklin's shit. The group made their usual astonished remarks, along with teasing comments about the impending doom awaiting me further up. They all knew, of course, whose shit I'd lick and whose I wouldn't ...and it tickled them that I was about to lick Franklin's crap...as if they'd pulled a fast one on me.

The stink was heady...being less than an inch from my nose ...but stunk no worse than anyone else's shit. I would have preferred to prolong the ordeal a while longer, but Jordan's orgasm had demolished him and his cock was beginning to soften rapidly. Squeezing a little more stiffness into it, I dove onto the filthy knob and began eating Franklin's warm shit off. I swirled my tongue under the rim, collected it in small globs on my tongue, and brought it in and swallowed it. Here and there, and around the other side, I licked and sucked, lapped and slobbered over the filthy thing until I had it sparkling. Then I spun Franklin around and pushed him over. Attaching my mouth to his mushy shithole I proceeded to lick the poop off--driving my tongue inside to eat the shit that was still there. Then I sucked and sucked in an attempt to draw out Jordan's delicious sperm. Franklin laughed and pushed me onto my back. He sat on my stinking face and squirmed his asshole over my lips. Then he began to bear down. Farts blubbered lewdly, causing much laughter, as he squatted there, shitting the load into my gulping mouth. Needless to say, quite an abundance of soft turd mash came snaking out along with the favored cream, but I didn't mind.

Franklin freely admitted it had felt rather nice getting fucked...at any rate, well worth it to watch me eat his smelly shit. Maybe, if his asshole ever recovers, he might give it another try. Sure got him on the rail! I dutifully, if not downright ravenously, dove onto his prick and proceeded to give him a dirty-lipped blowjob. That made the other guys eager for a rimming and suck, but first Jordan needed to piss. I took his bladderful right there on my knees, using it to rinse my mouth and flush the rest of Franklin's shit down my throat.

Jordan told me to go around and suck cocks and lick assholes--that he was going to take a shit in my mouth after I'd satisfied his friends. I didn't give more than two blowjobs, as it turned out, because most of the guys preferred fucking a girl while I tongued out their rearends. The two I did blow were doing the same, but decided to pull out and shove their cunt-stinking cocks into my mouth so they could shoot their wads down my throat. I certainly thanked them for that. In fact, I showed my appreciation for the whole evening by gobbling up Jordan's big turd in record time!

The cabin boy had only to bend over. The sailor was over 7' tall, and merely straddled his hips--driving his 12" cock down into the boy's loose hole. The Captain knelt behind, licking the shaft and anus freely, without hindrance.

"Fuck that hole, you monstrosity! Bugger him with that iron spear. Make the blood run, I crave a taste of blood and boyshit!"

"Done screwed him so much on this trip, Captain, boy don't bleed no more. Little rump jus' slams back fur more!"

"Well, plow it in there and get me lots of shit and gravy! We'll have to see how our 'guest' handles that meat."

Shanghaied and held captive by pirates, for three days he'd been forbidden to shit. Then Billy Fairbanks was ordered to fuck a sailor by squatting down to his upturned rump. This exposed and widened him...the results were inevitable. His prick had been agitated to a fine edge, so as he popped his nuts, he also shitted profusely. A tremendous exhibition for the salacious crew!

When he collapsed onto the sailor's back to catch his breath, his last turd still hung from his asshole causing much more laughter. The Captain walked over and grasped it. Pulling it from the lad's anus he stuck it into his mouth. The first mate quickly scrambled to get his face in there to lick the remains from the messy hole while others dashed up to lick the turds on the deck!


Two sailors held Billy up under his arms and knees, forcing him to defecate for their amusement. The Captain came by just as he'd finished and quickly ran his tongue up and down the boy's crack.

"I ne'er mind when a lad's got shit on 'is bum!"


Each time the Captain plunged down into the boy's upthrust ass, the patch-eyed one would drive his tongue up the Captain's spread hole and lick around in there.

When Billy blurted out how disgusting it was the way everyone enjoyed licking shit, the Captain expressed his own theory to him.

"Nay, lad. A feller is no true pirate who won't eat another man's turd! Captain or cabin boy, it still holds true."


"Quick, sailor! Hang your head back over the edge of the bunk. I have a burning desire to dump a fat, smelly turd into your mouth!"

"I'll not be saying' no to that, you swine. Dump it down in here but hold your tethers and give me a chance to enjoy it. I hate when a turd goes down so fast I hardly get to taste it!"


"Aye, Captain. I've just sucked the dirty prick that came from the lad's rump. Something more meaty would please me. I shall suck and eat it like a madman! Shit away, Captain!"

"Ah, you greedy blackguard. Just a turdball or two. I've got plans for my meaty turd with the new boy."

Blane was only a couple of feet away--on all fours--getting fucked up the ass by an amazingly long cock. He was between cocks to suck, but most likely had the one up his hole to look forward to!

I was settled back on my haunches, bent over blowing a thick prick. They also had me like that so I could take a shit in some guy's mouth behind me!

"Just relax and do it comfortably," I was told. "We wanna see it all stay in one piece. We'll make sure his jaw's open and push his head onto it at the right time."

They kidnapped both of us and dragged us to some old warehouse. For some reason, I was getting off easy while Blane was taking the brunt of it, being forced to do dirty, perverted things. But I also knew that at any moment they might decide to reverse our roles.

"We brought you here because we'd like to see Gloria get her cunt banged hard and vicious. A real wam bam manfuck! So it'll take a big-cocked stud like, well, rather like our friend Keith here. Big honking dick, and I'll bet you can throw a lady one mean screwing, hunh?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. I know how to use it, alright."

"Any gal that's opened up her cuntlips for you knows she's been fucked by a real man, I'll bet."

"You got that right."

"I can tell. No faggy stuff for you, either, I imagine. Ever fucked another guy up the ass?"

"Hell, no, I'm no queer!"

"You know, I figured that right off the moment I saw you with that big hanging pussy rammer."

"Yep. Want me to give it to her good?"

"Well, not this time. We already have Dwayne and his 11" fat prick all primed to make another victim scream bloody murder. Rough stud...doesn't even bother to let 'em get used to it beforehand. Just impales 'em on the first stroke and keeps it up the whole time. Folks say he's a sadist. But I'll guess you have a lot more compassion for your fellow man, Keith. Am I right about that?"

"Um, I guess. At least I don't try to wreck 'em like he must do."

"Good. Your buddy Larry will be glad to hear that."

"Hunh? Larry? He's here?"

"Yes. Dwayne's going to fuck your best pal up the ass, my friend."

"No. No. Hey, Larry's no fruit. You got it all wrong."

"Oh, we know he's not. We just don't care. We wanna see him get that virgin asshole ripped out!"

"Jezzus! YOU FUCKS!" he howled, trying to break his bindings as he was quickly strapped to a post.

"Oh, but you will be responsible for relieving his pain, my boy. Your job is to keep Dwayne's stiff prick wet and slippery the whole time."

"Pissheads!" he huffed, glancing at his buddy. "Aw, guess it wouldn't hurt to slap some grease around now and again."

"I'm sure he'd do the same for you, too. However..." he paused, smirking, "grease is so messy. You'll just have to do it by keeping your tongue on that shaft til the screw's over."

His eyes became huge and murderous. "GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!"

"He'll be really grateful."

"Tough shit! Sorry, bud, but I don't lick nobody's cock! Not even for you."

"In fact, I would imagine he'll be more than willing to repay your kindness just as enthusiastically as your attempt to soothe his discomfort when it comes time for Dwayne to bugger your tight, butch, tender hole!"

"Ah...!" He hung his head in defeat. The sight of Dwayne's monster prick flapping back and forth made him realize a tit- for-tat was his only salvation.

"Oh, we fed him alright. Mostly fruit and vegetables like bananas, grapes, carrots...good stuff. Except he had to eat them from our rectums! Ever see a hungry guy gobble up a shit- smeared banana? It's hilarious!"

Chad bent down and looked up Blackie's gaping hole.

"Uh, oh. He's got friends comin' down the alley and they look mean!"

Just then four large turdballs came blasting out like cannonballs, hitting the fellow in the eye, the nose, and one even hit smack on the end of the one he was sucking--driving it further into his mouth. The guys were laughing like hyenas!

While the struggling narc was sucking on the little turd that had been unceremoniously deposited in his mouth, Clete motioned Eddie aside, lifted his ski mask, and whispered in his ear.

"Okay, hide his face in a crotch or something. One of the guys likes his raunchy asshole. We don't want him to know who's eating him out."

"Good idea. I wouldn't mind driving my own tongue up that fat shithole of his."

"Yeah. Fuck the crybaby--shove it up his ass! Put one foot up on the desk. Both of you."

That left a kneeling space for me. With the area completely exposed, I was able to lick along the entire shaft as he long- dicked him for over ten minutes.

"Okay, fella, here's how it's stacked up. You got your choice. One of our cocks fucks you up the tail, one of our cocks goes in your mouth to be blown, and one of our assholes gets licked out by your tongue. Take your pick, but you have to include all three of us.

Cornered in the back of the deserted warehouse, he knew there was no chance of getting out of it. They stood there as naked as he was, letting him check out their hard pricks. Then they bent over so he could see which asshole to lick. No matter how he decided, he couldn't get the best trio lined up...a small cock to suck, a small cock to get fucked by, and an asshole that was hairless and clean enough that licking it wouldn't be totally repulsive.

They let him get close to sniff them front and back, but the cock he wanted to choose for sucking was the smallest but stunk of rotting pussy. The freshest, cleanest asshole was also ugly and hairy. The best looking one also smelled the worst. Unfortunately, it also belonged to the guy with the biggest prick. There was no way he could blow or get screwed by that thing! But that left him with his asshole to eat! If he sucked the medium-sized cock he'd be stuck with that repulsive foreskin and the cheesy flavor he'd already smelled.

He resigned himself to the reality that no matter what it was not going to be pleasant. Both cock and ass were going to stink. Sighing, he chose the smelliest asshole for licking to avoid being skewered by that monster dick, and the cheesy cock to suck. At least it was more natural than the pussy-reeking one he chose to take up the butt.

After an hour and twenty minutes of sucking, licking and getting fucked, they sprung a surprise on him. Three more choices!

"Pick a mouth. One of us will suck you off. Pick a dick, cause it's gonna piss down your throat. And best of all, pick an asshole..."

"OH, NO! NO!"

"Yep. You get to choose the guy who's gonna take a shit in your mouth! How's that for freedom of choice?"

He tried to get out of it by offering to blow each of them and lick ALL their assholes out--today and tomorrow--but they wouldn't go for it. Their stinky assholes suddenly seemed damned tasty compared to what might come out of one of them. Even the once pussy-reeking dick just dragged from his rectum he offered to suck clean. At least the shit would be his own. He could still smell the assjuice covering his lips from the dirty crack he'd rimmed the grunge from. He didn't mind that. He even attacked the hole pretty good once he realized the dirty anus was covering up the taste of that cheesy cock he'd sucked off and swallowed a big load of jizz from.

The jizz wasn't bad...a bit strong and bitter but so far the best part. He'd gladly handle all they could pump in his mouth instead of drinking a bellyful of hot, rancid piss! And while that sickened and repelled him, he'd even drink three bellysful of urine to avoid having a guy take a crap in his mouth! No way he wanted a fresh greasy turd sliding between his lips!

He got the shock of his life. The piss was abundant, but almost clear. It was salty and tangy...rather than yellow and vile. It wasn't as disgusting as he'd expected.

But the bigger surprise was to learn he'd be getting his blowjob at the same time the asshole pressed to his lips would be opening up. As you'd expect, he picked the ass he'd already lapped clean. But his best choice--or worst, depending on how you look at it--was the mouth he chose for cocksucking. Maybe he had some kind of intuition about which mouth would wrap around his prick the best, but the guy turned out to be an expert at blowing cock. He had him squirming and writhing on the ground in short order. Just when his balls were agonizingly close to exploding, an asshole suddenly squatted above his face and the lips were rolling open.

The smell shot through his brain like an ice pick, a finger rammed up his fucked, mushy hole, and his nuts gave out. As he cried out from his violent orgasm, a stinky brown turd bolted into his open mouth and banged against the back of his throat. That set off another round of cum-spurting for the gulping cocksucker, but also made him jerk in spasms--looking as if he was excitedly bobbing up and down on that juicy turd! He was, actually, but it wasn't intended. At least he didn't think so. As repulsive as the whole thing had been, he had to admit somewhere in his secret recesses that seeing that big turd hanging out of the guy's asshole just above was grossly obscene, lewd, and tremendously erotic! Maybe because he was coming at the time, but even the greasy turd didn't taste as bad as that cunt-dipped prick would have!

The guy who'd pissed in his mouth was down there watching him get shitted in. He enjoyed it so much he jerked off a big load that ran down the sides of his buddy's tube of shit and consequently over their victim's turd-stuffed lips!

Jimmy was the club's blowboy. Jimmy considered himself a member of the club. The guys just considered him a little queer. Nevertheless, they'd bestowed an honorary mem-bership on him, tongue-in-cheek, because they didn't want to lose his unique services.

Jimmy was actually just a fagboy--a couple of years younger than the others--who'd one day been discovered spying on them during one of their mutual jackoff sessions. These were rough, horny guys who had no compunctions about grabbing hold of another guy's stiff dick as long as he got similar attention. Getting off was the most important thing!

The six guys would sit around in a tight circle, each guy's hand on the dick next to him. While they'd kid and tease about it, not one of them ever considered putting another guy's prick in his mouth.

Jimmy, at 15, was as queer as a $3 bill--and had been ever since he shot his first wad while he was licking his friend Skip's stiff little cock. Skip took a lick on Jimmy's dick once, but then he moved away. Ever since then Jimmy'd been totally frustrated at not being able to talk another buddy into messing around. So when he came upon the club's hot masturba- tion, he burst right in on them--wanting to join in.

Startled, and pissed, the guys immediately took advantage of his urgent desire to please. They tossed him around...from prick to prick...feeding him pints of teenage jizz! They laughed when the boy's own cock spurted all over the place without even being touched. Noticing the time, Jimmy jumped up and said his goodbyes...and thank yous... before they could even react.

The next day, he was back again hoping for more cock to suck. They hadn't expected him. Sure, the kid had gotten his rocks off, but the way they'd treated him...and fucked his mouth...they were sure they'd seen the last of him!

When he showed up, most of the guys welcomed him with hoots and lewd offers of hard boners to suck. But their leader, Taylor, shushed them.

"What're you coming round here for, queerboy?"

"I-I thought you..."

"You thought what? That we liked your cocksucking mouth? OK, so maybe we did. You're pretty good on the blowers, kid. But what makes you think we want a punk faggot hanging around all the time? After all, we got our reputation to consider. We ain't no queer club!"

"Oh. I...I thought...cause you guys were all naked and playing with each other..."

"Hey!" the leader almost blushed at the accusation, and even lowered his voice, "th-that was just guys giving a buddy a hand. Understand?"

"Oh, uh, sure. Gee, I thought you...liked what I did."

"We did. Come around again next month, okay." Taylor looked around smugly at the other fellows. He was a little perplexed that they seemed kinda disappointed. Perhaps he wasn't handling this well.

"Uh, alright," Jimmy shrugged, turning. "See ya!"

"Ah, unless..." Jimmy turned back again. "Well, I've heard of some clubs having, uh, what you might call a suckslave." He looked at the other guys and saw sparks of encourage-ment in their eyes. Then he continued. "You know, a fagboy like you--kind of an honorary member--that keeps us men satisfied when we need it. Sort of a resident cocksucker!"

He saw Jimmy's eyes light up. Taylor immediately pressed his advantage. "Course, they do other things, too!"

"W-what kind of things? I'll do them!"

Not sure just what he meant, Taylor tried to think of some things.

"Well, like licking balls...even if they're all hot and sweaty."

"I'LL LICK YOUR BALLS!" Jimmy blurted.

"An'...takin' it up the bung!" Taylor gushed, proud he'd thought of that one.

"I...I've never done that," Jimmy cringed, "but...I'll try it if you guys promise to take it easy and not wreck me!"

"Hmmm," Taylor was getting a bit antsy thinking about slamming into the boy's tight little buns in front of his buddies. "But, I'm afraid," he teased, "there's one other thing. Something I'm sure you wouldn't be able to handle." His mind was working fast and furious.

"Gimme a chance," Jimmy cried, "I'll try anything!"

"Naw," he teased further, "it's something that's really gross. But all the other clubs demand it."

Feeling defeated, knowing what a novice he was, asked. "W-what's that?"

"Well, it's kinda the price of admission, you might say. To get to suck all our fine pricks and drink our sweet jizz...lick our big nuts and get your butt fucked regularly...you also gotta keep our buttholes clean--WITH YOUR TONGUE!" The others gasped...as did Jimmy. "Now, I think it's kind of a nasty thing to expect a guy to do. But that's what happens in other gangs, er, clubs. Now, the way I understand it, a guy always tries to keep his ass clean. But if he happens to be forgetful, or just gets lazy, that's no excuse for the suckslave not to lick his hole. No matter what condition it's in, you gotta lick it!"

Jimmy stared, dumbfounded. Licking a guy's poophole wasn't something he'd ever thought about. He was ready to just give up when Taylor spread his legs apart, sending off an exciting masculine aura, and hooked his thumbs into his Levi's. Jimmy was completely unnerved at the dark-haired boy's sexiness. He pictured himself putting his face into the guy's asscrack. He started to get a boner!

"I never did that," he squeaked. "C-can I t-try it first?"

"Hunh?" Taylor was taken aback. He expected the boy to put up some resistance to his last suggestion.

"Try it, you know, on you! To see if I like it."

"Y-you're gonna lick my asshole?!!"

"Yes," Jimmy answered, calmly. "If you'll pull your pants down."

"GOSH!" he blurted. "I-I mean, THAT'S THE SPIRIT! GET YOUR FAG LIPS OVER HERE! I'LL GIVE YOU A BUTT TO SUCK! LET'S SEE WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF, KID!" Taylor undid his pants and leaned over a chair. "Take 'em down. Take 'em down and lick my ass. Then pull my cheeks apart an...and...CLEAN YOUR LEADER'S ASSHOLE!"

HIS leader? Did this mean if he did it...he'd be IN? Jimmy decided it was worth the try, alright. Taylor really turned him on. If he could enjoy tonguing Taylor's behind...and he thought he would...hell, he'd lick all the others just so he could keep the stud happy! He knelt behind the offered buttocks, and slipped a couple fingers into the waistband. Slowly, excruci- atingly slow, he bared Taylor's bottom to his visual excite- ment. Inches away, he wondered at the smooth paleness of the guy's ass. It was flawless, with only a slight, dark line of soft hairs dipping into the ass crease. He put his mouth forward and licked the skin. He tasted the boy's ass--first one cheek, then the other. He could make out the slight salty taste of the cushy flesh. He liked it. He liked it so much, he rapidly tongued the butt up and down, anxious to get into the middle and see what it was like!

Taylor, gazing around at the stunned faces of his compatriates, spread his legs further apart for balance, then reached back and spread his asscheeks, lewdly exposing his sweltering anus!


Jimmy was agast at Taylor's words, but the sight of his poochy anus staring him in the face--and the waft of enticing aroma that had just escaped from that tightly-confined area-- fired Jimmy's prick! Suddenly, everything was on a much higher plane. No kidding around. He either did it...or he was out! And he certainly didn't want to be out. Not with all those luscious pricks he'd get! If Taylor had asked him politely whether or not he wanted to put his tongue on a guy's butthole, he'd fussed and gushed all day long. But the butch stud wasn't taking any more horsin' around. He'd ordered Jimmy to start smelling and licking...and that was good enough for him! That's the way it should be!

Immediately, Jimmy replaced Taylor's hands with his own. HE was gonna do the butt-spreadin'! And that he did. He wrenched those ass cheeks apart and dug his virgin nose into the warm, moist crevice! The smell of Taylor's shit hit him like a ton of bricks! It was exciting and intoxicating. HE HAD HIS FACE UP TO A GUY'S ASSHOLE!!

There was nothing in the world he wanted more than to FUCKIN' LICK IT! With loud slurping noises, he crazily started to tongue the guy's butt! With piston-like movements, he went up and down the humid crack, licking anything and everything ...collecting whatever crunge might lay between those firm buns. He pulled the tender skin apart and darted his tongue into the hair-lined opening! The pungent gaminess of the guy's asshole was still attacking his sensitive nostrils when Jimmy decided the test was definitely over. SUCK ASS? YES! FOREVER! He'd suck shit from this hole, he fantasized! Maybe not today...but he'd do it!

He'd had such an immediate reaction to this forbidden thrill, that Jimmy was hardly able to consider how he looked. He just didn't give a fuck! He could hear the other guys' remarks, and heard them gasping and giggling in embarrassment. Taylor was merely moaning in delirium. Jimmy took a moment to set the record straight.

"Mmmahhh! Uggh! Oooh, this is fantastic! I LOVE your butthole, Taylor! I love your shithole! GAWD, I FUCKIN' CRAAAVE IT! AH, SUCK IT? YEAH! OOOH, MAN, I'LL SUCK!! WATCH ME FUCKIN' SUCK ON THIS SWEET HOLE!! I'LL SUCK ALL YOUR ASSHOLES...AND I DON'T CARE HOW DIRTY THEY ARE! Just as long as I get to suck this one!" He shoved his face into the leader's ass and drove his tongue into his rectum!

"AAAH! GAWD!" Taylor cried, "EAT ME, PUNK! EAT ME FUCKIN' OUT! I'll let ya suck everybody's ass! Aw, fuck, he's good!"

Jimmy sucked their assholes. Every day. It didn't take long for Taylor to introduce him--virgins they both were--to the pleasure of having a big, stiff prick up the ass! The pleasure outweighed any pain for Jimmy, as long as he was able to suck on a cock or rim a guy's ass while he was getting plugged!

Taylor, meanwhile, was getting more and more entranced with the boy. And, considering himself straight, he became confused at his own feelings, so he began to express it in viciousness! But no matter what he did, Jimmy converted it into pleasure. When Taylor began to slap his ass as he fucked the boy, Jimmy begged for harder slaps and deeper thrusts, telling how much he loved having Taylor fuck him hard!

When he'd order the guy getting a rimjob from Jimmy to fart in his face, Jimmy would just go crazy and ask for more farts to smell!

Taylor was ruthlessly fucking Jimmy's butt when he decided that he'd tell all the other guys to stop wiping their assholes after they took a shit. See how Jimmy likes that! He had an uncontrollable desire to debase the boy until he found his limits, and watching him lick on their shitty assholes would be a hoot, anyway. Humping away, he took his eyes from the sight of Jimmy licking a butthole, down to where his cock was driving in and out of the loose rectum. He noticed traces of shit collecting on his prick, and squinched up his nose in disgust. The smell was already reaching upward to his nose. But he didn't want to stop fucking just because of this, so he endured the stink.

But the stink had an effect of its own on Taylor, and it made him feel all the more perverse. Perfect! I'll do it now, he decided.

"You sure like sucking assholes, don't you queerboy?"

"Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Fuck me, I'll suck "em all!" Jimmy cried.

"You've been licking everybody's shit, haven't you?" Taylor asked.

"I-I guess so...who cares! I'll lick shit!"

"GOOD!" Taylor cried, yanking his prick out, making Jimmy gasp. He quickly walked around to the boy's face.

"Let's see you lick my cock from your ass! Lick your own shit off!"

Jimmy grabbed the streaked cock and immediately plunged his mouth onto the dirty knob and began sucking it!

"Mmmm, yeah. Come on, lick it! Up and down the sides, fag, LICK!"

Jimmy licked. He cleaned the cock of any shit--his own shit.

"Let's stick it back in and get some more!" Taylor lewdly suggested.

"Yeah, MORE!" Jimmy cried, mindlessly, as the stiff poker was driven deeply into his rectum!

"Watch this, guys!" Taylor announced, evily, dragging what was now a very shitty cock from Jimmy's butt. When he presented it to the boy, even Jimmy was startled.

"Grab it! Handle my prick, suckboy. Take that gooey shit I just got out of your asshole and smear it all over my cock and balls...then start licking it off!"

Jimmy stroked the big prick, working his own smelly shit into an even coating all over Taylor's cock and all around his balls. Everybody could tell that Jimmy was anxious to start cleaning the mess up! As he stroked, he had his face in tight smelling like mad!

"Yeah, suck up your own shit!" Taylor ordered. "I want to see you suck up everybody's shit tonight! Who's gotta shit right now?" One guy stepped forward. Taylor ordered him to turn around and bend over...right near Jimmy's shit-licking mouth. Then he told another guy to kneel down and catch the boy's turd in his hand. As long as that was all he had to do, the other guy agreed. He held out his hand and let the other boy take a shit into it! It was a small, soft turd, and just what Taylor had hoped for. Slipping his prick from Jimmy's mouth, he told the guy...

"Mash that hot shit all over his lips!"

Jimmy hungrily allowed it to happen. The guy pressed the soft turd to Jimmy's lips, then viciously began to smear it over his mouth and face. Chunks were going into Jimmy's mouth. Taylor was a bit upset that the guy had taken it on his own to get nasty about it, and straddling himself behind the guy's back, he pushed his face forward.

"Now put your mouth and his together and EAT SHIT!"

The guy balked, but Taylor pushed their mouths together. The guy was beginning to gag as some of the shit stuck to Jimmy's face was being forced into his mouth. But Jimmy was loving it! He stuck out his tongue and licked into the other guy's mouth...slurping the shit from it! Taylor reached down and grabbed a little clump of loose turd. Then he worked it onto his buddy's face and shoved some up his nose!

"SUCK IT OUT OF HIS NOSE, QUEERBOY!" he yelled at Jimmy.

Gagging and now finding it hard to breathe at all, the guy was staring wide-eyed, his head still being forced into position. Quickly, Jimmy attached his mouth onto the guy's nose and sucked the shit from his nostrils! Breathing again, the guy fell back in horror.

Taylor ordered another guy to take a shit in his hand. He did, but not without being prepared to run. But it was the only guy left that was directed to approach Taylor. He did so quite reluctantly. Taylor smirked at him, telling him not to worry.

"Lift your foot up!" When the guy did, Taylor squished the fresh, soft turd between his toes, wiping his hand off on the guy's leg. Helping him with balance, Taylor supported his thigh while lifting the foot to Jimmy's face.


Jimmy, lips smeared with shit, stared at Taylor as if he'd gone mad. "I'll do it, but no matter where you put it, there's nothing nastier than eating shit from an asshole!" He started to suck the guy's toes!

Realizing Jimmy was right, Taylor arranged the boy on the floor and squatted over his face. He shit into Jimmy's mouth, and the boy ate his turd as fast as it came from his rectum!

Jimmy ate shit from that time on. He ate all their shit. They were constantly devising new ways, and positions, and Jimmy ate it all down, never embarrassed, never hesitant. He loved their turds--especially Taylor's--and ate them readily for the next three years!

When they all broke up or moved away, Jimmy found new resources for his appetite. New, fresh, sweet turds from horny high school boys and their friends in college!

As a matter of fact, Jimmy was an honorary member of the college fraternity Cumda Sucma Dingus? He was their new suckslave!

Comments appreciated...please mention story name bawdypen@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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