Pirates, Slaves and Other Captives

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 10, 2000


(rimming w/s scat)


"ALL UP YOU SVINE!!" the Commandant's right hand man bellowed, rousing us from one of the few times we were able to catch a little rest. "EEZ TIME TO CLEAN!" He slammed his baton on the table top snapping us to attention. He was a mean bastard and thoroughly enjoyed disobedience from his captives. Clean. Yeh. That meant the orgy was over. Now we had our duties. Although we were never allowed to witness the goings on during one of their frequent debaucheries, once we entered the hall our imaginations were practically unncessary. We moved among the now sated (some even passed out) sprawling naked soldiers and proceeded to attend to them in every possible intimate manner. Prisoners, our lives were spared only as long as we complied with the directives of `special maintenance boys'--the lowest form of life on the planet. Worthless for one exception--as body cleaners to the most perverted, deranged unit of the German Gestapo!

One whiff of the tightly-enclosed room as the double doors swung open was enough to drop most individuals immediately. In fact, most of us did just that our first times. But veterans like myself rushed to perform our duties, time being of partic- ular importance to avoid severe beatings.

I searched for what would ease the pain while others dropped to any sprawled body laying around in his own sweat and filth ...or someone else's filth and sweat. I passed several scenes where a boy or young man was already at work.

One fellow was lapping beneath a soldier's dripping armpits and sucking the perspiration from his hairs. He nuzzled the pit and tongued the area frantically, then licked across the soldier's wet neck to attack his other armpit.

Another was cleaning a chest and belly of what had obviously been a recent target for many pissing cocks. He was drenched, laying in a puddle of urine. The stench was so that the cleaner constantly had to turn his head for fresh air. Not that any was available in there.

Not when no more than a foot away another cleaner had the chore of tonguing a soldier's face clean. It was totally besmeared with shit! Whose shit, or from how many other soldiers the shit came, we'd never know. We served only to lick it off!

And there was shit and turds all over the place. Smeared on their naked bodies, still hanging from their assholes, one unconscious Aryan warrior lay snoring contentedly--a fat turd still lodged between his lips! A young boy leaned over him and proceeded to eat the turd from his mouth! No reason to hesi- tate, we'd all eat plenty before the ordeal was complete.

Others were sucking filthy, shit-covered cocks and balls... someone else attending the rearend, licking the soldier's asshole clean. Toes were sucked, legs and thighs slathered up and down, ears washed out. One snarling fat slob demanded his cleaner tongue out his nostrils. While this was being obeyed, he blew huge wads of snot onto the boy's tongue and roared with sadistic laughter watching the kid eat the slime. He was the type you hoped to find passed out, but they somehow managed to keep some energy in reserve just to taunt the cleaners. They especially enjoyed demanding a final blowjob or holding a boy's head onto his prick while shooting a flood of piss down his throat.

This one, however, had enough left in him to make his cleaner get down between his legs and hold his chubby thighs back to watch himself getting his asshole sucked. And once it was thoroughly licked and scooped out, he bore down and grunted lewdly...defecating a soft, mushy final tube of soft shit into the guy's mouth. He cackled with deranged glee, staring at the shit-eating taking place between his legs. Then, of course, his smeared, smelly rectum had to be licked and tongue-fucked all over!

It was a totally degenerate unit that recruited only the most lascivious individuals of all ranks. In fact, rank had no bearing when they stripped and went at each other like animals ...obviously spending hours wallowing in one another's shit, piss and cum. Cum that still dripped from slack mouths, some dried and caked on every imaginable place on their bodies. One cum and shit-coated prick was still imbedded in another man's mouth...and beyond them I saw three curled up together, one in a fetal position with a second man's arm lodged up his rectum. The third fellow lay with his face against the connection, seemingly barely alive and still licking the shit-covered arm...applying gentle pressure now and then to slide the forearm out just enough for a fresh supply of gooey excrement to lap up!

Me? I found a satisfactory enticement to get me through this unbelievable debasement once again. I didn't give a fuck what they looked like. Nice ass or nice cock no longer mattered to me. I spied a pretty specimen laying between two entwined young soldiers, intact and still juicy. I dropped to my knees and popped that pretty turd into my mouth and sucked on it!

A few minutes of that, while feining disgust and repulsion, and I was soon ready to begin bathing them. Keeping the turd out of sight, I sucked their assholes and cheesy cocks, balls and bottoms--sneaking a nice suck now and then by turning the tube upward and going down to slide my lips over it. Only the prospect of having a chunky, juicy turd to finish later gave me the ability to endure these sessions. I just kept a business- like attitude, did my duty, and ate the final clump of shit for my own pleasure! It was a complete, self-induced mind-warp I learned early on. Picking a particular turd and transforming it into an object of desire. It worked so well, I believe without doubt I honestly experience nirvana!

However, come the occasion I'm unable to locate a fine specimen, or another cleaner beats me to it, I go through turmoil so horrible it's almost unbearable. The others know my little pattern, and some will sense my agitation and rush up to me, pressing their lips to mine and sharing the turd protruding from their mouth. Together we'll chew it til our mouths meet. Sticking a particularly nice turd into my mouth would be more sensible, but the guards might interpret it as relieving the other cleaner of his own obligations. Sharing, however, is acceptable as long as it's obvious we are both consuming the shit.

Piss-drenched bodies are coaxed up or dragged from the puddles to be cleaned or finished in drier surroundings. The wet floors are rinsed off later by hoses, but every pile of shit must be removed. And that means one of us gets down and eats it. And being perpetually naked, several naked butts raised will invariably be stuffed by the guards' pricks-- buggered slow but deep to allow the cleaner the ability to continue eating any pile of filth he's working on.

Of course one of us will be afforded the pleasure of having that slimy prick to suck, a cleaner's jizz-flooded rectum to suck out, or on occasion a guard's raunchy turd to eat directly from his gaping anus! Actually, more than occasionally...since they're especially mean. Drawing guard duty, they missed the earlier festivities. It's such a major loss to many of them that they stage their own little debauchery. We know immedi- ately what we're in for because those inclined forego uniforms for mere jockstraps. While they all demand suckjobs or an ass to ram, these all-but-naked guards are definitely going to order someone prone, squat over them, and defecate into their mouth! More often than not, they'll also be receiving a blowjob while shitting--and it's not unusual for another guard to administer the honor. Though it's apparently done with enthu- siasm, I suspect they perform this abject lewdness in our presence more to be in closer contact with the shitting taking place and able to absorb the stench of fresh shit, since they generally pull the cock low to suck in order to witness the turd eating--probably a vicarious substitute for the meal they themselves would have had at the orgy!

Only one time, because of an especially randy older guard who insisted, did we ever observe one of our guards licking shit. Licking? Hell, he devoured it! An extremely handsome young guard--blond, square-jawed, and fairly new to the staff-- piqued his interest so much that when the fellow prepared to squat over some poor sap's face the old guard immediately dragged him away by the feet and declared he himself the only one present worthy enough to taste the handsome rogue's sweet turd! The blond was amused, but the other guards were agast. Nevertheless, they observed without comment as the older man ate every foul morsel that came from the young man's finger- stretched anus with uncommon exuberance. After tonguing his hole clean, he also sucked the fellow's prick to orgasm.

Too excited, then, to be sucked, the old guard furiously masturbated while delivering a monstrous turd of his own. It took me an eternity to consume the huge thing! Yes, I was the one nearest when he barked his demands. Only the size of it made the ordeal uncomfortable. I'd eaten that fat-assed guard's turds before, and actually found them to be about the most agreeable of the lot. His extremely large anus was especially suckable, too. Unfortunate that his asshole and pleasant- tasting turds were not of a younger, more-appealing guard!

With some exceptions, we were allowed use of the latrine for our own nature calls. But considering their fascination with every bodily function, every act of pissing or shitting was observed by at least one guard. Even then, it was treated as a spectacle. At each end of the latrine was a ramp that led to one of two pedestals. From atop a pedestal we pissed to the area below. They never tired of seeing cocks releasing streams of urine...and what a letdown it was to them when only the final dribbles remained.

Shitting was always a better attended event. In fact, a general call sounded throughout the building that brought all inactive personnel hurrying to the latrine. This went on all day and all night--yet each time the room was packed with fascinated observers. No matter the shitter, the ass, nor the condition of our stools...a severe case of diarrhea spewing from someone's bottom brought just as much, if not more, exclamations of joy. The mere sight of an asshole stretching wide, greasy turds sliding from anuses, or liquid shit splattering out with noisy rudeness was sufficient to thrill them beyond belief. Squatting over a carved out, half-moon section of the pedestal, with our asses toward them, we would shit into the pit below--prolonging it as long as we were able. Sometimes we would be obliged to masturbate for them. Generally, this was asked of those known to produce robust, abundant loads of sperm.

To add to their enjoyment, we were kept in near-agony before allowed latrine privileges. They wanted never-ending streams of piss and long, long, fat turds to ogle. Records were resolutely kept of us. It was for their benefit to be well aware of who should be able to produce shit upon demand because there was a regular flow of visitors. Party members who'd heard of us--but not the habits of the entire division--and curious to observe true degenerates! Two of us would be ordered to the Comman- dant's office...after reassuring them that yes, indeed, we were in desperate need to defecate. There, in front of the man, woman, or group we were to impress, the Commandant would spit abusive invectives about us, our subhuman, animal traits, then demonstrate the validity of it all by ordering one of us to immediately squat and defecate on the floor! Then he'd order our companion to get down and eat it. If their gasps of shock and disgust were merely for polite company and they still remained after witnessing this obscenity, then our companion would shit and we'd have to grovel and gobble. Of course, we were always advised to do these things in the lewdest manner possible--no hesitation, no sign of shame, only a distinct fervor to eat shit!

First called, if available, was always the youngest of the boys. He'd be matched with an older fellow--preferably quite ugly with a disgustingly hairy ass and asshole. This caused the most outrageous titilation for the guests...seeing a young child eating shit that fell from the foulest hole imaginable. To further entertain a particularly receptive audience, but mostly to enhance his own amusement, the Commandant might drop his trousers and shit on our faces! He'd have his anus licked clean, then laugh uproariously with his guests as we happily eat his shit together. We kneel behind each other and lick one another's asshole clean, then we are dismissed. Unless, that is, a guest inquires about piss. Then, thank-you-very-much!, we get to show them how much fun it is having another guy piss down our throat!

The Commandant never broaches the subject initially, however, because too often gagging results in his office smelling rank for days. Shit, on the other hand, is easily licked up. Besides, he rather relishes a faint, lingering odor of shit in the air. Actually, he rather likes the faint odor of shit on his upper lip! Besides the one time with that older guard and the young blond guard, the only other blatant observance I had involving a conscious member of the staff was the utterly shameless Commandant himself.

It was in his office where I and my friend Aaron were performing for a group of visitors. Aaron had shit and I was just finishing up his turds when the ladies in the group decided it was much too disgusting and offensive and suddenly departed, dragging their crotch-rubbing husbands along with them. Sighing, the Commandant leaned back against the front of his desk and pulled his prick out. Telling me to go ahead and shit, he masturbated his stiff erection and stared with unabashed interest. His two adjutants grinned, but did not join him...though I could plainly see their hard cocks confined within their uniform trousers.

I was stuffed and welcomed the opportunity to continue. I felt a tiny bit of remorse that Aaron would be obliged to eat it, but then again, what's another turd when you've eaten so many? He hated it all, but he'd get over it. Besides, he was lucky it was me. Compared to most, my turds taste pretty good. Well of course I tried them. Actually, it came about one day when I discovered someone had mistakenly checked me off for having shitted. That meant I'd have to wait twice as long before given latrine privileges. No fuckin' way! Luckily there was a Clean-Up that night.

Squatting along the far wall, I was dutifully caring for the dirty cocks of three unconscious revelers. Bending over, I managed to shit while sucking on their smeared organs. Oh, relief! But that also meant I had to dispose of it as if it had been left there. And I had to do it immediately before the smell of fresh shit alarmed a guard. They all had noses that were able to ascertain exactly how old any turd was by the smell. In a flash, I scooted over and went down to the greasy pile I'd just made. It was overpowering--steam was still coming off them--but they were mine. I just held my breath and started gobbling it up! When I finally lifted my head a guard was staring down at me with his hands on his hips.

"So, you like that I think, hunh?"

"N-no, sir!"

"So? You snatch it up like a hungry dog."

"J-just getting it over with. I find it's easier if I just ...dig in." I grinned weakly.

"Hmmm. Maybe so. But ve like to vatch you boys. You should go slow. So I think I shit in your mouth and vatch you eat it ....slow."

Oh well. At least I didn't get caught. I turned over and sighed. His hefty butt came down and he scooched his stinking asshole over my lips. But he couldn't shit! He was patient, though, and began to hum. Not particularly crazy about spending the rest of the time under his smelly butt, I started to tongue his ass out. I pried it open with fingers and shot my tongue up his shithole. Then it registered. Drilling my tongue into the awful, bitter mush just inside his hairy anus made me realize how damned good those turds of mine tasted by comparison. I backed off, then, hoping to find some remains along my teeth to replace his when he bolted a short, fat turd from his hole. I opened my mouth just in time to receive it. He bounded off me and went to his haunches to watch me eat it.

"Eez good, no? I only give you little one. I got big one for little Ariel over there."

Little Ariel. The bastard loved shitting in the 7-year-old's mouth...finger-fucking his tiny asshole while the boy eats his turd. Then he makes him lick his fingers, lick his ass, and lick his cheesy cock til he squirts a tremendous load of bitter jizz into his mouth. Ariel says he always saves one finger to suck on himself when he walks away.

Anyway, I was shitting for the Commandant. I must have had a good 6-7" turd hanging from my anus when he crouched down next to us and ordered Aaron to start licking it. I could feel Aaron's breath on my buttocks as he started lapping it up and down...without any enthusiasm, no doubt. Aaron loved to suck cocks. He'd freely go around passing out free blowjobs to us captives. But he detested having to lick and eat shit. He'd head straight for the dirty dicks when on duty. At least that way he had a cock in his mouth while eating the stuff.

"Aach! Go avay!" The Commandant impatiently pushed Aaron aside. "I show you how to love dis sweet-smelling big turd!" He put his face against my buttcheek and sniffed at my hanging poop. Then he palmed the end of it and began to lap it up and down, up and down!

I heard stifled gasps from his adjutants--shocked that he was licking the shit of a Clean-Up Boy! But the Commandant wasn't fazed. He was running this band of defecating demons and he'd damned well do as he pleased!

"Oh, so gud!" he cried, turning over and taking the end of my turd into his mouth and sucking on it! "Mmmmm! Mmmmm! Yes, I eat dis. I eat dis hot beauty!"

And he did. He chewed and munched, moaned and swallowed. While he was busy eating the first one, I dropped another small one on the floor. He played with it while savoring the last of the big one. On his knees, he rubbed his hard prick back and forth over the little, softer one--each time having me or Aaron suck his cock. Then he ordered his adjutants to strip and get down. He wanted them to suck his cock after smearing it in my shit, also. It was more than duty. They eagerly bent over and took his prick...happy as anything to taste my shit.

He ordered them to clear his desk and get onto it on all fours. Then he ordered Aaron and me to suck their assholes! Not surprisingly, they were pretty, blond, and gorgeous. Even Aaron was intrigued and more than ready to bury his face between either pair of those inviting buns. The Commandant paraded back and forth, jacking himself with slow, luxurious strokes, watching us eating out his handsome assistants. We sucked their assholes. We sucked their beautiful, delicious, Aryan assholes, and readily complied when ordered to switch. Hell yes, we wanted to taste BOTH of them. Excited, the Commandant bent his face over and sniffed both their asscracks. Then he crouched down and sniffed both of OUR asscracks. Then he sucked us out, paying particular attention to Aaron's rubbery anus!

"Ah, yes," he groaned as he tongued my friend's rectum, "your shit tastes lovely too, little Jewboy! My boys must experience this delight."

With little patience, he forced two fingers up both our rectums and screwed them about. It caught me breathless, but poor Aaron moaned in obvious pain at the sudden intrusion. Me, I was ready for a cock up the tail anytime. For his own reasons he eased them out carefully.

That reason was soon apparent and he stomped around the desk and thrust a finger into each of their mouths.

"Taste! Taste! Is gud Jewboy shit, no? Maybe we round up some sweet young ones and use them at Orgy? Little Hebrew boys to do nothing but eat and shit," he chuckled. "Gud?"

"Yah! Yah!" they agreed...doubly so when the officer presented the 2nd fingers and gave them what we had--a taste of both butts. "Mmmmm."

"But mein Commandant," one proposed, "perhaps it is not Jewboy shit that makes so fine a flavor. Perhaps it is eating so many good, sturdy Aryan turds that has done so."

"AH!" the Commandant cried, pointing a finger upward. "Yes and yes. Of course, that is a splendid deduction, Hans. Most admirable." He came over to our side and idly fondled those smooth, pale bottoms we continued to tongue out.

"However," he cautioned, "seems even magnificent Aryan turds become even more superior when, um, shall we say 'filtered' through a Jew's system."

"But sir, how can that be?"

"Easy. It's in the way you look at it. We're discussing the palate. Shit is not meant to be eaten. No one can deny that Aryans produce shit that is unsurpassed. It is the most foul smelling, the oiliest, and by far the taste is quite unbear- able. Precisely what shit is supposed to be. Unfortunately, those qualities sometimes diminish perfect lewdness. Not always, mind you. Generally, we all hunger for just what an Aryan turd makes us experience: filth, depravity and shameful vulgarity. But add a little spice to the ambrosia, mellow out the tanginess, and you have a turd that's so perfectly luscious you could easily triple your appetite. That, my friends, is what debauchery is all about!"

"Could we...uh, sir?"

"Very well. I shall scoop out another sample for you, but then to MY final directive. I do have work I must attend to, you know."

This time with more consideration, he dug up our rearends for more of our 'Jewboy Blend' to feed to his darling, but equally deranged, subordinates. Before serving the four brown- caked digits to his hungry lads, he leaned over between our faces, sniffing them.

"Suck even more on those juicy holes," he said lustily. "There's two big turds up there all ready to be feasted on, and I want to see them sliding out very soon."

Aaron groaned without thinking--his first real pleasure at licking an asshole soon to be ruined.

The Commandant patted him on the shoulder. "Save your impudent complaints, young one. No one eats the turds from these magnificent asses but me! I just want you to lick and suck those pretty holes to bring the contents forth. Lick well into those pits and when your tongue laps at my prize, beckon me. You can do that little thing, can't you?"

"Y-yes, sir," Aaron replied. "That would be...that would be a pleasure!"

"Ah, yes. You just need more time to explore your sudden discovery. A sucker of assholes, like yourself, eventually understands why he craves sucking them. When you draw that fine column near the door, feel free to savor it. These are not the turds you're used to from those crude oafs. I sucked the turds of 85 enlisted men before finding two I wanted to eat."

Personally, I was intrigued. I pried that anus apart til the insides showed, then dug in there and licked the sticky pinkness before shoving my tongue as deeply into that man's rectum as I was able. I wanted to loosen it up, coax whatever inhabited it forward, and savor, savor, savor!

Glancing over at Aaron, I sensed he was ambivalent. Eyes closed, he was dreamily rubbing his nose and lips over the Nazi's swollen asshole...swollen from the furious sucking he'd given it. But he wasn't sticking his tongue into the man's rectum any longer. What a waste. I'd have gladly worked both holes over!

While the officer let the adjutants nurse our shit from his fingers, I quickly leaned over to Aaron and whispered in his ear.

"Savor it! At least suck his hole. Then when you touch his turd, lick it all over a few times and bring your tongue out without putting it back in your mouth. I'll suck your tongue clean."

His eyes brightened immediately and he nodded. Then he speared his tongue up the guy's ass about six inches and went on the hunt!

My guy was moaning and slurping noisily on the officer's shitty fingers and I felt his anus begin to gape. It was wonderful. I was able to delve freely up his insides as if I'd been given a VIP pass. I really licked him out then. Pretty soon my tongue encountered an object...a rocky, sticky object. I lapped all over it and savored, savored, savored! When it kept coming, I got frightened. Not of his turd--I would have thoroughly enjoyed sucking the juice out of it! I was frightened of the Commandant's anger if I didn't alert him in time.

"Mmmm. Sir! Sir! He's ready to bolt!"

In a flash, he was by my side. The head of his glistening turd was just peeking from his stretched anus. With a lusty, soulful groan, the Commandant put his mouth over the young man's asshole and drew the succulent tube into his mouth.

"I'll...I'll go help Aaron," I muttered. Though I would have preferred watching his mouth fill with hot shit, it was the perfect time to help my friend.

"Have you licked it yet?" I whispered.

"Unh huh," he answered without taking his mouth from the hole.

"Are you licking it now?"

"Unh huh."

"Is it good? The other one was fantastic!"

In answer, he withdrew his tongue, clamped the buttocks closed, and turned to me with his tongue sticking out. I wrapped my mouth over his brown-tipped licker and gently sucked the flavor from it. Then I put my lips to his ear.

"Savor it, Aaron. That tastes even better than the one the Commandant's eating. Try it!"

In again he ventured, with only a bit more trepidation. I could tell he was flapping his tongue back and forth. Then he slowly withdrew it and retracted it into his mouth and checked the flavor. For a kid used to eating turds from the floor, I couldn't fathom his reluctance at simply licking a fucking turd and tasting the damned thing! Hell, by now it shouldn't be any big deal to pick a turd up from the street and lick it. But he was free on this occasion. He didn't HAVE to lick shit, and that left him with only his personal ideals. Doing it now, I suppose, meant acknowledging himself as a true shitlicker. So? LICK THE FUCKING THING OR LET ME IN THERE!

But after the second analysis he literally rammed his tongue back up that hole and came a deep groan of capitulation from his guts. He wasn't savoring it...he was licking, tasting, licking, tasting, in rapid-fire tongue thrusts that soon had that guy's spit-moistened turd also peeking from its confines.

"OH, OH NO!" Aaron cried, seeing it. He shot a quick glance at the Commandant. "He's not ready yet!"

The adjutant chuckled. "Lick it, kid. I can hold it right there all day. Just lick my hot turd and keep it warm."

"I...I don't..." Aaron stammered.

"Fuck you don't!" I snarled. "Get your face over, I wanna lick it." I lapped it back and forth a couple of times. "We can share, or I'll take it. We should share, cause I'll have the damned thing melted down in no time. This is better than my own!"

"SHARE!" he hissed, and for the first time Aaron ran his tongue over another man's smelly, juicy turd and loved every tangy swipe!

Three weeks later we were in the Commandant's office, on the floor, rolled into a ball as we sucked each other's asshole for his amusement. (And mine, I admit.) He wanted us to shit simultaneously into one another's mouth and eat the turds while he and his adjutants watched. Surprisingly, Aaron's mouth was doing amazing things to my asshole. He actually seemed into it. Of course, I wasn't slacking, either. I'd always grabbed every opportunity to suck my friend's rubbery asshole. It was the best around, and that included the blonds sitting bare-assed, playing with each other as they watched us. From my vantage point I could see them masturbating each other, occasionally plunging a finger up the other's asshole, sniffing it, then thrusting it backwards to the naked man in the chair, who sniffed and sucked it.

Oh, my hole was opening up! My asshole just totally unlocked and spread open. And my turd was sliding out with no way to stop it. But it stopped as Aaron's lips applied pressure. Then his hole suddenly flowered open and my mouth was full of the hottest turd I'd ever felt. It practically burned my lips! But, oh, how fucking good it tasted! Better than any of his turds had ever tasted...or maybe I simply wanted it to. Nevertheless, I found the moist, gooey thing absolutely detectable. And by the sounds coming from Aaron, he apparently found new qualities in mine, cause he was gobbling it up as fast as I was. He later told me it was 'tender and creamy.' Yeah? After all those raunchy Nazi turds we'd recently eaten? Say, maybe he was right about that 'Jewboy Blend,' because we devoured them, and almost instantly we were up cleaning out each other's assholes!

"Very good. Spirited, believable, and most erotic," the Commandant clapped. "But very youthful in exuberance. Now my boys will show you how such an intimate act can be prolonged for the utmost pleasure."

The blonds assumed our positions and not only prolonged it, but made us realize they were not simply eating shit, but making love to each other's assholes and turds. Even taking 25 minutes to complete the act, they were somehow more entrancing than boring.

"I see you understand," the Commandant smiled. "Hans and Elbert are lovers. They have been shameless, just as you've seen, since they were boys of 14. Of course, they are also disgraceful perverts who love anything indecent. I'll show you what I mean."

With that, he hiked his legs up in the chair, exposing his hair-ringed asshole to us, and to the young men on the floor before him. He said not a word. He simply knew their eyes would be drawn to his anus. In seconds, the hair surrounding that anus came alive and began to move away from the center... because the center was opening up! Either from dire need or just amazing control, an incredibly thick, dark turd oozed about two inches from his anal lips and just stopped. He was going to shit right there in the chair! The two blonds scooted closer and stared with undisguised lust. A wicked smiled crossed the officer's lips and he pushed another few inches of shit from his rectum. Pushing their faces under his raised thighs they both sniffed abundantly and let out tiny grunts of carnal joy.

We scooted closer to watch. Slowly, the officer released his turd. It slid across the vinyl seat. Eight...ten...twelve inches of solid, unyielding shit lay across the seat--the end still imbedded in his rectum. When the two guys made a motion downward, he stopped them. Then he motioned to me.

"Come. Hold the end for stability."

I scooted up and put my palm over the head of his turd. It was nearly as round as my palm! Then he shit another three inches and allowed them access. One on each side, they licked the entire length of that monstrous thing...from my fingertips to his stuffed anus and around it. Back and forth they laved it with luxurious swipes. At first it seemed their attitude was the same as they paid each other, but then I realized they were simply adoring its majesty and incredible size. The Commandant winked at us.

"They are good companions, so I felt they deserved a treat. Even I am rather amazed. Have you ever seen such a turd that did not come from an animal?"

I was tempted, but of course I refrained from any sarcasm. Besides, I too was in awe. It was the most magnificent turd imaginable! The girth could be matched. The length could be matched. But both at once was nothing short of phenomenal. And was there more to come?

Keeping my gaze fixed to his for a rebuke, I slowly lowered my head. I wanted to at least lick what I held. He grinned and nodded. I lapped the fat rounded end of his 15" turd. It stunk. It also would have lost in the taste category. But nothing could have repelled me enough to forego the opportunity the lick his big turd. Even Aaron wanted to press his lips to it.

When his legs got tired, he popped the end from his anus. Letting the blonds take it aside to enjoy. I obeyed his simple, silent command. He merely pointed at his asshole. I licked my way across the smeared seat, cleaning the abundant trail of assjuices until I reached his hair-ringed, shit-ringed asshole. I licked it out, cleaned it thoroughly, then sucked on it just for fun.

Shortly after that we were again in the Commandant's office.

"Your German and your appearance would be passable. However, there is no hiding the fact that you are both circumcised."

We stared blankly, unable to comprehend his pointing out the obvious.

"So," he stood up and walked around to the front of his desk, handing us a packet, "there is no recourse but to get rid of you."

Aaron let out an anguished cry.

"No, no, my dumplings. What I mean is I cannot make you my Assistant Adjutants. It may mean my hairy balls sometime in the future. Therefore, Hans will escort you both to the Swiss border. These are your papers: passport, travel permit, assumed identities, etc. You are free." He waved his hand as if impatient. "Now get your sweet asses out of here before I change my mind. And be grateful I have these boys' lovely turds, else you'd be swapping shit with me permanently!"

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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