Planned Outings

By Beaumonte Bill / Oral Guy 2000

Published on May 4, 2015


Planned Outings (part 1)

My sexual life has been very private – while many know I am a cocksucker, that part of my life is very separate from my family and business. Many times I have wished that I could be out to some of my closest associates, but could never take the chance. This story series was inspired by that desire. This is dedicated to my late friend Phil, who was out to everyone.


I received a strange email that really peaked my interest: "Wish you could be blowing guys you know, but are afraid to approach them?"

I opened the email and read:


Most cocksuckers are tightly closeted. They might blow give lots of blowjobs, but never blow the guys they most desire to – their friends!

Society is very judgmental and you are right to be cautious, but what if your friend would welcome your blowing him? What if you could safely turn a vanilla friendship into "friends with benefits"?

Planned Outings specializes in making contact and discretely exploring the degree of interest without giving away your secret.

Reply to this email and find out how – give us your phone number for faster response.

–Planned Outings


Could this be legitimate? Could they really help me to safely come out to friends who would love me to suck them? I thought for a moment about how many guys I knew that I wished I could be blowing regularly and easily named a dozen. If I could be blowing them it would be really convenient and I'd be getting cock much more often.

I decided to find out more, and filled out the form in the email and sent the response off immediately, including my phone number.

Once I hit "send" I felt a little fear, because I just gave out my phone number to a stranger who would know I was a cocksucker. Too late – it was already sent and maybe it will work out well.

In less than an hour a woman called me from Planned Outings:

Her: Hello, this is Marcy, calling for Bill.

Me: This is Bill

Her: I'm from Planned Outings, responding to the inquiry you sent us a short time ago.

Me: Thank you for responding so quickly – I wasn't sure what to expect.

Her: I'll do my best to make it all clear and simple for you. First, let me just confirm – are you a cocksucker?

Me: [after pausing 10 seconds] – ummm, yes.

Her: You may be nervous about admitting it to a stranger.

Me: Yes, especially a woman.

Her: I can tell you that I know that a great many men secretly love sucking cock, but their secrecy prevents them from having some of the very best relationships.

Me: You mean I could be sucking friends I already know instead of looking for strangers to suck?

Her: Exactly! Let me tell you how it works and you can decide if you want to proceed.

Me: Ok, tell me all about it.

Her: You tell us who you want us to contact, along with contact information and anything else you can tell us about them. We discretely contact them to determine if they would be receptive to a man blowing them. We do this without any hint to your identity. If he is receptive we explore further and ask how he would feel being blown by someone he already knew, and how he thought that might affect their friendship. If he is receptive and wants to move forward we'll let you know and the two of you can take the next step.

Me: That sounds good – have you been doing this long? What is your success rate?

Her: We've been doing this for five years and have over a thousand satisfied clients. About sixty percent of the guys we contact are receptive, and nearly all of them actually go ahead and meet. Most reported to us that their friendships were closer and stronger than ever!

Me: Sounds great! How much does it cost?

Her: You pay us $50 up front for each person you want us to contact. If they are not interested, we will tell you and you pay nothing more. If they are interested you pay us an additional $200 thirty days later, if you are satisfied with the results. If you are not completely satisfied, it costs you nothing more.

Me: I've got to tell you that I'm pretty nervous about this, but I really want to give this a try. What's the next step?

Her: We need to meet. You give us the contact and any other information you can provide, pay us the $50 and we'll get started – it usually takes about a week, but sometimes takes longer.

I agreed and we chose a meeting time and location for tomorrow night.

I went to bed and jacked off, thinking about the many guys I might be freely blowing. I drifted off to sleep, as yet undecided who to start with.

–––––––––––––––––––– To be continued ...

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests. –Bill (

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Next: Chapter 2

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