Platinum the Lesbian Band

By pensuwana lacrox

Published on Aug 12, 2008


As soon as we clear his bedroom door he all but rips my clothing off my body, and not giving me a chance I enjoy any foreplay, actually throws me on the bed belly down and falls on me driving his cock deep in my cunt, yelling and screaming at me to hump my ass and make this the best of the best for him as he fucks the dog piss, and then shit out of me, having as quickly changed orifices, he continues the same pace for what seems at the time; hours, before grabbing my hair yanking my head back, calling me a filthy cheap slut, he ejaculates my asshole so full of semen it instantly starts running back out, rolling off he yanks my head around and feeds me his cock, really fucking my lips until he feels it hard enough then plunging it back in my cunt, and still fucks me as if he'll be dead as soon as he comes again, and as he nears ejaculating he pulls it out, yanks my head up and sprays my face with his semen. Then forces it back between my lips yelling, "Suck it up cunt, make me want you even more."

This torrid pace continues until he actually collapses, and damn near passes out from exhaustion and fatigue. hyperventilating far too much I cup my hand over his face covering his mouth and nose as I softly say, "Robert, please my darling, calm yourself...I'm not going anywhere, I'm yours for as long as you wish to fuck me."

As I kiss his body, cock and balls. Seeing some joints on the table I light one, take a deep drag and hold it for him to do the same, as he smokes it I say, "Robert, darling your excitement has overwhelmed you stamina, lie back my sweet precious love, let me make sweet tender sex to you."

After a 2 hour every slow, tender, sweet fuck, rolling us over, he become a raging loin again, clawing my skin, biting my neck, pressing on my lips with his until the bleed battering my body with his, until yelling so loud it was a scream he drives it deeper and ejaculates so powerfully , between my orgasm and his climax, we're knocked off the bed, landing on the floor, he rolls us over and over until laying side by side he says, "Marry me...please...marry me, I'll give you the world...tied with a pick ribbon." As lost in euphoria as he is, I weakly ask, "Why when you'll never have me totally, and only a few times a year, and I'll be having men fucking me regularly...Robert, you deserve a woman who can be true to you, alas my darling love, I cannot."

"I don't care about any of that, I want to know in my mind any time we can you'll submit to my savageness."

"You have that already...for do you honestly think I can walk away from an evening such as this, unscathed ...look, see you've marked me as your own now. On my light, young, tender skin I shall wear these scars the rest of my life, but the scar you've given my heart, which no one can see, is the one which will never let me stop loving you."

"If only it were so, please darling lie close."

The next morning now awake and not under the influence he admits, "I was really talking stupid last night, for we both serve the same master and he is a jealous task master also, we could never more marry than we can leave the family, you also said I marked you, please let me see...oh my did I every get so brutal to harm you so badly."

"They'll heal, no one will know."

"The man you'll be with next week will, and he will come after me for this...I might as well kill myself. For some one will soon any way."

"Robert, shit man, what in hell is the big deal, I'm only an up and coming under age whore."

"It doesn't matter now, I might as well tell you, no're not nor will you ever be just an under age whore, but the under age escort for the mob bosses, none other is to touch you, only us...or...rather you are destined to be faired around the nation as a special gift to different bosses who have done very well in their area, in total sales and profits. Your base price set at the auction of $350,000 per 24 hours of pleasing each one of have no idea of just how unique you are, an under age 16 year old, irresistible lovely girl who has the abilities and talents to please and satisfy adult demanding men, since men in general have this sick fascination about fucking young girls, but hate the ones who scream in terror, you are a dream come true for them, which since you are also not only willing but desirous of them too, they're all now working their asses off to get ahead so they can fuck you. After Mr. Vito Giovanni fucked you twice he's the one who ordered all this, and your reward for this is the music career you seek, he cannot give it to you, but he can put you where the ones who can will see you."

"Robert, I will not let them hurt you because of me, I have a type of permanent make up base at home, I'll cover them, and if they're seen any away, I'll lie and say a customer gave them to me trying to get me where she could fuck me."

"Why do you care about me so much, who am I to you in just one terribly hurtful night."

"The scars, your brutality, my emotional excitement because of all of them, my exhilarating orgasms caused by you, the ever so dreamy way I feel this morning...fuck Robert, do you need more."

"Vito is right about you, truly a one of a kind, if you do this...I shall forever be in your it and I'll kill myself if I have to give it to you."

"Well shit, then my efforts will be in vain, you can't kill yourself after I've saved you, fuck Robert, give me a break."

"Well then I'll bend over back wards, how's that."

"Won't I ever have other's fucking me, just the bosses. How much variety will they give me."

Busting out laughing he replies, "Depending on the size of the city, anywhere from one to 15 per city, all across the nation." "That many...well I will not run out of new fucks, but let me get this right, these men work hard to make more money for the mob and as part of their reward they have to pay me $350,000 for a days worth of fucking, why is that a reward, that's more money then 3 average households make in a year." "They'd pay anything to get their hands on you."

"You means their cocks in me."

The next week was another great one, as we packed them in like sardines, and along about the night before our days off, after the last set, where we do soft rock and love ballads through all the lights I see a familiar face, and although I see many, this one stands out, it's Vito Giovanni, the capa da capa, so as I'm walking off the stage this large man tells me, "Your wanted in Nero's office, come with me."

As I'm ushered in there, he's setting behind Nero's desk smoking a large cigar, and says, "Set here on the floor next to know who I am."

"Yes sir...I do."

"Are you frightened of me."

"Very much so."

"Tell me why you fear me."

"You're an important and very powerful man, who along with many others is my master, and you own me."

"See you guys, from the lips of babes comes truth...tell my honey...within the fear you have for me...what would you do to prove to me I do indeed own you."

"Whatever you asked or ordered me to do."

"For now my pet, just do your best to make that music group of yours the best...also I'm going to push your solo career, you've got too good a voice to waste on rock and roll.

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